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Mapping a dominant form of multinodular goiter to chromosome Xp22   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Multinodular goiter (MNG) is a common disorder characterized by a nodular enlargement of the thyroid gland and occurring with a female&rcolon;male ratio of 5&rcolon;1. This article reports the analysis of an Italian three-generation pedigree MNG, including 10 affected females and 2 affected males. After linkage to candidate regions previously implicated in various forms of goiter was excluded, a novel MNG locus was searched. Because no male-to-male transmission was present in the study pedigree, an X-linked autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance was hypothesized. Therefore, 18 markers spaced at 10-cM intervals on the X chromosome were examined. A significant LOD score was observed in the Xp22 region, where marker DXS1226 generated a maximum LOD score of 4.73 at a recombination fraction of 0. Analysis of six flanking microsatellites confirmed these data, and haplotype inspection delimited a 9.6-cM interval lying between DXS1052 and DXS8039.  相似文献   

Summary An unbalanced X/Y translocation was found in a male child with malformed external genitalia and in his mother, who are respectively nullisomic and monosomic for the distal portion of Xp and have the translocated distal segment of Yq in excess. The loss of the distal portion of Xp is supposed to be the cause of the phenotypic abnormalities present in these subjects. The phenotype of our subjects is compared with those of the other cases of X/Y translocation described in the literature.  相似文献   

Simpson-Golabi-Behmel syndrome (SGBS) is an X-linked overgrowth syndrome with associated visceral and skeletal abnormalities. Alterations in the glypican-3 gene (GPC3), which is located on Xq26, have been implicated in the etiology of relatively milder cases of this disorder. Not all individuals with SGBS have demonstrated disruptions of the GPC3 locus, which raises the possibility that other loci on the X chromosome could be responsible for some cases of this syndrome. We have previously described a large family with a severe form of SGBS that is characterized by multiple anomalies, hydrops fetalis, and death within the first 8 wk of life. Using 25 simple tandem-repeat polymorphism markers spanning the X chromosome, we have localized the gene for this disorder to an approximately 6-Mb region of Xp22, with a maximum LOD score of 3.31 and with LOD scores <-2.0 for all of Xq. These results demonstrate that neither the GPC3 gene nor other genes on Xq26 are responsible for all cases of SGBS and that a second SGBS locus resides on Xp22.  相似文献   

X-linked retinoschisis (RS) is the leading cause of macular degeneration in young males and has been mapped to Xp22 between DXS418 and DXS999. To facilitate identification of the RS gene, we have constructed a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) contig across this region comprising 28 YACs and 32 sequence-tagged sites including seven novel end clone markers. To establish the definitive marker order, a PAC contig containing 50 clones was also constructed, and all clones were fingerprinted. The marker order is: Xpter–DXS1317–(AFM205yd12–DXS7175–DXS7992)–60N8T7–DXS1195–DXS7993–DXS7174–60N8-SP6–DXS418–DXS7994–DXS7995–DXS7996–HYAT2–25HA10R–HYAT1–DXS7997–DXS7998–DXS257–434E8R–3542R–DXS6762–DXS7999–DXS6763–434E8L–DXS8000–DXS6760–DXS7176–DXS8001–DXS999–3176R–PHKA2–Xcen. A long-range restriction map was constructed, and the RS region is estimated to be 1300 kb, containing three putative CpG islands. An unstable region was identified between DXS6763 and 434E8L. These data will facilitate positional cloning of RS and other disease genes in Xp22.  相似文献   

This paper describes a female infant with microphthalmia with linear skin defects syndrome (MLS) and monosomy for the Xp22 region. Her clinical features included right microphthalmia and sclerocornea, left corneal opacity, linear red rash and scar-like skin lesion on the nose and cheeks, and absence of the corpus callosum. Cytogenetic studies revealed a 45,X[18]/46,X,r(X)(p22q21) [24]/46,X,del(X)(p22)[58] karyotype. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis showed that the ring X chromosome was positive for DXZ1 and XIST and negative for the Xp and Xq telomeric regions, whereas the deleted X chromosome was positive for DXZ1, XIST, and the Xq telomeric region and negative for the Xp telomeric region. Microsatellite analysis for 19 loci at the X-differential region of Xp22 disclosed monosomy for Xp22 involving the critical region for the MLS gene, with the breakpoint between DXS1053 and DXS418. X-inactivation analysis for the methylation status of the PGK gene indicated the presence of inactive normal X chromosomes. The Xp22 deletion of our patient is the largest in MLS patients with molecularly defined Xp22 monosomy. Nevertheless, the result of X-inactivation analysis implies that the normal X chromosomes in the 46,X,del(X)(p22) cell lineage were more or less subject to X-inactivation, because normal X chromosomes in the 45,X and 46,X,r(X)(p22q21) cell lineages are unlikely to undergo X-inactivation. This supports the notion that functional absence of the MLS gene caused by inactivation of the normal X chromosome plays a pivotal role in the development of MLS in patients with Xp22 monosomy. Received: 16 December 1997 / Accepted: 25 February 1998  相似文献   

Summary We present a family in which six members (three males and three females) carry a translocation of the fluorescent part of a supernumerary Y to a 15. The carriers do not have any impairment of fertility or any malformation.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) repeat-containing proteins constitute an expanding family of proteins involved in several cellular activities such as blood coagulation, fibrinolysis, cell adhesion, and neural and vertebrate development. By using a bioinformatic approach, we have identified a new member of this family named MAEG (MAM- and EGF-containing gene; HGMW-approved gene symbol and gene name). Sequence analysis indicates that MAEG encodes a secreted protein characterized by the presence of five EGF repeats, three of which display a Ca(2+)-binding consensus sequence. In addition, a MAM domain is also present at the C-terminus of the predicted protein product. The human and murine full-length cDNAs were identified and mapped to human Xp22 and to the mouse syntenic region. Northern analysis indicates that MAEG is expressed early during development. Taken together, these data render MAEG a candidate for human and murine developmental disorders.  相似文献   

Duplications involving the X chromosome, in which the duplicated region is not subject to inactivation, are rare. We describe four distal Xq duplications, in three males and one female, in which the duplicated X chromosomal material is active in all cells. The infantile phenotype bears some resemblance to that of the Prader–Willi syndrome, presenting with initial feeding difficulties, hypotonia and, sometimes, with cryptorchidism. However, the severity of the phenotype is not simply related to the size of the duplication and so variations in gene expression, gene disruption or position effects from breakpoints should be considered as explanations. We have compared the clinical, cytogenetic and molecular findings of our patients with those previously reported. This has enabled us to question the suggestion that duplication of the gene SOX3 is the cause of hypopituitarism and that duplication of Filamin A is the cause of bilateral periventricular nodular heterotopia/mental retardation syndrome (BPNH/MR). We have also narrowed the putative critical interval for X-linked spina bifida.  相似文献   

The transposable drug resistance element Tn10 was employed as a region of homology to direct the insertion of Tn10-containing derivatives of F'ts114 lac into the chromosome of a Salmonella typhimurium strain that carries a Tn10 insertion in the histidine transport operon. Based on the direction of transfer of the resulting Hfr strains, the chromosomal Tn10 insertion was determined to be in orientation "A." New F' plasmids were selectively generated from one of the Hfr strains. The F' factors carry an intact dhuA hisJ portion of the histidine transport operon. A Southern hybridization revealed that one of the F' plasmids was formed by a type II excision event.  相似文献   

DiGeorge syndrome is a human developmental field defect with the pathological features of an abnormality of embryogenesis at 4 to 6 weeks of gestation. Cytogenetic analyses of patients have revealed a number of instances of monosomy 22q11-pter in this condition. We have analyzed 52 DNA markers that map to 22q11-pter and have found 27 that are deleted in DiGeorge syndrome patients with known monosomy for part of this region and that are duplicated in patients with the der22 syndrome. The set of clones mapping to the DiGeorge region was further assigned to a proximal or a distal location within the deletion.  相似文献   

Translocations of the coding exons of the human c-myc gene are consistent features of human Burkitt lymphomas (BL). In the BL cell lines CA46, JD40, and ST486, the second and third c-myc exons have been translocated into the immunoglobulin heavy chain locus. In addition to this rearrangement, in all three cell lines, we have found that the translocated c-myc exons show low-level amplification relative to restriction fragments from the germ-line c-myc gene. The patterns of hybridization of an IgM switch region probe suggest that immunoglobulin heavy chain sequences have been co-amplified with the translocated c-myc sequences. Differential sedimentation was used to determine whether the amplified sequences reside in high-molecular-weight chromosomes or low-molecular-weight extrachromosomal DNA. In JD40 and ST486 cells, the amplified c-myc sequences were found on high-molecular-weight chromosomes; ST486 cells also contained translocated c-myc sequences in low-molecular-weight, extrachromosomal DNA, as did CA46 cells. These conclusions were corroborated by fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) of HeLa, CA46, ST486 and JD40 metaphase chromosomes. These results suggest that there is ongoing selection for cells containing amplified copies of the expressed c-myc sequences, and that there is continuous generation of extrachromosomal copies of the translocated c-myc sequences in ST486 and CA46 cells.  相似文献   

A chimeric actin gene was constructed from Tetrahymena actin sequence corresponding to residues 1-83 and Dictyostelium actin sequence corresponding to residues 84-375, and the gene was expressed in Dictyostelium cells. Using DNase I-affinity column, we revealed that the product of the chimeric actin gene was not retained in the column whereas intrinsic actin was retained. In conjunction with our previous data that Tetrahymena actin does not interact with DNase I [Hirono, M., Kumagai, Y., Numata, O., & Watanabe Y. (1989) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S. 86, 75-79], we suggest that the binding site of DNase I in an ubiquitous actin is located in N-terminal region (residues 1-83).  相似文献   

Trisomy rescue is one of various proposed mechanisms in formation of supernumerary small marker chromosomes (SMC) and uniparental disomy (UPD). In the present report a small de novo marker chromosome derived from chromosome 14 or 22 was diagnosed at prenatal diagnosis due to maternal age. Follow up investigations at birth revealed mosaicism 47,XX,+mar/46,XX. Using FISH, the marker was positive for the probe D14/22Z1, but negative for the probes midi 54 and D22Z4. Using three informative markers both chromosomes 22 were shown to be inherited from the mother (UPDmat). The results are consistent with nondisjunction at maternal meiosis I. The girl is 18 months old now and phenotypically normal. Cardiac and abdominal malformations were excluded by sonographic examinations. Motor and mental development is according to or ahead of developmental milestones (free walking with 10 months, first words at 12 months). The case confirms that maternal UPD 22 most likely is not associated with clinical abnormalities. According to FISH results, UPD 22, and 47,XX,+22 in the placenta, we conclude that the SMC was derived from alpha satellite sequences of chromosome 22. This case for the first time gives evidence that early postzygotic reduction of a chromosome to a small marker chromosome is a real existing mechanism to rescue a conceptus with trisomy.  相似文献   



The male-specific region of the mouse Y chromosome long arm (MSYq) contains three known highly multi-copy X-Y homologous gene families, Ssty1/2, Sly and Asty. Deletions on MSYq lead to teratozoospermia and subfertility or infertility, with a sex ratio skew in the offspring of subfertile MSYqdel males  相似文献   

In order to better characterize the chromosomic rearrangement of an unbalanced 45XX t(X;22) (q28;q11) DiGeorge patient, a somatic hybrid clone segregating the translocated chromosome was constructed and investigated using X and 22 linked markers. Our study demonstrated that this de novo translocation was from paternal origin. The breakpoint was assigned between DXS296 and IDS loci at Xq28 and between D22S9 and BCRL2 at 22q11. This observation and published data allow to locate a "critical region" for DiGeorge syndrome between these two last loci on 22q11. Our hybrid clone may be a useful tool for mapping new probes arising in this region.  相似文献   

Xq28 duplication, including the MECP2 gene, is among the most frequently identified Xq subtelomeric rearrangements. The resulting clinical phenotype is named Lubs syndrome and mainly consists of intellectual disability, congenital hypotonia, absent speech, recurrent infections, and seizures. Here we report a Mexican male patient carrying a supernumerary marker chromosome with de novo Xq28 gain. By MLPA, duplication of MECP2, GDI1, and SLC6A8 was found and a subsequent a-CGH analysis demonstrated that the gain spanned ~ 2.1 Mb. Despite gain of the MECP2 gene, the features of this patient do not evoke Lubs syndrome. Probably the mosaicism of the supernumerary marker chromosome is modifying the phenotype in this patient.  相似文献   

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