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Banding in Human Chromosomes treated with Trypsin   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
THE differential staining properties of the Giemsa stain were first observed by Pardue and Gall1. They were studying in situ hybridization between mouse satellite DNA and mouse chromosomes and observed that following certain pretreatment the centromeric regions of mouse chromosomes were more densely stained by Giemsa stain than other regions. The darkly stained regions were considered to consist of constitutive heterochromatin. Similar observations were later made on human chromosomes by Arrighi and Hsu2 and Gagné et al.3. Through modifications of the original methods used in the DNA hybridization work, techniques have been developed which make each chromosome identifiable4–6.  相似文献   

Douglas fir plantlets have been produced by tissue culture.Karyotypes of seedlings and plantlets were prepared from roottip squash preparations using standard histological procedures.Adiploidchromosome number of 26 was common to both. The relative lengths of seedling and plantlet chromosomes werefound to be similar. The frequency of occurrences of secondaryconstrictions was found to be high in chromosomes three andten. Giemsa staining was successfully used to distinguish uniquechromosomal banding patterns in seedlings and plantlets. Pseradotsuga menziesii, Douglas fir, chromosomes, giemsa staining  相似文献   

The karyotype analysis and the Giemsa banding in Daghestan Sweetclover were carried out. The result shows that the chromosome number in each somatic cell is 2n=16. The formulas of karyotype and banding pattern are therfore 2n=16=12m+ 2sm+2sm(SAT) and 2n=16=8C+4CT++2CT++2CTN, respectively.  相似文献   

Denaturation by heating in distilled water at 85-100 C for 30 seconds results in color changes of Giemsa stained chromatin. Standard cytogenetical preparations from lymphoid tissues of normal and leukemic mice show violet-purple chromasoma After denaturation in the presence of formaldehyde deep blue chromosomes are observed. Rapid cooling of heat-denatured slides results in chromosomes with violet-purple centromeric heterochromatin and pale blue or pale violet-blue arms. The color difference disappears when heating is followed by incubation at 65 C. In this case only differences in staining intensity are found between centromeric heteruchromatin and arms.  相似文献   

The Giemsa banding technique used by Fiskesjo in Allium cepa (1974) was modified, and used successfully in band showing of Vicia faba, Secale cereale, Zea mays. Hordeum vulgare, Triticum aestivum, and Triticale. The C-banding characteristics of these crops have been analysed.The band showing effects of ItSG method have been compared with those of BSG method.The banding conditions in plant chromosomes have been discussed.  相似文献   

Giemsa dye is a complex mixture containing methylene blue, its oxidation products-azure Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, and their eosinate. The results of our experiments have demonstrated that staining with methylene blue alone can give a faint trace of banding as well as azure Ⅰ, Ⅱ. No bands are obtained with eosin. Nevertheless, good chromosome bandings can be often produced by staining with methylene blue-eosinate or azure Ⅱ-eosinate. These data indicate that eosinate has an important effect for the formation of C-banding on plant chromosomes. In our experiments, the treatments of chromosomes with trypsin or papain have also resulted in good C-banding pattern when slides are stained with Giemsa. We found that the slides untreated with proteinase showed homogeneous intense chromosome staining and, on the contrary, the slides treated with proteinase led to palestaining chromosomes and presenting bandings. It has shown that proteinase, especially trypsin, not only can remove a large amount of chromosomal protein but also can remove DNA and results in C-bandings. Treated properly with trypsin and followed by the Feulgen staining, chromosomes can also produce the C-bandings, but chromosomes treated overtime with trypsin are stained more palely in Feulgen reaction or lead to colourlessness. The above results have further proved that trypsin technique removes large amounts of chromosome DNA and removes less from the C-band regions than from the non-band regions. In this paper we mainly discussed the effects of protein on mechanism of plant chromosome banding. We consider that the production of plant C-banding is probably due to the differential accessibility of nucleoprotein between euehromatin and heteroehromatin regions. It brings about selective removal of nucleoprotein from the chromosome arms. We have compared the effect of trypsin with papain and pepsin on producing bands. Good bands are produced by Giemsa staining chromosomes with trypsin, but no bands are obtained by staining chromosomes treated with pepsin. So the results have expressed that histones are possibly playing more important role in C-bandings.  相似文献   

The Giemsa C-banding technique has been used in this paper for analysis of chromosome banding pattern, and the changes of the chromosome structures of irradiated rye and wheat-rye were identified preliminarily. Heterochromatin polymorphism of rye was also discussed.  相似文献   

The fluorescent bands produced in chromosomes by quinacrine derivatives, although highly acid-labile, have been shown to be resistant to digestion by snail gut cytase. This enzyme may therefore be used to soften plant root-tips and so facilitate the production of flat, unbroken mitotic-metaphase plates for fluorescent-banding studies. The roots are fixed in 3:1 absolute alcohol:glacial acetic acid then thoroughly washed in water. The washed roots are then dipped in undiluted cytase and digested for either 2 hrs at room temperature or overnight in a domestic refrigerator. Next they are squashed on a slide and stained in 0.5% aqueous quinacrine hydrochloride for 10-15 minutes at pH 6.2. After washing in three changes of water they are mounted in water. The coverslips are sealed on with clear nail varnish.  相似文献   

A rapid method was devised specifically for the cytological identification of translocations in the male mouse at late prophase to metaphase of meiotic division I, but the method should be useful for less specific objectives requiring examination of mammalian testicular material. For the adult mouse, masses of tubules from a single testis, freed of the testicular tunic, are placed in 3 ml of 0.7% sodium citrate for 15-20 min, and subsequently fixed in 50% acetic acid by the addition of 3 ml of glacial acetic acid to the hypotonic citrate. To facilitate handling of individual tubules by preserving their visible structure, the addition of fixative is at a rate which is grossly adjusted so that 2 ml will have been added at the end of 30 sec and the remaining 1 ml by the end of a minute. A single fixed tubule 1-2 cm long is placed lengthwise on a slide and covered with a drop of lactic-acetic orcein made as follows: Add 2 gm of synthetic orcein (G. T. Gurr) to a mixture of 50.0 ml of glacial acetic acid, 42.5 ml of 85% lactic acid, and 7.5 ml of distilled water. After staining for 10 min, a 22 × 50 mm cover slip is placed over the tubule, and it is allowed to stain for an additional 10 min. The majority of germinal cells will not be in late prophase or metaphase of the first meiotic division, therefore many preparations will be useless; however, slides with division figures are radidly selected as follows: Before squashing, examine under a microscope at a magnification of 150, and upon recognition of a single meiotic division, remove the slide and squash the preparation for subsequent detailed examination. As a consequence of the spermatogenic wave that progresses along the length of a tubule, a given slide will usually have many division figures or none at all, hence the limitation of 1 tubule per slide facilitates efficient discarding. Preliminary work with the Chinese hamster suggests that good preparations might be obtained from testes of various mammals when the volume of hypotonic solution is adjusted so as to compensate for varying testicular sizes by maintaining a 15:1 ratio of fluid to estimated volume of tissue.  相似文献   

Sen Pathak  A. Dean Stock 《Genetics》1974,78(2):703-714
A comparison of the Giemsa-banding patterns of the X chromosomes in various mammalian species including man indicates that two major bands (A and B), which are resistant to trypsin and urea-treatments, are always present irrespective of the gross morphology of the X chromosomes. This is true in all mammalian species with the "original or standard type" X chromosomes (5-6% of the haploid genome) thus far analyzed. In the unusually large-sized X chromosomes the extra chromosomal material may be due either to the addition of genetically inert constitutive heterochromatin or to an X-autosome translocation. In these X chromosomes two major bands are present in the actual X-chromosome segment. Our data on C and G band patterns also support Ohno's hypothesis that the mammalian X chromosome is extremely conservative in its genetic content, in spite of its cytogenetic variability.  相似文献   

本文报道了1种新的鱼类染色体研究方法——限制性内切酶显带技术。我们应用限制性内切酶Bsp631等分别对黄鳝和长春鳊的染色体进行显带处理,结果表明,Bsp631能使这两种鱼的染色体发生稳定的带纹分化:适度的处理产生多重的G-带状带型,而过度的处理则产生特殊的限制性内切酶抗性带型。根据显带结果分析,我们对鱼类染色体限制性内切酶显带的可行性和实用价值进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Lampbrush chromosome preparations from the newt species Triturus marmoratus have been submitted to a banding procedure by using a Giemsa stain technique (C-banding) as well as variants of the method. Centromeres, most of telomeres, the nucleolus organizing region and some segments along the chromosome axes appear to be differently stained. The centromere positions have been indicated on the maps of the lampbrush complement of the species. The possible relationships between banding and chromosome structure and organization are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

During the DNA replications involved in polyploidization orpolytenization in Drosophila cells, not all DNA sequences arereplicated to the same extent. Cytological studies have demonstratedthat certain chromosome regions, such as the a-heterochromatin,are in some cells under-replicated and in other cells not replicatedat all. Similarly, such DNA fractions as the highly repeatedsatellite DNAs are also under- or non-replicated in polyploidand polytene cells. The genes for rRNA in polytene cells replicateone to three rounds less than the euchromatic DNA and are capableof differential synthesis to compensate for deficiencies. Thedifferential replication of DNA sequences indicates that thereis regulation of DNA replication at a level intermediate betweenthe replicon and the entire genome. Chromosomes of terminallydifferentiated polyploid or polytene cells have several domainsof DNA sequences, which in replication are controlled as units.This paper, which reviews the literature on differential replicationof DNA in Drosophila, discusses possible controls over thisprocess.  相似文献   

Differential Giemsa staining techniques have been used to stain kinetochores in meiotic chromosomes of two higher plants. Using these techniques it has been possible to follow changes in kinetochore behavior and appearance through meiosis.  相似文献   

A procedure is described which enables a stain to be definitely located in the substance of the nucleolus. Material is fixed in either Navashin or Levitsky; the chromatin is stained by means of the improved Feulgen technic introduced by de Tomasi, and preparations brought thru the washing solutions down to distilled water. From distilled water the material is transferred to a mordant solution, 5% sodium carbonate in water, in which it is left for at least one hour. After mordanting wash well with water then stain for ten minutes in light green solution (90% alcohol, 100 cc, light green SFY, 0.5 g, aniline oil, 2 drops, well shaken); differentiate in alcoholic sodium carbonate solution, (70% alcohol saturated with carbonate); treat with 95% alcohol, absolute alcohol, equal parts xylene and absolute alcohol, clear in pure dry xylene and mount in neutral balsam. Cytoplasm and karyolymph should be quite clear, with magenta chromatin and well defined green nucleoli. The light green does not behave like a simple counterstain as in previous technics but as a definite stain for nucleolar material.  相似文献   


In just half a century since the human diploid chromosome number was correctly identified as 46, there has been a rapid expansion in our understanding of both the genetic foundation of normal human development and the development of various constitutional and acquired abnormalities. The ability to detect numerical and structural chromosomal abnormalities was made possible by the Giemsa stain. Despite the recent advent of powerful molecular-based cytogenetic techniques (e.g., fluorescence in situ hybridization, array-based comparative genomic hybridization), Giemsa-based chromosomal banding and staining techniques retain their crucial role in cytogenetics.  相似文献   

Klaus Hägele 《Chromosoma》1977,59(3):207-216
Two Giemsa banding methods (C banding and RB banding) are described which selectively stain the centromere bands of polytene salivary gland chromosomes in a number of Chironomus species. — By the C banding method the polytene chromosome appearance is changed grossly. Chromosome bands, as far as they are identifiable, are stained pale with the exception of the centromere bands and in some cases telomeres, which then are intensely stained reddish blue. — By the RB method the centromere bands are stained bright blue, whereas the remainder of the polytene bands stain red to red-violet. — Contrary to all other species examined, in Chironomus th. thummi numerous interstitial polytene chromosome bands, in addition to the centromere regions, are positively C banded and blue stained by RB banding. In the hybrid of Ch. th. thummi x Ch. th. piger only those interstitial thummi bands which are known to have a greater DNA content than their homologous piger bands are C banding positive and blue stained by the RB method whereas the homologous piger bands are C banding negative and red stained by RB banding. Ch. thummi and piger bands with an equal amount of DNA both show no C banding and stain red by RB banding. — It seems that the Giemsa banding methods used are capable of demonstrating, in addition to centromeric heterochromatin, heterochromatin in those interstitial polytene chromosome bands whose DNA content has been increased during chromosome evolution.  相似文献   

The treatment of termite male spermatogonia with actinomycin D induces highly elongated and finely banded late prophase and prometaphase chromosomes as evidenced by the silver staining method. Actinomycin D suppresses the silver staining of nucleolar organizing regions in prometaphase and reduces it in metaphase chromosomes.  相似文献   

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