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During austral spring 2000, the diet of Gentoo penguins, Pygoscelis papua, was studied and compared to prey availability, assessed by trawl and plankton surveys, in waters adjacent to a number of colonies along the coast of West Falkland. There was good agreement in size and abundance of key prey species in the penguin diet and from the plankton and trawl surveys. The diet of birds breeding adjacent to shallow sheltered waters was dominated by demersal species, in particular crustaceans, Munida spp. whilst birds breeding adjacent to deeper exposed waters generally preyed upon pelagic species of fish, Falkland herring Sprattus fuegensis and squid, Moroteuthis ingens. Gentoo penguins generally foraged at depths of up to 30 m, relatively close to the coast, and illustrated a certain degree of selection of prey species where possible, thus providing evidence that they are not fully opportunistic predators.  相似文献   

UV damage in shallow lakes: the implications of water mixing   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The plankton of shallow lakes is expected to experience increasingexposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) within the next decades.In addition to stratospheric ozone depletion, decreases in dissolvedorganic carbon (DOC), caused by climate warming or acidification,will result in greater UVR penetration in many lakes. Circulationpatterns induced by moderate winds force the plankton of shallowlakes to be cycled through the whole water column. This translatesinto higher doses and fluctuating dosage rates. Here, we reportthe results of a series of ‘in situ’ UV exposureexperiments in which two zooplankton crustaceans (one capableof photorecovery and the other not) were incubated either atfixed depths or under simulated mixing. Our main goal was toassess the extent to which the results from static incubationscould be extrapolated to vertically moving zooplankton. Staticincubations accurately predicted the survival of moving individualsfor the species without photorecovery, but failed to do so forthe species capable of photorecovery. The fluctuations in dosagerate for high doses tended to increase the survival of the specieswith photorecovery. We contend that neglecting the effects ofvertical mixing may result in a biased perception of UVR effectsin shallow lakes.  相似文献   

1. As grazers on picoplankton and nanoplankton, planktonic ciliates form an important link in pelagic food webs. Ciliate communities may be controlled by predation by metazooplankton. In eutrophic systems, however, where the number of large crustaceans is often low, the mechanisms that regulate ciliate dynamics have rarely been described. 2. We conducted an enclosure experiment with natural and screened (145 μm) summer plankton communities to investigate the effect of the small‐sized crustacean zooplankton on ciliate community structure and the microbial loop in a shallow eutrophic lake. 3. The removal of the larger fraction of crustaceans initiated a decrease in total ciliate abundance. At the community level, we observed a substantial increase in large‐sized predacious ciliates (>100 μm) and a simultaneous decrease in the abundance of smaller ciliates (<20–40 μm) that were mostly bacterivores and bacterio‐herbivores. The compositional shift in the ciliate community, however, did not cascade down to the level of bacteria and edible phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Although, pelagic Ostracoda are locally abundant component of the mesozooplankton in the waters around Svalbard, the group remains poorly characterised both taxonomically and ecologically. Herein, the spatial and vertical variations in abundances and species composition of the pelagic Ostracoda assemblages are examined and related to the water masses. The study is based on a series of zooplankton samples collected with a multinet plankton sampler (MPS; HydroBios, Kiel), consisting of five nets fitted with a 180-μm mesh net. Samples were collected from deep stations (i.e., with bottom depths >300 m) around Svalbard and included localities influenced by the West Spitsbergen Current and the East Spitsbergen Current and to the north of Svalbard, between years 2001 and 2006. Throughout all the samples studied Discoconchoecia elegans was the numerically dominant species. The other species found were Boroecia maxima, Boroecia borealis, Obtusoecia obtusata, and a rare novel Boroecia species. Analyses of the pelagic Ostracoda assemblages showed that their variability was predominantly influenced by four factors: water temperature, geographical position, bottom depth and season. The highest densities of D. elegans were correlated with salinities >35 PSU whereas B. maxima distribution was dependent on latitude. Highest concentrations of B. borealis were determined by longitude. Abundances of O. obtusata were positively correlated with warmer water temperatures. Thus this work suggests that halocyprids have the potential to be good indicators of environmental changes associated with shifts in climate at high latitudes in the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

Newborn hooded seals (Cystophora cristata) have smaller weight-specific oxygen stores than adults, but nothing is known about how this affects their diving behaviour. Here, we present data on the diving behaviour and migrations of seven weaned hooded seal pups of the Greenland Sea stock during their first year of life, as collected by use of satellite telemetry. The pups started diving 1–2 days after tagging, and during a tracking period of 25–398 days they dispersed over vast areas of the Greenland and Norwegian Seas in a manner similar to adults. The initial development of diving depths and durations in April–May was rapid, and pups reached depths of >100 m and dived for >15 min within 3 weeks of age. During early summer (May–June) this development was temporarily discontinued, to be resumed throughout autumn and winter, during which time maximum depths and durations of >700 m and >30 min, respectively, were reached. Depths and durations were significantly related to age/season, location and time of day. The dive behaviour in early summer, with relatively shallow and short dives without diurnal variations, resembles that of adults and probably reflects the vertical distribution of prey rather than physiological constraints. Dives of pups were nevertheless shallower and shorter than those of adults, but relative to body mass both hooded seal pups and adults display a remarkable diving capacity which makes the species particularly suited for studies of defence mechanisms against hypoxia insult in mammals.  相似文献   

 A pelagic juvenile (43.0 mm standard length) of the deep-sea gadiform fish Halargyreus johnsonii was collected by a larva net towed at depths from 200 m to 90 m at Suruga Bay, Japan. The specimen had an elongate body, eyes located dorsally on the head, a depressed anal fin, small bony tubercles on the lower jaw symphysis, elongate pelvic fin rays, and a pointed caudal fin. The body was silver with numerous small black spots. The gut was filled with a copepod, Pareuchaeta russelli, that is characterized by a surface to mesopelagic distribution. Received: May 30, 2002 / Revised: December 16, 2002 / Accepted: December 24, 2002  相似文献   

Using a variety of sampling techniques and observations we describe aspects of the reproductive ecology and early life-history of Bear Lake sculpin, Cottus extensus, a species endemic to Bear Lake, Utah-Idaho. Adult sculpin spawned in shallow water (0.5–6.0 m depths) in cavities beneath large cobbles and boulders. During 1993, egg mass densities were highest (> 4.0 m2) at 1.0–2.0 m depths. Electivity indices verified substrate selection and also indicated an avoidance of s and- and gravel-embedded materials. During years of low water elevation, suitable spawning substrates were restricted to one or two limited areas of the lake and comprised < 0.004% of the total benthic area. Disturbance from turbulence, as would be produced by storm-induced waves, appeared to initiate hatching. After hatching, embryos passed through a pelagic interval that lasted for approximately one week. Laboratory experiments confirmed the short duration of this surface-swimming behavior. The pelagic behavior of free embryos appears to aid in dispersal of fish via currents from limited spawning habitats to areas throughout the 282 km2 lake.  相似文献   

Benthic algal communities can play an important role in matter and energy flux of shallow lakes. Their contribution to total primary production of lakes has been largely unexplored. The aim of this study was to estimate the primary production of the epipsammic algal communities at different water depths in Lake Balaton (Hungary) with photosynthetic measurements performed in laboratory. The photosynthesis of the benthic algae of different origin was studied at nine different irradiance levels, in three replicates. The maximum photosynthetic rate (P max) was always higher in samples from the shallow parts than those from the deeper regions of the lake. Along the west–east longitudinal axis of the lake P max decreased in the southern part and increased in the middle of the lake as a consequence of differences in the chlorophyll-a concentrations. Knowing P max, I k, global radiation and extinction coefficient, the primary production (mg C m−2 day−1) of the epipsammic algal community was calculated at different water depths. In the shallow regions at 0.5 and 1 m water depth 75–95% and 60–85% of the production was attributable to the epipsammon. The percentage contribution of epipsammon was at 2 m water depth 20–65%. In the deeper pelagic region (>3 m) more than 85% of the primary production originated from the phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Little is known about species composition, distribution, and abundance of pelagic fish in the U.S. portion of the Beaufort Sea continental shelf and slope. To inventory the community and describe pelagic fish distributions relative to water characteristics, a systematic survey was conducted in August 2008. Acoustics (38 kHz), midwater trawling, and CTD casts were used to sample water depths from 20 to 500 m. Age-1+ polar cod (Boreogadus saida) was the dominant fish species, with peak densities of 155,000 # ha−1 at bottom depths of 100–350 m. Age-0 fish (polar cod, sculpin (Cottidae family), and eelblenny (Lumpenus sp.)), dominated the pelagic biomass at bottom depths between 20 and 75 m, with peak densities of 160,000 # ha−1, but were also found in surface waters at bottom depths >75 m. Age-1+ polar cod were associated with cold, saline waters likely of Chukchi Sea origin and mirrored published foraging distributions for beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas). Conversely, age-0 fish were found in warm, fresher water, likely of ice melt and/or riverine origin, throughout the study area. This study provides a necessary baseline for the development of Arctic assessment surveys and management plans for polar cod.  相似文献   

According to data of 1981–2007, it was shown that the migration of spiny lumpfish Eumicrotremus asperrimus from wintering grounds to the coast begins in spring, with the onset of water warming. During summer and autumn, E. asperrinus feeds, concentrating in the bathymetric range of 100–300 m. With the start of winter water cooling, it migrates for wintering to depths larger than 500 m. Main aggregations of E. asperrimus were found off the coasts of Northern Primorye. Catches included specimens with a length of 3–16 cm; however, the overwhelming majority (95%) had a length of 5–10 cm, with the domination of two size groups: 6–7 and 9 cm. The spawning of E. asperrimus is apparently highly extended in time and occurs in the spring-summer period in shallow waters. Similarly to other representatives of the genus Eumicrotremus, E. asperrimus is a planktonphage with a narrow food specialization. Off the coasts of Primorye, in the summer period it feeds almost on one species—hyperiid Themisto japonica—with a value of diurnal diet averaging 6.7% of the body weight. According to an expert estimate, the biomass of E. asperrimus in the northwestern part of the Sea of Japan may comprise no less than 5000 t.  相似文献   

Two new phototrophic consortia, “Chlorochromatium lunatum” and “Pelochromatium selenoides”, were observed and collected in the hypolimnion of several dimictic lakes in Wisconsin and Michigan (USA). The two consortia had the same morphology but different pigment composition. The cells of the photosynthetic components of the consortia were half-moon-shaped. This morphology was used to differentiate them from the previously described motile phototrophic consortia “Chlorochromatium aggregatum” and “Pelochromatium roseum”. These phototrophic cells did not resemble any described unicellular green sulfur bacteria. The predominant pigments detected were bacteriochlorophyll d and chlorobactene for the green-colored “Clc. lunatum”, and bacteriochlorophyll e and isorenieratene for the brown-colored “Plc. selenoides”. Their pigment compositions and the presence of chlorosomes attached to the inner face of the cytoplasmic membrane in both kinds of photosynthetic cells confirmed this new half-moon-shaped morphotype as a green sulfur bacterium. Both consortia were found thriving in lakes with low concentrations of sulfide (< 60 μM), below the layers of “Clc. aggregatum” and “Plc. roseum”. The green consortia were observed in lakes where the oxic-anoxic interface was located at shallow depths (2–7 m), while the brown consortia were found at greater depths (8–16 m). The two newly described consortia were never detected together at the same depth in any lake. Received: 30 April 1997 / Accepted: 17 January 1998  相似文献   

Little is known about the biology and feeding ecology of Arctogadus glacialis (Peters, 1874), an endemic gadid fish species occurring circumpolarly in both ice-free and ice-covered Arctic seas. In this study we analysed specimens sampled from bottom trawl and Agassiz trawl catches conducted at eight stations in water depths from 115 to 490 m in the Northeast Water Polynya off Greenland in August 1990. Size composition and sex ratios were assessed for 585 fish with standard lengths ranging from 7.8 to 34.5 cm. Median fish sizes at the stations ranged between 8.6 and 18.8 cm. Quantitative stomach content analyses of a subsample of 175 specimens revealed that in the Northeast Water A. glacialis fed almost exclusively on pelagic prey. Truly benthic organisms were not found in the stomachs, and sympagic species were rarely recorded. Overall, calanoid copepods were the major prey in terms of numbers. However, stomach contents varied considerably between fish size groups. In terms of prey biomass, copepods dominated the diet of small fish (<12 cm), primarily occurring at shallow stations (115–250 m), whereas amphipods and mysids were relatively more important for larger fish (>16 cm), which dominated the catches at deep stations (360–480 m). The broad variety of diet composition indicated an opportunistic pelagic feeding pattern. Received: 6 November 1997 / Accepted: 11 May 1998  相似文献   

Landlocked Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) populations in sub-Arctic and Arctic Greenland lakes were sampled with multi-mesh-sized survey gillnets. The study covered a range of small shallow lakes (0.01 km2, maximum depth <3.3 m) to large deep lakes (43 km2, maximum depth >200 m). Arctic charr were found in one to three different forms in lakes with maximum depths >3 m. A dwarf form occurred in all lakes inhabited by Arctic charr and was the only form in lakes with maximum depths <8 m. In deeper lakes with maximum depths >20 m and a surface area <0.5 km2, larger charr were found, although in low numbers, the length-frequency distribution being unimodal with a tail towards large sizes. In lakes with a maximum depth >20 m, large-sized charr were more abundant, and the length-frequency distribution of the population was bimodal, with a first mode around 10–12 cm and a second mode around 26–37 cm. In a single large and deep lake, a distinct medium-sized pelagic zooplankton-eating charr form occurred. Maximum size of individual charr was significantly positively correlated with lake maximum depth and volume, and the mean size of large-sized charr was significantly positively correlated with lake volume. Our study indicates that the charr population structure became more complex with increasing lake size. Moreover, the population structure seemed to be influenced by lake-water transparency and the presence or absence of three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Accepted: 31 January 2000  相似文献   

The Laptev Sea still ranks among the less known regions of the world’s ocean. Here, we describe the distribution and composition of macrobenthic communities of the eastern shelf and identify key environmental control factors. Samples were collected from dredge catches carried out at 11 stations at depths between 17 and 44 m in August/September 1993 during the TRANSDRIFT I cruise of the Russian R/V “Ivan Kireev.” A total of 265 species were identified from the samples, mostly crustaceans (94). Species numbers per station ranged from 30 to 104. Macrobenthic community distribution clearly showed a depth zonation, consisting of a “Shallow” zone (<20 m), dominated by the crustaceans Mysis oculata (Mysidacea) and Saduria entomon (Isopoda) as well as molluscs, an “Intermediate” zone (20–30 m), characterised by a clear dominance of the bivalve Portlandia arctica, and a “Deep” zone (>30 m) with bivalves P. arctica and Nuculoma bellotii as well as brittle stars Ophiocten sericeum and Ophiura sarsi being most abundant. According to a correlation analysis between faunal and environmental data a combination of duration of ice cover and water depth, respectively, showed the highest affinity to macrobenthic distribution. We conclude that the food input to the benthos, which is largely related to ice-cover regime, and the stress due to the pronounced seasonal salinity variability, which is primarily related to water depth, are prime determinants of macrobenthic community distribution and major causes of the prominent depth zonation in the Laptev Sea. Within the depth zones, sediment composition seems to be most significant in controlling the patterns in the distribution of the benthic fauna.  相似文献   

The diet, diving behaviour, swimming velocity and foraging range of Gentoo Penguins Pygoscelis papua were studied at Macquarie Island during the breeding season in the 1993–1994 austral summer. Gentoo Penguins are considered to be inshore feeders, and at Macquarie Island the diet and estimated foraging ranges supported this. The diet consisted of 91.6% fish and 8.3% squid, by mass. The dominant prey taxa were the fish Gymnoscopelus sp. and Paranotothenia magellanica. A mixture of pelagic and benthic prey was consumed, with a greater proportion of benthic species occurring later in the season. The penguins exhibited a strong diurnal pattern in their diving behaviour. Deep diving (≥30 m) began near sunrise (03.00 h) and finished close to sunset (21.00 h). Diving at night was less common and very shallow (<10 m). Early in the breeding season, dive profiles indicated that birds were probably following vertically migrating pelagic prey through the water column and were foraging in waters over 100 m deep. Later in the season, more uniform, shallower depths were used, suggesting an increase in benthic foraging activity. These changes in dive pattern and depth were consistent with the habitat preferences of prey species found in the diet. Gentoo Penguins swam at 1.04 m per s and had a maximum potential foraging range of about 26 km for single-day trips. They tended to forage within 14 km of the colony, with a mean range of 5.4 km. This range encompassed the deep ocean habitat to the west and east of the island and a shallow area to the north.  相似文献   

Synopsis Habitat use by four morphs of arctic charr,Salvelinus alpinus, was investigated in Thingvallavatn, Iceland, by sampling with pelagic and benthic gill nets. Sampling was done in May/June and August/September. Greatest abundance of fish was recorded in the littoral and epipelagic zone in early autumn. Catches were low in early summer. The four morphs are partly segregated in habitat. Small (SB-) and large benthivorous (LB-) charr have a more restricted spatial distribution than piscivorous (PI-), and especially planktivorous (PL-) charr. Both benthivorous morphs are mainly found in the littoral zone, and occur in largest numbers in stony shallows at depths between 0 and 10 m. PL-charr usually dominates in numbers in all habitats. PI-charr is most abundant in epibenthic habitats, although numbers are always low. All morphs are caught in higher numbers at night than during the day, but the diurnal activity difference is highest among SB-charr. The habitat use by different morphs is as may be expected from their morphology and diets. Within the population of PL-charr, young and small fish are more abundant on the bottom than in the pelagic zone, and there is a surplus of females in the pelagic zone. Along the benthic profile, young, small and immature PL-charr are more abundant in deep than in shallow waters. The results are discussed in relation to food supply, competition and predation. Possible reasons for the occurrence of four arctic charr morphs are also discussed.Contribution from the Thingvallavatn project.  相似文献   

Pelagic, littoral, and terrestrial resources can all play a role in supporting consumers in lakes. The role of benthic algal-derived food web pathways in lakes is perhaps the least understood because limnologists have historically focused on pelagic (open-water) production and processes. We compiled carbon stable isotope data from 546 fish populations (75 lakes), and used a two end-member mixing model to calculate littoral–benthic reliance for each fish species in each lake. Fish littoral–benthic reliance values were averaged by lake to assess overall fish species benthic reliance for each lake. Lake-specific mean littoral reliance (BRL; fish species not weighted according to production or biomass) averaged 57% and was independent of lake morphological and limnological attributes. For these same lakes, water column nutrients, light, and morphometry data were used to estimate whole-lake benthic algal and phytoplankton primary production. On average, benthic algae comprised 36% of whole-lake primary production (BPf = 0.36). BPf and BRL were weakly correlated: BRL tends to be high even in large/deep lakes in which benthic algae is a minor contributor to whole-lake primary production. The high littoral–benthic contribution to individual fish species appears to reflect the high concentration of fish species diversity in the littoral zone. Our work cannot be extrapolated to whole-lake fish production. However, the result is consistent with other work indicating that most fish species inhabit the littoral zone, whereas relatively few exclusively inhabit the pelagic. Our results suggest that it takes less primary production to support a single fish species in the littoral zone than is required to support a species in the pelagic.  相似文献   

Hook selectivity, sex ratio of catches and relative abundance (Catch Per Unit Effort – CPUE) were assessed for the pelagic stingray Pteroplatytrygon violacea (Bonaparte, 1872), caught by longline gear in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean over the continental slope and adjacent oceanic area. The catches were carried out at depths of 200–4000 m by research cruises in 2002 and 2003, from Cabo Frio (22°52′S) to Laguna (28°28′S); and by hook selectivity experiments from 2004 to 2008, from Itajaí (26°54′S) to Tramandaí (29°59′S). Hook selectivity experiments indicated higher catches of stingrays with ‘J’ hooks (9/0, 10° offset) commonly used by the pelagic longline fleet than with ‘circle’ hooks (18/0, 10° offset). ‘circle’ hooks reduce the longline by‐catches of this species. Most of the stingrays caught were males (6 : 1). One female aborted mid‐term embryos at the time of capture. CPUE was highest between spring and autumn and lowest during winter.  相似文献   

As historically abundant spongivores, hawksbill turtles Eretmochelys imbricata likely played a key ecological role on coral reefs. However, coral reefs are now experiencing global declines and many hawksbill populations are critically reduced. For endangered species, tracking movement has been recognized as fundamental to management. Since movements in marine vertebrates encompass three dimensions, evaluation of diving behavior and range is required to characterize marine turtle habitat. In this study, habitat use of hawksbill turtles on a Caribbean coral reef was elucidated by quantifying diel depth utilization and movements in relation to the boundaries of marine protected areas. Time depth recorders (TDRs) and ultrasonic tags were deployed on 21 Cayman Islands hawksbills, ranging in size from 26.4 to 58.4 cm straight carapace length. Study animals displayed pronounced diel patterns of diurnal activity and nocturnal resting, where diurnal dives were significantly shorter, deeper, and more active. Mean diurnal dive depth (±SD) was 8 ± 5 m, range 2–20 m, mean nocturnal dive depth was 5 ± 5 m, range 1–14 m, and maximum diurnal dive depth was 43 ± 27 m, range 7–91 m. Larger individuals performed significantly longer dives. Body mass was significantly correlated with mean dive depth for nocturnal but not diurnal dives. However, maximum diurnal dive depth was significantly correlated with body mass, suggesting partitioning of vertical habitat by size. Thus, variable dive capacity may reduce intraspecific competition and provide resistance to degradation in shallow habitats. Larger hawksbills may also represent important predators on deep reefs, creating a broad ecological footprint over a range of depths. Communicated by Biology Editor Dr Mark McCormick  相似文献   

The systematics of the eelpout genus Bothrocara Bean 1890 is reviewed on the basis of 941 specimens. Eight mostly eurybathic, demersal species are recognized, distributed mainly along the continental slopes of the North and South Pacific oceans, with one species entering the South Atlantic. Distributions are: B. brunneum ranges from the Sea of Okhotsk to the Gulf of Panama at depths of 199–1,829 m; B. elongatum ranges from the Gulf of Panama to Chile at depths of 720–1,866 m; B. hollandi ranges from the Sea of Japan to the southeastern Bering Sea at depths of 150–1,980 m; B. molle ranges from the western Bering Sea to the South Atlantic at depths of 106–2,688 m; B. nyx is known only from the eastern Bering Sea at depths of 790–1,508 m; B. pusillum ranges from the northern Bering Sea to British Columbia, Canada, at depths of 55–642 m; B. tanakae is found along the northern coasts of Honshu and Hokkaido islands, Japan, at depths of 274–892 m; B. zestum ranges from the Izu Islands, Japan, and central Honshu, Japan, to the Gulf of Alaska at depths of 199–1,620 m (an unidentifiable specimen from off Taiwan may be B. zestum). The species are distinguished from one another mainly on the basis of head pore patterns, gill raker morphology, coloration and various meristic and morphometric values. A determination key to the species is provided.  相似文献   

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