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Morty RE  Vadász I  Bulau P  Dive V  Oliveira V  Seeger W  Juliano L 《Biochemistry》2005,44(44):14658-14669
Oligopeptidases are emerging as important pathogenic factors and therapeutic targets in trypanosome infections. We describe here the purification, cloning, and biochemical analysis of a new oligopeptidase from two pathogenic African trypanosomes. This oligopeptidase, which we have called tropolysin (encoded by the trn gene), represents an evolutionarily distant member of the M3A subfamily of metallopeptidases, ancestral to thimet oligopeptidase, neurolysin, and saccharolysin. The trn gene was present as a single copy per haploid genome, was expressed in both the mammalian and insect stages of the parasite life cycle, and encoded an 84 kDa protein. Both purified and hyperexpressed tropolysin hydrolyzed bradykinin-derived fluorogenic peptide substrates at restricted sites, with an alkaline pH optimum, and were activated by dithiothreitol and reduced glutathione and by divalent metal cations, in the order Zn(2+) > Co(2+) > Mn(2+). Under oxidizing conditions, tropolysin reversibly formed inactive multimers. Tropolysin exhibited a preference for acidic amino acid side chains in P(4), hydrophobic side chains in P(3), and hydrophobic or large uncharged side chains in P(1), P(1)', and P(3)', while the S(2)' site was unselective. Highly charged residues were not tolerated in P(1)'. Tropolysin was responsible for the bulk of the kinin-degrading activity in trypanosome lysates, potently (k(cat) approximately 119 s(-)(1)) inactivated the vasoactive kinins bradykinin and kallidin, and generated angiotensin(1-7) from angiotensin I. This hydrolysis both abolished the capacity of bradykinin to stimulate the bradykinin B(2) receptor and abrogated bradykinin prohypotensive properties in vivo, raising the possibility that tropolysin may play a role in the dysregulated kinin metabolism observed in the plasma of trypanosome-infected hosts.  相似文献   

Hydroperoxide detoxification in African trypanosomes is achieved by 2-Cys-peroxiredoxin (TXNPx)- and non-selenium glutathione peroxidase (Px)-type enzymes which both obtain their reducing equivalents from the unique trypanothione/tryparedoxin system. Previous RNA interference approaches revealed that the cytosolic TXNPx and the Px-type enzymes are essential for Trypanosoma brucei. Because of partially overlapping in vitro substrate specificities and subcellular localisation the physiological function of the individual enzymes was not yet clear. As shown here, TXNPx and Px are expressed at comparable levels and in their active reduced state. Px-overexpressing parasites were less sensitive toward linoleic acid hydroperoxide but not hydrogen peroxide. Kinetic studies confirmed that Px—but not TXNPx—reduces lipophilic hydroperoxides including phospholipids with high efficiency. Most interestingly, the severe proliferation defect of Px-depleted bloodstream cells could be rescued by Trolox, but not by hydrophilic antioxidants, in the medium. This allowed us to knock-out the three Px genes individually and thus to distinguish their in vivo role. Deletion of the cytosolic Px I and II resulted in extremely fast membrane peroxidation followed by cell lysis. Cells lacking specifically the mitochondrial Px III showed a transient growth retardation and cardiolipin peroxidation but adapted within 24 h to normal proliferation.  相似文献   

Differences between host and parasite energy metabolism are eagerly sought after as potential targets for antiparasite chemotherapy. In Kinetoplastia, the first seven steps of glycolysis are compartmented inside glycosomes, organelles that are related to the peroxisomes of higher eukaryotes. This arrangement is unique in the living world. In this review, Christine Clayton and Paul Michels discuss the implications of this unusual metabolic compartmentation for the regulation of trypanosome energy metabolism, and describe how an adequate supply of energy is maintained in different species and life cycle stages.  相似文献   

Genetic exchange in African trypanosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
African trypanosomes are important pathogens of humans and domestic animals, but little was known, until recently, of the genetic system of these parasites. Recent results demonstrate the existence of nonobligatory genetic exchange between different stocks of T. brucei. A number of models have been put forward for the mechanism of genetic exchange, including a fusion model with subsequent random loss of chromosomes and a more conventional mendelian system.  相似文献   

Gossypol-induced death of African trypanosomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Studies were initiated to determine whether African trypanosomes utilize Ca2+ fluxes to coordinate complex morphological and biochemical life cycle changes. We have identified the ubiquitous intracellular Ca2+ receptor, calmodulin, in two developmental stages of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense. The transition from rapidly dividing, slender bloodstream trypomastigotes to slow growing procyclics in axenic culture was accompanied by changes in specific calmodulin content (3 micrograms/mg cell protein to 1 microgram/mg cell protein, respectively) and a shift in intracellular calmodulin distribution, Trypanosome calmodulin is physically and functionally distinct from that of host tissues, including bovine brain and rat erythrocytes. It is similar to but distinct from Tetrahymena calmodulin. Comparisons among these proteins isolated from the four sources were made using the following criteria: (1) mobility on sodium dodecyl sulfate discontinuous polyacrylamide gels; (2) Ca2+-induced conformational changes; (3) CNBr-cleavage fragments; (4) activation of bovine brain cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase in both a Ca2+-dependent and calmodulin-dependent manner; (5) activation of human erythrocyte (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase; and (6) inhibition of calmodulin activity by trifluoperazine and penfluridol. Trifluoperazine but not trifluoperazine sulfoxide was cytotoxic to trypanosomes in vitro. Half maximal effect occurred at 15 microM. We conclude that calmodulin is a functional component of Africal trypanosomes and suggest that it plays an important role in mediating the host-parasite relationship.  相似文献   

Dihydroxyacetone (DHA) was examined to explore its trypanocidal activity. The compound is easily taken up by trypanosomes via its aquaglyceroporins but is not converted to a glycolytic intermediate due to the lack of a respective kinase. Investigating the DHA-induced cell death it became evident that parasites die by autophagy rather than by necrosis or apoptosis. Since autophagy is not well studied in African trypanosomes our work offers a way to investigate the importance of autophagy for trypanosomes not only for stress coping but also for organelle reconstruction during differentiation.  相似文献   

Tyler KM  Matthews KR  Gull K 《Protist》2001,152(4):367-378
In the bloodstream of a mammalian host, African trypanosomes are pleomorphic; the shorter, non-proliferative, stumpy forms arise from longer, proliferative, slender forms with differentiation occurring via a range of morphological intermediates. In order to investigate how the onset of morphological change is co-ordinated with exit from the cell cycle we first characterized slender form cell division. Outgrowth of the new flagellum was found to occur at a linear rate, so by using outgrowth of the new flagellum as a temporal marker of the cell cycle we were able determine the order in which single copy organelles (nucleus, kinetoplast and mitochondrion) were segregated. We also found that flagellar length was an effective marker of the slender to stumpy differentiation and were, therefore, able to study both cell division and differentiation. When these differentiating cells were compared to cells undergoing proliferative cell division, they were found to be anisomorphic – showing discernible differences not only in the length of their new flagella but also in the shape and size of the cells and their nuclei.  相似文献   

The surface of the African trypanosomes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The African trypanosomes bear on the outside of their cell membrane a single 10-15 nm thick coat of a glycoprotein. This glycoprotein may differ in structure in the predominant populations of parasitemic waves found in relapsing infections. Variant Specific Glycoprotein (VSG) range in MW between 53,000-63,000 d and may have variable amounts of carbohydrate attached at one, two, or several loci. Such differences in carbohydrate content may account in part for their range in molecular size. Approximately 30 C-terminal residues demonstrate isotypy ; i.e. these regions fall into classes having similar amino acid sequence. Modest homology has been demonstrated in two VSGs of T. congolense arising in relapsing infections although comparison of many VSG show little or no obvious homology. More recently, lipid-associated forms of VSG have been described and it is believed that these forms may be transmembrane proteins. Different VSGs appear to have different amounts of the primary sequence which have alpha-helix-forming potential. In some VSG, in excess of 80% of the structure is helical as judged by both Chou-Fasman calculations and by circular dichroism. This raises the possibility that different VSG may have different folding patterns. The arrangement of VSG on the trypanosome surface probably places the basic amino acid-rich carbohydrate-bearing C-terminus of the polypeptide chain close to the membrane. There is some protein-protein association between VSGs for which (in T. evansi) the C-terminal tail is not required. The importance of VSG structure lies not only in the fact that the molecule mediates the phenomenon of antigenic variation but also in the recent observation that VSG may act on the cellular immune system to suppress the humoral immune responses of the host.  相似文献   

The glyoxalase system is a ubiquitous pathway catalyzing the glutathione-dependent detoxication of ketoaldehydes such as methylglyoxal, which is mainly formed as a by-product of glycolysis. The gene encoding a glyoxalase II has been cloned from Trypanosoma brucei, the causative agent of African sleeping sickness. The deduced protein sequence contains the highly conserved metal binding motif THXHXDH but lacks three basic residues shown to fix the glutathione-thioester substrate in the crystal structure of human glyoxalase II. Recombinant T. brucei glyoxalase II hydrolyzes lactoylglutathione, but does not show saturation kinetics up to 5 mm with the classical substrate of glyoxalases II. Instead, the parasite enzyme strongly prefers thioesters of trypanothione (bis(glutathionyl)spermidine), which were prepared from methylglyoxal and trypanothione and analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. Mono-(lactoyl)trypanothione and bis-(lactoyl)trypanothione are hydrolyzed by T. brucei glyoxalase II with k(cat)/K(m) values of 5 x 10(5) m(-1) s(-1) and 7 x 10(5) m(-1) s(-1), respectively, yielding d-lactate and regenerating trypanothione. Glyoxalase II occurs in the mammalian bloodstream and insect procyclic form of T. brucei and is the first glyoxalase II of the order of Kinetoplastida characterized so far. Our results show that the glyoxalase system is another pathway in which the nearly ubiquitous glutathione is replaced by the unique trypanothione in trypanosomatids.  相似文献   

We demonstrate here that dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) liposome has an antitrypanosomal effect, especially against the bloodstream forms (BSFs) of African trypanosomes (Trypanosoma congolense, T. brucei rhodesiense, and T. brucei brucei). The DPPC liposome significantly decreased the in vitro percentage of viable and motile BSF African trypanosomes but only marginally reduced the percentage of viable and motile procyclic form (PCF) of trypanosomes. The DPPC liposome absorption was much more pronounced to BSF than to PCF trypanosomes. Administration of the DPPC liposome showed a slight but significant reduction in the early development of parasitemia in T. congolense-infected mice. These results suggest that parasites were killed by specific binding of the DPPC liposome to the trypanosomes. This work demonstrates for the first time that a liposome has antitrypanosomal activity.  相似文献   

Further studies on difluoromethylornithine in African trypanosomes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
DL-alpha-Difluoromethylornithine (DFMO), a specific enzyme-activated irreversible inhibitor of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) was previously shown to cure mice infected with Trypanosoma brucei brucei, a parasite of game and cattle in Africa and Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense, a human African Sleeping Sickness pathogen. Our studies now indicate that DFMO blocks ornithine decarboxylase and lowers trypanosome polyamine levels in vivo. Polyamine uptake in T.b. brucei also resembles that previously described for mammalian cells. The therapeutic potential of DFMO can now also be extended to another human pathogen, Trypanosoma brucei gambiense. Finally, DFMO acts synergistically with another drug, bleomycin, to cure acute trypanosome infections, and furthermore, this same drug combination provides a new approach to the treatment of trypanosomal infections of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Bloodstream forms of African trypanosomes are dependent on their host for fatty acids, choline and other components of membrane lipids. The bulk of their choline requirement is met by their ability to take up lysophospholipids from the host tissue fluids. Trypanosoma brucei has ocyltransferose and phospholipase A(1) activities for the metabolism of exogenous lysophospholipids. The rate of uptake of lysophospholipids can be controlled by changes in the extrocellulor concentration of fatty ocyl-coenzyme A, and this control has potential for chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Control of antigenic variation in African trypanosomes   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

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