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The Catskill Mountains of southeastern New York receive among the highest rates of atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition in eastern North America, and ecosystems in the region may be sensitive to human disturbances that affect the N cycle. We studied the effects of a clearcut in a northern hardwood forest within a 24-ha Catskill watershed on the net rates of N mineralization and nitrification in soil plots during 6 years (1994–1999) that encompassed 3-year pre- and post-harvesting periods. Despite stream NO3 concentrations that increased by more than 1400 mol l–1 within 5 months after the clearcut, and three measures of NO3 availability in soil that increased 6- to 8-fold during the 1st year after harvest, the net rates of N mineralization and nitrification as measured by in situ incubation in the soil remained unchanged. The net N-mineralization rate in O-horizon soil was 1– 2 mg N kg–1 day–1 and the net nitrification rate was about 1 mg N kg–1 day–1, and rates in B-horizon soil were only one-fifth to one-tenth those of the O-horizon. These rates were obtained in single 625 m2 plots in the clearcut watershed and reference area, and were confirmed by rate measurements at 6 plots in 1999 that showed little difference in N-mineralization and nitrification rates between the treatment and reference areas. Soil temperature increased 1 ± 0.8 °C in a clearcut study plot relative to a reference plot during the post-harvest period, and soil moisture in the clearcut plot was indistinguishable from that in the reference plot. These results are contrary to the initial hypothesis that the clearcut would cause net rates of these N-cycling processes to increase sharply. The in situ incubation method used in this study isolated the samples from ambient roots and thereby prevented plant N uptake; therefore, the increases in stream NO3 concentrations and export following harvest largely reflect diminished uptake. Changes in temperature and moisture after the clearcut were insufficient to measurably affect the net rates of N mineralization and nitrification in the absence of plant uptake. Soil acidification resulting from the harvest may have acted in part to inhibit the rates of these processes. The US Governments right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty-free license in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

Owen  Jeffrey S.  Wang  Ming Kuang  Sun  Hai Lin  King  Hen Biau  Wang  Chung Ho  Chuang  Chin Fang 《Plant and Soil》2003,251(1):167-174
We used the buried bag incubation method to study temporal patterns of net N mineralization and net nitrification in soils at Ta-Ta-Chia forest in central Taiwan. The site included a grassland zone, (dominant vegetation consists of Yushania niitakayamensis and Miscanthus transmorrisonensis Hayata) and a forest zone (Tsuga chinensis var. formosana and Yushania niitakamensis). In the grassland, soil concentration NH4 + in the organic horizon (0.1–0.2 m) ranged from 1.0 to 12.4 mg N kg–1 soil and that of NO3 varied from 0.2 to 2.1 mg N kg–1 soil. In the forest zone, NH4 + concentration was between 2.8 and 25.0 mg N kg–1 soil and NO3 varied from 0.2 to 1.3 mg N kg–1 soil. There were lower soil NH4 + concentrations during the summer than other seasons. Net N mineralization was higher during the summer while net nitrification rates did not show a distinct seasonal pattern. In the grassland, net N mineralization and net nitrification rates were between –0.1 and 0.24 and from –0.04 to 0.04 mg N kg–1 soil day–1, respectively. In the forest zone, net N mineralization rates were between –0.03 and 0.45 mg N kg–1 soil day–1 and net nitrification rates were between –0.01 and 0.03 mg N kg–1 soil day–1. These differences likely result from differing vegetation communities (C3 versus C4 plant type) and soil characteristics.  相似文献   

To investigate the potential role of microbial community composition in soil carbon and nitrogen cycling, we transplanted soil cores between a grassland and a conifer ecosystem in the Sierra Nevada California and measured soil process rates (N-mineralization, nitrous oxide and carbondioxide flux, nitrification potential), soil water and temperature, and microbial community parameters (PLFA and substrate utilization profiles) over a 2 year period. Our goal was to assess whether microbial community composition could be related to soil process rates independent of soil temperature and water content. We performed multiple regression analyses using microbial community parameters and soil water and temperature as X-variables and soil process rates and inorganic N concentrations as Y-variables. We found that field soil temperature had the strongest relationship with CO2 production and soil NH4+ concentration, while microbial community characteristics correlated with N2O production, nitrification potential, gross N-mineralization, and soil NO3 concentration, independent of environmentalcontrollers. We observed a relationship between specific components of the microbial community (as determined by PLFA) and soil processes,particularly processes tightly linked to microbial phylogeny (e.g. nitrification). The most apparent change in microbial community composition in response to the 2 year transplant was a change in relative abundance of fungi (there was only one significant change in PLFA biomarkers for bacteria during 2 years). The relationship between microbial community composition and soil processes suggests that prediction of ecosystem response to environmental change may be improved by recognizing and accounting for changes in microbial community composition and physiological ecology.  相似文献   

In this study the rates of net mineralization, net immobilization and net nitrification have been quantified under laboratory conditions in a sandy low-humus soil from a semi-arid region, in absence of plant growth. Incubation experiments were carried out under constant humidity and under alternating wet and dry conditions to simulate field conditions during the rainy season. The ammonium and nitrate content of the incubates were determined and their CO2 production measured.The rate of net mineralization at field capacity was 0.6 kg N ha–1d–1 during the first 40 days and decreased to 0.06 kg N ha–1d–1 after 400 days. This rate was twice as high on wet days under alternating wet and dry conditions. The rate of net nitrification during alternating wet and dry conditions was also higher (1.9 kg N ha–1d–1) than at constant field capacity (1.3 kg N ha–1d–1) until the ammonium was almost completely depleted. These rates of net mineralization and net nitrification are in agreement with field observations.Net immobilization did not occur in the experiments, unless glucose was added to the soil.The data on CO2 production and net mineralization showed that the C/N ratio of the degraded material was around 9 or below. It is much lower than the ratio of total carbon over total nitrogen in the soil. This indicates that microorganisms and compounds high in nitrogen were mineralized. Certainly after about 30 days the only growth taking place is based on turnover of material of the microbial biomass itself.A decrease in the amount of inorganic nitrogen was observed upon drying of the soil, while it returned to the original content after rewetting. It is postulated that this might be due to temporary uptake of nitrogen in an inorganic form in microorganisms as part of their osmoregulation.  相似文献   

温度和湿度对我国内蒙古羊草草原土壤净氮矿化的影响   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
王常慧  邢雪荣  韩兴国 《生态学报》2004,24(11):2472-2476
土壤氮素的矿化是反映土壤供氮能力的重要因素之一 ,也是目前国内外研究的热点。通过测定内蒙古典型羊草草原自由放牧地土壤净氮矿化量和净氮矿化速率 ,揭示影响草地生态系统土壤氮循环过程的有关机理 ,为草地生态系统建模提供理论依据。在实验室条件下 ,运用恒温恒湿培养箱控制土壤的温度与湿度 ,测定羊草草原长期自由放牧地土壤氮素矿化量的积累。将不同水分含量的土柱分别放在温度为 - 10℃、0℃、5℃、15℃、2 5℃和 35℃的恒温恒湿培养箱中培养 ,培养 1、2、3、5周后取出 ,分析培养前后的 NH 4- N和 NO- 3- N含量 ,以确定土壤净氮矿化 (NH 4- N NO- 3- N)的累积和不同时间段内的矿化速率。结果表明 :不同处理温度和水分之间的差异均达到显著水平 (p<0 .0 0 0 1)。温度和水分之间具有显著的交互作用 (p<0 .0 0 0 1)。随着培养时间的延长 ,矿化氮累积量增加 ,但是矿化速率下降  相似文献   

Aims Our objective is to: 1) explore the dynamics of soil nitrogen (N) mineralization in a grassland ecosystem in response to the changes in precipitation intensity and temporal distribution, and 2) identify the controlling factors.Methods The two study sites located in a typical steppe of the Nei Mongol grassland were fenced in 2013 and 1999, respectively. Our field experiment includes manipulations of three levels of precipitation intensity (increased 50%, decreased 50%, control) in three temporal patterns (increased or decreased precipitation for three years; increased or decreased precipitation for two years and no manipulation for one year; increased or decreased precipitation for one year and no manipulation for one year).Important findings 1) The soil net N mineralization and net nitrification rates decreased with changes in the temporal distributions of precipitation from one year to three years, with the maximum values of soil net N mineralization and nitrification rates observed in the treatments of increased or decreased precipitation for one year and no manipulation for one year (+PY1 or -PY1). This indicates that the high precipitation intensity and longer precipitation may have negative effects on soil net N mineralization and nitrification rates, while the moderate soilmoisture and temperature may stimulate soil mineralization. 2) The soil net N mineralization and nitrification rates, soil cumulative N mineralization, and nitrification in the fenced site in 1999 were higher than those in the site fenced in 2013, implying that a long-term enclosure may have promoted nutrient storage and soil quality restoration. 3) The long-term treatments of increased or decreased precipitation had significant effects on soil water content and temperature, whereas the short-term, discontinuous precipitation produced minor effects on soil moisture and temperature. Moreover, the controlling factors for soil N mineralization were different between the two fields. Soil moisture had a major effect on soil inorganic N content and net N mineralization rate in the site fenced in 2013, while soil temperature played a dominant role in the site fenced in 1999, with the net N mineralization rate depressed by higher soil moisture. Our findings suggest that the precipitation intensity and temporal distribution had important impacts on soil N mineralization in the Inner Mongolia grassland; these effects was site-dependent and particularly related to soil texture, community composition, and disturbance, and other factors.  相似文献   

土壤异养呼吸在野外自然条件下除受温湿度影响外, 还受其他多种因子的综合影响, 很难利用野外观测数据确定土壤异养呼吸对温湿度变化的响应方程形式, 以及温湿度间是否存在交互作用。该研究在严格控制温湿度的条件下对内蒙古克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii)(西北针茅(Stipa sareptana var. krylovii))草原土样进行室内培养实验, 旨在解决上述问题。该研究的正交实验包括5个温度梯度(9、14、22、30、40 ℃)和5个湿度梯度(土壤持水力(water holding capacity, WHC)分别为20%、40%、60%、80%、100%)。室内培养实验持续71天, 土壤异养呼吸速率测定为2天(后期为1周)一次, 土壤可溶性有机碳和微生物生物量碳含量测定约为18天一次。研究结果显示: 土壤异养呼吸与温度呈显著正相关(p < 0.001)且温度间差异显著(p = 0.001), 呼吸温度敏感性(Q10)与土壤水分含量呈正相关(p < 0.001); 呼吸与土壤水分二项式拟合效果较好, 在80% WHC时呼吸速率最大, 且最适湿度随温度上升而增加。土壤温度和水分的交互作用显著(p < 0.05), 土壤异养呼吸最适响应方程为lnRh = 0.914 + 0.098T + 0.046M + 0.001TM - 0.002T2 - 0.001M2 (Rh为异养呼吸, T为温度, M为湿度), 这说明加和形式的温湿度响应模型可能优于乘积形式。微生物生物量碳与土壤异养呼吸的相关性随培养时间发生变化, 土壤可溶性有机碳与土壤异养呼吸无显著相关(培养第20天除外), 原因可能是培养期间微生物死亡或群落结构改变导致微生物总体代谢活性的变化。  相似文献   

Summary A 16-plot experimental field was established in 1975 on a clay soil in Jokioinen, Finland. The water discharge through tile drains was measured and its ammonium and nitrate N contents determined for each plot separately. The surface runoff was also measured and analysed. The annual runoff and the N leached from the surface of moderately fertilized (100 kg/ha/y N) cereal plots varied during 1976–1982 from 21 to 301 mm and from 2 to 7 kg/ha, respectively. The discharge of water and leaching of N through subdrains varied from 65 to 225 mm and from 1 to 38 kg/ha, respectively. The highest leaching was probably caused by a previous fallow. The annual N uptake by the crop varied between 41 and 122 kg/ha.Of the fertilizer-N used for cereals, 20% of that applied in the autumn was lost, but only 1 to 4 per cent was lost when applied in the spring. There was much less N leaching from ley than from barley plots, although the former was given twice as much N. The rate of N fertilization had only a very slight effect on N leaching from both ley and barley plots.The results were compared with those obtained in lysimeters filled with clay, silt, sand and peat soils. No definite conclusions can be drawn because the lysimeter experimental data are only for the first year.  相似文献   

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