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Gonadotropins are routinely administered to produce multiple oocytes for clinical in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment, laboratory research, and livestock industries. Studies in mice have shown gonadotropin stimulation using equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) affects the endometrium, implantation, and fetal development. Evidence from clinical studies also indicates that stimulation with recombinant human follicle-stimulating hormone (rhFSH) may be detrimental to the endometrium and implantation rates. We investigated the effect of rhFSH in mice on maternal plasma hormone concentrations and uterine gene and protein expression and the effect of a stimulated maternal environment on pregnancy. Adult females were stimulated with rhFSH or eCG, followed by human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). On day 4 of pseudopregnancy, mice either had embryos transferred to the uterus or were killed, and blood and uterine samples were collected. Pregnancy outcomes were examined on day 15. Gonadotropin stimulation increased plasma progesterone concentrations on day 4 compared with controls, whereas estradiol concentrations were unaffected. Stimulation also reduced uterine leukemia inhibitory factor (Lif) mRNA, but the expression of estrogen and progesterone receptors (Esr1 and Pgr), homeobox gene Hoxa10, and Vegf mRNA were unchanged. Furthermore, distribution of uterine PGR protein expression was altered by stimulation, but LIF protein was unchanged. Stimulated embryo transfer recipients had lower pregnancy rates than controls, and fetuses from the rhFSH group had reduced weight, length, and maturity. These results demonstrate that gonadotropin stimulation with rhFSH or eCG alters the preimplantation maternal environment, which results in reduced pregnancy rates and fetal development in the mouse.  相似文献   

Anabolic agents, such as recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH), have been used effectively to ameliorate the catabolic response to burn injury and to improve wound-healing. However, in experimental animal models, growth hormone has also been associated with increased renal scarring. The effect of rhGH on the development of human scarring is unknown. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to assess the effect of rhGH on the scarring of human skin after burn injury. A series of 94 patients was studied in a prospective randomized double-blind clinical trial. Patients receiving 0.2 mg/kg/day subcutaneous rhGH during their acute hospital stays presented with the same quality and intensity of scarring as patients receiving a placebo. Similar reconstructive needs also resulted. The treatment of severely burned children with recombinant human growth hormone during the acute-phase hospital course did not increase scarring of the burn wound.  相似文献   

The only gonadotrophin preparation shown to stimulate commercially useful multiple ovulation in mares is equine pituitary extract (EPE); even then, the low and inconsistent ovulatory response has been ascribed to the variable, but high, LH content. This study investigated the effects of an LH-free FSH preparation, recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone (rhFSH), on follicle development, ovulation and embryo production in mares. Five mares were treated twice-daily with 450 i.u. rhFSH starting on day 6 after ovulation, coincident with PGF(2alpha) analogue administration; five control mares were treated similarly but with saline instead of rhFSH. The response was monitored by daily scanning of the mares' ovaries and assay of systemic oestradiol-17beta and progesterone concentrations. When the dominant follicle(s) exceeded 35 mm, ovulation was induced with human chorionic gonadotrophin; embryos were recovered on day 7 after ovulation. After an untreated oestrous cycle to 'wash-out' the rhFSH, the groups were crossed-over and treated twice-daily with 900 i.u. rhFSH, or saline. At the onset of treatment, the largest follicle was <25 mm in all mares, and mares destined for rhFSH treatment had at least as many 10-25 mm follicles as controls. However, neither dose of rhFSH altered the number of days before the dominant follicle(s) reached 35 mm, the number of follicles of any size class (10-25, 25-35, >3 mm) at ovulation induction, the pre- or post-ovulatory oestradiol-17beta or progesterone concentrations, the number of ovulations or the embryo yield. It is concluded that rhFSH, at the doses used, is insufficient to stimulate multiple follicle development in mares.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional structure of human follicle-stimulating hormone   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The crystal structure of a betaThr26Ala mutant of human follicle-stimulating hormone (hFSH) has been determined to 3.0 A resolution. The hFSH mutant was expressed in baculovirus-infected Hi5 insect cells and purified by affinity chromatography, using a betahFSH-specific monoclonal antibody. The betaThr26Ala mutation results in elimination of the betaAsn24 glycosylation site, yielding protein more suitable for crystallization without affecting the receptor binding and signal transduction activity of the glycohormone. The crystal structure has two independent hFSH molecules in the asymmetric unit and a solvent content of about 80%. The alpha- and betasubunits of hFSH have similar folds, consisting of central cystine-knot motifs from which three beta-hairpins extend. The two subunits associate very tightly in a head-to-tail arrangement, forming an elongated, slightly curved structure, similar to that of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The hFSH heterodimers differ only in the conformations of the amino and carboxy termini and the second loop of the beta-subunit (L2beta). Detailed comparison of the structures of hFSH and hCG reveals several differences in the beta-subunits that may be important with respect to receptor binding specificity or signal transduction. These differences include conformational changes and/or differential distributions of polar or charged residues in loops L3beta (hFSH residues 62-73), the cystine noose, or determinant loop (residues 87-94), and the carboxy-terminal loop (residues 94-104). An additional interesting feature of the hFSH structure is an extensive hydrophobic patch in the area formed by loops alphaL1, alphaL3, and betaL2. Glycosylation at alphaAsn52 is well known to be required for full signal transduction activity and heterodimer stability. The structure reveals an intersubunit hydrogen bonding interaction between this carbohydrate and betaTyr58, an indication of a mechanism by which the carbohydrate may stabilize the heterodimer.  相似文献   

重组人生长激素长效缓释制剂可提高药物生物利用度,延长药物半衰期,减少药物不良反应,给疾病的临床治疗提供了更多的手段和可能。从微球、脂质体、化学修饰等方面综述了重组人生长激素长效缓释的研究进展。  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to partially characterize and to examine the regulation of unoccupied testicular follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) binding sites in adult golden hamsters. Testicular FSH binding sites were measured in the 1800 X gav fraction of whole testicular homogenates using iodinated bovine FSH. Binding of FSH was highly specific for FSH, located primarily in the testes, was time- and temperature-dependent, initially reversible, saturable, and consistent with a model consisting of a single class of high-affinity binding sites (range of equilibrium association constants (Ka) 2-12 X 10(10) M-1). Exposure of hamsters to a short photoperiod consisting of 5L:19D was associated with an increase in concentration (fmol/mg protein), but a reduction in total content (fmol/testes) of testicular FSH binding sites. There was no appreciable 5L:19D-associated alteration in receptor affinity (average Ka = 7.83 X 10(10) M-1). Injections of ovine prolactin (oPRL), ovine luteinizing hormone (oLH), or ovine FSH (oFSH) for 3 days into hamsters housed in 5L:19D for 12 wk had no effect on photoperiod-induced changes in testicular FSH binding sites. On Days 5 and 6 post hypophysectomy, a dramatic increase in FSH binding site concentration occurred, with but marginal effects on binding site affinity. Injections of 5 micrograms oFSH on Days 2, 3, and 4 after hypophysectomy prevented the increase in binding site concentrations measured on Day 5. Injection of a combination of 5 micrograms oFSH, 50 micrograms oPRL, and 25 micrograms oLH also reduced testicular FSH binding site concentrations in hypophysectomized hamsters, but oPRL or oLH by themselves were ineffective. The data indicate a homologous down-regulation of testicular FSH binding sites, but do not exclude the involvement of other hormones.  相似文献   

The asparagine-linked sugar chains of human follicle-stimulating hormone (hFSH) were liberated as radioactive oligosaccharides from the polypeptide moiety by hydrazinolysis followed by N-acetylation and NaB3H4 reduction. Ninety-five percent of the oligosaccharides were acidic and all were converted to a mixture of neutral oligosaccharides on sialidase treatment. The mixture of neutral oligosaccharides was subjected to sequential immobilized lectin column chromatography on E-PHA-agarose, AAL-Sepharose, and Con A-Sepharose, and six fractions were obtained. The results of sequential exoglycosidase digestion of each oligosaccharide and methylation analysis led us to propose that the asparagine-linked sugar chains of hFSH are a mixture of complex-type bi-, tri-, and tetraantennary sialylated sugar chains with and without a fucose residue linked at the C-6 position of the proximal N-acetylglucosamine. Some of these sugar chains contain bisecting N-acetylglucosamine residue.  相似文献   

A preparation of human pituitary follicle-stimulating hormone was subjected to periodate oxidation, borohydride reduction and acid hydrolysis. Comparison of the analysis of the remaining intact carbohydrate and amino acid units with the analyses of the original material and identification of the carbohydrate fragments permit some structural assignments to the molecule of follicle-stimulating hormone. The results of radioimmunological assay of fragments of the molecule of follicle-stimulating hormone suggest that, although the carbohydrate component is essential for biological activity, it is not a requirement for immunological activity, which appears to be a function of the protein moiety.  相似文献   

Rat testis tissue receptor assays were utilized to study the kinetics of dissociation of human follicle-stimulating hormone (hFSH) and luteinizing hormone (hLH) under varying conditions of urea concentration and pH. In these competitive protein binding assays, 125I-hFSH and 125I-hLH were the radioligands and hormone dissociation was followed by a decrease in the ability of the dissociating hormone to inhibit uptake of the radioligand by tissue receptors. Rate data for dissociation of the gonadotropins were analyzed for quality of fit to first or second order integrated rate equations by nonlinear regression analysis. Treatment of hFSH with 4 M urea at pH 8 and 25 degrees for 22 hours did not result in significant dissociation, whereas in 8 M urea, over 90% dissociation was observed. The rate of dissociation of hFSH in 8 M urea was increased approximately 4-fold by raising the temperature from 25 to 37 degrees. Similar results were obtained when dissociation of hFSH was followed through use of an accepted whole animal bioassay for FSH, thus confirming the reliability of the tissue receptor assay for such dissociation studies. Kinetic studies showed that hFSH was undissociated by incubation in 6 M urea of pH 8 after 4 hours at 25 degrees. In contrast, hLH was 90% dissociated under similar conditions. This differential rate of inactivation of hLH allowed preparation of hFSH having significant reduced levels of contaminating LH activity, as determined by tissue receptor assays and by whole animal bioassays. Marked differences were noted in the rate of dissociation of hFSH and hLH under acid conditions. hFSH completely dissociated after approximately 2 min of incubation of pH 2 (25 degrees), and over 90% dissociated after 15 min of incubation at pH 3. In contrast, hLH was dissociated 60% after 20 min of incubation at pH 2 (25 degrees) and 40% dissociated after 60 min at pH 3. Neither hormone was significantly dissociated at pH 4.4 after 60 min, but hFSH showed a slightly greater rate of dissociation than did LH in the period between 1 and 23 hours of incubation at that pH. hFSH and hLH were relatively resistant to dissociation after incubation at pH 12 for 1 hour, bu;t dissociated significantly after incubation for 22 hours at that pH. The time course for dissociation of hFSH or hLH under the various conditions described above did not conform clearly to either first or second order kinetics, indicating that the over-all dissociation process represents a mixed order reaction. It appears that urea or acid-induced denaturation of one or both subunits of hLH and hFSH may occur prior to their dissociation. The very rapid rate of dissociation at acid pH values, particularly of hFSH, indicate that ionic interactions contribute importantly to the subunit association phenomenon.  相似文献   



Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) has been routinely used for ovulation induction. Because of rapid clearance of the hormone, FSH is commonly administered by daily intramuscular or subcutaneous injections in in-vitro fertilization (IVF). To reduce the number of visits to the clinic, an intermittent vaginal injection of rhFSH every 3 days employing the concepts of mesotherapy and uterine first-pass effect was invented and has successfully been applied in women receiving IVF treatment. This study was designed to monitor the pharmacokinetic pattern of rhFSH administered vaginally.  相似文献   

FSH mediates its testicular actions via a specific Sertoli cell G protein-coupled receptor. We created a novel transgenic model to investigate a mutant human FSH receptor (FSHR(+)) containing a single amino acid substitution (Asp567Gly) equivalent to activating mutations in related glycoprotein hormone receptors. To examine the ligand-independent gonadal actions of FSHR(+), the rat androgen-binding protein gene promoter was used to direct FSHR(+) transgene expression to Sertoli cells of gonadotropin-deficient hypogonadal (hpg) mice. Both normal and hpg mouse testes expressed FSHR(+) mRNA. Testis weights of transgenic FSHR(+) hpg mice were increased approximately 2-fold relative to hpg controls (P < 0.02) and contained mature Sertoli cells and postmeiotic germ cells absent in controls, revealing FSHR(+)-initiated autonomous FSH-like testicular activity. Isolated transgenic Sertoli cells had significantly higher basal ( approximately 2-fold) and FSH-stimulated ( approximately 50%) cAMP levels compared with controls, demonstrating constitutive signaling and cell-surface expression of FSHR(+), respectively. Transgenic FSHR(+) also elevated testosterone production in hpg testes, in the absence of circulating LH (or FSH), and it was not expressed functionally on steroidogenic cells, suggesting a paracrine effect mediated by Sertoli cells. The FSHR(+) response was additive with a maximal testosterone dose on hpg testicular development, demonstrating FSHR(+) activity independent of androgen-specific actions. The FSHR(+) response was male specific as ovarian expression of FSHR(+) had no effect on hpg ovary size. These findings reveal transgenic FSHR(+) stimulated a constitutive FSH-like Sertoli cell response in gonadotropin-deficient testes, and pathways that induced LH-independent testicular steroidogenesis. This novel transgenic paradigm provides a unique approach to investigate the in vivo actions of mutated activating gonadotropin receptors.  相似文献   

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