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The development of molecular techniques for the study of uncultured bacteria allowed the extensive study of the widespread association between insects and intracellular symbiotic bacteria. Most of the bacterial endosymbionts involved in such associations are gamma-proteobacteria, closely related to Escherichia coli. In recent years, five genomes from insect endosymbionts have been sequenced, allowing the performance of extensive genome comparative analysis that, as a complement of phylogenetic studies, and analysis on individual genes, can help to understand the different traits of this particular association, including how the symbiotic process is established, the explanation of the special features of these microbial genomes, the bases of this intimate association and the possible future that awaits the endosymbionts with extremely reduced genomes.  相似文献   

Two-component systems (TCSs) are diverse and abundant signal transduction pathways found predominantly in prokaryotes. This review focuses on insights into TCS evolution made possible by the sequencing of whole prokaryotic genomes. Typical TCSs comprise an autophosphorylating protein (a histidine kinase), which transfers a phosphoryl group onto an effector protein (a response regulator), thus modulating its activity. Histidine kinases and response regulators are usually found encoded as pairs of adjacent genes within a genome, with multiple examples in most prokaryotes. Recent studies have shed light on major themes of TCS evolution, including gene duplication, gene gain/loss, gene fusion/fission, domain gain/loss, domain shuffling and the emergence of complexity. Coupled with an understanding of the structural and biophysical properties of many TCS proteins, it has become increasingly possible to draw inferences regarding the functional consequences of such evolutionary changes. In turn, this increase in understanding has the potential to enhance both our ability to rationally engineer TCSs, and also allow us to more powerfully correlate TCS evolution with behavioural phenotypes and ecological niche occupancy.  相似文献   

Partitioning of low-copy-number plasmids to daughter cells often depends on ParA and ParB proteins acting on centromere-like parS sites. Similar chromosome-encoded par loci likely also contribute to chromosome segregation. Here, we used bioinformatic approaches to search for chromosomal parS sites in 400 prokaryotic genomes. Although the consensus sequence matrix used to search for parS sites was derived from two gram-positive species, putative parS sites were identified on the chromosomes of 69% of strains from all branches of bacteria. Strains that were not found to contain parS sites clustered among relatively few branches of the prokaryotic evolutionary tree. In the vast majority of cases, parS sites were identified in origin-proximal regions of chromosomes. The widespread conservation of parS sites across diverse bacteria suggests that par loci evolved very early in the evolution of bacterial chromosomes and that the absence of parS, parA, and/or parB in certain strains likely reflects the loss of one of more of these loci much later in evolution. Moreover, the highly conserved origin-proximal position of parS suggests par loci are primarily devoted to regulating processes that involve the origin region of bacterial chromosomes. In species containing multiple chromosomes, the parS sites found on secondary chromosomes diverge significantly from those found on their primary chromosomes, suggesting that chromosome segregation of multipartite genomes requires distinct replicon-specific par loci. Furthermore, parS sites on secondary chromosomes are not well conserved among different species, suggesting that the evolutionary histories of secondary chromosomes are more diverse than those of primary chromosomes.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic analysis of seven different species (human, mouse, rat, worm, fly, yeast, and plant) utilizing all (541) basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) genes identified, including expressed sequence tags (EST), was performed. A super-tree involving six clades and a structural categorization involving the entire coding sequence was established. A nomenclature was developed based on clade distribution to discuss the functional and ancestral relationships of all the genes. The position/location of specific genes on the phylogenetic tree in relation to known bHLH factors allows for predictions of the potential functions of uncharacterized bHLH factors, including EST's. A genomic analysis using microarrays for four different mouse cell types (i.e. Sertoli, Schwann, thymic, and muscle) was performed and considered all known bHLH family members on the microarray for comparison. Cell-specific groups of bHLH genes helped clarify those bHLH genes potentially involved in cell specific differentiation. This phylogenetic and genomic analysis of the bHLH gene family has revealed unique aspects of the evolution and functional relationships of the different genes in the bHLH gene family.  相似文献   

The basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor family in Bombyx mori   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Ro-associated Y RNAs in metazoans: evolution and diversification   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Y genes encode small noncoding RNAs whose functions remain elusive, whose numbers vary between species, and whose major property is to be bound by the Ro60 protein (or its ortholog in other species). To better understand the evolution of the Y gene family, we performed a homology search in 27 different genomes along with a structural search using Y RNA specific motifs. These searches confirmed that Y RNAs are well conserved in the animal kingdom and resulted in the detection of several new Y RNA genes, including the first Y RNAs in insects and a second Y RNA detected in Caenorhabditis elegans. Unexpectedly, Y5 genes were retrieved almost as frequently as Y1 and Y3 genes, and, consequently are not the result of a relatively recent apparition as is generally believed. Investigation of the organization of the Y genes demonstrated that the synteny was conserved among species. Interestingly, it revealed the presence of six putative "fossil" Y genes, all of which were Y4 and Y5 related. Sequence analysis led to inference of the ancestral sequences for all Y RNAs. In addition, the evolution of existing Y RNAs was deduced for many families, orders and classes. Moreover, a consensus sequence and secondary structure for each Y species was determined. Further evolutionary insight was obtained from the analysis of several thousand Y retropseudogenes among various species. Taken together, these results confirm the rich and diversified evolution history of Y RNAs.  相似文献   



Completed genomes and environmental genomic sequences are bringing a significant contribution to understanding the evolution of gene families, microbial metabolism and community eco-physiology. Here, we used comparative genomics and phylogenetic analyses in conjunction with enzymatic data to probe the evolution and functions of a microbial nitrilase gene family. Nitrilases are relatively rare in bacterial genomes, their biological function being unclear.  相似文献   

Maize R gene family: tissue-specific helix-loop-helix proteins   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
S R Ludwig  S R Wessler 《Cell》1990,62(5):849-851



Synapsins are neuronal phosphoproteins involved in several functions correlated with both neurotransmitter release and synaptogenesis. The comprehension of the basal role of the synapsin family is hampered in vertebrates by the existence of multiple synapsin genes. Therefore, studying homologous genes in basal chordates, devoid of genome duplication, could help to achieve a better understanding of the complex functions of these proteins.  相似文献   

动物起源和寒武纪大爆发是生命史上重要的演化创新事件。为展示相关领域的最新进展, 特组织主题为“动物起源和寒武纪大爆发”的论文专辑。作为专辑序言, 本文概述了动物起源和寒武纪大爆发领域的科学意义和当前研究趋势, 并简要介绍了本专辑的内容。专辑包含了来自13个研究单位共42位作者的12篇论文, 包括特约综述论文1篇和研究论文11篇。专辑不仅评述了相关领域的现状和未来发展趋势, 也展示了我国学者在该领域取得的部分新进展。这些进展涉及华南和华北数个特异埋藏化石库, 比如埃迪卡拉纪石板滩生物群、寒武纪宽川铺生物群和寒武纪凯里生物群等, 并涵盖了海绵动物、刺细胞动物、腕足动物、三叶虫和双瓣壳类节肢动物以及分类位置尚不明确的疑难动物化石等诸多类群。  相似文献   

Systematic comparison of the current repertoire of virulence-associated genes for three Pseudomonas syringae strains with complete genome sequences, P. syringae pv. tomato DC3,000, P. syringae pv. phaseolicola 1448A, and P. syringae pv. syringae B728a, is prompted by recent advances in virulence factor identification in P. syringae and other bacteria. Among these are genes linked to epiphytic fitness, plant- and insect-active toxins, secretion pathways, and virulence regulators, all reflected in the recently updated DC3,000 genome annotation. Distribution of virulence genes in relation to P. syringae genome organization was analyzed to distinguish patterns of conservation among genomes and association between genes and mobile genetic elements. Variable regions were identified on the basis of deviation in sequence composition and gaps in syntenic alignment among the three genomes. Mapping gene location relative to the genome structure revealed strong segregation of the HrpL regulon with variable genome regions (VR), divergent distribution patterns for toxin genes depending on association with plant or insect pathogenesis, and patterns of distribution for other virulence genes that highlight potential sources of strain-to-strain differences in host interaction. Distribution of VR among other sequenced bacterial genomes was analyzed and future plans for characterization of this potential reservoir of virulence genes are discussed.  相似文献   

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