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mus301 was identified independently in two genetic screens, one for mutants hypersensitive to chemical mutagens and another for maternal mutants with eggshell defects. mus301 is required for the proper specification of the oocyte and for progression through meiosis in the Drosophila ovary. We have cloned mus301 and show that it is a member of the Mus308 subfamily of ATP-dependent helicases and the closest homolog of human and mouse HEL308. Functional analyses demonstrate that Mus301 is involved in chromosome segregation in meiosis and in the repair of double-strand-DNA breaks in both meiotic and mitotic cells. Most of the oogenesis defects of mus301 mutants are suppressed by mutants in the checkpoint kinase Mei41 and in MeiW68, the Spo11 homolog that is thought to generate the dsDNA breaks that initiate recombination, indicating that these phenotypes are caused by activation of the DNA damage checkpoint in response to unrepaired Mei-W68-induced dsDNA breaks. However, neither mei-W68 nor mei-41 rescue the defects in oocyte specification of mus301 mutants, suggesting that this helicase has another function in oocyte selection that is independent from its role in meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

Mutations in the Drosophila mus308 gene confer specific hypersensitivity to DNA-cross-linking agents as a consequence of defects in DNA repair. The mus308 gene is shown here to encode a 229-kDa protein in which the amino-terminal domain contains the seven conserved motifs characteristic of DNA and RNA helicases and the carboxy-terminal domain shares over 55% sequence similarity with the polymerase domains of prokaryotic DNA polymerase I-like enzymes. This is the first reported member of this family of DNA polymerases in a eukaryotic organism, as well as the first example of a single polypeptide with homology to both DNA polymerase and helicase motifs. Identification of a closely related gene in the genome of Caenorhabditis elegans suggests that this novel polypeptide may play an evolutionarily conserved role in the repair of DNA damage in eukaryotic organisms.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana MEI1 was first described as a gene involved in male meiosis, encoding a short protein showing homology with a human acrosin-trypsin inhibitor. We have isolated a new allele of mei1, and shown that in both mutants male and female meiosis are affected. In both reproductive pathways, meiosis proceeds while chromosomes become fragmented, resulting in aberrant meiotic products and in a strongly reduced fertility. We have shown that the gene mutated in mei1 mutants actually encodes a protein of 972 amino acids that contains five BRCA1 C-terminus (BRCT) domains and is similar to proteins involved in the response to DNA damage and replication blocks in eukaryotes. During meiosis, recombination is initiated by the formation of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) induced by the protein SPO11. We analysed meiotic chromosome behaviour of the mei1 mutant in a spo11 mutant background and proved that the meiotic fragmentation observed in mei1 mutants was not the consequence of defects in the repair of meiotic DSBs induced by SPO11. We also analysed the effect of mei1 on the mitotic cell cycle but could not detect any sensitivity of mei1 seedlings to DNA-damaging agents like gamma-rays or UV. Therefore, MEI1 is a BRCT-domain-containing protein that could be specific to the meiotic cell cycle and that plays a crucial role in some DNA repair events independent of SPO11 DSB recombination repair.  相似文献   

Photoreceptor cells of the Drosophila compound eye begin to develop specialized membrane foldings at the apical surface in midpupation. The microvillar structure ultimately forms the rhabdomere, an actin-rich light-gathering organelle with a characteristic shape and morphology. In a P-element transposition screen, we isolated mutations in a gene, bifocal (bif), which is required for the development of normal rhabdomeres. The morphological defects seen in bif mutant animals, in which the distinct contact domains established by the newly formed rhabdomeres are abnormal, first become apparent during midpupal development. The later defects seen in the mutant adult R cells are more dramatic, with the rhabdomeres enlarged, elongated, and frequently split. bif encodes a novel putative protein of 1063 amino acids which is expressed in the embryo and the larval eye imaginal disc in a pattern identical to that of F actin. During pupal development, Bif localizes to the base of the filamentous actin associated with the forming rhabdomeres along one side of the differentiating R cells. On the basis of its subcellular localization and loss-of-function phenotype, we discuss possible roles of Bif in photoreceptor morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Ren N  Charlton J  Adler PN 《Genetics》2007,176(4):2223-2234
Adult Drosophila are decorated with several types of polarized cuticular structures, such as hairs and bristles. The morphogenesis of these takes place in pupal cells and is mediated by the actin and microtubule cytoskeletons. Mutations in flare (flr) result in grossly abnormal epidermal hairs. We report here that flr encodes the Drosophila actin interacting protein 1 (AIP1). In other systems this protein has been found to promote cofilin-mediated F-actin disassembly. In Drosophila cofilin is encoded by twinstar (tsr). We show that flr mutations result in increased levels of F-actin accumulation and increased F-actin stability in vivo. Further, flr is essential for cell proliferation and viability and for the function of the frizzled planar cell polarity system. All of these phenotypes are similar to those seen for tsr mutations. This differs from the situation in yeast where cofilin is essential while aip1 mutations result in only subtle defects in the actin cytoskeleton. Surprisingly, we found that mutations in flr and tsr also result in greatly increased tubulin staining, suggesting a tight linkage between the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton in these cells.  相似文献   

Pang M  McConnell M  Fisher PA 《DNA Repair》2005,4(9):971-982
mus 308 designates one of over 30 mutagen sensitivity loci found in Drosophila. It is predicted to code for a 229-kDa polypeptide. Published sequence analyses of others indicate that this polypeptide would have helicase motifs near its N-terminus, and similarities to bacterial DNA polymerase I-like enzymes near its C-terminus. In our studies, two different and highly specific antibodies were prepared and used for identification as well as characterization of the mus 308 gene product. Western blot analyses reveal a single reactive polypeptide in both ovaries and embryos as well as in two Drosophila embryo tissue culture cell lines; it is nearly absent in homozygous mus 308 mutants. This polypeptide is about 229 kDa in size, and indirect immunofluorescence shows that the mus 308 gene product localizes throughout nuclei in wild-type cells but appears to be absent in a mus 308 mutant. Immunoblot analyses throughout development suggest greatest abundance at the end of embryogenesis, immediately before hatching of first instar larvae. They also showed a smaller ( approximately 100 kDa) antigenically and genetically related polypeptide found only in adult males. Immunoprecipitation, a highly effective method of specific purification, suggests that the mus 308 protein has DNA polymerase activity that is NEM-sensitive but largely aphidicolin-resistant. In addition, the immunoprecipitated material has DNA-dependent ATPase but lacks detectable helicase.  相似文献   

The erect wing (ewg) locus of Drosophila melanogaster encodes a vital function important for the development of the nervous system and the indirect flight muscles. In order to understand the ewg function at a molecular level, cDNA clones were isolated. Sequence analysis of cDNAs revealed a single open reading frame (ORF) encoding a protein of 733 residues. The translational start for this ORF is a CTG codon. A 225-amino-acid region of this protein is 71% identical to the DNA binding region of the Strongylocentrotus purpuratus P3A2 DNA binding protein. Additionally, the ORF contains large acidic and basic domains characteristic of those in proteins involved in nuclear regulatory functions. Immunoblot analysis using polyclonal anti-EWG antisera generated against a bacterial fusion protein reveals a single, 116-kDa protein present throughout development, beginning at approximately stage 12 of embryogenesis, which is enriched in adult heads and absent from embryos carrying certain ewg alleles. Additionally, we show that EWG is localized specifically to the nuclei of virtually all embryonic neurons. Finally, a minigene consisting of an ewg cDNA under control of the hsp70 promoter can provide the ewg function in transgenic ewg mutant flies.  相似文献   

BRCA1 interacts in vivo with a novel protein, BACH1, a member of the DEAH helicase family. BACH1 binds directly to the BRCT repeats of BRCA1. A BACH1 derivative, bearing a mutation in a residue that was essential for catalytic function in other helicases, interfered with normal double-strand break repair in a manner that was dependent on its BRCA1 binding function. Thus, BACH1/BRCA1 complex formation contributes to a key BRCA1 activity. In addition, germline BACH1 mutations affecting the helicase domain were detected in two early-onset breast cancer patients and not in 200 matched controls. Thus, it is conceivable that, like BRCA1, BACH1 is a target of germline cancer-inducing mutations.  相似文献   

Zygotic expression of the three rows (thr) gene of Drosophila melanogaster is required for normal cell proliferation during embryogenesis. Mitotic defects in thr mutant embryos begin during mitosis 15, and all subsequent divisions are disrupted. Chromosome disjunction and consequently cytokinesis fail during these defective mitoses, although the initial mitotic processes (chromosome condensation, spindle assembly, metaphase plate formation, and cyclin degradation) are not affected. Despite the failure of chromosome disjunction and cytokinesis, later mitotic events (chromosome decondensation) and subsequent cell cycle progression continue. The thr gene has been isolated and shown to encode a 1209 amino acid protein that shares no extended sequence similarity with known proteins. thr mRNA is present as maternal mRNA that degrades at the time of cellularization. At this and all subsequent times during embryogenesis, zygotic expression correlates with mitotic proliferation. These observations, together with the observation that the zygotic phenotype of thr mutant embryos is influenced by the maternal genotype, suggest that the embryonic phenotype results from exhaustion of the maternal thr contribution and does not reflect a developmentally restricted requirement for thr function. Our results indicate that the novel thr product is required specifically for chromosome disjunction during all mitoses.  相似文献   

A Drosophila gene encoding a protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) has been sequenced, and lethal mutations in this locus (87B) analysed. Two mutants (ck19e211 and ck19hs46), which disrupt mitosis, lack the 87B isoenzyme and express only approximately 20% of wild type PP1 activity. The promoter region of the gene is deleted in the ck19e211 mutant. A third mutant (ck19e078), which shows suppression of position effect variegation, but has little effect on mitosis, possesses approximately 35% of wild type PP1 activity. The results indicate that the PP1 87B isoenzyme is involved in regulation of chromosome condensation at interphase as well as mitosis.  相似文献   

5 mutagen-sensitive mutants of Drosophila melanogaster, reported to perform normal or only slightly reduced excision repair of UV damage, were examined by an unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) assay. This assay measures the ability of cultured primary cells, derived from each mutant, to perform the resynthesis step in the excision repair pathway, following damage to cellular DNA by direct-acting alkylating agents, UV or X-irradiation. 2 mutants, classified as completely or partially proficient for both excision and postreplication repair of UV damage, mus(1)103 and mus(2)205, were found to give positive UDS responses only for UV damage. These mutants exhibit no measurable UDS activity following DNA damage by several different alkylating agents and X-rays. 3 mutants, classified as having no defect in excision repair, but measurable defects in postreplication repair of UV damage, mei-41, mus(1)101, and mus(3)310 exhibit 3 different response patterns when tested with the battery of agents in the UDS assay. The mutant mei-41 exhibits a highly positive UDS response following damage by all agents, consistent with its prior classification as excision-repair-proficient, but postreplication-repair-deficient for UV damage. The mutant mus(1)101, however, exhibits a strong positive UDS response following only UV damage and appears to be blocked in the excision repair of damage produced by both alkylating agents and X-irradiation. Finally, mus(3)310 exhibits no UDS response to alkylation, X-ray or UV damage. This is not consistent with its previous classification. Results obtained with the quantitative in vitro UDS assay are entirely consistent with the results from two separate in vivo measures of excision repair deficiency following DNA damage, larval hypersensitivity to killing and hypermutability in the sex-linked recessive lethal test.  相似文献   

S T Crews  J B Thomas  C S Goodman 《Cell》1988,52(1):143-151
Mutations in the single-minded (sim) gene of Drosophila result in the loss of the precursor cells giving rise to the midline cells of the embryonic central nervous system. We have examined the structure of the sim product by sequencing a sim cDNA clone, and have also determined the subcellular localization of the protein and its developmental expression by staining embryos with an antiserum against a sim fusion protein. The results indicate that sim is a nuclear protein specifically expressed along the midline of the neuroepithelium, the same subset of cells that are missing in the mutant. No similarity is observed between sim and any known nuclear protein, but, surprisingly, it is similar to the Drosophila period (per) locus gene product, which controls the periodicity of biological rhythms.  相似文献   

LTE1 belongs to the CDC25 family that encodes a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for GTP-binding proteins of the ras family. Previously we have shown that LTE1 is essential for termination of M phase at low temperatures. We have identified TEM1 as a gene that, when present on a multicopy plasmid, suppresses the cold-sensitive phenotype of lte1. Sequence analysis of TEM1 and GTP-binding analysis of the gene product revealed that TEM1 encodes a novel low-molecular-weight GTP-binding protein. The defect of TEM1 was lethal, and the tem1-defective cells were arrested at telophase with high H1-kinase activity under restrictive conditions, indicating that TEM1 is required to exit from M phase. The defect of TEM1 was suppressed by a high dose of CDC15, which encodes a protein kinase homologous to mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinases. The genetic interaction among LTE1, TEM1, and CDC15 indicates that they cooperatively play an essential role for termination of M phase.  相似文献   

H F Lin  M F Wolfner 《Cell》1991,64(1):49-62
The maternal-effect gene fs(1)Ya is specifically required for embryonic mitosis in Drosophila. fs(1)Ya is involved in the initiation of the first embryonic mitosis and may also be necessary for subsequent embryonic mitotic divisions. fs(1)Ya encodes a 91.3 kd hydrophilic protein containing two putative MPF phosphorylation target sites and two potential nuclear localization signals. This protein is synthesized during postoogenic maturation from its maternal RNA and persists throughout embryogenesis. In early embryos, the fs(1)Ya protein is localized to the nuclear envelope from interphase to metaphase. During anaphase and telophase, it is dispersed in the nucleoplasm and cytoplasm, a behavior that is different from that of both the nuclear envelope and lamins. These results suggest that the fs(1)Ya protein is a cell cycle-dependent component of the nuclear envelope that specifically functions in embryonic mitosis.  相似文献   

We have isolated a cDNA that encodes a 142-kDa protein by immunoscreening of a Schizosaccharomyces pombe expression library with a new antibody, mAb8, that reveals spindle poles and equatorial ring-like structures in several organisms. This cDNA encodes a putative protein which we termed Alm (for abnormal long morphology). The protein is predicted to be a coiled-coil protein, containing a central α-helical domain flanked by non-helical terminal domains. Immunofluorescence analysis showed that Alm1 is localized in the medial region of the cell from anaphase to the end of cytokinesis. Cells carrying an alm1::ura4 + disruption are viable and exhibit an elongated morphology. Homozygous alm1::ura4 + diploids sporulated normally but the spores did not germinate. Spores that have inherited the disruption allele from a heterozygous alm1 + / alm1::ura4 + diploid germinated but generated smaller colonies. We propose that Alm1 participates in the structural organization of the medial region in S. pombe. Received: 9 April 1999 / Accepted: 22 October 1999  相似文献   

Upon infection of Escherichia coli with bacteriophage Mu, a 64-kDa protein is injected into the host cell along with the phage DNA. This protein is involved in circularizing the infecting Mu DNA (Harshey, R. M., and Bukhari, A. I. (1983) J. Mol. Biol. 167, 427-441; Puspurs, A. H., Trun, N. J., and Reeve, J. N. (1983) EMBO J. 2, 345-352). Its possible role in the integration of infecting Mu DNA and in the infection process remains to be established. To identify the source of this protein we have prepared antiserum to the protein purified from viral particles. We have shown that the antiserum is specific for the Mu N gene product. The antiserum has been used to immunologically screen a Mu DNA library cloned into an expression vector. Four clones have been shown to produce a protein of 64 kDa that is specifically bound by the antiserum. The only Mu gene common to all four clones is the N gene, as demonstrated by physical and genetic mapping. We have also demonstrated by peptide mapping that the cloned N gene product is identical to the 64-kDa protein found complexed with the injected Mu DNA.  相似文献   

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