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空气中生物成分来源多样,对人类健康构成潜在威胁,目前缺少有效监测空气中不同生物成分含量的技术,通过检测不同物种的管家基因进行鉴别是可选的手段。本研究使用BIO Capturer-6病毒气溶胶采集富集仪收集环境样本28份,分别使用细菌、动物和植物管家基因特异性引物探针进行荧光定量PCR扩增,检测分析空气中各物种含量差异。结果表明:全部样本均检出细菌、动物和植物成分;不同高度(地面和楼顶)空气中各生物组分含量无统计学差异,温度高、湿度小时,空气中细菌成分含量最多。本研究创造性地将管家基因与生物气溶胶检测结合起来,建立了评价空气质量的新方法;并通过实验证明了该方法有良好的稳定性和灵敏度,相信可以为空气生物学调查分析提供新的手段。  相似文献   

揭示涡结构演化对病毒气溶胶扩散的影响作用,对于有效防治呼吸道疾病具有非常重要的意义.本文运用大涡模拟的方法,对人体在循环呼吸模式下口喉模型内的涡结构演化及气溶胶扩散进行了数值仿真研究,分析了口喉模型内涡结构演化过程以及气溶胶扩散状态.结果表明:受呼吸流涡结构演化的影响,颗粒轨迹主要分布在上气道内涡量集中的区域;受横向涡结构和纵向涡结构的共同影响,部分病毒气溶胶颗粒具备了混合有环状轨迹和波状轨迹的螺旋状轨迹.本研究从微观角度揭示了涡结构演化与气溶胶扩散行为的关系,为深入认识病毒气溶胶上呼吸道传播特点提供了新的途径.  相似文献   

水稻花粉扩散的模拟研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡凝  陈万隆  刘寿东  罗卫红  赵莉莉  高蓓 《生态学报》2010,30(14):3665-3671
水稻花粉扩散可导致基因飘流问题,尤其是转基因水稻,其外源基因的扩散可能会引发一系列的环境安全问题。为了模拟花粉扩散过程,2007年和2009年分别在南京(32°01′N,118°52′E)和溧水(31°35′N,119°11′E),以两优培九为材料,各组织了一次田间试验。通过空气中的花粉扩散浓度的观测和微气象塔梯度环境要素的采集,采用高斯烟羽模型为基础,利用最小二乘法,模拟了水稻花粉的扩散浓度,并利用独立试验数据验证了模型效果。结果表明:花粉释放集中在始花期后第1天到第5天的09:00-11:00,且花粉释放量与开花量显著相关(r=0.880**)。花粉浓度的模拟值和实测值变化趋势一致,其均方根误差和相对误差分别为0.509粒/(m2.d)和3.47%。该花粉扩散模型可以正确反映花粉扩散浓度的分布特征。但在花粉浓度的预测精度上,尤其是预测花粉远距离传播时,仍需要改进。  相似文献   

讨论一类具有性别结构的捕食者-食饵扩散模型在齐次Neumann边界条件下解的存在唯一性和一致有界性,并由线性化方法和Lyapunov函数方法分别证明了该模型正平衡点的局部和全局渐近稳定.  相似文献   

在任何时候,你可能会在塔斯酶尼亚和澳大利亚沿海城镇的果园和垃圾场,发现Ary Hoffman及其研究团队的身影。他们正在寻找腐朽,腐烂的水果和必然存在的黑腹果蝇。Hoffman是墨尔本大学环境应激和适应研究中心的研究主任,他们的研究显示,气候中的变化可能触发物种的遗传改变。  相似文献   

生物数学中的反应扩散系统的同伦映射方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了一类非线性捕食-被捕食反应扩散系统,利用同伦映射理论,得到了初边值问题解的近似表示式。  相似文献   

昆虫种群的生长──扩散模型研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据昆虫种群生长规律和空间扩散规律,本文提出了建立昆虫种群生长-扩散统一模型的条件,并提出了12种可能的生长-扩散统一模型.其中的模型包括了指数增长(减少),逻辑斯蒂增长和威布尔生长规律,同时包括幂率衰减,指数衰减和随机扩散等扩散规律;同时这些模型可以单独描述单一的生长过程或扩散过程。文中以水稻害虫青翘蚁形隐翘虫的扩散和种群数量消长为例,研究了文中模型的应用问题,结果表明本文的模型用于描述昆虫种群的方向性扩散一指数衰减生长的过程是合适的。  相似文献   

一个捕食-被捕食-互惠模型反应扩散系统的稳定性条件   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文利用Lyapunov直接方法讨论了一类捕食-被捕食-互惠模型的正值常态平衡解的稳定性.稳定性条件中包含对捕食与互惠种群扩散强度比例的限制.  相似文献   

胡仁传  周迎  董亦非  罗斌圣 《广西植物》2023,43(8):1428-1436
生物多样性是人类赖以生存的物质基础,目前对生物多样性的保护主要通过建立自然保护区来进行。保护小区作为我国现有自然保护区体系的一个重要补充,是联通动植物破碎化的栖息地,维护生态系统完整性的重要手段。该文通过文献研究和实地调查等方式对以社区为主体的渠楠保护小区的组织架构、制度建设、日常工作以及初步成效等进行了系统的整理和分析。结果表明:(1)渠楠保护小区以“自建、自筹、自管、自受益”为指导思想进行建设,采取“平等议事、民主协商”为主的方式进行管理,得到了当地社区居民的认可和拥护,并得到了当地政府和外界的承认和支持。(2)保护小区的成立、建设和发展,不仅提高了社区居民的保护意识和周边动植物种群数量及多样性,还改善了渠楠社区的生活环境,丰富了社区居民的精神文化,为当地的生物多样性和传统文化的保护做出了积极贡献。该文还探讨了以社区为主体的保护小区建设中存在的隐患,并提出可行性建议,以期为我国生物多样性保护及其他保护小区的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

猪瘟DNA疫苗在猪体及环境的生物安全性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
DNA疫苗生物安全性是其走向临床所须解决的关键问题之一。以猪瘟DNA疫苗为研究对象 ,探讨了其两个方面的生物安全性问题。一方面 ,将两种不同的猪瘟DNA疫苗质粒免疫猪后 ,利用PCR技术分析了其与猪细胞基因组整合的可能性 ,结果在灵敏度为 30拷贝的检测条件下 ,未发现猪瘟DNA疫苗整合到细胞基因组 ;另一方面 ,以PCR技术检测了免疫现场环境样品 ,以分析猪瘟DNA疫苗上的E2基因、CMV启动子基因和抗性基因是否在环境细菌中发生转移和扩散。结果未发现DNA疫苗转化环境细菌的直接证据。因此认为DNA疫苗对猪体和环境是安全的。  相似文献   


Molecular dynamics simulation is carried out to study the mechanism of self diffusion which is characteristic of solid-like microclusters. A two-dimensional system with the Lennard-Jones potential is employed and the temperatures near the triple point of the two-dimensional bulk system are adopted for the simulation. The results show that: a) microclusters consist of two regions, i.e., solid-like cores and liquid-like surface regions, b) the size dependence of the diffusion coefficient for microclusters is weak, and the value of the solid-like core region is not much different from that of the bulk liquid, c) the activation energy of diffusion for microclusters is twenty to thirty times larger than that for the bulk liquid, d) the diffusion mechanism in the solid-like region involves the collective motion of small domains containing ten to twenty atoms which results in the formation of low density regions, sometimes even vacancy clusters, between them, and atoms in the low density regions change their positions to cause diffusion.  相似文献   

讨论了两斑块间脉冲扩散的单种群动力学模型,利用离散动力系统频闪映射理论,得到了种群持续生存的充分条件.结论31,1~了现实的生物种群动力学性质,也丰富了脉冲微分方程理论.  相似文献   

Abstract The quantitative approach used here is based on a model comprising a well-stirred medium, an unstirred layer, and a CO2 absorbing leaf. The unstirred layer is divided up by planes into a number of sub-layers. Within each plane the concentration of each solute is everywhere the same as is the electric potential. These variables constitute the basic data. Thus the planes were characterized by their pH value. An equation is derived which enables the calculation of the basic data of a plane from the known data of another plane. In this way it is possible to calculate the basic data for all planes. From these data the rate of assimilation, the thickness of the unstirred layer and its sub-layers, the fluxes across the sub-layers and the conversions among the carbon components can be estimated. The CO2 flux decreases, and the HCO?3 flux increases towards the leaf. There are negative fluxes of OH& and CO2–3. H+ fluxes are of minor importance and can be ignored if the pH of the medium is higher than 8.0, provided no non-inorganic C buffers with appropriate pKa are present. The significance of the carbon diffusion facilitating effect of an inorganic carbon system is expressed in various ways. The values obtained represent maxima, as the assumption is made that the equilibrium reactions are very fast. It is argued that even better effects are possible if the back-diffusion of CO2–3 could be prevented by lowering the pH of the unstirred layer.  相似文献   

Subsurface vapor migration of volatile chemicals may impact ambient and indoor air quality, increasing the importance to investigate the fate and transport of these chemicals. This project involved both modeling and experimental work to study the vapor phase transport behavior of single, binary, and tertiary component systems present in the gas phase. The experimental phase resulted in the development of a diffusion cell for measuring vapor phase transport. Three organic compounds (toluene, cumene, and isooctane) common to petroleum-based products were selected. The objective of this research project was to evaluate how the rate of a component diffusing alone in a stagnant gas mixture compares to the rate of the same component when diffusing in the presence of multiple diffusing species. The equipment was first validated by measuring the unobstructed gas phase diffusion fluxes for each organic compound. The diffusion coefficients were then calculated from the experimentally measured diffusive fluxes using Fick's Law at 20 and 25°C and compared to the respective literature values. The experimental/literature (E/L) ratio was calculated for toluene, cumene, and isooctane. The range of the average E/L ratio for the single component data sets is 0.93 to 1.05. The validation data provided the baseline for extending the research to multicomponent data. The multi-component systems research was characterized as either binary systems or a three-component system. The binary systems were either isooctane/tolu-ene or isooctane/cumene. The three-component system consisted of a mixture of all three compounds. For both temperatures and all compounds the flux rate decreased for any single component due to the dilution effect by incorporation into a mixture. Applying Fick's Law to calculate the effective diffusion coefficient for each compound that corresponded to the resulting concentration gradient by the mixture, an enhancement in the diffusive flux of each individual species was observed. This enhancement can be explained by a compositional coupling of each component to all others which results in a total vapor phase mass flux comprised of both diffusive and pseudo-advective mass transport. This pseudo-advective component is attributed to simultaneous diffusion of other species in the presence of the one of interest. Since this research project incorporated a mixture of toluene and cumene present in a background carrier solvent of isooctane, by calculating the ratios Dexp(3-component)/ Dexp(2-component) and Dexp(2-compo-nent)/Dexp(single component), an estimate is obtained of the enhancement effect due to the advective component of simultaneously diffusing chemicals. The diffusivity ratios for the three-component system compared to the dual component system ranged from 0.8 to 3.7. The diffusivity ratios for individual compounds were for 1.5-3.7 cumene, 0.8-1.2 for toluene, and 1.0-1.2 for isooctane. The diffusivity ratios for the dual component system to the single component systems ranged from 0.8 to 4.0. The range of diffusivity ratios for individual compounds were for 2.0-4.0 for cumene, 0.8-1.6 for toluene, and 1.1-1.4 for isooctane. A ratio greater than 1.0 indicated an enhancement effect on the molecular diffusion rate due to the presence of one or more additional diffusing chemical species present. The majority of fate and transport models are based on single component behavior modeled by Fick's Law using the pure gas phase diffusion coefficient. The enhancement of the individual diffusive flux in a multicomponent mixture observed in this study and accounted for by pseudo-advec-tive mass transport results in an under-prediction of the actual multicomponent diffusive fluxes. It is recommended that a more rigorous diffusion equation such as the Stefan-Maxwell equation be considered for incorporation into vapor phase transport models when modeling multicomponent/ contaminant systems.  相似文献   


In the present study, the equilibrium adsorption and the dynamics of surface diffusion in a model of ethane and n-butane on a Pt(111) surface were simulated with molecular dynamics. At low temperatures, we found that both admolecules adsorb in a specific binding site. Through analysis of the trajectories, several features of the dynamics were resolved. At low temperature, we observed that diffusion occurs through a nearest-neighbor hopping mechanism involving both lateral rotation and axial translation. At high temperatures, the admolecule makes multiple-site hops and nonlocalized long flights. The temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficients was analyzed and was found to exhibit good Arrhenius behavior. The apparent diffusion coefficients follow trends seen in related experimental studies. In the case of ethane, a comparison between the diffusion barrier measured in the molecular-dynamics simulations and the theoretical barrier predicted by transition-state theory indicates that the simulated barrier is larger than the theoretical value. This finding is consistent with conclusions in recent studies of metal-atom diffusion on metal surfaces, where it was found that systems with low corrugation exhibit a non-unique relationship between the dynamical diffusion barrier and the potential-energy-surface topology.  相似文献   

水稻生长动态模拟研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
严力蛟  全为民 《生态学报》2002,22(7):1143-1142
在查阅了国内外水稻生长动态模拟研究领域大量献的基础上,主要就气候变化对水稻生长的影响的模拟,水稻生产潜力的估算,生育期预测,氮肥的优化管理,水稻群体质量指标的模拟与优化以及水稻干物质生产模拟等6个方面的研究动态进行了综述。提出了水稻生长动态模拟模型研究和应用中存在的建模方法,参数确定和生产应用等3个方面的问题,最后对该领域今后的攻关内容进行了探讨,认为进一步研制和完善包括营养元素,病虫害在内的,以作物生理生态为基础的水稻生产系统综合性模拟模型,充分利用以信息技术为主体的现代科学技术,组织全国范围的协作试验以建立水稻品种参数数据库和研制估算水稻品种参数的数学方法,将水稻生长动态模拟模型和专家系统结合,组建水稻生产优化管理决策支持系统,是提高水稻生长动态模拟模型实用性的关键。  相似文献   


The influence of the framework geometries of zeolites on the adsorption and diffusion of benzene and toluene molecules has been studied through computer simulations. The behaviours of the uni- and bi-dimensional pore zeolites, theta-1 and silicalite, respectively, have been compared.  相似文献   

Translational diffusion coefficients have been simulated for various conformations of tRNAPhe (yeast) by bead models, in order to analyze data obtained by dynamic light scattering on the free and the aminoacylated form. The 18% increase of the translational diffusion coefficient upon deacylation, reported by Potts et al. (1981), could not be represented by any change of the L-hinge angle, but could only be simulated by a conformation change to an extended form with extensive dissociation of base pairs. Since extensive unpairing is not consistent with evidence accumulated in the literature, the change of the diffusion coefficient must be mainly due to processes other than intramolecular conformational changes.  相似文献   

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