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性别决定基因(Sex region of Y chromosome, 人类以SRY,小鼠以Sry表示)的研究进展是近几年来人类在性别决定,性别分化研究中获得的最大的突破性成果,该文从SRY(Sry)发现前关于性别决定因子的研究,SRY(Sry)的确定,小鼠Sry的结构研究,小鼠Sry的表达研究及Sry下游基因的确定等5个方面对小鼠Sry的研究进展进行综述,对进一步深入研究Sry下游基因存在的瓶颈问题人了一定的分析,并提出核移植技术可能对研究Sry的调节及其下游基因所需的特殊实验材料展现了新的希望。  相似文献   

SOX9基因与性别决定的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王毅 《生命的化学》2000,20(2):70-71
1 .性别决定简介[1~ 5 ]哺乳动物包括人类的性别决定问题一直是科学史上的一个难解之谜。科学家们经过异常艰苦的研究才逐步揭开性别决定的神秘面纱。位于男性Y染色体上的SRY(sexde termingregionofYchromosome)基因是当前被确定的睾丸决定因子 (TDF)的主要侯选基因 ,它是哺乳动物中睾丸发育的主要诱导者。SRY基因编码的蛋白质含有与DNA结合的模体 ,称为HMG盒 (与高速泳动类蛋白质相关的一种模体 )。HMG盒存在于很多转录因子中。SRY蛋白的HMG盒与特定的DNA序列结合 ,表明它在…  相似文献   

有性繁殖是动物繁衍后代的主要方式,关于这一机制的分子生物学研究已经有了相当的进展。在对模式动物线虫、果蝇以及人类自身的性别决定机制的研究中,几个关键的基因已经被克隆,其分子特征和作用机制也得到详细的阐述。通过对性别决定基因的比较发现,在性别决定过程中其下游调节因子较上游更为保守,在进化途径中出现较早。现就近几年动物性别决定进化途径的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

吴宁  林秀坤  廖冰  杜卫华  韩凤桐  赵金红 《遗传》2008,30(2):195-202
为研究Sry基因的调控网络, 采用siRNA表达载体介导的RNAi技术, 特异性地抑制睾丸决定因子Sry在小鼠胚胎中的表达, 并观察Sry基因沉默后对在两性性腺分化中起重要作用的Wt1, Sf1, Dax1, Gata4, Sox9及Amh基因表达的影响。利用本课题组先前构建的siRNA重组表达载体(pSilencer4.1/Sry217及pSilencer4.1/Sry565), 通过尾静脉注射法导入妊娠9.5天(9.5 dpc)的母鼠体内, 在11.5 dpc时取胚胎, 对性别鉴定为雄性的胚胎以RT-PCR法和Western-blot检测Sry基因的表达抑制效果, 并同时用定量PCR法检测Wt1等上述性别决定相关基因表达变化情况。结果表明, 注射干扰质粒后48 h Sry基因的mRNA和蛋白表达水平均降低, 其中siRNA表达质粒pSilencer 4.1/Sry 565的抑制效果显著, 可达到80%的抑制率。Sry基因沉默后, Wt1基因表达量显著升高; Sf1, Dax1, Gata4, Sox9基因表达水平没有明显变化; Amh基因无表达。试验结果表明, Sry基因表达抑制会导致Wt1基因表达升高; 另外, Sry基因激活Sox9基因的表达可能需要其他的辅助因子协同作用。  相似文献   

SRY基因及其性别决定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对近十年来关于脊椎动物尤其是哺乳动物的SRY基因及其性别决定机制的研究进展作了简要的综述。扼要阐述了哺乳动物的SRY基因的结构、转录、表达及其在性别决定中的作用模式及相关的基因家族。  相似文献   

哺乳动物的性别发育经历了个连续不同时期;受精时期性染色体的构建(XY或XX);性腺发育和分化(精巢或卵巢);获得恰当的性别表现型(雄性或雌性)。人们已经发现睾丸决定因子(Testis determining factor)就是SRY(Sex determining region on Y chromosome),并逐渐确定了其他与性别决定和性别反转相关的基因,如SOX9,DAX1,SF1,WT1,GATA-4等。综述了与哺乳动物性别控制有关的基因研究进展。  相似文献   

人类性别决定和性别分化研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
SRY基因在人类性别分化中起着关键作用,目前研究认为SRY仅是涉及性别决定过程的基因之一,其他基因和SRY相关基因SOX9,抗副中肾激素基因AMH,编码缁类因子的基因SF1,X-连锁的DAX基因,wilm‘s肿瘤抑制基因WT1等基因都参与了人类性腺分化和发育,本文拟就人类性别决定基因的研究进展及其与人类性别分化的关系作一综述。  相似文献   

性别决定基因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在个体发育过程中,动物的种类不同,性别决定的方式亦有差异。这取决于胚胎早期不同的性别初级信号对性别决定基因的启动和活化,活化的性别决定基因启动性别分化基因的表达,使个体的性别表现出来。本文略述与线虫、果蝇等的性别决定有关的基因。线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans)体长约1mm,雌雄同体,自体受精。有两条 X 染色体(XX);XO型线虫为雄性。线虫(C.elegans)性别决定的初级信号是 X 染色体与常染色体的比率(X∶  相似文献   

性别决定基因SRY的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SRY基因是哺乳动物性别决定过程中的主宰基因,其表达产物SRY蛋白是一种DNA结合蛋白,该蛋白含有一个HMG盒,能够以序列特异性结合到DNA双螺旋链的一侧,起到转录因子的作用。调节或协同下游基因如SOX9、AMH等基因的表达,使胚胎发育向雄性方向发展。  相似文献   

性别决定基因的研究进展   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:15  
张悦  鲁晓萱  单祥年 《遗传》2000,22(5):328-330
SRY基因在哺乳动物性别分化中起着关键作用,目前研究认为SRY仅是性别决 定过程的基因之一,其他基因如SOX基因家族、MIS、SF-1、DAX1、DSS等基因都参与了性腺分化与发育。性别决定研究取得很大进展并建立了一些假说,但仍有一些问题有待于进一步研究。 Abstract:In mammals the male sex determination switch is controlled by a single gene on the Y chromosome SRY.Apart from SRY,other genes,such as SOX gene family、MIS、SF-1、DAX1、DSS also take part in sex determination.Scientists have made great progress in research on sex determination and proposed some hypotheses.,but there are still many questions to be solved.  相似文献   

Although the phenomenon of sexual dimorphism is widespread in vertebrates, the molecular mechanism of sex-determination is not the same across animal phyla, in contrast to other areas of developmental biology. Recent extensive studies, however, have given proof of evolutionarily conserved function in genes which share a novel DNA binding DM domain, primarily identified in two invertebrate sex regulatory genes: doublesex of Drosophila melanogaster and mab-3 of Caenorhabditis elegans. Their mammalian autosomal homologue, DMRT1, first isolated in humans, was further discovered in genomes of various vertebrate species and appears to be involved in similar aspects of sexual development. Its precise role is still speculated, thus identification of sex reversal mutations, functional studies as well as determination of the sex-specific expression profile during embryogenesis are still being undertaken. Is this a sex determining rather than a sex differentiating gene? Is it involved in a dosage-sensitive mechanism? On what level does it function in the hierarchy of the sexual regulatory gene cascade? Recent results are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

In species with separate sexes, females and males often differ in their morphology, physiology and behaviour. Such sex-specific traits are functionally linked to variation in reproductive competition, mate choice and parental care, which have all been linked to sex roles. At the 150th anniversary of Darwin's theory on sexual selection, the question of why patterns of sex roles vary within and across species remains a key topic in behavioural and evolutionary ecology. New theoretical, experimental and comparative evidence suggests that variation in the adult sex ratio (ASR) is a key driver of variation in sex roles. Here, we first define and discuss the historical emergence of the sex role concept, including recent criticisms and rebuttals. Second, we review the various sex ratios with a focus on ASR, and explore its theoretical links to sex roles. Third, we explore the causes, and especially the consequences, of biased ASRs, focusing on the results of correlational and experimental studies of the effect of ASR variation on mate choice, sexual conflict, parental care and mating systems, social behaviour, hormone physiology and fitness. We present evidence that animals in diverse societies are sensitive to variation in local ASR, even on short timescales, and propose explanations for conflicting results. We conclude with an overview of open questions in this field integrating demography, life history and behaviour.  相似文献   

Atlantic Halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) has a X/Y genetic sex determination system, but the sex determining factor is not known. We produced a high-quality genome assembly from a male and identified parts of chromosome 13 as the Y chromosome due to sequence divergence between sexes and segregation of sex genotypes in pedigrees. Linkage analysis revealed that all chromosomes exhibit heterochiasmy, i.e. male-only and female-only meiotic recombination regions (MRR/FRR). We show that FRR/MRR intervals differ in nucleotide diversity and repeat class content and that this is true also for other Pleuronectidae species. We further show that remnants of a Gypsy-like transposable element insertion on chr13 promotes early male specific expression of gonadal somatic cell derived factor (gsdf). Less than 4.5 MYA, this male-determining element evolved on an autosomal FRR segment featuring pre-existing male meiotic recombination barriers, thereby creating a Y chromosome. Our findings indicate that heterochiasmy may facilitate the evolution of genetic sex determination systems relying on linkage of sexually antagonistic loci to a sex-determining factor.  相似文献   

A sequence mapping close to the human sex determining gene (TDF) has been isolated from a lambda library constructed with DNA derived from a chromosome transfectant hybrid cell line. This sequence is shown to be present in the DNA of X-Y interchange males at a very high frequency and, based on these studies, it is categorised with the sequence defined by the probe, GMGY3, as the closest known Y chromosome derived marker to TDF. In contrast to GMGY3, however, this locus shares no homology with any other human chromosome. Southern blot analysis also reveals specific hybridization to the Y chromosome of other primates. It therefore defines, for the first time, a conserved and Y chromosome unique locus that is near to TDF.  相似文献   

Sex allocation theory is often able to make clear predictions about when individuals should facultatively adjust their offspring sex ratio (proportion male) in response to local conditions, but not the consequences for the overall population sex ratio. A notable exception to this is in sex changing organisms, where theory predicts that: (1) organisms should have a sex ratio biased toward the "first" sex: (2) the bias should be less extreme in partially sex changing organisms, where a proportion of the "second" sex matures directly from the juvenile stage; and (3) the sex ratio should be more biased in protogynous (female first) than in protandrous (male first) species. We tested these predictions with a comparative study using data from 121 sex changing animal species spanning five phyla, covering fish, arthropods, echinoderms, molluscs, and annelid worms. We found support for the first and third predictions across all species. The second prediction was supported within the protogynous species (mainly fish), but not the protandrous species (mainly invertebrates).  相似文献   

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