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Walter J. Bock 《Ibis》2003,145(4):716-716

O. Eiben 《HOMO》2004,54(3):195-196

Health system reforms have been taken in Armenia during a time of dramatic economic and fiscal distress. It is important to assess trends in health indicators and ascertain if the changes in socio-economic systems affected the health status of infants as the most vulnerable part of the population. We find that infant mortality has fallen during the period c. 1992-2003 in spite of the difficult economic circumstances because of health-care procedures that were introduced. Particular attention is paid to the underreporting of infants' death cases in the state registration system as well as to estimating the role of different factors influencing infant mortality in Armenia.  相似文献   

Current historiography has considered eugenics to be an emanation from state structures or a movement which sought to appeal to the state in order to implement eugenic reform. This paper examines the limitations of that view and argues that it is necessary to expand our horizons to consider particularly working-class eugenics movements that were based on the dissemination of knowledge about sex and which did not aspire to positions of political power. The paper argues that anarchism, with its contradictory practice afforded by the convulsive social situation of the Civil War in Spain, allows us to assess critically the parameters of the social action of eugenics, its many alliances, and its struggle for existence in changing political circumstances not of its own making.  相似文献   

Both the original Bethesda system and the current UK classifications of cervical cytology have proved robust but each has a major weakness in the area of abnormalities of uncertain significance. Cytologists recognize that sometimes it is simply impossible to differentiate between reactive and dyskaryotic material. For this reason, the Australian version of the Bethesda system introduced a new category of ‘high grade inconclusive’ with a recommendation for referral to colposcopy. Approximately 60% of such cases are found to have high grade lesions at colposcopy (Schoolland M, Sterrett G, Knowles S et al.). The present UK system even with the proposed changes requires of the pathologist, a decision as to whether such cases are probably high grade (=a report of moderate dyskaryosis) or not (= a report of borderline). This continues to ignore the fact that sometimes you just cannot tell, even on review. We have taken a consecutive series of 50 referral smears, reported as moderate dyskaryosis, where the histological outcome (by loop cone) is known. These cases were rescreened and then reviewed blind by a pathologist with extensive experience of the Australian NH & MRC modified Bethesda system. On review, the material was reclassified along NH & MRC lines. The results were compared with the biopsy findings in order to determine whether the category of ‘inconclusive’ might be of value in the context of the NHSCSP.  相似文献   

  • 1 To identify the outcome status of women with borderline and mild dyskaryosis smears.
  • 2 To determine whether the presence or absence of koilocytosis influences the outcome status.
  • 3 To identify the proportion of women with borderline smears showing koilocytosis.
Materials and methods Borderline and mild dyskaryosis cervical smears diagnosed during January to March 1997 were identified from the laboratory database. Each slide was reviewed by two researchers independently, who then agreed a final consensus diagnosis. All slides were classified according to the presence or absence of koilocytosis. Slides were excluded from the study if the review diagnosis was negative, inadequate or high‐grade dyskaryosis. The outcome status was classified according to the worst lesion identified histologically and/or cytologically during the 5‐year follow‐up period. Results 1974 women were identified with borderline or mild dyskaryosis cervical smears of which 1597 were included in the study. Table 1 shows the outcome status of these women.
Table 1. . The outcome status of these women
Cytology Outcome status
Negative (%) Low‐grade (%) High‐grade (%)
Borderline 68 19 13
Mild dyskaryosis 46 26 28
Table 2 shows the outcome of women with borderline and mild dyskaryosis smears with or without koilocytosis.
Table 2. The outcome of women with borderline and mild dyskaryosis smears with or without koilocytosis
Koilocytosis Outcome status
Negative (%) Low‐grade (%) High‐grade (%)
Present 58 22 20
Absent 61 21 18
Table 3 shows the proportion of borderline and mild dyskaryosis cervical smears with or without koilocytosis.
Table 3. The proportion of borderline and mild dyskaryosis cervical smears with or without koilocytosis
Cytology Koilocytosis present (%) Koilocytosis absent (%)
Borderline 24 76
Mild dyskaryosis 34 66
  • 1 Sixty‐eight per cent of women with a borderline cervical smear had a normal outcome.
  • 2 Thirteen per cent of women with a borderline cervical smear developed a high‐grade lesion.
  • 3 The presence or absence of koilocytosis in borderline and mild dyskaryosis cervical smears does not appear to affect the outcome status of these women.
  • 4 Twenty‐four per cent of smears showing borderline nuclear changes were found to have koilocytosis.

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