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It became clear over the recent years that most, if not all, G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) are able to form dimers or higher order oligomers. Chemokine receptors make no exception to this new rule and both homo- and heterodimerization were demonstrated for CC and CXC receptors. Functional analyses demonstrated negative binding cooperativity between the two subunits of a dimer. The consequence is that only one chemokine can bind with high affinity onto a receptor dimer. In the context of receptor activation, this implies that the motions of helical domains triggered by the binding of agonists induce correlated changes in the other protomer. The impact of the chemokine dimerization process in terms of co-receptor function and drug development is discussed.  相似文献   

Phospholipid aldehydes represent a particular subclass of lipid oxidation products. They are chemically reactive and can form Schiff bases with proteins and aminophospholipids. As chemically bound molecular entities they modulate the functional properties of biomolecules in solution and the surface of supramolecular systems including plasma lipoproteins and cell membranes. The lipid-protein and lipid-lipid conjugates may be considered the active primary platforms that are responsible for the biological effects of aldehydophospholipids, e.g. receptor binding, cell signaling, and recognition by the immune system. Despite the fact that aldehydophospholipids are covalently associated, they are subject to exchange between nucleophiles since their imine conjugates are not stable. As a consequence, aldehydophospholipids exist in a dynamic equilibrium between different "states" depending on the lipid and protein environment. Aldehydophospholipids may also contribute to the systemic administration and activity of oxidized phospholipids by inducing release of microparticles by cells. These effects are lipid-specific. Future studies should help clarify the mechanisms and consequences of these membrane-associated effects of "phospholipid stress". This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Oxidized phospholipids-their properties and interactions with proteins.  相似文献   

Hisatoshi Mimura 《BBA》2005,1708(3):393-403
The H+-pyrophosphatase (H+-PPase) consists of a single polypeptide, containing 16 or 17 transmembrane domains. To determine the higher order oligomeric state of Streptomyces coelicolor H+-PPase, we constructed a series of cysteine substitution mutants and expressed them in Escherichia coli. Firstly, we analyzed the formation of disulfide bonds, promoted by copper, in mutants with single cysteine substitutions. 28 of 39 mutants formed disulfide bonds, including S545C, a substitution at the periplasmic side. The formation of intermolecular disulfide bonds suppressed the enzyme activity of several, where the substituted residues were located in the cytosol. Creating disulfide links in the cytosol may interfere with the enzyme's catalytic function. Secondly, we prepared double mutants by introducing second cysteine substitutions into the S545C mutant. These double-cysteine mutants produced cross-linked complexes, estimated to be at least tetramers and possibly hexamers. Thirdly, we co-expressed epitope-tagged, wild type, and inactive mutant H+-PPases in E. coli and confirmed the formation of oligomers by co-purifying one subunit using the epitope tag used to label the other. The enzyme activity of these oligomers was markedly suppressed. We propose that H+-PPase is present as an oligomer made up of at least two or three sets of dimers.  相似文献   

Molecular design of PhoE porin and its functional consequences   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The three-dimensional structure of PhoE porin from Escherichia coli, negatively stained with uranyl acetate, has been determined by electron crystallographic techniques to a resolution of about 18 A. The structure shows that PhoE porin consists of trimeric stain-filled channels as the basic unit. The trimeric channels converge as they transverse the membrane but they do not merge. Our three-dimensional structure of PhoE porin indicates that there is a short, narrower segment of channel, which extends beyond the visible strain-filled portion of the channel. The map of glucose-embedded PhoE porin in projection normal to the membrane has also been determined to a resolution of 6.5 A. The projected map shows trimeric ring-like structures, which are presumably cylindrical domains of beta-sheet. At the 3-fold symmetry axis of the trimer, there is a low density region, which is suggested to be a site of lipopolysaccharide that is required for channel and bacteriophage receptor activities. The structural model of the PhoE monomer consists of a flattened cylinder with a large water-filled vestibule about 35 A long with an elliptically shaped opening that is 27 A along the major axis and 18 A along the minor axis. The vestibule has a narrower extension about 10 A long with an average diameter of about 10 A. The vestibule wall is formed by beta-sheet, which may have a large fraction of the beta-strands oriented normal to membrane. Our structural model provides a clue as to how the surface charges on the outer membrane may regulate the permeation of ionic solutes through the channel.  相似文献   

Marine turtle lungs have multiple functions including respiration, oxygen storage and buoyancy regulation, so lung size is an important indicator of dive performance. We determined maximum lung volumes (V(L)) for 30 individuals from three species (Caretta caretta n=13; Eretmochelys imbricata n=12; Natator depressus n=5) across a range of body masses (M(b)): 0.9 to 46 kg. V(L) was 114 ml kg(-1) and increased with M(b) with a scaling factor of 0.92. Based on these values for V(L) we demonstrated that diving capacities (assessed via aerobic dive limits) of marine turtles were potentially over-estimated when the V(L)-body mass effect was not considered (by 10 to 20% for 5 to 25 kg turtles and by >20% for turtles > or =25 kg). While aerobic dive limits scale with an exponent of 0.6, an analysis of average dive durations in free-ranging chelonian marine turtles revealed that dive duration increases with a mass exponent of 0.51, although there was considerable scatter around the regression line. While this highlights the need to determine more parameters that affect the duration-body mass relationship, our results provide a reference point for calculating oxygen storage capacities and air volumes available for buoyancy control.  相似文献   

It is a widely accepted view that neural development can reflect morphological adaptations and sensory specializations. The aim of this review is to give a broad overview of the current status of brain data available for cartilaginous fishes and examine how perspectives on allometric scaling of brain size across this group of fishes has changed within the last 50 years with the addition of new data and more rigorous statistical analyses. The current knowledge of neuroanatomy in cartilaginous fishes is reviewed and data on brain size (encephalization, n = 151) and interspecific variation in brain organization (n = 84) has been explored to ascertain scaling relationships across this clade. It is determined whether similar patterns of brain organization, termed cerebrotypes, exist in species that share certain lifestyle characteristics. Clear patterns of brain organization exist across cartilaginous fishes, irrespective of phylogenetic grouping and, although this study was not a functional analysis, it provides further evidence that chondrichthyan brain structures might have developed in conjunction with specific behaviours or enhanced cognitive capabilities. Larger brains, with well-developed telencephala and large, highly foliated cerebella are reported in species that occupy complex reef or oceanic habitats, potentially identifying a reef-associated cerebrotype. In contrast, benthic and benthopelagic demersal species comprise the group with the smallest brains, with a relatively reduced telencephalon and a smooth cerebellar corpus. There is also evidence herein of a bathyal cerebrotype; deep-sea benthopelagic sharks possess relatively small brains and show a clear relative hypertrophy of the medulla oblongata. Despite the patterns observed and documented, significant gaps in the literature have been highlighted. Brain mass data are only currently available on c. 16% of all chondrichthyan species, and only 8% of species have data available on their brain organization, with far less on subsections of major brain areas that receive distinct sensory input. The interspecific variability in brain organization further stresses the importance of performing functional studies on a greater range of species. Only an expansive data set, comprised of species that span a variety of habitats and taxonomic groups, with widely disparate behavioural repertoires, combined with further functional analyses, will help shed light on the extent to which chondrichthyan brains have evolved as a consequence of behaviour, habitat and lifestyle in addition to phylogeny.  相似文献   

Zhou J  Gennatas ED  Kramer JH  Miller BL  Seeley WW 《Neuron》2012,73(6):1216-1227
Neurodegenerative diseases target large-scale neural networks. Four competing mechanistic hypotheses have been proposed to explain network-based disease patterning: nodal stress, transneuronal spread, trophic failure, and shared vulnerability. Here, we used task-free fMRI to derive the healthy intrinsic connectivity patterns seeded by brain regions vulnerable to any of five distinct neurodegenerative diseases. These data enabled us to investigate how intrinsic connectivity in health predicts region-by-region vulnerability to disease. For each illness, specific regions emerged as critical network "epicenters" whose normal connectivity profiles most resembled the disease-associated atrophy pattern. Graph theoretical analyses in healthy subjects revealed that regions with higher total connectional flow and, more consistently, shorter functional paths to the epicenters, showed greater disease-related vulnerability. These findings best fit a transneuronal spread model of network-based vulnerability. Molecular pathological approaches may help clarify what makes each epicenter vulnerable to its targeting disease and how toxic protein species travel between networked brain structures.  相似文献   

Ryan MC  Thakore JH 《Life sciences》2002,71(3):239-257
Schizophrenia is a life shortening illness. Unnatural causes and natural causes are put forward as reasons for this excess mortality. In terms of the latter, a host of different physical disorders occur with increased frequency in schizophrenia. When taken together, some of these illnesses such as type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disorders constitute the Metabolic Syndrome; a characteristic phenotype of those with this syndrome is excessive visceral fat distribution. The exact reasons why this particular syndrome occurs in schizophrenia is as yet unclear though factors such as life style, poor diet and lack of exercise may contribute to it's development. Alternatively, overactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis leading to hypercortisolaemia can also result in excessive visceral fat accumulation. This minireview aims to explore the potential role of these issues and medication in terms of the increased morbidity and mortality observed in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

The H(+)-pyrophosphatase (H(+)-PPase) consists of a single polypeptide, containing 16 or 17 transmembrane domains. To determine the higher order oligomeric state of Streptomyces coelicolor H(+)-PPase, we constructed a series of cysteine substitution mutants and expressed them in Escherichia coli. Firstly, we analyzed the formation of disulfide bonds, promoted by copper, in mutants with single cysteine substitutions. 28 of 39 mutants formed disulfide bonds, including S545C, a substitution at the periplasmic side. The formation of intermolecular disulfide bonds suppressed the enzyme activity of several, where the substituted residues were located in the cytosol. Creating disulfide links in the cytosol may interfere with the enzyme's catalytic function. Secondly, we prepared double mutants by introducing second cysteine substitutions into the S545C mutant. These double-cysteine mutants produced cross-linked complexes, estimated to be at least tetramers and possibly hexamers. Thirdly, we co-expressed epitope-tagged, wild type, and inactive mutant H(+)-PPases in E. coli and confirmed the formation of oligomers by co-purifying one subunit using the epitope tag used to label the other. The enzyme activity of these oligomers was markedly suppressed. We propose that H(+)-PPase is present as an oligomer made up of at least two or three sets of dimers.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to determine the relation between alternatively spliced myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms and the contractility of smooth muscle. The relative amount of MHC with an alternatively spliced insert in the 5′ (amino terminal) domain was determined on the protein level using a peptide-directed antibody (a25K/50K) raised against the inserted sequence (QGPSFAY). Smooth muscle MHC isoforms of both bladder and myometrium but not nonmuscle MHC reacted with a25/50K. Using a quantitative Western-blot approach the amount of 5′-inserted MHC in rat bladder was detected to be about eightfold higher than in normal rat myometrium. The amount of heavy chain with insert was found to be decreased by about 50% in the myometrium of pregnant rats. Although bladder contained significantly more 5′-inserted MHC than myometrium, apparent maximal shortening velocities (Vmax) were comparable, being 0.138 ± 0.012 and 0.114 ± 0.023 muscle length per second of skinned bladder and normal myometrium fibers, respectively. Phosphorylation of myosin light chain 20 induced by maximal Ca2+/calmodulin activation was the same in bladder and myometrial fibers. These results suggest that the amount of 5′-inserted MHC is not necessarily associated with contractile properties of smooth muscle. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The p53 tumor suppressor is implicated in cell cycle control, DNA repair, replicative senescence and programmed cell death. Inactivation of the p53 contributes to the wide range of human tumors, including glial neoplasms. In this review, we describe the regulation and biochemical properties of p53 protein that may explain its ability to activate various genetic programs underlying cellular responses to stress conditions. The overall spectrum of p53 mutations is rather shared between tumor types indicating that these mutations are not tumor type-specific. However, there is one example of germ-line mutation of p53 gene (the deletion of the codon 236) that is associated with a familiar brain tumor syndrome. We compare the frequency and type of most common mutations among various brain tumours (focusing on glioblastomas) and their consequences on protein functions. Furthermore, we discuss the most promising approaches of potential brain tumor therapy, including an adenovirus-mediated p53 gene transfer. Human glioblastomas are highly sensitive to the effects of p53 activity when the wild-type p53 is introduced ectopically. It suggests that the genetic or pharmacological modulation of the p53 pathway is potentially important strategy in the treatment of human cancers.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity in mitochondrial content has been previously suggested as a major contributor to cellular noise, with multiple studies indicating its direct involvement in biomedically important cellular phenomena. A recently published dataset explored the connection between mitochondrial functionality and cell physiology, where a non‐linearity between mitochondrial functionality and cell size was found. Using mathematical models, we suggest that a combination of metabolic scaling and a simple model of cell death may account for these observations. However, our findings also suggest the existence of alternative competing hypotheses, such as a non‐linearity between cell death and cell size. While we find that the proposed non‐linear coupling between mitochondrial functionality and cell size provides a compelling alternative to previous attempts to link mitochondrial heterogeneity and cell physiology, we emphasise the need to account for alternative causal variables, including cell cycle, size, mitochondrial density and death, in future studies of mitochondrial physiology.  相似文献   

In children who are born small for gestational age (SGA), an adverse intrauterine environment has led to underdevelopment of both the body and the brain. The delay in body growth is (partially) restored during the first two years in a majority of these children. In addition to a negative influence on these physical parameters, decreased levels of intelligence and cognitive impairments have been described in children born SGA. In this study, we used magnetic resonance imaging to examine brain anatomy in 4- to 7-year-old SGA children with and without complete bodily catch-up growth and compared them to healthy children born appropriate for gestational age. Our findings demonstrate that these children strongly differ on brain organisation when compared with healthy controls relating to both global and regional anatomical differences. Children born SGA displayed reduced cerebral and cerebellar grey and white matter volumes, smaller volumes of subcortical structures and reduced cortical surface area. Regional differences in prefrontal cortical thickness suggest a different development of the cerebral cortex. SGA children with bodily catch-up growth constitute an intermediate between those children without catch-up growth and healthy controls. Therefore, bodily catch-up growth in children born SGA does not implicate full catch-up growth of the brain.  相似文献   

Aims Understanding tree species richness at a global scale and the origin and maintenance of patterns of tree species richness across the world is crucial to preserving tree species diversity. The recently published global tree database (i.e. GlobalTreeSearch) is the only source with tree lists at both global and national scales. However, our review and assessment show that many species included in GlobalTreeSearch are not tree species. In addition, several thousands of tree species in the botanical literature have not been included in GlobalTreeSearch. The exact number of tree species in the world remains unknown. This study aims to correct errors with GlobalTreeSearch and to estimate the number of tree species in the world based on a large number of regional floras.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are the primary locus for the generation of reactive nitrogen species including peroxynitrite and subsequent protein tyrosine nitration. Protein tyrosine nitration may have important functional and biological consequences such as alteration of enzyme catalytic activity. In the present study, mouse liver mitochondria were incubated with peroxynitrite, and the mitochondrial proteins were separated by 1D and 2D gel electrophoresis. Nitrotyrosinylated proteins were detected with an anti-nitrotyrosine antibody. One of the major proteins nitrated by peroxynitrite was carbamoyl phosphate synthetase 1 (CPS1) as identified by LC-MS protein analysis and Western blotting. The band intensity of nitration normalized to CPS1 was increased in a peroxynitrite concentration-dependent manner. In addition, CPS1 activity was decreased by treatment with peroxynitrite in a peroxynitrite concentration- and time-dependent manner. The decreased CPS1 activity was not recovered by treatment with reduced glutathione, suggesting that the decrease of the CPS1 activity is due to tyrosine nitration rather than cysteine oxidation. LC-MS analysis of in-gel digested samples, and a Popitam-based modification search located 5 out of 36 tyrosine residues in CPS1 that were nitrated. Taken together with previous findings regarding CPS1 structure and function, homology modeling of mouse CPS1 suggested that nitration at Y1450 in an α-helix of allosteric domain prevents activation of CPS1 by its activator, N-acetyl-l-glutamate. In conclusion, this study demonstrated the tyrosine nitration of CPS1 by peroxynitrite and its functional consequence. Since CPS1 is responsible for ammonia removal in the urea cycle, nitration of CPS1 with attenuated function might be involved in some diseases and drug-induced toxicities associated with mitochondrial dysfunction.  相似文献   

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