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Teilhardina belgica is one of the most primitive fossil primates known to date and the earliest haplorhine with associated postcranials, making it relevant to a reconstruction of the ancestral primate morphotype. Here we describe newly discovered postcranial elements of T. belgica. It is a small primate with an estimated body mass between 30 and 60 g, similar to the size of a mouse lemur. Its hindlimb anatomy suggests frequent and forceful leaping with excellent foot mobility and grasping capabilities. It can now be established that this taxon exhibits critical primate postcranial synapomorphies such as a grasping hallux, a tall knee, and nailed digits. This anatomical pattern and behavioral profile is similar to what has been inferred before for other omomyids and adapiforms. The most unusual feature of T. belgica is its elongated middle phalanges (most likely manual phalanges), suggesting that this early primate had very long fingers similar to those of living tarsiers.  相似文献   

Primates display high forelimb compliance (increased elbow joint yield) compared to most other mammals. Forelimb compliance, which is especially marked among arboreal primates, moderates vertical oscillations of the body and peak vertical forces and may represent a basal adaptation of primates for locomotion on thin, flexible branches. However, Larney and Larson (Am J Phys Anthropol 125 [2004] 42–50) reported that marsupials have forelimb compliance comparable to or greater than that of most primates, but did not distinguish between arboreal and terrestrial marsupials. If forelimb compliance is functionally linked to locomotion on thin branches, then elbow yield should be highest in marsupials relying on arboreal substrates more often. To test this hypothesis, we compared forelimb compliance between two didelphid marsupials, Caluromys philander (an arboreal opossum relying heavily on thin branches) and Monodelphis domestica (an opossum that spends most of its time on the ground). Animals were videorecorded while walking on a runway or a horizontal 7‐mm pole. Caluromys showed higher elbow yield (greater changes in degrees of elbow flexion) on both substrates, similar to that reported for arboreal primates. Monodelphis was characterized by lower elbow yield that was intermediate between the values reported by Larney and Larson (Am J Phys Anthropol 125 [2004] 42–50) for more terrestrial primates and rodents. This finding adds evidence to a model suggesting a functional link between arboreality—particularly locomotion on thin, flexible branches—and forelimb compliance. These data add another convergent trait between arboreal primates, Caluromys, and other arboreal marsupials and support the argument that all primates evolved from a common ancestor that was a fine‐branch arborealist. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In this report we provide detailed data on the patterns and frequency of heel contact with terrestrial and arboreal supports in primates. These data can help resolve the question of whether African apes and humans are uniquely “plantigrade” (Gebo [1992] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 89:29–58; Gebo [1993a] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 97:382–385; Gebo [1993b] Postcranial Adaptation in Nonhuman Primates), or if plantigrady is common in other primates (Meldrum [1993] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 91:379–381). Using biplanar and uniplanar videotapes, we recorded the frequency and timing of heel contact for a variety of primates (32 species) walking on the ground and on simulated arboreal supports at a range of natural speeds. Our results indicate that Pongo as well as the African apes exhibit a “heel-strike” at the end of swing phase. Ateles and Hylobates make heel contact on all supports shortly after mid-foot contact, although spider monkeys do so only at slow or moderate speeds. Data available from uniplanar videotapes suggest that this pattern occurs in Alouatta and Lagothrix as well. No other New or Old World monkey or prosimian in this study made heel contact during quadrupedalism on any substrate. Thus, heel contact occurs in all apes and atelines, but only the great apes exhibit a heel-strike. We suggest that heel contact with the substrate is a by-product of an active posterior weight-shift mechanism involving highly protracted hindlimbs at touchdown. Force plate studies indicate that this mechanism is most extreme in arboreally adapted primate quadrupeds walking on arboreal supports. Although heel contact and heel-strike may have no evolutionary link, it is possible that both patterns are the result of a similar weight shift mechanism. Therefore, the regular occurrence of heel contact in a variety of arboreal primates, and the absence of a true biomechanical link between limb elongation, heel contact, and terrestriality, calls into question the claim that hominid foot posture was necessarily derived from a quadrupedal terrestrial ancestor. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A comparative morphometric analysis of isolated proximal and intermediate phalanges attributed to the paromomyids Ignacius graybullianus and Phenacolemur simonsi was undertaken to test the hypothesis that these fossil phalanges exhibit evidence of a dermopteran-like interdigital patagium. Linear dimensions were collected for the fossil phalanges and a comparative sample of associated proximal and intermediate phalanges representing extant tree squirrels, tree shrews, dermopterans (colugos), gliding rodents and marsupials, and prosimian primates. Quantitative data indicate that the proximal and intermediate phalanges of paromomyids are most similar in their overall shape to those of the dermopteran Cynocephalus. The proximal phalanges of paromomyids and colugos possess well-developed flexor sheath ridges and broad, high shafts, whereas the intermediate phalanges of these taxa are most similar to one another in their trochlear morphology. Discriminant analysis indicates that all of the paromomyid intermediate phalanges resemble those from colugo toes more so than those from colugo fingers. Moreover, the relative length and midshaft proportions of both the proximal and intermediate phalanges of paromomyids closely resemble those of several squirrels that lack an interdigital patagium. The following conclusions are drawn from this study: 1) paromomyids share a number of derived phalangeal features with modern dermopterans that may be indicative of a phylogenetic relationship between them, 2) existing intermediate phalanges of paromomyids are inconsistent with the “mitten gliding” hypothesis because they do not possess the distinctive length and midshaft proportions characteristic of colugo manual intermediate phalanges, and 3) paromomyids share with colugos and the scaly-tailed squirrel Anomalurus several aspects of phalangeal morphology functionally related to frequent vertical clinging and climbing on large-diameter arboreal supports. Am J Phys Anthropol 109:397–413, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The foot, perhaps more than any other region of the primate body, reflects the interaction of positional behaviors with the geometric properties of available supports. The ability to reverse the hind foot during hindlimb suspension while hanging from a horizontal support or descending a large diameter vertical trunk has been noted in many arboreal mammals, including primates. Observations of Varecia variegata in the wild and under seminatural conditions document hindlimb suspension in this lemurid primate. The kinematics and skeletal correlates of this behavior are examined. Analogy is made with the form and function exhibited by nonprimate mammalian taxa employing this behavior. Examples of carnivores and rodents display very similar adaptations of the tarsals while other mammals, such as the xenarthrans, accomplish a similar end by means of different morphologies. However, a suite of features is identified that is shared by mammals capable of hind foot reversal. Hindlimb suspension effectively increases the potential feeding space available to a foraging mammal and represents a significant, and often unrecognized, alternative adaptive strategy to forelimb suspension and prehensile-tail suspension in primates. Am J Phys Anthropol 103:85–102, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Despite the importance that concepts of arboreal stability have in theories of primate locomotor evolution, we currently lack measures of balance performance during primate locomotion. We provide the first quantitative data on locomotor stability in an arboreal primate, the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus), predicting that primates should maximize arboreal stability by minimizing side-to-side angular momentum about the support (i.e., Lsup). If net Lsup becomes excessive, the animal will be unable to arrest its angular movement and will fall. Using a novel, highly integrative experimental procedure we directly measured whole-body Lsup in two adult marmosets moving along narrow (2.5 cm diameter) and broad (5 cm diameter) poles. Marmosets showed a strong preference for asymmetrical gaits (e.g., gallops and bounds) over symmetrical gaits (e.g., walks and runs), with asymmetrical gaits representing >90% of all strides. Movement on the narrow support was associated with an increase in more “grounded” gaits (i.e., lacking an aerial phase) and a more even distribution of torque production between the fore- and hind limbs. These adjustments in gait dynamics significantly reduced net Lsup on the narrow support relative to the broad support. Despite their lack of a well-developed grasping apparatus, marmosets proved adept at producing muscular “grasping” torques about the support, particularly with the hind limbs. We contend that asymmetrical gaits permit small-bodied arboreal mammals, including primates, to expand “effective grasp” by gripping the substrate between left and right limbs of a girdle. This model of arboreal stability may hold important implications for understanding primate locomotor evolution. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:565–576, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Studies of skeletal pathology indicate that injury from falling accounts for most long bone trauma in free‐ranging primates, suggesting that primates should be under strong selection to manifest morphological and behavioral mechanisms that increase stability on arboreal substrates. Although previous studies have identified several kinematic and kinetic features of primate symmetrical gaits that serve to increase arboreal stability, very little work has focused on the dynamics of primate asymmetrical gaits. Nevertheless, asymmetrical gaits typify the rapid locomotion of most primates, particularly in smaller bodied taxa. This study investigated asymmetrical gait dynamics in growing marmosets and squirrel monkeys moving on terrestrial and simulated arboreal supports (i.e., an elevated pole). Results showed that monkeys used several kinematic and kinetic adjustments to increase stability on the pole, including reducing peak vertical forces, limiting center of mass movements, increasing substrate contact durations, and using shorter and more frequent strides (thus limiting disruptive whole‐body aerial phases). Marmosets generally showed greater adjustment to pole locomotion than did squirrel monkeys, perhaps as a result of their reduced grasping abilities and retreat from the fine‐branch niche. Ontogenetic increases in body size had relatively little independent influence on asymmetrical gait dynamics during pole locomotion, despite biomechanical theory suggesting that arboreal instability is exacerbated as body size increases relative to substrate diameter. Overall, this study shows that 1) symmetrical gaits are not the only stable way to travel arboreally and 2) small‐bodied primates utilize specific kinematic and kinetic adjustments to increase stability when using asymmetrical gaits on arboreal substrates. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Recent studies suggest a large raptor such as the crowned eagle (Stephanaoetus coronatus) was responsible for collecting at least a portion of the primate fauna from the South African fossil site of Taung, including its lone hominin specimen. This taphonomic signature at Taung is currently regarded as a unique and, most likely, isolated case in primate and human evolution. However, the activities of large, carnivorous birds should also be detectable at other primate fossil localities in Africa if raptors have been a strong selective force throughout primate evolution. Over the last 60 years, a collection of extinct cercopithecids has been assembled from several cave breccias on the Humpata Plateau in southern Angola. The material, dated near the Plio‐Pleistocene boundary, includes an assortment of craniodental and postcranial remains variably assigned to Papio (Dinopithecus) cf. quadratirostris, Parapapio, Cercopithecoides, and Theropithecus. We compare the Angolan and Taung material to remains of extant primates killed by crowned eagles in the Ivory Coast's Tai National Park. Our analysis indicates that the size distribution and composition of fauna from the localities is quite similar and that there are striking consistencies in damage to the crania from each site. The absence of large bodied (>20 kg) primates and other mammalian taxa at the Taung hominin locality and Tai, and their rarity in Angola, combined with the strong likelihood that raptor nests were positioned near fissure openings at both fossil localities, provides additional support for eagle involvement. On the basis of this evidence, we conclude that at least some of the Angolan cercopithecids were most likely raptor prey and hypothesize that raptor predation has been a strong and perhaps underappreciated selective force during the course of primate evolution. Am J Phys Anthropol 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Young primates have relatively large hands and feet for their body size, perhaps enhancing grasping ability. We test the hypothesis that selection for improved grasping ability is responsible for these scaling trends by examining the ontogeny of intrinsic hand and foot proportions in capuchin monkeys (Cebus albifrons and Sapajus apella). If selection for improved grasping ability is responsible for the observed patterns of hand and foot growth in primates, we predicted that fingers and toes would be longer early in life and proportionally decline with age. We measured the lengths of manual and pedal metapodials and phalanges in a mixed‐longitudinal radiographic sample. Bone lengths were (a) converted into phalangeal indices (summed non‐distal phalangeal length/metapodial length) to test for age‐related changes in intrinsic proportions and (b) fit to Gompertz models of growth to test for differences in the dynamics of phalangeal versus metapodial growth. Manual and pedal phalangeal indices nearly universally decreased with age in capuchin monkeys. Growth curve analyses revealed that metapodials generally grew at a faster rate, and for a longer duration, than corresponding phalanges. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that primates are under selection for increased grasping ability early in life. Relatively long digits may be functionally adaptive for growing capuchins, permitting a more secure grasp on both caregivers and arboreal supports, as well as facilitating early foraging. Additional studies of primates and other mammals, as well as tests of grasping performance, are required to fully evaluate the adaptive significance of primate hand and foot growth.  相似文献   

Primate evolutionary morphologists have argued that selection for life in a fine branch niche resulted in grasping specializations that are reflected in the hallucal metatarsal (Mt1) morphology of extant “prosimians”, while a transition to use of relatively larger, horizontal substrates explains the apparent loss of such characters in anthropoids. Accordingly, these morphological characters—Mt1 torsion, peroneal process length and thickness, and physiological abduction angle—have been used to reconstruct grasping ability and locomotor mode in the earliest fossil primates. Although these characters are prominently featured in debates on the origin and subsequent radiation of Primates, questions remain about their functional significance. This study examines the relationship between these morphological characters of the Mt1 and a novel metric of pedal grasping ability for a large number of extant taxa in a phylogenetic framework. Results indicate greater Mt1 torsion in taxa that engage in hallucal grasping and in those that utilize relatively small substrates more frequently. This study provides evidence that Carpolestes simpsoni has a torsion value more similar to grasping primates than to any scandentian. The results also show that taxa that habitually grasp vertical substrates are distinguished from other taxa in having relatively longer peroneal processes. Furthermore, a longer peroneal process is also correlated with calcaneal elongation, a metric previously found to reflect leaping proclivity. A more refined understanding of the functional associations between Mt1 morphology and behavior in extant primates enhances the potential for using these morphological characters to comprehend primate (locomotor) evolution. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:327–348, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study tests predicted morphoclines in fingertip morphology among four small-bodied (<1 kg) New World monkeys (Saimiri sciureus, Leontopithecus rosalia, Callithrix jacchus, and Saguinus oedipus) in order to test previous functional and adaptive explanations for the evolution of flattened nails, expanded apical pads, and grasping extremities within the Order Primates. Small-bodied platyrrhines which frequently forage among small-diameter substrates are expected to possess 1) relatively expanded apical pads, 2) well-developed epidermal ridges, 3) distally broad terminal phalanges, and 4) reduced flexor and extensor tubercles compared to those species which use large-diameter arboreal supports more frequently for their locomotor and postural behaviors. Results show that as the frequency of small-branch foraging increases among taxa within this sample, relative distal phalanx breadth also increases but distal phalanx length, height, and flexor tubercle size decrease. Moreover, epidermal ridge development becomes more pronounced as the frequency of small-branch foraging increases. Terminal phalanx breadth and epidermal ridge complexity are both positively correlated with apical pad size. The large, flexible apical pad increases stability of the hand and foot on small-diameter arboreal supports because the pad can contact the substrate in several planes which, in turn, enables the pad to resist disruptive forces from different directions by friction and interlocking (Hildebrand, 1995). The observed morphoclines demonstrate that a gradient in form from claw- to nail-like tegulae exists among these taxa. Thus, the distinction between claw- and nail-bearing platyrrhines is essentially arbitrary. These observations corroborate Cartmill's (1972) functional and adaptive model for the loss of claws in primates: namely, expanded apical pads are required for habitual locomotor and postural behaviors on small-diameter supports whereas claws are more useful for positional behaviors on large-diameter substrates. Finally, results from this study support previous suggestions that the keeled tegulae of callitrichines represent a derived postural adaptation rather than a primitive retention from an ancestral eutherian condition. Am J Phys Anthropol 106:113–127, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Primate fossil assemblages often have metacarpals and phalanges from which functional/behavioral interpretations may be inferred. For example, intrinsic hand proportions can indicate hand function and substrate use. But, estimates of intrinsic hand proportions from unassociated hand elements can be imperfect due to digit misattribution. Although isolated metacarpals can be identified to a specific digit, phalanges are difficult to assign to a specific ray. We used a resampling approach to evaluate how estimates of intrinsic hand proportions are affected by such uncertainty. First, the phalangeal index—intermediate phalanx length plus proximal phalanx length divided by metacarpal length—for the third digit was calculated for associated specimens of terrestrial, semiterrestrial, and arboreal taxa. We then used resampling procedures to generate distributions of “composite digits” based on resampled ratios in which phalanges from the second, fourth, and fifth rays, and from different individuals, were chosen randomly. Results confirm that the phalangeal index for associated third digits significantly discriminates groups. We also found that resampled ratios had significantly lower means, indicating that using composite digits is prone to systematic underestimation. Resampled ratios also generated distributions with greater variance around the means that obscured distinctions between groups, although significant differences between the most arboreal and terrestrial taxa are maintained. We conclude that using unassociated phalanges to calculate a phalangeal index is prone to sampling bias. Nevertheless, a resampling approach has the potential to inform estimates of hand proportions for fossil taxa, provided that the comparative sample is constrained to mimic the fossil composition. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:280–289, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The midtarsal break was once treated as a dichotomous, non-overlapping trait present in the foot of non-human primates and absent in humans. Recent work indicates that there is considerable variation in human midfoot dorsiflexion, with some overlap with the ape foot. These findings have called into question the uniqueness of the human lateral midfoot, and the use of osteological features in fossil hominins to characterize the midfoot of our extinct ancestors. Here, we present data on plantar pressure and pedal mechanics in a large sample of adults and children (n = 671) to test functional hypotheses concerning variation in midfoot flexibility. Lateral midfoot peak plantar pressure correlates with both sagittal plane flexion at the lateral tarsometatarsal joint, and dorsiflexion at the hallucal metatarsophalangeal joint. The latter finding suggests that midfoot laxity may compromise hallucal propulsion. Multiple regression statistics indicate that a low arch and pronation of the foot explain 40% of variation in midfoot peak plantar pressure, independent of age and BMI. MRI scans on a small subset of study participants (n = 19) reveals that curvature of the base of the 4th metatarsal correlates with lateral midfoot plantar pressure and that specific anatomies of foot bones do indeed reflect relative midfoot flexibility. However, while the shape of the base of the 4th metatarsal may reliably reflect midfoot mobility in individual hominins, given the wide range of overlapping variation in midfoot flexibility in both apes and humans, we caution against generalizing foot function in extinct hominin species until larger fossils samples are available. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:543–552, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A number of postcranial specimens of Neosaimiri fieldsi, a Middle Miocene platyrrhine, were discovered in 1988, 1989, and 1990 at La Venta, Colombia. Until recently only three postcranial specimens of this species had been discovered and the present material adds further information about this taxon's postcranial morphology. In overall skeletal dimensions and in postcranial features, Neosaimiri is most similar to Saimiri among extant medium-sized platyrrhines, but differs from Saimiri in having more rugose surface markings, a longer olecranon, a smaller anterior process of the distal tibia, an absence of a distal surface extension on the anterior tibial shaft, an absence of an anterior midtrochlear depression of the talus, and a shorter distal calcaneus relative to the calcaneal tuberosity. These differences suggest that Neosaimiri was relatively heavily built, possessed a more dominant forelimb in quadrupedal progression, and utilized a less stabilized upper ankle joint, and a shorter power arm for plantarflexion. Neosaimiri is interpreted as an arboreal quadruped with frequent leaping across arboreal gaps, as in extant Saimiri, with perhaps less frequent running and leaping than in Saimiri. As with the dentition, the postcranial specimens suggest the close relationship between Neosaimiri and extant Saimiri. Am J Phys Anthropol 102:515–544, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Interlimb coordination is directly relevant to the understanding of the neural control of locomotion, but few studies addressing this topic for nonhuman primates are available, and no data exist for any hominoid other than humans. As a follow-up to Jungers and Anapol's ([1985] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 67:89–97) analysis on a lemur and talapoin monkey, we describe here the patterns of interlimb coordination in two chimpanzees as revealed by electromyography. Like the lemur and talapoin monkey, ipsilateral limb coupling in chimpanzees is characterized by variability about preferred modes within individual gaits. During symmetrical gaits, limb coupling patterns in the chimpanzee are also influenced by kinematic differences in hindlimb placement (“overstriding”). These observations reflect the neurological constraints placed on locomotion but also emphasize the overall flexibility of locomotor neural mechanisms. Interlimb coordination patterns are also species-specific, exhibiting significant differences among primate taxa and between primates and cats. Interspecific differences may be suggestive of phylogenetic divergence in the basic mechanisms for neural control of locomotion, but do not preclude morphological explanations for observed differences in interlimb coordination across species. Am J Phys Anthropol 102:177–186, 1997 © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The absence of a midtarsal break has long been regarded as a derived feature of the human foot. Humans possess a rigid midfoot that acts as an efficient lever during the propulsive phase of bipedal gait. Non‐human primates, in contrast, have a more mobile midfoot that is adaptive for tree climbing. Here, we report plantar pressure and video evidence that a small percentage of modern humans (n = 32/398) possess both elevated lateral midfoot pressures and even exhibit midfoot dorsiflexion characteristic of a midtarsal break. Those humans with a midtarsal break had on average a significantly flatter foot than those without. Midtarsal breakers also had significantly more medial weight transfer (pronation) during the stance phase of gait than those without this midfoot mobility. These data are in accordance with Elftman (Clin Orthop 16 (1960) 41–45) who suggested that pronation aligns the axes of the transverse tarsal joint, permitting elevated midfoot mobility. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:495–499, 2013.© 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Femoral head size provides important information on body size in extinct species. Although it is well‐known that femoral head size is correlated with acetabular size, the precision with which femoral head size can be estimated from acetabular size has not been quantified. The availability of accurate 3D surface models of fossil acetabular remains opens the possibility of obtaining accurate estimates of femoral head size from even fragmentary fossil remains [Hammond et al.,: Am J Phys Anthropol 150 (2013) 565–578]. Here we evaluate the relationship between spheres fit to surface models of the femoral head and acetabulum of a large sample of extant anthropoid primates. Sphere diameters are tightly correlated and scale isometrically. In spite of significant taxonomic and possibly functional differences in the relationship between femoral head size and acetabulum size, percent prediction errors of estimated femoral head size remain low regardless of the taxonomic composition of the reference sample. We provide estimates of femoral head size for a series of fossil hominins and monkeys. Am J Phys Anthropol 155:469–475, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Kinematic data on primate head and neck posture were collected by filming 29 primate species during locomotion. These were used to test whether head and neck posture are significant influences on basicranial flexion and whether the Frankfurt plane can legitimately be employed in paleoanthropological studies. Three kinematic measurements were recorded as angles relative to the gravity vector, the inclination of the orbital plane, the inclination of the neck, and the inclination of the Frankfurt plane. A fourth kinematic measurement was calculated as the angle between the neck and the orbital plane (the head-neck angle [HNA]). The functional relationships of basicranial flexion were examined by calculating the correlations and partial correlations between HNA and craniometric measurements representing basicranial flexion, orbital kyphosis, and relative brain size (Ross and Ravosa [1993] Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 91:305–324). Significant partial correlations were observed between relative brain size and basicranial flexion and between HNA and orbital kyphosis. This indicates that brain size, rather than head and neck posture, is the primary influence on flexion, while the degree of orbital kyphosis may act to reorient the visual field in response to variation in head and neck posture. Regarding registration planes, the Frankfurt plane was found to be horizontal in humans but inclined in all nonhuman primates. In contrast, nearly all primates (including humans) oriented their orbits such that they faced anteriorly and slightly inferiorly. These results suggest that for certain functional craniometric studies, the orbital plane may be a more suitable registration plane than Frankfurt “Horizontal.” Am J Phys Anthropol 108:205–222, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Primates use a range of locomotor modes during which they incorporate various foot postures. Humans are unique compared with other primates in that humans lack a mobile fore‐ and midfoot. Rigidity in the human foot is often attributed to increased propulsive and stability requirements during bipedalism. Conversely, fore‐ and midfoot mobility in nonhuman primates facilitates locomotion in arboreal settings. Here, we evaluated apparent density (AD) in the subchondral bone of human, ape, and monkey calcanei exhibiting different types of foot loading. We used computed tomography osteoabsorptiometry and maximum intensity projection (MIP) maps to visualize AD in subchondral bone at the cuboid articular surface of calcanei. MIPs represent 3D volumes (of subchondral bone) condensed into 2D images by extracting AD maxima from columns of voxels comprising the volumes. False‐color maps are assigned to MIPs by binning pixels in the 2D images according to brightness values. We compared quantities and distributions of AD pixels in the highest bin to test predictions relating AD patterns to habitual locomotor modes and foot posture categories of humans and several nonhuman primates. Nonhuman primates exhibit dorsally positioned high AD concentrations, where maximum compressive loading between the calcaneus and cuboid likely occurs during “midtarsal break” of support. Humans exhibit less widespread areas of high AD, which could reflect reduced fore‐ and midfoot mobility. Analysis of the internal morphology of the tarsus, such as subchondral bone AD, potentially offers new insights for evaluating primate foot function during locomotion. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We report new body mass estimates for the North American Eocene primate Omomys carteri. These estimates are based on postcranial measurements and a variety of analytical methods, including bivariate regression, multiple regression, and principal components analysis (PCA). All body mass estimation equations show high coefficients of determination (R2), and some equations exhibit low prediction errors in accuracy tests involving extant species of body size similar to O. carteri. Equations derived from PCA-summarized data and multiple regression generally perform better than those based on single variables. The consensus of estimates and their statistics suggests a body mass range of 170–290 g. This range is similar to previous estimates for this species based on first molar area (Gingerich, J Hum Evol 10:345–374, 1981; Conroy, Int J Primatol 8:115–137, 1987). Am J Phys Anthropol 109:41–52, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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