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生物制造工程运用现代制造科学与生命科学的原理及方法,通过细胞受控来组建全新的器官和甚至血管,从而对人体的病损组织和器官进行修复。本文主要详细的阐述了生物制造工程的相关原理及其方法,从生物制造工程相关概念性原理和特点,当前国内外研究内容和进展,以及未来生物制造工程技术发展方向都给予了全面的分析,以供参考。  相似文献   

类器官构建及培养技术是近年来新兴的前沿性科学技术,该技术已经被广泛用到组织器官发育、疾病发病机制、药物开发和再生医学等领域的研究之中。干细胞及组织器官发育分化调控的研究成果为类器官构建及培养技术的建立提供了重要的信息。体外借助细胞外基质成分及细胞因子等构建出适宜于干细胞增殖、分化的三维微环境是类器官构建及培养技术的核心。在适宜的微环境中,干细胞及其分化的多种类型细胞可通过自组织形成与体内相应组织结构和功能相似的类器官。当前,多种类型的类器官构建及培养技术虽然得到广泛应用,但其技术体系仍具有操作的复杂性、产量的不确定性及获得的类器官结构和功能与体内组织存在较大差异性等难题。生物制造领域先进技术的引入推动了类器官技术的发展。本文将综述基质成分与细胞因子构建的三维微环境的研究进展,并讨论生物制造领域的先进技术在类器官构建与培养技术中的应用,例如微孔限定的培养技术可以控制类器官的生长发育,能用于制备大小均一及生物学特性相似的类器官;图案化技术使细胞按图案特征响应性地增殖与分化,可以精准控制类器官的生成;三维生物打印技术可以精确组装各类细胞,有助于构建具有复杂结构和区域特异性的类器官。类器官构建...  相似文献   

李寅 《生物工程学报》2022,38(4):1267-1294
本文对2021年《生物工程学报》在合成生物制造领域发表的综述和论文进行了评述.重点讨论了大肠杆菌、枯草芽孢杆菌、谷氨酸棒杆菌、酿酒酵母、丝状真菌以及非模式细菌、非传统酵母等主要底盘细胞的设计改造,氨基酸、有机酸、维生素、高级醇、天然化合物(萜类、黄酮类、生物碱类)、抗生素类、酶与生物催化产品、生物聚合物等产品的生物制造...  相似文献   

早在30多年前,英国医学家威尔逊就预言:人类将在自己身上安装各种人造器官。所谓人造器官,就是指用来代替人体某一器官功能的人工装置。进入80年代,由于新材料、化学工程、电子技术及自动控制技术的发展和进步,人造器官犹如雨后春笋。目前,除了脑和肠之外,几乎所有的人体器官都可用人造器官来替代。威尔逊的预言将逐步成为现实,  相似文献   

手性化学品是传统制造工业的重要产品之一,具有高度选择性的生物制造技术尤其适用于高光学纯度化学品的制造过程,大力发展手性化学品生物制造技术,符合国家重大需求,也是实现绿色制造的重要手段。论述了生物制造手性化学品的重要意义及国内外研究现状,对生物制造手性化学品的未来发展方向和趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

生物制造作为生物产业的一部分,在“十二五”期间将迎来一段崭新的发展历程。要促进我国从生物制造大国向强国转变,关键是要完善生物制造产业链,突破瓶颈,抓住机遇。  相似文献   

《“十二五”现代生物制造科技发展专项规划》指出,现代生物制造已经成为全球性的战略性新兴产业,是世界各经济强国的战略重点,呈现出高速增长的态势。  相似文献   

李寅 《生物工程学报》2023,39(3):807-841
本文对2022年《生物工程学报》发表的与合成生物制造相关的综述和研究论文进行了评述,重点讨论了DNA测序、DNA合成、DNA编辑、基因表达调控和数学细胞模型等底层技术,酶的设计、改造和应用技术,化学品生物催化、氨基酸及其衍生物、有机酸、天然化合物、抗生素与活性肽、功能多糖、功能蛋白质等重要产品的生物制造技术,一碳化合物和生物质原料利用技术以及合成微生物组技术,以帮助读者从一个侧面了解合成生物制造相关技术和产业的发展情况。  相似文献   

当前组织工程研究仍处于初级阶段,还仅仅是初步应用组织工程技术修复临床简单组织缺损,还有许多制约组织工程应用与发展的基本科学问题没有阐明.随着组织工程各个层面技术难题的逐个攻破,组织工程的内涵和外延将不断拓展,并有助于加快组织工程的产业化进程,促进临床应用.针对组织工程核心要素研究的不足,结合最新的组织工程研究进展,阐述...  相似文献   

<正>当前,全球生物经济处于由起步向快速发展的转折期,人类即将迎来世界第三次产业革命的浪潮。现代生物技术发展逐渐进入大规模产业化阶段,生物制造产业得以快速发展,成为现代生物经济和生物产业发展的重点。  相似文献   

Due to the increasing popularity of using plant extract in the synthesis of nanoparticles, this study presented the synthesis of platinum nanoparticles using Fumariae herba extract. The formation of platinum nanoparticles was confirmed by UV–visible spectroscopy (UV–Vis), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with EDS profile. Transmission electron micrograph presented the hexagonal and pentagonal shape of the synthesized nanoparticles sized about 30 nm. Moreover, platinum nanoparticles presented good catalytic properties in the reduction of methylene blue and crystal violet.  相似文献   

Spheroids are increasingly being employed to answer a wide range of clinical and biomedical inquiries ranging from pharmacology to disease pathophysiology, with the ultimate goal of using spheroids for tissue engineering and regeneration. When compared to traditional two-dimensional cell culture, spheroids have the advantage of better replicating the 3D extracellular microenvironment and its associated growth factors and signaling cascades. As knowledge about the preparation and maintenance of spheroids has improved, there has been a plethora of translational experiments investigating in vivo implantation of spheroids into various animal models studying tissue regeneration.We review methods for spheroid delivery and how they have been utilized in tissue engineering experiments. We break down efforts in this field by organ systems, discussing applications of spheroids to various animal models of disease processes and their potential clinical implications. These breakthroughs have been made possible by advancements in spheroid formation, in vivo delivery and assessment. There is unexplored potential and room for further research and development in spheroid-based tissue engineering approaches. Regenerative medicine and other clinical applications ensure this exciting area of research remains relevant for patient care.  相似文献   

The aim of regenerative engineering is to restore complex tissues and biological systems through convergence in the fields of advanced biomaterials, stem cell science, and developmental biology. Hydrogels are one of the most attractive biomaterials for regenerative engineering, since they can be engineered into tissue mimetic 3D scaffolds to support cell growth due to their similarity to native extracellular matrix. Advanced nano‐ and micro‐technologies have dramatically increased the ability to control properties and functionalities of hydrogel materials by facilitating biomimetic fabrication of more sophisticated compositions and architectures, thus extending our understanding of cell‐matrix interactions at the nanoscale. With this perspective, this review discusses the most commonly used hydrogel materials and their fabrication strategies for regenerative engineering. We highlight the physical, chemical, and functional modulation of hydrogels to design and engineer biomimetic tissues based on recent achievements in nano‐ and micro‐technologies. In addition, current hydrogel‐based regenerative engineering strategies for treating multiple tissues, such as musculoskeletal, nervous and cardiac tissue, are also covered in this review. The interaction of multiple disciplines including materials science, cell biology, and chemistry, will further play an important role in the design of functional hydrogels for the regeneration of complex tissues.  相似文献   

细胞三维培养:组织工程的关键技术突破口   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
组织工程是有望从根本上解决组织,器官缺损或失能的医学难题的一门新兴边缘学科,组织,器官发育的细胞和分子机制的进一步揭示和体外构建工程组织,器官的细胞培养技术的进步将使组织工程在新的千年成为广泛应用的新的治疗模式。细胞三维培养要成为体外构建工程组织,器官的成熟技术体系需先解决以下问题;(1)细胞;(2)生物材料;(3)培养基;(4)培养装置;(5)异型细胞的共培养;(6)细胞三维培养物血管化。  相似文献   

适合于植物花器官的冰冻切片技术   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
通过对4种植物主要花器官冰冻切片技术的各个环节及参数的研究,建立了一种适合于植物花器官的冰冻切片技术,即蔗糖保护-液氮速冻-冰冻切片法。其具体程序是:材料经固定和冷冻保护(蔗糖为冷冻保护剂)后进行速冻包埋(液氮为包埋剂);尔后进行冰冻切片;切片经干燥和染色(或者不染色)后,在显微镜下观察并摄影。此法为植物花器官的细胞生物学和分子生物学研究提供了简便、快速和高效的切片技术。  相似文献   

Tissue engineering essentially refers to technology for growing new human tissue and is distinct from regenerative medicine. Currently, pieces of skin are already being fabricated for clinical use and many other tissue types may be fabricated in the future.Tissue engineering was first defined in 1987 by the United States National Science Foundation which critically discussed the future targets of bioengineering research and its consequences. The principles of tissue engineering are to initiate cell cultures in vitro, grow them on scaffolds in situ and transplant the composite into a recipient in vivo. From the beginning, scaffolds have been necessary in tissue engineering applications. Regardless, the latest technology has redirected established approaches by omitting scaffolds. Currently, scientists from diverse research institutes are engineering skin without scaffolds. Due to their advantageous properties, stem cells have robustly transformed the tissue engineering field as part of an engineered bilayered skin substitute that will later be discussed in detail. Additionally, utilizing biomaterials or skin replacement products in skin tissue engineering as strategy to successfully direct cell proliferation and differentiation as well as to optimize the safety of handling during grafting is beneficial. This approach has also led to the cells’ application in developing the novel skin substitute that will be briefly explained in this review.  相似文献   

目的:探讨两种保暖方式对早产儿住院期间生命体征及体重的影响。方法:选择2011年5月至2012年12月在我院住院治疗的150例早产儿作为研究对象,采用随机抽取序号的方式分为观察组和对照组各75例。观察组采用婴儿培养箱对其进行保暖,对照组采用远红外辐射保暖台对其进行保暖,分别对两组早产儿在住院期间的生命体征及体重进行监测、记录、统计、分析和比较。结果:观察组早产儿第一周及第二周体重增长情况均明显优于对照组,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:对早产儿及时采用婴儿培养箱的方式进行保暖,能稳定早产儿的生命体征,降低伤残率,有利于早产儿的生长发育。  相似文献   

川金丝猴雌性生殖器官的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对3只川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellanae)的雌性生殖器官进行了观察。结果表明,卵巢通常呈椭圆形,两端稍尖,长1.0~1.8cm,宽0.4、0.6cm,厚0.2~0.4cm。有一个体呈一端大、一端小,中间缩细类似亚铃的形状。输卵管两侧均有系膜固定,输卵管上系膜仅0.1~0.2cm宽。子宫略呈长简形,子宫底正中沟不明显,子宫颈管较长,子宫轴与阴道轴在一直线上,子宫颈阴道部明显突出,前唇尤为明显,而阴道后穹比前穹深得多。阴道下半部前壁处皱襞密而高,形成三角形隆起,尖端向尿道外口:阴道前庭内前庭球明显,长约0.5cm,宽约0.2cm,位于尿道外口两侧的椭圆形窝内。  相似文献   

Summary In order to understand how myogenic cells migrate in the limb bud, it is indispensable to distinguish undifferentiated myogenic cells from other mesenchymal cells. Thus, a suitable method for this purpose has been sought. A method to exchange the somites of a chicken and a quail microsurgically has widely been used, since the nuclei of the two species are morphologically distinguishable. However, microsurgery is accompanied by disturbances at the operated locus, and introducing cells of different species might induce unexpected effects. We report a new method for labelling chicken myogenic cells without transplantational operations, and describe their migration pattern in limb buds. Injection of a fluorescent carbocyanine dye into the somite lumen intensely labelled the somitic cells. Myogenic cells derived from the somite were clearly detected in limb buds. Before stage 20, the labelled cells were diffusely distributed in the proximal region of the limb bud. At about stage 21 in both wing and leg buds, labelled cells began to form dorsal and ventral masses. The label was followed until the cells differentiated and expressed myosin. This vital labelling method has advantages over the somite transplantation method: it does not include surgical operations that may disturb the normal development, and the cells are labelled intensely enough to be detected in a whole mount preparation. Offprint requests to: K. Hayashi  相似文献   

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