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The centralspindlin complex, which is composed of MKLP1 and MgcRacGAP, is one of the crucial factors involved in cytokinesis initiation. Centralspindlin is localized at the middle of the central spindle during anaphase and then concentrates at the midbody to control abscission. A number of proteins that associate with centralspindlin have been identified. These associating factors regulate furrowing and abscission in coordination with centralspindlin. A recent study identified a novel centralspindlin partner, called Nessun Dorma, which is essential for germ cell cytokinesis in Drosophila melanogaster. SHCBP1 is a human ortholog of Nessun Dorma that associates with human centralspindlin. In this report, we analyzed the interaction of SHCBP1 with centralspindlin in detail and determined the regions that are required for the interaction. In addition, we demonstrate that the central region is necessary for the SHCBP1 dimerization. Both MgcRacGAP and MKLP1 are degraded once cells exit mitosis. Similarly, endogenous and exogenous SHCBP1 were degraded with mitosis progression. Interestingly, SHCBP1 expression was significantly reduced in the absence of centralspindlin, whereas centralspindlin expression was not affected by SHCBP1 knockdown. Finally, we demonstrate that SHCBP1 depletion promotes midbody structure disruption and inhibits abscission, a final stage of cytokinesis. Our study gives novel insight into the role of SHCBP in cytokinesis completion.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis requires the formation of an actomyosin contractile ring between the two sets of sister chromatids. Annexin A2 is a calcium- and phospholipid-binding protein implicated in cortical actin remodeling. We report that annexin A2 accumulates at the equatorial cortex at the onset of cytokinesis and depletion of annexin A2 results in cytokinetic failure, due to a defective cleavage furrow assembly. In the absence of annexin A2, the small GTPase RhoA—which regulates cortical cytoskeletal rearrangement—fails to form a compact ring at the equatorial plane. Furthermore, annexin A2 is required for cortical localization of the RhoGEF Ect2 and to maintain the association between the equatorial cortex and the central spindle. Our results demonstrate that annexin A2 is necessary in the early phase of cytokinesis. We propose that annexin A2 participates in central spindle–equatorial plasma membrane communication.  相似文献   

CHO1 is a mammalian kinesin-like motor protein of the MKLP1 subfamily. It associates with the spindle midzone during anaphase and concentrates to a midbody matrix during cytokinesis. CHO1 was originally implicated in karyokinesis, but the invertebrate homologues of CHO1 were shown to function in the midzone formation and cytokinesis. To analyze the role of the protein in mammalian cells, we mutated the ATP-binding site of CHO1 and expressed it in CHO cells. Mutant protein (CHO1F') was able to interact with microtubules via ATP-independent microtubule-binding site(s) but failed to accumulate at the midline of the central spindle and affected the localization of endogenous CHO1. Although the segregation of chromosomes, the bundling of midzone microtubules, and the initiation of cytokinesis proceeded normally in CHO1F'-expressing cells, the completion of cytokinesis was inhibited. Daughter cells were frequently entering interphase while connected by a microtubule-containing cytoplasmic bridge from which the dense midbody matrix was missing. Depletion of endogenous CHO1 via RNA-mediated interference also affected the formation of midbody matrix in dividing cells, caused the disorganization of midzone microtubules, and resulted in abortive cytokinesis. Thus, CHO1 may not be required for karyokinesis, but it is essential for the proper midzone/midbody formation and cytokinesis in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

When centrosomes are destroyed during prophase by laser microsurgery, vertebrate somatic cells form bipolar acentrosomal mitotic spindles (Khodjakov, A., R.W. Cole, B.R. Oakley, and C.L. Rieder. 2000. Curr. Biol. 10:59-67), but the fate of these cells is unknown. Here, we show that, although these cells lack the radial arrays of astral microtubules normally associated with each spindle pole, they undergo a normal anaphase and usually produce two acentrosomal daughter cells. Relative to controls, however, these cells exhibit a significantly higher (30-50%) failure rate in cytokinesis. This failure correlates with the inability of the spindle to properly reposition itself as the cell changes shape. Also, we destroyed just one centrosome during metaphase and followed the fate of the resultant acentrosomal and centrosomal daughter cells. Within 72 h, 100% of the centrosome-containing cells had either entered DNA synthesis or divided. By contrast, during this period, none of the acentrosomal cells had entered S phase. These data reveal that the primary role of the centrosome in somatic cells is not to form the spindle but instead to ensure cytokinesis and subsequent cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

Centrosomes mature as cells enter mitosis, accumulating gamma-tubulin and other pericentriolar material (PCM) components. This occurs concomitant with an increase in the number of centrosomally organized microtubules (MTs). Here, we use RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) to examine the role of the aurora-A kinase, AIR-1, during centrosome maturation in Caenorhabditis elegans. In air-1(RNAi) embryos, centrosomes separate normally, an event that occurs before maturation in C. elegans. After nuclear envelope breakdown, the separated centrosomes collapse together, and spindle assembly fails. In mitotic air-1(RNAi) embryos, centrosomal alpha-tubulin fluorescence intensity accumulates to only 40% of wild-type levels, suggesting a defect in the maturation process. Consistent with this hypothesis, we find that AIR-1 is required for the increase in centrosomal gamma-tubulin and two other PCM components, ZYG-9 and CeGrip, as embryos enter mitosis. Furthermore, the AIR-1-dependent increase in centrosomal gamma-tubulin does not require MTs. These results suggest that aurora-A kinases are required to execute a MT-independent pathway for the recruitment of PCM during centrosome maturation.  相似文献   

In eukaryotic cells, recycling endosome-mediated trafficking contributes to the completion of cytokinesis, in a manner under the control of the centrosome. We report that the exocyst complex and its interacting GTPase RalA play a critical role in this polarized trafficking process. RalA resides in the recycling endosome and relocates from the pericentrosomal region to key cytokinetic structures including the cleavage furrow, and later, the abscission site. This event is coupled to the dynamic redistribution of the exocyst proteins. These associate with the centrosome in interphase and concentrate on the central spindle/midbody during cytokinesis. Disruption of RalA-exocyst function leads to cytokinesis failure in late stages, particularly abscission, resembling the cytokinesis defects induced by loss of centrosome function. These data suggest that RalA and the exocyst may regulate vesicle delivery to the centrosome-related abscission site during the terminal stage of cytokinesis, implicating RalA as a critical regulator of cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

The mechanism of mitotic chromosome condensation is poorly understood, but even less is known about the mechanism of formation of the primary constriction, or centromere. A proteomic analysis of mitotic chromosome scaffolds led to the identification of CENP-V, a novel kinetochore protein related to a bacterial enzyme that detoxifies formaldehyde, a by-product of histone demethylation in eukaryotic cells. Overexpression of CENP-V leads to hypercondensation of pericentromeric heterochromatin, a phenotype that is abolished by mutations in the putative catalytic site. CENP-V depletion in HeLa cells leads to abnormal expansion of the primary constriction of mitotic chromosomes, mislocalization and destabilization of the chromosomal passenger complex (CPC) and alterations in the distribution of H3K9me3 in interphase nucleoplasm. CENP-V-depleted cells suffer defects in chromosome alignment in metaphase, lagging chromosomes in anaphase, failure of cytokinesis and rapid cell death. CENP-V provides a novel link between centromeric chromatin, the primary constriction and the CPC.  相似文献   

Aurora B kinase is an integral regulator of cytokinesis as it stabilizes the intercellular canal within the midbody to ensure proper chromosomal segregation during cell division. Here we identified an E3 ligase subunit, F box protein FBXL2, that by recognizing a calmodulin binding signature within Aurora B, ubiquitinates and removes the kinase from the midbody. Calmodulin, by competing with the F box protein for access to the calmodulin binding signature, protected Aurora B from FBXL2. Calmodulin co-localized with Aurora B on the midbody, preserved Aurora B levels in cells, and stabilized intercellular canals during delayed abscission. Genetic or pharmaceutical depletion of endogenous calmodulin significantly reduced Aurora B protein levels at the midbody resulting in tetraploidy and multi-spindle formation. The calmodulin inhibitor, calmidazolium, reduced Aurora B protein levels resulting in tetraploidy, mitotic arrest, and apoptosis of tumorigenic cells and profoundly inhibiting tumor formation in athymic nude mice. These observations indicate molecular interplay between Aurora B and calmodulin in telophase and suggest that calmodulin acts as a checkpoint sensor for chromosomal segregation errors during mitosis.  相似文献   

During anaphase, the nonkinetochore microtubules in the spindle midzone become compacted into the central spindle, a structure which is required to both initiate and complete cytokinesis. We show that Tektin 2 (Tek2) associates with the spindle poles throughout mitosis, organizes the spindle midzone microtubules during anaphase, and assembles into the midbody matrix surrounding the compacted midzone microtubules during cytokinesis. Tek2 small interfering RNA (siRNA) disrupts central spindle organization and proper localization of MKLP1, PRC1, and Aurora B to the midzone and prevents the formation of a midbody matrix. Video microscopy revealed that loss of Tek2 results in binucleate cell formation by aberrant fusion of daughter cells after cytokinesis. Although a myosin II inhibitor, blebbistatin, prevents actin-myosin contractility, the microtubules of the central spindle are compacted. Strikingly, Tek2 siRNA abolishes this actin-myosin-independent midzone microtubule compaction. Thus, Tek2-dependent organization of the central spindle during anaphase is essential for proper midbody formation and the segregation of daughter cells after cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Failed cytokinesis leads to tetraploidy, which is an important intermediate preceding aneuploidy and the onset of tumorigenesis. The centrosome is required for the completion of cytokinesis through the transport of important components to the midbody; however, the identity of molecular components and the mechanism involved remains poorly understood. In this study, we report that the peptidyl prolyl isomerase cyclophilin A (cypA) is a centrosome protein that undergoes cell cycle-dependent relocation to the midzone and midbody during cytokinesis in Jurkat cells implicating a role during division. Depletion of cypA does not disrupt mitotic spindle formation or progression through anaphase; however, it leads to cytokinesis defects through an inability to resolve intercellular bridges, culminating in delayed or failed cytokinesis. Defective cytokinesis is also evident by an increased prevalence of midbody-arrested cells. Expression of wild-type cypA reverses the cytokinesis defect in knockout cells, whereas an isomerase mutant does not, indicating that the isomerisation activity of cypA is required for cytokinesis. In contrast, wild-type cypA and the isomerase mutant localize to the centrosome and midbody, suggesting that localization to these structures is independent of isomerase activity. Depletion of cypA also generates tetraploid cells and supernumerary centrosomes. Finally, colony formation in soft agar is impaired in cypA-knockout cells, suggesting that cypA confers clonogenic advantage on tumor cells. Collectively, this data reveals a novel role for cypA isomerase activity in the completion of cytokinesis and the maintenance of genome stability.  相似文献   

During cytokinesis of animal cells, the mitotic spindle plays at least two roles. Initially, the spindle positions the contractile ring. Subsequently, the central spindle, which is composed of microtubule bundles that form during anaphase, promotes a late step in cytokinesis. How the central spindle assembles and functions in cytokinesis is poorly understood. The cyk-4 gene has been identified by genetic analysis in Caenorhabditis elegans. Embryos from cyk-4(t1689ts) mutant hermaphrodites initiate, but fail to complete, cytokinesis. These embryos also fail to assemble the central spindle. We show that the cyk-4 gene encodes a GTPase activating protein (GAP) for Rho family GTPases. CYK-4 activates GTP hydrolysis by RhoA, Rac1, and Cdc42 in vitro. RNA-mediated interference of RhoA, Rac1, and Cdc42 indicates that only RhoA is essential for cytokinesis and, thus, RhoA is the likely target of CYK-4 GAP activity for cytokinesis. CYK-4 and a CYK-4:GFP fusion protein localize to the central spindle and persist at cell division remnants. CYK-4 localization is dependent on the kinesin-like protein ZEN-4/CeMKLP1 and vice versa. These data suggest that CYK-4 and ZEN-4/CeMKLP1 cooperate in central spindle assembly. Central spindle localization of CYK-4 could accelerate GTP hydrolysis by RhoA, thereby allowing contractile ring disassembly and completion of cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Toxoplasma gondii is a unicellular eukaryotic pathogen that belongs to the Apicomplexa phylum, which encompasses some of the deadliest pathogens of medical and veterinary importance. The centrosome is key to the organisation and coordination of the cell cycle and division of apicomplexan parasites. The T. gondii centrosome possesses a particular bipartite structure (outer and inner cores). One of the main roles of the centrosome is to ensure proper coordination of karyokinesis. However, how these 2 events are coordinated is still unknown in T. gondii, for which the centrosome components are poorly described. To gain more insights into the biology and the composition of the T. gondii centrosome, we characterised a protein that resides at the interface of the outer and inner core centrosomes. TgCep530 is a large coiled‐coil protein with an essential role in the survival of the parasite. Depletion of this protein leads to the accumulation of parasites lacking nuclei and disruption of the normal cell cycle. Lack of TgCep530 results in a discoordination between the nuclear cycle and the budding cycle that yields fully formed parasites without nuclei. TgCep530 has a crucial role in the coordination of karyokinesis and cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Cytokinesis in animal cells involves the contraction of an actomyosin ring formed at the cleavage furrow. Nuclear division, or karyokinesis, must be precisely timed to occur before cytokinesis in order to prevent genetic anomalies that would result in either cell death or uncontrolled cell division. The septin family of GTPase proteins has been shown to be important for cytokinesis although little is known about their role during this process. Here we investigate the distribution and function of the mammalian septin MSF. We show that during interphase, MSF colocalizes with actin, microtubules, and another mammalian septin, Nedd5, and coprecipitates with six septin proteins. In addition, transfections of various MSF isoforms reveal that MSF-A specifically localizes with microtubules and that this localization is disrupted by nocodazole treatment. Furthermore, MSF isoforms localize primarily with tubulin at the central spindle during mitosis, whereas Nedd5 is mainly associated with actin. Microinjection of affinity-purified anti-MSF antibodies into synchronized cells, or depletion of MSF by small interfering RNAs, results in the accumulation of binucleated cells and in cells that have arrested during cytokinesis. These results reveal that MSF is required for the completion of cytokinesis and suggest a role that is distinct from that of Nedd5.  相似文献   

The process of cytokinesis can be divided into two stages: the assembly and constriction of an actomyosin ring giving rise to a narrow intracellular canal and the final breaking and resealing of this canal. Mutations in several genes of Caenorhabditis elegans disrupt the spindle midzone (anti-parallel microtubules and associated proteins that form between the spindle poles) and give rise to failures in the completion of cytokinesis. We show that loss of function of spd-1 causes midzone disruptions, although cytokinesis generally completes. SPD-1 is a conserved microtubule-bundling protein that localizes to the midzone and also to microtubule bundles in the cytoplasm. The midzone localization of SPD-1 is perturbed in embryos depleted of other midzone components, yet the cytoplasmic bundles are not affected. We found that two other midzone components also localize to the ingressing furrow in wild-type embryos; when SPD-1 is depleted, there is no visible midzone, and only this furrow localization remains. SPD-1 differs from other midzone components in that it is essential for the integrity of the midzone, yet not for cytokinesis. Also, it can localize to the midzone when other midzone components are depleted, suggesting that SPD-1 may play an early role in the pathway of midzone assembly.  相似文献   

Centromere-associated protein E (CENP-E) is a kinesin-related microtubule motor protein that is essential for chromosome congression during mitosis. Our previous studies show that microtubule motor CENP-E represents a link between attachment of spindle microtubules and the mitotic checkpoint signaling cascade. However, the molecular function of CENP-E at the midbody had remained elusive. Here we show that CENP-E interacts with Skp1 at the midbody and participates in cytokinesis. CENP-E interacts with Skp1 in vitro and in vivo via its coiled-coil domain. Our yeast two-hybrid assays mapped the binding interfaces to the central stalk region of CENP-E (955-1571 aa) and the C-terminal 33 amino acids of Skp1, respectively. Our immunocytochemical studies revealed that CENP-E targets to the midbody prior to Skp1 and the midbody localization of CENP-E becomes diminished as Skp1 arrives at the midbody. Suppression of Skp1 in mitotic HeLa cells by siRNA resulted in accumulation of telophase cells with elongated inter-cell bridges and with midbodies stretched 2-3 times longer than that of normal cells. These Skp1-eliminated or -suppressed cells accumulate higher level of CENP-E, suggesting that spatiotemporal regulation of CENP-E degradation at the midbody is essential for cytokinesis. Over-expression of Skp1 lacking the CENP-E-binding domain confirmed that Skp1-CENP-E interaction is essential for faithful cytokinesis. We hypothesize that CENP-E degradation is essential for faithful mitotic exit and the proteolysis of CENP-E is mediated by SCF via a direct Skp1 link.  相似文献   

We describe here a new member of the kinesin superfamily in Drosophila, KLP3A (Kinesin-Like-Protein-at-3A). The KLP3A protein localizes to the equator of the central spindle during late anaphase and telophase of male meiosis. Mutations in the KLP3A gene disrupt the interdigitation of microtubules in spermatocyte central spindles. Despite this defect, anaphase B spindle elongation is not obviously aberrant. However, cytokinesis frequently fails after both meiotic divisions in mutant testes. Together, these findings strongly suggest that the KLP3A presumptive motor protein is a critical component in the establishment or stabilization of the central spindle. Furthermore, these results imply that the central spindle is the source of signals that initiate the cleavage furrow in higher cells.  相似文献   

Disruption of the BRCA2 tumor suppressor is associated with structural and numerical chromosomal defects. The numerical abnormalities in BRCA2-deficient cells may partly result from aberrations in cell division caused by disruption of BRCA2 during cytokinesis. Here we show that BRCA2 is a component of the midbody that is recruited through an interaction with Filamin A actin-binding protein. At the midbody, BRCA2 influences the recruitment of endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT)-associated proteins, Alix and Tsg101, and formation of CEP55-Alix and CEP55-Tsg101 complexes during abscission. Disruption of these BRCA2 interactions by cancer-associated mutations results in increased cytokinetic defects but has no effect on BRCA2-dependent homologous recombination repair of DNA damage. These findings identify a specific role for BRCA2 in the regulation of midbody structure and function, separate from DNA damage repair, that may explain in part the whole-chromosomal instability in BRCA2-deficient tumors.  相似文献   

Kinesin-5 motors fulfil essential roles in mitotic spindle morphogenesis and dynamics as slow, processive microtubule (MT) plus-end directed motors. The Saccharomyces cerevisiae kinesin-5 Cin8 was found, surprisingly, to switch directionality. Here, we have examined directionality using single-molecule fluorescence motility assays and live-cell microscopy. On spindles, Cin8 motors mostly moved slowly (~25 nm/s) towards the midzone, but occasionally also faster (~55 nm/s) towards the spindle poles. In vitro, individual Cin8 motors could be switched by ionic conditions from rapid (380 nm/s) and processive minus-end to slow plus-end motion on single MTs. At high ionic strength, Cin8 motors rapidly alternated directionalities between antiparallel MTs, while driving steady plus-end relative sliding. Between parallel MTs, plus-end motion was only occasionally observed. Deletion of the uniquely large insert in loop 8 of Cin8 induced bias towards minus-end motility and affected the ionic strength-dependent directional switching of Cin8 in vitro. The deletion mutant cells exhibited reduced midzone-directed motility and efficiency to support spindle elongation, indicating the importance of directionality control for the anaphase function of Cin8.  相似文献   

We performed a functional analysis of fascetto (feo), a Drosophila gene that encodes a protein homologous to the Ase1p/PRC1/MAP65 conserved family of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). These MAPs are enriched at the spindle midzone in yeast and mammals and at the fragmoplast in plants, and are essential for the organization and function of these microtubule arrays. Here we show that the Feo protein is specifically enriched at the central-spindle midzone and that its depletion either by mutation or by RNAi results in aberrant central spindles. In Feo-depleted cells, late anaphases showed normal overlap of the antiparallel MTs at the cell equator, but telophases displayed thin MT bundles of uniform width instead of robust hourglass-shaped central spindles. These thin central spindles exhibited diffuse localizations of both the Pav and Asp proteins, suggesting that these spindles comprise improperly oriented MTs. Feo-depleted cells also displayed defects in the contractile apparatus that correlated with those in the central spindle; late anaphase cells formed regular contractile structures, but these structures did not constrict during telophase, leading to failures in cytokinesis. The phenotype of Feo-depleted telophases suggests that Feo interacts with the plus ends of central spindle MTs so as to maintain their precise interdigitation during anaphase-telophase MT elongation and antiparallel sliding.  相似文献   

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