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The unpredictable seasonality of the Mediterranean climate imposes on the development of specific life‐cycle phenologies such as those seen in geophyte species that have a period of dormancy to avoid stressful abiotic conditions. To date, two life‐cycle strategies are recognized in Mediterranean geophytes. In some species, growth and reproduction occur in different seasons (hysteranthous geophytes), whereas in others these two processes occur at the same time (synanthous geophytes). A study of the life cycle of the autumnal‐flowering Narcissus serotinus in three populations over two consecutive years confirmed that neither the hysteranthy nor the synanthy strategy could be applied to this geophyte. Rather, reproduction and growth occur simultaneously, but in different plants. A strong correlation was found between bulb weight and the presence of reproductive or vegetative plants.  相似文献   

An understanding of hereditary endophytic fungi, and the effects on grass persistence strategies (i.e. relative investment in sexual reproduction and vegetative growth) under natural conditions may help to predict how some alpine ecosystems will respond to environmental change. Grass persistence and endophyte maintenance in host populations are closely related, but could become independent due to endophyte loss mechanisms. We used native grass and endophyte populations to test the hypothesis that fungal endophytes manipulate grass persistence strategies to secure endophyte maintenance in plant populations. Two conditions were required to verify this hypothesis: 1) the fungus caused alterations in host plant strategies; and 2) plant phenotypic changes induced by the fungal endophyte increased endophyte transmission. We compared symbiotic (S) and non‐symbiotic (NS) persistence strategies of Festuca eskia (Poaceae), an alpine grass infected by the asexual form of the fungal endophyte Epichloë festucae. We characterised endophyte transmission efficiency, and described vegetative growth and sexual reproduction in a field population that naturally supports approximately 50% S plants. We built a demographic model to estimate plant vegetative growth rates. A correlation between plant persistence strategy, and fungal maintenance was evaluated by increasing soil resource levels. Under natural conditions, S and NS plants exploited different persistence strategies in the same population; S plants exhibited greater vegetative growth than their NS counterparts, while maintaining the same reproductive output. In response to higher soil resource levels, S plants shifted in persistence strategies and phenology, whereas NS plants maintained the same strategies. Therefore, results suggested the fungal endophyte fine‐tuned host persistence strategies according to soil resource level. Finally, we found no direct relationship between the changes induced by fungal endophyte and endophyte transmission. Consequently, fungal endophytes affected host persistence strategies, but did not directly increase endophyte transmission.  相似文献   

Question: Are species‐specific regeneration strategies and competition the dominant processes facilitating species coexistence in a Quercus liaotungensis dominated temperate deciduous forest? Location: Dongling Mountains, North China, 1300 m a.s.l. Methods: Ripley's K‐function was used to characterize the spatial patterns and spatial associations of two dominant tree species, Quercus liaotungensis and Betula dahurica, and a common subcanopy species, Acer mono, at different growth stages (adult, sapling, seedling). Results: Seedlings, saplings and adults of all three species exhibited clumped distributions at most spatial scales. Quercus seedlings and saplings were positively associated with conspecific adult trees and spatially independent of dead trees suggesting that seed dispersal and vegetative regeneration influenced the spatial patterning of Quercus trees. Betula seedlings and saplings were positively associated with both live and dead trees of conspecific adults at small scales (<5 m) but negatively associated with live and dead trees of other species indicating sprouting as an important mechanism of reproduction. Saplings of Acer had a strong spatial dependence on the distribution of conspecific adult trees indicating its limited seed dispersal range. Negative associations between adult trees of Betula and Quercus demonstrated interspecific competition at local scales (<5 m). Conclusions: Different regeneration strategies among the three species play an important role in regulating their spatial distribution patterns, while competition between individuals of Betula and Quercus at the adult stage also contributes to spatial patterning of these communities. The recruitment limitations of Betula and Quercus may affect the persistence of these species and the long‐term dynamics of the forest.  相似文献   

Abstract. The Mediterranean Basin harbours paleo‐endemic species with a highly restricted and fragmented distribution. Many of them might also be of the remnant type, for which the regional dynamics depends on the persistence of extant populations. Therefore, a key issue for the long‐term persistence of these species is to assess the variability and effects of ecological factors determining plant performance. We investigated the spatio‐temporal variability in plant traits and ecological factors of Ramonda myconi, a preglacial relict species with remnant dynamics, in 5 populations over 4–7 yr. Ecological factors contributing to fecundity showed a high degree of between‐year variability. Pre‐dispersal fruit predation had a minor influence on total reproductive output, and most of the variability was found among individuals within populations and years. Spatio‐temporal variability in growth and survival was rather low but significant, whereas recruitment showed important between‐population variability. Among‐year variability in fecundity and growth was related to climatic fluctuations on a regional scale, notably rainfall and temperature in a particular period, while the spatial variability in survival and recruitment was explained by within‐population (patch) habitat quality. Although R. myconi is able to withstand repeated periods of drought, water availability seems to be the most important factor affecting plant performance in all the study populations. These findings suggest that the long‐term persistence of species showing remnant population dynamics in habitats under the influence of Mediterranean climate might be threatened by increased aridity as a result of climate change.  相似文献   

Abstract. Population structures were used to infer regeneration patterns of the conifers Podocarpus nubigena and Saxegothaea conspicua and associated angiosperm tree species in six stands in the temperate rainforests of the coastal ranges of southern Chile. On poorly-drained, nutrient-poor and high altitude sites, where most of the associated species were fairly shade-intolerant and light-crowned, dense all-aged populations and the presence of numerous saplings beneath the canopy suggested continuous regeneration of both P. nubigena and S. conspicua. On more favourable sites, where several of the associated angiosperms were highly shade-tolerant and densecrowned, both conifers, particularly P. nubigena, were less abundant, and their regeneration from seed appeared to be sporadic. S. conspicua's great longevity (≥ 750 yr) and frequent vegetative reproduction are probably crucial to its persistence in competition with shade-tolerant broadleaved species in undisturbed stands on favourable sites. Results of this study, and a review of related literature on southern temperate forests are not consistent with the hypothesis that heavily-shaded, infrequently-disturbed habitats are an evolutionary refuge for conifers. Sites likely to have high leaf area indices and infrequent disturbance are better exploited by shade-tolerant angiosperms.  相似文献   

The alpine-boreal plants which have survived in Central European lowlands during glacial periods depend both on the preservation of their refugial habitat, and their capability for vegetative and generative reproduction and dispersion. Pulsatilla vernalis (L.) Mill. is a model species which occurs throughout most of the European alpine system, as well as in isolated populations in the lowlands. At present, the relict lowland localities of this species often have a historic character. In the Polish lowlands, only the population located in Rogowiec is characterized by effective recruitment. It presents a large number of rosettes and a diversified demographic structure, with plants in all stages of development. The study examines the population in Rogowiec from 2002 to 2008 with regard to the number of flowering and fruiting shoots, new seedlings, and loss of juvenile rosettes, and the obtained data are correlated with climatic conditions. Three years were found to demonstrate effective recruitment, with numerous seedlings and little loss of juvenile rosettes. No significant relationship was found between seedling dynamics and the flowering–fruiting process. However, correlations were found between effective renewal and some climatic factors. Temperature, water balance, and solar radiation were found to have a limiting effect on the reproduction and regeneration of the analyzed relict population. Due to the longevity of the rosettes, favorable climatic conditions occurring every few years are sufficient for survival of the species in this location. However, serious threats are posed by the climate change trends expected in Europe over the coming decades, and the fact that due to its small-scale dispersal ability, the analyzed species occupies only a small area in Rogowiec.  相似文献   

The stress‐gradient hypothesis (SGH) predicts a shift from predominant competition to facilitation as abiotic stress increases. Most empirical tests of the SGH have evaluated the interactions between a single or a few pairs of species, have not considered the effects of multiple stress factors, and have not explored these interactions at nested spatial scales. We sampled 63 0.25‐m2 plots, each subdivided into 100 5×5 cm and 25 10×10 cm sampling squares, in a semi‐arid Mediterranean environment to evaluate how co‐occurrence patterns among biological soil crusts (BSC)‐forming lichens changed along natural stress gradients driven by water and nutrient (N, P, K) availability. According to the SGH, we tested the hypothesis that the fine‐scale spatial arrangement of BSC‐forming lichens should shift from prevailing interspecific segregation to aggregation as abiotic stress increases. Co‐occurrence patterns ranged from significant species segregation to aggregation at the two spatial scales studied. When using the 5×5 cm grid, more plots showed significant species segregation than aggregation. At this sampling scale, co‐occurrence increased as water and nutrient availability decreased and increased, respectively. Small increases in soil pH promoted species co‐occurrence. Interspecific segregation was promoted as the cover of highly competitive species, such as Diploschistes diacapsis, increased. No significant relationships between co‐occurrence and the surrogates of abiotic stress were observed when data was arranged in a 10×10 cm grid. Our co‐occurrence analyses partially supported predictions from the SGH, albeit the results obtained were dependent on the type of abiotic stress and the spatial scale considered. They show the difficulties of predicting how co‐occurrence patterns change along complex stress gradients, and highlight the need of incorporating the effects of abiotic stress promoted by different resources, such as water and nutrients, into the conceptual framework of the SGH.  相似文献   

通过对浙江天目山国家级自然保护区内6个孑遗落叶阔叶树种进行群落学调查,分析了不同微地形单元上种群结构、更新途径及更新个体的空间关联性,探讨了不同干扰体系下孑遗落叶阔叶树种的更新策略.结果表明:孑遗落叶阔叶树种具有较强的萌枝能力,种群结构以间歇型为主,部分种类选择长距离扩散,在适宜生境中间歇型更新,如青钱柳、缺萼枫香等;部分种类因生境限制,在不断的地表冲刷干扰下,选择在母树周围进行间歇型更新,如领春木、香果树.在相对稳定的顶坡和坡地上,青钱柳、缺萼枫香、蓝果树、枫香等树种以种子更新占据一次干扰后形成的林窗生境,并通过其固有的萌枝能力增殖树干,形成径级大小相似的多主干植株,迅速占据优势地位.在不稳定的谷床、谷坡和谷头凹地中,香果树、领春木、枫香等树种因频繁干扰导致种子更新受限、植株损伤并常有个体枯死,通过其极强的萌枝能力补充零星更新的幼苗以及干扰造成的个体损伤.基于生境适应、种群更新和竞争策略,将孑遗落叶阔叶树种大致划分为“林窗修复种”和“生境填充种”两个类型,并提出应加强对其特殊生境的保护.  相似文献   

Understanding the determinants of species' niche breadth is important due to the negative relationship between niche breadth and extinction probability. Species tolerant to extremely harsh abiotic conditions (e.g. low pH or hypoxia) often have relatively small realised niches due to a trade‐off between abiotic and biotic stress tolerance, and are therefore particularly vulnerable to extinction. We hypothesised that tolerance to multiple extreme conditions (e.g. low pH, hypoxia and drought) in brown mudfish Neochanna apoda, would increase their realised niche breadth because each extreme would provide additive refuge against a dominant species, the banded kokopu Galaxias fasciatus. Fish distributions were surveyed in 65 peat‐swamp‐forest streams and pools in New Zealand, which varied in dissolved oxygen, acidity and hydroperiod. Mudfish distribution was extremely patchy, and almost completely allopatric with kokopu. Allopatry was driven mainly by pool hydroperiod; mudfish occupied 88 percent of temporary pools due to their tolerance of habitat drying, whereas kokopu were absent from temporary pools. Within permanent pools, mudfish occurrence was negatively related to pool oxygen and pH, whereas kokopu occurrence was positively related to these conditions. Pool conditions were independently distributed in the landscape, suggesting that each abiotic stressor offered additive refuge for mudfish from kokopu predation/competition. Consequently, the mudfish realised niche breadth depended on the number of abiotic factors driving their allopatry with kokopu. Given the widespread negative relationships between niche breadth and species extinction probabilities, our results indicate that tolerance to multiple stressors may play an important role in insuring species persistence against the multiple drivers of global environmental change.  相似文献   

Although it is widely known that dietary restriction (DR) not only extends the longevity of a wide range of species but also reduces their reproductive output, the interrelationship of DR, longevity extension and reproduction is not well understood in any organism. Here we address the question: ‘Under what nutritional conditions do the longevity‐enhancing effects resulting from food restriction either counteract, complement or reinforce the mortality costs of reproduction? To answer this question we designed a fine‐grained DR study involving 4800 individuals of the tephritid fruit fly, Anastrepha ludens, in which we measured sex‐specific survival and daily reproduction in females in each of 20 different treatments (sugar : yeast ratios) plus 4 starvation controls. The database generated from this 3‐year study consisted of approximately 100 000 life‐days for each sex and 750 000 eggs distributed over the reproductive lives of 2400 females. The fertility and longevity‐extending responses were used to create contour maps (X‐Y grid) that show the demographic responses (Z‐axis) across dietary gradients that range from complete starvation to both ad libitum sugar‐only and ad libitum standard diet (3 : 1 sugar : yeast). The topographic perspectives reveal demographic equivalencies along nutritional gradients, differences in the graded responses of males and females, egg production costs that are sensitive to the interaction of food amounts and constituents, and orthogonal contours (equivalencies in longevity or reproduction) representing demographic thresholds related to both caloric content and sugar : yeast ratios. In general, the finding that lifespan and reproductive maxima occur at much different nutritional coordinates poses a major challenge for the use of food restriction (or a mimetic) in humans to improve health and extend longevity in humans.  相似文献   

Question: Arctophila fulva var. pendulina, Primula nutans var. jokelae and Puccinellia phryganodes are threatened early successional species growing in the seashore meadows of the northern Baltic Sea. Patches formed by these species are destined to be replaced by other species during primary succession and in order to persist in the area they have to continuously colonize new areas. We studied whether the displacement of the species could be slowed down and their sexual and/or vegetative reproduction enhanced by management targeted to surrounding vegetation. Location: Bothnian Bay, Baltic Sea, W Finland. Methods: Vegetation surrounding patches of all study species was mown in four successional growing seasons. Moreover, the impact of additional soil turning on creating new favourable growing sites was tested for A. fulva. Results: Deterioration of suitable habitats of A. fulva and P. nutans was markedly slowed down by management and the vegetative and/or sexual reproduction of these species was enhanced. In the case of P. phryganodes, however, no positive response to management was obtained. Conclusions: In order to improve the long‐term persistence of these three species successional vegetation changes should be slowed down and their dispersal and colonization success improved by continuous management of the populations. We further suggest that the colonization of new areas should be aided by transplantations to the non‐vegetated islets, which have recently risen from the sea and cannot be reached by means of dispersal.  相似文献   

Response of endophytic fruit fly species (Tephritidae) to larval crowding is a form of scramble competition that may affect important life history traits of adults, such as survival and reproduction. Recent empirical evidence demonstrates large differences in adult life history traits, especially longevity, among Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata; "medfly") biotypes obtained from different regions of the world. However, whether the evolution of long lifespan is associated with response to stress induced by larval crowding has not been fully elucidated. We investigated, under constant laboratory conditions, the response of a short‐ and a long‐lived medfly biotypes to stress induced by larval crowding. Survival and development of larvae and pupae and the size of resulting pupae were recorded. The lifespan and age‐specific egg production patterns of the obtained adults were recorded. Our findings reveal that increased larval density reduced immature survival (larvae and pupae) in the short‐lived biotype but had rather neutral effects on the longed‐lived one. Only larvae of the long‐lived biotype were capable of prolonging their developmental duration under the highest crowding regime to successfully pupate and emerge as adults. Response of emerging adults to larvae crowding conditions was similar in the two medfly biotypes. Those individuals emerging from high larval density regimes had reduced longevity and fecundity. Long‐lived biotype individuals, however, appeared to suffer a higher cost in longevity compared with the short‐lived one. The importance of our findings to understand the evolution of long lifespan is discussed.  相似文献   

Successions are a central issue of ecological theory. They are governed by changes in community assembly processes that can be tracked by species’ traits. While single‐trait‐based approaches have been mostly promoted to address community assembly, ecological strategies actually encompass tradeoffs between multiple traits that are relevant to succession theory. We analyzed plant ecological strategies along a 140‐year‐long succession primary succession of 52 vertical outcrop communities after roadwork. We performed a RLQ analysis to relate six functional traits, associated with resource acquisition, competition, colonization ability and phenology, to the age of the outcrops. We found the prominence of two main axes of specialization, one related to resource acquisition and the other to reproduction and regeneration. We further examined the community‐level variation in ecological strategies to assess the abiotic and biotic drivers of community assembly. Using trait‐based statistics of functional richness, regularity and divergence, we found that different processes drove the variation in ecological strategies along the axes of specialization. In late succession, functional convergence was detected for the traits related to resource acquisition as a signature of habitat filtering, while the coexistence of contrasted strategies was found for the traits related to reproduction and regeneration as a result of spatial micro‐heterogeneity. We observed a lack of niche differentiation along the succession, revealing a weak importance of biotic interactions for the regulation of community assembly in the outcrops. Overall, we highlight a prominent role of habitat filtering and spatial micro‐heterogeneity in driving the primary succession governed by water and nutrient limitation.  相似文献   

Seed persistence is the survival of seeds in the environment once they have reached maturity. Seed persistence allows a species, population or genotype to survive long after the death of parent plants, thus distributing genetic diversity through time. The ability to predict seed persistence accurately is critical to inform long‐term weed management and flora rehabilitation programs, as well as to allow a greater understanding of plant community dynamics. Indeed, each of the 420000 seed‐bearing plant species has a unique set of seed characteristics that determine its propensity to develop a persistent soil seed bank. The duration of seed persistence varies among species and populations, and depends on the physical and physiological characteristics of seeds and how they are affected by the biotic and abiotic environment. An integrated understanding of the ecophysiological mechanisms of seed persistence is essential if we are to improve our ability to predict how long seeds can survive in soils, both now and under future climatic conditions. In this review we present an holistic overview of the seed, species, climate, soil, and other site factors that contribute mechanistically to seed persistence, incorporating physiological, biochemical and ecological perspectives. We focus on current knowledge of the seed and species traits that influence seed longevity under ex situ controlled storage conditions, and explore how this inherent longevity is moderated by changeable biotic and abiotic conditions in situ, both before and after seeds are dispersed. We argue that the persistence of a given seed population in any environment depends on its resistance to exiting the seed bank via germination or death, and on its exposure to environmental conditions that are conducive to those fates. By synthesising knowledge of how the environment affects seeds to determine when and how they leave the soil seed bank into a resistance–exposure model, we provide a new framework for developing experimental and modelling approaches to predict how long seeds will persist in a range of environments.  相似文献   

Current fuel loads and distribution suggest that fire events are infrequent and of a low intensity in the regenerated dry sclerophyll forests of the Victorian box‐ironbark ecosystem. However, many box‐ironbark species possess traits consistent with fire‐cued regeneration. It is unclear the degree to which human disturbance may have altered fire regimes in these forests. The infrequent and low‐intensity fire regime suggested by current fuel dynamics may pose a threat to the persistence of fire‐cued species. Obligate seeders such as those of the Fabaceae and Mimosaceae, common in box‐ironbark understoreys, may be particularly vulnerable if inter‐fire intervals exceed seed longevity. This study used seed burial trials to examine seed dormancy and longevity in five legume species to explore their capacity to regenerate under an infrequent, low‐intensity fire regime. All species displayed dormancy and longevity patterns consistent with other south‐east Australian legumes. Before burial, dormancy levels were high for all species (98–100%). After 3 years, storage under in situ and ex situ conditions, dormancy in Pultenaea prostrata remained at pre‐burial levels with virtually no seed becoming non‐dormant. Over time, some Acacia seed became non‐dormant under both in situ and ex situ storage, with the pattern varying among species. Longevity also varied between species. Variation in the dormancy and longevity patterns observed in these obligate seeder legumes suggests two strategies: (i) releasing a portion of soil‐stored seed from dormancy during the inter‐fire period to permit inter‐fire recruitment; and (ii) retaining most soil‐stored seed as dormant during the inter‐fire interval. Both strategies represent potential weaknesses under a long fire interval regime. The first relies on dormancy release translating to successful recruitment and requires ongoing inter‐fire input into the soil seed bank. The second relies on seed longevity exceeding the inter‐fire interval. Whether either is more suitable to coping with long‐term infrequent fire requires long‐term monitoring.  相似文献   

Abstract. We analysed the relationship between seed traits (weight, shape and dispersal structures) and the abundance and habitat segregation of Mediterranean grassland species. To take into account possible correlations with other plant traits, the study also includes 5 vegetative traits (growth form, plant longevity, clonality, onset of flowering and plant size) of commonly accepted functional importance. Data were recorded for 85 species from dehesa grasslands in central Spain. Species abundance was measured in upper (dry and less productive, high stress) and lower (moist and more productive, low stress) slope zones in the same area. Habitat segregation was estimated using an index based on the relative frequencies of species in upper and lower slope zones. Multiple regression models were fitted using species, as well as phylogenetically independent contrasts, as data points. Annual small‐seeded species without specialised dispersal structures are over‐represented in dehesa grasslands. Abundance was negatively related to seed weight in upper slope zones. None of the recorded plant traits were related to abundance in the lower slope zones. Habitat segregation was mainly related to seed weight, but also to some vegetative traits. Annual, early flowering and small‐seeded species were relatively more abundant in the upper than the lower slope zones. This pattern is independent of phylogeny. Our results suggest that in dry Mediterranean grasslands, abundance of many species is determined by dispersal (production of numerous small seeds) rather than by competitive ability.  相似文献   

A plastic response towards enhanced reproduction is expected in stressful environments, but it is assumed to trade off against vegetative growth and efficiency in the use of available resources deployed in reproduction [reproductive efficiency (RE)]. Evidence supporting this expectation is scarce for plants, particularly for long‐lived species. Forest trees such as Mediterranean pines provide ideal models to study the adaptive value of allocation to reproduction vs. vegetative growth given their among‐population differentiation for adaptive traits and their remarkable capacity to cope with dry and low‐fertility environments. We studied 52 range‐wide Pinus halepensis populations planted into two environmentally contrasting sites during their initial reproductive stage. We investigated the effect of site, population and their interaction on vegetative growth, threshold size for female reproduction, reproductive–vegetative size relationships and RE. We quantified correlations among traits and environmental variables to identify allocation trade‐offs and ecotypic trends. Genetic variation for plasticity was high for vegetative growth, whereas it was nonsignificant for reproduction. Size‐corrected reproduction was enhanced in the more stressful site supporting the expectation for adverse conditions to elicit plastic responses in reproductive allometry. However, RE was unrelated with early reproductive investment. Our results followed theoretical predictions and support that phenotypic plasticity for reproduction is adaptive under stressful environments. Considering expectations of increased drought in the Mediterranean, we hypothesize that phenotypic plasticity together with natural selection on reproductive traits will play a relevant role in the future adaptation of forest tree species.  相似文献   

Abstract Polyandry reflected in multiple mating with different mates is regarded as favoured by natural selection in males but not necessarily in females, where conflicting effects on fitness components can occur. The present study aims to provide empirical evidence to predict which fitness components may be affected in this sexual conflict using a species that demonstrates potential between‐population variation in their resolution: the cowpea weevil Callosobruchus maculatus. Two strains showing contrasting competition outcomes (scramble × contest) and contrasting life‐history strategies based on trade‐offs between longevity and fecundity are crossed for subsequent selection based on larval‐competition strategy, expecting the production of a correlated response to multiple (polyandrous) mating. Such a response is expected because the scramble strain shows high fecundity (and lower longevity) and would benefit from multiple mating, in contrast with the contest strain, which shows high juvenile mortality. The scramble‐selected lines would evolve a response of increased fecundity and reduced longevity under multiple and potentially polyandrous mating but the contest‐selected lines would not respond to multiple (polyandrous) mating. Instead, both scramble‐ and contest‐selected lines show increased fecundity and reduced longevity with multiple (polyandrous) matings, which did not affect egg weight. Indirect benefits of multiple (polyandrous) mating appear to be relevant for lines showing contest competition among juveniles.  相似文献   

The precise knowledge of ecological resources and conditions required by species threatened by rapidly changing environmental conditions is of prime importance for conservation biology. Transferability of this knowledge between species with similar ecological requirements is often assumed, but rarely tested. This is especially the case for glacial relict populations confined to climate‐habitat traps from where they cannot move to rejoin areas with suitable environmental conditions. Using two glacial relict butterflies as model organisms, we first quantitatively define larval and adult resource‐based habitat use of each species. Secondly, we test the transferability of ecological profiles (both habitat and ecological niche) between these two species that share both the same biotope and the same host plant. Our results show that both species have markedly different ecological requirements relating to differences in life history and behavioural traits (i.e. egg‐laying strategies and mate‐locating behaviour). Although the two species share many ecological features, they use different functional habitats within our study site. The high degree of interspecific niche overlap should indicate a high interspecific competition. However, we argue that their co‐existence can be explained by the non‐limiting abundance of some resources (e.g. host plants), by the partial separation in time of adult flight periods and by the territorial behaviour of one of the species. We discuss the following general messages: (1) functional habitat of a (threatened) species should be defined in a spatial context corresponding to individual station keeping, and (2) quick diagnosis based on similar ecological requirements may be misleading for the design of reliable conservation and restoration strategies. Detailed mechanistic and quantitative ecological understanding of resource‐use and environmental tolerances across an organism's life cycle is essential for effective conservation in changing environments, like for glacial relict species.  相似文献   

Aim Fire is a key disturbance in Mediterranean‐type climates. It has effects on plant community structure and composition and on the evolution of different groups of the flora. This study aimed to quantify changes in demography and vegetative regeneration caused by fire in key species in Mediterranean vegetation and to examine the hypothesis of convergence in characteristics of species in relation to fire by comparing the occurrence of bioecological groups of plants in the Mediterranean basin with groups of plants in other areas of Mediterranean‐type climate. Methods Changes in the demography and species composition after fire were studied in a plant community developed from a pinewood (Pinus halapensis Miller plantation) in north‐western Sardinia. The demography of the three main species dominating the community after fire, Cistus monspeliensis L., Pistacia lentiscus L. and Chamaerops humilis L., was quantified by quadrat measurements in areas of the plantation which had never been burnt and in different parts 1 and 8 years after fire. Vegetative regeneration of resprouting species was also quantified. From the results of the survey and examination of published material, comparison was made between bioecological groups of species in different regions with Mediterranean‐type climate to assess the similarities and differences in the biogeographic distribution of what can be broadly considered fire‐related functional groups of plants. Results Seeder and sprouter species showed contrasting population responses to fire in an area planted to pines over 50 years ago but subsequently in part subjected to fire. Mean species richness at a 25 m2 scale decreased by c. 28% over 8 years after fire. C. monspeliensis in the unburnt pinewood was sparse and sporadic but recruitment after fire was prolific and produced plant densities similar to those of similar seeder species in other Mediterranean Basin areas and in Californian chaparral. However density was very variable between burnt areas of different ages. In particular, seedling recruitment was much lower under the canopies of P. lentiscus than away from the canopy. Sprouter species (P. lentiscus and C. humilis) had recruited into the pinewood over time since planting of the pines but did not recruit after fire. Above‐ground parts of plants were killed by fire and resprout stem density per plant increased initially but later decreased slightly due to self thinning of stems on each plant. Main conclusions Plant demographic and floristic changes after fire in the Sardinian pinewood were similar to those reported for other Mediterranean plant communities. Resprouting species only recovered by vegetative means and, in contrast to seeder species, underwent thinning of stems within, rather than between, plants, so plant density did not change after fire in resprouting species. The Tertiary relic, strongly resprouting, animal‐dispersed group of species in the Mediterranean Basin has a homologous group in the North American mediterraneoid flora but not in the Southern Hemisphere. In contrast, the general group of resprouting species which recruit after and/or between fires in the Southern Hemisphere mediterraneoid areas corresponds to only a small group of taxa in the Mediterranean basin. The bioecological group of seeder species, which are killed by and establish prolifically after fire, are represented in both Northern and Southern Hemisphere Mediterranean‐type heathlands but are much more species rich in the south.  相似文献   

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