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Seasonal changes in the physiology of Antechinus stuartii result in complete male mortality after mating. The most important endocrine changes in males are large rises in plasma testosterone and cortisol concentrations. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in males declines coincident with high plasma testosterone and cortisol. In the present study GFRs were measured in males captured in May (when endogenous plasma testosterone and cortisol levels are low) and given depot injections of either saline, testosterone-only, cortisol-only or testosterone plus cortisol at doses designed to mimic plasma levels during the mating period. GFR decreased significantly with testosterone injection, independent of cortisol treatment. Urinary concentrations of sodium and chloride, and osmolality decreased significantly with cortisol treatment, although the addition of testosterone reversed the effect. Total urinary excretion of electrolytes was similar between groups. Plasma potassium levels significantly increased in testosterone plus cortisol treated males. Plasma sodium levels significantly increased and plasma chloride significantly decreased in all groups treated with cortisol. Water consumption significantly increased in all cortisol-treated males and food consumption significantly increased in all testosterone-treated males. The seasonal renal functional changes observed in A. stuartii were mimicked by testosterone administration. Accepted: 23 January 1998  相似文献   

Male Antechinus stuartii (Marsupialia: Dasyuridae) undergo significant endocrinological changes during their life history. The endocrine changes are associated with complete male mortality. The accessory reproductive tract of males is important for seminal plasma production, and changes associated with the reproductive cycle were not described in detail by earlier studies. The present study sought to describe some of the seasonal changes in structure of the male accessory reproductive tract in relation to the known hormonal changes. The epididymis, prostate, and bulbourethral glands are relatively undifferentiated in February and May, a time when plasma concentrations of testosterone are known to be low. By July, considerable hypertrophy and differentiation of the accessory reproductive tract are observed. This is most obvious in the bulbourethral glands, which change from being indistinguishable from one another in February and May to being three large morphologically and histologically distinct glands in July. The hypertrophy and secretory activity continue into August, the breeding season. These findings correlate with the hormonal profiles found in other studies of A. stuartii. J Morphol 231:261–275, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   


High mortality and abnormal growth patterns commonly found in captive juvenile tuatara were hypothesised to be due in part to the effects of long‐term chronic stress of captivity. This study compared plasma concentrations of the reptilian adrenal steroid, corticosterone, in wild juvenile tuatara on Stephens Island, Cook Strait, and in captive juveniles of Stephens Island origin, held in New Zealand institutions, in February and August 1992. Seasonal variation in plasma concentration of corticosterone in wild juveniles in four seasons of the year was also examined. This is the first study of seasonal cycles in plasma corticosterone in a wild juvenile reptile. Plasma corticosterone concentrations were significantly higher in captive juvenile females (4.21 ± 0.27 ng/ml; mean ± SE) compared with wild juvenile females (2.44 ± 0.42 ng/ml) in February (P < 0.05), but not in August, and there was no difference in concentration between captive and wild juvenile males in either month. There was significant seasonal variation in plasma corticosterone in wild juvenile females (P < 0.05). However, there was no seasonal variation observed in wild juvenile males, and the magnitude of the variation in plasma corticosterone was low in both sexes (1.28 ± 0 ng/ml ‐4.65 ±3.41 ng/ml). Although mean plasma corticosterone was higher in captive juvenile females compared with wild juvenile females in February 1992, the value in captive females was within the range of mean plasma corticosterone concentrations observed in the seasonal study, and may be therefore due to asynchronicity of seasonal cycles, rather than stress. Further research is required; however, lack of correlation between plasma corticosterone concentrations and either growth rate or density indicate that captive juvenile tuatara in New Zealand are not suffering from pronounced chronic stress.  相似文献   

Life history parameters were determined for stranded and bycaught harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from Scottish (UK) waters (1992–2005). Fetal growth rate was 84.4 mm/mo and mean size at birth was 76.4 cm (range 65–88 cm). Males and females had a similar range of body lengths (65–170 cm and 66–173 cm, respectively), although asymptotic lengths were higher in females than males (approximately 158 cm and 147 cm, respectively). Nonpregnant females were significantly lighter, in relation to their length than males. Maximum estimated age was 20 yr for both sexes. Age at sexual maturity (ASM) was estimated as 4.35 yr in females and 5.00 yr in males. Conception occurred mainly in July and August although reproductively active males were recorded during April to July. Gestation lasted 10–11 mo, with calving mainly between May and July. Lactating females were recorded during June to November, while small calves with solid food in their stomachs were found mainly during February to May. Estimated pregnancy rate (0.34–0.40) is lower than recorded elsewhere, but is likely underestimated due to the prevalence of mature females of poor health status in the sample. Nevertheless, cetacean strandings can be an essential source of data on demographic parameters.  相似文献   

Domestic fowl were infused for 60 min with isotonic saline followed by 90 min with hypertonic saline. Plasma electrolyte concentrations, osmolality and haematocrit were measured. Urine electrolyte excretion rates, osmolar output and urine flow rates were also monitored. From these results fractional excretions of electrolytes were calculated. The renal function markers inulin and ρ-amino hippuric acid were infused to enable the measurement of glomerular filtration rate and plasma clearance of ρ-amino hippuric acid, respectively. Plasma samples were also taken to assay for the hormones prolactin, aldosterone and arginine vasotocin. Plasma electrolytes and osmolality, fractional excretion of electrolytes and osmolar output all increased, while haematocrit decreased, throughout the experiment. However, no significant change was found in urine flow rate and little change was seen in glomerular filtration rate. The clearance of ρ-amino hippuric acid, which provides an indication of renal plasma flow, increased during hypertonic saline infusion. Plasma concentrations of aldosterone and prolactin decreased during the experiment and plasma concentrations of arginine vasotocin increased. Infusion of hypertonic saline had no consistent effect on glomerular filtration rate, which may be due to conflicting influences of expansion of the extracellular fluid volume and increased plasma osmolality. Accepted: 19 January 1998  相似文献   

Captive-born squirrel monkeys of three different subtypes (Colombian, Bolivian, Peruvian), ranging in age from 1 to 4.5 years for males and 1 to 3.5 years for females, were examined at 3-month intervals throughout the year for seasonal changes in levels of plasma testosterone and progesterone and in body weight. Cyclical activity of testosterone in males began between 2 and 3 years of age but became more defined by the time the animals were 3–4 years old. Peak values occurred in February and May and corresponded to the the time of year in which adults normally mate. Elevations of progesterone occurred initially at approximately 2.5 years of age in February and May, and mainly infernales of the Colombian subtype. However,unlike levels of testosterone in males of this age, which declined in August and November (following the typical breeding season), levels of progesterone in females continued to increase during these months. Seasonal changes in body weight were also found in males but these changes were less evident than, and did not correlate with, hormonal changes.  相似文献   

The population structure of the Japanese fluvial sculpin,Cottus pollux (large egg type), in the upper reaches of the Inabe River, Mie Prefecture, central Japan, was investigated by a mark-and-recapture method from July 1989 to January 1991. Breeding of the species occurred from mid February to early May, peaking from mid February to late March. The mean size of mature males observed in March 1990 was significantly larger than that of females, showing apparent sexual size dimorphism. Data analysis of the growth of 1658 marked individuals revealed that the species matured at 2 years of age in both sexes. Whereas 1 year old males reached ca. 50–70 mm SL, females were less than 50 mm SL at the same age, size dimorphism already being apparent. Immature males exhibited higher growth rates than females during their first and second years, some of the former outstripping mature males of the preceding year class in total length. After attaining sexual maturity, both males and females grew mainly from July to December, with no significant differences in mean growth rate between them. Sexual size dimorphism of the species seems to be attributable to different growth rates between the sexes during their immature stage.  相似文献   

The present study describes the age and growth of the leatherjacket Meuschenia scaber, a common Australasian monacanthid and valued by‐catch of the inshore bottom trawl fishery in New Zealand. Age was determined from the sagittal otoliths of 651 individuals collected between July 2014 and March 2016 in the Hauraki Gulf of New Zealand. Otolith sections revealed alternating opaque and translucent zones and edge‐type analysis demonstrated that these are deposited annually. Meuschenia scaber displayed rapid initial growth, with both males and females reaching maturity in 1–2 years and 50% of both sexes matured at 1·5 years. Maximum age differed substantially between the sexes, at 9·8 years for males and 17·1 years for females. Growth rate was similar between sexes, although males reached greater mass at age than females in the early part of the lifespan. The length–mass relationship differed significantly between the sexes, with males displaying negative allometric growth and females isometric growth. Female condition was highest in July, declined in August with the onset of spawning and showed a slight peak in January and February, immediately following the spawning season. This study substantially extends the maximum longevity recorded for monacanthids, although males had much shorter lifespans and higher mortality, than females.  相似文献   

Understanding the movements of animals in the wild is critical for providing important information regarding their conservation and management. With this aim in mind, we studied a population of Testudo hermanni in their natural habitat using micro GPS devices. Additionally, using VHF transmitters we tracked six individuals (four females and two males) from May to August 2015. The overall home range size varied from 813 and 123,567 m2. Home range size did not differ significantly between males and females, and was also independent of the size of the individual (expressed as straight carapace length). Individual movements were confined to short distances (males 25.7 m; females 18.5 m). Activity levels were highest in July and August for males and May and July for females.  相似文献   

Monthly, overwinter and annual instantaneous growth rates for round goby Neogobius melanostomus were calculated with maximal growth occurring in July and August and almost no growth observed between ice appearance (October) and melt (March). Annual absolute growth rates averaged 27·3 ± 1·9 mm for males and 19·8 ± 2·4 mm for females. The most parsimonious Cormack–Jolly–Seber model indicated that both the survival and recapture probabilities were dependent on sampling date, but not sex. Survival estimates remained high throughout the 13 month study with a median weekly survival probability of 0·920 (25 and 75% quartiles: 0·767 and 0·991), an overwinter survival probability of 99% and an annual survival rate of 67%. Survival probabilities were lowest for both sexes near the completion of the N. melanostomus reproductive season in July and August which supports existing evidence of higher mortality after reproduction, while challenging the paradigm that male N. melanostomus suffer comparatively higher mortality as a result of reproduction than females. Evidence indicating that growth and mortality rates are highest at the end of the reproductive season not only highlights seasonal variability in N. melanostomus natural history, but may also guide the control of this invasive species to periods when they are most vulnerable.  相似文献   

The development and biological characteristics of Haemaphysalis longicornis were investigated under field conditions in Xiaowutai National Natural Reserve Area, North China. Unfed larvae, nymphs and adults were fed on rabbits and exposed to daylight. Three free-living stages were allowed to develop in field plot selected in a tick natural habitat. The host seeking behavior and seasonal occurrence were observed. Haemaphysalis longicornis were active from mid March to mid October. The premoult period of nymphs and preoviposition of females were regulating phases of their life cycle. The developmental durations of eggs, larvae and adults were constant under field conditions regardless when the development started. The oviposition periods in May and June were statistically shorter than those in July and August. The daily oviposition patterns of females engorged in May and June demonstrated unobvious peak, which differed from those engorged in July and August. The daily oviposition peak of the latter occurred on the 4th day of oviposition. Moreover, a positive correlation was found between the mass of the laid egg and the body weight of engorged females (r = 0.62, P < 0.001). The female reproductive efficiency indices were 2.9, 6.1, 10.5 and 9.0 in May, June, July and August, respectively. The mean weight (3.33 mg) of engorged nymphs molting to females was significantly higher than that (2.35 mg) of those molting to males (P < 0.001), but the body weights of both sexes were overlapping.  相似文献   

1. The spatial arrangement of resources and climatically favourable sites affects the dispersal pattern of butterflies. 2. The microdistribution of the satyrine butterfly Lethe diana changes seasonally, meaning that the relative spatial arrangement of resources also changes seasonally. The seasonal change in the dispersal pattern of this butterfly was studied. 3. Males of the May–June generation tended to stay in a restricted habitat patch while females of the same generation did not. A number of the May–June generation males became resident at prime forest edge sites, where a territorial behaviour that was rarely seen in other generations was prevalent. Females of the May–June generation moved to these territorial sites for mating but left after copulation to avoid male harassment; their residency was therefore weak. 4. In both sexes, the July–August generation tended to be more mobile than the September–October generation. This was because the July–August generation butterflies utilised dark environments for thermoregulation and, because these conditions were widespread throughout the forest, the butterflies were able to move widely. The September–October generation, however, preferred intermediate light conditions, which tended to be restricted to the forest edge; as this was a relatively small area, butterfly movement was restricted.  相似文献   

In this study, sexual dimorphism, reproductive cycles, litter size and offspring size of a population of the little‐known species Sceloporus palaciosi in central Mexico were analysed. Significant male‐biased sexual size dimorphism was recorded in snout–vent length (SVL), head length, head width, forearm length and tibia length. Both sexes showed asynchronous reproductive cycles, and males reached sexual maturity at a smaller SVL (33 mm) than females (37 mm). Testes volumes were small from January to February, testicular recrudescence began from March to June, and decreased in July, but increased again in August and September, followed by a second decrease from October to December. In females, vitellogenesis began from May until ovulation in December. Embryonic development extended from November to March, and a small number of females carried embryos through July. Mean litter size was 4.0 and was positively correlated with female SVL. The length of the reproductive period in S. palaciosi recorded in this study is longer than that recorded for other populations in other parts of this species range. Further studies are needed to clarify reproductive cycles in the other isolated populations of S. palaciosi, and then extended to other species and chromosome races in the Sceloporus grammicus complex.  相似文献   

The banded murex Hexaplex trunculus (Linnaeus, 1758) is a commercially exploited gastropod in the Mediterranean region including Tunisia where it has become an important fishery resource these last years. In the present investigation, some reproductive aspects of this species were described in the population of Boughrara lagoon based on macroscopic examination of the gonads (gonadic conditional indices) together with observation of the seasonal hypertrophy of the penis in males and capsule gland in females. This procedure of assessing reproductive activity was validated by field observations of copulation and spawning. Mature females were found during 10 months and mature males during 8 months being both frequent in January and February. Reproductive activity was slightly asynchronous between sexes with males reaching maturity before females. Gonadic release occurred earlier in males between January and March against February to April in females. These findings were in agreement with field observations of copulation in January and February and egg-capsule laying in late February and March. Hatching juveniles were observed in the field in April and May.  相似文献   

Three groups of patients: A with normal glomerular filtration rate, B with moderate and C with advanced renal damage, were dehydrated and fasted for 30 hours. At regular intervals measurements were taken of urine osmolality, urine specific gravity and serum osmolality. The time required to reach maximum urine osmolality varies with the degree of dehydration and inversely with the severity of kidney damage. In patients with normal glomerular filtration rate, maximum urine osmolality is not attained by 30 hours of dehydration. Thus, for shorter periods, all “normal ranges” of concentrating capacity must be related to specific durations of dehydration. Carefully measured urine specific gravities parallel urine osmolalities closely, especially when proteinuria and glucosuria are absent. The measurement of U/P osmolality ratio offers no clinical advantage in the assessment of renal concentration capacity over the measurement of urine osmolality alone. In Group A, hypertensives achieved higher urine concentrations than did the nonhypertensives under identical test conditions. A normal range for renal concentrating capacity has been presented.  相似文献   

From June 2004 to May 2006, the reproductive biology of the blue runner Caranx crysos was studied in the Gulf of Gabes (Southern Tunisia). Of 1668 individuals examined, 777 were females (46.6%) and 891 were males (53.4%). The sex ratio significantly deviated in favour of males (♀:♂ = 0.87 : 1). The difference in the numbers of females and males was significant among size‐classes. However, there was no significant difference between sexes over months and seasons. Monthly changes in the Gonado‐Somatic Index (GSI) showed a rapid increase during summer to very high levels in July (3.51% for males and 2.55% for females) and August (3.47% for males and 2.59% for females) before declining sharply in September (0.58% for females and 0.38% for males). The gametogenesis activity began with a pre‐maturation phase, from 20 May to the first 10 days of July, followed by a pre‐spawning phase, from 20 July to 20 August. From the last 10 days of August to 20 September the gonads were in the ripe and spawning stages. From the end of September to early May, gonads were in the post‐spawning and resting stages. The size at which 50% of the population reached sexual maturity was significantly different in males and females: males attained sexual maturity at fork length FL50 = 210.20, whereas females attained maturity at FL50 = 222.3 mm. Age at maturity was 2.4 years for males and 2.8 years for females.  相似文献   

We describe the gonadal and abdominal fat storage cycles for a population of Caiman crocodilus fuscus kept in captivity at a breeding farm. The reproductive cycles of males and females are clearly seasonal. Vitellogenic follicles were observed in females year‐round; however, the follicular growth that produces the preovulatory follicles for the breeding season occurs in November–May (most of the dry season to the beginning of the rainy season). These months correspond with the presence of physiologically reproductive males. Oviposition takes place during the wet season (April–August) and the births occur at the end of this season (September–November). Fat storage was not related to reproductive activity, and did not vary by month or between sexes. Although environmental and hormonal conditions have been improved for these captive animals, they maintain a strongly seasonal reproductive cycle, historically fixed to oviposit in the most favorable period for nest construction and hatching during the rainy season. Zoo Biol 22:121–133, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Blood samples from 30 female and 20 male adult desert tortoises, Gopherus agassizii, were collected at monthly intervals during the annual reproductive cycle (April to October). Plasma corticosterone and the sex steroids in each of the samples were analyzed by radioimmunoassay. Mean corticosterone levels in males were significantly higher than in females (P < 0.001) in every month. Male tortoises showed a marked seasonal pattern in plasma corticosterone with a highly significant peak in July, August, September, and October that corresponded with a similar peak in plasma testosterone. Testosterone and corticosterone in the male showed a highly significant correlation (P < 0.0001). The pattern of corticosterone in the female was less marked, with a significant peak in May during the mating and nesting season, but no association with the peak in estradiol in late summer was apparent. The highest levels of corticosterone in the males were associated with the peak in spermatogenesis and intense male-male combat. These results support similar data from other reptiles that suggest increased glucocorticoid secretion during periods of increased activity and metabolism.  相似文献   

Summary Renal clearance experiments were conducted on feral chickens descended from birds collected from a coral island off the coast of Queensland, Australia. Following a control period when 0.13 M NaCl was used as a vehicle for the renal function markers, a salt load was imposed by infusion of 1 M NaCl. The hypertonic NaCl infusion resulted in increases in glomerular filtration rate (GFR), effective renal blood flow (ERBF), and urine flow rate (V), whereas filtration fraction decreased. Haematocrit was reduced and plasma osmolality, sodium, chloride and potassium concentrations increased. Plasma arginine vasotocin (PAVT) levels increased from 31.4±2.3 pg·ml-1 during the control infusion to 56.0±1.7 pg·ml-1 following a salt load of 12 mmol Nacl·kg-1 The sensitivity of release of AVT was 0.69±0.11 pg·ml-1 per mosmol·kg-1. The concentrations of Na and Cl in urine increased, whereas urine osmolality and potassium concentration decreased. The expansion of the extracellular fluid volume induced by the salt loading would tend to suppress the release of AVT, whereas the osmotic stimulus would provide a stimulus for the release of AVT. In this study, GFR, ERBF and ERPF increased at the same time as PAVT increased.Abbreviations AVP arginine vasopressin - AVT arginine vasotocin - ERBF effective renal blood flow - ERPF effective renal plasma flow - GFR glomerular filtration rate - Pavt plasma arginine vasotocin concentration - PAH paraaminohippuric acid - SEM standard error of mean - SNGER single nephron glomerular filtration rate - U/P urine to plasma ratio - V urine flow rate  相似文献   

The reproductive activities of the silver pomfret, Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen), in Kuwait waters were investigated from March 1996 to February 1998. Observations on the seasonal distribution of maturity stages and variations in seasonal fluctuations in the gonadosomatic index (GSI) confirmed recent findings that the spawning period begins in May. The species has a prolonged spawning period in the females extending from May to August, whereas the males mature in April and ripe specimens were encountered in monthly samples until September. The recruitment pattern confirmed the one breeding season. There are two spawning peaks, the first in May and the second in August. Variations in GSI relative to fish length indicated that females and males are most fecund at about 24.5–26.4 cm and 20.5–22.4 cm length classes, respectively. The males mature earlier than females, at a minimum size of 12.5–14.4 cm, while the females mature at 20.5–22.4 cm. The oocyte diameter‐frequency distribution suggests a serial rhythm of spawning. Fecundity ranged from 28 965 to 455 661 and correlated positively with: (a) standard length (P < 0.006); (b) ovary weight (P < 0.001); and (c) body weight (P < 0.001), and negatively with egg size (P < 0.003).  相似文献   

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