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D C Phelps  Y Hatefi 《Biochemistry》1985,24(14):3503-3507
Membrane-bound and purified mitochondrial energy-linked nicotinamide nucleotide transhydrogenase (TH) was inhibited by incubation with 5'-[p-(fluorosulfonyl)benzoyl]adenosine (FSBA), which is an analogue of TH substrates and their competitive inhibitors, namely, 5'-, 2'-, or 3'-AMP. NAD(H) and analogues, NADP, 5'-AMP, 5'-ADP, and 2'-AMP/3'-AMP mixed isomers protected TH against inhibition by FSBA, but NADPH accelerated the inhibition rate. In the absence of protective ligands or in the presence of NADP, FSBA appeared to modify the NAD(H) binding site of TH, because, unlike unmodified TH, the enzyme modified by FSBA under these conditions did not bind to an NAD-affinity column (NAD-agarose). However, when the NAD(H) binding site of TH was protected in the presence of 5'-AMP or NAD, then FSBA modification resulted in an inhibited enzyme that did bind to NAD-agarose, suggesting FSBA modification of the NADP(H) binding site or an essential residue outside the active site. [3H]FSBA was covalently bound to TH, and complete inhibition corresponded to the binding of about 0.5 mol of [3H]FSBA/mol of TH. Since purified TH is known to be dimeric in the isolated state, this binding stoichiometry suggests half-of-the-sites reactivity. A similar binding stoichiometry was found earlier for complete inhibition of TH by [14C]DCCD [Phelps, D.C., & Hatefi, Y. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 4475-4480]. The active site directed labeling of TH by radioactive FSBA should allow isolation of appropriate peptides for sequence analysis of the NAD(H) and possibly the NADP(H) binding domains.  相似文献   

The photoreactive nucleotide 3'-O-(4-benzoyl)benzoyl ADP (BzADP) is not a substrate for photophosphorylation but is a strong competitive inhibitor (Ki 2-25μM) with respect to ADP and ATP in photophosphorylation or ATP hydrolysis and Pi-ATP exchange reactions, respectively. The analog binds tightly to the membrane-bound CF1, competes with the right binding of ADP, and prevents the inactivation of the enzyme by tight binding of ADP. Upon irradiation with long wavelength ultraviolet light, the tightly bound BzADP becomes covalently attached to both the - and β-subunits of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Incubation of bovine adrenal 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/steroid isomerase with 5'-[p-(fluorosulfonyl)benzoyl]adenosine (5'-FSBA) results in the inactivation of the 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase enzyme activity following pseudo-first-order kinetics. A double-reciprocal plot of 1/kobs versus 1/[5'-FSBA] yields a straight line with a positive y intercept, indicative of reversible binding of the inhibitor prior to an irreversible inactivation reaction. The dissociation constant (Kd) for the initial reversible enzyme-inhibitor complex is estimated at 0.533 mM, with k2 = 0.22 min-1. The irreversible inactivation could be prevented by the presence of NAD+ during the incubation, indicating that 5'-FSBA inactivates the 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity by reacting at the NAD+ binding site. Although the enzyme was inactivated by incubation with 5'-FSBA, no incorporation of the inhibitor was found in labeling studies using 5'-[p-(fluorosulfonyl)benzoyl] [14C]adenosine. However, the inactivation of 3 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity caused by incubation with 5'-FSBA could be completely reversed by the addition of dithiothreitol. This indicates the presence of at least two cysteine residues at or in the vicinity of the NAD+ binding site, which may form a disulfide bond catalyzed by the presence of 5'-FSBA. The intramolecular cysteine disulfide bridge was found between the cysteine residues in the peptides 274EWGFCLDSR282 and 18IICLLVEEK26, by comparing the [14C]iodoacetic acid labeling before and after recovering the enzyme activity upon the addition of dithiothreitol.  相似文献   

The modification of proteins by reducing sugars through the process of non-enzymatic glycation is one of the principal mechanisms by which hyperglycaemia may precipitate the development of diabetic complications. Fn3K (fructosamine 3-kinase) and Fn3KRP (Fn3K-related protein) are two recently discovered enzymes that may play roles in metabolizing early glycation products. However, although the activity of these enzymes towards various glycated substrates has been established, very little is known about their structure-function relationships or their respective mechanisms of action. Furthermore, their only structural similarities noted to date with members of other kinase families has been with the bacterial aminoglycoside kinases. In the present study, we employed affinity labelling with the ATP analogue FSBA {5'-p-[(fluorosulfonyl)benzoyl]adenosine} to probe the active-site topology of Fn3KRP as an example of this enigmatic family of kinases. FSBA was found to modify Fn3KRP at five distinct sites; four of these were predicted to be localized in close proximity to its ATP-binding site, based on alignments with the aminoglycoside kinase APH(3')-IIIa, and examination of its published tertiary structure. The results of the present studies provide evidence that Fn3KRP possesses an ATP-binding domain that is structurally related to that of both the aminoglycoside kinases and eukaryotic protein kinases.  相似文献   

D W Pettigrew 《Biochemistry》1987,26(6):1723-1727
Incubation of Escherichia coli glycerol kinase (EC; ATP:glycerol 3-phosphotransferase) with 5'-[p-(fluorosulfonyl)benzoyl]adenosine (FSO2BzAdo) at pH 8.0 and 25 degrees C results in the loss of enzyme activity, which is not restored by the addition of beta-mercaptoethanol or dithiothreitol. The FSO2BzAdo concentration dependence of the inactivation kinetics is described by a mechanism that includes the equilibrium binding of the reagent to the enzyme prior to a first-order inactivation reaction in addition to effects of reagent hydrolysis. The hydrolysis of the reagent has two effects on the observed kinetics. The first effect is deviation from pseudo-first-order kinetic behavior due to depletion of the reagent. The second effect is the novel protection of the enzyme from inactivation due to binding of the sulfonate hydrolysis product. The rate constant for the hydrolysis reaction, determined independently from the kinetics of F- release, is 0.021 min-1 under these conditions. Determinations of the reaction stoichiometry with 3H-labeled FSO2BzAdo show that the inactivation is associated with the covalent incorporation of 1.08 mol of reagent/mol of enzyme subunit. Ligand protection experiments show that ATP, AMP, dAMP, NADH, 5'-adenylyl imidodiphosphate, and the sulfonate hydrolysis product of FSO2BzAdo provide protection from inactivation. The protection obtained with ATP is not dependent on Mg2+. Less protection is obtained with glycerol, GMP, etheno-AMP, and cAMP. No protection is obtained with CMP, UMP, TMP, etheno-CMP, GTP, or fructose 1,6-bisphosphate. The results are consistent with modification by FSO2BzAdo of a single adenine nucleotide binding site per enzyme subunit.  相似文献   

Gliomas are the most malignant of the primary brain tumors. Nucleotides represent an important class of extracellular molecules that are crucial for the normal function of the nervous system. ATP and adenosine can stimulate cell proliferation in different glioma cell lines; the events induced by extracellular adenine nucleotides are controlled by the action of ecto-nucleotidases, which hydrolyze ATP into adenosine in the extracellular space. Recent studies have shown that quercetin has an anti-proliferative effect on the U138MG glioma cell line. Since evidence suggests that purinergic signaling is involved in the growth and progression of glioma and, taking into consideration the anti-proliferative effect elicited by quercetin in this tumor type, the aim of the present study was to better investigate the extracellular metabolism of AMP and evaluate the effect of quercetin on this system in the human U138MG glioma cell line. The adenine products secreted by glioma cells were first characterized; extracellular AMP was efficiently metabolized by the glioma culture, demonstrating a very active ecto-5′-NT/CD73. Quercetin was able to inhibit the ecto-5′-NT/CD73 activity and modulate its expression. In addition, the cell treatment with APCP (α,β-methyleneadenosine-5′-diphosphate), an ecto-5′-NT/CD73 inhibitor, led to a significant reduction in glioma cell proliferation. We suggest that the inhibition of ecto-5′-NT/CD73 may result in a decrease in extracellular adenosine production with a consequent reduction in tumor progression.  相似文献   

The time course of the extracellular reaction sequence ATP----ADP----AMP----adenosine has been examined during recirculation of substrate solutions over cultured pig aortic endothelial cells attached to polystyrene beads. This permits the study of reactions at volume to cell surface ratios approaching those of small blood vessels. When endothelial cells were presented with an initial bolus of ATP, high concentrations of the intermediates ADP and AMP developed before significant conversion of AMP to adenosine occurred. Further, the higher the initial ATP concentration, the slower the conversion of AMP to adenosine. Kinetic constants for each reaction were estimated by fitting simulated reaction curves to observed time courses. Apparent Km values estimated in this way agreed well with those reported for initial velocity measurements (ATPase = 300 microM; ADPase = 240 microM; and 5'-nucleotidase = 26 microM). The ratio of maximum velocities was ATPase:ADPase:AMPase = 6:1.5:1, with absolute values varying among cell batches. The data could only be fitted if the model incorporated inhibition of 5'-nucleotidase by ATP or ADP, and satisfactory fitting was achieved with a Ki value for ADP of 5 microM. These kinetic properties maximize the time separation of the intermediate pools. In vivo, at sites of platelet degranulation, they would create a time gap proportional to the size of the initial release between release of ADP (a proaggregatory milieu) and the appearance of adenosine (an anti-aggregatory milieu).  相似文献   

An analog of adenosine triphosphate, 2′(or 3′)-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)adenosine 5′-triphosphate (TNP-ATP), was synthesized as a reporter-labeled substrate of heavy meromyosin ATPase. TNP-ATP was hydrolyzed by heavy meromyosin in the presence of CaCl2 MgCl2 or EDTA.TNP-ATP had absorption maxima at 259 nm, 408 nm and 470 nm at neutral pH. When bound to heavy meromyosin, TNP-ATP underwent the characteristic spectral shift. The difference spectrum resulting from the binding of TNP-ATP to heavy meromyosin at pH 8.0 had positive peaks at 415 nm and 518 nm, and a negative trough at 458 nm.The difference spectrum due to the binding of 2′(or 3′)-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)adenosine (TNP-adenosine) to heavy meromyosin had small positive peaks at 420 nm and 495 nm. This difference spectrum was similar to that of TNP-ATP or TNP-adenosine produced by 20% (v/v) ethyleneglycol perturbation. The positive peak at 495 nm in the difference spectrum due to the binding of TNP-adenosine to heavy meromyosin shifted toward 505 nm, when pyrophosphate or ATP was added to the reaction mixture.These results suggest that the difference spectrum of TNP-ATP due to the interaction with heavy meromyosin arises not only from the binding of the chromophoric portion of the TNP-ATP molecule but also from that of the phosphate portion.  相似文献   

Serotonin (10(-4) - 10(-7) M) augmented natural killer cell cytotoxicity (NKCC) of human CD16+/non-T lymphocytes in vitro against the NK-sensitive target cells K 562 erythroleukemic, Molt-4 lymphoma, Chang liver cells, and against EBV-transformed Daudi B-lymphoblastoid target cells by a mechanism of action involving a prostaglandin-and IL-1-independent accessory function of monocytes. No evidence for the production of intermediary, NK-enhancing cytokines by serotonin was obtained, suggesting a cell-to-cell-mediated interaction between monocytes and NK cells as a plausible mechanism of action for the NK-augmenting effect. Monocytes recovered by counter-current centrifugal elutriation but not monocytes recovered by adherence reconstituted the effect of serotonin when added to nonadherent NK cells. NK-enhancing effects of serotonin were mimicked by two 5-HT1A-type serotonin receptor agonists, 8-OH-DPAT and (+)-ALK. The development of NKCC in response to serotonin could be resolved into (i) an induction phase, dependent on the presence of accessory monocytes and serotonin, and (ii) an effector phase, independent of the presence of monocytes or serotonin. Serotonin-activated MNC continued to exert augmented cytotoxicity for at least 8 hr after the removal of serotonin and monocytes. In several experiments, serotonin-activated NK cells killed greater than 75% of K 562 target cells even at low effector to target cell ratios and low baseline NKCC. We suggest that serotonin may have a role in nonspecific tumor defence by regulating an earlier unrecognized interplay between monocytes and NK cells.  相似文献   

H S Kim  L Lee  D R Evans 《Biochemistry》1991,30(42):10322-10329
The ATP analogue 5'-[p-(fluorosulfonyl)benzoyl]adenosine (FSBA) was used to chemically modify the ATP binding sites of the carbamyl phosphate synthetase domain of CAD, the multifunctional protein that catalyzes the first steps in mammalian pyrimidine biosynthesis. Reaction of CAD with FSBA resulted in the inactivation of the ammonia- and glutamine-dependent CPSase activities but had no effect on its glutaminase, aspartate transcarbamylase, or dihydroorotase activities. ATP protected CAD against inactivation by FSBA whereas the presence of the allosteric effectors UTP and PRPP afforded little protection, which suggests that the ATP binding sites were specifically labeled. The inactivation exhibited saturation behavior with respect to FSBA with a K1 of 0.93 mM. Of the two ATP-dependent partial activities of carbamyl phosphate synthetase, bicarbonate-dependent ATPase was inactivated more rapidly than the carbamyl phosphate dependent ATP synthetase, which indicates that these partial reactions occur at distinct ATP binding sites. The stoichiometry of [14C]FSBA labeling showed that only 0.4-0.5 mol of FSBA/mol of protein was required for complete inactivation. Incorporation of radiolabeled FSBA into CAD and subsequent proteolysis, gel electrophoresis, and fluorography demonstrated that only the carbamyl phosphate synthetase domain of CAD is labeled. Amino acid sequencing of the principal peaks resulting from tryptic digests of FSBA-modified CAD located the sites of FSBA modification in regions that exhibit high homology to ATP binding sites of other known proteins. Thus CAD has two ATP binding sites, one in each of the two highly homologous halves of the carbamyl phosphate domain which catalyze distinct ATP-dependent partial reactions in carbamyl phosphate synthesis.  相似文献   

In the present study we provide the first evidence supporting the fact that the Kp43 NK-associated cell-surface dimer may be involved in regulating MHC-unrestricted cytotoxicity. Our results indicated that incubation of IL-2-activated NK cells in a 51Cr-release assay with either the Kp43-specific mAb or its F(ab')2 fragments induced a significant cytolytic activity directed against normal autologous and allogeneic T cell blasts, which are relatively resistant to NK cell-mediated lysis. The cytotoxic effect was not observed in fresh CD3- CD16+ CD56+ Kp43+ lymphocytes and was only substantiated in IL-2-preactivated NK cells. Although stimulation with the Kp43-specific mAb did not significantly change the intracellular Ca2+ concentration, both Ca2+ and Mg2+ were required for the induction of cytotoxicity. The anti-Kp43-mediated activation of cytolysis was inhibited by anti-CD18 and CD11a mAb, whereas it was not significantly altered by either CD11b, CD11c, CD2, or LFA-3-specific mAb, rendering unlikely the participation of the latter. In contrast to these results the Kp43-specific mAb did not enhance the high levels of spontaneous cytotoxicity mediated by IL-2-activated NK cells against a panel of different tumor cell lines. An inhibitory effect mediated by anti-Kp43 mAb on the IL-2-dependent proliferation of NK cells was previously reported and appears, at least partially, secondary to the induction of an autolytic mechanism that is synergistically enhanced by anti-CD16 mAb. Altogether our results point out that interaction of the Kp43 dimer with its specific mAb is capable of inducing cytolytic activity and suggest that the molecule may play an important functional role in lymphokine-activated NK cells.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) were originally found critical in the setting of cognate immune responses. We first demonstrated that DC can also induce mouse NK cell activation and NK cell dependent-antitumor effects in mice. Here we analyzed the dynamics between DC and NK cells in human in vitro model systems. In the absence of LPS, DC do not trigger resting NK cells. Conversely, in the presence of LPS, resting bulk NK cells interacting with DC acquire CD25 and CD69 surface expression, produce high levels of IFN-gamma and lyse DAUDI cells. On activated IL-2 dependent NK cell lines, regardless of their differentiation stage, DC maintain or enhance NK cell proliferation and effector functions in the absence of exogenous cytokines. While IL-12, IL-15 and IL-18 are not critical, a direct cell-to-cell contact is mandatory for NK activation by DC and required for optimal proliferation. These data imply that DC also modulate human NK cell innate effector functions.  相似文献   

NK cells are large granular lymphocytes capable of killing certain tumor cells and virally infected cells in a non-MHC-restricted manner. NK cells can also effect an antibody dependent cytotoxicity that is triggered by CD16, an FcR for IgG. In NK cells, CD16 is expressed in association with zeta, a signal transducing subunit of the TCR complex. Here we show that, just as T cell activation via the TCR complex results in tyrosine phosphorylation of zeta TCR, NK cell activation via CD16 results in tyrosine phosphorylation of zeta NK. Whereas antibody-dependent cytotoxicity also results in tyrosine phosphorylation of zeta, natural cytotoxicity does not. Our results indicate that zeta functions as a transducing element for antibody dependent, but not antibody independent killing by NK cells. Consequently, NK cells are likely to express at least two distinct receptor complexes capable of triggering cytolytic effector function.  相似文献   

Activation of natural killer (NK) cells with interleukin-2 (IL-2) and IL-12 leads to an enhanced lysis of tumour cells. We investigated the ability of NK cells, with or without prior activation, to lyse a variety of small-cell lung cancer (SCLC) target cells. Specific lysis was measured with a fluorometric assay for NK-cell-mediated cytotoxicity: target cells were labelled with 3,3′-dioctadecyloxacarbocyanine, a green membrane dye. After co-incubation with NK cells, dead target cells were stained with propidium iodide, a red DNA dye that only penetrates dead cells. Of all eight SCLC cell lines tested, three were susceptible to lysis by non-activated NK cells, three were only susceptible to lysis by NK cells activated with IL-2 and IL-12 and two were not even susceptible to lysis by activated NK cells. The differences in target cell susceptibility showed no correlation with the expression of MHC-I on the surface of the target cells or with the expression of the adhesion molecules CD50, CD54, CD58 or CD102. Comparing the kinetics of the lysis of one SCLC cell line sensitive to non-activated NK cells and one sensitive only to activated NK cells, we found that maximum lysis of the former was obtained after 1 h, whereas significant lysis of the latter was only obtained after 4 h of incubation. This might be due to different mechanisms engaged in target cell lysis. Received: 23 December 1998 / Accepted: 8 April 1999  相似文献   

This investigation has employed the "innocent bystander" type of experimental design to determine whether soluble cytotoxic factor(s) are released during interactions between human peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) and NK-sensitive target cells. PBL cocultured with NK-sensitive Molt-4 or K562 target cells in the lower well of a miniaturized Marbrook culture released natural killer cytotoxic factors (NKCF), which diffused across a 0.2-mu Nucleopore membrane and lysed Molt-4 or K562 target cells cultured in the upper chamber. Coculture of PBL with the NK-resistant Raji or WI-L2 cell lines also induced release of NKCF. These factors were selectively cytotoxic to NK-sensitive targets and lysed Molt-4 and, to a lesser extent, K562 cells. However, Raji, WI-L2, and RPMI 1788 cells were all resistant to lysis. In addition, low density fractions from Percoll density gradients that were enriched for NK effector cells also released increased levels of NKCF during coculture with Molt-4 cells. Lysis of Molt-4 and K562 targets was observed after exposure to NKCF for 48 hr and 60 to 70 hr, respectively. Cellfree supernatants containing NKCF were obtained after a short time of incubation (i.e., within 5 hr of coculture of PBL with NK target cells). The factors were nondialyzable, stable at 56 degrees C for 3 hr, and showed partial loss of activity on storage at 4 degrees C or -20 degrees C for 7 days. These data suggest that NKCF may be involved in the lytic mechanism of human NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity.  相似文献   

In vitro natural killer (NK) activity expressed by blood mononuclear cells from patients with chronic granulomatous disease of childhood (CGD) was equivalent to that expressed by cells from normal, healthy volunteers. Because neutrophils and monocytes from these same donors exhibited extremely depressed oxidative functions, our data could be interpreted to show that a) NK cells derived from a unique and separate cellular lineage unaffected by the disease-related oxidative defect, or b) the in vitro cytolytic mechanism(s) of NK cells were not dependent on oxygen metabolites. These hypotheses were examined by using as NK effector cells large granular lymphocytes (LGL) from healthy donors whose monocytes and neutrophils had normal oxidative functions. Such functions were measured in the nitroblue tetrazolium dye reduction assay, which is a qualitative measurement of superoxide anion production; by reduction of ferric cytochrome c, a more specific and quantitative measurement of superoxide anion production; and in the luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence assay, an extremely sensitive measure of several reactive oxygen radicals, including superoxide anion, hydroxyl radical, and singlet oxygen. Whereas monocytes and neutrophils from healthy donors were readily stimulated with zymosan or phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) in each of these assays. LGL produced no detectable amounts of oxygen metabolites when co-incubated either with K562 erythroleukemia cells, PMA, E. coli endotoxin, or the calcium ionophore A23187. Thus, because NK cell activity is normal in CGD patients with major oxidative defects, and because no reactive oxygen metabolites could be detected in LGL that simultaneously exhibited potent NK activity, we conclude that in vitro NK activity by human mononuclear cells involves a lytic mechanism(s) independent of oxygen metabolites.  相似文献   

Adenosine exerts its effects through four subtypes of G-protein-coupled receptors: A(1), A(2A), A(2B), and A(3). Stimulation of the human A(3) receptor has been suggested to influence cell death and proliferation. The phosphatidylinositide-3-OH kinase (PI3K)/Akt and the Raf/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK/ERK) kinase (MEK)/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways have central roles in the regulation of cell survival and proliferation. Due to their importance, the cross-talk between these two pathways has been investigated. Here, we show that the A(3) adenosine receptor agonist Cl-IB-MECA stimulates PI3K-dependent phosphorylation of Akt leading to the reduction of basal levels of ERK1/2 phosphorylation, which in turn inhibits cell proliferation. The response to Cl-IB-MECA was not blocked by A(1), A(2A), or A(2B) receptor antagonists, although it was abolished by A(3) receptor antagonists. Furthermore, the response to Cl-IB-MECA was generated at the cell surface, since the inhibition of A(3) receptor expression, by using small interfering RNA, abolished agonist effects. Using A375 cells, we show that A(3) adenosine receptor stimulation results in PI3K-dependent phosphorylation of Akt, leading to the reduction of basal levels of ERK1/2 phosphorylation, which in turn inhibits cell proliferation.  相似文献   

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