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Forest condition and the associated ecological processes vital for forest patch persistence are difficult to judge rapidly and time‐consuming to sample. Here we examine the efficacy of epigaeic invertebrate species as ecological indicators of Afromontane forest condition. Epigaeic invertebrates are potentially good ecological indicators because they play an important role in maintaining ecosystem processes, such as nutrient cycling, rely almost entirely upon the resources provided by the organic leaf litter layer, are known to be sensitive to environmental changes, and are easily surveyed. Epigaeic invertebrate communities were sampled using pitfall traps for 21 days in each of 11 forests that spanned a gradient from large and relatively undisturbed to small and highly disturbed forest patches. Using canonical correspondence analysis, we identified a suite of potential ecological indicator species (eight out of 140 species) and showed that gradients in their population response (abundance) reflect overall forest condition, as judged from the correlated vegetation indicators and position of the forests of varying condition along this gradient. The abundance of all but two of the eight indicator species (a spider and the landhopper, Talitriator africana[Amphipoda]) decreased with increasing disturbance. As a group, the rove beetles (Staphylinidae) show promise as ecological indicators and comprised four of the eight potential indicators species. A strong case is also made for a single‐species ecological indicator in the form of T. africana, which is a robust and sensitive indicator of poor forest condition.  相似文献   

Diversity patterns of amphipods, carabid beetles and ants were investigated in five naturally-fragmented Afromontane forest remnants, and in the surrounding grassland matrix. Forests were architecturally similar. In contrast, grasslands surrounding these forests are subject to great differences in anthropogenic impacts. Consequently, transition from forest to grassland ranged from being abrupt (heavy disturbance) to gradual (little disturbance). Significantly different mean numbers of carabid individuals and species were captured between sites and multivariate analyses showed clear separation in carabid assemblage-structure with level of disturbance. Carabids were, furthermore, significantly more diverse in forests, compared to grasslands. Ants, however, were equally species rich between sites but were significantly more abundant and species rich in grasslands than forests. Amphipods, represented here by a single species, Talistroides africana, was significantly less abundant at highly disturbed sites and significantly more abundant in forests than grasslands. Results support the hypothesis that the dynamics of remnants are influenced by their surrounding landscape. Here, the dynamics of amphipods and carabids (predominantly forest taxa) were influenced by different disturbance regimes in grasslands surrounding these forests. Epigaeic ants, a predominantly grassland taxon here, also showed significant differences in assemblage-composition between sites with varying disturbance. Conserving Afromontane grasslands should be of prime concern because this will include the protection of forest/grassland ecotones and forest remnants.  相似文献   

Soil invertebrate communities are fundamental components of wet meadow ecosystems. We compared soil invertebrate biodiversity between restored and native wet meadows to assess the effectiveness of restoration practices. Biodiversity and biomass were measured in 2002 and 2003 from four native and three restored sites located along a 100-km stretch of the Platte River in south-central Nebraska. The sites ranged in age from 3 to 6 years since restoration. Samples were collected during May, July, and September each year. Soil temperature, soil moisture, percent litter cover, and root mass were measured at each site. Twelve 20 × 20 × 25–cm soil blocks were extracted at each site; soil was washed through a 1-mm sieve; and invertebrates were identified, counted, and weighed. Native sites had higher Shannon and Simpson diversity values and contained greater invertebrate biomass than restored sites. Five invertebrate taxa (isopods, scarab beetles, click beetles, earthworms, and ants) were collected with enough frequency to assess restoration effects on their occurrence. Of these, only ants occurred more frequently in restored sites. Restored sites generally had less litter cover, lower root mass, lower soil moisture, and higher soil temperature than native sites. Current restoration practices may not be completely effective at returning sites to native conditions. Physical reconstruction of wet meadow topography and high-diversity reseeding may not be adequate to fully restore soil invertebrate communities, even over extended periods of time.  相似文献   

An understanding of the patterns of variation within and among populations of tropical trees is essential for devising optimum genetic management strategies for their conservation and sustainable utilization. Here, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used to partition variation within and among 10 populations of the endangered Afromontane medicinal tree, Prunus africana, sampled from five countries across the geographical range of the species (Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar and Uganda). Analysis of molecular variance ( AMOVA ) employed 48 RAPD markers and revealed most variation among countries (66%, P < 0.001). However, variation among individuals within populations and among populations within Cameroon and Madagascar was also highly significant. Analysis of population product frequency data indicated Ugandan material to be more similar to populations from Cameroon than populations from Kenya and Ethiopia, while Malagash populations were most distinct. The implications of these findings for determining appropriate approaches for conservation of the species, particularly in Cameroon and Madagascar, are discussed.  相似文献   

The success of projects involving assessment of insect biodiversity depends on many things, but one which is often overlooked is the maintenance of data integrity. This is an issue best considered from project conception, through the design phase to the completion of the sample, specimen and data processing phase. This paper considers some guiding principles and details some logical steps that will help avoid loss of data integrity.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in eastern Zambia to assess the impact of fire on soil invertebrate communities between December 2003 and November 2004. Soil samples were collected 4 times from secondary miombo forest patches that were burnt in July–September 2003 and 2004 and patches not affected by fire. Macro-invertebrates were hand-sorted from soil samples and their population densities computed. The total number of orders per sample and the population density of Annelida, Chilopoda, Arachnida and some Hexapoda were lower under burnt forest patches compared to unburnt ones throughout the study period. Although the difference between burnt and unburnt patches in populations of other taxa such as Lepidoptera and Diptera remained below the threshold of statistical significance, fire appeared to have reduced their densities. It is concluded that fire can alter the structure of soil invertebrate communities through direct mortality or by its effect on availability of food resources. Further studies are needed to establish the linkage between fire, invertebrate community structure, ecosystem processes and floristic composition of the miombo.  相似文献   

Pitfall trapping is a sampling technique extensively used to sample surface foraging invertebrates for biological diversity studies and ecological monitoring. To date, very few invertebrate studies have considered what trap size is optimal for sampling spiders. This study presents preliminary findings from a single short sampling period on the role of trap size in sampling spiders in a Western Australian Jarrah forest. Four different trap diameters (4.3, 7.0, 11.1 and 17.4 cm) were examined (4 trap sizes × 15 replicates = 60 traps). Two-way ANOVAs revealed no significant interaction effects between trap size or the spatial positioning of transects within the study site along which the pitfall traps were arranged. Post-hoc tests revealed abundance, family richness and species richness increased with increasing trap sizes for traps 7.0 cm. No significant differences in these dependent variables occurred between 4.3 and 7.0 cm traps, or for species richness between 11.1 and 17.4 cm traps. Determination of an optimal trap size was undertaken by bootstrapping and calculating species accumulation curves for increasing numbers of traps used. Three different criteria were considered: equivalent number of traps (15), standardized sampling intensity (cumulative trap circumference, approximately 207 cm) and standardized cumulative handling time (approximately 1 hour 17 minutes). The largest trap size (17.4 cm) was most efficient in terms of number of traps and trap circumference. For the same number of traps, it caught 19 species whereas all other trap sizes caught ten species. At the standardized circumference, it caught seven species whereas all other trap sizes caught five. For handling time, however, the two largest trap sizes (17.4 and 11.1 cm) were optimal. Both caught nine species whereas all other traps caught 相似文献   

In this study, we present an approach for the identification of indicators for biodiversity within forest ecosystems. We analyze the data of stands of pure Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) and European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), as well as mixed P. abies–F. sylvatica forests in the Solling mountains (NW Germany). The analysis is based on 683 vegetation samples in total. For different plant groups, that is, vascular plants, bryophytes, Red List species, we investigate species numbers as a parameter of biodiversity. Species numbers are differentiated into three classes to describe low to high diversity. Plots are separately examined for the three different forest types. In order to take the species–area relationship into account, we only use relevés with a plot size of 100 m2. Our approach focuses on the probability to be in a defined range of species numbers, that is, class, if a certain species occurs. For the purpose of facilitating the differentiation of the classes, we use the presence values of species in the classes for further characterization of indicators. Few indicators were found for the low ranges of species numbers. In addition, there were only a small number of species groups and stand types having indicators for all three classes. Various species have multiple indicator functions, e.g., with regard to the investigated species groups. The focus on a few of these multi‐indicators allows a rapid assessment of forest biodiversity. The catalog of indicators resulting from the investigation helps to facilitate and accelerate biodiversity evaluations of forest stands, in particular with regard to nature conservation and the restoration of natural forests.  相似文献   

心力衰竭的发生发展涉及多条生理病理通路,选择不同通路中的多个生物标记物能够提高对心力衰竭风险评估的准确性。总结了心 力衰竭发生发展过程中与心肌损伤、内皮功能障碍、神经激素紊乱、炎症反应、氧化应激过程相关的生物标记物,基于多标记物评价方法 的数学模型及多标记物法在心力衰竭和药物心脏毒性风险评估中的应用。  相似文献   

One of the serious environmental problems since the 1980s has been the conflict between the high rate of deforestation and maintenance of healthy ecosystem services and biological values in tropical forests. There is an urgent demand for setting up an appropriate environmental assessment to keep healthy ecosystem functions and biodiversity along with sustainable forest use based on ecology. In this study, we tried to assess logging-disturbance effects on the abundances of several flying insect groups (higher-taxon approach) in lowland tropical rain forest (Deramakot Forest Reserve, Sabah, Malaysia), while considering seasonal changes and vertical forest stratification. The season was the most important factor affecting the abundances of all the insect groups. Effects of logging disturbance were prominent in the understorey but obscure in the canopy. Changes in physical conditions caused by logging—possibly an increased evaporation due to solar radiation—may have decreased the abundance of desiccation-sensitive insects, especially in the understorey. There are also two probable reasons for the difference between events in the understorey and those in the canopy: (1) noise effects of various physical, environmental factors may have obscured insect responses to logging disturbance in the canopy; (2) higher spatio-temporal variation in quality and quantity of living food resources—such as leaves, flowers and fruits—provided in the canopy may have affected the abundance of their consumer insects independently of logging disturbance. Thus, this study suggests that the abundance of some insect groups at higher-taxon level, especially in the understorey, can be used as bioindicators for assessing effects of logging disturbance on the forest ecosystem.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation have highlighted the importance of monitoring remaining habitats. For megadiverse groups such as arthropods, of which many species are still being discovered, the use of higher taxonomic levels as substitutes for diversity may be a useful tool. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of substitute taxonomic resolutions to assess the richness and composition of Laniatores harvestmen (Arachnida: Opiliones). The five resolutions selected were as follows: genus, family, subfamily, indicator taxa and intermediate resolution (combination of genus and species identification levels). In addition, we evaluated whether the diversity substitutes provide good estimates of latitudinal gradients. Nineteen Atlantic Forest sites located along a latitudinal gradient in northeastern Brazil were sampled. We recorded a total of 88 harvestmen species/morpho-species, distributed in 7 families, 15 subfamilies and 36 genera. Genus and intermediate resolution were excellent substitutes for harvestmen species richness. The efficiency differed according to the substitute resolution used. Four resolutions were adequate to replace the harvestmen composition: genus, intermediate resolution, indicator taxa, and subfamily. The number of harvestmen species recorded was significantly different between Seasonal Semideciduous Forest and Costal Atlantic Rainforest. The same relationship was also observed the same relationship was observed when we consider genus and intermediate resolution. Our results suggest the use of genus as a substitute for richness and composition of harvestmen for reducing monitoring costs and providing evaluation in a shorter time and a more practical way.  相似文献   

An estuarine ecological risk assessment for thePortsmouth Naval Shipyard (PNS) Kittery, ME, wasconducted utilizing the U.S. EPA's Framework forEcological Risk Assessment (ERA). As part of theanalysis phase of the ERA, laboratory studies wereconducted to develop quantitative exposure-responserelationships for lead (Pb), a key contaminant ofconcern for PNS, in order to evaluate the role of Pbin the ecological stress observed near PNS, and toestimate the probability of ecological risk associatedwith Pb contamination at the site. Biological effectsof exposure to Pb via sediment or diet were evaluatedusing several life stages of the sea urchin, Arbacia punctulata. This strategy was employedbecause echinoderm species, including A.punctulata, are amenable to laboratory testing andhave been used frequently to assess the toxicity ofestuarine waters and sediments. In addition, lifestage-specific biological effects could be comparedand integrated into projections of population-levelresponses to Pb. Results indicated that adult seaurchins accumulated Pb in direct proportion toexposure medium Pb concentration, whether exposureoccurred via sediment or diet. High Pb concentrationsreduced survival and gamete production in females, buthad no effect on the viability of produced gametes. Aqueous Pb exposure concentrations that producedadverse effects on adult sea urchin survival andreproduction were also directly toxic to early lifestages. In addition to their utility for this ERA,these results have applicability for the prediction ofbiological effects or the retrospective analysis ofcausal relationships at other estuarine sites.  相似文献   

郭柯  刘长成  潘庆民 《生物多样性》2016,24(11):1220-549
“模式群落”是指能够反映某种植被分类单元基本特征, 并可作为准确描述该植被类型“标准”的典型植物群落。中国生物多样性监测网络——草原/荒漠植物多样性监测网旨在统一监测方法和技术规范的基础上, 在草原/荒漠植被主要群系分布的典型地段建立模式植物群落监测固定样方, 定期复查, 长期监测草原和荒漠的植物多样性变化。文章强调了典型植物群落监测是生物多样性监测的重要组成部分, 阐述了模式群落的概念, 介绍了草原/荒漠植物多样性监测网的总体思路和布局, 以及主要监测内容、方法、指标和预期产出。  相似文献   

The canopies of tropical rain forests support highly diverse, yet poorly known, animal and plant communities. It is vital that researchers who invest the time needed to gain access to the high canopy are able efficiently to survey the animals and plants that they find there. Here, we develop diversity assessment protocols for one of the most ecologically important canopy animal groups, the ants, in lowland dipterocarp rain forest in Sabah, Malaysia. We design and test a novel trap (the purse‐string trap) that can be remotely collected, thus avoiding disturbance to ants. We compare this modified trap with two other methods for surveying canopy ants: precision insecticide fogging and baited pitfall trapping. In total, we collected 39,351 ants belonging to 173 species in 38 genera. Fogging collected the most individuals and species, followed by purse‐string trapping with baited pitfall trapping catching the fewest. Fogging also resulted in samples with a different species composition to purse‐string trapping and baited pitfall trapping, which were not different from one another. Using a ‘greedy algorithm’, which guides the selection of inventory methods in order to maximize new species discovered per researcher‐hour, we show that projects allocating fewer than 132 researcher‐hours to canopy ant collection and identification should sample exclusively using fogging. Those with more time should use a combination of methods. This prioritization technique could be used to accelerate species discovery in future rapid biodiversity assessments. Abstract in Malay is available in the online version of this article.  相似文献   

厦门同安湾定置网捕获鱼类的多样性及营养级特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用2012年4月至2013年3月在同安湾进行的定置网渔业资源调查资料, 探讨了该海域鱼类多样性及平均营养级特征。结果表明, 周年逐月共鉴定鱼类112种, 隶属于15目53科88属。渔获物组成以沿岸小型底层鱼类为主, 其中中上层鱼类15种, 中下层鱼类18种, 底层鱼类79种; 暖水性种类84种, 暖温性种类28种, 亚热带动物区系特征明显; 杂食性鱼类8种, 低级肉食性鱼类71种, 中级肉食性鱼类30种, 高级肉食性鱼类3种, 以低级肉食性鱼类为主。中华海鲶(Tachysurus sinensis)是夏、秋、冬三季的优势种, 六指多指马鲅(Polydactylus sextarius)、锯脊塘鳢(Butis koilomatodon)和髭缟鰕虎鱼(Tridentiger barbatus)是春、冬两季的优势种。重量和尾数多样性指数最高值均在11月, 分别为3.26和3.29; 最低值均在2月, 分别为1.78和1.77。鱼类种类存在明显的季节更替现象, 其月更替率6月最低, 为40.1%; 3月最高, 达68.6%。鱼类平均营养级也存在明显的季节变化, 其中3月最低, 为3.02; 1月最高, 为3.92; 周年平均营养级为3.52。与2003年调查资料相比, 鱼类种类数明显减少, 鱼类组成和优势种发生了很大的变化, 导致变化的主要原因可能是过度捕捞、栖息地破坏和环境污染等。  相似文献   

There are two sewage outfalls along the Jordanian coastline in the Gulf of Aqaba. During 1982 and 1983 a total of 328 core samples (0.01 m2 to a depth of 15 cm) were collected from the two outfalls, two control stations which resemble the outfalls in depth and sediment texture, and from two stations 100 m on both sides of each outfall. Faunal analysis revealed that the total number of individuals, number of species, species richness, and faunal similarities of macrobenthic invertebrates were lower at the sewage outfall near the phosphate loading port than the control station during both collections. At the 100 m stations, the numbers of individuals were generally higher than the sewage and control stations. The number of species, however, was highest at the control station and lowest at the sewage outfall. At the other sewage outfall, where the sewage effluent is discharged sporadically, no measurable effects on macrobenthic invertebrates were found.  相似文献   

长江上游是我国生物多样性最丰富的地区之一,也是全球生物多样性热点地区之一.准确可靠地掌握生物多样性信息是生物多样性保护科学决策的基础,大尺度的生物多样性保护重要性评估已成为生物多样性研究及其保育管理和决策最紧迫的问题之一.设计了由植被景观多样性指数、自然保护区多样性指数、基于生态系统类型的物种多样性指数、国家保护植物多样性指数和国家保护动物多样性指数5大指标构成的区域生物多样性综合评价指标体系及其计算公式,并以县域为评价单元,开展了长江上游生物多样性综合评价.结果表明,长江上游生物多样性保护重要性评价结果为极重要的县域共18个,占总县数的4.95%;评价结果为重要的县域共41个,占11.26%;评价结果为次重要的县域共76个,占20.88%;评价结果为中等水平的县域共106个,占29.12%;评价结果为中下水平的县域共68个,占18.68%;评价结果为不重要的县域共55个,占15 11%.长江上游生物多样性保护重要性评价结果为极重要、较重要和重要的县域主要分布于横断山区、秦巴山区、华西雨屏区、长江源区和川渝鄂黔交界处山地.  相似文献   

The Touchet River in eastern Washington State is the site of the first causal assessment in the arid Northwest for salmonids using the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA's) Stressor Identification process. Seven candidate causes that affect salmonid density and macroinvertebrate abundance and diversity were considered: toxics, warm water temperature, sedimentation, low dissolved oxygen, alkaline pH, reduced detritus, and reduced habitat complexity. Candidate causes were evaluated using several types of evidence of preceding causation, co-occurrence, sufficiency, and alteration along with evaluation of the consistency of that evidence and consistency with other assessments. Evidence was scored, and the body of evidence was weighed based on credibility, strength, diversity, and coherence. Warm water temperature and sedimentation were highly probable causes of altered biological condition. Low dissolved oxygen and alkaline pH were also a problem for some areas but were less severe than temperature and sediment. Water removal and reduced habitat complexity and canopy cover were not directly causal but could affect sedimentation and temperature. This case study is noteworthy for using assemblage symptomology associated with temperature, sediment, and detritus as a type of evidence and for physiographically matching reference sites for comparisons and evaluation of natural and cumulative anthropogenic stressor gradients in the absence of state biological criteria.  相似文献   

A historical impact assessment was conducted for chemical contaminants in sediments of the tidal Passaic River in northern New Jersey. The assessment was based on sediment cores collected from 1990 to 1995. Each sediment core was segregated into fractions and the fractions dated using radioisotope analysis. Chemical concentrations, including a variety of metals and organic compounds, were estimated by decade for most of the 20th century in five reaches of the River. The chemical data for each decade were compared to available benchmark sediment quality values that represent levels of chemicals that may be toxic to benthic invertebrates in estuarine systems. Benchmark exceedances in the River were then calculated and characterized spatially and temporally using quantitative Geographic Information System (GIS) analyses, and the area of “impacted” sediments was calculated for each chemical and decade. Results of this assessment suggest that the ability of Passaic River sediments to support “normal” benthic invertebrate populations was limited by sediment contaminants throughout the 20th century. Conditions have improved somewhat since the 1950s, although impacts to benthic populations remain from several metals and organic compounds despite some overall improvements in sediment quality in recent years.  相似文献   

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