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In incubated slices of guinea-pig cerebral cortex depolarizing agents such as veratridine and high potassium ions caused 50 to 80-fold increases of adenosine 3', 5'-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic AMP) levels and these responses were inhibited about 50% by 2, 3-diaminopropionate and 2'-deoxyadenosine: the former is a specific antagonist for glutamate-elicited accumulation of cyclic AMP and the latter selectively for adenosine-elicited accumulation. Methylxanthines were powerful ‘inhibitors’toward the responses not only to depolarizing agents but also to glutamate and adenosine. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that releases of both glutamate and adenosine are involved in the depolarization-elicited increases of cyclic AMP levels. Guanosine 3', 5'-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic GMP) levels in the slices were also elevated by veratridine as well as by glutamate, but always to a lesser extent (8 ~ 12 times the control value) than cyclic AMP levels were. The responses for cyclic GMP both to veratridine and glutamate were ‘augmented’by methylxanthines and were not inhibited by 2, 3-diaminopropionate. Thus, glutamate appears to cause the increase of cyclic GMP levels through a different mechanism or site of action from that for cyclic AMP.  相似文献   

—Adenine nucleotides of guinea-pig cerebral cortical slices were labelled during a 40 min incubation with [14C]adenine. Subsequent incubation of cortical slices with depolarizing agents, such as veratridine, ouabain, batrachotoxin and high concentrations of potassium ions, or with certain psychotropic drugs such as chlorpromazine, chlorimipramine or prenylamine resulted in a reduction in both endogenous and radioactive ATP, accompanied by a marked increase in levels of both endogenous and radioactive cyclic AMP. Reduction of ATP levels during incubation with depolarizing agents, such as veratridine, is probably associated with increased activity of membranal Na+-K+-activated ATPase, while the reduction elicited by psychotropic drugs is proposed to be due to inhibition of mitochondrial synthesis of ATP. With both classes of compounds reduction of ATP levels results in enhanced formation and efflux of adenosine which stimulates formation of cyclic AMP from intracellular ATP in the compartments of brain slices which contain the cyclic AMP-generating systems. Certain classical metabolic inhibitors such as 2,4-dinitrophenol, azide, 1,2-naphthoquinone-8-sulfonate and cyanide also reduce ATP levels and in the case of 2,4-dinitrophenol, cyanide, and azide elicit small but significant accumulations of cyclic AMP. With certain metabolic inhibitors reduction of ATP within the cyclic AMP generating compartments would appear to prevent or reduce the accumulation of cyclic AMP elicited by amines, adenosine or veratridine.  相似文献   

—Depolarizing concentrations of K+ elevate levels of both adenosine 3′,5′monophosphate (cyclic AMP) and guanosine 3′,5′monophosphate (cyclic GMP) in incubated slices of mouse cerebellum. Calcium is an essential requirement for the K+ -induced accumulation of cyclic GMP. Barium and Sr2+, but not Mn2+ or Co2+, can substitute for Ca2+ in this process. Relatively high concentrations of Mg2+ inhibit the effect of Ca2+ on K+-induced accumulation of cyclic GMP. In contrast, depolarizing concentrations of K+ are capable of elevating cyclic AMP levels in brain slices suspended in media containing Mg2+ and no other divalent cations. High concentrations of Ca2+ (1 mm or greater) augment this Mg2+ -dependent, K+-induced accumulation of cyclic AMP, however. Strontium and Mn2+, but not Ba2+ or Co2+, can substitute for Ca2+ in this process, and high concentrations of Mg2+ are not inhibitory. The divalent cation ionophore, A-23187 (10 μm ), in the presence of extracellular Ca2+ elevates the level of cyclic GMP, but not cyclic AMP, in incubated mouse cerebellum slices. The results of this study indicate that intracellular Ca2+ concentration is a major factor regulating cyclic GMP levels in brain. In addition the present results suggest that, in brain tissue, depolarization-induced accumulation of cyclic GMP, but not cyclic AMP, is closely linked to some Ca2+-dependent mechanism(s) mediating release of intracellular substances.  相似文献   

Abstract— Guanylate cyclase activity of dark-adapted bovine rod outer segments demonstrates a biphasic pattern upon exposure to light. By 10 s of illumination, activity is 20% lower than that observed in dark-adapted outer segments. Activity subsequently increases and then slowly declines to two-thirds of the original activity after 10 min of illumination. In the presence of GTP or ATP, hydrolysis of cyclic GMP is rapidly enhanced by exposure of outer segments to light; the magnitude of this effect is dependent on the amount of substrate present. The rapid effects of light on synthesis and degradation of cyclic GMP indicate that these reactions may be involved in the visual process. The concentration of guanosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic GMP) is extraordinarily high in dark-adapted bovine rod outer segments and is at least 100-fold that of adenosine 3':5'-cyclic monophosphate (cyclic AMP). No significant decrease in the level of cyclic GMP or cyclic AMP was observed however upon exposure of dark-adapted outer segments to light.  相似文献   

大鼠隔—海马通路损伤对海马内递质含量及酶活力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汪家政  柳川 《生理学报》1990,42(3):289-294
单侧切断大鼠海马缴和部分穹窿可使海马部分去神经。损伤后7d,海马内胆碱能系统中乙酰胆碱(ACh)含量下降72.5%,胆碱乙酰基转移酶(ChAT)活力下降45.7%,胆碱酯酶活力下降52.2%,在单胺能系统中,去甲肾上腺素(NA)含量下降16.3%,多巴胺(DA)含量下降31.3%,5-羟色胺含量下降30.3%。在损伤过程中,海马内氨基酸含量没有改变。实验结果表明,海马缴和穹窿是脑内胆碱能和单胺能传入神经到达海马靶区的部分共同通路。  相似文献   

鱼类细胞融合中助融剂效应和特异性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在鱼类细胞融合中,微量的甘油可使PEG作用显著下降。DMSO可以极大提高PEG诱导鱼类细胞融合的能力。在低分子量和较低浓度的PEG中,DMSO的作用更加突出。但PEG浓度不能低于40%的临界,否则,细胞融合就失去了DMSO浓度依赖效应。在三组鱼类细胞交叉融合中,我们发现同核体数目远远超过异核体数目(P<0.05)。这表明,PEG诱导的鱼类细胞融合具有物种和组织特异性。    相似文献   

Abstract— Synthetic substance P initially increased cyclic AMP levels and subsequently induced neurite extension in cultured neuroblastoma N 18 cells. The magnitude of these effects depended on the concentration of fetal calf serum (FCS) in the culture medium, being more evident in the presence of a lower (0.1%) concentration of FCS.
In Eagle's medium containing 0.1% FCS, low concentrations of substance P (10−7-10−5 M) increased cyclic AMP levels and stimulated neurite extension.
In Eagle's medium containing 5%FCS, both substance P at concentrations of 10−5-10−3M and dibutyryl cyclic AMP at concentrations of 10−4-10−2M increased cyclic AMP levels and stimulated neurite extension. The activities of acetylcholinesterase, (Na++ K+)-, HCO3 and Mg2+ -stimulated-ATPase were also increased. Cell growth was inhibited.
Substance P at concentrations of 10-7-10−5M also stimulated the adenylate cyclase activity of a particulate fraction of N 18 in a concentration-dependent manner.  相似文献   

—The stability of the GABA content of synaptosomal-enriched fractions was evaluated by two approaches. Firstly, the addition of 10?3m -aminooxyacetic acid to the homogenizing medium totally inhibited the GABA-degrading enzyme in the fractions but did not affect the GABA levels. This indicated that GABA was not being metabolized during the normal preparation of the synaptosomal-enriched fraction. Secondly, when synaptosomal-enriched fractions were re-fractionated by discontinuous density gradient centrifugation, the GABA contents of the fractions before and after the second fractionation were very similar provided they were expressed on a per mg protein basis. It was therefore concluded that the GABA content of the organelles was not subject to change during the fractionation procedures. On the basis of these findings and others it was suggested that the synaptosomal-enriched fraction could be used as a model to evaluate drug-induced changes in GABA levels in nerve endings. In vivo experimentation indicated that the convulsant agents hydrazine, isonicotinic acid hydrazide and aminooxyacetic acid brought about similar decreases in the GABA content of the synaptosomal-enriched fractions prepared from tissue at the onset of seizures despite the fact that no correlation was observed between seizure activity and whole brain GABA levels.  相似文献   

Abstract— Lithium chloride (2 m m ) significantly inhibited the increases in cyclic AMP and in cyclic GMP caused by norepinephrine or high concentrations of potassium in intact rat pineal glands. Adenylyl cyclase activity in homogenates and its stimulation by isoproterenol, a β-adrenergic agonist, were also inhibited. Lithium reduced the apparent V max of isoproterenol-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity without significantly affecting the apparent affinity for isoproterenol. There was no effect on the binding of the antagonist [3H]dihydroalprenolol to the β-adrenergic receptors, nor on the competition for binding sites by isoproterenol. Inhibition of adenylyl cyclase activity by lithium was inversely related to the magnesium concentration in the reaction mixture. There was no differential effect of lithium on adenylyl cyclase activity from supersensitive vs subsensitive glands. Lithium may inhibit cyclic nucleotide synthesis by interfering with the role of divalent cations.  相似文献   

Abstract— Protein synthesis rates have been determined quantitatively in several regions of the nervous system of rats of various ages. The developmental changes in these regions are generally similar with a high rate maintained from several days before birth to about 4 days of age (1.9–2.1% h−1). A decline in the rate ensues thereupon which continues till approx 30 days of age, whence the curve flattens though continuing slowly downward with increasing age. In the young three regions, cerebellum, pineal and pituitary, exhibit exceptionally higher rates (40–50%) than the cerebral hemispheres, pons-medulla, mid brain or cord, which all display curves of similar magnitude and shape. While the rate in the cerebellum eventually declines with age to within 10% of the rate in cerebral hemisphere, rates in the pineal and pituitary though decreasing remain far above (100%) rates in cerebral hemisphere even in adults.
The rate in vitro for slices of cerebellum follows a pattern similar to that shown previously for cerebral hemispheres: in the very young rates are 70–80% of the in vivo value but decline much more rapidly with age and in adult represent only 10–15% of the rate in vivo.
A markedly different pattern is seen in whole (unsliced) pituitaries wherein in vitro rates parallel in vivo rates with increasing age at approx 70–80% of the in vivo rate. Pineals appear to follow a similar pattern.  相似文献   

Abstract— The content of cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP was measured in whole eyes and in normal retinas from C57BL(6)J mice, in receptorless retinas from congenic mice homozygous for the receptor dystrophy gene (rd/rd), and in retinas from mice treated postnatally with monosodium glutamate. Normal retinas contain approx 320 μg of protein: dystrophic (rd/rd) retinas contain approx 110μg of protein, lack rods but possess some surviving cone somata and terminals: glutamate-modified retinas contain approx 200 μg of protein and have both a reduced area and thickness with a marked deficiency of ganglion cells and amacrine cells. In normal mice, more than 90% of the cyclic GMP, but only 607, of the cyclic AMP of the whole eye was in the retina. In normal dark-adapted retinas isolated under dim red light cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP content was 4.1 and 20.2pmol/retina, respectively. The content of both cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP was 40% less, 2.5 and 11.5pmol/retina, respectively, in light-adapted retinas. In dark-adapted retinas isolated under infra-red light, cyclic AMP content was 40%, higher than that in retinas isolated under dim red light; cyclic GMP content was the same under these two conditions. Receptorless retinas contained approx 50% as much cyclic AMP and only 1-2% as much cyclic GMP as normal retinas. Although glutamate-modified retinas also had approx 50% as much cyclic AMP, they contained 60-85%, as much cyclic GMP as normal retinas. Light decreased by 30-50% levels of both cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP in glutamate-modified retinas, but only reduced cyclic nucleotide levels in receptorless retinas by 20%.
These data indicate that 95% or more of the cyclic GMP is in photoreceptor cells, whereas cyclic AMP is more evenly distributed throughout the retina. In addition, both cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP levels are influenced by light- and dark-adaptation.  相似文献   

不同糖源及糖水平对大菱鲆糖代谢酶活性的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用34双因素实验设计, 以初始质量为(8.060.08) g的大菱鲆幼鱼(Scophthalmus maximus L.)为对象, 研究在饲料中添加3种糖源(葡萄糖、蔗糖和糊精)及4个水平(0、5%、15%、28%)对大菱鲆肝脏糖酵解关键酶己糖激酶(HK)、葡萄糖激酶(GK)、磷酸果糖激酶(PFK)、丙酮酸激酶(PK)和糖异生关键酶磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧激酶(PEPCK)、1, 6-二磷酸果糖酶(FBPase)活性的影响。结果表明: 饲料糖添加量从0升高到15%时, 大菱鲆的糖酵解酶GK和PK活性随饲料葡萄糖或糊精含量的增加而增加; 当饲料中葡萄糖或糊精含量为28%时, GK和PK活性有下降的趋势。3种糖源的4个添加水平对HK和PFK活性均无显著影响(P 0.05)。添加不同水平的葡萄糖对大菱鲆糖异生途径的PEPCK活性无显著影响(P 0.05), 但在饲料中葡萄糖添加量为5%时显著促进了FBPase活性(P 0.05), 当葡萄糖添加量升高为15%或28%时, FBPase活性与对照组无显著差异(P 0.05)。糊精作为饲料糖源时抑制了大菱鲆肝脏FBPase和PEPCK的活性, 而添加不同水平的蔗糖对FBPase和PEPCK活性的影响均不显著(P 0.05)。总的来说, 从大菱鲆幼鱼肝脏糖代谢角度而言, 在饲料中添加15%的葡萄糖或糊精时, 可以有效促进大菱鲆肝脏糖酵解能力; 较添加葡萄糖, 糊精在促进大菱鲆肝脏糖酵解的同时对糖异生存在一定程度的抑制。蔗糖作为饲料糖源时, 仅在添加量为28%时显著促进糖酵解酶GK活性, 糖酵解其他酶活性以及糖异生酶活性均不受蔗糖水平的显著影响。    相似文献   

The effects of neuromuscular blocking drugs on the development of slow and fast muscle fibres and their neuromuscular junctions was studied in chick embryos.
Treatment of embryos with the depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent suxamethonium affected the development of muscle fibres of the slow anterior latissimus dorsi (ALD) muscle more than that of muscle fibres of the posterior latissimus dorsi (PLD). The differentiation of the presynaptic elements of the neuromuscular junction was delayed and this was particularly obvious in PLD. Normally the number of axon profiles at individual endplates is reduced by 18 days of incubation, but in suxamethonium treated embryos this reduction took place only at 21 days. During earlier stages of development the axon profiles from treated embryos were small with sparse synaptic vesicles. Nevertheless the subsynaptic site of endplates on ALD and PLD muscle fibres became specialized earlier than normal and to a greater extent. Treatment with hemicholinium (HC-3), a drug that reduces the synthesis of acetylcholine (ACh) in nerve terminals affected the development of PLD muscle fibres more than ALD muscle fibres. Although in HC-3 treated embryos nerve-muscle contacts were formed, the axon terminals look immature and remain small even in 18-day old embryos at both ALD and PLD muscle fibres. The reduction of the number of axon profiles normally seen at 18 days failed to take place in treated embryos. At 18 days of incubation many endplates on PLD muscle fibres showed little sign of postsynaptic specilization and resembled endplates usually seen at this stage on ALD muscle fibres.
It is concluded that while neuromuscular activity may be important for the reduction of the number of axon profiles at individual endplates, the specialization of the subsynaptic membrane is brought about by depolarizing effect of ACh.  相似文献   

The effects of exhaustive exercise on the activity levels of catalase (EC in various tissues of male and female Sprague—Dawley rats (Rattus norvegicus) were investigated. Both the male and female rats were subdivided into an experimental group and a control group consisting of eight rats each. One group of each sex was subjected to a swimming session of 1h (experimental group) while the other group of each sex served as sedentary control groups. The tissues investigated were liver, heart, kidney and lung. The activity levels of catalase in all the tissues investigated were significantly (P< 0.05) elevated in both male and female rats as a result of exercise. The average increase in the activity levels of catalase in the various tissues investigated for both male and female rats was 417% (males 404%; females 430%). The male and female rats exhibited comparable activity levels of catalase in all the tissues investigated. The higher activity levels of catalase as a result of exercise might be indicative of a compensatory measure to counteract the possible detrimental effects associated with oxidative stress.  相似文献   

在25例清醒、肌肉麻痹、切断迷走神经的家兔,记录膈神经放电,以高频振荡(HFO)为指标,观察甘氨酸和纳洛酮对几种引起 HFO 频率减慢的递质的对抗作用。实验观察到,第四脑室内给予甘氨酸能对抗γ-氨基丁酸的 HFO 频率减慢作用,但甘氨酸不能对抗去甲肾上腺素、5-羟色胺、多巴胺或乙酰胆碱的 HFO 频率减慢作用。这提示在 HFO 形成机制中甘氨酸与γ-氨基丁酸存在相互作用。第四脑室内给予纳洛酮能对抗去甲肾上腺素、5-羟色胺、多巴胺、乙酰胆碱或γ-氨基丁酸的 HFO 频率减慢作用。因此,纳洛酮所起的对抗作用没有特异性。  相似文献   

为研究网箱养殖密度对虹鳟甲状腺激素及血脂指标的影响, 测定了血液中游离甲状腺激素T3(FT3)、游离甲状腺激素T4(FT4)、甘油三酯(TG)和总胆固醇(TC)含量, 检测了高密度胁迫对肝脏和肠中 IGF-Ⅰ和肝脏、肾脏中TR-表达的影响。结果显示, 随着养殖密度的升高FT3和FT4的含量逐渐降低, 并且在11月份之前含量与养殖时间成正相关性; 血清中TG含量随着密度的升高而降低, TC随着密度升高而升高, 并且与温度存在负相关性, 在11月份时密度处理组3(GR3)中的TG含量显著低于密度处理组1(GR1), 翌年1月份时3个密度处理组间都存在显著性差异(P 0.05); 而IGF-Ⅰ和TR-也随着养殖密度的增加表达量逐渐降低。结果说明高密度网箱养殖作为一种环境胁迫因子使得血清中FT3和FT4含量降低, 从而影响虹鳟鱼的生长发育, 这一现象与特定生长率(SGR)的变化趋势一致。甲状腺激素含量的降低使得TR-表达量降低, 实验中IGF-Ⅰ的表达与甲状腺激素含量也存在相关性, 甲状腺激素是否调控IGF-Ⅰ的表达有待于进一步的研究。    相似文献   

Abstract— Studies were made of the effects of undernutrition during the neonatal period and also protein deficiency and undernutrition during the post-weaning period on brain acetylcholine. Rats undernourished from birth to 4 weeks so as to result in a body wt deficit of 43 per cent had an associated deficit in brain wt of 14 per cent, but the concentration of acetylcholine in the brain was not affected. In the case of post-weaning undernutrition, acetylcholine concn was found to be affected in protein deficiency as well as in severe calorie restriction.  相似文献   

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