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中国隼姬蜂属一新种(膜翅目:姬蜂科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述采自河南省内乡县宝天曼自然保护区的姬蜂科Ichneumonidae一新种;斜隼姬蜂Neliopisthus inclivatus sp.nov.。本种与雅住址 N.elegans(Ruthe)相似,主要区别特征如下,斜住址姬蜂:触角比前长;触角鞭节30-34节;侧单眼长径(♂)为单复眼间距的0.3-0.4倍。后小脉强烈内斜,在接近下端(0.13)处曲折。雅隼姬蜂:触角不比翅长;触角鞭节不多于28节;侧单眼开径(♂)约为单复眼间距的0.91倍;后小脉仅上段内斜,在中央稍下方曲折。  相似文献   

采用体视显微镜对藏药独一味的根、茎、叶和果实微性状进行观察,利用生物显微镜观察切片组织构造及粉末显微鉴别特征,扫描电镜进一步观察叶片表面结构特征。藏药独一味药材的微性状特征包括根、茎、叶、果实,而茎粗短,果实细小且易脱落,地上部分鉴定特征主要为叶片和果序,叶片表皮细胞中可见气孔、非腺毛和腺鳞等。地上部分粉末鉴定特征包括非腺毛、叶肉细胞、气孔和纤维等,根的鉴别特征包括针晶和导管等。本研究通过对独一味药材不同部位微性状和显微进行系统研究,归纳了独一味药材性状和显微的鉴别要点,可以为独一味药材鉴别提供参考依据。  相似文献   

凤眼果具有温胃、杀虫等功效,其名称和性状易与苹婆属其他物种混淆,然而其相关研究基础比较薄弱。该研究对凤眼果性状、微性状、种子横切面及粉末显微特征进行观察; 利用双向测序获取凤眼果DNA条形码序列ITS2、psbA-trnH、matK、rbcL,计算Kimura 2-Parameter(K2P)遗传距离,建立邻接系统进化树并进行聚类分析。结果表明:(1)凤眼果性状特征为外被深红色果皮,种子表面红褐色或暗栗色,质硬,内含浅黄色肥厚胚乳2片。(2)微性状特征为外种皮红褐色,极薄,质脆; 中种皮黑褐色,较厚,质硬; 内种皮浅黄色,质软。(3)显微特征为外种皮石细胞结构和排列方式、中种皮栅状细胞结构、内种皮细胞壁呈连珠状增厚、草酸钙簇晶。(4)基于ITS2序列可将凤眼果与苹婆属其他植物有效区分,matK序列可将假苹婆与苹婆属其他植物有效区分。该研究获取的凤眼果性状、微性状及显微特征数据,结合ITS2条形码序列可有效鉴别凤眼果,为其资源开发及质量标准制定提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

大别山区黄缘闭壳龟形态生物学的种群特征分析(Ⅱ)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据腹甲形态以及背甲与腹甲的闭合程度等特征,将大别山区黄缘闭壳龟分为两个自然种群,对其中一个自然种群的形态生物学特征进行研究报道.该自然种群的形态生物学特征为腹甲中部较平,背甲与腹甲完全闭合不紧密,头部、四肢可部分露出,可量性状研究表明,背甲长/背甲宽、背甲长/腹甲长、背甲宽/腹甲宽的统计分析分别为:1.37±0.06、1.04±0.02、1.30±0.04.背甲长与腹甲长的回归方程为Y=1.0512X-1.3141、背甲长与体高的回归方程为Y=0.4665X 0.6157,线性相关极其显著.体重与背甲长、体重与背甲宽、背甲宽与腹甲宽等存在着比较显著的线件关系.而年龄与体重(相关系数为r=0.3640)不存在明显的线性相关性.  相似文献   

侧沟茧蜂属二新种记述(膜翅目,茧蜂科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了采自福建武夷山、浙江(龙王山、百山祖)、湖北神农架、山东崂山和黑龙江镜泊湖等地的侧沟茧蜂属Microplitis Foerster 2新种。两色侧沟茧蜂Microplitis bicol-oratus sp.nov.(♀)和长径侧沟茧蜂Microplitis longiradiusis sp.nov.(♀)。两色侧沟茧蜂Microplitis bicoloratus与M.obscuripennis Xu and He相似,但以下特征与之区别:1)前后单眼间距与单眼直径等长(后者小于单眼直径);2)中胸盾片具一宽而深的中纵沟,且内具小脊(后者无中纵沟);3)后翅后小脉直(后者明显弯向翅基);4)翅半透明,淡烟褐色,前翅翅痣下方具一暗色斑(后者翅不透明,一致暗烟褐色);5)后足胫节中部具1黄白色环(后者为一致黑色)。采自福建、浙江、湖北和山东。长径侧沟茧蜂Microplitis longiradiusis与M.marshalli Kokujev相似,但以下特征与之区别:1)后单眼间距与单复眼间距等长(后者短于单复眼间距);2)腹部第2~3背板红黄色(后者黑色);3)后足基节红黄色(后者黑色);4)前翅r脉短于2-SR脉(后者与2-SR脉等长);5)前翅1-R1脉特别短,约与翅痣等长(后者明显长于翅痣长)。采自黑龙江。本文附中国侧沟茧蜂属种类检索表。模式标本均保存在浙江大学植保系寄生蜂标本室。  相似文献   

目的:对中药威灵仙饮片及其伪品升麻须根进行鉴别。方法:运用性状鉴别、显微鉴别及紫外分光光度法对二者进行鉴定学研究。结果:威灵仙饮片与升麻须根在断面性状、显微特征以及紫外吸收方面均存在显著区别。结论:升麻须根不能作为威灵仙饮片正品在市场上销售使用,在实际工作中坚决不能将二者混用。  相似文献   

大囟散白蚁Reticulitermes gaoshi新种 有翅成虫(图1:A—F,表1) 体型中等偏小。头部、前胸背板和腹部背板棕褐色,后唇基、触角、后颏和腿节以上均为褐色,胫节上半部黄白色中带淡褐,胫节以下淡黄带白,翅淡褐色。头部和前胸背板有较多的长刚毛,腹部背板刚毛更为稠密。 头部长宽几等,近圆形。囟很大,圆形,位于头顶中央。触角斑十分明显。复眼大,椭圆形。单眼小,卵形。单、复眼间距约等于单眼的短径。复眼至头部下缘的距离约等于其  相似文献   

窄腹细蜂属一新种(膜翅目:窄腹细蜂科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
窄腹细蜂属Ropronia Provancher,1886在我国已知2种:四川窄腹细蜂R.szechuanensis Chao,1962,分布四川省;短角窄腹细蜂R.brevicornis Townes,1948,分布福建省。 本文报导一新种,浙江窄腹细蜂R.zhejiangensis sp.nov.,模式标本存浙江农业大学。浙江窄腹细蜂Ropronia zhejiangensis He,新种 鉴别特征:本种与R.ishiharai Yasumatsu,1956近似,但本新种与后者有以下几点不同:①头部上半及中胸盾片均密布明显刻点;②头顶在后单眼与后头脊之间非常隆起;③后单眼间距明显短于后单眼至复眼的距离;④腹部第2背板侧面观背缘微弱弯曲,  相似文献   

研究了我国实姬蜂属Strongylopsis Brauns,1896,描述1新种,西藏实姬蜂Strongylopsis xizangensis sp.nov.,并附有特征图.根据Kasparyan(1974)的检索表,对世界实姬蜂属分种检索表进行了改编.模式标本保存在浙江大学膜翅目标本馆.西藏实姬蜂,新种Strongylopsis xizangensis sp.nov.(图1~11)鉴别特征 本种与中华实姬蜂S.chinensis He相似,但可从以下特征与后者区别:1)前翅小翅室近五边形(后者四边形);2)前翅1m-cu脉中央有1脉桩(后者1m-cu脉平滑,无脉桩);3)后足第3跗节短于第5节(后者等长);4)后足黑色(后者后足褐色,仅基节和转节黑色);5)后单眼间距与单复眼间距等长(后者后单眼间距短于单复眼间距).正模♀,西藏莫格(29°31 ′N,96°34′E;海拔3 772 m),2009-06-11,谭江丽采,编号200907053.分布:中国西藏.词源:新种种名源自模式标本采集地地名.中华实姬蜂Strongylopsis chinensis He,1996(图12~21)鉴别特征 本种与斑翅实姬蜂S.belua Kuzin非常相似,不同之处在于本种:1)前翅小翅室受纳2m-cu脉与端部0.28处(后者在中央处);2)前翅1cu-m脉无脉桩(后者有);3)前翅无暗斑(后者前翅在径室处有暗斑).研究标本:正模♀,青海玉树(32° 56′N,97°16′E),1981-08,邱应章采,编号820291.分布:中国青海.  相似文献   

本文记述膜翅目叶蜂科叶蜂亚科外眼叶蜂族2新属2新种:黑背天目叶蜂Tianmuthredonigrodorsatagen.etsp.nov.;斑背任氏叶蜂Renamaculatagen.etsp.nov.。天目叶蜂属类似于北美的Zaschizonyx属,但唇基强烈鼓起,侧角尖锐,颚眼距为单眼直径两倍,复眼间距短于眼高,后颊脊完全,后胸侧板附片端部圆钝,前翅2Rs室等长于1Rs和1R1室之和,虫体具细密刻纹等与之不同。任氏叶蜂属特征介于Rhogogaster和Zaschizonyx两属之间,其前翅臀室中位收缩,无横脉,2M室长宽比为2,无触角窝上突,并胸腹节具大膜区,后足股节细长,伸抵腹部末端等可于Rhogogaster属区别;上颚3齿,上唇大,复眼内缘强烈凹缘,胸腹侧片前片存在,前胸侧板腹侧截型会合,无后胸侧板附片,触角和足细长等可于Zaschizonyx属区别。  相似文献   

Using different approaches, the functional morphology of the compound eye of the honeybee drone was examined. The drone exhibits an extended acute zone in the dorsal part of its eye. The following specializations were found here: enlarged facet diameters; smaller interommatidial angles; red-leaky screening pigment; enlarged rhabdom diameters; photopigment composition different from the drone's ventral eye region and the worker bee's eye. Thus, similar to other male insects, the drone compound eye is divided into a male-specific dorsal part and a ventral part resembling the worker bee's eye. The functional significance of the sex-specific acute zone is discussed with respect to mating behaviour.  相似文献   

Three layers (characterized by different orientations of the keratin molecules) from the outer to the inner side of human nail were observed by synchrotron X-ray microdiffraction. These layers are associated with the histological dorsal, intermediate and ventral plates. The hair-like type alpha-keratin filaments (81 A in diameter), are only present in the intermediate layer (accounting for approximately 2/3 of the nail width) and are perfectly oriented perpendicular to the growth axis, in the nail plane. Keratin filaments of stratum corneum (epidermis) type, found in the dorsal and ventral cells, are oriented in two privileged directions; parallel and perpendicular to the growth axis. This "sandwich" structure in the corneocytes and the strong intercellular junctions, gives the nail high mechanical rigidity and hardness, both in the curvature direction and in the growth direction. Lipid bilayers (49 A thick) parallel to the nail surface fill certain ampullar dilations of the dorsal plate and intercellular spaces in the ventral plate. Using X-ray micro-diffraction, we show that onychomycosis disrupts the keratin structure, probably during the synthesis phase.  相似文献   

Using the electroretinogram (ERG) technique the spectral efficiency of the compound eye of the glasshouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) and its main parasitoid Encarsia formosa (Gahan) (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) was measured at selected wavelengths between 340 nm and 670 nm. The form of the ERG for both T. vaporariorum and E. formosa was found to be monophasic in nature. For both male and female T. vaporariorum and female E. formosa a primary peak of efficiency occurred in the blue-green-yellow region, peak 520 nm and a secondary peak in the ultraviolet (UV) region. The compound eye of female E. formosa gave a significantly greater response in the UV region than either the dorsal or ventral regions of the compound eye of T. vaporariorum relative to the responses in the blue-green-yellow region. T. vaporariorum has divided compound eyes with distinct dorsal and ventral regions. In this study it was found that the percentage response in the UV, of the dorsal region of the eye, is significantly greater than that of the ventral region of the eye relative to the percentage response in the blue-green-yellow region and there is a significant shift in the blue-green yellow peak towards the right of the spectrum.  相似文献   

Summary The crustaceanDaphnia magna responds to a flash of light with a ventral rotation of its compound eye; this behavior is termed eye flick. We determined the spectral sensitivity for the threshold of eye flick in response to light flashes having three different spatial characteristics: (1) full-field, extending 180° from dorsal to ventral in the animal's field of view; (2) dorsal, 30° wide and located in the dorsal region of the visual field; (3) ventral, same as dorsal but located ventrally. All three stimuli extended 30° to the right and to the left of the animal's midplane. We found that spectral sensitivity varies with the spatial characteristics of the stimulus. For full-field illumination, the relative sensitivity was maximal at 527 nm and between 365 nm and 400 nm, with a significant local minimum at 420 nm. For the dorsal stimulus, the relative sensitivity was greatest at 400 nm, but also showed local maxima at 440 nm and 517 nm. For the ventral stimulus, the relative sensitivity maxima occurred at the same wavelengths as those for the full-field stimulus. At wavelengths of 570 nm and longer, the responses to both dorsal and ventral stimuli showed lower relative sensitivity than the full-field stimulus. No circadian or other periodic changes in threshold spectral sensitivity were observed under our experimental conditions. Animals which had their nauplius eyes removed by means of laser microsurgery had the same spectral sensitivity to full-field illumination as normal animals. Our results are discussed in terms of our current knowledge of the spectral classes of photoreceptors found in theDaphnia compound eye.  相似文献   

Summary The spectral sensitivities of individually stimulated ommatidia in the compound eye of Daphnia magna were measured using a fast spectral scan voltage-clamp technique with extracellular recording. Chromatic adaptation was used to reveal the contributions of individual spectral classes of photoreceptors to the ommatidial sensitivity. Ommatidia in the dorsal and ventral regions of the compound eye were tested. Four spectral classes of photoreceptors were found in each ommatidium, among them a previously undetected class with peak sensitivity in the ultraviolet. The wavelengths of peak sensitivity were at 348, 434, 525, and 608 nm for the dorsal ommatidia. The three longer wavelength classes agreed well with those found previously by intracellular recording (Schehr 1984). Only small differences in wavelength and magnitude of peak sensitivity were found between the four classes in the dorsal versus ventral ommatidia.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Relationships between estimation of predator-prey distance prior to a capture attempt and some features of the compound eye are investigated at all stages of post-embryonic development. Interommatidial angles increase gradually from the anterior and the dorsal regions to the posterior and ventral regions. Facet diameters vary only slightly over the eye surface but increase with age. New ommatidia appear around the borders of eye after each moult. The older ommatidia are pushed away from the border. From one instar to another ommatidia change their direction of view from between 10 to 30 relative to the body axes. This change in direction far exceeds the calculated changes in direction that would be optimal if ommatidia were to continue viewing the same relative directions in space. This suggests a high degree of plasticity of the underlying neuronal networks.  相似文献   

Insect exoskeletons are composed of the cuticle, a biomaterial primarily formed from the linear and relatively rigid polysaccharide, chitin, and structural proteins. This extracellular material serves both as a skin and skeleton, protecting insects from environmental stresses and mechanical damage. Despite its rather limited compositional palette, cuticles in different anatomical regions or developmental stages exhibit remarkably diverse physicochemical and mechanical properties because of differences in chemical composition, molecular interactions and morphological architecture of the various layers and sublayers throughout the cuticle including the envelope, epicuticle and procuticle (exocuticle and endocuticle). Even though the ultrastructure of the arthropod cuticle has been studied rather extensively, its temporal developmental pattern, in particular, the synchronous development of the functional layers in different cuticles during a molt, is not well understood. The beetle elytron, which is a highly modified and sclerotized forewing, offers excellent advantages for such a study because it can be easily isolated at precise time points during development. In this study, we describe the morphogenesis of the dorsal and ventral cuticles of the elytron of the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, during the period from the 0 d-old pupa to the 9 d-old adult. The deposition of exocuticle and mesocuticle is substantially different in the two cuticles. The dorsal cuticle is four-fold thicker than the ventral. Unlike the ventral cuticle, the dorsal contains a thicker exocuticle consisting of a large number of horizontal laminae and vertical pore canals with pore canal fibers and rib-like veins and bristles as well as a mesocuticle, lying right above the enodcuticle. The degree of sclerotization appears to be much greater in the dorsal cuticle. All of these differences result in a relatively thick and tanned rigid dorsal cuticle and a much thinner and less pigmented membrane-like ventral cuticle.  相似文献   

In order to improve biological control of agricultural pests, it is fundamental to understand which factors influence the composition of natural enemies in agricultural landscapes. In this study, we aimed to understand how agricultural land use affects a number of different traits in ground beetle communities to better predict potential consequences of land-use change for ecosystem functioning. We studied ground beetles in fields with different agricultural land use ranging from frequently managed sugar beet fields, winter wheat fields to less intensively managed grasslands. The ground beetles were collected in emergence tents that catch individuals overwintering locally in different life stages and with pitfall traps that catch individuals that could have a local origin or may have dispersed into the field. Community weighted mean values for ground beetle traits such as body size, flight ability and feeding preference were estimated for each land-use type and sampling method. In fields with high land-use intensity the average body length of emerging ground beetle communities was lower than in the grasslands while the average body length of actively moving communities did not differ between the land-use types. The proportion of ground beetles with good flight ability or a carnivorous diet was higher in the crop fields as compared to the grasslands. Our study highlights that increasing management intensity reduces the average body size of emerging ground beetles and the proportion of mixed feeders. Our results also suggest that the dispersal ability of ground beetles enables them to compensate for local management intensities.  相似文献   

The teashirt (tsh) gene has dorso-ventral (DV) asymmetric functions in Drosophila eye development: promoting eye development in dorsal and suppressing eye development in ventral by Wingless mediated Homothorax (HTH) induction [Development 129 (2002) 4271]. We looked for DV spatial cues required by tsh for its asymmetric functions. The dorsal Iroquois-Complex (Iro-C) genes and Delta (Dl) are required and sufficient for the tsh dorsal functions. The ventral Serrate (Ser), but not fringe (fng) or Lobe (L), is required and sufficient for the tsh ventral function. We propose that DV asymmetric function of tsh represents a novel tier of DV pattern regulation, which takes place after the spatial expression patterns of early DV patterning genes are established in the eye.  相似文献   

In nature, nothing is wasted, not even waste. Dung, composed of metabolic trash and leftovers of food, is a high‐quality resource and the object of fierce competition. Over 800 dung beetle species (Scarabaeinae) compete in the South African dung habitat and more than 100 species can colonize a single dung pat. To coexist in the same space, using the same food, beetles divide the day between them. However, detailed diel activity periods and associated morphological adaptations have been largely overlooked in these dung‐loving insects. To address this, we used a high‐frequency trapping design to establish the diel activity period of 44 dung beetle species in their South Africa communities. This allowed us to conclude that the dung beetles show a highly refined temporal partitioning strategy, with differences in peak of activity even within the diurnal, crepuscular, and nocturnal guilds, independent of nesting behavior and taxonomic classification. We further analyzed differences in eye and body size of our 44 model species and describe their variability in external eye morphology. In general, nocturnal species are bigger than crepuscular and diurnal species, and as expected, the absolute and relative eye size is greatest in nocturnal species, followed by crepuscular and then diurnal species. A more surprising finding was that corneal structure (smooth or facetted) is influenced by the activity period of the species, appearing flat in the nocturnal species and highly curved in the diurnal species. The role of the canthus—a cuticular structure that partially or completely divides the dung beetle eye into dorsal and ventral parts—remains a mystery, but the large number of species investigated in this study nevertheless allowed us to reject any correlation between its presence and the nesting behavior or time of activity of the beetles.  相似文献   

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