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Summary The distribution of cholinesterases in hypothalamo-hypophysial neurosecretory system of the White-crowned Sparrow has been examined histochemically. The perikarya of the neurosecretory cells of the paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei have a high acetylcholinesterase activity. Acetylcholinesterase activity also occurs in the cells of the infundibular nucleus. The proximal parts of the axons of the cells of the neurosecretory and infundibular nuclei have strong acetylcholinesterase activity and weak non-specific cholinesterase activity. In the median eminence, the activity of acetylcholinesterase is strongest in the palisade layer. In the pars nervosa, there is definite, although weak, acetylcholinesterase activity.This investigation was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health to Professor Farner (B-1353) and to Dr. Kobayashi (A-3678).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In den Ovarien der Säugetiere und des Menschen wachsen und reifen die Eizellen ohne Beziehung zum follikulären Zyklus. Eizellen, die in der Östrusphase in sprungreif gewordenen Follikeln in die Reifeteilungen treten, gelangen bei der Ruptur der Follikel in die Tube. Eizellen in nicht sprungreif gewordenen Follikeln gehen am Ende ihrer Wachstumsperiode, in einem Stadium der Reifeteilung oder, nachdem sich das Ei in mehrere Teile zerschnürt hat, mit den atresierenden Follikeln zugrunde. Es wurden untersucht: Ratte, Maus, Meerschweinchen, Kaninchen, Hund, Katze, Rhesusaffe und Mensch.  相似文献   

Twice a year, normally diurnal songbirds engage in long-distance nocturnal migrations between their wintering and breeding grounds. If and how songbirds sleep during these periods of increased activity has remained a mystery. We used a combination of electrophysiological recording and neurobehavioral testing to characterize seasonal changes in sleep and cognition in captive white-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii) across nonmigratory and migratory seasons. Compared to sparrows in a nonmigratory state, migratory sparrows spent approximately two-thirds less time sleeping. Despite reducing sleep during migration, accuracy and responding on a repeated-acquisition task remained at a high level in sparrows in a migratory state. This resistance to sleep loss during the prolonged migratory season is in direct contrast to the decline in accuracy and responding observed following as little as one night of experimenter-induced sleep restriction in the same birds during the nonmigratory season. Our results suggest that despite being adversely affected by sleep loss during the nonmigratory season, songbirds exhibit an unprecedented capacity to reduce sleep during migration for long periods of time without associated deficits in cognitive function. Understanding the mechanisms that mediate migratory sleeplessness may provide insights into the etiology of changes in sleep and behavior in seasonal mood disorders, as well as into the functions of sleep itself.  相似文献   

Summary An attempt was made to correlate functional changes in the neurohypophysis of the White-crowned Sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii, with morphologic features on the light- and electron-microscope levels. The aldehyde-fuchsin-staining anterior median eminence possesses essentially the same ultrastructural features as the non-staining posterior median eminence. The axon terminals are characterized by the presence of a large number of small vesicles (approximately 400 Å in diameter) and occasional electron-dense granules. The more-or-less depleted anterior median eminence occasionally evident in the photosensitive bird showing testicular development is indistinguishable ultrastructurally from the more intensely staining median eminence generally characteristic of the photorefractory bird. In the median eminence, stainability and functional state do not seem to be correlated with changes in the type, size or number of vesicles. A slight increase in the number of granules was noted in the photorefractory bird but this was considered insufficient basis to account for differences in stainability.The pars nervosa, on the other hand, responded to osmotic stimuli (saline drinking water) by loss of stainability and decrease in numbers of elementary neurosecretory granules. Small vesicles are also present in the pars nervosa axon terminals, but are intermingled with neurosecretory granules in normal birds. Acute-osmotic birds, however, had axon terminals almost entirely occupied by small vesicles.It is to be emphasized that the pars nervosa and the median eminence are two structurally very different regions of the neurohypophysis. The basis for aldehyde-fuchsin staining in the median eminence appears to differ from that in the pars nervosa. The implications of these findings are considered in regard to hypothalamic control over gonadotropic activity in the White-crowned Sparrow.Dedicated to Professor Dr. W. Bargmann in honor of his 60th birthday.This investigation was supported by grant GB-2484 from the National Science Foundation to Professor Bern, grant GB-2819 from the National Science Foundation to Professor Mewaldt, and grant NB-01353 from the National Institutes of Health to Professor Farner. The authors wish to express their appreciation of the technical assistance of Mrs. Irene Brown, Mr. John Butchart, Sally S. Kibby, Mrs. Carol Nicoll, and Mr. John Striffler. Mrs. Emily Reid kindly prepared the histograms.  相似文献   

Summary The development of the hypophysial portal system has been studied in 35 embryos and 45 nestlings of the White-crowned Sparrow. The primordium of the hypophysis is vascularized by the infundibular (primary) capillary plexus, supplied by the right and left infundibular arteries, which, in the embryo, are constant branches of the right and left internal carotid arteries.The cellular proliferation and differentiation of the pars distalis into rostral and caudal lobes is accompanied by a penetration of portal vessels from the infundibular (primary) capillary plexus into these lobes beginning on the fifth day of incubation. The cellular proliferation of the rostral lobe of the pars distalis and development of the rostral group of the portal vessels precedes that of the caudal lobe of the pars distalis and the development of the caudal group of the portal vessels.The periglandular vessels, which originate in younger embryos from the infundibular (primary) capillary plexus, apparently become a part of the portal vessels.The portal vessels are the sole blood supply to the developing pars distalis of the White-crowned Sparrow; there is no evidence of a direct arterial supply at anytime during embryonic development. The neural-lobe artery appears at the end of incubation as a secondary branch of the right and left infundibular arteries. The rostral and caudal groups of the portal vessels are well-developed at the end of incubation (17–29 mm CRL) when aldehyde-fuchsin positive neurosecretory material first appears in the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei, in the median eminence and in the neural lobe.The differentiation of the median eminence into rostral and caudal divisions begins at the end of the nestling period although its adult form is not achieved until later. The formation of the portal zone begins at the end of incubation (17–29 mm CRL) and is completed by the time of fledging.Dedicated to Professor Dr. W. Bargmann in honor of his 60th birthday.The investigations reported herein were supported by a research grant (HE 07240 NEUA) from the National Institutes of Health to Professor Vitums, by funds for biological and medical research made available by State of Washington Initiative Measure No 171 to Professor Vitums, by a research grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to Professor Oksche, by aresearch grant (NB 01353) from the National Institutes of Health to Professor Farner, and by a Research Career Development Award from the National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases (5 K 3 AM-18,370) to Professor King. We are grateful to Professor Bargmann for his generosity in making available the facilities of the Anatomisches Institut Kiel for this investigation. We wish to thank Frau Karin Graap and Mrs. Dianne Reno for technical assistance and Miss Janice Austin for the preparation of the drawings.  相似文献   

Summary The ACTH-immunoreactive (ir) system of the avian brain is particularly conspicuous in the male white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii). The irperikaryal population is concentrated mainly within the tuberal region, projecting primarily in a dorsal direction: (i) into the striatum; (ii) into rostral diencephalic, septal, hyperstriatal, and thalamic areas; and (iii) into dorsal and ventral areas of the brain stem. Ir-fibers seemingly contact local non-immunoreactive neurons mainly in the accumbens nucleus, septum, dorsal thalamic nuclei, infundibular and interpeduncular nuclei, and in the rostral diencephalon. Neurohemal zones are not supplied by ACTH-ir terminals. Immunocytochemical problems arising from the complexity of the proopiomelanocortin molecule and its derived peptide components are discussed in relation to phylogenetically directed studies, and contradictory results.Dedicated to Professor Dr. T.H. Schiebler on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Summary The pars distalis of the adenohypophysis of normal (78), thyroideotomized (6), adrenalectomized (6), and castrated (14) White-crowned Sparrows were observed with the electron microscope. Six types of glandular cells were identified and the ultrastructural characteristics of each have been described. To each has been assigned tentatively an endocrine function.STH cells are characterized by the presence of large, dense secretory granules ranging from 220–280 m, a poorly developed endoplasmic reticulum, and a fragmented Golgi apparatus; they occur only in the caudal lobe. They show no remarkable changes after adrenalectomy, castration, and thyroidectomy.Prolactin cells, whose identity is suggested by their responses to photostimulation and surgical experiments, are characterized by large, polymorphic, dense secretory granules; they have been found mainly in the cephalic lobe.ACTH cells, whose function is confirmed by their cytological responses to adrenalectomy, have a peculiar type of secretory granule (220 m) with high and low phases of electron density. They occur exclusively in the cephalic lobe and are transformed, after adrenalectomy to large, vacuolated adrenalectomy cells.TSH cells are so designated by their response to thyroidectomy. After thyroidectomy, they lose their specific fine secretory granules and are transformed into large, vacuolated thyroidectomy cells. We have found TSH cells and thyroidectomy cells only in the cephalic lobe.Two types considered to be gonadotropic cells from their responses to gonadectomy, occur in both the cephalic and caudal lobes. One of them contains spherical, dense secretory granules (180–220 m), prominent rough endoplasmic reticulum and a well developed Golgi apparatus; the other type contains dense secretory granules of variable size (150–350 m), a less extensively developed Golgi apparatus, and sac-like endoplasmic reticulum. Both types of gonadotropic cells show extreme enlargement and vacuolization after castration. However, they retain differences in appearance in the structure of cytoplasmic organelles and vacuolization.Dedicated to Professor Dr. H. Grau in honor of his 70th birthday.The investigation reported herein was supported by a research grant (HE 07240 NEUA) from the National Institutes of Health to Professor Vitums, by a research grant (5R01 NB 06187) from the National Institutes of Health to Professor Farner, and by a scientific research grant (No. 91049) from the Ministry of Education of Japan to Professor Mikami. The authors wish to thank Professor James R. King for his assistance in obtaining and maintaining the birds, and for his helpful advice concerning the experiments.  相似文献   

S Bl?hser 《Histochemistry》1988,88(3-6):309-312
The ACTH-immunoreactive (ir) system of the avian brain is particularly conspicuous in the male white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii). The irperikaryal population is concentrated mainly within the tuberal region, projecting primarily in a dorsal direction: (i) into the striatum; (ii) into rostral diencephalic, septal, hyperstriatal, and thalamic areas; and (iii) into dorsal and ventral areas of the brain stem. Ir-fibers seemingly contact local non-immunoreactive neurons mainly in the accumbens nucleus, septum, dorsal thalamic nuclei, infundibular and interpeduncular nuclei, and in the rostral diencephalon. Neurohemal zones are not supplied by ACTH-ir terminals. Immunocytochemical problems arising from the complexity of the proopiomelanocortin molecule and its derived peptide components are discussed in relation to phylogenetically directed studies, and contradictory results.  相似文献   

Summary The angioarchitecture of the hypophysial portal system of the White-crowned Sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii, was investigated by electron microscopy in conjunction with light microscopy of serial thick sections.The small arteries or arterioles supplying the primary capillary plexus of the median eminence have the typical form of arterioles.The vessels of the primary capillary plexus, on the surface of the median eminence, with their many fenestrations and pinocytotic vesicles, are typical of the form of capillary usually found in other endocrine organs.The portal vessels in the pars tuberalis have wide perivascular spaces between the basement membrane of the endothelium and that of parenchymal lobules of the pars tuberalis. These perivascular spaces are occupied usually by the perivascular cells, but sometimes contain erythrocytes.The endothelial cells of the portal vessels often protrude into vascular lumen giving the appearance of valve-like structures. These may have a role in the regulation of blood flow.The endothelial cells of the portal vessels are invested by a definitive basement membrane and by the cytoplasm of pericytes which are oriented spirally to the longitudinal axes of the vessels. The pericytes may have a function in the mechanical support of the vascular wall and a contractile function that might regulate the flow rate of blood.The investigation reported herein was supported by a scientific research grant (No. 291049) from the Ministry of Education of Japan to Prof. Mikami; by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to Prof. Oksche; by a grant (5 ROI-NB 06817) from the National Institutes of Health to Prof. Farner, and by a research grant (5 ROI-HE 07240 NEUA) from the National Institutes of Health to Prof. Vitums.  相似文献   

Avian migration is a seasonal activity that requires intricate timing on both an annual and daily basis. With increasing evidence for endogenous regulation of daily activities in migrant species, we tested whether a circadian oscillator may be involved with the expressions of daily locomotor activities and specific behaviors of the long-distance migrant, Gambel's white-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii). Our previous studies have identified both daytime and nighttime behavioral patterns under a photoperiod of 18L:6D. In 2 separate trials, birds in the vernal migratory life-history stage were exposed to constant dim light, (DD)dim, and constant bright light, LL, while locomotor activity and behavioral observations were collected. Under (DD)dim, the daytime behaviors that included active and quiescent components observed under 18L:6D were lost as migratory restlessness, the intense nighttime activity, persisted nonstop for 36.4 h. Furthermore, the specific behaviors of migratory restlessness that are normally confined to the dark phase of 18L:6D, beak-up and beak-up flight, were expressed also during the subjective day of (DD)dim. Birds exposed to LL retained similar patterns of activity to the 18L:6D condition for 3 days, after which they became arrhythmic. Behavioral observations of intense locomotor activity observed during the subjective night of LL revealed no beak-up and beak-up flight. Thus, the complete expression of migratory restlessness that includes beak-up and beak-up flight may not be regulated by a circadian oscillator but instigated by very low light intensity. Locomotor activity and associated daytime behaviors appear to be influenced by a circadian oscillator, given their persistent patterns under LL. Therefore, we suggest that the separate components of migratory behavior are regulated differentially by a circadian oscillator and ambient lighting conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Testicular maturation, migratory restlessness (Zugunruhe) and fattening are induced in many species of birds by long day-lengths in Spring. We have tested the hypothesis that extraocular photoreceptors located in the brain are involved in mediating these photoperiodic responses in White-crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys) and Golden-crowned sparrows (Z. atricapilla). Our approach consisted in reducing the amount of light penetrating to the brain with either black India ink injected under the skin of the head (Golden-crowned sparrows) or by covering the entire head (except eyes and beak) with a black collodion hood (White-crowned sparrows). Birds treated in these ways showed significantly less testicular growth, Zugunruhe and premigratory fattening when placed under a 16L-8D photoperiod than control birds which did not have their brains shielded from light. However, even when the bird brains were shielded from light and although light intensity was close to threshold level, some testicular growth, Zugunruhe and fattening did occur. We conclude that extraocular photoreceptors are involved in the control of the three photoperiodic responses studied, but that the eyes are possibly of significance as well.Supported by NASA Headquarters grant NGR-05-020-391 to Dr. C. S. Pittendrigh  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of monoamine-oxidase and acetylcholinesterase activities in the hypothalamus of the White-crowned Sparrow has been studied in relation to the hypothalamohypophysial neurosecretory system. The enzyme activities, as revealed by the methods employed, are unaffected during photoperiodically induced testicular growth. Monoamine oxidase has a distribution distinctly different from that of the aldehyde-fuchsin positive neurosecretory material in that there is high activity in the peripheral palisade layers of both the anterior and posterior divisions of the median eminence. Intimate contact is made between these areas with the primary vessels of the hypophysial portal system. A second concentration of activity lies in a layer between the ependymal cells and the neurosecretory material of the fiber tract. In general, monoamine oxidase appears to be associated with glial elements and non-neurosecretory axons. The pars nervosa has little or no monoamine-oxidase activity. The distribution of acetylcholinesterase activity in the anterior division of the median eminence is very similar to that of the aldehyde-fuchsin positive neurosecretory neurons; however, acetylcholinesterase also occurs in the posterior division without associated neurosecretory fibers. These distribution of enzyme activities are considered in relation to possible adrenergic and cholinergic mechanisms in the median eminence.Dedicated to Professor Berta Scharrer in honor of her 60th birthday.Supported by grant NB-01353 from the National Institutes of Health to Professor Farner. This investigation was conducted while Doctor Kobayashi was a National Science Foundation Senior Foreign Scientist at Washington State University. We are indebted to Doctor Christian Da Lage, Laboratoire de Histologie, Falculté de Médecine de Paris, for the preliminary development of some of the techniques used in these investigations.  相似文献   

Summary Adenohypophyses from more than two hundred white-crowned sparrows of both sexes and different ages, and from different periods of their annual reproductive cycle, have been used for this investigation. In addition to examination of these normal birds, we have also studied the adenohypophyses of 23 castrates and 24 controls held in different photoperiodic conditions.Cytologically the pars distalis of the adenohypophysis of the white-crowned sparrow is typically avian with distinct cephalic and caudal lobes, each with characteristic cell-types.Four basic cell-types, the acidophils, basophils, amphophils, and chromophobes, have been identified in the pars distalis by means of Matsuo tetrachrome and Matsuo modified PAS-methyl blue staining methods.Three types of acidophils, orange, red, and small, are confined to the caudal lobe of the pars distalis. Their possible functions are discussed.Light basophils (PAS-light red cells) and deep basophils (PAS-deep red cells) are equally distributed in both lobes. It is suggested that basophils may be involved in gonadotropic function since their appearance correlates well with the annual gonadal cycle and photoperiodic stimulation of gonadal growth and with the results of castration.The amphophils or PAS-purple cells (aldehyde-fuchsin positive) are found only in the cephalic lobe. Their probable function is discussed.Two types of chromophobes, specific and ordinary chromophobes, have been observed. The specific chromophobes are found only in the cephalic lobe and are similar to the Kernhaufen described by Romeis (1940). The ordinary chromophobes are similar to those of the pars distalis of other avian species and of mammals.The castration cells are found in both lobes of the photosensitive castrates under natural photoperiodic conditions as well as in those subjected artificially to photostimulation (20-hour daily photoperiods). Similar cells have also been observed in the pars tuberalis of the castrated photostimulated birds.The relations of the rostral and caudal groups of the portal vessels to the cell-types found in the cephalic and caudal lobes are discussed.Dedicated to Professor Dr. Y. Kato, Department of Anatomy of the Domestic Animals, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, and to President Dr. H. Mimura, Shinshu University, Matsumoto, Japan, in honor of their retirement.The investigation reported herein was supported by a research grant (5RO 1-HEO7240 NEUA) from the National Institutes of Health to Professor Vitums, by funds for biological and medical research made available by State of Washington Initiative Measure No. 171 to Professor Vitums; by a Research Career Development Award (5K3 AM-18, 370) from the National Institutes of Arthritis and Metabolic Diseases to Professor King; and by a research grant (5RO 1 NB 06 187) from the National Institutes of Health to Professor Farner. The senior author is greatful to Professor Dr. Hideo Murai and Doctor Yasukuni Watanabe, Department of Animal Science, Shinshu University,Ina,Japan, for their cooperation and support in this investigation. We wish to thank Mrs. Sumiko Sumida for technical assistance, and Miss Kathleen Reinhardt for the preparation of the drawings.  相似文献   

Summary The fine structures of the neurons and neuropils of the magnocellular supraoptic nucleus and the parvocellular nuclei of the rostral hypothalamus, including the suprachiasmatic and medial, lateral and periventricular preoptic nuclei, and the neuronal apparatus of the organum vasculosum laminae terminalis, have been examined in the male White-crowned Sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii, by correlated light and electron microscopy.The magnocellular supraoptic nucleus is characterized by large neurosecretory perikarya which contain a well developed Golgi complex and densecored granules 1,500–2,200 Å in diameter. The neuropil displays axons, dendrites and glial fibers. Some axonal profiles contain dense-cored vesicles 800–1,000 Å in diameter and clear vesicles 500 Å in diameter. Axo-somatic and axo-dendritic synapses are conspicuous in this nuclear region.The suprachiasmatic nucleus is characterized by an accumulation of small neurons with moderately developed cellular organelles and some dense-cored granules, approximately 1,000 Å in diameter. The profiles of axons within the neuropil contain dense-cored granules 800–1,000 Å in diameter and clear vesicles 500 Å in diameter.The neurons of the medial preoptic nucleus are relatively large and exhibit well developed cellular organelles and dense-cored granules 1,300 to 1,500 Å in diameter. Granular materials are formed within the Golgi complex. The medial preoptic nucleus is rich in secretory perikarya.Occasionally, neurons with granules 1,500–2,200 Å in diameter are encountered in the lateral preoptic and periventricular preoptic nuclei. They may be considered as scattered elements of the magnocellular (supraoptic and paraventricular) system.The organum vasculosum laminae terminalis consists of three layers, i.e., ependymal, internal and external zones, and exhibits a vascular arrangement similar to that of the median eminence. The perikarya of the parvocellular neurons and their axons in the internal zone contain numerous secretory granules ranging from 1,300 to 1,500 Å in diameter.This investigation was supported by Grant No. 5R040 Japan-U.S. Cooperative Science Program of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science to Professor H. Kobayashi and Professor S.-I. Mikami, by a Scientific Research Grant No. 56019 from the Ministry of Education of Japan to S.-I. Mikami, by support from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Schwerpunktprogramm Biologie der Zeitmessung) to Prof. A. Oksche and by Grant No. GF 33334, U.S.-Japan Cooperative Science Program of the National Science Foundation to Prof. D.S. Farner.Herrn Professor Dr. Dres h.c. Wolfgang Bargmann zu seinem 70. Geburtstag am 27. Januar 1976 gewidmet.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the parvocellular tuberal nuclei and that of the ependyma bordering the third ventricle in the basal hypothalamus of the White-crowned Sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii, have been investigated. Photoperiodically stimulated birds have been compared with birds held on short days. The perikarya of the neurons of the basal infundibular (tuberal) nucleus, and in part, of the more dorsal layers, contain dense-cored granules (1000-1500 A). The granules in the anterior part of the nucleus are somewhat larger than those of the posterior part. The synapses and the synaptic relationships of these cells are described. The single-layered ependyma of the third ventricle in the basal hypothalamus may be divided into the dorsal typical ependyma, the ventrolateral "glandular" ependyma, and the ventral "glandular" ependyma. Cells of the ventral ependyma lack apical cilia but bear a few microvillous processes. They have well-developed Golgi apparatus, conspicuous polysomes, and frequently dense, irregularly-shaped granules. Basal cytoplasmic processes extend ventrally to the outer surface of the median eminence. Photoperiodic stimulation appears to increase the numbers of apical protrusions of the cells in the ventral glandular ependyma and to cause an increase in size of the nerve cells of the basal infundibular nucleus.  相似文献   

Summary In the adenohypophysis of Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii two types of cells with butylcholinesterase(BuChE) activity can be demonstrated histochemically. Type I occurs in the cephalic lobe of the pars distalis and in the pars tuberalis; it consists of oval and round cells. It is a distinctive cell type that is identical with the amphophilic cells described by Matsuo, Vitums, King and Farner (1969). Whereas castration or inhibition of thyroid gland activity causes only minor changes in these cells, blocking of adrenal cortex activity, or adrenalectomy, causes conspicuous hyperplasia and hypertrophy suggesting that these cells are involved in the production or release of ACTH. The second type, which occurs in both cephalic and caudal lobes, consists mostly of irregularly formed cells. Various observations indicate that it is a composite group, consisting, at least in part, of degenerating cells.These investigations were supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health (S ROI NB 06812) and the National Science Foundation (GB 5969) to Professor Farner.  相似文献   

To assess the role of the hypothalamo-hypophysial complex in the control of photoperiodically induced vernal premigratory responses in the White-crowned Sparrow, the effects of hypothalamic lesions and systemic administration of several hormones on these responses were investigated. Lesions that destroyed the posterior median eminence (PME) or the entire median eminence (ME) inhibited photoperiodically induced testicular growth, premigratory fattening and Zugunruhe. Lesions in the basal infundibular nucleus (IN) that resulted in complete inhibition of testicular growth abolished Zugunruhe, but allowed varying degrees of fattening. The systemic administration of prolactin, testosterone propionate (TP) or the combination thereof in the PME-lesioned birds induced fattening similar to that observed in photostimulated controls but did not induce Zugunruhe. It is concluded that testosterone and prolactin are the most important hormones involved in the control of vernal premigratory fattening. The role of these hormones in the induction of vernal Zugunruhe is not positively proven.  相似文献   

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