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Nilsson  Åke  Håkanson  Lars 《Hydrobiologia》1992,(1):675-683
The relationship between mercury content in fish (pike and perch), the different fractions of mercury in lake water and water color was investigated in 76, mainly oligotrophic lakes distributed over a large part of Sweden. The lakes were classified in terms of drainage area characteristics, lake morphometry and water chemistry. The dominant fraction of mercury in lake water was RIHg (fraction reducible to elemental mercury by NaBH4). RIHg and water color were strongly positively correlated. Water color (determined by the comparative method using colored disks) was used as a surrogate for the amount of humic matter in the water. Thus, humic matter appears to be acting as an important carrier of mercury. A positive relationship between mercury content in fish and water color was found only in deep lakes (average depth > 5 m). It is suggested that the bioavailability of mercury attached to humic matter increases due to anoxic conditions, common in the hypolimnion of deep lakes.  相似文献   

Rotifer occurrence in relation to water colour   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
Information on the distribution of 223 species of planktic, periphytic and benthic rotifers from diverse waters in south and central Sweden was analyzed to reveal their relationships to the content of humolimnic substances, measured as mg Pt/l. Most rotifers have a very wide tolerance range against this factor. The majority of the planktic species prefer a low content of humolimnic substances, and the non-planktic rotifers mainly occurring in brown-coloured water show, in addition, a preference for low pH. No connection with trophic degree could be traced.  相似文献   

The relative importance of seed availability, waterdepth, and soil phosphorus (P) concentrations oncattail (Typha domingensis pers.) earlyestablishment in an Everglades wetland area wasexamined using seed bank analysis and controlledexperiments. The experiments measured seed germinationand seedling growth in tanks with cattail seedaddition subjected to two P concentrations(un-enriched vs. enriched) and water depth (saturatedvs. flooded soils). A limited seed bank (223 ± 69m2) of cattail was found in the surface soil ofthe area studied. The germination of added seeds wasinhibited under flooded conditions, and only 0.6% ofthe germination was found. In contrast,under-saturated soil conditions, a maximum of 6% and15% germination was observed in P-un-enriched andP-enriched treatments, respectively. High mortality ofseedlings occurred regardless of P treatments followinga cold spell. However, P enrichment resulted inincreased seedling growth and asexual propagation.These results suggested the importance of theconcurrence of appropriate hydrologic regimes, Penrichment, and air temperature on the recruitment ofplant species.  相似文献   

Light determines macrophyte distribution, community composition and biomass in shallow lakes. Therefore, it is vital to determine the critical underwater light climate thresholds for macrophyte degradation and recovery. In this study, we first proposed a novel index, defined as the ratio of euphotic depth (Zeu) to water depth (WD), as a measure of the underwater light supply for macrophytes. The underwater light environment in Lake Taihu (a large, shallow, eutrophic lake) was then characterized based on this index (Zeu/WD) using field measurements collected from 2006 to 2013 (8 years × 4 seasons × 32 sites). The distribution of the macrophyte presence frequency (MPF, the number of investigations that identified macrophytes divided by the total number of investigations) was greater than 0.70 in Xukou Bay and East Lake Taihu over the 32 investigations, followed by the other sites distributed in East Lake Taihu. The proportion of macrophyte coverage increased with the increase in Zeu/WD. A significant relationship was observed between Zeu/WD and MPF for the 19 sites with macrophytes (r2 = 0.48, p < 0.001, n = 19). In the region with high nutrient concentrations and serious water pollution, better underwater light conditions are required for the growth of macrophytes. A Zeu/WD value of 0.80 can be regarded as the critical underwater light threshold for the growth of macrophytes in Lake Taihu. The region with Zeu/WD ranging between 0.57 and 0.80 was usually covered by sparse macrophytes; this region should be vital for macrophyte recovery and environmental management in Lake Taihu. The distribution of Zeu/WD was further obtained using MODIS satellite-derived Zeu from June to October in 2003 and 2013. Xukou Bay and Guangfu Bay in the southern part of Lake Taihu could be regarded as potentially crucial regions for the recovery of macrophytes from the perspective of underwater light and nutrient levels.  相似文献   

Onondaga Lake is a hypereutrophic, industrially polluted lake located in Syracuse, NY. High hypolimnetic concentrations of H2S that develop after anoxia restrict the accumulation of total Fe2+ due to the formation of FeS, and may limit Fe-PO4 interactions. High water column concentrations of Ca2+ and high rates of CaCO3 deposition occur due to inputs of Ca2+ from an adjacent soda ash manufacturing facility. Patterns of P concentration and other water chemistry parameters in the lower waters, and results from chemical equilibrium calculations, suggest that Ca-PO4 minerals may regulate the supply of P from sediments to the water column in Onondaga Lake. These findings have important management implications for Onondaga Lake. First, declines in water column Ca2+ concentrations due to reductions in industrial CaCl2 input may result in conditions of undersaturation with respect to Ca-PO4 mineral solubility and increases in the release of P from sediments to the water column. Second, introduction of O2 from hypolimnetic oxygenation, as a lake remediation initiative, may enhance P supply from sediments, because of increased solubility of Ca-PO4 minerals at lower pH.  相似文献   

Diet and prey size spectrum of pikeperch in lakes in central Finland   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The stomach content of pikeperch Sander lucioperca was studied in 24 lakes in central Finland. The most important prey species was smelt Osmerus eperlanus then perch Perca fluviatilis . The proportion of cyprinids as prey increased with pikeperch total length ( L T) and lake phosphorus content. Prey L T and pikeperch L T correlated positively, but the prey‐to‐predator size ratio correlated negatively with pikeperch L T.  相似文献   

Three experiments on the effects of water depth and flooding onNelumbo nucifera Gaertn. were made in the artificial environment of concrete ponds. First, plants were harvested in autumn after growing under seven different water levels ranging from 0.2–3 m The number of floating leaves, the total number of leaves and the leaf area index of emergent leaves were greatest in the tanks at 0.5 m depth. The petiole dry weight per unit length of emergent leaves and the ratio of aboveground to belowground biomass rose with increasing water depth up to 2 m. In contrast, that of floating leaves was constant at about 10 mg dry weight cm−1. The proportion of biomass in tubers fell from 20% at 0.2 m to 6% at 2 m. Second, petiole elongation responses to the amplitude of flooding were investigated in early summer. The maximum rate of petiole elongation was 25 cm per day at 2.4 m water depth. This was the maximum depth at whichN. nucifera could grow. No petioles could elongate from 3 m to 5 m depth. Finally, the effects of timing of flooding on growth were investigated. At the end of growing season, the belowground biomass of plants in the flooding treatment in late summer was smallest among the flooding treatment plants (P<0.05), and was most severe when flooding occurred in this season. Based on the results of these experiments, the growth characteristics ofN. nucifera in relation to petiole elongation, biomass allocation, and flooding tolerance were discussed.  相似文献   

Wysujack  Klaus  Kasprzak  Peter  Laude  Uwe  Mehner  Thomas 《Hydrobiologia》2002,479(1-3):169-180
Pikeperch is an efficient predator in the pelagic zone of eutrophic and hypertrophic lakes and has, therefore, been used in several biomanipulation projects. Pikeperch stocking has also been part of the manipulation strategy in Feldberger Haussee, Germany. From 1996 to 1999, population development, growth and diet composition of pikeperch in Feldberger Haussee were studied. From 1996 to 1998, the population was dominated by two cohorts. Only in years with warm summers, recruitment from 0+ fish to older age-classes was successful. It appears likely that due to the relatively high depth of the lake the spawning period is delayed as a result of a slower temperature increase in spring. Therefore, 0+ pikeperch cannot benefit from the spring maximum of the zooplankton. This may be the reason for the slow growth and consequently, hampers the switch to piscivory for the majority of 0+ pikeperch. However, after becoming piscivorous, the pikeperch showed a reasonably good growth. Predation was mainly directed towards roach and 0+ perch, the major planktivores. The results of the present study confirm the role of pikeperch as an efficient predator of zooplanktivorous fish in open-water dominated lakes. Yet, it is suggested that the probability of successful recruitment of pikeperch in deeper, stratified lakes is reduced. Therefore, stable self-sustaining pikeperch populations cannot be expected in such lakes and regular stocking measures may be necessary even if a potential spawning stock exists.  相似文献   

Magnus Enell 《Hydrobiologia》1982,86(1-2):153-158
The phosphorus dynamics and economy of Lake Bysjön, a hypertrophic seepage lake in Scania, southern Sweden, were investigated during 1973–1977. The mean dissolved inorganic phosphorus concentration (1973–1977) was 580 µg · l–1. There were no correlations between dissolved inorganic P, total organic P, dissolved organic P, particulate P and phytoplankton biomass. Groundwater inflow and lake water outflow through the ground are the most important factors for maintaining a constant water volume. Groundwater seepage is also important for water quality. Groundwater inflow, together with planktonic activity, keeps the P concentration high in the lake water.  相似文献   

A reduction in external phosphorus loading since 1984 to Loosdrecht lakes system by the dephosphorization of the inlet water, yielded only minor effects in Lake Loosdrecht. This reduction measure turned out to have decreased the loading only by a factor of two. A conceptual model was constructed based on laboratory measurements to describe phosphorus flow in the lake ecosystem for the summer of 1987. The role of zooplankton and fish was more important in phosphorus recycling than diffusion at the sediment-water interface. The input and output of phosphorus of the lake were at equilibrium and therefore, further reduction in external loading was needed for recovery. The results of the conceptual model agreed well with the output of the mathematical model PCLOOS. Additional measures such as dredging, flushing, chemomanipulation, or biomanipulation would be ineffective at the present level of external loading. Only a significant further reduction in external input will restore Lake Loosdrecht's water quality over a long period of time.  相似文献   

Peak pore water SRP and iron(II) concentrations were found during summer in surface sediments in the shallow and eutrophic L. Finjasjön, Sweden, and the concentrations generally increased with water depth. The SRP variation in surface sediments (0–2 cm) was correlated with temperature (R2 = 0.82–0.95) and iron(II) showed a correlation with sedimentary carbon on all sites (R2 = 0.42–0.96). In addition, sedimentary Chla, bacterial abundances and production rates in surface sediments (0–2 cm) varied seasonally, with peaks during spring and fall sedimentation. Bacterial production rates were correlated with phosphorus and carbon in the sediment (R2 = 0.90–0.95 and R2 = 0.31–0.95, respectively), indicating a coupling with algal sedimentation. A general increase in sediment Chla and bacterial abundances towards sediments at greater water depth was found. Further, data from 1988–90 reveal that TP and TFe concentrations in the lake were significantly correlated during summer (R2 = 0.81 and 0.76, in the hypolimnion and epilimnion, respectively). The results indicate that the increase in pore water SRP and Fe(II) in surface sediments during summer is regulated by bacterial activity and the input of organic matter. In addition, spatial and temporal variations in pore water composition are mainly influenced by temperature and water depth and the significant correlation between TP and TFe in the water suggests a coupled release from the sediment. These findings support the theory of anoxic microlayer formation at the sediment-water interface.  相似文献   

不同退耕年限下菜子湖湿地土壤磷素组分特征变化   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
选取菜子湖区不同退耕年限(2、5、8、10a和20a)湿地为研究对象,以仍耕作油菜地和原始湿地为参照,分析了土壤全磷(TP)、有效磷(AP)、有机磷(OP)和无机磷(IP)各形态含量,探讨退耕还湖后湿地土壤磷素组分特征变化规律。结果表明:研究区土壤无机磷各形态含量大小顺序为:铁磷(Fe-P:73.55—391.76 mg/kg)钙磷(Ca-P:21.64—108.04 mg/kg)闭蓄态磷(O-P:17.15—29.57 mg/kg)铝磷(Al-P:5.84—25.97 mg/kg),其中Fe-P占了土壤无机磷总量的54.20%—74.13%;退耕还湖2—8a期间,湿地土壤Al-P、Fe-P和O-P含量有逐渐降低趋势,而退耕8—20a后逐渐上升,以Fe-P为主的这3形态磷左右着退耕后土壤无机磷的变化;Ca-P随退耕年限增加整体呈上升趋势,对土壤无机磷的贡献逐渐增加;无机磷占土壤全磷的比例为35.90%—67.27%,主导着退耕后湿地土壤全磷变化;有机磷占土壤全磷的17.82%—50.51%,在退耕2a后下降,随后开始逐渐上升,对退耕后湿地土壤磷库恢复的贡献逐渐增加;其中Fe-P、O-P和Al-P控制着退耕后土壤磷素有效性变化。退耕后水文条件、植被生长和土壤黏粒含量变化不仅影响退耕后湿地土壤磷素组分特征,也影响着退耕后湿地土壤磷素有效性。  相似文献   

The relationship between total phosphorus and chlorophyll a concentration was determined for Skinner Lake, Indiana over an annual cycle in 1978–79. Total nitrogen:total phosphorus ratios in the epilimnion ranged from 19 to 220 suggesting a phosphorus-dependent algal yield in the epilimnion. Approximately 90% of annual TP loading reached the lake via streamflow, and 93% of this entered during snowmelt and spring-overturn periods. At that time incoming water flushed the lake 2.4 times. Atmospheric loading accounted for 1.4% of annual TP load. Internal hypolimnetic TP loading occurred during summer stratification. Mean [chl a] for the ice-free period was 15.15 mg m–3, within the range expected for eutrophic lakes.The 1978–79 data were used in conjuction with the Vollenweider & Kerekes (1980) model to produce a model specific for the Skinner Lake system. The model predicted mean epilimnetic total phosphorus and chlorophyll a concentrations from mean total phosphorus concentration in inlet streams and from lake water residence time during the period of spring overturn and summer stratification. The Skinner-specific model was tested in 1982 and it closely predicted observed mean epilimnetic [TP] and [chl a] during the ice-free period. This study shows that variability in lake models which average data over an annual period can be reduced by considering lake-specific seasonal variation in hydrology and external TP loading.  相似文献   

After a reduction of the external phosphorus loading to a lake, an internal loading from the sediments may delay the improvement of the water quality. The accepted method to combat internal loading is careful dredging of the upper sediment layers (Cooke et al., 1986), but this method is costly and time consuming. Addition of phosphorus binding agents to the sediments might offer an alternative. In the Netherlands the use of aluminum compounds, the most common phosphorus binding agent, for water quality improvement purposes is not favoured. Therefore a sediment treatment with a solution of iron(III)chloride was tested. Iron was chosen because it is considered to be a natural binder of phosphate. 100 g m–2 of Fe3+ were added to the sediments of the shallow (1.75 m average depth) and eutrophic Lake Groot Vogelenzang (The Netherlands) in October and November 1989. The iron(III)chloride solution was diluted 100 times with lake water and mixed with the surface sediments with a water jet.Following the addition the concentrations of total phosphorus (Fig. 1), chlorophyll-a and suspended solids decreased. This improvement of the water quality lasted for three months. After this time the total phosphorus concentration increased again, but remained at a lower level than in spring and summer of 1989. The phosphorus release rate from the sediments as measured from intact sediment cores decreased from 4 to 1.2 mg P m–2 d–1 (n = 5), and the bioavailability of the sediment phosphorus, as measured with bioassays, decreased from 34 to 23% (n = 5) shortly after the treatment. One year after the treatment the release rate was increased to 3 mg P m–2 d–1 (n = 5). Before treatment, the lake was thought to have a residence time of over one year. However, the chloride added to the lake disappeared according to a dilution rate of 0.03 d–1 or a retention time of about 35 days. A high external loading due to rapid flushing with phosphorus-rich water from surrounding lakes possibly prevented a more durable improvement in water quality. Another possibility is that the iron addition has lost its phosphate binding capacity due to reduction or binding with other anions like carbonate or sulphide. Therefore the suitability of the method to reduce internal loading and especially the long term availability of added iron to bind phosphorus needs additional proof.The treatment of the 18 ha area of Lake Groot Vogelenzang took three weeks. The operational costs were about US$ 125000. This is fast and cheap compared to dredging. Application of the technique is limited to those cases where the sediments are not polluted with micro-pollutants and the water depth need not be increased.  相似文献   

The most critical period at onset of feeding in pikeperch Stizostedion lucioperca is short (<5 days at 20° C). The larvae are sensitive to prey density during the first week of exogenous feeding. First-feeding larvae of 6.5 mm total length ( LT ) needed prey densities of >585 prey l−1 to maintain mass (Cmaint), whereas 5 days older larvae of 7 mm L T Cmaint= 55 prey l−1 and for 11 mm L T larvae Cmaint<10 prey 1−1. Changes in specific growth rates for larvae of 7 and 11 mm were similar to a type-II functional response curve reaching a specific growth rate of 26 and 30% day−1, respectively, at 1000 prey l−1, whereas the 6·5 mm larvae showed a linear growth response reaching a specific growth rate of only 9% day −1 at 1000 prey l−1. The results suggest that prey density is a limiting factor, which might contribute to the high variation between year-class Strengths.  相似文献   

The growth rates of pikeperch (Lucioperca lucioperca L.) originating from two lowlands ponds in the north of Belgium, one of which is heated by the effluents of power plants, were compared by means of scalimetry and operculometry. The overall condition of the fish in both ponds was also investigated. The pikeperch grew significantly faster in heated water, although overall condition was comparable. Seasonal variations resulted in the heated pond arriving at a temperature higher than the optimum.  相似文献   

The food, growth and abundance of five co-existing cyprinid fish species in the eutrophic Lake Hiidenvesi were studied. The diet overlaps within the cyprinid community in shallow lake basins were compared with those in a deep basin, where littoral resources are less available. Roach, bleak and white bream inhabited both the shallow and the deep parts of the lake. Their growth rate was slow, probably due to the low availability of animal food, indicated by the increasing proportion of detritus and plant material in the diets towards the end of the summer. In the deep basin, roach and bleak, contrary to white bream, did not forage on the very abundant invertebrate Chaoborus flavicans, explained by the migration behaviour of C. flavicans. Blue bream, unlike other cyprinids, utilized copepods and had a relatively fast growth rate, but was mostly restricted to the shallow areas. The condition of the bream stock was weak both in terms of growth and abundance. The availability of zoobenthos was low and bream was not able to compete for zooplankton with the more specialized planktivores.  相似文献   

对武汉东湖大型围隔和围栏中的水生植被和不同形态的磷近2年的调查分析结果表明:在围隔中的水生维管束植物得到恢复、生物量明显大于对照区的情况下,水中的总磷(TP)、溶解活性磷(DRP)、颗粒性磷(PP)浓度明显低于对照区,水生维管束植物的良好生长是导致磷浓度降低的主要因素,总溶解磷(TDP)、溶解非活性磷(DNP)浓度则与对照区无显著差异;围隔(栏)及对照区中TP、PP的浓度秋高冬低,TDP浓度秋、冬季较高,春、夏季较低,DNP浓度春季较高,冬季较低;TP中PP含量约为TDP的4-6倍,DRP与DNP的含量相近或稍有差别。  相似文献   

Salton Sea, California, like many other lakes, has become eutrophic because of excessive nutrient loading, primarily phosphorus (P). A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) is being prepared for P to reduce the input of P to the Sea. In order to better understand how P-load reductions should affect the average annual water quality of this terminal saline lake, three different eutrophication programs (BATHTUB, WiLMS, and the Seepage Lake Model) were applied. After verifying that specific empirical models within these programs were applicable to this saline lake, each model was calibrated using water-quality and nutrient-loading data for 1999 and then used to simulate the effects of specific P-load reductions. Model simulations indicate that a 50% decrease in external P loading would decrease near-surface total phosphorus concentrations (TP) by 25–50%. Application of other empirical models demonstrated that this decrease in loading should decrease near-surface chlorophyll a concentrations (Chl a) by 17–63% and increase Secchi depths (SD) by 38–97%. The wide range in estimated responses in Chl a and SD were primarily caused by uncertainty in how non-algal turbidity would respond to P-load reductions. If only the models most applicable to the Salton Sea are considered, a 70–90% P-load reduction is required for the Sea to be classified as moderately eutrophic (trophic state index of 55). These models simulate steady-state conditions in the Sea; therefore, it is difficult to ascertain how long it would take for the simulated changes to occur after load reductions. Guest editor: S. H. Hurlbert The Salton Sea Centennial Symposium. Proceedings of a Symposium Celebrating a Century of Symbiosis Among Agriculture, Wildlife and People, 1905–2005, held in San Diego, California, USA, March 2005.  相似文献   

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