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The responses of unmated female New World screwworm flies, Cochliomyia hominivorax Coquerel, to visual targets were studied in a wind-tunnel. Both activity and frequency of contacts with targets increased greatly when the screwworm attractant mixture swormlure-4 was added to the airstream. Target-orientated responses depended on target colour, with red and black targets being preferred over blue, white and yellow ones; this preference was much greater in the presence of odour than in its absence. No preference was detected for different shapes and orientations of red targets, all of equivalent surface area. Omitting different components from swormlure-4 generally resulted in a large reduction in activation and target contacts. Attempts to substitute 1-octen-3-ol for the butanol fraction were unsuccessful, but skatole may substitute to some extent for indole; the two isomers of butanol normally present in swormlure-4 may substitute partly or completely for each other. This type of measurement forms a suitable bioassay in the development of attractive targets for monitoring and control of wild adult screwworm populations.  相似文献   

Abstract. A field study in Libya investigated aspects of Cochliomyia hominivorax behaviour relevant to the operation of a target-based control system. Flies were readily caught by electrified targets, but only when baited with the attractant ‘swormlure-4’. Target size (0.25-lm2) did not affect catch, but black targets caught twice as many flies as red ones. Omitting the most volatile component of swormlure-4, dimethyl disulphide, significantly reduced catches of both sexes of C. hominivorax in wind-orientated traps, but only reduced the capture of females significantly on targets. A new polythene sachet dispenser for odours was tested; four to six such sachets filled with swormlure-4 less dimethyl disulphide gave an equivalent catch to one of the standard bottle plus wick dispensers using the same attractant, although they dispensed odour at about half the rate. From direct observations, fewer than 40% of flies contacted the target for more than 10 s on any one visit. From catches on an intermittently-active electrocuting grid, it was calculated that there is a c. 40% rate of multiple contacts of flies with the target.  相似文献   

Abstract. The orientation of adults of the myiasis species Wohlfahrtia magnified and Lucilia sericata to artificial visual stimuli (cloth targets) and olfactory stimuli ('swormlure-4', a potent screwworm attractant), was studied in sheep pastures near to Sarbogard in Hungary. Experiments with odour-baited cloth targets, enclosed in electrocuting grids, demonstrated that colour was an important factor influencing catches on targets: a black target caught most flies of both species, with other colours in the following order of effectiveness, blue > white > yellow. Wohlfahrtia magnified did not respond to swormlure-4 in the strong manner that L. sericata did. The sex ratios of W. magnifica caught on targets (67.2% males) and hand-netted from fence posts (68.8% males) were similar and biased towards males, whereas that of L. sericata on targets was strongly biased towards females (15.6% males), indicating a fundamental difference in the response of these two myiasis species towards the swormlure-baited targets. The orientation of these two species towards hosts was also recorded together with that of a third species, Phormia regina . Electric nets placed beside infested sheep caught significantly more flies of all three species than those placed beside uninfested sheep or in the absence of sheep. The sex ratio of W. magnified caught around infested sheep was the reverse of that on targets, with 68.5% females. Wohlfahrtia magnifica responded more strongly to healthy, uninfested sheep than did L. sericata and P. regina . The potential for use of targets both for population monitoring and control is discussed.  相似文献   

A morphological and molecular analysis was undertaken with the objective of identifying markers for geographical populations of Old World screwworm flies, Chrysomya bezziana Villeneuve (Diptera: Calliphoridae). The morphological analysis involved 192 adult flies from 14 countries, and the molecular analysis involved 45 larvae or adults from 14 populations in 11 countries. Principal components and cluster analysis of 10 morphological characters indicated that flies from Papua New Guinea (PNG) were a distinct group and most similar to flies from nearby Asian islands (Java, Sabah). There was poor resolution of other geographical regions, but some support for clustering of flies from Africa or India. Cladistic analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences gave strong support for recognizing two races of Old World screwworm, one from sub-Saharan Africa and the other from the Gulf region and Asia. This latter race could be further divided into two lineages, i.e. one from mainland Asia (from Iraq to the Malay Peninsula) and the other from two islands of PNG.  相似文献   

During the screwworm eradication programme in Libya in 1991, trapped specimens of Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel) were found infested with phoretic mites, Macrocheles muscaedomesticae (Scopoli), or parasitic mites, Trichotromidium muscarum (Riley). The possible sources of infestation and potential effects of mites on screwworm flies are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of calf milk replacers as substitutes for nonfat dry milk in the larval diet of the screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel), was determined in the laboratory. Pupal weight and fecundity of females were significantly greater than the control with some of the formulations tested. Larval crawl-off patterns for all diets were similar. Pupal weights were significantly affected only on day 1 of the 4-d crawl-off period. Among the formulations of calf milk replacer, Gold Label brand products showed the most promise as substitutes for the nonfat dry milk presently used in the screwworm production facility. Use of calf milk replacers would lead to a yearly savings of 39.3% in the cost of the dietary milk component. At a production level of 250 million flies weekly, this substitution would save approximately $338,000 dollars yearly.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The tethered flight of the Queensland fruit fly, Dacus tryoni Frogg. (Diptera, Tephritidae), was investigated, and the duration of each flight during a 2-h experimental period was recorded. The pattern of flight was analysed, and related to the age, sex and origin of the specimens, and to the availability of host fruit during the rearing of the adults. The effect of adult crowding on the pattern of flight was also briefly examined. The results indicated that the origin of the flies had little effect on the pattern of flight; male and female flies showed different trends with respect to the proportion of short flights undertaken as the flies matured; and the availability of fruit had a marked effect on the pattern of flight in recently mature flies. These data are discussed with respect to the dispersive/non-dispersive movements of the flies postulated from previously documented field data. It is suggested that there is a characteristic pattern of tethered flight, which can be related to the absence of hosts in the immediate environment, and would be likely to lead to greater dispersal under natural conditions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. When male oriental fruit moths, Grapholita molesta (Busck) (Tortricidae), casting in clean air entered an airstream permeated with pheromone their flight tracks changed immediately on initial contact with pheromone, but after a few seconds returned to casting as if in clean air. The degree of change in the flight track was directly related to the concentration of pheromone. Although little net uptunnel movement occurred in response to the continuous stimulation provided by a uniformly permeated airstream, when an intermittent stimulus provided by a point-source plume was superimposed onto the permeated airstream moths were able to 'lock on' and zigzag uptunnel in the plume. The percentage of moths doing so corresponded to the difference between the peak concentration within the plume and the background concentration of pheromone permeating the airstream. Moths also locked onto, and flew upwind along the pheromone-clean-air boundary formed along a pheromone-permeated side corridor. Because a similar response was observed along a horizontal edge between a pheromone-permeated floor corridor and clean air, we conclude that the intermittent stimulation at the edge perpetuated the narrow zigzagging response to pheromone.  相似文献   

The New World screwworm fly, Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), became established in the Old World for the first time during 1988, in the Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya. An obligate parasite of mammals in its larval stages, causing wound myiasis, it is one of the most serious insect pests of livestock in the Americas. To avert a major disaster for the livestock industry and wildlife of Africa and southern Europe, the Libyan Government and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations launched a massive screwworm eradication programme, based on the sterile insect technique, SIT. An initial containment operation involved veterinary teams working in the infested area (25,000 km2 around Tripoli), regularly inspecting livestock and, if necessary, treating them with insecticide. Quarantine stations were also set up, to prevent the movement of infested livestock out of the area. Sterile flies from the Mexican-American Commission for Eradication of Screwworms were first released in December 1990 at the rate of 3.5 million per week. This built up to 40 million per week by May 1991. The release of sterile flies was terminated on 17 October 1991, 6 months after the last detected case of screwworm myiasis in Libya. Intensive surveillance and quarantine activities will, however, continue through 1992. During 1992 the Libyan Government should be able to officially declare the New World screwworm eradicated from Libya, making it one of the most important success stories of pest control.  相似文献   

“Myiasis-causing flies” is a generic term that includes species from numerous dipteran families, mainly Calliphoridae and Oestridae, of which blowflies, screwworm flies and botflies are among the most important. This group of flies is characterized by the ability of their larvae to develop in animal flesh. When the host is a live vertebrate, such parasitism by dipterous larvae is known as primary myiasis. Myiasis-causing flies can be classified as saprophagous (free-living species), facultative or obligate parasites. Many of these flies are of great medical and veterinary importance in Brazil because of their role as key livestock insect-pests and vectors of pathogens, in addition to being considered important legal evidence in forensic entomology. The characterization of myiasis-causing flies using molecular markers to study mtDNA (by RFLP) and nuclear DNA (by RAPD and microsatellite) has been used to identify the evolutionary mechanisms responsible for specific patterns of genetic variability. These approaches have been successfully used to analyze the population structures of the New World screwworm fly Cochliomyia hominivorax and the botfly Dermatobia hominis. In this review, various aspects of the organization, evolution and potential applications of the mitochondrial genome of myiasis-causing flies in Brazil, and the analysis of nuclear markers in genetic studies of populations, are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Recently documented insect declines have caused major concerns and an increased interest in studies using long-term population-monitoring data. 2. Samples from a 12.2-m suction trap were used to examine trends in phenology and abundance of Diptera over four decades. 3. The timing of peak flight has advanced by an average of 17 days, from 23 July in 1974 to 6 July in 2014. 4. The abundance of flies has decreased by 37% over the studied period (from April to September), and peak abundance has decreased by 48%. The flight period has started earlier in recent years, and in 2014, the number of flies was higher in spring until the 31st of May than in 1974. Possible causes and impacts of these changes are discussed.  相似文献   

The causes of screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax) outbreaks in North America are not well understood, but the literature suggests that climate was historically important. Screwworm case incidence in each of seven climatological divisions of Texas was examined for the years 1962-83, the period when sterile-male releases were made. Weak but statistically significant correlations were found between winter and summer cases and mean winter and summer rainfall and temperature when the independent variables were examined one at a time. Multiple regression of log case incidence on previous quarterly cases and current rainfall and temperatures showed a significant, negative effect of temperature on summer cases. Lagged screwworm cases accounted for most of the variation in quarterly cases. No climatic effects were detected in the other seasons. Rainfall was statistically unrelated to screwworm abundance in any season even in an arid region. The analysis does not support a climatic genesis of screwworm outbreaks or eradication. The sterile-male method is a credible explanation for screwworm disappearance.  相似文献   

The incidence of screwworm cases in Texas during the 1962-82 sterile-male eradication campaign is analysed in relation to seasonal temperatures and screwworm density. The analysis shows that screwworm outbreaks occur in response to favourable seasonal conditions, especially warm winters and cool summers. The outbreaks collapse following cold winters and hot summers. Screwworm density in autumn also influences rates of increase, possibly through a shortage of wounded hosts in the autumn-winter period. The analysis provides a simple predictive model which not only accounts for the fluctuations in case incidence seen in Texas during the eradication campaign, which others have attributed to strain problems and release methods, but also simulates the historical pattern of screwworm abundance in both Texas and Florida over the last 100 years. It is concluded that screwworm, being essentially a tropical species, might well have been eradicated from the southern U.S.A. by exceptionally unfavourable climate such as occurred in Florida in 1958 and in Texas in the late 1970s and early 1980s. Certainly, unfavourable climate must have been important to the success of the eradication campaigns.  相似文献   

Abstract.  New World screwworm populations in North and Central America have been the targets of virtually continuous eradication attempts by sterile insect technique (SIT) since the 1950s. Nevertheless, in some areas, such as Jamaica, SIT control programmes have failed. Reasons for the failure of SIT-based control programmes in some locations are unknown, but it has been hypothesized that failure may be related to mating incompatibility between sterile and wild fly populations or to the existence of sexually incompatible cryptic species. This paper outlines the development of a suite of four new microsatellite loci which can be used to study intra-specific relationships between populations of Cochliomyia hominivorax from the Caribbean and South America, which represent those populations involved in, or earmarked for, forthcoming SIT control. Cross-amplification with the secondary screwworm, Cochliomyia macellaria , was also successful with three of the new loci. We present results which suggest that populations from Trinidad and Jamaica form distinct groupings of flies and that C. hominivorax from Trinidad appears particularly distinct.  相似文献   

Screwworm case incidence in a meteorologically and ecologically homogeneous region of Texas being treated with sterile flies was analyzed. Data from 19 years suggested that annual cases were not correlated with temperatures, rainfall, or crop moisture index. Cases in winter and summer were only minimally influenced by temperatures. No statistical relation between screwworm outbreaks and the meteorological variables was found. No convincing relation was found between strains of sterile flies released and screwworm cases. These data suggest that execution of the sterile male technique was decisive in the numbers of cases realized. The ultimate eradication of screwworms from the region is strong indication that the sterile male technique is robust and that intrinsic reproductive isolating mechanisms did not become prevalent among screwworm flies.
Résumé L'analyse de la présence de cohortes de larves de C. hominivorax dans une région climatiquement et écologiquement homogène du Texas, où des populations sont activies toute l'année ne révèle aucune corrélation entre les pullulations, les pluies, la température ou le déficit d'évaporation et l'humidité excessive. Aucune corrélation n'a pu être décelée entre les lignées de mouches stériles libérées et les cohortes de larves. Ces résultats suggèrent que la technique d'utilisation des mâles stériles est bonne et que des mécanismes intrinsèques d'isolement reproductif ne ssont pas encore devenus importants chez C. hominivorax.

The oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae), is a pest of fruit and vegetable production that has become established in 42 countries in Africa after its first detection in 2003 in Kenya. It is likely that this rapid expansion is partly due to the reported strong capacity for flight by the pest. This study investigated the tethered flight performance of B. dorsalis over a range of constant temperatures in relation to sex and age. Tethered flight of unmated B. dorsalis aged 3, 10 and 21 days was recorded for 1 h using a computerized flight mill at temperatures of 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 and 36 °C. Variations in fly morphology were observed as they aged. Body mass and wing loading increased with age, whereas wing length and wing area reduced as flies aged. Females had slightly larger wings than males but were not significantly heavier. The longest total distance flown by B. dorsalis in 1 h was 1559.58 m. Frequent short, fast flights were recorded at 12 and 36 °C, but long-distance flight was optimal between 20 and 24 °C. Young flies tended to have shorter flight bouts than older flies, which was associated with them flying shorter distances. Heavier flies with greater wing loading flew further than lighter flies. Flight distances recorded on flight mills approximated those recorded in the field, and tethered flight patterns suggest a need to factor temperature into the interpretation of trap captures.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted in Mexico to investigate the possibility of replacing sentinel animals as baits for female New World screwworm Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) with a synthetic odour-bait composed of compounds identified from wounds infested with the larvae of C. hominivorax. Studies using sheep held in stanchions surrounded by an incomplete ring of electrified nets showed that both male and female C. hominivorax were attracted to an unwounded animal (ratio of male : female flies caught 1.11 : 1.00), although they were not observed to land. By contrast, catches associated with unwounded sheep with larval wound fluid applied to shaven shoulders suggested that female C. hominivorax were attracted to (male : female ratio of electrified nets catch 0.14 : 1.00) and landed on the wound fluid but male flies did not respond (male : female ratio alighting on fluid 0.05 : 1.00). In related studies the attractiveness of synthetic blends of 25 electrophysiologically active compounds identified in fluids associated with wounds infested with the larvae of C. hominivorax were tested. The acidic components of the wound fluids were found to attract and elicit a landing response from both male and female flies, whereas the non-acidic components alone caught only low numbers of flies. However, the numbers of male and female flies that were attracted to and landed on a synthetic bait could be increased significantly by increasing the proportion of non-acid to acid components in the lure. In some replicates the most effective blend caught a number of C. hominivorax comparable to that caught by a standard synthetic attractant, Swormlure-4, although, unlike with Swormlure-4, the catch was predominately composed of female flies. It is uncertain whether Swormlure-4 contains compounds that elicit a landing response from male C. hominivorax or whether the synthetic and natural wound odours contain compounds that inhibit a landing response from male C. hominivorax. Further work is required to simplify the blend of compounds needed to attract female flies and to better understand the role of the compounds that elicit behavioural responses from both male and female C. hominivorax before a synthetic substitute can be fully developed to replace sentinel animals.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The New World screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel) (Diptera: Calliphoridae), is one of the most important myiasis-causing flies in South America. It is responsible for severe economic losses to livestock producers, mainly because it causes mortality in newborn calves and reductions in the quality of leather and in the production of milk and meat. The economic losses caused by myiasis, along with those caused by other internal and external parasites, are the main factors limiting meat production. In Brazil, C. hominivorax has been controlled by applying insecticides, particularly organophosphate (OP)-based compounds. However, the improper and continuous use of these chemicals can lead to the selection of OP-resistant strains. This, associated with the fast development of OP resistance in other myiasis-causing flies, shows the importance of investigating resistance in C. hominivorax. Based on the findings of previous studies, the objective of the current work was to isolate and sequence the E3 gene in C. hominivorax. Mutations at the positions (Gly137 and Trp251) responsible for conferring OP resistance in Lucilia cuprina and Musca domestica L. (Muscidae) were identified in C. hominivorax . In addition, the orthologous region in C. hominivorax contained motifs that are highly conserved among carboxyl/cholinesterases and contribute to the catalytic mechanism of the active site. The characterization of this gene in natural populations of New World screwworm can be an important tool for monitoring resistance to insecticides throughout its current geographic distribution. This will provide information for the selection and implementation of more effective pest management programmes.  相似文献   

The likelihood of microorganisms being transferred to new environments by jet aircraft was investigated. Initial random sampling of the aircraft surface revealed the presence of microorganisms in varying numbers on different aerodynamic surfaces. Bacteria of the genus Bacillus were the most common isolates, comprising approximately one-third of the total organisms found. The most frequently isolated fungi were Cladosporium, Alternaria, Penicillium, and several yeasts. Sampling of surfaces before and immediately after a flight demonstrated that microorganisms were collected during flight in areas protected from the airstream and lost in those areas directly exposed to it. These experiments also showed that the majority of the organisms contaminating the aircraft were acquired from the air at ground level. The placement of microorganisms on the aircraft surface before a flight and determination of their survival after flight indicated that the test organisms were most likely to be transported in the areas protected from the airstream. The organisms showing the best chance of being transferred seem to be the sporeforming bacteria, arthrospore-forming fungi, and some yeasts. All phases of this work showed that microorganisms could be carried by jet aircraft to environments they could not reach by natural means of dispersal.  相似文献   

The age structure of screwworm, Cochliomyia hominivorax (Coquerel), populations was studied in the Guatemalan lowlands with the pteridine technique of age determination. Flies (95% were 4-15 d old) were captured on sentinel animals. Mean age was 7.5 d. The oldest fly captured was 21 d old. Most flies visiting wounds were reproductively mature females. Of these, about one-half oviposited once, one-third oviposited twice, and 1 in 10 completed three ovarian cycles (assuming a 3-d interval between clutches). Periodicity in adult capture rates may be related to the reproductive cycle. Results suggest that local populations are composed of a high proportion of synchronized cohorts.  相似文献   

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