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Three pairs of raccoon dogsNyctereutes procyonoides (Gray, 1834) were observed by continuous radio-tracking (one 24-h session, once a week) during the first six weeks after parturition. Males spent noticeably more time (40.5% ±11.7 SD) alone with the pups than females (16.4% ±8.5 SD). Females had noticeably larger home ranges (95% kernel: 98.24 ha ±51.71 SD) than males (14.73 ha ±8.16 SD) and moved much longer daily distances (7368 m ±2015 SD) than males (4094 m ±2886 SD) in six weeks postpartum. The raccoon dogs left the breeding den in the 6th week after the birth of the pups.In situ video observation showed that the male carried prey to the den to provide the female and the litter with food. A clear division of labour took place among parents during the period in which the pups were nursed: males guarded the litter in the den or in close vicinity of it, while the females foraged to satisfy their increased energy requirements.  相似文献   

The raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) is a canid omnivore with autumnal fattening and winter sleep. Farmraised raccoon dogs have elevated plasma leptin and growth hormone levels in the winter and depressed plasma cortisol and insulin concentrations during wintertime food deprivation. However, these parameters were not previously tested in the wild population. In the present study 37 wild raccoon dogs were sampled at different seasons and diverse biochemical variables were determined. The results mostly confirmed previous observations on farmraised raccoon dogs. The liver glycogen stores increased during the autumnal fattening period but were low in the winter. The liver glycogen phosphorylase activity decreased but lipase activity increased in the winter indicating the use of fat as the principal metabolic fuel. The plasma insulin concentrations were low in the winter allowing the release of fatty acids from adipose tissue. Low wintertime cortisol and thyroid hormone levels could contribute to protein sparing. Unlike on farms, wild raccoon dogs did not show seasonal fluctuations in their plasma ghrelin or growth hormone levels. The observed physiological phenomena emphasise the adaptation of the species to long periods of food scarcity in the winter.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption (ml X kg-0.75/min) in relation to ambient temperature (Ta) in the raccoon dog whelps at the ages of 7-9 weeks and 17-19 weeks is described by equations y = 32.9-0.69x and y = 26.2-0.49x, respectively. The corresponding equations to adults in summer and winter pelages are y = 19.6-0.46x and y = 14.5-0.32x, respectively. The cooling constant (min-1) of deceased raccoon dogs decreased exponentially with increasing body mass, while M-0.75 specific heat transfer coefficient (W X kg-0.75/degrees C) regressed linearly on body mass, y = 0.124-0.00066x. Cooling rate of deceased animals were more dependent on body mass than on pelage quality.  相似文献   

The raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides, Canidae, Carnivora) is a middle-sized omnivore with excessive autumnal fattening and winter sleep. We studied adaptations of the species to boreal climate and photoperiod by following the plasma reproductive and thyroid hormone concentrations of farm-bred raccoon dogs (n=32) for 12 months. On August 16, 2000, and February 8, 2001, half of the raccoon dogs received continuous-release melatonin implants (the MEL group). The other half was sham-operated (the SHAM group). Between November 27, 2000, and January 25, 2001, half of the animals of both groups were fasted. The plasma testosterone concentrations of the MEL males peaked in February, a month earlier than in the SHAM males. Autumnal melatonin treatment also advanced the gestation period reflected by the plasma progesterone concentrations by seven weeks. Food deprivation in winter seems to accentuate the sex steroid response during the mating as the fasted males had higher testosterone concentrations than the fed males in February and March.  相似文献   

Morphological characteristics reflect geographical variation resulting from adaptation to varying environmental conditions. Carnivore species distributed over a wide geographical range generally have highly polymorphic morphological variation. The raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) has a longitudinal distribution restricted to East Asia and the northern Indochina Peninsula. Its unique geographical range makes it an appropriate model to examine how morphological differences are influenced by geography. To demonstrate morphological evolution of Russian, Chinese, Korean and Japanese raccoon dogs predicted by geographical differences, we tested the island rule and Bergmann's rule. We compared craniodental variation among populations and examined morphological implications for intraspecific taxonomic status. Insular raccoon dogs possessed substantially smaller body size than those from the mainland. Moreover, different island effects among Japanese islands were demonstrated by markedly larger occipital condyle breath in the Hokkaido population. Larger skull size in Russian and Hokkaido raccoon dogs could be explained by Bergmann's rule. Based on previous chromosomal and molecular studies and results of our morphological analyses, we suggest Japanese raccoon dogs are a distinct species from the mainland N. procyonoides.  相似文献   

In the raccoon dog,Nyctereutes procyonoides, utilization of latrines (defecation and urination sites), and olfactory recognition and memorization of latrine feces were studied in captivity. All individuals living within a cage utilized 1 communal latrine. The continuous and communal utilization of the latrine was based on a behavioural trait to deposit their excrement on the dung pile which was already present. They were attracted not only by their own dung pile but also by that of strange conspecifics. However, raccoon dogs could olfactorily recognize and memorize both their own feces and that of strange conspecifics individually. These results indicate that, in the raccoon dog, latrines serve as a place of information exchange about conspecific individuals, and olfactory memorization of the feces adjusts their social behaviour when they acutually encounter each other.  相似文献   

The raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) is the only canid with passive overwintering in areas with cold winters, but the depth and rhythmicity of wintertime hypothermia in the wild raccoon dog are unknown. To study the seasonal rhythms of body temperature (T(b)), seven free-ranging animals were captured and implanted with intra-abdominal T(b) loggers and radio-tracked during years 2004-2006. The average size of the home ranges was 306+/-26 ha, and the average 24 h T(b) was 38.0+/-<0.01 degrees C during the snow-free period (May-November). The highest and lowest T(b) were usually recorded around midnight (21:00-02:00 h) and between 05:00-11:00 h, respectively, and the range of the 24 h oscillations was 1.2+/-0.01 degrees C. The animals lost approximately 43+/-6% of body mass in winter (December-April), when the average size of the home ranges was 372+/-108 ha. During the 2-9-wk periods of passivity in January-March, the average 24 h T(b) decreased by 1.4-2.1 degrees C compared to the snow-free period. The raccoon dogs were hypothermic for 5 h in the morning (06:00-11:00 h), whereas the highest T(b) values were recorded between 16:00-23:00 h. The range of the 24 h oscillations increased by approximately 0.6 degrees C, and the rhythmicity was more pronounced than in the snow-free period. The ambient temperature and depth of snow cover were important determinants of the seasonal T(b) rhythms. The overwintering strategy of the raccoon dog resembled the patterns of winter sleep in bears and badgers, but the wintertime passivity of the species was more intermittent and the decrease in the T(b) less pronounced.  相似文献   

The raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides, Canidae, Carnivora) is a middle-sized omnivore with excessive autumnal fattening and winter sleep. We studied seasonal weight regulation of the species by following the plasma leptin, ghrelin, and growth hormone (GH) levels of farm-bred raccoon dogs (n = 32) for 6 months. In August, half of the raccoon dogs received continuous-release melatonin implants, and in November, half of the animals of both the sham-operated and melatonin-treated groups were fasted for 2 months. In the autumn, the plasma leptin and GH levels were low, but the ghrelin levels were relatively high and correlated positively with energy intake. This represents the period of energy storage. Leptin and GH levels peaked simultaneously in late October, and melatonin advanced the peaks by 1 week. Thereafter, the levels rapidly declined, representing the transition period from autumnal anabolism to wintertime catabolism. In the winter, the leptin and GH levels rose to high levels, but the ghrelin-leptin ratio was very low. This is the period of winter sleep, with fat accumulated in the autumn as the principal metabolic fuel. In the winter, leptin, ghrelin, and GH may work in synergy to increase lipolysis. GH may also induce winter sleep to the raccoon dog. Fasting had no effect on the hormone levels, unlike in humans and rodents. Instead of the amount of fat in the body, the main regulators of the levels of these hormones in the raccoon dog are presumably seasonal rhythms entrained by melatonin.  相似文献   

The feeding behavior and diet of two species of bushbaby, Galago senegalensisand Galago crassicaudatus,in South Africa were examined in relation to seasonal changes in climate. The populations studied were allopatric, but both fed predominantly on Acaciagum and invertebrates. Data on their diet were collected by direct observation of a radiocollared female of each species and by analysis of fecal samples. Differences in diet were found between the species within seasons and within species between the seasons. Both spent more time gum-feeding in winter than in summer. Prey size and type differed between the species in summer but converged in winter. The quantity of insects taken was fairly similar between seasons for G. senegalensisbut dropped considerably for G. crassicaudatusin winter. These observations are interpreted in terms of interspecific differences in feeding strategies, which are considered to be a function of the difference in body size of the two galago species.  相似文献   

K. Kauhala    E. Helle    K. Taskinen 《Journal of Zoology》1993,231(1):95-106
Home ranges, relationships between individuals and dispersal among raccoon dogs ( Nyctereutes procyonoides ) were studied in southern Finland in 1989-91. The average maximum home range, calculated by the harmonic mean method. was 9·5 km2 and the core area (85% utilization) 3·4 km2. There were no statistically significant annual. seasonal or sexual differences in the size of the average core area of adults, but the home ranges of juveniles in autumn were larger than those of adults. However. the maximum home ranges of adults were larger in autumn than in summer, especially those of males, which were conspicuously small in summer and large in autumn. The core areas of adjacent pairs did not usually overlap in the pup-rearing season. but in autumn some home ranges shifted and there was much more overlap. The home ranges of the male and female of a pair overlapped almost totally, and a male and a female sharing the same home range also travelled together or close to each other, thus supporting the idea that the raccoon dog is monogamous in Finland. None of the adults left the study area, but 38% of the juveniles were recovered further than 10 km from the marking place during the first autumn.  相似文献   

高原鼠兔家群结构的季节变异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用标志重捕法测定高原鼠兔家群年龄结构和性比,探讨其家群结构的季节变异及原因.结果显示,繁殖早期,家群由越冬成体和第1胎幼体构成;繁殖后期,家群主要由第1胎幼体构成.高原鼠兔家群年龄结构依季节存在显著的差异.5月,成体和雌性第1胎幼体个体数显著多于其他月份;5月和6月雄性第1胎幼体个体数显著多于7月和8月;6月第2胎幼体个体数显著多于7月和8月;7月雄性第2胎幼体个体数显著多于8月.7月和8月,第1胎幼体个体数显著多于第2胎幼体.高原鼠兔家群内5月成体性比显著高于7月和8月.结果表明,高原鼠兔在冬季漫长、食物匮乏以及繁殖季节极短等条件下,调整家群结构,提高繁殖成功率,使其种群在严酷的高寒环境中得以延续.  相似文献   

The raccoon dog Nyctereutes procyonoides, an East Asian canid species, was introduced into the European part of the former USSR since 1928. Within 50 years (1935–1984), it colonised a territory of 1.4 million km2 in Europe. A telemetry study took place in Southern Brandenburg in a 60 km2 sized study area with a typical mosaic structured East German agricultural landscape. For catching raccoon dogs, 20 trap boxes were set there in an area of 46 km2, and between February 2001 and July 2004, 15 (5 males, 10 females) adult and 46 (25 males, 21 females) juvenile raccoon dogs were eartagged and adults additionally fitted with radio collars (Biotrack, 150–151 MHz). Data on dispersal behaviour was collected by the relocation points of 11 juveniles (6 males, 5 females). Four juvenile males dispersed even more than 40 km from their trapping places. Additionally, dispersal of two adult males could be documented. This behaviour probably indicates that the German raccoon dog population still is in a process of colonising. This canid’s ability for colonising spacious and distant areas during comparative short periods of time and its preference for habitats with richness of water possibly make this species to be an important vector of fox tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis—a very dangerous zoonosis.  相似文献   

Permanent quadrats in granite outcrop plant communities allowed us to monitor seasonal variation and annual fluctuation in community structure. Seasonal species turn-over was significant in communities on shallow soil, but not in communities on deeper soil where seasonal dominance shifts were common. Exceptional meteorological events appeared to mediate phenomena of competitive release in some island communities. A decrease in the abundance of Arenaria uniflora in Lichen-annual island communities, following a spring drought, was correlated with an increase in the abundance of Sedum smallii, a shallower-soil species. Richness in Annual-perennial island communities was higher in spring 1985 than in 1984 or 1986, and this occurred as the dominant species, Senecio tomentosus, temporarily declined in importance following a severe drought in late summer 1984. Significant annual fluctuation in the cover of Viguiera porteri could also be related to variations in the summer precipitation regime. Overall, plant responses to drought were individualistic and depended largely on the timing of these meteorological events in relation to the life-stages and/or the physiological status of the plants.Abbreviations AP = Annual-perennial island communities - HST = Herb-shrub-tree island communities - LA = Lichen-annual island communities - SS = Sedum smallii island communities  相似文献   

The diet of breeding and non-breeding Wilson's storm-petrels (Oceanites oceanicus) was analysed over four breeding seasons on King George Island, South Shetland Islands, in order to test if there are changes in diet composition within and between seasons. Krill was the most important food item, followed by myctophid fish and amphipods. Breeding birds showed a clear seasonal pattern of diet, with krill decreasing and alternative prey increasing from the incubation to the chick-rearing period. Non-breeders were not found to change their diet composition. The data suggest that Wilson's storm-petrels selectively choose alternative prey to krill in order to meet the nutrient demands of their chicks. In years of low food availability, Wilson's storm-petrels may have a limited option of prey choice.  相似文献   

The diet and population dynamics of the Eurasian lynxLynx lynx Linnaeus, 1758 as well as an index of its main prey abundance were studied in transitional mixed forests of northern Belarus in 1985-2004. Monitoring of the lynx population and its main potential prey (the mountain hareLepus timidus, and the roe deerCapreolus capreolus) was done by snow-tracking. Also, abundance of tetraonids (Tetraonidae) was monitored by sight count. Hare numbers were fairly stable during the study period, whereas density of the roe deer population markedly increased, and tetraonids decreased. Composition of the lynx diet was stable seasonally. Lynx fed mostly on hares, roe deer and birds (usually tetraonids) year-round. However, the share of roe deer in lynx diet increased significantly during the period of its higher abundance and the share of tetraonids decreased with their decreasing numbers. There was also a remarkable increase of lynx population, which followed that of the roe deer, despite the pronounced decline of tetraonids. The results of the study emphasised the importance of roe deer as a prey of the Eurasian lynx.  相似文献   

The pattern and process of seasonal changes in an intertidal annual algal assemblage were examined at Hiura, northern Japan. Short-term field experiments (<2months duration) were set up to quantify the effects of both grazing and pre-emption on species replacement in the assemblage in three different seasons. An 8-month field experiment was set up to quantify long-term effects, including the indirect effects of both grazing and competitive dominance on the community structure. Results suggested that seasonal change in the algal assemblage resulted from the interaction of abiotic environmental change, competition and grazing. The relative contribution of these factors varied within a short period, presumably as a result of seasonal changes in physical environmental stress, free space availability and grazing pressure. From February to March, when grazer density was low and there was much free space available for algae, the dominant species shifted from foliose green alga Monostroma angicava to filamentous red alga Bangia atropurpurea, because B.atropurpurea grew faster than M.angicava. This species replacement was not influenced strongly by biological interaction but by temporal changes in abiotic environmental conditions. From April to mid May, when there was less free space available for algae in the natural community, the dominant B.atropurpurea decreased with increasing foliose red alga Porphyra yezoensis, because only P.yezoensis was able to invade an area pre-empted by algae. Grazing did not affect this species replacement. After mid May, the two dominant species, P.yezoensis and B.atropurpurea, decreased. Their decline was mainly caused by desiccation stress and was partially affected by grazing.  相似文献   

Sieving efficiency, defined as the percent increase in yield of numbers or biomass of organisms, obtained by use of a sieve with 0-25-mm mesh openings instead of a 0-50-mm meshed sieve, was investigated in a lotic habitat over a 12-month period. Greatest elficiencies obtained were 300 to 600% for mayflies, chironomids, simuliids, ‘other dipterans,’ water mites and plecopterans and 90 and 190% for trichopterans and coleopterans, respectively. For the fauna as a whole, efficiency varied from 95 to 325% over the study period. Efficiency in estimating biomass was not as great as that with numbers and generally was below 10% for trichopterans. mayflies, ‘other dipterans’, coleopterans and the fauna taken as a whole. For chironomids, simuliids and water mites efficiencies generally were higher than 10% and reached as high as 174%, 60% and 80%, respectively. In all groups efficiency varies throughout the year with lowest occurring during winter months. The findings are compared with data found in the literature and discussed in relation to structural, behavioural, and life history characters.  相似文献   

Changes in the genetic structure and genotypic variation of the aphid Sitobion avenae collected from cereal crops in northern France were examined by analysing variation at five microsatellite loci across several years and seasons. Little regional and temporal differentiation was detected, as shown by very low FST among populations. Repeated genotypes, significant heterozygote deficits, positive FIS values and frequent linkage disequilibria were found in nearly all samples, suggesting an overall pattern of reproductive mode variation in S. avenae populations. In addition, samples from Brittany (Bretagne) showed greater signs of asexual reproduction than those from the north of France, indicating a trend toward increasing sexuality northward. These patterns of reproductive variation in S. avenae are consistent with theoretical models of selection of aphid reproductive modes by climate. Contrasting with little changes in allelic frequencies, genotypic composition varied substantially in time and, to a lesser extent, in space. An important part of changes in genotypic arrays was due to the variation in frequency distribution of common genotypes, i.e. those that were found at several instances in the samples. Genotypic composition was also shown to vary according to climate, as genotypic diversity in spring was significantly correlated with the severity of the previous winter and autumn. We propose that the genetic homogeneity among S. avenae populations shown here across large temporal and spatial scales is the result of two forces: (i) migration conferred by high dispersal capabilities, and (ii) selection over millions of hectares of cereals (mostly wheat) bred from a narrow genetic base.  相似文献   

Many animals change their diet during the season according to food availability. The current field study determined whether the groundhopper Tetrix tenuicornis (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae), which specializes on moss and detritus, changes its diet during the season under conditions in which food components are constantly available. Dietary differences of T. tenuicornis were studied through the season, from May to October, by alimentary tract analyses. Detritus and moss (phylloids) dominated the alimentary tract contents, and other components were found in only minor amounts. The diversity of moss species in the alimentary tract varied during the season, and more moss species were consumed in spring and summer than in autumn. Diet was affected by developmental stage, sex (females consumed more food than males), population and abiotic factors. The rate at which detritus was consumed was significantly affected by the ambient temperature but the rate at which moss was consumed was mainly affected by relative humidity. Later instars consumed greater amounts of detritus than younger instars, and this difference corresponded to body size.  相似文献   

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