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We investigated the energetic costs of quadrupedal and bipedal walking in two Japanese macaques. The subjects were engaged in traditional bipedal performance for years, and are extremely adept bipeds. The experiment was conducted in an airtight chamber with a gas analyzer. The subjects walked quadrupedally and bipedally at fixed velocities (<5 km/hr) on a treadmill in the chamber for 2.5-6 min. We estimated energy consumption from carbon dioxide (CO2) production. While walking bipedally, energetic expenditure increased by 30% relative to quadrupedalism in one subject, and by 20% in another younger subject. Energetic costs increased linearly with velocity in quadrupedalism and bipedalism, with bipedal/quadrupedal ratios remaining almost constant. Our experiments were relatively short in duration, and thus the observed locomotor costs may include presteady-state high values. However, there was no difference in experimental duration between bipedal and quadrupedal trials. Thus, the issue of steady state cannot cancel the difference in energetic costs. Furthermore, we observed that switching of locomotor mode (quadrupedalism to bipedalism) during a session resulted in a significant increase of CO2 production. Taylor and Rowntree ([1973] Science 179:186-187) noted that the energetic costs for bipedal and quadrupedal walking were the same in chimpanzees and capuchin monkeys. Although the reason for this inconsistency is not clear, species-specific differences should be considered regarding bipedal locomotor energetics among nonhuman primates. Extra costs for bipedalism may not be great in these macaques. Indeed, it is known that suspensory locomotion in Ateles consumes 1.3-1.4 times as much energy relative to quadrupedal progression. This excess ratio surpasses the bipedal/quadrupedal energetic ratios in these macaques.  相似文献   

We describe segment angles (trunk, thigh, shank, and foot) and joint angles (hip, knee, and ankle) for the hind limbs of bonobos walking bipedally ("bent-hip bent-knee walking," 17 sequences) and quadrupedally (33 sequences). Data were based on video recordings (50 Hz) of nine subjects in a lateral view, walking at voluntary speed. The major differences between bipedal and quadrupedal walking are found in the trunk, thigh, and hip angles. During bipedal walking, the trunk is approximately 33-41 degrees more erect than during quadrupedal locomotion, although it is considerably more bent forward than in normal human locomotion. Moreover, during bipedal walking, the hip has a smaller range of motion (by 12 degrees ) and is more extended (by 20-35 degrees ) than during quadrupedal walking. In general, angle profiles in bonobos are much more variable than in humans. Intralimb phase relationships of subsequent joint angles show that hip-knee coordination is similar for bipedal and quadrupedal walking, and resembles the human pattern. The coordination between knee and ankle differs much more from the human pattern. Based on joint angles observed throughout stance phase and on the estimation of functional leg length, an efficient inverted pendulum mechanism is not expected in bonobos.  相似文献   

The authors previously compared energetic costs of bipedal and quadrupedal walking in bipedally trained macaques used for traditional Japanese monkey performances (Nakatsukasa et al. 2004 Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 124:248-256). These macaques used inverted pendulum mechanics during bipedal walking, which resulted in an efficient exchange of potential and kinetic energy. Nonetheless, energy expenditure during bipedal walking was significantly higher than that of quadrupedal walking. In Nakatsukasa et al. (2004 Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 124:248-256), locomotor costs were measured before subjects reached a steady state due to technical limitations. The present investigation reports sequential changes of energy consumption during 15 min of walking in two trained macaques, using carbon dioxide production as a proxy of energy consumption, as in Nakatsukasa et al. (2004 Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 124:248-256). Although a limited number of sessions were conducted, carbon dioxide production was consistently greater during bipedal walking, with the exception of some irregularity during the first minute. Carbon dioxide production gradually decreased after 1 min, and both subjects reached a steady state within 10 min. Energy expenditure during bipedalism relative to quadrupedalism differed between the two subjects. It was considerably higher (140% of the quadrupedal walking cost) in one subject who walked with more bent-knee, bent-hip gaits. This high cost strongly suggests that ordinary macaques, who adopt further bent-knee, bent-hip gaits, consume a far greater magnitude of energy during bipedal walking.  相似文献   

Tufted capuchin monkeys are known to use both quadrupedalism and bipedalism in their natural environments. Although previous studies have investigated limb kinematics and metabolic costs, their ground reaction forces (GRFs) and center of mass (CoM) mechanics during two and four‐legged locomotion are unknown. Here, we determine the hind limb GRFs and CoM energy, work, and power during bipedalism and quadrupedalism over a range of speeds and gaits to investigate the effect of differential limb number on locomotor performance. Our results indicate that capuchin monkeys use a “grounded run” during bipedalism (0.83–1.43 ms?1) and primarily ambling and galloping gaits during quadrupedalism (0.91–6.0 ms?1). CoM energy recoveries are quite low during bipedalism (2–17%), and in general higher during quadrupedalism (4–72%). Consistent with this, hind limb vertical GRFs as well as CoM work, power, and collisional losses are higher in bipedalism than quadrupedalism. The positive CoM work is 2.04 ± 0.40 Jkg?1 m?1 (bipedalism) and 0.70 ± 0.29 Jkg?1 m?1 (quadrupedalism), which is within the range of published values for two and four‐legged terrestrial animals. The results of this study confirm that facultative bipedalism in capuchins and other nonhuman primates need not be restricted to a pendulum‐like walking gait, but rather can include running, albeit without an aerial phase. Based on these results and similar studies of other facultative bipeds, we suggest that important transitions in the evolution of hominin locomotor performance were the emergences of an obligate, pendulum‐like walking gait and a bouncy running gait that included a whole‐body aerial phase. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Japanese macaques that have been trained for monkey performances exhibit a remarkable ability to walk bipedally. In this study, we dynamically reconstructed bipedal walking of the Japanese macaque to investigate causal relationships among limb kinematics, speed, and energetics, with a view to understanding the mechanisms underlying the evolution of human bipedalism. We constructed a two-dimensional macaque musculoskeletal model consisting of nine rigid links and eight principal muscles. To generate locomotion, we used a trajectory-tracking control law, the reference trajectories of which were obtained experimentally. Using this framework, we evaluated the effects of changes in cycle duration and gait kinematics on locomotor efficiency. The energetic cost of locomotion was estimated based on the calculation of mechanical energy generated by muscles. Our results demonstrated that the mass-specific metabolic cost of transport decreased as speed increased in bipedal walking of the Japanese macaque. Furthermore, the cost of transport in bipedal walking was reduced when vertical displacement of the hip joint was virtually modified in the simulation to be more humanlike. Human vertical fluctuations in the body's center of mass actually contributed to energy savings via an inverted pendulum mechanism.  相似文献   

Several features that appear to differentiate the walking gaits of most primates from those of most other mammals (the prevalence of diagonal-sequence footfalls, high degrees of humeral protraction, and low forelimb vs. hindlimb peak vertical forces) are believed to have evolved in response to requirements of locomotion on thin arboreal supports by early primates that had developed clawless grasping hands and feet. This putative relationship between anatomy, behavior, and ecology is tested here by examining gait mechanics in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), a primate that has sharp claws and reduced pedal grasping, and that spends much of its time clinging on large trunks. Kinematic and kinetic data were collected on three male Callithrix jacchus as they walked across a force platform attached to the ground or to raised horizontal poles. The vast majority of all walking gaits were lateral-sequence. For all steps, the humerus was retracted (<90 degrees relative to a horizontal axis) or held in a neutral (90 degrees ) position at forelimb touchdown. Peak vertical forces on the forelimb were always higher than those on the hindlimb. These three features of the walking gaits of C. jacchus separate it from any other primate studied (including other callitrichids). The walking gaits of C. jacchus are mechanically more similar to those of small, nonprimate mammals. The results of this study support previous models that suggest that the unusual suite of features that typify the walking gaits of most primates are adaptations to the requirements of locomotion on thin arboreal supports. These data, along with data from other primates and marsupials, suggest that primate postcranial and locomotor characteristics are part of a basal adaptation for walking on thin branches.  相似文献   

Although numerous studies have investigated the effects of load carriage on gait mechanics, most have been conducted on active military men. It remains unknown whether men and women adapt differently to carrying load. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of load carriage on gait mechanics, muscle activation patterns, and metabolic cost between men and women walking at their preferred, unloaded walking speed. We measured whole body motion, ground reaction forces, muscle activity, and metabolic cost from 17 men and 12 women. Subjects completed four walking trials on an instrumented treadmill, each five minutes in duration, while carrying no load or an additional 10%, 20%, or 30% of body weight. Women were shorter (p<0.01), had lower body mass (p=0.01), and had lower fat-free mass (p=0.02) compared to men. No significant differences between men and women were observed for any measured gait parameter or muscle activation pattern. As load increased, so did net metabolic cost, the duration of stance phase, peak stance phase hip, knee, and ankle flexion angles, and all peak joint extension moments. The increase in the peak vertical ground reaction force was less than the carried load (e.g. ground force increased approximately 6% with each 10% increase in load). Integrated muscle activity of the soleus, medial gastrocnemius, lateral hamstrings, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, and rectus femoris increased with load. We conclude that, despite differences in anthropometry, men and women adopt similar gait adaptations when carrying load, adjusted as a percentage of body weight.  相似文献   

Field observations of bipedal posture and locomotion in wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) can serve as key evidence for reconstructing the likely origins of bipedalism in the last prehominid human ancestor. This paper reports on a sample of bipedal bouts, recorded ad libitum, in wild chimpanzees in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in southwestern Uganda. The Ruhija community of chimpanzees in Bwindi displays a high rate of bipedal posture. In 246.7 hr of observation from 2001-2003, 179 instances of bipedal posture lasting 5 sec or longer were recorded, for a rate of 0.73 bouts per observation hour. Bipedalism was observed only on arboreal substrates, and was almost all postural, and not locomotor. Bipedalism was part of a complex series of positional behaviors related to feeding, which included two-legged standing, one-legged standing with arm support, and other intermediate postures. Ninety-six percent of bipedal bouts occurred in a foraging context, always as a chimpanzee reached to pluck fruit from tree limbs. Bipedalism was seen in both male and female adults, less frequently among juveniles, and rarely in infants. Both the frequency and duration of bipedal bouts showed a significant positive correlation with estimated substrate diameter. Neither fruit size nor nearest-neighbor association patterns were significantly correlated with the occurrence of bipedalism. Bipedalism is seen frequently in the Bwindi chimpanzee community, in part because of the unusual observer conditions at Bwindi. Most observations of bipedalism were made when the animals were in treetops and the observer at eye-level across narrow ravines. This suggests that wild chimpanzees may engage in bipedal behavior more often than is generally appreciated. Models of the likely evolutionary origins of bipedalism are considered in the light of Bwindi bipedalism data. Bipedalism among Bwindi chimpanzees suggests the origin of bipedal posture in hominids to be related to foraging advantages in fruit trees. It suggests important arboreal advantages in upright posture. The origin of postural bipedalism may have preceded and been causally disconnected from locomotor bipedalism.  相似文献   

The muscle work required to sustain steady-speed locomotion depends largely upon the mechanical energy needed to redirect the centre of mass and the degree to which this energy can be stored and returned elastically. Previous studies have found that large bipedal hoppers can elastically store and return a large fraction of the energy required to hop, whereas small bipedal hoppers can only elastically store and return a relatively small fraction. Here, we consider the extent to which large and small bipedal hoppers (tammar wallabies, approx. 7 kg, and desert kangaroo rats, approx. 0.1 kg) reduce the mechanical energy needed to redirect the centre of mass by reducing collisions. We hypothesize that kangaroo rats will reduce collisions to a greater extent than wallabies since kangaroo rats cannot elastically store and return as high a fraction of the mechanical energy of hopping as wallabies. We find that kangaroo rats use a significantly smaller collision angle than wallabies by employing ground reaction force vectors that are more vertical and center of mass velocity vectors that are more horizontal and thereby reduce their mechanical cost of transport. A collision-based approach paired with tendon morphometry may reveal this effect more generally among bipedal runners and quadrupedal trotters.  相似文献   

Capuchin monkeys are known to use bipedalism when transporting food items and tools. The bipedal gait of two capuchin monkeys in the laboratory was studied with three-dimensional kinematics. Capuchins progress bipedally with a bent-hip, bent-knee gait. The knee collapses into flexion during stance and the hip drops in height. The knee is also highly flexed during swing to allow the foot which is plantarflexed to clear the ground. The forefoot makes first contact at touchdown. Stride frequency is high, and stride length and limb excursion low. Hind limb retraction is limited, presumably to reduce the pitch moment of the forward-leaning trunk. Unlike human bipedalism, the bipedal gait of capuchins is not a vaulting gait, and energy recovery from pendulum-like exchanges is unlikely. It extends into speeds at which humans and other animals run, but without a human-like gait transition. In this respect it resembles avian bipedal gaits. It remains to be tested whether energy is recovered through cyclic elastic storage and release as in bipedal birds at higher speeds. Capuchin bipedalism has many features in common with the facultative bipedalism of other primates which is further evidence for restrictions on a fully upright striding gait in primates that transition to bipedalism. It differs from the facultative bipedalism of other primates in the lack of an extended double-support phase and short aerial phases at higher speeds that make it a run by kinematic definition. This demonstrates that facultative bipedalism of quadrupedal primates need not necessarily be a walking gait.  相似文献   

T. Kimura 《Human Evolution》1991,6(5-6):377-390
The voluntary bipedal walking of infant chimpanzees was studied by the analysis of foot force and by motion analysis. The infants were trained to locomote on a level platform without any restrictions on the locomotor pattern. The voluntary bipedal walking was compared with the other types of locomotion at the same age and with the trained bipedal walking performed by other chimpanzees, including adult chimpanzees. The characteristics of voluntary bipedal walking in the infant until one year of age were: (1) high-speed walking with short cycle duration; (2) short stance phase duration; (3) small braking component of the preceding leg and large acceleration of the following leg; (4) one downward peak in the vertical component; and (5) a relatively small transverse component. Bipedal walking usually continued for less than one second and ended in quadrupedal locomotion. During walking, the preceding foot touched the floor, heel first, as in the case of older chimpanzees and humans. At this age, bipedal walking was similar to high-speed locomotion. The voluntary bipedal walking of the two-year-old and frour-yearold chimpanzees was characterized as follows: (1) slower speed than during quadrupedal locomotion, (2) relatively long periods and distances; (3) well balanced accelerating and braking components; and (4) a vertical component showing two downward peaks and a trough in between during numerous trials. The last characteristic means that the body center of gravity is higher in the single stance phase, just as in the bipedal walkinbg of the adult chimpanzees and humans. The bipedal walking of infant chimpanzees was discussed in comparison with the walking of humans, including infants.  相似文献   

The evolution of erect posture and locomotion continues to be a major focus of interest among paleoanthropologists and functional morphologists. To date, virtually all of our knowledge about the functional role of the back muscles in the evolution of bipedalism is based on human experimental data. In order to broaden our evolutionary perspective on the vertebral region, we have undertaken an electromyographic (EMG) analysis of three deep back muscles (multifidus, longissimus thoracis, iliocostalis lumborum) in the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) and gibbon (Hylobates lar) during bipedal walking. The recruitment patterns of these three muscles seen in the chimpanzee closely parallel those observed in the gibbon. The activity patterns of multifidus and longissimus are more similar to each other than either is to iliocostalis. Iliocostalis recruitment is clearly related to contact by the contralateral limb during bipedal walking in both species. It is suggested that in both the chimpanzee and gibbon, multifidus controls trunk movement primarily in the sagittal plane, iliocostalis responds to and adjusts movement in the frontal plane, while longissimus contributes to both of these functions. In many respects, the activity patterns shared by the chimpanzee and gibbon are quite consistent with recent human experimental data. This suggests a basic similarity in the mechanical constraints placed on the back during bipedalism among these three hominoids. Thus, the acquisition of habitual bipedalism in humans probably involved not so much a major change in back muscle action or function, but rather an improvement in the mechanical advantages and architecture of these muscles.  相似文献   

How viable is the argument that increased locomotor efficiency was an important agent in the origin of hominid bipedalism? This study reviews data from the literature on the cost of human bipedal walking and running and compares it to data on quadrupedal mammals including several non-human primate species. Literature data comparing the cost of bipedal and quadrupedal locomotion in trained capuchin monkeys and chimpanzees are also considered. It is concluded that increased energetic efficiency would not have accrued to early bipeds. Presumably, however, selection for improved efficiency in the bipedal stance would have occurred once the transition was made. Would such a process have included selection for increased limb length? Data on the cost of locomotion vs. limb length reveal no significant relationship between these variables in 21 species of mammals or in human walking or running. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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