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《Acta theriologica》2010,55(4):382-382

Comparisons of national Rook censuses in 1944–46 and 1975, and various local surveys between these dates, showed that the British Rook population increased steadily up to the 1950s or (in some areas) to the early 1960s, but declined seriously thereafter. In 1975, 94% coverage of the United Kingdom produced counts totalling 907,717 nests.  相似文献   

Abstract Southern British Columbia, Canada, is the northwestern range limit of the American badger (Taxidea taxus) and supports a nationally endangered subspecies. We initially investigated space-use, diet, and demography in southeastern British Columbia to characterize range-limit ecology. Resident badgers in the northern part (NP) of our study area were extirpated or nearly so during our study (λ = 0.7), whereas the southern (SP) badger population remained viable (λ = 1.2). This apparent difference in viability between NP and SP may have been confounded by timing because research occurred later in SP; litter size, number of Columbian ground squirrels (Spermophilus columbianus) consumed, and home range size were each correlated nearly equally to latitude and date of research, and survivorship was greater later in the study for both the NP and SP. Collectively, these factors indicated temporal, not just spatial, variability. Therefore, we translocated badgers into the NP to 1) determine whether the NP had lost its capacity to support badgers or had merely experienced the variability expected at a range limit and, if the latter, 2) initiate recovery. Translocated animals and their offspring had kit production equivalent to that of SP residents, adult survivorship intermediate between the NP and SP residents, and no confirmed kit mortality, with population growth projected (λ = 1.3). Diet of translocated individuals was similar to that of residents. Home ranges of translocated females were intermediate between the 2 resident groups, and home ranges of translocated males were not different than either resident group. Juvenile dispersal dates and distances were similar to those of residents for each sex. Our results were consistent with the extirpation of the NP being driven by temporally variable conditions or the effect of random events expected at range limits. The extirpation of NP did not appear to have been primarily due to any permanent loss of the NP's capacity to support badgers. At 3.5 years after starting translocations, badgers remained in the NP within an apparently growing population. We found translocation to be a useful diagnostic and conservation tool for badgers at their northern limit. Its utility may extend to countering the fluctuations typical of other rare, range-limit species.  相似文献   

We examined the broad hypothesis that one function of grooming by the European badger (Meles meles) is to disadvantage (possibly by removal) parasitic badger fleas (Paraceris melis). We pursued two lines of investigation. First, we used infra‐red video analysis to examine the body areas reached by self‐ and allo‐grooming badgers. We expected that if grooming was important to disadvantage fleas then allo‐grooming would cover areas that could not be reached by self‐grooming. Badgers preferred dorsal allo‐grooming and ventral self‐grooming, and when combined, the overall amount of grooming per square centimetre of skin area provided even body coverage, pointing to a hygienic function, rather than a purely social function. Secondly, we examined fleas’ responses to simulated fur disturbance, characteristic of grooming. If grooming had no flea disadvantage effect, we would expect no response from fleas, and no directionality in their movement away from direct touch. The number of fleas encountered rapidly declined in successive 10‐s counts during simulated ‘grooming’ at the same site. When badgers were ‘groomed’ on alternate sides (mimicking the badgers’ rapid alternation of grooming position), there was a marked increase in fleas when grooming resumed on the original side. Similarly, when ‘grooming’ was suspended for 40 s, there was an initial increase in the number of fleas when ‘grooming’ was resumed. Disturbed fleas tended to run downwards relative to gravity and towards the posterior of the badger, following the direction of hair growth. This contrasted with the behaviour of fleas removed from badgers which tended to run upwards and jump. We concluded that the pattern of badger grooming and the fleas’ response to disturbance was consistent with a hypothesis that badgers and badger fleas have strategies and counter strategies to maximize and minimize contact (respectively) during grooming.  相似文献   

Dynamics of tuberculosis in a naturally infected Badger population   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The dynamics of bovine tuberculosis infection in a wild Badger population have been studied since 1981. Faeces are sampled regularly to determine the distribution of infection in the study area. Badgers in known infected social groups, plus the neighbouring groups, are periodically caught and subjected to full clinical and bacteriological examination to monitor the progression of infection within and between groups of Badgers. The interim results of this study are presented and discussed. During 5 years (1981–1985), the temporal spread of infection between social groups in the study area was slow and restricted. Some clinically affected Badgers have survived for long periods. Evidence of infection in individual Badgers indicates that pseudo-vertical (mother to cub) transmission may be important in the maintenance of infection in the Badger population. There is also evidence of horizontal transmission by bite wounding and aerosol infection. Badger mortality due to Mycobacterium bovis infection was low, and the prevalence of infection in male Badgers is greater than in females. The data accumulated so far show no apparent relationship between Badger population density and the prevalence of M. bovis infection, nor is there any evidence to support the hypothesis that M. bovis infection acts to depress Badger population density significantly below disease-free levels. Cattle and infected Badgers can co-exist for long periods without the disease necessarily being transmitted to cattle.  相似文献   

探索狗獾的消化生理,为狗獾的人工饲养技术研究提供基础依据,对3只雌性狗獾的主要消化器官进行了解剖学研究.结果表明,狗獾为单式胃,呈“U”形囊状,小肠为消化管中最长的一段,全长3557 mm,约为体长的5~6倍,十二指肠形似“(U)”形,空肠、回肠无明显的界限,空肠形成半径约88 mm的扇形肠袢.大肠不发达,全长170 mm,只有结肠和直肠,无盲肠,结肠无肠袋与纵带.消化腺较发达,肝脏很大,占据腹腔最前部位置.胰脏分左右两臂,左臂长于右臂.  相似文献   



Most knowledge of fibromyalgia comes from the clinical setting, where healthcare-seeking behavior and selection issues influence study results. The characteristics of fibromyalgia in the general population have not been studied in detail.


We developed and tested surrogate study specific criteria for fibromyalgia in rheumatology practices using variables from the US National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) and the modification (for surveys) of the 2010 American College of Rheumatology (ACR) preliminary fibromyalgia criteria. The surrogate criteria were applied to the 2012 NHIS and identified persons who satisfied criteria from symptom data. The NHIS weighted sample of 8446 persons represents 225.7 million US adults.


Fibromyalgia was identified in 1.75% (95% CI 1.42, 2.07), or 3.94 million persons. However, 73% of identified cases self-reported a physician’s diagnosis other than fibromyalgia. Identified cases had high levels of self-reported pain, non-pain symptoms, comorbidity, psychological distress, medical costs, Social Security and work disability. Caseness was associated with gender, education, ethnicity, citizenship and unhealthy behaviors. Demographics, behaviors, and comorbidity were predictive of case status. Examination of the surrogate polysymptomatic distress scale (PSD) of the 2010 ACR criteria found fibromyalgia symptoms extending through the full length of the scale.


Persons identified with criteria-based fibromyalgia have severe symptoms, but most (73%) have not received a clinical diagnosis of fibromyalgia. The association of fibromyalgia-like symptoms over the full length of the PSD scale with physiological as well as mental stressors suggests PSD may be a universal response variable rather than one restricted to fibromyalgia.  相似文献   

Badger (Meles meles) haemoglobin was purified by paper electrophoresis and converted into globin. Chain separation was carried out on a CM-cellulose column in the presence of 8 M urea. The beta-chain was aminoethylated, purified by gel filtration and submitted to tryptic digestion. A fingerprint obtained with the enzymic digests showed 17 distinct ninhydrin-positive spots from which 20 pure peptides were isolated by further electrochromatographic separations. These peptides were sequenced using Dansyl-Edman and Ptc-Edman degradation techniques. The presence of amide residues was confirmed after aminopeptidase M hydrolysis. Taking human haemoglobin beta-chain as a model, the covalent structure could be completely resolved without the help of any further overlapping technique. The following substitutions were noted (badger/human, position): Ala/Pro5, Ser/Ala13, Tyr/Phe41, Asp/Glu43, Ser/Ala70, Glu/Asp73, Lys/Ala76, Asn/His77, Lys/Thr87, Lys/Arg104 and Gln/Pro125. A comparison with other haemoglobin beta-chains already sequenced shows a greater similarity with dog haemoglobin, the only example of beta-chain of known structure in the order of Carnivores.  相似文献   


Τhe functional morphology of the skull of the fossil badger Meles dimitrius from the Early Pleistocene of Greece is studied by means of comparative myological and osteological analyses with the extant representatives of the genus Meles from Europe and Asia. The myological analysis of the masticatory system allowed the reconstruction of a ‘muscle map’ of the significant muscles for feeding and prey capture for the extant Meles meles and, by analogy, for the extinct Meles dimitrius. The quantitative osteological analysis computed several functional cranial, mandibular, and dental measurements and indices, as well as endocranial volume, bite force, and body mass, in order to identify characters that could be attributed to different ecomorphs. Two main ecomorphological groups were recognized within extant Meles. One includes the mainland forms (M. meles, M. leucurus) and the other the insular populations (M. canescens from Crete and M. anakuma from Japan). Apart from its size, Meles dimitrius appears closer to the insular group, which is characterized by a relatively more developed masticatory system, a well-developed temporalis muscle, increased bite forces, increased endocranial volume and possibly a better adaptation to processing meat. The similarity of M. dimitrius with the insular group could be related to the retention of a primitive active predatory and meat-consuming behavior. Alternatively, M. dimitrius could have represented a relatively isolated population having evolved features convergently found in the insular extant badgers.




Cardiac arrest is a major health concern worldwide accounting for 375,000 cases per year in Europe with a survival rate of <10%. Therapeutic hypothermia has been shown to improve patients’ neurological outcome and is recommended by scientific societies. Despite these guidelines, different surveys report a heterogeneous application of this treatment. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the clinical practice of therapeutic hypothermia in cardiac arrest patients.


This self-declarative web based survey was proposed to all registered French adult intensive care units (ICUs) (n = 357). Paediatrics and neurosurgery ICUs were excluded. The different questions addressed the structure, the practical modalities of therapeutic hypothermia and the use of prognostic factors in patients admitted after cardiac arrest.


One hundred and thirty-two out of 357 ICUs (37%) answered the questionnaire. Adherence to recommendations regarding the targeted temperature and hypothermia duration were 98% and 94% respectively. Both guidelines were followed in 92% ICUs. During therapeutic hypothermia, sedative drugs were given in 99% ICUs, mostly midazolam (77%) and sufentanil (59%). Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBA) were used in 97% ICUs, mainly cisatracurium (77%). Numerous prognostic factors were used after cardiac arrest such as clinical factors (95%), biomarkers (53%), electroencephalography (78%) and evoked potentials (35%).


In France, adherence to recommendations for therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest is higher than those previously reported in other countries. Numerous prognostic factors are widely used even if their reliability remains controversial.  相似文献   

BackgroundDespite evidence about the "modern epidemic" of overdiagnosis, and expanding disease definitions that medicalize more people, data are lacking on public views about these issues. Our objective was to measure public perceptions about overdiagnosis and views about financial ties of panels setting disease definitions.MethodsWe conducted a 15 minute Computer Assisted Telephone Interview with a randomly selected community sample of 500 Australians in January 2014. We iteratively developed and piloted a questionnaire, with a convenience sample (n=20), then with participants recruited by a research company (n=20). Questions included whether respondents had been informed about overdiagnosis; opinions on informing people; and views about financial ties among panels writing disease definitions.FindingsOur sample was generally representative, but included a higher proportion of females and seniors, typical of similar surveys. American Association for Public Opinion Research response rate was 20% and cooperation rate was 44%. Only 10% (95% CI 8%–13%) of people reported ever being told about overdiagnosis by a doctor. 18% (95% CI 11%–28%) of men who reported having prostate cancer screening, and 10% (95% CI 6%–15%) of women who reported having mammography said they were told about overdiagnosis. 93% (95% CI 90%–95%) agreed along with screening benefits, people should be informed about overdiagnosis. On panels setting disease definitions, 78% (95% CI 74%–82%) felt ties to pharmaceutical companies inappropriate, and 91% (95% CI 82%–100%) believed panels should have a minority or no members with ties. Limitations included questionnaire novelty and complexity.ConclusionsA small minority of Australians surveyed, including those reporting being screened for prostate or breast cancer, reported being informed of overdiagnosis; most believed people should be informed; and a majority felt it inappropriate that doctors with ties to pharmaceutical companies write disease definitions. Results suggest strategies to better inform people about overdiagnosis, and review disease definition processes, have significant public sympathy.  相似文献   

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