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The pet trade in freshwater crustaceans, including crayfish, has grown rapidly in recent decades and become an important pathway for introducing new non-indigenous species into Europe. This paper provides the first overview of non-indigenous crayfish species (NICS) traded as ornamental and their potential impact in the Czech Republic, which is the second leading importer into Europe. The paper presents a full list of traded crayfish species, their market availability, and trade names or misnomers used in the country. In total, 27 crayfish species from all three families are advertised and marketed, of which Astacus astacus is the only indigenous species. Only three NICS were recognized as very common on the market. The invasiveness and risk associated with ornamental crayfish trade were assessed using the Freshwater Invertebrate Invasiveness Scoring Kit. Five NICS were classified into the high-risk category, the highest score being for Procambarus fallax f. virginalis. The invasiveness of crayfish indigenous to North America is significantly greater than that of crayfish from the rest of the world, and therefore regulation in this regard is recommended.  相似文献   

Indigenous freshwater crayfish species (ICS) are important biodiversity components and desirable fishery targets. However, ICS populations are increasingly threatened by various anthropogenic stressors. Moreover, established populations of non-indigenous freshwater crayfish species (NICS) and new ‘waves’ of NICS introductions exert significant pressure on ICS populations at a pan-European level. These effects include direct competition for space and resources as well as crayfish ‘plague’ transmission from introduced North American species. Given low public knowledge of this problematic, considerable risk of future introductions exist as a result of conventional and internet-based aquarium trade, which often lead to deliberate and/or accidental releases of NICS into the wild. In 2011, we conducted a survey of freshwater crayfish species in eleven large-size pet shops located in three major cities and in three large internet-based aquarium companies in Greece. Overall, eight species belonging to three genera (Procambarus, Cherax and Cambarellus) were recorded, originating from the USA, Australia, New Guinea and Mexico. The invasion potential of the three most popular species was assessed using the Freshwater Invertebrate Invasiveness Scoring Kit (FI-ISK). Two species were determined to constitute a ‘very high risk’ of invasion. As such, regulatory measures need to be implemented to monitor the ornamental trade of NICS in Greece and a national framework developed for protecting ICS.  相似文献   

Freshwater ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to biological invasions; the aquatic animal pet trade has been recognized as a significant pathway of introductions. Crayfish are considered a model group of traded organisms with a series of highly successful species already established in the wild, having the potential to negatively influence both indigenous crayfish species (ICS) as well as alter occupied ecosystems. Eastern Europe includes the entire native ranges of indigenous Astacus leptodactylus sensu lato and A. pachypus. This region has been largely overlooked and considered relatively safe from the adverse impacts of non-indigenous crayfish species (NICS). In this study, we evaluated the crayfish pet trade in the Lower Volga Region with special emphasis on Astrakhan, the biggest city of Russian Federation in the region located just in the delta of Volga River, thus being a potential gateway of introductions to the Caspian Sea and adjacent freshwaters. The local pet trade involves 12 NICS. Considering their origin, availability, probability of establishment, invasiveness and further aspects, Procambarus fallax f. virginalis, P. clarkii and Cherax destructor are considered potentially the most problematic, including transmission of diseases like crayfish plague caused by Aphanomyces astaci or white spot syndrome virus. Taking this information as a whole, the availability of NICS with a high probability of overlapping the entire range of European ICS means that attention is warranted. Further research is needed to corroborate the abilities of NICS and their associated diseases to withstand specific conditions of the Caspian Sea as well as the adjacent Black and Azov Seas, all possessing different degrees of elevated salinity.  相似文献   

After interest in keeping crayfish (Crustacea, Decapoda, Astacida) in home aquaria peaked in the mid-2000s, the aquarium trade has become a novel introduction pathway for non-native crayfish species in Germany. Here, we provide an update on the ornamental crayfish trade approximately one decade after the ‘crayfish hype’ to explore the long-term implications in terms of bio-invasion risk. Specifically, species’ availability in e-commerce and potential invasiveness were assessed and compared to previous studies. Morphological and ecological traits of the offered species were compiled and related to their long-term availability (covering 2005–2015). In July 2015, a total of 31 online shops offered 28 crayfish species, which represents a decline of 24 % in species diversity compared to the late 2000s. The estimated rate of import of new species has considerably flattened and approaches pre-hype values (<1 species year?1). However, the risk associated with the offered species, as assessed by a risk screening tool, has not decreased compared to the late 2000s. Long-term availability in the trade was primarily determined by bright coloration, the ability to reproduce under warm aquarium conditions, and a preference for lentic habitats. Species featuring such traits are likely to persist in the aquarium trade and include four high-risk species, most notably invasive and crayfish plague-carrying red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) and Marmorkrebs (Procambarus fallax f. virginalis). Persistent propagule pressure from aquaria has substantially contributed to the establishment of both species in Germany, stressing the need for more effective pathway management.  相似文献   

Threat of non-native crayfish introductions into Turkey: global lessons   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Introductions of crayfish species from their home range to new environments have been carried out in many parts of the world. The most important introduced crayfish species are Procambarus clarkii, Pacifastacus leniusculus, Cherax destructor, C. quadricarinatus, Orconectes limosus, O. rusticus and Astacus leptodactylus. The environmental impact of crayfish introductions can be positive, negative or neutral. However, native crayfish populations in Europe have been negatively affected by introductions of non-indigenous crayfish species from America. Negative effects of non-native crayfish introductions included displacement of native crayfish species, transfer of disease (crayfish plague), consumption of fish eggs, reduction of fish stocks, consumption of large amounts of macrophytes, indirect and direct effects on other invertebrates and upsetting production in rice fields. As a result of non-native crayfish introductions, the natural harvest and crayfish industry in Europe have been severely affected. Large quantities of Turkish A. leptodactylus were harvested (approximately 7,000 tonnes annually) and exported to Europe before the crayfish plague was observed in these populations. The total harvest of A. leptodactylus in Turkey reduced dramatically to 320 in 1991 after the plague. Therefore, although Turkey currently has no known non-native crayfish species, there is a threat of non-native crayfish introduction in order to increase crayfish productions and subsequent harvest. The North American spiny-cheek crayfish, O. limosus, has been spreading quickly down the River Danube and could soon reach neighboring countries including Turkey. The North American signal crayfish, P. leniusculus is known from Greece and could be a threat to native stocks if it is introduced into Turkey for aquaculture. Additional threats may come from the release of other North American species, which are widely available through the aquarium trade. We conclude that the spread of non-native crayfish introductions throughout Turkey will increase local problems, because introductions of non-native crayfish in many parts of the world have been known to have caused important reductions in population density and numbers of native crayfish species. Furthermore, freshwater ecosystems may be altered by such introductions and the economic viability of native crayfish species fisheries could be severely reduced in Turkey.  相似文献   

Aquaculture and maritime traffic have been identified as the main vectors for introductions of alien marine species. Except for one notorious case of Caulerpa taxifolia, the role of aquarium trade towards the introduction of alien seaweeds has been largely unassessed. Here, we address the risk of accidental release of seaweed species from the aquarium trade market in European waters. We assessed the importance and diversity of seaweed species in the European online aquarium retail circuit. Our web survey revealed more than 30 genera available for online sale into Europe, including known introduced and invasive species. A second aspect of the study consisted in sampling algal diversity found in aquaria. While allowing direct and accurate identification of the specimens, this approach was targeting not only ornamental species, but also seaweeds that may be accidentally present in the aquarium circuit. By DNA-barcoding we identified no less than 134 taxa, 7 of which are flagged as introduced in Europe and 5 reported as invasive. Climate envelope models show that at least 23 aquarium species have the potential to thrive in European waters. As expected by the tropical conditions in most aquaria, southern Atlantic regions of Europe and the Mediterranean are the most vulnerable towards new introductions. Further predictions show that this risk will increase and shift northwards as global warming proceeds. Overall our data indicate that aquarium trade poses a potential risk of new seaweed introductions, and calls for a cautious approach.  相似文献   

The keeping of home aquaria is one of the most popular hobbies globally. In contrast to the ornamental fish trade, decapod crustaceans such as shrimps, crayfish and crabs are relatively new to the pet trade. Nevertheless, the popularity of ornamental shrimp in freshwater aquaria has rapidly increased in recent years. Indonesia is one of the leading producers and exporters of ornamental aquatic animals globally and the Czech Republic is a gateway for these animals into the European Union territory. The pathway for introductions of organisms unintentionally moved in association with ornamental shrimps via the international trade has to date not been evaluated. We examined a small number of shrimps imported from Indonesia into the Czech Republic in May 2015 and found large numbers of the protozoan Vorticella sp., one species of scutariellid temnocephalidan (Caridinicola sp.), and one species of bdelloid rotifer, associated with two species of atyid shrimps, indicating an invasion risk from fauna carried unintentionally by this vector. Although our observations were limited in scale, we estimate the total number of commensal fauna imported into the Czech Republic with ornamental shrimps via the pet trade to be in the order of hundreds of thousands per month. As attached organisms can directly or indirectly cause diseases in certain species of decapod crustaceans, we recommend five steps to reduce risks of introduction of “hitchhikers” to aquaria and wildlife.  相似文献   

A Characterization of the Non-indigenous Flora of the Azores Archipelago   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The 9 Azores islands are located in the North Atlantic Ocean, about 1500 km from Europe. The vascular plant flora, consisting of 1002 taxa, was characterized using a database. Biogeographic and historic criteria were used to categorize the taxa as indigenous (31%) and non-indigenous (69%). The proportion of non-indigenous vascular plant taxa is higher than in other island ecosystems. This might have resulted from the removal of native vegetation and the introduction of many cultivated and ornamental plants, and from the relatively large extension of the agricultural landscape. The introduced plants were largely subcosmopolitan therophytes and hemicryptophytes, mainly Dicotyledoneae and Monocotyledoneae. The families with highest absolute contributions were similar to those in other areas of the world (Poaceae, Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Brassicaceae, Scrophulariaceae), but not all contributed as expected by their species richness worldwide. Many were introduced as ornamental or crop plants, but there were also many accidental introductions of weeds (about 55% of non-indigenous taxa). Considering the 9 islands, the percentage of introductions was positively correlated with human population density and island surface below 300 m, and negatively correlated with island surface allocated to natural areas.  相似文献   

Human mediated introductions of non-indigenous crayfish species (NICS) are responsible for their rapid colonisation of European freshwaters. The introduction of North American crayfish is furthermore linked to the spread of crayfish plague and the decline of indigenous crayfish species (ICS). As the management of ICS and NICS have become necessary, a detailed knowledge on their distribution and ecological requirements is needed. We studied the current range of native noble crayfish Astacus astacus and stone crayfish Austropotamobius torrentium, as well as alien signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus in Carinthia (Austria) and evaluated environmental and physical habitat features in streams with and without crayfish. Meanwhile, the loss of many ICS populations was recorded and alien P. leniusculus was found to be widespread in this region. Most of the habitat features of streams having crayfish differed significantly from sites lacking crayfish for at least one investigated native or alien species. Furthermore, multivariate and regression analyses showed specific differences in the habitat use of the investigated crayfish. Our results showed that the presence of alien P. leniusculus was associated with larger and smoother sloped lowland rivers, while the occurrence of the two native species was confined to smaller streams either at higher altitudes and with distinct physical habitat conditions (A. torrentium) or with moderate water temperatures (A. astacus). This study helps to identify potential refuge areas for the endangered native species and to predict the further spread of the most common non-native crayfish species in European streams.  相似文献   

Fourteen non-indigenous fish species have been successfully introduced to the wild within the territory of Flanders; nine are considered naturalized. Most of the introductions occurred prior to 1950, with six species introduced since then. This paper reviews the available, hitherto scattered, information (including 'grey literature') on these 14 non-indigenous fish species introductions, and evaluates a decade of data from fisheries surveys to assess the recent development of these non-indigenous populations. Gibel carp Carassius gibelio and topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva are the most widespread of the non-indigenous species in Flemish waters, and both continue to expand their ranges. A reduction in range has been observed in brown bullhead Ameiurus nebulosus only. A case is presented for not including European catfish Silurus glanis , sunbleak Leucaspius delineatus and European bullhead Cottus gobio on the list of non-indigenous freshwater fishes in Flanders. Also discussed are non-indigenous fish species that are likely to colonize Flanders inland waters in the near future.  相似文献   

We assessed how establishment patterns of non-native freshwater, marine and terrestrial species into Northwest Europe (using Great Britain, France, Belgium and the Netherlands as the study countries) have changed over time, and identified the prevalent pathways and vectors of recent arrivals. Data were extracted from 33 sources on (a) presence/absence and (b) first year of observation in the wild in each country, and (c) continent(s) of origin, (d) invasion pathway(s), (e) invasion vector(s) and (f) environment(s) for 359 species, comprising all non-native Mollusca, Osteichthyes (bony fish), Anseriformes (wildfowl) and Mammalia, and non-native invasive Angiospermae present in the area. Molluscs, fish and wildfowl, particularly those originating from South America, arrived more recently into Northwest Europe than other groups, particularly mammals, invasive plants and species originating from North America. Non-deliberate introductions, those of aquatic species and those from elsewhere in Europe and/or Asia increased strongly in importance after the year 2000 and were responsible for 69, 83 and 89 % of new introductions between 2001 and 2015, respectively. Non-deliberate introductions and those from Asia and North America contributed significantly more to introductions of invasive species in comparison to other non-native species. From the 1960s, ornamental trade has increased in importance relative to other vectors and was responsible for all deliberate introductions of study groups since 2001. Non-deliberate introductions of freshwater and marine species originating from Southeast Europe and Asia represent an increasingly important ecological and economic threat to Northwest Europe. Invertebrates such as molluscs may be particularly dangerous due to their small size and difficulties in detection. Prevention of future invasions in this respect will require intensive screening of stowaways on boats and raising of public awareness.  相似文献   

Water bodies of West Siberia mainly belong to the Ob River basin, which is not connected to other basins by shipping canals. The relative isolation of the basin predetermined the major role of industrial fisheries and aquarium trade in alien invertebrate transfer into the basin reservoirs. About 60% of the alien species were introduced into water bodies of West Siberia through industrial fisheries, and about 40% through aquarium fisheries. This paper is the first attempt to supplement a list of alien aquatic invertebrates from the Ob River basin. The data on the spread of 21 known non-indigenous species of invertebrates in this area are available. It should be noted that 7 species were deliberately introduced to enhance food reserves for fish, 8 were released by aquarists, 5 were inadvertently released during fish and forage organism introduction, and 1 (a crayfish) was imported for human consumption. For species with a known establishment period, there was a prolonged lag time in cases of both intentional and inadvertent introduction. The high invasion rate in the relatively isolated water bodies of the Ob River basin is comparable to that in Europe; hence, establishment of control over fishery-induced movement of alien invertebrates is required.  相似文献   

Despite their wide distribution and ecological importance, almost no information is available about the role of freshwater crayfish as basibiont for epizoic algae. Moreover, studies on epizoic freshwater diatoms have been largely neglected. In this study, we examined the occurrence of diatoms on two sympatric species, the native white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes and the non-indigenous signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus, coexisting in the same stream in NW Italy. We detected that signal crayfish showed a far more productive epizoic algal community than white-clawed crayfish. Microscopical analysis confirmed that non-indigenous crayfish hosted rich and diversified diatom communities while virtually no diatom was found on the native. After analyzing different hypotheses, we suggested that this significant difference can be the result of diverse crayfish behavioral habits. Because of the lack of studies investigating epibiontic diatoms on freshwater crayfish, we performed a detailed characterization on the epizoic flora, including comparisons with natural epilithic communities. The exponential diffusion of non-indigenous freshwater crayfish is a subject of greatest interest. Increasing our knowledge on their role as basibionts is definitely necessary to better understand their ecological role, also considering their influence on primary producer community and their role as vectors of algal species of concern, such as Didymosphenia geminata.  相似文献   

Multiple species invasions and limited resources for management require prioritisation of deleterious effects of invaders on imperilled native species. This study prioritises the threat of six non-indigenous crayfish species (NICS) to three indigenous crayfish species (ICS) in southwestern Germany, a European region with high diversity of crayfish species and freshwater habitats. Using multivariate statistical analyses and niche-based species distribution models, the (1) contemporary and potential range overlap, (2) habitat overlap, and (3) rate of spread of the nine species were assessed. Predicted and contemporary range overlap with ICS was consistently the highest for the alien signal crayfish. Environmental niches of ICS tended to be associated with cooler temperatures (except for white-clawed crayfish), lower Human Influence Index, and higher terrain slope than that of alien Orconectes and Procambarus species, but were mostly similar to that of signal crayfish. Habitat overlap was found to be the highest between signal crayfish and ICS. In contrast to Orconectes and Procambarus species, signal crayfish also invade headwaters, where the most ICS populations occur. Range expansion during the past 15 years was the highest for signal crayfish, followed by Orconectes species. Because of the great potential to invade as-yet isolated refuge areas and spread at a high rate, signal crayfish is of the highest concern for conservation of ICS and should be primarily targeted by prevention and control measures. However, it merely represents the ‘worst of the worst’, since all NICS of North American origin are natural reservoirs of crayfish plague, a fatal disease of ICS.  相似文献   

Galicia (NW Spain) is a region with a high number of freshwater endemics, and probably the best preserved area concerning fish populations in the Iberian Peninsula, where records of non-indigenous freshwater species are recent when compared to the rest of the Peninsula. Detailed analysis of introductions of those species with records after 1900 present in both areas shows that delays were up to 100 years for species introduced on the Iberian Peninsula at the beginning of the twentieth century, but the tendency adjust to a decreasing linear regression, with species introduced after 1995 being almost immediately present in Galicia. We underline the outstanding role of aquarium trade on these results. Analysis of temporal trends highlights several periods with numerous introductions, and shows a different trend in the last decade depending on the group of organisms, with a clear deceleration in introduction rates of vertebrates, but a continuous growing trend for invertebrates. Recent educational programs might be responsible for the reduction in the inflow of vertebrates, but there is still a need for the control of less conspicuous but equally harmful invertebrates and plants, as it will take longer to make both stakeholders and public aware of their detrimental effects on their new habitats.  相似文献   

Information relevant to invasion processes and invasive alien insect species management in Central Europe was extracted from two databases: a compilation of two inventories of alien insects in Austria and Switzerland, and a list of interceptions of non-indigenous plant pests in Europe gathered by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) for the period 1995-2004. For one-third of the insects established in Switzerland and Austria, the region of origin is unclear. Others come mainly from North America, Asia and the Mediterranean region. Among the intercepted insects, 40% were associated with commodities from Asia, 32% from Europe and only 2% from North America. Sternorrhyncha, Coleoptera and Psocoptera were particularly well represented in the alien fauna compared to the native fauna. In the interception database, Sternorrhyncha were also well represented but Diptera accounted for the highest number of records. Sap feeders and detritivores were the dominant feeding niches in the alien insect fauna. In contrast, external defoliators, stem borers, gall makers, root feeders, predators and parasitoids were underrepresented. Nearly 40% of the alien insects in Switzerland and Austria live only indoors. Another 15% live outdoors but exclusively or predominantly on exotic plants. Less than 20% are found mainly in 'natural' environments. The majority of introductions of alien insects in Europe are associated with the international trade in ornamental plants. An economic impact was found for 40% of the alien insects in Switzerland and Austria, whereas none is known to have an ecological impact. The implications of these observations for further studies and the management of alien species in Europe are discussed.  相似文献   

The native snails of the Hawaiian Islands are disappearing. One cause is predation by introduced carnivorous snails. Habitat destruction/modification is also important, facilitating the spread of other non-indigenous snails and slugs. Eighty-one species of snails and slugs are recorded as having been introduced. Thirty-three are established: 12 freshwater, 21 terrestrial. Two or three species arrived before western discovery of the islands (1778). During the nineteenth century about one species per decade, on average, was introduced. The rate rose to about four per decade during the twentieth century, with the exception of an especially large number introduced in the 1950s as putative biocontrol agents against the giant African snail, Achatina fulica. The geographical origins of these introductions reflect changing patterns of commerce and travel. Early arrivals were generally Pacific or Pacific rim species. Increasing trade and tourism with the USA, following its annexation of Hawaii, led to an increasing proportion of American species. More general facilitation of travel and commerce later in the twentieth century led to a significant number of European species being introduced. African species dominated the 1950s biological control introductions. The process continues and is just part of the homogenization of the unique faunas of tropical Pacific islands.  相似文献   

Aphanomyces astaci, the crayfish plague pathogen, first appeared in Europe in the mid-19th century and is still responsible for mass mortalities of native European crayfish. The spread of this parasite across the continent is especially facilitated by invasive North American crayfish species that serve as its reservoir. In France, multiple cases of native crayfish mortalities have been suggested to be connected with the presence of the signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus, which is highly abundant in the country. It shares similar habitats as the native white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes and, when infected, the signal crayfish might therefore easily transmit the pathogen to the native species. We investigated the prevalence of A. astaci in French signal crayfish populations to evaluate the danger they represent to local populations of native crayfish. Over 500 individuals of Pacifastacus leniusculus from 45 French populations were analysed, plus several additional individuals of other non-indigenous crayfish species Orconectes limosus, O. immunis and Procambarus clarkii. Altogether, 20% of analysed signal crayfish tested positive for Aphanomyces astaci, and the pathogen was detected in more than half of the studied populations. Local prevalence varied significantly, ranging from 0% up to 80%, but wide confidence intervals suggest that the number of populations infected by A. astaci may be even higher than our results show. Analysis of several individuals of other introduced species revealed infections among two of these, O. immunis and P. clarkii. Our results confirm that the widespread signal crayfish serves as a key reservoir of Aphanomyces astaci in France and therefore represents a serious danger to native crayfish species, especially the white-clawed crayfish. The prevalence in other non-indigenous crayfish should also be investigated as they likely contribute to pathogen transmission in the country.  相似文献   

The aquarium trade has a long history of transporting and introducing fish, plants and snails into regions where they are not native. However, other than snails, research on species carried “incidentally” rather than deliberately by this industry is lacking. I sampled invertebrates in the plankton, and from water among bottom stones, of 55 aquaria from 43 New Zealand households. I recorded 55 incidental invertebrate taxa, including copepods, ostracods, cladocerans, molluscs, mites, flatworms and nematodes. Six were known established non-indigenous species, and eight others were not previously recorded from New Zealand. Of the latter, two harpacticoid copepod species, Nitokra pietschmanni and Elaphoidella sewelli, are not native to or known from New Zealand, demonstrating the aquarium trade continues to pose an invasion risk for incidental fauna. The remaining six species were littoral/benthic rotifers with subtropical/tropical affinities; these may or may not be native, as research on this group is limited. A variety of behaviours associated with the set-up and keeping of home aquaria were recorded (e.g., fish and plants in any home were sourced from stores, wild caught, or both, and cleaning methods varied), which made prediction of “high risk” behaviours difficult. However, non-indigenous species had a greater probability of being recorded in aquaria containing aquatic plants and in those that were heated. Methods for disposal of aquarium wastes ranged from depositing washings on the lawn or garden (a low risk for invasion) to disposing of water into outdoor ponds or storm-water drains (a higher risk). It is recommended that aquarium owners be encouraged to pour aquarium wastes onto gardens or lawns—already a common method of disposal—as invasion risk will be minimised using this method.  相似文献   

Since 1973, the red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, native to south-central United States and northeastern Mexico, has spread throughout Europe. Here, we surveyed the genetic variability of five European populations of the species using RAPD markers. Genetic variation was found to be so high as to uniquely fingerprint most of the surveyed individuals. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) of the RAPD markers showed that 1) a large part of the genetic variation can be attributed to the differentiation among localities, and 2) the differentiation was mainly due to the separation of the samples from Louisiana with respect to the European set. A hypothesis emerged in which subsequent introductions of crayfish from different sources were performed. This hypothesis might explain the high genetic diversity observed within each population and the genetic differentiation among populations, as the result, respectively, of the introduction of different sets of crayfish and the casual bias of introductions. Although preliminary, our results suggest that RAPDs could be helpful in providing information about human-mediated introduced populations.  相似文献   

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