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When is a herbivore not a herbivore?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
T. C. R. White 《Oecologia》1985,67(4):596-597
Summary Young herbivores are not herbivores. With the apparent exception of some chewing insects they cannot survive and growth without eating animal or microbial protein. Further reinforcing how short available nitrogen is in plant food, adult herbivores must feed selectively and depend on intestinal microorganisms to obtain sufficient nitrogen for maintenance and breeding.  相似文献   

The term “cladist” has distinct meanings in distinct contexts. Communication between philosophers, historians, and biologists has been hindered by different understandings of the term in various contexts. In this paper I trace historical and conceptual connections between several broadly distinct senses of the term “cladist”. I propose seven specific definitions that capture distinct contemporary uses. This serves to disambiguate some cases where the meaning is unclear, and will help resolve apparent disagreements that in fact result from conflicting understandings of the term.  相似文献   

It is time to drop the glyoxysome name. Recent functional genomics analysis together with cell biology studies emphasize the unifying features of peroxisomes rather than their differences. Plant peroxisomes contain 300 or more proteins, the functions of which are dominated by activities related to fatty acid oxidation (>70 enzymes). By comparison, relatively few proteins are committed to metabolism of reactive oxygen species ( approximately 20) and to photorespiration ( approximately 10). Analysis of triglyceride metabolism in Arabidopsis seedlings now indicates that only two enzymes (isocitrate lyase and malate synthase) potentially distinguish glyoxysomes from other peroxisomes. Future research is best served by focusing on the common features of peroxisomes to establish how these dynamic organelles contribute to energy metabolism, development and responses to environmental challenges.  相似文献   

The term quorum sensing (QS) is used to describe the communication between bacterial cells, whereby a coordinated population response is controlled by diffusible molecules produced by individuals. QS has not only been described between cells of the same species (intraspecies), but also between species (interspecies) and between bacteria and higher organisms (inter-kingdom). The fact that QS-based communication appears to be widespread among microbes is strange, considering that explaining both cooperation and communication are two of the greatest problems in evolutionary biology. From an evolutionary perspective, intraspecies signalling can be explained using models such as kin selection, but when communication is described between species, it is more difficult to explain. It is probable that in many cases this involves QS molecules being used as 'cues' by other species as a guide to future action or as manipulating molecules whereby one species will 'coerce' a response from another. In these cases, the usage of QS molecules cannot be described as signalling. This review seeks to integrate the evolutionary literature on animal signalling with the microbiological literature on QS, and asks whether QS within bacteria is true signalling or whether these molecules are also used as cues or for the coercion of other cells.  相似文献   

The epipleurites were originally described by Hopkins in 1909 on the imago and larva of a beetle. Then this term was widely used in insect morphology, mainly for larvae, to designate certain sclerites of the pleural region. They have recently been interpreted as tergopleural (i.e. pleural but not strictly appendicular) by Deuve in 2001, but a study of embryonic development by Kobayashi et al. in 2013 has shown that they are instead eupleural (i.e. appendicular) and correspond to a dorsal part of the subcoxa. Their presence in the abdominal segments of insects illustrates the fundamental importance of the subcoxa in segmental structure, with a function of anchoring and supporting the appendage when the latter is present. However, the epipleurites are normally separated and functionally dissociated from the coxosternum, which integrates the ventral component of the subcoxa. In females, the epipleurite of segment IX of the abdomen corresponds to the gonangulum, as already pointed out by Deuve in 1994 and 2001, and it is involved in gonopod articulation. At segments VIII and IX of both males and females of holometabolans, the formation process of the genital ducts leads to an internalisation of the whole subcoxosternum (i.e. the coxosternum with the exception of the coxal and telopodal territories), and it is the two flanking epipleurites that ventrally close the abdomen in relation to the rearward displacement of the gonopore. This model may be generalised, in its broad lines, to a large part of the hemimetabolans. The body plan of the insect abdomen underlines the morphological and functional importance of the subcoxa in its fundamental structure, but the study of the Hexapoda in general also indicates the presence of a more proximal segment, the precoxa, which would belong to the groundplan but is more cryptic because it is often closely associated with the subcoxa and/or the paranotal lobe. Its location, which is sometimes on the ventral flank of the paranotal lobe, is in line with the hypothesis of a dual origin of the pterygote wing.  相似文献   

We extend the game theoretic model of kleptoparasitism introduced by Broom and Ruxton (1998, Behav. Ecol. 9, 397–403) in two ways: we allow for asymmetric contests, where the probability α of the challenger winning can take any value from 0 to 1; and we allow the handler to choose not to resist the challenge, but to immediately concede and relinquish its food to the challenger. We find, in general, three possible evolutionarily stable strategies—challenge-and-resist (Hawk), challenge-but-do-not-resist (Marauder) and do-not-challenge-but-resist (Retaliator). When α = 1/2, we find that Hawk and Marauder are the only ESS’s, in contrast to the result of the original model; we also find an overlap region, in parameter space, where two different ESS’s are possible, depending on initial conditions. For general α, we see that all three ESS are possible, depending on different values of the environmental parameters; however, as the average time of a contest over food becomes long, then the Marauder strategy becomes more and more prevalent. The model makes a potentially significant prediction about animal behaviour in the area of kleptoparasitism, that a searcher, when it meets a handler, will only decline to attack that handler when α < 1/2 i.e.when the defender is more likely to win. One possible converse of this statement, that a handler whose probability of success is greater than 1/2 should always resist a challenge, is not true.  相似文献   

Aggregate 8-cell embryos were constructed from four 2/8 pairs of blastomeres, one of which was marked with a short-term cell lineage marker and was also either 4 h older (derived from an early-dividing 4-cell) or 4 h younger (derived from a late-dividing 4-cell) than the other three pairs. The aggregate embryos were cultured to the 16-cell stage, at which time a second marker was used to label the outside cell population. The embryos were then disaggregated and each cell was examined to determine its labelling pattern. From this analysis, we calculated the relative contributions to the inside cell population of the 16-cell embryo of older and younger cells. Older cells were found to contribute preferentially. However, if the construction of the aggregate 8-cell embryo was delayed until each of the contributing 2/8 cell pairs had undergone intercellular flattening and then had been exposed to medium low in calcium to reverse this flattening immediately prior to aggregation, the advantage possessed by the older cells was lost. These results support the suggestion that older cells derived from early-dividing 4-cell blastomeres contribute preferentially to the inner cell mass as a result of being early-flattening cells.  相似文献   

Phosphorylation of Escherichia coli CheY increases its affinity for its target, FliM, 20-fold. The interaction between BeF(3)(-)-CheY, a phosphorylated CheY (CheY approximately P) analog, and the FliM sequence that it binds has been described previously in molecular detail. Although the conformation that unphosphorylated CheY adopts in complex with FliM was unknown, some evidence suggested that it is similar to that of CheY approximately P. To resolve the issue, we have solved the crystallographic structure of unphosphorylated, magnesium(II)-bound CheY in complex with a synthetic peptide corresponding to the target region of FliM (the 16 N-terminal residues of FliM [FliM(16)]). While the peptide conformation and binding site are similar to those of the BeF(3)(-)-CheY-FliM(16) complex, the inactive CheY conformation is largely retained in the unphosphorylated Mg(2+)-CheY-FliM(16) complex. Communication between the target binding site and the phosphorylation site, observed previously in biochemical experiments, is enabled by a network of conserved side chain interactions that partially mimic those observed in BeF(3)(-)-activated CheY. This structure makes clear the active role that the beta4-alpha4 loop plays in the Tyr(87)-Tyr(106) coupling mechanism that enables allosteric communication between the phosphorylation site and the target binding surface. Additionally, this structure provides a high-resolution view of an intermediate conformation of a response regulator protein, which had been generally assumed to be two state.  相似文献   

Requiring that several properties are well reproduced is a severe test on density functional approximations. This can be assessed through the estimation of joint and conditional success probabilities. An example is provided for a small set of molecules, for properties characterizing the transition states (geometries and energies).  相似文献   

Studies in experimental grasslands have extensively documented the effects of sown plant diversity on the colonization of new species, but the responses of the sown plant combinations themselves have rarely been investigated. We established experimental grasslands differing in species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, and 16) and functional group number and composition (1–4; legumes, grasses, small herbs, tall herbs), and we studied the changes in the abundance of sown species (residents) in both weeded and non-weeded subplots over a period of five years after sowing. The accumulation of new species through spontaneous colonization in the non-weeded treatment did not affect the number of resident species, but had increasingly negative effects over time on the cover of resident species and their aboveground biomass production at community level. Temporal stability of resident populations was lower and year-to-year changes in resident species composition were larger in non-weeded than in weeded subplots. Compositional dissimilarity between weeded and non-weeded treatments increased through time. These negative effects of the colonization of new species on the abundances and stability of resident populations depended on resident species identity and not on additional variation between different functional groups. The colonization of new species did not change the number of resident species emerging from seeds, but reduced seedling densities of residents. Colonization did not affect the structure of resident communities as measured by species evenness, functional trait diversity and mean trait values suggesting that colonization can destabilize the species composition of residents in terms of abundance while leaving them unchanged in terms of functional characteristics. Generally, negative impacts of colonizing species on residents which accelerated through time decreased with an increasing number of sown species. Sowing more diverse grassland mixtures increases their predictability in terms of ecosystem characteristics, which is important for ecological restoration and sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

Activin A is a pluripotent growth factor with important roles in development, erythropoiesis and the local regulation of many tissues. At the post-translational level, the amount of activin A produced by cells may be modulated through the diversion of activin A subunits into the formation of inhibin or other activins containing heterodimeric forms. Once assembled, activin interacts with various low- and high-affinity binding proteins, such as follistatin and alpha(2)-macroglobulin, that have consequences for receptor availability. In common with other TGFbeta family members, activin signals through pairs of type I and II receptor kinases and the Smad intracellular signalling cascade. Other checkpoints have been identified such as the recently identified pseudoreceptor, BAMBI. These emerging findings point to a tightly coordinated regulation of the exposure of a cell or tissue to activin, consistent with the low amounts of this potent factor that are necessary to modulate cellular responses.  相似文献   

Onobrychis aliacmonia was discovered in 1956 and described in 1973, the year when it was last collected. Its single known locality was flooded soon afterward by an artificial lake now extending over the middle portion of the Aliakmon Valley (western Greek Makedhonia), and the species was believed extinct. It has now been rediscovered in the southern Peloponnisos, in an area far south of the locus classicus and in a widely different ecological context.Dedicated to Hofrat Univ.-Prof. DrK. H. Rechinger on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

1. A survey of the literature indicates that the apparent capacitance per unit area (C m ) of biological membranes is in general significantly greater than is that of artificial phospholipid (black lipid) membranes (BLM). It is not possible, by quantitative arguments alone, to exclude that this simply reflects the idea that protein-containing biological membranes have a greater thickness than BLM. 2. The temperature-dependence of the membrane capacitance for both solvent-containing and solvent-free BLM is negative. However, where appropriate data are available, it appears that the capacitance of biological membranes has a positive temperature-dependence, indicating a qualitative difference between natural and artificial membranes. 3. Using a 4-terminal dielectric spectrometer, and the fitting program and electrode polarisation correction described in the accompanying paper, we have carried out a careful study of the temperature-dependence of the -dielectric dispersion of a unicellular eukaryote (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) and a prokaryote (Escherichia coli). 4. In the range 15–40 °C, the temperature-dependence of the -dielectric dispersion (and thus in principle of C m ) in S. cerevisiae and E. coli is respectively +0.13 and +0.35% (°C)–1. 5. Flow cytometric measurements indicate that the cell size of E. coli is unchanged in the temperature range studied. 6. These data strongly suggest that the -dielectric dispersion in cell suspensions is not due solely to the charging of a static membrane capacitance. It is proposed that the positive temperature coefficient of the -dispersion reflects the contribution of temperature-dependent, partially restricted, lateral motions of the charged lipid and protein components of the cytoplasmic membrane. Offprint requests to: D. B. Kell  相似文献   

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