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The inner ear is a complex sensorial structure with hearing and balance functions. A key aim of developmental biology is to understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms involved in the induction, patterning and innervation of the vertebrate inner ear. These developmental events could be mediated by the expression of regulating genes, such as the members of the family of Fibroblast Growth Factors (Fgfs). This work reports the detailed spatial and temporal patterns of Fgf19 expression in the developing inner ear from otic cup (stage 14) to 8 embryonic days (stage 34). In the earliest stages, Fgf19 and Fgf8 expressions determine two subdomains within the Fgf10-positive proneural-sensory territory. We show that, from the earliest stages, the Fgf19 expression was detected in the acoustic-vestibular ganglion and the macula utriculi. The Fgf19 gene was also strongly, but transiently, expressed in the macula lagena, whereas the macula neglecta never expressed this gene in the period analysed. The Fgf19 expression was also clearly observed in some borders of various sensory elements. These results could be useful from further investigations into the role of FGF19 in otic patterning.  相似文献   

The inner ear of adult agnathan vertebrates is relatively symmetric about the anteroposterior axis, with only two semicircular canals and a single sensory macula. This contrasts with the highly asymmetric gnathostome arrangement of three canals and several separate maculae. Symmetric ears can be obtained experimentally in gnathostomes in several ways, including by manipulation of zebrafish Hedgehog signalling, and it has been suggested that these phenotypes might represent an atavistic condition. We have found, however, that the symmetry of the adult lamprey inner ear is not reflected in its early development; the lamprey otic vesicle is highly asymmetric about the anteroposterior axis, both morphologically and molecularly, and bears a striking resemblance to the zebrafish otic vesicle. The single sensory macula originates as two foci of hair cells, and later shows regions of homology to the zebrafish utricular and saccular maculae. It is likely, therefore, that the last common ancestor of lampreys and gnathostomes already had well-defined otic anteroposterior asymmetries. Both lamprey and zebrafish otic vesicles express a target of Hedgehog signalling, patched, indicating that both are responsive to Hedgehog signalling. One significant distinction between agnathans and gnathostomes, however, is the acquisition of otic Otx1 expression in the gnathostome lineage. We show that Otx1 knockdown in zebrafish, as in Otx1(-/-) mice, gives rise to lamprey-like inner ears. The role of Otx1 in the gnathostome ear is therefore highly conserved; otic Otx1 expression is likely to account not only for the gain of a third semicircular canal and crista in gnathostomes, but also for the separation of the zones of the single macula into distinct regions.  相似文献   

The most studied secondary neural organizer is the isthmic organizer, which is localized at the mid-hindbrain transition of the neural tube and controls the anterior hindbrain and midbrain regionalization. Otx2 and Gbx2 expressions are fundamental for positioning the organizer and the establishment of molecular interactions that induce Fgf8. We present here evidences demonstrating that Otx2 and Gbx2 have an overlapping expression in the isthmic region. This area is the transversal domain where expression of Fgf8 is induced. The Fgf8 protein produced in the isthmus stabilizes and up-regulates Gbx2 expression, which, in turn, down-regulates Otx2 expression. The inductive effect of the Gbx2/Otx2 limit keeps Fgf8 expression stable and thus maintains its positive role in the expression of Pax2, En1,2 and Wnt1.  相似文献   

Otx2 is expressed in the mesencephalon and prosencephalon, and Gbx2 is expressed in the rhombencephalon around stage 10. Loss-of-function studies of these genes in mice have revealed that Otx2 is indispensable for the development of the anterior brain segment, and that Gbx2 is required for the development of the isthmus. We carried out gain-of-function experiments of these genes in chick embryos with a newly developed gene transfer system, in ovo electroporation. When Otx2 was ectopically expressed caudally beyond the midbrain-hindbrain boundary (MHB), the alar plate of the metencephalon differentiated into the optic tectum instead of differentiating into the cerebellum. On the other hand, when Gbx2 was ectopically expressed at the mesencephalon, the caudal limit of the tectum shifted rostrally. We looked at the effects of misexpression on the isthmus- and tectum-related molecules. Otx2 and Gbx2 interacted to repress each other's expression. Ectopic Otx2 and Gbx2 repressed endogenous expression of Fgf8 in the isthmus, but induced Fgf8 expression at the interface between Otx2 and Gbx2 expression. Thus, it is suggested that interaction between Otx2 and Gbx2 determines the site of Fgf8 expression and the posterior limit of the tectum.  相似文献   

Chick/quail transplantation experiments were performed to analyse possible factors involved in the regionalisation of the midbrain-hindbrain domain. The caudal prosomeres, expressing Otx2, were transplanted at stage HH10 into rostrocaudal levels of the midbrain-hindbrain domain, either straddling the intra-metencephalic constriction (type 1 grafts), or at rostral and medial levels of pro-rhombomere A1 (type 2 and 3 grafts, respectively); thus, in all situations, one border of the graft was in contact with the host Gbx2- and Fgf8-expressing domains. The area containing the graft, recognised by QCPN immunohistochemistry, was first analysed 48 hours after transplantation for Otx2, Gbx2, En2 and Fgf8. Although in all three situations, a large part of the graft maintained Otx2 expression, another part became Otx2 negative and was induced to express Gbx2 and Fgf8. These inductive events occurred exclusively at the interface between the Otx2-positive transplanted domain and the ipsilateral host Gbx2-positive rhombomere 1, creating a new Otx2-Gbx2 boundary within the grafted territory. In type 1 and 2 grafts, the induced Fgf8 domain is in continuity with the host Fgf8 isthmic domain, whereas for type 3 grafts, these two domains are separate. High levels of En2 expression were also induced in the area expressing Gbx2 and Fgf8, and Wnt1 and Pax2 expressions, analysed in type 3 grafts, were induced at the intragraft Otx2-Gbx2 new boundary. Moreover, at later embryonic stages, the graft developed meso-isthmo-cerebellar structures. Thus, gene expressions induced in the grafted prosencephalon not only mimicked the pattern observed in the normal midbrain-hindbrain domain, but is followed by midbrain-hindbrain cytodifferentiation, indicating that not only Fgf8 but also confrontation of Otx2 and Gbx2 may play an essential role during midbrian-hindbrain regionalisation.  相似文献   

Otx2 and Gbx2 are among the earliest genes expressed in the neuroectoderm, dividing it into anterior and posterior domains with a common border that marks the mid-hindbrain junction. Otx2 is required for development of the forebrain and midbrain, and Gbx2 for the anterior hindbrain. Furthermore, opposing interactions between Otx2 and Gbx2 play an important role in positioning the mid-hindbrain boundary, where an organizer forms that regulates midbrain and cerebellum development. We show that the expression domains of Otx2 and Gbx2 are initially established independently of each other at the early headfold stage, and then their expression rapidly becomes interdependent by the late headfold stage. As we demonstrate that the repression of Otx2 by retinoic acid is dependent on an induction of Gbx2 in the anterior brain, molecules other than retinoic acid must regulate the initial expression of Otx2 in vivo. In contrast to previous suggestions that an interaction between Otx2- and Gbx2-expressing cells may be essential for induction of mid-hindbrain organizer factors such as Fgf8, we find that Fgf8 and other essential mid-hindbrain genes are induced in a correct temporal manner in mouse embryos deficient for both Otx2 and Gbx2. However, expression of these genes is abnormally co-localized in a broad anterior region of the neuroectoderm. Finally, we find that by removing Otx2 function, development of rhombomere 3 is rescued in Gbx2(-/-) embryos, showing that Gbx2 plays a permissive, not instructive, role in rhombomere 3 development. Our results provide new insights into induction and maintenance of the mid-hindbrain genetic cascade by showing that a mid-hindbrain competence region is initially established independent of the division of the neuroectoderm into an anterior Otx2-positive domain and posterior Gbx2-positive domain. Furthermore, Otx2 and Gbx2 are required to suppress hindbrain and midbrain development, respectively, and thus allow establishment of the normal spatial domains of Fgf8 and other genes.  相似文献   

Prior studies have shown that kreisler mutants display early inner ear defects that are related to abnormal hindbrain development and signaling. These defects in kreisler mice have been linked to mutation of the kr/mafB gene. To investigate potential relevance of kr/mafB and abnormal hindbrain development in inner ear patterning, we analyzed the ear morphogenesis in kreisler mice using a paint-fill technique. We also examined the expression patterns of a battery of genes important for normal inner ear patterning and development. Our results indicate that the loss of dorsal otic structures such as the endolymphatic duct and sac is attributable to the downregulation of Gbx2, Dlx5 and Wnt2b in the dorsal region of the otocyst. In contrast, the expanded expression domain of Otx2 in the ventral otic region likely contributes to the cochlear phenotype seen in kreisler mutants. Sensory organ development is also markedly disrupted in kreisler mutants. This pattern of defects and gene expression changes is remarkably similar to that observed in Gbx2 mutants. Taken together, the data show an important role for hindbrain cues, and indirectly, kr/mafB, in guiding inner ear morphogenesis. The data also identify Gbx2, Dlx5, Wnt2b and Otx2 as key otic genes ultimately affected by perturbation of the kr/mafB-hindbrain pathway.  相似文献   

The fate specification of the developing vertebrate inner ear could be determined by complex regulatory genetic pathways involving the Pax2/5/8 genes. Pax2 expression has been reported in the otic placode and vesicle of all vertebrates that have been studied. Loss-of-function experiments suggest that the Pax2 gene plays a key role in the development of the cochlear duct and acoustic ganglion. Despite all these data, the role of Pax2 gene in the specification of the otic epithelium is still only poorly defined. In the present work, we report a detailed study of the spatial and temporal Pax2 expression patterns during the development of the chick inner ear. In the period analysed, Pax2 is expressed only in some presumptive sensory patches, but not all, even though all sensory patches show the scattered Pax2 expression pattern later on. We also show that Pax2 is also expressed in several non-sensory structures.  相似文献   

The development of the vertebrate inner ear is a complex process that has been investigated in several model organisms. In this work, we examined genetic interactions regulating early development of otic structures in medaka. We demonstrate that misexpression of Fgf8, Dlx3b and Foxi1 during early gastrulation is sufficient to produce ectopic otic vesicles. Combined misexpression strongly increases the appearance of this phenotype. By using a heat-inducible promoter we were furthermore able to separate the regulatory interactions among Fgf8, Foxi1, Dlx3b, Pax8 and Pax2 genes, which are active during different stages of early otic development. In the preplacodal stage we suggest a central position of Foxi1 within a regulatory network of early patterning genes including Dlx3b and Pax8. Different pathways are active after the placodal stage with Dlx3b playing a central role. There Dlx3b regulates members of the Pax-Six-Eya-Dach network and also strongly affects the early dorsoventral marker genes Otx1 and Gbx2.  相似文献   

The mouse homeobox gene Gbx2 is first expressed throughout the posterior region of the embryo during gastrulation, and becomes restricted to rhombomeres 1-3 (r1-3) by embryonic day 8.5 (E8.5). Previous studies have shown that r1-3 do not develop in Gbx2 mutants and that there is an early caudal expansion of the midbrain gene Otx2 to the anterior border of r4. Furthermore, expression of Wnt1 and Fgf8, two crucial components of the isthmic organizer, is no longer segregated to adjacent domains in Gbx2 mutants. In this study, we extend the phenotypic analysis of Gbx2 mutants by showing that Gbx2 is not only required for development of r1-3, but also for normal gene expression in r4-6. To determine whether Gbx2 can alter hindbrain development, we generated Hoxb1-Gbx2 (HG) transgenic mice in which Gbx2 is ectopically expressed in r4. We show that Gbx2 is not sufficient to induce r1-3 development in r4. To test whether an Otx2/Gbx2 interface can induce r1-3 development, we introduced the HG transgene onto a Gbx2-null mutant background and recreated a new Otx2/Gbx2 border in the anterior hindbrain. Development of r3, but not r1 and r2, is rescued in Gbx2-/-; HG embryos. In addition, the normal spatial relationship of Wnt1 and Fgf8 is established at the new Otx2/Gbx2 border, demonstrating that an interaction between Otx2 and Gbx2 is sufficient to produce the normal pattern of Wnt1 and Fgf8 expression. However, the expression domains of Fgf8 and Spry1, a downstream target of Fgf8, are greatly reduced in mid/hindbrain junction area of Gbx2-/-; HG embryos and the posterior midbrain is truncated because of abnormal cell death. Interestingly, we show that increased cell death and a partial loss of the midbrain are associated with increased expression of Fgf8 and Spry1 in Gbx2 conditional mutants that lack Gbx2 in r1 after E9.0. These results together suggest that cell survival in the posterior midbrain is positively or negatively regulated by Fgf8, depending on Fgf8 expression level. Our studies provide new insights into the regulatory interactions that maintain isthmic organizer gene expression and the consequences of altered levels of organizer gene expression on cell survival.  相似文献   

We have studied the neuromeric organisation of the mesencephalic-metencephalic (mes-met) territory of the avian neural tube using chick/quail transplantation experiments and analysing the expression of various regulatory genes in chimeric and normal embryos. Homotopic grafts demonstrate the presence of an interneuromeric boundary separating the mesencephalic and cerebellar territories (the mes-met or midbrain/hindbrain boundary). This boundary is characterised from HH10 onwards by the confrontation of the Otx2-Wnt1 and Gbx2-Fgf8 expressing domains, while En2 and Pax2 genes are expressed at both sides of the mes-met boundary. The evolution of the position of the Otx2/Gbx2 boundary with respect to the vesicles and constriction observed within the mes-met domain between stages HH10 and HH20, allows us to redefine the fate map of this region and to propose a new nomenclature for HH10. Transplantation between the prosencephalic neuroepithelium and the mes-met domain shows the possibility of inducing a mes-met phenotype within the two caudal-most prosomeres, preceded by its characteristic genetic cascade. The induction selectively takes place along the boundary between the graft (Otx2 positive) and the host cerebellar territory (expressing high levels of Gbx2); this includes the induction inside the graft of a new Otx2/Gbx2 boundary. Conversely, no induction is ever observed when the graft is confronted to the host Otx2 expressing domain. Although Fgf8 may be involved in the inductive events, our data strongly suggest that confrontation between Otx2 and Gbx2 is essential as an organiser of the mes-met domain.  相似文献   

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