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T4 endonuclease V, which is involved in repair of ultraviolet-damaged DNA, has been purified 3600 fold from T4D-infected Escherichia coli. The enzyme shows optimal activity at pH 7.2 and does not require added divalent ions. Endonuclease V attacks both native and heat-denatured DNA provided that the DNA has been irradiated, and the enzyme activity is dependent on the dose of ultraviolet irradiation. The rate and the extent of the reaction are greater with irradiated native DNA although the Km values for the two types of DNA are the same (2.25 - 10(-5) M). The enzyme is readily inactivated by heat and is sensitive to p-chloromercuribenzoate. Endonuclease V-treated irradiated DNA is degraded by spleen phosphodiesterase only when the DNA has been treated with alkaline phosphatase, suggesting that the enzyme produces 5'-phosphoryl termini.  相似文献   

The T4 ultraviolet endonuclease was previously shown to produce strand incisions (nicks) in ultraviolet-irradiated DNA on the 5' side of thymine dimers. The present studies demonstrate that the purified endonuclease creates 3'-OH and 5'-P termini at the sites of nicking. Photoreactivation of ultraviolet-sensitive sites, thereby demonstrating directly endonucleause has a molecular weight of approximately 18,000 and attacks ultraviolet-irradiated single-stranded Escherichia coli and M-13 DNA.  相似文献   

An endonuclease activity which cleaves close to the recombination sites of the immunoglobulin JK segments was found in extracts of chicken bursa of Fabricius and characterized after partial purification. The enzyme preparation also cleaved a VK segment at its 3' end. A similar activity was found in mouse liver, mouse myelomas and Hela cells. The enzyme designated as endonuclease J introduces double-stranded cleavages preferentially at sequences containing G clusters of pBR322 as well as the JK segments. However, not all the G clusters were cleaved by endonuclease J, suggesting that the enzyme recognizes additional sequences. Deletion of the conserved nonamer (GGTTTTTGT) located immediately 5' to the JK4 segment drastically reduced the cleavage activity of its immediate downstream G cluster. Although biological function of endonuclease J is not clear at this stage, the possibilities of its involvement in the immunoglobulin gene recombination and general recombination were discussed.  相似文献   

1-Methyl-9H-pyrido-[3,4-b]indole (harmane) inhibits the apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) endonuclease activity of the UV endonuclease induced by phage T4, whereas it stimulates the pyrimidine dimer-DNA glycosylase activity of that enzyme. E. coli endonuclease IV, E. coli endonuclease VI (the AP endonuclease activity associated with E. coli exonuclease III), and E. coli uracil-DNA glycosylase were not inhibited by harmane. Human fibroblast AP endonucleases I and II also were only slightly inhibited. Therefore, harmane is neither a general inhibitor of AP endonucleases, nor a general inhibitor of Class I AP endonucleases which incise DNA on the 3'-side of AP sites. However, E. coli endonuclease III and its associated dihydroxythymine-DNA glycosylase activity were both inhibited by harmane. This observation suggests that harmane may inhibit only AP endonucleases which have associated glycosylase activities.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of bacteriophage T4 mutant preheads.   总被引:12,自引:8,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
To determine the function of individual gene products in the assembly and maturation of the T4 prehead, we have isolated and characterized aberrant preheads produced by mutations in three of the T4 head genes. Mutants in gene 21, which codes for the T4 maturation proteases, produce rather stable preheads whose morphology and protein composition are consistent with a wild-type prehead blocked in the maturation cleavages. Mutants in gene 24 produce similar structures which are unstable because they have gaps at all of their icosahedral vertices except the membrane attachment site. In addition, greatly elongated "giant preheads" are produced, suggesting that in the absence of P24 at the vertices, the distal cap of the prehead is unstable, allowing abnormal elongation of broth the prehead core and its shell. Vertex completion by P24 is required to allow the maturation cleavages to occur, and 24- preheads can be matured to capsids in vitro by the addition of P24. Preheads produced by a temperature-sensitive mutant in gene 23 are deficient in core proteins. We show that the shell of these preheads has the expanded lattice characteristic of the mature capsid as well as the binding sites for the proteins hoc and soc, even though none of the maturation cleavage takes place. We also show that 21- preheads composed of wild-type P23 can be expanded in vitro without cleavage.  相似文献   

The substrate specificity of 49+-enzyme was investigated in vitro. The enzyme showed a marked preference for rapidly sedimenting T4 DNA (greater than 1000 S) when helix-destabilizing proteins from Escherichia coli or phage T4 were added to the reaction. Regular replicative T4 DNA (200-S DNA) or denatured T4 DNA was not cleaved by the enzyme in the presence of these proteins but if they were omitted from the reaction both DNAs become good substrates for the enzyme. 200-S DNA was cleaved at its natural sites of single strandedness which occur at one-genome intervals. Gaps in T4 DNA which were constructed by treatment of a nicked DNA with exonuclease III were also cleaved by 49+-enzyme in the absence of helix-destabilizing proteins. Single-stranded T4 DNA was extensively degraded and up to 50% of the material was found to be acid-soluble in a limit digest. The degradation products were predominantly oligonucleotides of random size. No preference for a 5'-terminal nucleotide was observed in material from a limit digest with M13 DNA. Double-stranded DNA was nicked upon exposure to 49+-enzyme and double-strand breakage finally occurred by an accumulation of single-strand interruptions. No acid-soluble material was produced from native T4 DNA. The introduction of nicks in native DNA did not improve its properties as a substrate for the enzyme. Double-stranded DNA was about 100-fold less sensitive to the enzyme than single-stranded DNA.  相似文献   

Mutants of bacteriophage T4 which exhibit increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation specifically at high temperature were isolated after mutagenesis with hydroxylamine. At 42 °C the mutants are twice as sensitive to ultraviolet light as T4D, whereas at 30 °C they exhibit survival curves almost identical to that of the wild-type strain. Complementation tests revealed that the mutants possess temperature-sensitive mutations in the v gene.Evidence is presented to show that T4 endonuclease V produced by the mutants is more thermolabile than the enzyme of the wild-type. (1) Extracts of cells infected with the mutants were capable of excising pyrimidine dimers from ultraviolet irradiated T4 DNA at 30 °C, but no selective release of dimers was induced at 42 °C. (2) Endonuclease V produced by the mutant was inactivated more rapidly than was the enzyme from T4D-infected cells when the purified enzymes were incubated in a buffer at 42 °C. From these results it is evident that the v gene is the structural gene for T4 endonuclease V, which plays an essential role in the excision-repair of ultraviolet light-damaged DNA.The time of action of the repair endonuclease was determined by using the mutant. Survival of a temperature-sensitive v mutant, exposed to ultraviolet light, increased when infected cells were incubated at 30 °C for at least ten minutes and then transferred to 42 °C. It appears that repair of DNA proceeds during an early stage of phage development.  相似文献   

Direct evidence has been obtained that the tail-associated lysozyme of bacteriophage T4 (tail-lysozyme) is gp5, which is a protein component of the hub of the baseplate. Tails were treated with 3 M guanidine hydrochloride containing 1% Triton X-100, and the tail-lysozyme was separated from other tail components by preparative isoelectric focusing electrophoresis as a peak with a pI of 8.4. The molecular weight as determined from sodium dodecyl sulfate electrophoresis was 42,000. The tail-lysozyme was unambiguously identified as gp5 when the position of the lysozyme was compared with that of gp5 of tube-baseplates from 5ts1/23amH11/eL1ainfected Escherichia coli cells by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The tail-lysozyme has N-acetylmuramidase activity and the same substrate specificity as gene e lysozyme; the optimum pH is around 5.8, about 1 pH unit lower than for the e lysozyme. We assume that the tail-lysozyme plays an essential role in locally digesting the peptidoglycan layer to let the tube penetrate into the periplasmic space. The tail-lysozyme is presumably also responsible for "lysis from without."  相似文献   

The size of the repair patch produced by E. coli DNA polymerase (Pol I) following the removal of a pyrimidine dimer from DNA in response to the nicking activity of T4 endonuclease (T4 endo V) was determined. A 48-bp DNA containing a pyrimidine dimer at a defined location was labelled in the damaged strand and incubated with T4 endo V and E. coli endonuclease IV. Subsequently, DNA synthesis by DNA Pol I was carried out in the presence of four dNTPs, ATP and DNA ligase. Analysis of the reaction products on a sequencing gel revealed a ladder of only 4-oligonucleotides, 1-4 nucleotides greater in length than the fragment generated by the combined nicking activities of T4 endo V and E. coli endonuclease IV. Thus we conclude that the in vitro repair patch size of T4 endo V is 4 nucleotides and that in some cases the repaired DNA is not ligated.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the v gene of bacteriophage T4 codes for an endonuclease that specifically attacks pyrimidine dimer sites in UV-irradiated DNA. The present studies have examined the role of this endonuclease in the repair of DNA damaged by nitrogen mustard, N-methyl-N′-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (NTG), mitomycin C and 4-nitroquinoline-N-oxide. The observation by Harm that the v gene product of phage T4 facilitates repair of UV damage to the host DNA of excision-repair defective strains enabled us to test whether it does the same with other cellular DNA lesions. It was shown that infection of UV-irradiated E. coliBs−1 with UV-inactivated phage T4v+ resulted in rescue of a certain fraction of the host cells. However no v gene mediated repair E. coli Bs−1 was observed following treatment with the chemical agents mentioned. Furthermore, though phage T4v1 is more sensitive to UV-irradiation than phage T4, there was no observed difference in the sensitivity of these phages to nitrogen mustard or NTG. On the basis of these observations it was concluded that the v gene coded endonuclease of T4 is specific for the excision repair of pyrimidine dimers and does not participate in the repair of chemically damaged DNA. In vitro enzymatic degradation of DNA alkylated with nitrogen mustard was observed, but it is probable that this degradation is not part of a repair reaction in vivo.  相似文献   

A group of at least four distinct nucleases designated DcI through DcIV were isolated from cellular extracts of group A streptococcal strain S43 and shown to be antigenically similar to streptococcal extracellular deoxyribonuclease (DNase) D. These cellular endonucleases degraded single- and double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) as well as ribonucleic acid (RNA) to acid-soluble oligonucleotides. The products of digestion of DNA bore 5'-terminal phosphates, and in partial digests pdX-pdG linkages were most susceptible and pdA-pdX linkages were most resistant to nuclease action. The enzymes had pH optima of 8.0 to 8.5, were inhibited by NaCl, were unaffected by sulfhydryl modifying reagents, and absolutely required a divalent cation. Nucleases DcIII and DcIV were apparently hydrophobic in nature since they required the presence of detergents for migration on nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels. All four nucleases were electrophoretically distinct on such gels, from each other, and from DNase D. Molecular weights of DcI and DcII were similar to that of DNase D, suggesting that the mobility differences of these enzymes at least are reflections of differing net charges. It is suggested that the cellular nucleases represent a group of processing intermediates in the maturation and excretion of DNase D.  相似文献   

The T4 phage td intron-encoded endonuclease (I-Tev I) cleaves the intron-deleted td gene (td delta I) 23 nucleotides upstream of the intron insertion site on the noncoding strand and 25 nucleotides upstream of this site on the coding strand, to generate a 2-base hydroxyl overhang in the 3' end of each DNA strand. I-Tev I-157, a truncated form in which slightly more than one third (88 residues) of the endonuclease is deleted, was purified to homogeneity and shown to possess endonuclease activity similar to that of I-TEV I, the full-length enzyme (245 residues). The minimal length of the td delta I gene that was cleaved by I-Tev I and I-Tev I-157 has been determined to be exactly 39 basepairs, from -27 (upstream in exon1) to +12 (downstream in exon2) relative to the intron insertion site. Similar to the full-length endonuclease, I-Tev I-157 cuts the intronless thymidylate synthase genes from such diverse organisms as Escherichia coli, Lactobacillus casei and the human. The position and nature of the in vitro endonucleolytic cut in these genes are homologous to those in td delta I. Point mutational analysis of the td delta I substrate based on the deduced consensus nucleotide sequence has revealed a very low degree of specificity on either side of the cleavage site, for both the full-length and truncated I-TEV I.  相似文献   

The restriction endonuclease (REase) R. HphI is a Type IIS enzyme that recognizes the asymmetric target DNA sequence 5'-GGTGA-3' and in the presence of Mg(2+) hydrolyzes phosphodiester bonds in both strands of the DNA at a distance of 8 nucleotides towards the 3' side of the target, producing a 1 nucleotide 3'-staggered cut in an unspecified sequence at this position. REases are typically ORFans that exhibit little similarity to each other and to any proteins in the database. However, bioinformatics analyses revealed that R.HphI is a member of a relatively big sequence family with a conserved C-terminal domain and a variable N-terminal domain. We predict that the C-terminal domains of proteins from this family correspond to the nuclease domain of the HNH superfamily rather than to the most common PD-(D/E)XK superfamily of nucleases. We constructed a three-dimensional model of the R.HphI catalytic domain and validated our predictions by site-directed mutagenesis and studies of DNA-binding and catalytic activities of the mutant proteins. We also analyzed the genomic neighborhood of R.HphI homologs and found that putative nucleases accompanied by a DNA methyltransferase (i.e. predicted REases) do not form a single group on a phylogenetic tree, but are dispersed among free-standing putative nucleases. This suggests that nucleases from the HNH superfamily were independently recruited to become REases in the context of RM systems multiple times in the evolution and that members of the HNH superfamily may be much more frequent among the so far unassigned REase sequences than previously thought.  相似文献   

Rabbit T lymphocytes may be differentiated from B lymphocytes by the presence of a T lymphocyte-specific surface antigen. This unique antigen has been extracted from the plasma membrane of rabbit thymocytes by 3 M KCl. The presence of the antigen in the membrane extract was demonstrated by inhibition of cytotoxicity with goat anti-rabbit T cell serum (ATS). The crude membrane extract was fractionated by gel electrophoresis and the fractions containing the T cell antigen identified by inhibition of cytotoxic ATS and by passive hemagglutination. The purified T cell antigen was found to have a m.w. of approximately 12,000 and contained approximately 2.5% carbohydrate. Evidence was also obtained to suggest that the rabbit T cell antigen exists in multiple forms, each having the same m.w. but exhibiting different electrophoretic characteristics.  相似文献   

Two new extracellular nucleases, nucleases SM1 and SM2, were purified from the culture fluid of S. marcescens kums 3958, a fresh clinical isolate. The purification was carried out by the following steps; ammonium sulfate precipitation, and DEAE-cellulose and Sephadex G-100 column chromatography. At the final step, nucleases SM1 and SM2 were purified about 3,700- and 1,000-fold, respectively. They were free from phosphomonoesterase and phosphodiesterase activities. The pIs were 8.1 and 7.5 for nucleases SM1 and SM2, respectively. The molecular weight was estimated to be 35,000 for both enzymes by SDS-polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. The results of amino acid analyses showed that both the threonine and serine contents were higher in nuclease SM2 than in SM1. Furthermore, nuclease SM1 was more stable than nuclease SM2 at 4 degrees C. The other properties of the two enzymes were similar; pH optimum (8.0), Mg2+ or Mn2+ for activation, and inhibition by chemical reagents such as EDTA and pyrophosphate. No significant difference was found in base specificity between nucleases SM1 and SM2. Both enzymes specifically degraded double-stranded homopolymers, especially poly(I). poly(C), as well as yeast RNA and calf thymus DNA. They hardly degraded, however, single-stranded homopolymers such as poly(dA), poly(G), and poly(U).  相似文献   

The alpha-toxin (phospholipase C) of Clostridium perfringens has been reported to contain catalytically essential zinc ions. We report here that histidine residues are essential for the co-ordination of these ion(s). Incubation of alpha toxin with diethylpyrocarbonate, a histidine modifying reagent, did not result in the loss of phospholipase C activity unless the protein was first incubated with EDTA, suggesting that zinc ions normally protect the susceptible histidine residues. When the amino acid sequences of three phospholipase C's were aligned, essential zinc binding histidine residues in the non-toxic B. cereus phospholipase C were found in similar positions in the toxic C. perfringens enzyme and the weakly toxic C. bifermentans phospholipase C.  相似文献   

T Murata  S Iwai    E Ohtsuka 《Nucleic acids research》1990,18(24):7279-7286
A dodecadeoxyribonucleotide containing a cis-syn thymine dimer with a phosphorodithioate linkage was synthesized on a solid support using a dinucleotide coupling unit prepared by UV-irradiation of dithymidine monophosphorodithioate followed by S- and 5'-O-protection and 3'-phosphitylation. A photodimer-containing dodecamer without phosphate modification was also synthesized. The dodecamers were hybridized to the complementary sequence, and the duplexes used as substrates for T4 endonuclease V. This enzyme cleaved the phosphate-modified substrate more slowly than the unmodified duplex with the same dissociation constant.  相似文献   

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