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The X chromosome is found twice as often in females as males. This has led to an intuition that X‐linked genes for traits experiencing sexually antagonistic selection should tend to evolve toward the female optimum. However, this intuition has never been formally examined. In this paper, I present a simple mathematical model and ask whether the X chromosome is indeed biased toward effecting female‐optimal phenotypes. Counter to the intuition, I find that the exact opposite bias exists; the X chromosome is revealed to be a welcome spot for mutations that benefit males at the expense of females. Not only do male‐beneficial alleles have an easier time of invading and spreading through a population, but they also achieve higher equilibrium frequencies than comparable female‐beneficial alleles. The X chromosome is therefore expected over evolutionary time to nudge phenotypes closer to the male optimum. Consequently, the X chromosome should find itself engaged in perpetual intragenomic conflicts with the autosomes and the mitochondria over developmental outcomes. The X chromosome's male bias and the intragenomic conflicts that ensue bear on the evolution of gene regulation, speciation, and our concept of organismality.  相似文献   

Recent documentations of sexually antagonistic genetic variation in fitness have spurred an interest in the mechanisms that may act to maintain such variation in natural populations. Using individual-based simulations, I show that positive assortative mating by fitness increases the amount of sexually antagonistic genetic variance in fitness, primarily by elevating the equilibrium frequency of heterozygotes, over most of the range of sex-specific selection and dominance. Further, although the effects of assortative mating by fitness on the protection conditions of polymorphism in sexually antagonistic loci were relatively minor, it widens the protection conditions under most reasonable scenarios (e.g., under heterozygote superiority when fitness is averaged across the sexes) but can also somewhat narrow the protection conditions under other circumstances. The near-ubiquity of assortative mating in nature suggests that it may contribute to upholding standing sexually antagonistic genetic variation in fitness.  相似文献   

Intralocus sexual conflict occurs when a trait encoded by the same genetic locus in the two sexes has different optima in males and females. Such conflict is widespread across taxa, however, the shared phenotypic traits that mediate the conflict are largely unknown. We examined whether the sex hormone, testosterone (T), that controls sexual differentiation, contributes to sexually antagonistic fitness variation in the bank vole, Myodes glareolus. We compared (opposite-sex) sibling reproductive fitness in the bank vole after creating divergent selection lines for T. This study shows that selection for T was differentially associated with son versus daughter reproductive success, causing a negative correlation in fitness between full siblings. Our results demonstrate the presence of intralocus sexual conflict for fitness in this small mammal and that sexually antagonistic selection is acting on T. We also found a negative correlation in fitness between parents and their opposite-sex progeny (e.g. father-daughter), highlighting a dilemma for females, as the indirect genetic benefits of selecting reproductively successful males (high T) are lost with daughters. We discuss mechanisms that may mitigate this disparity between progeny quality.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence of segregating sexually antagonistic (SA) genetic variation for fitness in laboratory and wild populations, yet the conditions for the maintenance of such variation can be restrictive. Epistatic interactions between genes can contribute to the maintenance of genetic variance in fitness and we suggest that epistasis between SA genes should be pervasive. Here, we explore its effect on SA genetic variation in fitness using a two locus model with negative epistasis. Our results demonstrate that epistasis often increases the parameter space showing polymorphism for SA loci. This is because selection in one locus is affected by allele frequencies at the other, which can act to balance net selection in males and females. Increased linkage between SA loci had more marginal effects. We also show that under some conditions, large portions of the parameter space evolve to a state where male benefit alleles are fixed at one locus and female benefit alleles at the other. This novel effect of epistasis on SA loci, which we term the ‘equity effect’, may have important effects on population differentiation and may contribute to speciation. More generally, these results support the suggestion that epistasis contributes to population divergence.  相似文献   

H Bierne  S D Ehrlich    B Michel 《The EMBO journal》1991,10(9):2699-2705
Hybrids composed of phage M13, plasmid pBR322 and the termination signal of Escherichia coli chromosome replication terB were used to show that arrest of DNA synthesis creates a very efficient deletion hot spot. Up to 80% of deletions occurring in these hybrids had one deletion end-point at terB provided that (i) terB was oriented to arrest M13 and pBR322 leading strand synthesis; and (ii) the host cells contained the Tus protein necessary for arresting DNA synthesis at terB. The position of terB and the flanking sequences had little effect on deletion hot spot activity. About 90% of the deletions at terB ended 5-6 nucleotides in front of the major replication arrest site. We propose two models to account for deletion formation and speculate that many genome rearrangements may be due to the pausing of DNA replication.  相似文献   

The propensity interpretation of fitness draws on the propensity interpretation of probability, but advocates of the former have not attended sufficiently to problems with the latter. The causal power of C to bring about E is not well-represented by the conditional probability Pr(E|C). Since the viability fitness of trait T is the conditional probability Pr(organism O survives to adulthood|O has T), the viability fitness of the trait does not represent the degree to which having the trait causally promotes surviving. The same point holds for fertility fitness. This failure of trait fitness to capture causal role can also be seen in the fact that coextensive traits must have the same fitness values even if one of them promotes survival and the other is neutral or deleterious. Although the fitness of a trait does not represent the trait’s causal power to promote survival and reproduction, variation in fitness in a population causally promotes change in trait frequencies; in this sense, fitness variation is a population-level propensity.  相似文献   

Every year across America, tens of thousands of soil samples are collected and analyzed for the presence of toxic contaminants. From among these sampling results, “hot spots”; of soil contamination are identified. One or more hot spots on a property precipitates follow‐up activities, typically at great expense. Given that costly action is undertaken as a result of this identification, it is surprising that there is no objective approach to identifying what is or is not a hot spot of soil contamination. A new approach considers how soil contamination can lead to potentially health‐threatening exposures. Based on this approach, an objective set of characteristics for a hot spot of soil contamination has been developed.  相似文献   

Intra-locus sexual conflict results when sex-specific selection pressures for a given trait act against the intra-sexual genetic correlation for that trait. It has been found in a wide variety of taxa in both laboratory and natural populations, but the importance of intra-locus sexual conflict and sexually antagonistic genetic variation in hermaphroditic organisms has rarely been considered. This is not so surprising given the conceptual and theoretical association of intra-locus sexual conflict with sexual dimorphism, but there is no a priori reason why intra-locus sexual conflict cannot occur in hermaphroditic organisms as well. Here, I discuss the potential for intra-locus sexual conflict in hermaphroditic animals and review the available evidence for such conflict, and for the existence of sexually antagonistic genetic variation in hermaphrodites. I argue that mutations with asymmetric effects are particularly likely to be important in mediating sexual antagonism in hermaphroditic organisms. Moreover, sexually antagonistic genetic variation is likely to play an important role in inter-individual variation in sex allocation and in transitions to and from gonochorism (separate sexes) in simultaneous hermaphrodites. I also describe how sequential hermaphrodites may experience a unique form of intra-locus sexual conflict via antagonistic pleiotropy. Finally, I conclude with some suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the stalk-eyed fly, Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni, have shown that males with long eye-stalks win contests and are preferred by females, and artificial selection on male relative eye span alters brood sex-ratios. Subsequent theory proposes that X-linked meiotic drive can catalyse the evolution of mate preferences when drive is linked to ornament genes. Here we test this prediction by mapping meiotic drive and quantitative trait loci (QTL) for eye span. To map QTL we genotyped 24 microsatellite loci using 1228 F2 flies from two crosses between lines selected for long or short eye span. The crosses differed by presence or absence of a drive X chromosome, X(D), in the parental male. Linkage analysis reveals that X(D) dramatically reduces recombination between X and X(D) chromosomes. In the X(D) cross, half of the F2 males carried the drive haplotype, produced partially elongated spermatids and female-biased broods, and had shorter eye span. The largest QTL mapped 1.3cM from drive on the X chromosome and explained 36% of the variation in male eye span while another QTL mapped to an autosomal region that suppresses drive. These results indicate that selfish genetic elements that distort the sex-ratio can influence the evolution of exaggerated traits.  相似文献   

Sex differences in the fitness effects of alleles at a single locus (intralocus sexual antagonism, or SA) have several evolutionary consequences. Among the consequences of SA, polymorphisms at genes partially linked to the sex-determining region of the sex chromosome pair potentially drive the evolution of suppressed recombination between the sex chromosomes. Understanding the conditions under which SA polymorphism can exist at such pseudo-autosomal (or PAR) loci should increase understanding of the evolution of recombination between sex chromosome pairs, and can help predict when we may expect potentially empirically detectable allele frequency differences between the sexes. Models so far published have concluded that PAR genes can maintain SA polymorphisms over a wider range of selection coefficients than autosomal ones, but have used restrictive assumptions. We expand the modeling of SA alleles at a single locus with the full range of degrees of linkage to the male-specific region, to include strong or weak selection and the possibility of different dominance coefficients in the two sexes. We confirm the previous major conclusion that SA polymorphisms are generally maintained in a larger region of parameter space if the locus is in the PAR than if it is autosomal.  相似文献   

The functional epitope of thrombin recognizing thrombomodulin was mapped using Ala-scanning mutagenesis of 54 residues located around the active site, the Na(+) binding loop, the 186-loop, the autolysis loop, exosite I, and exosite II. The epitope for thrombomodulin binding is shaped as a hot spot in exosite I, centered around the buried ion quartet formed by Arg(67), Lys(70), Glu(77), and Glu(80), and capped by the hydrophobic residues Tyr(76) and Ile(82). The hot spot is a much smaller subset of the structural epitope for thrombomodulin binding recently documented by x-ray crystallography. Interestingly, the contribution of each residue of the epitope to the binding free energy shows no correlation with the change in its accessible surface area upon formation of the thrombin-thrombomodulin complex. Furthermore, residues of the epitope are strongly coupled in the recognition of thrombomodulin, as seen for the interaction of human growth hormone and insulin with their receptors. Finally, the Ala substitution of two negatively charged residues in exosite II, Asp(100) and Asp(178), is found unexpectedly to significantly increase thrombomodulin binding.  相似文献   

Evolutionary conflict permeates biological systems. In sexually reproducing organisms, sex-specific optima mean that the same allele can have sexually antagonistic expression, i.e. beneficial in one sex and detrimental in the other, a phenomenon known as intralocus sexual conflict. Intralocus sexual conflict is emerging as a potentially fundamental factor for the genetic architecture of fitness, with important consequences for evolutionary processes. However, no study to date has directly experimentally tested the evolutionary fate of a sexually antagonistic allele. Using genetic constructs to manipulate female fecundity and male mating success, we engineered a novel sexually antagonistic allele (SAA) in Drosophila melanogaster. The SAA is nearly twice as costly to females as it is beneficial to males, but the harmful effects to females are recessive and X-linked, and thus are rarely expressed when SAA occurs at low frequency. We experimentally show how the evolutionary dynamics of the novel SAA are qualitatively consistent with the predictions of population genetic models: SAA frequency decreases when common, but increases when rare, converging toward an equilibrium frequency of ~8%. Furthermore, we show that persistence of the SAA requires the mating advantage it provides to males: the SAA frequency declines towards extinction when the male advantage is experimentally abolished. Our results empirically demonstrate the dynamics underlying the evolutionary fate of a sexually antagonistic allele, validating a central assumption of intralocus sexual conflict theory: that variation in fitness-related traits within populations can be maintained via sex-linked sexually antagonistic loci.  相似文献   

Comparisons of polymorphism patterns between distantly related species are essential in order to determine their generality. However, most work on the genus Drosophila has been done only with species of the subgenus Sophophora. In the present work, we have sequenced one intron and surrounding coding sequences of 6 X-linked genes (chorion protein s36, elav, fused, runt, suppressor of sable and zeste) from 21 strains of wild-type Drosophila virilis (subgenus Drosophila). From these data, we have estimated the average level of DNA polymorphism, inferred the effective population size and population structure of this species, and compared the results with those obtained for other Drosophila species. There is no reduction in variation at two loci close to the centromeric heterochromatin, in contrast to Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

Tian D  Sun S  Lee JT 《Cell》2010,143(3):390-403

Fluorescence in situ hybridization mapping of fully integrated human BAC clones to primate chromosomes, combined with precise breakpoint localization by PCR analysis of flow-sorted chromosomes, was used to analyze the evolutionary rearrangements of the human 3q21.3-syntenic region in orangutan, siamang gibbon, and silvered-leaf monkey. Three independent evolutionary breakpoints were localized within a 230-kb segment contained in BACs RP11-93K22 and RP11-77P16. Approximately 200 kb of the human 3q21.3 sequence was not present on the homologous orangutan, siamang, and Old World monkey chromosomes, suggesting a genomic DNA insertion into the breakpoint region in the lineage leading to humans and African great apes. The breakpoints in the orangutan and siamang genomes were narrowed down to 12- and 20-kb DNA segments, respectively, which are enriched with endogenous retrovirus long terminal repeats and other repetitive elements. The inserted DNA segment represents part of an ancestral duplication. Paralogous sequence blocks were found at human 3q21, approximately 4 Mb proximal to the evolutionary breakpoint cluster region; at human 3p12.3, which contains an independent orangutan-specific breakpoint; and at the subtelomeric and pericentromeric regions of multiple human and orangutan chromosomes. The evolutionary breakpoint regions between human chromosome 3 and orangutan 2 as well their paralogous segments in the human genome coincide with breaks of chromosomal synteny in the mouse, rat, and/or chicken genomes. Collectively our data reveal reuse of the same short recombinogenic DNA segments in primate and vertebrate evolution, supporting a nonrandom breakage model of genome evolution.  相似文献   

Many central metabolic processes require iron as a cofactor and take place in specific subcellular compartments such as the mitochondrion or the chloroplast. Proper iron allocation in the different organelles is thus critical to maintain cell function and integrity. To study the dynamics of iron distribution in plant cells, we have sought to identify the different intracellular iron pools by combining three complementary imaging approaches, histochemistry, micro particle-induced x-ray emission, and synchrotron radiation micro X-ray fluorescence. Pea (Pisum sativum) embryo was used as a model in this study because of its large cell size and high iron content. Histochemical staining with ferrocyanide and diaminobenzidine (Perls/diaminobenzidine) strongly labeled a unique structure in each cell, which co-labeled with the DNA fluorescent stain DAPI, thus corresponding to the nucleus. The unexpected presence of iron in the nucleus was confirmed by elemental imaging using micro particle-induced x-ray emission. X-ray fluorescence on cryo-sectioned embryos further established that, quantitatively, the iron concentration found in the nucleus was higher than in the expected iron-rich organelles such as plastids or vacuoles. Moreover, within the nucleus, iron was particularly accumulated in a subcompartment that was identified as the nucleolus as it was shown to transiently disassemble during cell division. Taken together, our data uncover an as yet unidentified although abundant iron pool in the cell, which is located in the nuclei of healthy, actively dividing plant tissues. This result paves the way for the discovery of a novel cellular function for iron related to nucleus/nucleolus-associated processes.  相似文献   

Kathleen Church 《Chromosoma》1979,71(3):359-370
The X chromosome can be identified with the light microscope throughout all stages of the gonial cell cycle (including interphase) in the grasshopper Brachystola magna. At gonial mitotic stages the X chromosome gives the appearance of being undercondensed or negatively heteropycnotic. At interphase the X projects out from the body of the nucleus. — Examination with the electron microscope reveals that the X is compartmentalized at least two gonial cell cycles prior to the entry of the cells into meiotic prophase. The membrane layers that envelope the X chromatin at interphase remain associated with the X chromosome throughout gonial mitotic stages providing the ultrastructural basis for the apparent negative heteropycnosis observed with the light microscope. — The X chromosome is inactive in RNA synthesis during gonial mitotic stages but is hyperactive in RNA synthesis when compared to autosomes at gonial interphase. — X chromosome condensation which reaches its maximum at premieotic interphase is initiated at or prior to the pre-pentultimate gonial division.  相似文献   

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