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Ruff C 《American journal of physical anthropology》2009,138(1):90-100
The Homo habilis OH 62 partial skeleton has played an important, although controversial role in interpretations of early Homo locomotor behavior. Past interpretive problems stemmed from uncertain bone length estimates and comparisons using external bone breadth proportions, which do not clearly distinguish between modern humans and apes. Here, true cross-sectional bone strength measurements of the OH 62 femur and humerus are compared with those of modern humans and chimpanzees, as well as two early H. erectus specimens-KNM-WT 15000 and KNM-ER 1808. The comparative sections include two locations in the femur and two in the humerus in order to encompass the range of possible section positions in the OH 62 specimens. For each combination of section locations, femoral to humeral strength proportions of OH 62 fall below the 95% confidence interval of modern humans, and for most comparisons, within the 95% confidence interval of chimpanzees. In contrast, the two H. erectus specimens both fall within or even above the modern human distributions. This indicates that load distribution between the limbs, and by implication, locomotor behavior, was significantly different in H. habilis from that of H. erectus and modern humans. When considered with other postcranial evidence, the most likely interpretation is that H. habilis, although bipedal when terrestrial, still engaged in frequent arboreal behavior, while H. erectus was a completely committed terrestrial biped. This adds to the evidence that H. habilis (sensu stricto) and H. erectus represent ecologically distinct, parallel lineages during the early Pleistocene. 相似文献
A.E. Johnson 《Journal of human evolution》1979,8(6):585-587
Mandibular metrics of Gorilla gorilla are used to generate multiple regression equations using long bones metrics as criterion variables. These equations are then used to predict skeletal estimates of Gigantopithecus based upon mandibular metrics. On the average, the long bones of Gigantopithecus were 20–25% longer and more robust than those of living gorillas. 相似文献
Libby W. Cowgill 《American journal of physical anthropology》2010,141(1):16-37
While a wide variety of studies have focused on population variation in adult cross‐sectional properties, relatively little is known about population variation in postcranial robusticity in immature individuals. Furthermore, the age at which the population differences readily detected in adults manifest during growth is also unknown. This research addresses these gaps in our current understanding through the analysis of immature humeral and femoral long bone strength. Cross‐sectional geometry was used to compare the developmental trajectories of diaphyseal strength in Late Pleistocene Neandertal and modern human subadults to a sample of immature humans from seven geographically diverse Holocene populations. Population differences in size‐standardized cross‐sectional properties appear to be systemic and develop very early in ontogeny in the Holocene sample. In many cases, these differences are present before one year of age. In general, the Late Pleistocene fossil samples fit within the range of recent human variation in long bone strength. Population differences detected here are likely related to a combination of factors including activity patterns, genetic propensities, and nutritional status. These results highlight the complex mosaic of processes that result in adult postcranial robusticity, and suggest that further exploration of the developmental interplay between intrinsic and extrinsic influences on skeletal robusticity will likely enhance our understanding of adult postcranial morphology. Am J Phys Anthropol 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Until recently, detailed analyses of the architecture of nonhuman primate cancellous bone have not been possible due to a combination of methodological constraints, including poor resolution imaging or destructive protocols. The development of micro-computed tomography (microCT) and morphometric methods associated with this imaging modality offers anthropologists a new means to study the comparative architecture of cancellous bone. Specifically, microCT will allow anthropologists to investigate the relationship between locomotor behavior and trabecular structure. We conducted a preliminary study on the trabecular patterns in the proximal humerus and femur of Hylobates lar, Ateles paniscus, Macaca mulatta, and Papio anubis to investigate the quantitative differences in their trabecular architecture and evaluate the potential of microCT in anthropological inquiry. MicroCT allows the researcher to evaluate variables beyond simple two-dimensional orientations and radiographic densities. For example, this methodology facilitates the study of trabecular thickness and bone volume fraction using three-dimensional data. Results suggest that density-related parameters do not reliably differentiate suspensory-climbing species from quadrupedal species. However, preliminary results indicate that measurements of the degree of anisotropy, a measure of trabecular orientation uniformity, do distinguish suspensory-climbing taxa from more quadrupedal species. The microCT method is an advance over conventional radiography and medical CT because it can accurately resolve micron-sized struts that make up cancellous bone, and from these images a wide array of parameters that have been demonstrated to be related to cancellous bone mechanical properties can be measured. Methodological problems pertinent to any comparative microCT study of primate trabecular architecture are discussed. 相似文献
Christopher B. Ruff 《American journal of physical anthropology》2022,178(3):544-547
The Denver Longitudinal Growth Study is one of the most comprehensive longitudinal studies of growth carried out to date. Measurements of long bone lengths, cross-sectional diaphyseal properties, and articular breadths were taken from archived radiographs of 20 study subjects measured at an average of 36 time points from early infancy to late adolescence. Anthropometric dimensions for these individuals were also obtained from study archives. These data are now available in an online data set: 10.5061/dryad.xsj3tx9gq . 相似文献
The purpose of this article is to investigate temporal shifts in skeletal robusticity to infer behavioral changes in two populations (Neolithic, NEOL and Medieval, MED) settled in the same geographic area but involved in different subsistence economies (pastoralism and coastal resources exploitation). This comparison allows us to test the hypothesis that occupational stress and mobility in the same environment produce predictable changes in the robusticity of both upper and lower limbs. Results show a lower degree of humeral robusticity and a similar degree of humeral asymmetry in the two sexes in the MED population. These results are consistent with the relatively less stressful subsistence economy documented in the MED population relative to that of the NEOL. Lower limb results suggest that femoral robusticity does not correlate directly with the level of logistical mobility, but is instead due to the summation of several diverse factors that place biomechanical loads on the hindlimb, particularly unevenness of the terrain. However, female femoral gracility seems to indicate that below a certain \"threshold\" of mobility, i.e., movement over the natural terrain, terrain conformation is no longer the main contributing factor to femoral robusticity. The femoral shape index I(x)/I(y) declines through time, particularly in males. This agrees with the expected mobility of the samples based on archaeological and historical data, providing further evidence on the reliability of this index in inferring terrestrial mobility. 相似文献
Sarringhaus LA Stock JT Marchant LF McGrew WC 《American journal of physical anthropology》2005,128(4):840-845
There is much debate in behavioral primatology on the existence of population-level handedness in chimpanzees. The presence or absence of functional laterality in great apes may shed light on the origins of human handedness and on the evolution of cerebral asymmetry. The plasticity of long bone diaphyses in response to mechanical loading allows the functional interpretation of differences in cross-sectional geometric. While left-right asymmetry in upper limb diaphyseal morphology is a known property in human populations, it remains relatively unexplored in apes. We studied bilateral asymmetry in 64 skeletons of wild-caught chimpanzee using the humerus, second metacarpal, and femur. The total subperiosteal area (TA) of the diaphyses was measured at 40% of maximum humeral length and at the midshaft of the metacarpals and femora using external silicone molds. Overall, the TA values of the left humeri were significantly greater than the right, indicating directional asymmetry. This effect was even greater when the magnitude of difference in TA between each pair of humeri was compared. The right second metacarpals showed a tendency toward greater area than did the left, but this did not reach statistical significance. The lack of asymmetry in the femur serves as a lower limb control, and suggests that the upper limb results are not a product of fluctuating asymmetry. These findings imply behavioral laterality in upper limb function in chimpanzees, and suggest a complementary relationship between precision and power. 相似文献
It has been hypothesized that fluctuating asymmetry (FA) may provide an indication of the functional importance of structures within an organism, with structures that more strongly impact fitness being more symmetric. Based on this idea, we predicted that for tetrapods in which the forelimbs and hindlimbs play an unequal role in locomotion, the less functionally important limb set should display higher levels of FA. We conducted a multispecies test of this hypothesis in anurans (frogs and toads), whose saltatory locomotor mode is powered by the hindlimbs. We also tested whether FA in the forelimbs, which play a more important role during landing, differed between families that differ in the degree of forelimb use in locomotion (Bufonidae vs. Ranidae). We calculated FA from the lengths of humeri and femora measured from disarticulated skeletal specimens of four anuran taxa (Bufonidae: Anaxyrus americanus, Rhinella marina; Ranidae: Lithobates catesbeianus, Lithobates clamitans). Our findings were consistent with the hypothesis that natural selection for increased locomotor performance may influence patterns of FA seen in vertebrate limbs, with all species displaying lower mean FA in the hindlimbs. More subtle functional roles between the forelimbs of bufonids and ranids, however, did not elicit different levels of FA. 相似文献
Gabriel Rivera Cally M. Deppen Neely 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2020,74(3):660-670
Understanding how selective forces influence patterns of symmetry remains an active area of research in evolutionary biology. One hypothesis, which has received relatively little attention, suggests that the functional importance of morphological characters may influence patterns of symmetry. Specifically, it posits that for structures that display bilateral symmetry, those with greater functional importance should display lower levels of asymmetry. The aim of this study was to examine the patterns of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) present in the limb bones of freshwater turtles in the family Emydidae. Aquatic emydid turtles of the subfamily Deirochelyinae employ a hindlimb-dominant swimming style, suggesting that hindlimbs should display lower levels of FA. Consistent with the morpho-functional hypothesis of symmetry, we found a strong, clade-wise pattern of humeral-biased FA in aquatic Deirochelyinae. In contrast, some emydids of the subfamily Emydinae possess more terrestrial tendencies. As terrestrial locomotion places more equal importance on fore- and hindlimbs, we predicted that such behaviors may minimize differences in FA. No clade-wise pattern was detected in the subfamily Emydinae. We also detected a phylogenetic signal in FA within the femur and discovered that FA has evolved at vastly different rates between the fore- and hindlimbs. 相似文献
Alison A. Macintosh Thomas G. Davies Timothy M. Ryan Colin N. Shaw Jay T. Stock 《American journal of physical anthropology》2013,150(3):442-452
Cross‐sectional geometric (CSG) properties of human long bone diaphyses are typically calculated from both periosteal and endosteal contours. Though quantification of both is desirable, periosteal contours alone have provided accurate predictions of CSG properties at the midshaft in previous studies. The relationship between CSG properties calculated from external contours and “true” (endosteal and periosteal) CSG properties, however, has yet to be examined along the whole diaphysis. Cross‐sectional computed tomography scans were taken from 21 locations along humeral, femoral, and tibial diaphyses in 20 adults from a late prehistoric central Illinois Valley cemetery. Mechanical properties calculated from images with (a) artificially filled medullary cavities (“solid”) and (b) true unaltered cross‐sections were compared at each section location using least squares regression. Results indicate that, in this sample, polar second moments of area (J), polar section moduli (Zp), and cross‐sectional shape (Imax/Imin) calculated from periosteal contours correspond strongly with those calculated from cross‐sections that include the medullary cavity. Correlations are high throughout most of the humeral diaphysis and throughout large portions of femoral and tibial diaphyses (R2 = 0.855–0.998, all P < 0.001, %SEE ≤ 8.0, %PE ≤ 5.0), the major exception being the proximal quarter of the tibial diaphysis for J and Zp. The main source of error was identified as variation in %CA. Results reveal that CSG properties quantified from periosteal contours provide comparable results to (and are likely to detect the same differences among individuals as) true CSG properties along large portions of long bone diaphyses. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
Marchi D Sparacello VS Holt BM Formicola V 《American journal of physical anthropology》2006,131(4):447-455
This paper investigates the changes in upper and lower limb robusticity and activity patterns that accompanied the transition to a Neolithic subsistence in western Liguria (Italy). Diaphyseal robusticity measures were obtained from cross-sectional geometric properties of the humerus and femur in a sample of 16 individuals (eight males and eight females) dated to about 6,000-5,500 BP. Comparisons with European Late Upper Paleolithics (LUP) indicate increased humeral robusticity in Neolithic Ligurian (NEOL) males, but not in females, with a significant reduction in right-left differences in both sexes. Sexual dimorphism in robusticity increases in upper and lower limb bones. Regarding the femur, while all female indicators of bending strength decrease steadily through time, values for NEOL males approach those of LUP. This suggests high, and unexpected, levels of mechanical stress for NEOL males, probably reflecting the effects of the mountainous terrain on lower limb remodeling. Comparisons between NEOL males and a small sample of LUP hunter-gatherers from the same area support this interpretation. In conclusion, cross-sectional geometry data indicate that the transition to Neolithic economies in western Liguria did not reduce functional requirements in males, and suggest a marked sexual division of labor involving a more symmetrical use of the upper limb, and different male-female levels of locomotory stress. When articulated with archaeological, faunal, paleopathological, and ethnographic evidence, these results support the hypothesis of repetitive, bimanual use of axes tied to pastoral activities in males, and of more sedentary tasks linked to agriculture in females. 相似文献
Humeral cortical thickness is a simple and convenient method of assessing the bone mineralisation status of anthropological remains. The present study was devised to assess the comparative values of indices originally devised for other bones. The smoothest curve in response to increasing age was seen with the CCT, and this value also showed a relatively narrow range in young subjects. As none of the indices were found to have an advantage over the CCT in assessing age changes, we recommend measurement of the humeral CCT for assessment of bone mineralization status of anthropological remains. 相似文献
Miller F 《Biometrics》2005,61(2):355-361
We consider clinical studies with a sample size re-estimation based on the unblinded variance estimation at some interim point of the study. Because the sample size is determined in such a flexible way, the usual variance estimator at the end of the trial is biased. We derive sharp bounds for this bias. These bounds have a quite simple form and can help for the decision if this bias is negligible for the actual study or if a correction should be done. An exact formula for the bias is also provided. We discuss possibilities to get rid of this bias or at least to reduce the bias substantially. For this purpose, we propose a certain additive correction of the bias. We see in an example that the significance level of the test can be controlled when this additive correction is used. 相似文献
Arsenic content was assayed in the samples of the femur head of the people living in southern and central Poland (Kraków,
n=13; Silesian region, n=13; Łódź, n=12). The average age being 68.7±8.7 yr. Arsenic content in the femur head was determined applying the hydride generation
atomic absorption spectrometry (HG-AAS) method after microwave mineralization. The average arsenic contents in the femur head
of the residents of the Łódź, Kraków, and Silesian regions were 0.41 μg/g, 0.37 μg/g, and 0.18 μg/g, respectively. No correlation
has been found between arsenic content in the femur head and the content of other metals. Neither the age nor sex of the people
tested affected the arsenic content in the femur head. 相似文献