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Several populations of chimpanzees have been reported to prey upon Dorylus army ants. The most common tool‐using technique to gather these ants is with “dipping” probes, which vary in length with regard to aggressiveness and lifestyle of the prey species. We report the use of a tool set in army ant predation by chimpanzees in the Goualougo Triangle, Republic of Congo. We recovered 1,060 tools used in this context and collected 25 video recordings of chimpanzee tool‐using behavior at ant nests. Two different types of tools were distinguished based on their form and function. The chimpanzees use a woody sapling to perforate the ant nest, and then a herb stem as a dipping tool to harvest the ants. All of the species of ants preyed upon in Goualougo are present and consumed by chimpanzees at other sites, but there are no other reports of such a regular or widespread use of more than one type of tool to prey upon Dorylus ants. Furthermore, this tool set differs from other types of tool combinations used by chimpanzees at this site for preying upon termites or gathering honey. Therefore, we conclude that these chimpanzees have developed a specialized method for preying upon army ants, which involves the use of an additional tool for opening nests. Further research is needed to determine which specific ecological and social factors may have shaped the emergence and maintenance of this technology. Am. J. Primatol. 72:17–24, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Wild chimpanzees are known to have a different repertoire of tool use unique to each community. For example, "ant-dipping" is a tool use behavior known in several chimpanzee communities across Africa targeted at driver ants (Dorylus spp.) on the ground, whereas "ant-fishing," which is aimed at carpenter ants (Camponotus spp.) in trees, has primarily been observed among the chimpanzees of Mahale in Tanzania. Although the evidence for differences between field sites is accumulating, we have little knowledge on how these tool use behaviors appear at each site and on how these are modified over time. This study reports two"ant-fishing" sessions which occurred 2 years apart by a young male chimpanzee at Bossou, Guinea. Ant-fishing had never been observed before in this community over the past 27 years. During the first session, at the age of 5, he employed wands of similar length when ant-fishing in trees to those used for ant-dipping on the ground, which is a customary tool use behavior of this community. Two years later, at the age of 7, his tools for ant-fishing were shorter and more suitable for capturing carpenter ants. This observation is a rare example of innovation in the wild and does provide insights into problem-solving and learning processes in chimpanzees.  相似文献   

The construction of nests (or beds) for sleeping is a chimpanzee universal, yet little is known about the adaptive function of nest-building. We present an in-depth study of nest-building by unhabituated chimpanzees at the Seringbara study site in the Nimba Mountains, Guinea, West Africa. We recorded 1520 chimpanzee nests over 28 mo during three study periods between 2003 and 2008. We investigated where chimpanzees built their nests, both across the home range and in nest trees, and assessed how altitude and habitat type affected nest site selectivity. We examined whether or not chimpanzees were selective in nest tree choice regarding physical tree characteristics and tree species and assessed plant species preference for both tree- and ground-nesting. We tested three, nonmutually exclusive, hypotheses for the function of arboreal nest-building. We assessed whether selectivity for nest tree characteristics reflected an antipredator strategy, examined whether nesting patterns (both arboreal and terrestrial) and nesting height were influenced by variation in climatic conditions (temperature, humidity, wind), and measured mosquito densities at ground level and in trees at 10 m and related mosquito densities to nesting patterns. Chimpanzees preferred to nest above 1000 m and nested mainly in primary forest. They preferred relatively large trees with a low first branch, dense canopy, and small leaves and showed preference for particular tree species, which was stable across years, whereas plant choice for ground-nesting was largely based on plant availability. We found no support for the antipredation hypothesis, nor did mosquito densities explain arboreal nest-building. The thermoregulation hypothesis was supported, as both nesting patterns and nest-height variation across seasons reflected a humidity-avoidance strategy. Chimpanzees nested higher in trees and at higher altitudes in the wet season. In sum, chimpanzees were selective in their choice of nest sites, locations, and materials, and tree-nesting patterns at Seringbara were best explained by a thermoregulation strategy of humidity avoidance.  相似文献   

Population-level right handedness is a human universal, whose evolutionary origins are the source of considerable empirical and theoretical debate. Although our closest neighbor, the chimpanzee, shows some evidence for population-level handedness in captivity, there is little evidence from the wild. Tool-use measures of hand use in chimpanzees have yielded a great deal of variation in directionality and strength in hand preference, which still remains largely unexplored and unexplained. Data on five measures of hand use across four tool-use skills--ant-dipping, algae-scooping, pestle-pounding and nut-cracking--among the wild chimpanzees of Bossou, Guinea, West Africa, are presented here. This study aims to explore age- and sex-class effects, as well as the influence of task motor, cognitive and haptic demands, on the strength and directionality of hand preference within and across all five measures of hand use. Although there was no age- or sex-class effect on the directionality of hand preference, immature 相似文献   

We present a detailed study of ant‐dipping among the wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) of Bossou, in southeastern Guinea, West Africa. Observations suggest a strong influence of prey (Dorylusspp.) characteristics, including aggressiveness and/or gregariousness, on tool length and technique employed by the chimpanzees. Bossou chimpanzees exhibit two ant‐dipping techniques: 1) direct mouthing, and 2) pull‐through. In addition, they were observed dipping for several species of Dorylus ants, classed into two categories: Red and Black. Tool length was longer when dipping in higher‐risk contexts, i.e., at the ants' nest site or on Black ants. The pull‐through technique was almost exclusively associated with dipping at the nest site. This latter technique was associated with tools over 50cm long, whereas direct mouthing was the only technique observed with tools <50cm long. Our experimental findings, together with our observations on the behavior of the chimpanzees, suggest that at the nest, the pull‐through technique was a more efficient technique than direct mouthing. We review our results in the context of ant‐dipping observed at two other long‐term chimpanzee study sites, i.e., Gombe (Tanzania) and Taï (Côte d'Ivoire), where differences in tool length, technique used, and focal Dorylus ant species have been reported. Finally, we urge similar detailed studies of this tool‐use behavior in both Gombe and Taï to shed further light upon our results and their implications. Am. J. Primatol. 58:133–148, 2002. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We investigated oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) use for feeding in 3 chimpanzee communities: Bossou and Seringbara in Guinea and Yealé in Côte d'Ivoire. Bossou was used as the benchmark for comparison. Bossou chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) exhibit a wide range of oil palm targeted behaviors. We used direct observations of their two tool use, i.e., nut-cracking and pestle pounding, to establish strict and reliable criteria to ascertain the presence of comparable behaviors at the two adjacent Nimba sites. Based on monthly surveys of oil palms across the three sites, significant differences in patterns of use emerged. Bossou chimpanzees demonstrated the greatest frequency of oil palm use, while Seringbara chimpanzees, 6 km away, failed to exhibit any use and Yealé chimpanzees, 12 km away, showed all uses comparable to Bossou chimpanzees except pestle pounding and mature leaf pith-feeding. We examined the density and distribution of oil palms, tool availability for nut-cracking and pestle pounding, fruit, flower and nut availability, competition with sympatric species for fruit and nuts and the diversity of fruit species in the diet across the 3 sites. We found no clear difference in proximate environmental variables underlying observed variations in oil palm use among the 3 sites, yielding the conclusion that the differences are cultural. Assuming individual interchange between communities and the involvement of social learning in the intracommunity transmission and maintenance of oil palm uses, the result raises interesting questions about diffusion of behavior between neighboring chimpanzee communities.  相似文献   

Abstract The savannas of South America support a relatively diverse ant fauna, but little is known about the factors that influence the structure and dynamics of these assemblages. In 1998 and 2002, we surveyed the ground‐dwelling ant fauna and the fauna associated with the woody vegetation (using baits and direct sampling) from an Amazonian savanna. The aim was to evaluate the influence of vegetation structure, disturbance by fire and dominant ants on patterns of ant species richness and composition. Variations in the incidence of fires among our 39 survey plots had no or only limited influence on these patterns. In contrast, spatial variations in tree cover and cover by tall grasses (mostly Trachypogon plumosus), significantly affected ant species composition. Part of the variation in species richness among the study plots correlated with variations in the incidence of a dominant species (Solenopsis substituta) at baits. Ant species richness and composition also varied through time, possibly as an indirect effect of changes in vegetation cover. In many plots, and independently of disturbance by fire, there was a major increase in cover by tall grasses, which occupied areas formerly devoid of vegetation. Temporal changes in vegetation did not directly explain the observed increase in the number of ant species per plot. However, the incidence of S. substituta at baits declined sharply in 2002, especially in plots where changes in vegetation cover were more dramatic, and that decline was correlated with an increase in the number of ground‐dwelling species, a greater turnover of bait‐recruiting species and the appearance of the little fire ant Wasmannia auropunctata. The extent to which these changes in fact resulted from the relaxation of dominance by S. substituta is not clear. However, our results strongly suggest that the ant fauna of Amazonian savannas is affected directly and indirectly by the structure of the vegetation.  相似文献   

Wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) used probes made of vegetation to fish for termites (Macrotermes herus) in the Mahale Mountains of western Tanzania. Data on both the artefacts and behavior associated with their use were recorded over a 5-month period. The chimpanzees of one unit group, B Group, were seen four times to use the tools to extract the insects from their mounds. A sample of 290 tools was collected and analyzed in terms of age, seasonality, length, width, class of raw materials, species, methods of making, extent of use, and damage incurred through use. There were differences across groups in tool use in feeding on termites; some could be related to biotic factors, but others appeared to be cultural differences.  相似文献   

We studied seasonal change in habitat use by chimpanzees in the Kalinzu Forest, Uganda. The forest comprises various types of vegetation. For each vegetation type, we compared number of chimpanzees (per km2) that used the vegetation with fruit availability in different census periods. We estimated the number of chimpanzees by nest count and fruit availability via density of fallen fruit. The mixed mature forest contained a large amount of fruit during the high-fruiting season, but it decreased rapidly in the low-fruiting season. The number of chimpanzees also decreased in mixed mature forest in approximate proportion with fruit availability. In the Parinari-dominated mature and secondary forests, both fruit availability and number of chimpanzees were very low throughout the study. In the Musanga-dominated secondary forest, the number of chimpanzees increased toward the low-fruiting season, though the fruit availability decreased slightly. A multiple regression analysis showed that various fruits had significant effects on the number of chimpanzees during the high-fruiting season, while only Musanga leo-errerae had a significant effect during the low-fruiting season. The results suggest that the fruit of Musanga leo-errerae functions as a fallback food, and a combination of different vegetation types supports the chimpanzees in the Kalinzu Forest.  相似文献   

Three species of Aenictus with reduced numbers of antennal segments (8–9) occur in Southeast Asia: A. jarujini sp. nov., A. latifemoratus and A. silvestrii. Aenictus latifemoratus is new to Java and Borneo, while A. silvestrii is recorded for the first time from Borneo.  相似文献   

Two plataspid hemipteran species proliferated on Bridelia micrantha(Euphorbiaceae). Colonies of Libyaspis sp., never attendedby ants, developed on branches, while Caternaultiella rugosa lived at the base of the trunks, mostly in association withCamponotus brutus that attends them in carton shelters. Bothplataspid species are prey of the coccinellid beetle Anisolemniatetrasticta, whose larvae always detected them by contact.When attacked the Libyaspis nymphs cowered, so that the hypertrophiedlateral sides of their tergits made contact with the substrate,but the ladybirds slid their long forelegs under these nymphs,lifted them, and bit them on the ventral face. The Caternaultiellanymphs, which do not have hypertrophied extremities of thetergits, tried to escape at contact with the ladybirds, butwere rarely successful. To capture them, the ladybirds eitheradopted the previous behavior or directly grasped then bitthem. We noted a graded aggressiveness in the ants toward theladybirds according to the situation: no aggressiveness onthe tree branches; stopping the ladybirds that approached theshelters where the ants attended Caternaultiella; and fullattack of ladybirds that tried to capture Caternaultiella nymphssituated outside shelters. The latter behavior can emit analarm pheromone that triggers the dispersion of their congenerswhile attracting attending C. brutus workers. Naive workersare not attracted, so we deduce that this behavior is the resultof a kind of learning.  相似文献   

The papers in this Special Issue examine tool use and manual gestures in primates as a window on the evolution of the human capacity for language. Neurophysiological research has supported the hypothesis of a close association between some aspects of human action organization and of language representation, in both phonology and semantics. Tool use provides an excellent experimental context to investigate analogies between action organization and linguistic syntax. Contributors report and contextualize experimental evidence from monkeys, great apes, humans and fossil hominins, and consider the nature and the extent of overlaps between the neural representations of tool use, manual gestures and linguistic processes.  相似文献   

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