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This study describes natal attraction and infant handling in wild ursine colobus (Colobus vellerosus). Focal animal samples were collected from five infants of 1-16 weeks of age (mean: 14.5 focal hours per infant). Group members may be attracted to an infant, but unable to handle it because of resistance from the mother. We thus measured natal attraction independently from infant handling by the number of interactive approaches received. The youngest infants were most attractive. Immature females were attracted to and handled infants more than other group members. Mothers were tolerant of most handling attempts and infant-directed aggression was rare. A sixth infant was attacked by members of an all-male band, which allowed us to record the expression of natal attraction and infant handling in the context of an acute threat of infanticide. This infant was carried by non-mothers less frequently than the other infants, and its mother resisted handling attempts more often.  相似文献   

The behavioral interactions of 22 infant and mother Japanese macaques with other group members were studied. Focal-animal observations were made from the time of each infant’s birth until 1 year of age. Infants and mothers both displayed exceedingly strong preferences for associating with matrilineal kin and, specifically, for female kin. The degree of genetic relatedness was positively correlated with levels of spatial proximity, contact, grooming, aggression, and play. Overall frequencies of interactions with nonkin were very low, and partner sex was not an important factor in interactions with nonkin. There were no significant differences between male and female infants in interactions with kin versus nonkin. There was only one significant difference between male and female infants in interactions with males versus females: female infants showed stronger preferences for initiating proximity with females over males than did male infants. Because mothers provide the focal point for infant interactions during the first year of life, we compared the behavior of infants and mothers. Mothers were the recipients of more social interactions than were infants, mothers engaged in more grooming than did infants, and infants engaged in more social play than did mothers. These findings are only partially consistent with kin-selection theory, and the inadequacies of studying matrilineal kin discrimination to test kin selection are reviewed. The near-absence of infant sex differences in associations with social partners suggests that although maternal kin other than the mother are important to infant socialization, they probably do not contribute to the development of behavioral sex differences until after the first year of life.  相似文献   

A growing body of evidence shows within-population variation in natal dispersal, but the effects of such variation on social relationships and the kin composition of groups remain poorly understood. We investigate the link between dispersal, the kin composition of groups, and proximity patterns in a population of black-and-white colobus (Colobus vellerosus) that shows variation in female dispersal. From 2006 to 2011, we collected behavioral data, demographic data, and fecal samples of 77 males and 92 females residing in eight groups at Boabeng-Fiema, Ghana. A combination of demographic data and a genetic network analysis showed that although philopatry was female-biased, only about half of the females resided in their natal groups. Only one group contained female-female dyads with higher average relatedness than randomly drawn animals of both sexes from the same group. Despite between-group variation in female dispersal and kin composition, female-female dyads in most of the study groups had higher proximity scores than randomly drawn dyads from the same group. We conclude that groups fall along a continuum from female dispersed, not kin-based, and not bonded to female philopatric, kin-based, and bonded. We found only partial support for the predicted link between dispersal, kin composition, and social relationships. In contrast to most mammals where the kin composition of groups is a good predictor of the quality of female-female relationships, this study provides further support for the notion that kinship is not necessary for the development and maintenance of social bonds in some gregarious species.  相似文献   

Infant handling has been documented in numerous species. Among cercopithecines, interaction motivations are reported to range from aunting to kidnapping; these interactions are often distressful for both mother and infant. Here we examine handling by adult female yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus cynocephalus) at the Tana River National Primate Reserve, Kenya, using a relatively new, computer-intensive statistical approach of permutation/randomization tests to deal with repeated measures effects and a skewed sample. We hypothesized 1) a tendency for handlers to handle the infants of females ranked similarly or lower than themselves, and 2) more successful infant handling by higher-ranked females, particularly with very young infants. We collected focal data on 23 females (11 mother-infant pairs) over an 11-mo period, with a total of 303 attempted and/or successful "handles" utilized in the permutation analyses. The general patterns apparent in the data seemed to support our hypotheses. However, the permutation tests showed that while females are somewhat more likely to attempt to handle the infants of females ranked "same or lower" than themselves, lower-ranked females are able to prevent more than three-fourths of the attempted interactions, and there is no statistically significant trend for females to successfully handle these infants. Further refinement of the analyses showed no significant tendencies for females to handle those infants ranked "lower" or "immediately lower" than themselves, casting doubt on the significant finding for "same or lower" attempts. Further, there was no significant effect for higher-ranked females to successfully handle an infant during its first month. Thus, rank does not seem to offer any privileges in terms of handling an infant in this population. We believe the permutation tests are an effective way to analyze repeated measures data and offer a more sensitive analysis tool for determining true significance.  相似文献   

To better understand the roles that hormones and experience play in infant survival and maternal behavior in a biparental primate species, we analyzed urinary estrone (E(1)C) and pregnanediol glucuronide (PdG) from 24 socially housed titi monkey (Callicebus cupreus) females over 54 pregnancies (N = 1,430 samples). Pregnancies were categorized according to whether the infant survived (N = 35) or not (N = 19), and by maternal parity (primiparous: N = 9; multiparous: N = 45). Mothers of infants that survived had a significantly greater drop in PdG from the third trimester to the first week postpartum than mothers of infants that did not survive. Multiparous mothers had a greater increase in PdG from the first to the third trimester as well as greater increases in the E(1)C:PdG ratio from the first to the third trimester and from the third trimester to the first week postpartum. There were positive relationships between third trimester PdG and maternal carrying and nursing during the first week postpartum, and between maternal age and carrying during the infant's first month of life. There was a negative correlation between maternal age and PdG during the third trimester. These results suggest that elevated progesterone during late pregnancy followed by progesterone withdrawal immediately following parturition is associated with greater probability of infant survivorship and maternal behavior in this species, and that older females engage in more postpartum maternal care.  相似文献   

As early as the 1970s, it was suggested that nonhuman primates may serve as models of human reproductive senescence. In the present study, the reproductive outcomes of 1,255 pregnancies in captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) were examined in relation to parity and its covariate, maternal age. The results show that the percentage of positive pregnancy outcomes was negatively correlated with increasing parity. In addition, spontaneous abortions, stillbirths, and caesarian sections (C-sections) were positively correlated with increasing parity. Maternal age, rather than parity, was found to be the most important predictor of negative birth outcome. This study supports research demonstrating reproductive decline and termination in nonhuman primates, and is the first to quantitatively account for this phenomenon in captive female chimpanzees.  相似文献   

Analysis of 645 conceptions by captive rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) with known reproductive histories indicated that maternal age and parity had little effect on the sex of progeny. There was, however, a slight indication that high-ranking females produced a higher proportion of daughters and relatively fewer sons than did low-ranking females. These results provide only weak support for the “advantaged daughter” hypothesis suggested by three previous studies of cercopithecine monkeys, and therefore they further confound the conflicting results for macaques and baboons in general.  相似文献   

Marmosets and tamarins are characterized by a reproductive strategy that includes twinning, and a communal rearing system in which infant care is shared among all group members, both breeders and nonbreeding helpers (often older offspring). In order to test some predictions about the extent to which different age-sex classes should invest in infants, contributions to infant carrying and food-sharing by all family members were measured in captive groups of cotton-top tamarins (Saquinus oedipus) ranging in size from 2 to 12 independent individuals. Fourteen litters were observed from birth to 12 weeks. Carrying by mothers decreased steadily over the study period, while carrying by fathers and other offspring increased for 3–5 weeks, then declined. Infants spent more time carried by siblings than by either parent, but parents did more carrying than individual siblings and, also, shared more food with infants. Older siblings contributed more care than younger siblings did. Adult sons carried infants more than adult daughters did, but immature daughters carried more than immature sons did. However, adult daughters actively offered food to infants more than any other class of helper did. These results were interpreted in the light of hypotheses concerning the reproductive and dispersal strategies of callitrichid species.  相似文献   


Infant handling (holding or carrying) by adult males is rare in mammals; however, high levels have been reported in some primates. Though infant handling is a costly behaviour, there are many benefits that male handlers can accrue. Infant handling by males is most conspicuous in platyrrhines and tends to be uncommon in catarrhines. In the latter species, research on male–infant interactions has focused on low-cost behaviours, such as proximity and grooming. However, to better understand the evolution of infant handling by males, more data on its occurrence across the Primate order are essential, even in species where it is relatively uncommon. We compare the occurrence of infant handling by males in three closely related species of catarrhine: Colobus vellerosus, C. guereza, and C. angolensis ruwenzorii. We collected focal animal samples on infants to quantify infant handling rates and durations, and found that adult male C. a. ruwenzorii handled infants much more frequently and for much longer than males in the other two species. We discuss how C. a. ruwenzorii’s unique social organization may explain high levels of infant handling by adult males in this species. More long-term and detailed comparisons of infant handling across species and populations will shed light on how sociality has shaped the evolution of this behaviour in the Primate order.


Trivers and Willard's theory of sex-ratio adjustment, as applied to cercopithecines, predicts that the ratio of male to female offspring will be greater for dominant than for subordinate mothers. A local-resourcexyhcompetition hypothesis predicts the reverse. To date, results from several species of macaque are inconsistent and often not statistically significant. In this 21 year study, a colony group of stumptailed macaques is added to the species previously studied. Seventy-five offspring were born to eight mothers for whom long-term dominance was established. Chi-square analyses of data from these 75 offspring failed to yield a significant relationship between sex-ratio and mother's dominance; consequently, consistent with a growing body of cercopithecine literature, neither of the competing theories was supported. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Data from a 35-year study of rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) at Madingley, Cambridge, were used to investigate sex ratio biases associated with maternal rank. Data were available from two colonies, the Old colony (1960–81) and New colony (1982–93). Overall, top-ranking mothers gave birth to 30.9% sons, while non-top mothers gave birth to 58.4% sons. Among non-top mothers, middle- and bottom-ranking ones had 59.0 and 55.0% sons, respectively. Top mothers' daughter biases were strongest in matrilines with two adult females in the year the infants were conceived (15.4 sons and 14.3% sons in Old and New colonies). Non-top mothers' son biases (88.9 and 71.0% in Old and New colonies) were strongest in matrilines with 3 females. The findings are discussed in relation to the colonies' small matriline sizes and data on breeding performance and infant survival, which indicate the costs to mothers of different rank of having different sex infants. Overall, top-ranking mothers were more likely to breed in two successive years (78.6%) than non-top mothers (56.7%). Infant survival to 7 days was significantly higher in the New colony (89.0%) than the Old colony (75.3%), with daughters born to Old colony mothers doing especially poorly. We point out that between-group and between-species comparisons of sex ratio effects depend critically on how females are assigned to rank categories, and require information about divergences of sex ratios from 50:50 in each category. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Mammary gland epithelial cells from rats of different ages or with different reproductive histories vary in their proliferative properties and susceptibility to dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) carcinogenesis in vivo. The present study was carried out to determine whether these differences are maintained under in vitro conditions. Primary cultures of mammary gland epithelial cells of young virgin, old virgin, and parous rats were treated with various doses of DMBA. Growth rates, DNA synthesis, and dose-response curves were determined; the toxicity of DMBA was measured by its effect on cell growth. Cell morphology was studied by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Epithelial cells from the mammary gland of young virgin rats adapted rapidly to the culture conditions, behaving as if the cells were in the logarithmic phase of growth prior to plating. Mammary gland epithelial cells from old virgin and parous rats required a lag period prior to cell growth during which the proliferating cells adapted to the culture conditions. Cells from each group had comparable doubling times, and DNA synthesis peaked approximately 1 d after initiation of growth in culture. The numbers of proliferating cells decreased with increasing age and parity of the donor. Mammary gland epithelial cells of young virgin rats were more susceptible to both low and high doses of DMBA than those of old virgin and parous rats when the carcinogen was added either 24 h after plating or at the peak of DNA synthesis. These results indicate that age and parity influence the proliferative status of the cells and their susceptibility to DMBA in vitro, simulating in that way the in vivo situation. Supported by Public Health Service Grants CA-23539 and CA-27026 from the National Cancer Institute and by an Institutional grant from the United Foundation of Greater Detroit.  相似文献   

The common bacterial toxins hypothesis of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is that nasopharyngeal bacterial toxins can trigger events leading to death in infants with absent/low levels of antibody that can neutralise the toxins. The aim of this study was to investigate nasopharyngeal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus and determine levels of immunity in the first year of life to toxic shock syndrome toxin (TSST-1) and staphylococcal enterotoxin C (SEC). Both toxins have been implicated in SIDS cases. Seventy-three mothers and their infants (39 males and 34 females) were enrolled onto the study. The infants had birth dates spread evenly throughout the year. In infants, S. aureus carriage decreased significantly with age (P<0.001). Between 40% and 50% of infants were colonised with S. aureus in the first three months of life and 49% of the isolates produced one or both of the staphylococcal toxins. There was a significant correlation between nasopharyngeal carriage of S. aureus in mothers and infants in the three months following the birth (P<0.001). Carriage of S. aureus in infants and their mothers was not significantly associated with levels of antibody to TSST-1 or SEC in cord blood, adult saliva or breast milk. Infants colonised by S. aureus had higher levels of salivary IgA to TSST-1 than infants who were culture negative. Analysis of cord blood samples by a quantitative ELISA detected IgG bound to TSST-1 and SEC in 95.5% and 91.8% of cases respectively. There was a marked variation in levels of maternal IgG to both TSST-1 and SEC among cord blood samples. Maternal age, birth weight, and seasonality significantly affected the levels of IgG binding to TSST-1 or SEC. Analysis of infant saliva samples detected IgA to TSST-1 and SEC in the first month after birth; 11% of samples tested positive for salivary IgA to TSST-1 and 5% for salivary IgA to SEC. By the age of two months these proportions had increased to 36% and 33% respectively. More infants who used a dummy tested positive for salivary IgA to TSST-1 compared to infants who did not use a dummy. Levels of IgA to TSST-1 and SEC detected in the breast-milk samples varied greatly among mothers. There was a trend for infants receiving breast milk with low levels of antibody to TSST-1 or SEC to have higher levels of salivary antibody to the toxins. In conclusion, passive immunity to toxins implicated in SIDS cases varies greatly among infants. Infants are able to mount an active mucosal immune response to TSST-1 and SEC in the first month of life.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to investigate a very common situation in the archaeological and anthropological context: the study of a burial site containing several individuals, probably related genetically, using ancient DNA techniques. We used available ancient DNA and forensic protocols to obtain reliable results on archaeological material. The results also enabled molecular sex determination to be compared with osteological data. Specifically, a modified ancient DNA extraction method combined with the amplification of nuclear markers with the AmpFlSTR®MiniFiler? kit(Applied Biosystems) was used. Seven medieval individuals buried in four niches dated in the 15th Century at San Esteban Church in Cuellar (Segovia, Central Spain) were analyzed by the proposed method, and four of seven provided complete autosomal short tandem repeat (STRs) profiles. Kinship analyses comprising paternity and sibship relations were carried out with pedigree‐specific software used in forensic casework. A 99.98% paternity probability was established between two individuals, although lower percentages (68%) were obtained in other cases, and some hypothetical kinship relations were excluded. The overall results could eventually provide evidence for reconstructing the historical record. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2011. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract. The flight capacity of Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) was measured in the laboratory by using computer-linked flight mills. Codling moths showed a large variation in flight capacity between individuals. We defined arbitrarily a longest single flight (LSF) of more than 5 km as an index for long-flyers. About 16.7% of virgin and 10.0% of mated males and 20.0% of virgin and 7.4% of mated females undertook such flights. Based on the LSF and the total distance flown (TDF^we concluded that males and females have little or no difference in flight capacity and that both the within-and between-habitat flights are similar in number and magnitude for both sexes. In the field, females are therefore potentially able to undertake flights of up to 11 km, as reported for males by other authors. This ability was highest at ages of 2–7 days after emergence, i.e. the first third of their lifetime, for virgin and mated male moths and for virgin female moths. Mated females showed peak flight capacity between 1 and 3 days after eclosion, which corresponded with the major egg-laying period. Few long flights were undertaken before oviposition. These findings do not agree with the oogenesis flight syndrome described by other authors, and this theory is believed not to apply to C.pomonella. Our laboratory results are discussed in relation to field experiments in general and hypotheses are developed about the significance of long-flyers for this species.  相似文献   

This study investigated blubber morphology and correlations of histological measurements with ontogeny, geography, and reproductive state in live, wild bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from the southeastern United States. Surgical skin-blubber biopsies (N=74) were collected from dolphins during capture-release studies conducted in two geographic locations: Charleston, SC (N=38) and Indian River Lagoon, FL (N=36). Histological analysis of blubber revealed stratification into superficial, middle, and deep layers. Adipocytes of the middle blubber were 1.6x larger in Charleston subadults than in Indian River Lagoon subadults (4,590+/-340 compared to 2,833+/-335 microm2 per cell). Charleston subadult dolphins contained higher levels of total blubber lipids than Charleston adult animals (49.3%+/-1.9% compared to 34.2%+/-1.7%), and this difference was manifested in more adipocytes in the middle blubber layer (19.2+/-0.9 compared to 14.9+/-0.5 cells per field). However, dolphins from Indian River Lagoon did not exhibit this pattern, and the adipocyte cell counts of subadults were approximately equal to those of the adults (16.0+/-1.4 compared to 13.4+/-0.8 cells per field). The colder year-round water temperatures in Charleston compared to Indian River Lagoon may explain these differences. Adipocytes in the deep blubber layer were significantly smaller in lactating and simultaneously pregnant and lactating animals compared to pregnant dolphins (840+/-179, 627+/-333, and 2,776+/-586 microm2 per cell, respectively). Total blubber lipid content and adipocyte size in the deep blubber of mothers with calves decreased linearly with calf length. Lactating females may utilize lipids from the deep blubber during periods of increased energetic demands associated with offspring care. This study demonstrates that ontogeny, geography, and reproductive state may influence morphological parameters such as structural fiber densities and adipocyte numbers and sizes, measured in bottlenose dolphin blubber.  相似文献   

Behavioural observations were carried out on a sex role reversed population of the blenny Salaria pavo to investigate possible mate choice behaviour of the females. Females mated with relatively larger males, with a larger head crest, anal gland and genital papilla, which had more eggs in their nests and that courted the female. Thus, these male traits were potentially assessed by females when choosing their mates. In order to mate, females visited one to four males (eight females spawned with the first male they had visited and eight visited more than one male). The majority of the females spawned with the last male visited but three of them returned to mate with males visited previously (two with the penultimate visited male). Additionally, the outcome of the first visit of each female depended on the quality of the males: males that were accepted on this first visit had larger head crest than rejected males. Therefore, the mate searching model that best fitted the data was a threshold tactic that allowed the searching individual to return to any potential mate visited before, i.e. that allowed for complete recall. Moreover, three females returned to mate with males rejected earlier during the search, which indicates that they lowered their thresholds. These results suggest that females use a 'one step decision' tactic to search for mates. In this tactic, females mate with males that satisfy an adjustable threshold criterion, balancing the quality of the mates expected to find in the next step of the search and the effort of finding them.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the social structure of a population is important for a range of fundamental and applied purposes. Group characteristics and population structure of chital (Axis axis) and sambar (Rusa unicolor) were studied in a deciduous habitat of Mudumalai Tiger Reserve, Western Ghats, India, during 2008-2009. Vehicle transects were monitored monthly to gather information on group-size and age-sex composition of chital and sambar. The average mean group size and crowding for chital and sambar was 13.1 ± 0.5 (n = 1020), 3.6 ± 0.2 (n = 377) and 33.3, 11.0 respectively. The average adult male:adult female:fawn ratio was 63.4:100:22.3 (n = 9391) and 43.9:100:23.7 (n = 1023) in chital and sambar respectively. The mean group size of chital and sambar varied significantly between seasons (Kruskal-Wallis test, p = <0.001). Peak fawning season was observed from February to May for chital and May to August for sambar. Group's sex-age composition influenced group formation in both species between seasons at different level. Adult male and fawn were the important predicting variables of change in group size. Skewed female sex ratio was probably due to selective male predation by large predators. Although fawning occurred throughout the year, both species showed seasonality in fawning. The above mentioned patterns differed between species depending upon their ecological adaptation in foraging strategies and habitat preference.  相似文献   

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