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Fur condition in wild ringtailed lemurs, Lemur catta, was recorded during September–November birth seasons 2001–2006 at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. Body coat condition was scored on a scale from BS 0: full, smooth coat with guard hairs, to BS5: half or more of back and limbs hairless. Tail condition was scored from TS 0: full, to TS 5: half or more hairless. Where troop core areas included stands of Leucaena leucocephala, alopecia was dramatically more frequent than in similar areas without leucaena, including many animals with score BS5 or TS5, “bald lemur syndrome.” Female coats were worse than males,' possibly related to female dominance and access to this preferred food. Tails in non‐leucaena‐feeding females tend to remain full, even if coats deteriorate, but with leucaena‐feeding female tails are highly correlated with coat condition and equally bare. Coat and tail condition in L. catta reflected not only the dietary toxin but individual differences as well as differences between adjacent troops that may result from territorially mediated access to the environment. Leucaena contains the non‐protein amino acid mimosine, a known cause of alopecia, wasting, and organ damage in livestock, although the effects are usually reversible. This is the first case of its effect in wildlife. Leucaena is an agroforestry tree introduced throughout the tropics. In high dietary concentrations leucaena might potentially affect any browsing mammal. Am. J. Primatol. 71:199–205, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mating behavior of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at Berenty,Madagascar   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The mating behavior of ring-tailed lemurs at Berenty, Madagascar, was observed in April 1982. Although Troop A included five adult females, only two were observed to mate. The mating period covered two consecutive days, April 24 and 25. Each female was receptive for about 4 hr. Data from 47 copulations, of which 38 were with ejaculation, suggest that to be the first mating partner is of importance for male ring-tailed lemurs. Previously it has been suggested that male dominance is of little significance in determining mating partners. In this investigation it was observed that the second most dominant male MK was always the first mating partner. Only after several ejaculations and resultant fatigue did he lose possession of the female to lower ranking males, and the first ranking male was not seen to copulate with either female at any time. These results suggest that a male's mating success is partly, but not completely correlated with his dominance rank, and that other factors, including his length of residence in the group and female choice, also determine patterns of mating.  相似文献   

A detailed fission process in a wild ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) troop was observed at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. The troop fission occurred as follows: 1) During the birth season in 2000, two adult females (mother and daughter) were evicted as a result of "targeted aggression" (i.e., intense and persistent aggressive behavior toward particular individuals). 2) Two adult and three immature females in the same kin group as the evicted females spontaneously immigrated into the new group. 3) A male immigrated into the new group 1.5 months later. 4) The new troop successfully established its own home range. This report exemplifies three characteristics of troop fission in ring-tailed lemurs. First, targeted aggression initiated the fission process. Second, the troop females divided along matrilineal lines. Finally, no male played a specific role in the fission process.  相似文献   

Lemur catta Troop D at Berenty Reserve has been studied intermittently for 35 years. During 90 hours of continuous sampling in August 1998, I observed and mapped troop movement and scent marking. I compared these observations with data from June, 1975. The core of Troop D1's 1998 home range is the same as for Troop D in 1975. Sixty-two percent of Troop D1's time in 1998 was spent in the 1975 home range, and 52% of their scent marks were placed in that 1975 home range. The remainder of their time was spent in an extension of their home range, which is now an area of confrontation with an adjacent troop. They used the same sleeping trees in the 2 years, and all of the 1998 scent marks deposited in the 1975 home range were placed in the same locations marked in 1975. The similarities in their use of space in 1975 and 1998 were remarkable.  相似文献   

Affiliative behavior between adult male and female ringtailed lemurs was examined as part of a project concerning male affiliation with conspecifics of all age/sex classes. Males in three social groups were studied over a 12 month period. Male-female preferred partnerships existed, and were variable according to reproductive season. Dominance rank, age, or tenure of the male did not appear to affect either the number of partnerships or frequency of affiliative behaviors that males had with females. However, males residing in groups with fewer males exhibited both higher frequencies of affiliative interactions with females and were nearest neighbors to females more often than males living in a group containing more males. Females were found to be responsible for proximity maintenance of male-female dyads in the majority of cases. Neither reproductive season nor seasonal availability of food resources strongly affected the frequency of affiliative interactions between males and females, it is proposed that an important aspect of successful group membership for male ringtailed lemurs relates to the development of social relationships with adult females. Males can benefit from such relationships in terms of greater centrality to the spatial core of the group, which can result in enhanced predator protection, greater opportunities for social contact, and potentially greater access to estrous females. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An index of coat condition can be a non‐invasive tool for tracking health and stress at population level. Coat condition in ringtailed lemurs, Lemur catta, was recorded during September–November birth seasons of 1996, 1997, 1999, and 2001–2006 at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. Condition was scored on a scale from 0: full, fluffy coat with guard hairs present, to 5: half or more of body hairless. Adult males did not differ overall from adult females. Coats were worse in adults than in 2‐year‐old subadults; 1‐year‐old juveniles were intermediate. Mothers and adult males lost coat condition as the season progressed: non‐mother females maintained condition. Years 1999–2002 scored better coats than either 1996–1997 or 2003–2006. Lemurs in high population density areas had worse coats than in natural forest, but tourist presence had less effect than density. Monitoring coat condition in an apparently healthy population reveals differences between population segments, and in a forest fragment with limited immigration or emigration it can track progressive changes, correcting impressions of progressive improvement or degradation over time. Above all it gives a baseline for response to climate changes or eventual pathology. Am. J. Primatol. 71:191–198, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Intermale affiliative behavior was studied in three groups of naturally occurring ringtailed lemurs over a one-year period. The adult males in the sample exhibited affiliative behavior with all other males in their social groups; but affiliative behavior between some male-male dyads occurred markedly more often than between others. These dyads are called “preferred partnerships.” The formation of preferred partnerships did not appear to be influenced by male dominance rank or age-class. Furthermore, these partnerships were of a short-term nature, and none persisted throughout the entire study period. The following factors may explain the absence of rank or age effects, and the brevity of preferred partnerships: (1) frequent fluctuation in the male dominance hierarchy in each study group; (2) the fact that higher-ranking males may not offer specific benefits to lower-ranking males; and (3) the fact that male dispersal affected the male membership of each group over the 12-month study period. The focal males engaged in significantly more affiliative behavior during the lactation period compared with the other reproductive seasons. Migration partners may offer each other predator protection during the transfer process, and although males that transfer together do not engage in alliance or coalition behavior towards resident males, males transferring in pairs or threesomes are in a better position to spot and defend themselves against attack by resident males. Migration partners also provide social contact for each other while in the process of immigration.  相似文献   

In the present study, we describe a change in the dominance rank of the top-ranking female in a wild troop of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. After the top-ranking female fell to the bottom-ranking position, she was able to outrank a low-ranking female with the support of her adult daughter or an unrelated high-ranking female. These results indicate that, as in cercopithecine monkeys such as macaques and baboons, close proximity and alliances influence dominance relations among adult females in a wild troop of ring-tailed lemurs.  相似文献   

I examined the vigilance behavior of adult males and females in two groups of ring-tailed lemurs(Lemur catta)during the birth and lactation season at the Beza-Mahafaly Reserve, southwestern Madagascar. I found no sex difference with respect to the rates of overall vigilance, rates of vigilance toward a potential predator or unfamiliar sound, or rates of vigilance toward conspecifics from other social groups, nor were there sex differences in the percentage of time spent vigilant in any of the above categories. Higher-ranking females were vigilant significantly more often toward predators or potential predators than lower-ranking females were. I detected no relationship between vigilance behavior and dominance rank among adult males. The alpha female in each group exhibited significantly more vigilance behavior than all other members of her group. It was predicted that males should exhibit more vigilance behavior than females do, particularly during the birth and lactation season, when predator pressure is high, if they are benefiting females in this respect. I discuss the results in the context of this prediction and in terms of how ring-tailed lemur males benefit females, and why they may be tolerated in social groups.  相似文献   

Coat condition can be influenced by a wide variety of disorders and thus provides a useful tool for noninvasive health and welfare assessments in wild and captive animals. Using Lemur catta as an exemplar, we offer a 6‐step scoring system for coat and tail condition, ranging from perfectly fluffy to half or more of body and tail being hairless. The categories are described in detail and illustrated with sample pictures from a wild population in Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. Furthermore, we elaborate on intermediate conditions and discoloration of fur. Coat condition scoring allows the comparison between years, seasons, and the effect of toxin, disease or stress. Although this system was developed for wild L. catta, we believe it can also be of value for other species. We recommend scoring coat condition in healthy wild mammal populations to give a baseline on yearly and seasonal variations vs. deteriorating health conditions or pathology. Am. J. Primatol. 71:183–190, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We observed two free-ranging troops of ring-tailed lemurs at the Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. Kinship affinities in these troops are known only for mothers and their offspring 4 years of age. We attempted to quantify social relationships. Almost all agonistic interactions were dyadic, and triadic agonistic interactions, such as alliances, were very rare. Dominance hierarchies in both sexes in the two troops were not linear. As in cercopithecine monkeys, mothers were dominant over their adult daughters. However, the daughters were not ranked immediately below their mothers. Close proximity and social grooming occurred more frequently between closely related females, such as mother–daughter and sister–sister dyads, than between unrelated females. Frequent-proximity relations also occurred between adult males that had emigrated from another troop and entered the present troop together, even though they did not rank closely to one another. Subordinates were likely to groom and to greet dominants more frequently than vice versa. During group encounters, particular females were involved in agonistic interactions with animals of other troops, regardless of dominance rank. Adult males, regardless of their dominance rank, but not adult females, constantly tried to drive solitary males away.  相似文献   

An orphaned infant ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta) was attacked persistently by immigrant males and disappeared with severe wounds at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar. Prior to the attacks, two troop members disappeared. On 20 November 1998, the only resident male in Troop C2B disappeared suddenly. After the disappearance, nine males from three neighboring troops approached, but only six males continued to shadow the troop. Of the females, the one lactating female attacked the males the most frequently. On 21 January 1999, the lactating female disappeared and her infant was orphaned. Subsequently, five attacks on the infant by immigrant males were observed for five consecutive days from January 23 to 27. The aggression was persistent and specifically targeted the infant, suggesting that the attacks were purposeful aggression, rather than redirected or accidental aggression. The primary attacker was the most dominant of the immigrant males, and mated with females in the next mating season.  相似文献   

Several Lemur catta troops at Berenty, Madagascar have been censused repeatedly since 1963. In 1972, the entire reserve was censused. A recensus in 1975 showed that although some minor changes have occurred in the number of animals in individual troops, the population of the reserve as a whole, the core areas of the lemurs' territories, and their home range boundaries have all remained stable ever since the first complete census 3 years earlier.  相似文献   

Lemur catta shares a male-biased dispersal pattern with most primate species and the majority of mammals. Individuals in a free-ranging population of ringtailed lemurs were captured, marked, released, and monitored for a 40-month period. Sixty-four percent of the males (43 of 67) migrated or were missing within this period and all nine censused groups were affected by migration. Males migrate from their natal group and then may migrate again after reaching full adult body weight. Full-sized adult males migrate at a rate of 0.28 per year or once every 3.5 years and may change groups a number of times during their life. Migrations occurred within a 6-month period, ending just after the mating season. However, there is no direct connection between mating success and male migration. Females mate with transferring males, with group males, and with visitors from adjacent groups. The age-related pattern of male migration and the occurrence of extragroup mating inLemur catta is similar to that described for several species of macaques.  相似文献   

We censused Lemur catta within a 1 km2 study area at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar, during the September–October birth season for 19 years between 1963 and 2000, a total of 290 troop counts (266 with age and sex). The non-infant population was 155 in 1972–5, fell to 105 in 1985, and rose to a maximum of 282 in 1997, while troops increased from 12 in 1972–1985 up to 25 in 1998–2000. Local density varies between habitat types from 1 per ha to ca. 6 per ha. Troops fission at ca. 15–25 individuals, or 6–10 females. Adult sex ratio has no apparent correlation with fissions, birth rate or survival. Birth rate falls steeply with number of adult females, from 80–100% in 2-female troops to about 50% in 8–10 female troops. The penalty for large troop size is greater in the dense, rich areas, but nonetheless troops there are also larger. One-year-survival does not vary with troop size, and is lower in the sparse, dry zone. Troop size is too large for optimal birth rate, but fissioning to much lower size might make troops too small for optimal adult survival, given the intense intertroop competition. This reflects Sibley's (1983) conjecture that troop sizes may not reach stable optima. Rainfall per lemur-year (beginning Oct 1) varied from 265 to 894 mm. Drought followed by rain can eliminate >90% of a cohort, especially in the dryest zone. Possibly this results from fruit failure in years following drought. It is unknown whether food supplementation of some Berenty troops is dangerous for the forest, or helpful for an isolated and vulnerable ring-tailed lemur population.  相似文献   

Madagascar's ring‐tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) are experiencing rapid population declines due to ongoing habitat loss and fragmentation, as well as increasing exploitation for bushmeat and the illegal pet trade. Despite being the focus of extensive and ongoing behavioral studies, there is comparatively little known about the genetic population structuring of the species. Here, we present the most comprehensive population genetic analysis of ring‐tailed lemurs to date from across their likely remaining geographic range. We assessed levels of genetic diversity and population genetic structure using multilocus genotypes for 106 adult individuals from nine geographically representative localities. Population structure and FST analyses revealed moderate genetic differentiation with localities being geographically partitioned into northern, southern, western and also potentially central clusters. Overall genetic diversity, in terms of allelic richness and observed heterozygosity, was high in the species (AR = 4.74, HO = 0.811). In fact, it is the highest among all published lemur estimates to date. While these results are encouraging, ring‐tailed lemurs are currently affected by ongoing habitat fragmentation and occur at lower densities in poorer quality habitats. The effects of continued isolation and fragmentation, coupled with climate‐driven environmental instability, will therefore likely impede the long‐term viability of the species.  相似文献   

Antiraptor responses from forest-living ringtailed lemurs to advertisement calls of naturally-occurring red-tailed hawks suggested that the lemurs discriminated these calls from other environmental sounds. A series of playback experiments, using real animal sounds and synthetic sound probes, was conducted to investigate the acoustic basis of this putative discrimination. Two semi-captive groups of ringtails served as study subjects: one group had many years of experience living in the forest, whereas the other group had relatively little such experience. Responses to playbacks suggested that both groups used the same acoustic criteria to discriminate “calls of large hawks” from other sounds, but the range of auditory stimuli that evoked antiraptor responses was broader for the experienced group than for the inexperienced group. Although several interpretations of the experimental results are possible, one that seems particularly compatible with the data is the “prototype” concept of stimulus categorization.  相似文献   

Like most of Madagascar's endemic primates, ring‐tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) face a number of threats to their survival. Although habitat loss is of greatest concern, other anthropogenic factors including environmental contamination may also affect lemur health and survival. In this study, we examined ring‐tailed lemurs from the Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve (BMSR), southern Madagascar for exposure to organochlorine (OC) pesticides and metals and examined differences in contaminant concentrations between sexes and among age groups, troops, and habitats. A total of 14 pesticides and 13 metals was detected in lemur blood (24 individuals) and hair (65 individuals) samples, respectively. p,p′‐DDT, heptachlor, aldrin, heptachlor epoxide, endrin aldehyde, and endrin were among the most prevalent pesticides detected. Surprisingly, the persistent metabolite of p,p′‐DDT, p,p′‐DDE, was not detected. The most commonly detected metals were aluminum, zinc, boron, phosphorus, silicon, and copper, whereas metals considered more hazardous to wildlife (e.g. arsenic, cadmium, lead, selenium, vanadium) were not found above detection limits. Overall, concentrations of OC pesticides and metals were low and similar to those considered to be background concentrations in other studies examining the ecotoxicology of wild mammals. Few inter‐sex, ‐age, ‐troop, and ‐habitat differences in contaminant concentrations were observed, suggesting a uniform distribution of contaminants within the reserve. Several statistically significant relationships between lemur body size and contaminant concentrations were observed, but owing to the lack of supportive data regarding contaminant exposure in wild primates, the biological significance of these findings remains uncertain. Results of this study document exposure of ring‐tailed lemurs at BMSR to multiple OC pesticides and metals and provide essential baseline data for future health and toxicological evaluations of lemurs and other wild primates, especially those in regions with expanding agricultural and mining operations. Am. J. Primatol. 71:998–1010, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Chemical deterioration of teeth is common among modern humans, and has been suggested for some extinct primates. Dental erosion caused by acidic foods may also obscure microwear signals of mechanical food properties. Ring-tailed lemurs at the Beza Mahafaly Special Reserve (BMSR), Madagascar, display frequent severe tooth wear and subsequent tooth loss. In contrast, sympatric Verreaux's sifaka display far less tooth wear and infrequent tooth loss, despite both species regularly consuming acidic tamarind fruit. We investigated the potential impact of dietary acidity on tooth wear, collecting data on salivary pH from both species, as well as salivary pH from ring-tailed lemurs at Tsimanampesotse National Park, Madagascar. We also collected salivary pH data from ring-tailed lemurs at the Indianapolis Zoo, none of which had eaten for at least 12 hr before data collection. Mean salivary pH for the BMSR ring-tailed lemurs (8.098, n=41, SD=0.550) was significantly more alkaline than Verreaux's sifaka (7.481, n=26, SD=0.458). The mean salivary pH of BMSR (8.098) and Tsimanampesotse (8.080, n=25, SD=0.746) ring-tailed lemurs did not differ significantly. Salivary pH for the Indianapolis Zoo sample (8.125, n=16, SD=0.289) did not differ significantly from either the BMSR or Tsimanampesotse ring-tailed lemurs, but was significantly more alkaline than the BMSR Verreaux's sifaka sample. Regardless of the time between feeding and collection of pH data (from several minutes to nearly 1 hr), salivary pH for each wild lemur was above the "critical" pH of 5.5, below which enamel demineralization occurs. Thus, the high pH of lemur saliva suggests a strong buffering capacity, indicating the impact of acidic foods on dental wear is short-lived, likely having a limited effect. However, tannins in tamarind fruit may increase friction between teeth, thereby increasing attrition and wear in lemurs. These data also suggest that salivary pH varies between lemur species, corresponding to broad dietary categories.  相似文献   

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