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We have examined the fidelity of polymerization catalyzed by the human mitochondrial DNA polymerase using wild-type and exonuclease-deficient (E200A mutation) forms of recombinant, reconstituted holoenzyme. Each of the four nucleotides bind and incorporate with similar kinetics; the average dissociation constant for ground state binding is 0.8 microm, and the average rate of polymerization is 37 x s(-1), defining a specificity constant kcat/Km = 4.6 x 10(7) x m(-1) x s(-1). Mismatched nucleotides show weaker ground-state nucleotide binding affinities ranging from 57 to 364 microm and slower rates of polymerization ranging from 0.013 to 1.16 x s(-1). The kinetic parameters yield fidelity estimates of 1 error out of 260,000 nucleotides for a T:T mismatch, 3563 for G:T, and 570,000 for C:T. The accessory subunit increases fidelity 14-fold by facilitating both ground-state binding and the incorporation rate of the correct A:T base pair compared with a T:T mismatch. Correctly base-paired DNA dissociates from the polymerase at a rate of 0.02 x s(-1) promoting processive polymerization. Thus, the mitochondrial DNA polymerase catalyzed incorporation with an average processivity of 1850, defined by the ratio of polymerization rate to the dissociation rate (37/0.02) and with an average fidelity of one error in 280,000 base pairs.  相似文献   

Comparative kinetic and structural analyses of a variety of polymerases have revealed both common and divergent elements of nucleotide discrimination. Although the parameters for dNTP incorporation by the hyperthermophilic archaeal Family B Vent DNA polymerase are similar to those previously derived for Family A and B DNA polymerases, parameters for analog incorporation reveal alternative strategies for discrimination by this enzyme. Discrimination against ribonucleotides was characterized by a decrease in the affinity of NTP binding and a lower rate of phosphoryl transfer, whereas discrimination against ddNTPs was almost exclusively due to a slower rate of phosphodiester bond formation. Unlike Family A DNA polymerases, incorporation of 9-[(2-hydroxyethoxy)methyl]X triphosphates (where X is adenine, cytosine, guanine, or thymine; acyNTPs) by Vent DNA polymerase was enhanced over ddNTPs via a 50-fold increase in phosphoryl transfer rate. Furthermore, a mutant with increased propensity for nucleotide analog incorporation (Vent(A488L) DNA polymerase) had unaltered dNTP incorporation while displaying enhanced nucleotide analog binding affinity and rates of phosphoryl transfer. Based on kinetic data and available structural information from other DNA polymerases, we propose active site models for dNTP, ddNTP, and acyNTP selection by hyperthermophilic archaeal DNA polymerases to rationalize structural and functional differences between polymerases.  相似文献   

Nucleotide insertion opposite 8-oxo-7,8-dihydroguanine (8-oxoG) by fetal calf thymus DNA polymerase delta (pol delta) was examined by steady-state and pre-steady-state rapid quench kinetic analyses. In steady-state reactions with the accessory protein proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA), pol delta preferred to incorporate dCTP opposite 8-oxoG with an efficiency of incorporation an order of magnitude lower than incorporation into unmodified DNA (mainly due to an increased K(m)). Pre-steady-state kinetic analysis of incorporation opposite 8-oxoG showed biphasic kinetics for incorporation of either dCTP or dATP, with rates similar to dCTP incorporation opposite G, large phosphorothioate effects (>100), and oligonucleotide dissociation apparently rate-limiting in the steady-state. Although pol delta preferred to incorporate dCTP (14% misincorporation of dATP) the extension past the A:8-oxoG mispair predominated. The presence of PCNA was found to be a more essential factor for nucleotide incorporation opposite 8-oxoG adducts than unmodified DNA, increased pre-steady-state rates of nucleotide incorporation by >2 orders of magnitude, and was essential for nucleotide extension beyond 8-oxoG. pol delta replication fidelity at 8-oxoG depends upon contributions from K(m), K(d)(dNTP), and rates of phosphodiester bond formation, and PCNA is an important accessory protein for incorporation and extension at 8-oxoG adducts.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases play a central role in the mechanisms of DNA replication and repair. Here, we report mechanisms of the beta-polymerase catalyzed phosphoryl transfer reactions corresponding to correct and incorrect nucleotide incorporations in the DNA. Based on energy minimizations, molecular dynamics simulations, and free energy calculations of solvated ternary complexes of pol beta and by employing a mixed quantum mechanics molecular mechanics Hamiltonian, we have uncovered the identities of transient intermediates in the phosphoryl transfer pathways. Our study has revealed that an intriguing Grotthuss hopping mechanism of proton transfer involving water and three conserved aspartate residues in pol beta's active site mediates the phosphoryl transfer in the correct as well as misincorporation of nucleotides. The significance of this catalytic step in serving as a kinetic check point of polymerase fidelity may be unique to DNA polymerase beta, and is discussed in relation to other known mechanisms of DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

Numerous template-dependent DNA polymerases are capable of catalyzing template-independent nucleotide additions onto blunt-end DNA. Such non-canonical activity has been hypothesized to increase the genomic hypermutability of retroviruses including human immunodeficiency viruses. Here, we employed pre-steady state kinetics and X-ray crystallography to establish a mechanism for blunt-end additions catalyzed by Sulfolobus solfataricus Dpo4. Our kinetic studies indicated that the first blunt-end dATP incorporation was 80-fold more efficient than the second, and among natural deoxynucleotides, dATP was the preferred substrate due to its stronger intrahelical base-stacking ability. Such base-stacking contributions are supported by the 41-fold higher ground-state binding affinity of a nucleotide analog, pyrene nucleoside 5'-triphosphate, which lacks hydrogen bonding ability but possesses four conjugated aromatic rings. A 2.05 A resolution structure of Dpo4*(blunt-end DNA)*ddATP revealed that the base and sugar of the incoming ddATP, respectively, stack against the 5'-base of the opposite strand and the 3'-base of the elongating strand. This unprecedented base-stacking pattern can be applied to subsequent blunt-end additions only if all incorporated dAMPs are extrahelical, leading to predominantly single non-templated dATP incorporation.  相似文献   

Identification of a fourth subunit of mammalian DNA polymerase delta   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A 12-kDa and two 25-kDa polypeptides were isolated with highly purified calf thymus DNA polymerase delta by conventional chromatography. A 16-mer peptide sequence was obtained from the 12-kDa polypeptide which matched a new open reading frame from a human EST () encoding a hypothetical protein of unknown function. The protein was designated as p12. Human EST was identified as the putative human homologue of Schizosaccharomyces pombe Cdm1 by a tBlastn search of the EST data base using S. pombe Cdm1. The open reading frame of human EST encoded a polypeptide of 107 amino acids with a predicted molecular mass of 12.4 kDa, consistent with the experimental findings. p12 is 25% identical to S pombe Cdm1. Both of the 25-kDa polypeptide sequences matched the hypothetical KIAA0039 protein sequence, recently identified as the third subunit of pol delta. Western blotting of immunoaffinity purified calf thymus pol delta revealed the presence of p125, p50, p68 (the KIAA0039 product), and p12. With the identification of p12 mammalian pol delta can now be shown to consist of four subunits. These studies pave the way for more detailed analysis of the possible functions of the mammalian subunits of pol delta.  相似文献   

Tracking the structural and energetic changes in the pathways of DNA replication and repair is central to the understanding of these important processes. Here we report favorable mechanisms of the polymerase-catalyzed phosphoryl transfer reactions corresponding to correct and incorrect nucleotide incorporations in the DNA by using a novel protocol involving energy minimizations, dynamics simulations, quasi-harmonic free energy calculations, and mixed quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics dynamics simulations. Though the pathway proposed may not be unique and invites variations, geometric and energetic arguments support the series of transient intermediates in the phosphoryl transfer pathways uncovered here for both the G:C and G:A systems involving a Grotthuss hopping mechanism of proton transfer between water molecules and the three conserved aspartate residues in pol beta's active-site. In the G:C system, the rate-limiting step is the initial proton hop with a free energy of activation of at least 17 kcal/mol, which corresponds closely to measured k(pol) values. Fidelity discrimination in pol beta can be explained by a significant loss of stability of the closed ternary complex of the enzyme in the G:A system and much higher activation energy of the initial step of nucleophilic attack, namely deprotonation of terminal DNA primer O3'H group. Thus, subtle differences in the enzyme active-site between matched and mismatched base pairs generate significant differences in catalytic performance.  相似文献   

Twenty-three pyrophosphate analogues were screened as inhibitors of proliferating cell nuclear antigen independent DNA polymerase delta (pol delta) derived from calf thymus. Carbonyldiphosphonate (COMDP), also known as alpha-oxomethylenediphosphonate, inhibited pol delta with a potency (Ki = 1.8 microM) 20 times greater than that displayed for DNA polymerase alpha (pol alpha) derived from the same tissue. Characterization of the mechanism of inhibition of pol delta indicated that COMDP competed with the dNTP specified by the template and was not competitive with the template-primer. In the case of pol alpha, COMDP did not compete with either the dNTP or the polynucleotide substrate. COMDP inhibited the 3'----5' exonuclease activity of pol delta weakly, displaying an IC50 greater than 1 mM.  相似文献   

M T Washington  L Prakash  S Prakash 《Cell》2001,107(7):917-927
DNA polymerase eta (Poleta) is unique among eukaryotic DNA polymerases in its proficient ability to replicate through distorting DNA lesions, and Poleta synthesizes DNA with a low fidelity. Here, we use pre-steady-state kinetics to investigate the mechanism of nucleotide incorporation by Poleta and show that it utilizes an induced-fit mechanism to selectively incorporate the correct nucleotide. Poleta discriminates poorly between the correct and incorrect nucleotide at both the initial nucleotide binding step and at the subsequent induced-fit conformational change step, which precedes the chemical step of phosphodiester bond formation. This property enables Poleta to bypass lesions with distorted DNA geometries, and it bestows upon the enzyme a low fidelity.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic replication begins at origins and on the lagging strand with RNA-primed DNA synthesis of a few nucleotides by polymerase alpha, which lacks proofreading activity. A polymerase switch then allows chain elongation by proofreading-proficient pol delta and pol epsilon. Pol delta and pol epsilon are essential, but their roles in replication are not yet completely defined . Here, we investigate their roles by using yeast pol alpha with a Leu868Met substitution . L868M pol alpha copies DNA in vitro with normal activity and processivity but with reduced fidelity. In vivo, the pol1-L868M allele confers a mutator phenotype. This mutator phenotype is strongly increased upon inactivation of the 3' exonuclease of pol delta but not that of pol epsilon. Several nonexclusive explanations are considered, including the hypothesis that the 3' exonuclease of pol delta proofreads errors generated by pol alpha during initiation of Okazaki fragments. Given that eukaryotes encode specialized, proofreading-deficient polymerases with even lower fidelity than pol alpha, such intermolecular proofreading could be relevant to several DNA transactions that control genome stability.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase eta (Poleta) catalyzes the efficient and accurate synthesis of DNA opposite cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers, and inactivation of Poleta in humans causes the cancer-prone syndrome, the variant form of xeroderma pigmentosum. Pre-steady-state kinetic studies of yeast Poleta have indicated that the low level of fidelity of this enzyme results from a poorly discriminating induced-fit mechanism. Here we examine the mechanistic basis of the low level of fidelity of human Poleta. Because the human and yeast enzymes behave similarly under steady-state conditions, we expected these enzymes to utilize similar mechanisms of nucleotide incorporation. Surprisingly, however, we find that human Poleta differs from the yeast enzyme in several important respects. The human enzyme has a 50-fold-faster rate of nucleotide incorporation than the yeast enzyme but binds the nucleotide with an approximately 50-fold-lower level of affinity. This lower level of binding affinity might provide a means of regulation whereby the human enzyme remains relatively inactive except when the cellular deoxynucleoside triphosphate concentrations are high, as may occur during DNA damage, thereby avoiding the mutagenic consequences arising from the inadvertent action of this enzyme during normal DNA replication.  相似文献   

Exonucleolytic proofreading by a mammalian DNA polymerase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Porcine liver DNA polymerase gamma contains exonuclease activity capable of digesting DNA in the 3'----5' direction, releasing deoxyribonucleoside 5'-monophosphates. The exonuclease activity excises 3'-terminal bases from both matched and mismatched primer termini, with a preference for mismatched bases. Under polymerization conditions, mismatch excision by the exonuclease occurs prior to polymerization by polymerase gamma, and this excision can be inhibited by adding to the reaction a high concentration of dNTP substrates and/or nucleoside 5'-monophosphates. In an M13mp2-based reversion assay for detecting single-base substitution errors, porcine liver polymerase gamma is highly accurate; the estimated base substitution error rate is less than one error for each 500,000 bases polymerized. Lower fidelity is observed using reaction conditions that inhibit the exonuclease activity, strongly suggesting that the exonuclease proofreads errors during polymerization. However, in a forward mutation assay capable of detecting all 12 mispairs at a variety of template positions, certain base substitution errors are readily detected even using unperturbed polymerization conditions. Thus, for some errors, polymerase gamma is not highly accurate, suggesting that proofreading is not equally active against all mispairs. To examine if the polymerase and exonuclease activities are physically as well as functionally associated, both activities were monitored during purification by four procedures, each based on a different separation principle. The two activities copurify during chromatography using phosphocellulose, heparin-agarose, or double-strand DNA-cellulose, and during velocity sedimentation in a glycerol gradient containing 0.5 M KCl. These results suggest that the polymerase and exonuclease activities are physically associated. It remains to be determined if they reside in the same subunit.  相似文献   

Human DNA polymerase iota (Pol iota) differs from other DNA polymerases in that it exhibits a marked template specificity, being more efficient and accurate opposite template purines than opposite pyrimidines. The crystal structures of Pol iota with template A and incoming dTTP and with template G and incoming dCTP have revealed that in the Pol iota active site, the templating purine adopts a syn conformation and forms a Hoogsteen base pair with the incoming pyrimidine which remains in the anti conformation. By using 2-aminopurine and purine as the templating residues, which retain the normal N7 position but lack the N(6) of an A or the O(6) of a G, here we provide evidence that whereas hydrogen bonding at N(6) is dispensable for the proficient incorporation of a T opposite template A, hydrogen bonding at O(6) is a prerequisite for C incorporation opposite template G. To further analyze the contributions of O(6) and N7 hydrogen bonding to DNA synthesis by Pol iota, we have examined its proficiency for replicating through the (6)O-methyl guanine and 8-oxoguanine lesions, which affect the O(6) and N7 positions of template G, respectively. We conclude from these studies that for proficient T incorporation opposite template A, only the N7 hydrogen bonding is required, but for proficient C incorporation opposite template G, hydrogen bonding at both the N7 and O(6) is an imperative. The dispensability of N(6) hydrogen bonding for proficient T incorporation opposite template A has important biological implications, as that would endow Pol iota with the ability to replicate through lesions which impair the Watson-Crick hydrogen bonding potential at both the N1 and N(6) positions of templating A.  相似文献   

Using compartmentalized self-replication (CSR), we evolved a version of Pyrococcus furiosus (Pfu) DNA polymerase that tolerates modification of the γ-phosphate of an incoming nucleotide. A Q484R mutation in α-helix P of the fingers domain, coupled with an unintended translational termination-reinitiation (split) near the finger tip, dramatically improve incorporation of a bulky γ-phosphate-O-linker-dabcyl substituent. Whether synthesized by coupled translation from a bicistronic (-1 frameshift) clone, or reconstituted from separately expressed and purified fragments, split Pfu mutant behaves identically to wild-type DNA polymerase with respect to chromatographic behavior, steady-state kinetic parameters (for dCTP), and PCR performance. Although naturally-occurring splits have been identified previously in the finger tip region of T4 gp43 variants, this is the first time a split (in combination with a point mutation) has been shown to broaden substrate utilization. Moreover, this latest example of a split hyperthermophilic archaeal DNA polymerase further illustrates the modular nature of the Family B DNA polymerase structure.  相似文献   

Human DNA polymerase ι (Polι) is a member of the Y family of DNA polymerases involved in translesion DNA synthesis. Polι is highly unusual in that it possesses a high fidelity on template A, but has an unprecedented low fidelity on template T, preferring to misincorporate a G instead of an A. To understand the mechanisms of nucleotide incorporation opposite different template bases by Polι, we have carried out pre-steady-state kinetic analyses of nucleotide incorporation opposite templates A and T. These analyses have revealed that opposite template A, the correct nucleotide is preferred because it is bound tighter and is incorporated faster than the incorrect nucleotides. Opposite template T, however, the correct and incorrect nucleotides are incorporated at very similar rates, and interestingly, the greater efficiency of G misincorporation relative to A incorporation opposite T arises predominantly from the tighter binding of G. Based on these results, we propose that the incipient base pair is accommodated differently in the active site of Polι dependent upon the template base and that when T is the templating base, Polι accommodates the wobble base pair better than the Watson-Crick base pair.  相似文献   

DNA polymerases delta and alpha were purified from CV-1 cells, and their sensitivities to the inhibitors aphidicolin, (p-n-butylphenyl)deoxyguanosine triphosphate (BuPdGTP), and monoclonal antibodies directed against DNA polymerase alpha were determined. The effects of these inhibitors on DNA replication in permeabilized CV-1 cells were studied to investigate the potential roles of polymerases delta and alpha in DNA replication. Aphidicolin was shown to be a more potent inhibitor of DNA replication than of DNA polymerase alpha or delta activity. Inhibition of DNA replication by various concentrations of BuPdGTP was intermediate between inhibition of purified polymerase alpha or delta activity. Concentrations of BuPdGTP which totally abolished DNA polymerase alpha activity were much less effective in reducing DNA replication, as well as the activity of DNA polymerase delta. Monoclonal antibodies which specifically inhibited polymerase alpha activity reduced, but did not abolish, DNA replication in permeable cells. BuPdGTP, as well as anti-polymerase alpha antibodies, inhibited DNA replication in a nonlinear manner as a function of time. Depending upon the initial or final rates of inhibition of replication by BuPdGTP and anti-alpha antibodies, as little as 50%, or as much as 80%, of the replication activity can be attributed to polymerase alpha. The remaining replication activity (20-50%) is tentatively attributed to polymerase delta, because it was aphidicolin sensitive and resistant to both anti-polymerase alpha antibodies and low concentrations of BuPdGTP. A concentration of BuPdGTP which abolished polymerase alpha activity reduced, but did not abolish, both the synthesis and maturation of nascent DNA fragments.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Most DNA polymerases incorporate nucleotides opposite template 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-oxoG) lesions with reduced efficiency and accuracy. DNA polymerase (Pol) eta, which catalyzes the error-free replication of template thymine-thymine (TT) dimers, has the unique ability to accurately and efficiently incorporate nucleotides opposite 8-oxoG templates. Here we have used pre-steady-state kinetics to examine the mechanisms of correct and incorrect nucleotide incorporation opposite G and 8-oxoG by Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pol eta. We found that Pol eta binds the incoming correct dCTP opposite both G and 8-oxoG with similar affinities, and it incorporates the correct nucleotide bound opposite both G and 8-oxoG with similar rates. While Pol eta incorporates an incorrect A opposite 8-oxoG with lower efficiency than it incorporates a correct C, it does incorporate A more efficiently opposite 8-oxoG than opposite G. This is mainly due to greater binding affinity for the incorrect incoming dATP opposite 8-oxoG. Overall, these results show that Pol eta replicates through 8-oxoG without any barriers introduced by the presence of the lesion.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies on DNA polymerase   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

The high error rate characteristic of DNA polymerases from RNA tumor viruses has permitted measurements on the simultaneous incorporation of complementary and noncomplementary nucleotides during DNA synthesis. For example, avian myeloblastosis virus DNA polymerase incorporates 1 molecule of dCMP for approximately 500 molecules of dTMP polymerized using polyriboadenylic acid as a template. The parallel incorporation of complementary and noncomplementary nucleotides afer gel filtration of avian myeloblastosis virus DNA polymerase indicates that the observed fidelity is catalyzed by the polymerase itself. Nearest neighbor analysis of the product indicates that noncomplementary nucleotides are incorporated as single base substitutions. The incorporation of the noncomplementary dCMP is not reduced by a 20-fold greater amount of the complementary nucleotide, dTTP. Conversely, the concentration of the noncomplementary nucleotides does not effect the rate of incorporation of the complementary nucleotide. A similar lack of competition between complementary dGTP and noncomplementary dATP is exhibited using poly(rC)-oligo(dG) as a template-primer. Furthermore, there was no detectable competition between the different noncomplementary nucleotides. Possible explanations for this lack of competition are considered.  相似文献   

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