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Estrous behavior and the estrus-to-ovulation interval are essential for estimating the best time to artificially inseminate cattle. Because these parameters are not well characterized in the Nelore breed (Bos indicus), the main purpose of the this study was to determine the estrus-to-ovulation interval in Nelore heifers and cows with natural estrus or with estrus induced by treatments with PGF2 alpha or norgestomet and estradiol valerate (NEV). The cows and heifers were observed continuously (24 h a day) to determine the onset of estrus and to study estrous behavior in the cows. Ten hours after the start of estrus the ovaries were scanned every 2 h by ultrasonography to monitor the dominant follicle until ovulation. Blood samples were collected periodically to determine progesterone levels by RIA. Administration of PGF2 alpha (2 injections, 11 days apart) did not induce estrus in most Nelore females in spite of the presence of functional CL, indicated by progesterone concentrations above 6.0 ng/ml in 25 of 28 animals. Treatment with NEV induced high sexual receptivity in cows (10/11), but only 66% ovulated. Cows with natural or induced estrus exhibited behavioral estrus of 10.9 +/- 1.4 h, and ovulation occurred 26.6 +/- 0.44 h (n = 26) after the onset of estrus. In most of the cows (53.8%) estrus began at night (between 1801 and 600 h), and 34.6% it started and finished during the night. It is concluded that in Nelore females ovulation occurs approximately 26 h after the onset of estrus. Additionally, estrous behavior is shorter than in European breeds, and there is a high incidence of estrus at night, which makes it difficult to detect and, consequently, impairs Al in Nelore cattle. The observation that a high percentage of Nelore females with an active CL did not respond to usual dosages of PGF2 alpha warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

This study compared reproductive performance and behaviour of does raised in a group-housing system and in a regular cage system. The group-housing pen was divided into different functional areas for suckling, resting, and eating and special hiding areas for kits when they had left the nest-boxes and does to favour the species specific behavioural traits. Does had access to their nest-box by means of an individual Electronic Nest-box Recognition System (ENRS) activated by a coded transponder placed in their eartags. Eight does were housed in each pen. Natural mating (NM, with a buck in the group) or artificial inseminations (AI) were applied. Litter size, kit mortality and kit weight at 14 d of age were similar for group-housing and cages when NM were applied. With a natural reproduction rhythm group-housing led to an increase of +38% of litters. However, from a management point of view, a cycled production system with AI is preferred. With AI and group-housing, a lower kindling rate and a lower kit weight at weaning were found. The lower kindling rate was partly caused by pseudo-pregnancies that were found in 23% (P < 0.01) of the does in the group-housing system against 0% in the control group. Sixteen to 20% of the does in the group-housing system had skin injuries, which is an indicator for aggression among does. Most of the injuries were seen on the body and most of them were superficial bites. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that group-housing of rabbit does seems possible, but more research is needed to solve the problems of the decreased kindling rate and occurrence of pseudo-pregnancies, the lower weight at weaning and aggressiveness among does.  相似文献   

Although captive populations of endangered species such as the Mexican gray wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) can benefit from artificial insemination to accomplish genetic exchange, reliable techniques for timing insemination are lacking. We used the generic gray wolf (C. lupus) to test the efficacy of a short-acting GnRH-agonist implant, deslorelin, for inducing estrus. Of five females receiving implants on 17 or 18 January 2003, two mated naturally 10-17 days later, and the others were artificially inseminated using fresh semen, one on day 7 and all three on day 11. Relaxin tests revealed that one artificially inseminated female and both naturally mated females were pregnant on 1 March, and all three gave birth to healthy puppies on 4-6 April. Of the artificially inseminated females, only the one who subsequently conceived and gave birth was judged to be in cytologic estrus at the time of insemination. Two females were treated again with deslorelin on 12 January 2004, followed by collection of fecal samples for hormone analysis. One female, who was housed with a male, copulated on day 17 but did not conceive; the other was not with an adult male. Fecal progestin and estrogen profiles suggested that estrus, but not ovulation, was induced. These results indicated that deslorelin could induce fertile estrus in the gray wolf, although individual response varied. Further investigation is needed to better define and control the interval between implant insertion and ovulation for optimal timing of insemination.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to determine if vaccination against porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) or previous PCV2 infection of the dam are sufficient to prevent fetal infection when dams are artificially inseminated with PCV2-spiked semen. Nine sows (Sus domestica) were allocated into three groups of three dams each: The PCV2 naïve negative control Group 1 was artificially inseminated with extended PCV2 DNA negative semen during estrus, whereas the extended semen used in the vaccinated Group 2 (PCV2 vaccine was given 8 wk before insemination) and PCV2-exposed Group 3 (infected with PCV2 12 wk before insemination) was spiked with 5 mL of PCV2 inoculum with a titer of 104.2 tissue culture infectious dose (TCID50) per milliliter at each breeding. The dams in the vaccinated and PCV2-exposed groups were positive for PCV2 antibody but negative for PCV2 DNA in serum at the time of insemination. Three negative control dams, two vaccinated dams, and three dams with previous PCV2 exposure became pregnant and maintained pregnancy to term. After artificial insemination, viremia was detected in one of three vaccinated dams and in two of three dams with previous PCV2 exposure. At farrowing, PCV2 infection was not detected in any piglets or fetuses expelled from the negative control dams or from dams with previous PCV2 exposure. In litters of the vaccinated dams, 15 of 24 live-born piglets were PCV2 viremic at birth, with 6 of 26 fetuses having detectable PCV2 antigen in tissues. In conclusion, vaccine-induced immunity did not prevent fetal infection in this sow model using semen spiked with PCV2.  相似文献   

Reduced capability of the uterus to support pregnancy in the absence of its interaction with secretions from male accessory glands has been demonstrated in rodents and to some extent in pigs. However, in cattle, the role of postmating inflammatory response on pregnancy success has not been studied. The current study examined the influence of uterine presensitization with seminal antigens at breeding on pregnancy outcome in cows. Lactating beef (n = 1090) and dairy (n = 800) cows received 0.5 mL seminal plasma (SP), 40 ng recombinant human transforming growth factor-β1 (rhTGF-β1), or 0.5 mL bovine serum albumin (BSA), or were left untreated before or at insemination. Semen was deposited into the anterior cervix using a second insemination gun. Pregnancy was diagnosed at 35 to 40 d postinsemination by transrectal ultrasonography or from records of calves born the subsequent calving season. Pregnancy rates in beef cows did not differ among treatments but differed among trials (69.8%, 52.5% vs. 40.3%; P < 0.05). In trials where average pregnancy rates were below 50%, treatments with TGF-β1 but not SP tended (P < 0.07) to increase pregnancy rates in beef cows. In dairy cows, SP and TGF-β1 improved pregnancy outcome by 10 percentage points, but these increments did not achieve statistical significance. In conclusion, this study did not find any conclusive evidence for the effect of TGF-β1 or seminal plasma on pregnancy outcome in lactating dairy or beef cows but realized marginal improvements when pregnancy rates were below 50% (compromised fertility).  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, cows with a history of at least two previous unsuccessful inseminations were allocated to four groups. At the repeated estrus (third or greater service), some of the cows were inseminated according to the a.m.-p.m. rule (Controls, n = 83), or received i.m. 100 mug gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH, n = 32) within 30 sec after insemination. Ovaries of the remaining cows to be treated were palpated during the anticipated ensuing luteal phase to determine the presence of a corpus luteum. Cows found to have luteal tissue received i.m. 25 mg prostaglandin F(2)-alpha (PGF(2)-alpha) and were inseminated after detected estrus or at 72 and 96 h after PGF(2)-alpha in the absence of estrus. Cows given PGF(2)-alpha either received no further treatment (PGF(2)-alpha, n = 40) or were given i.m. 100 mug GnRH (PGF(2)-alpha + GnRH, n = 29) after insemination or at 72 h after PGF(2)-alpha in the absence of estrus. Conception rate of control cows (39%) was similar to that of cows given PGF(2)-alpha (40%) or PGF(2)-alpha + GnRH (43%), but it tended to be lower (P = 0.13) than that of cows given only GnRH at insemination (54%). In Experiment 2, cows with unobserved estrus and diagnosed not pregnant (palpation) were palpated to detect a corpus luteum. Cows with luteal tissue received i.m. PGF(2)-alpha (n = 52) or PGF(2)-alpha + GnRH (n = 45) and were inseminated as described above. Conception rates were similar (39% vs 33%, respectively). In Experiment 3, cows in a large commercial dairy with (n = 93) or without (n = 420) previous reproductive problems were given i.m. 100 mug GnRH after insemination (n = 169) or were left untreated (n = 344) at repeat services (third and fourth services). Treatment with GnRH improved (P < 0.05) conception in normal (47% vs 36%) and abnormal (25% vs 12%) repeat-breeding cows. Treatment with PGF(2)-alpha alone or in conjunction with GnRH failed to further improve conception rates and only delayed intervals to rebreeding when administered during the luteal phase after the repeated estrus. The use of GnRH failed to reduce intervals from treatment to insemination or improve conception in cows with unobserved estrus compared to treatment with PGF(2)-alpha alone.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out to assess the efficacy of estrus detection and fertility in Zebu cattle after synchronization with prostaglandin F2a or a progestagen. The first experiment compared estrus detection rates and fertility following insemination in 42 cows previously synchronized with either 25 mg of PGF2a or with a 6 mg of Norgestomet implant plus 5 mg i.m. of estradiol valerate (SMB). Differences were observed in the percentage of cows detected in estrus (54 vs 95%, respectively, P < 0.05), but not in fertility at the first synchronized estrus (26 vs 15%), nor in the detection rate and fertility at the subsequent estrous period (38 v 47%). The second experiment evaluated the efficacy of estrus detection at different time intervals in 30 cows, comparing estrus synchronized with PGF2a with the subsequent estrous period. The observation periods were continuous, day and night, for 100 h both after PGF2a treatment and from Day 18 of the treatment cycle (Period 1). In addition, the animals were administered PGF2a again on Day 10 of the second cycle and observed continuously from 0600 to 1800 h, and from Day 18 of the treatment cycle (Period 2). Finally, the same treatment regimen was used except that the observation was between 0600 to 0700 h and 1800 to 1900 h (Period 3). No differences were obtained in the percentage of cows detected in estrus in the synchronized and nonsynchronized groups (average 75%); however, accuracy in the detection of estrus in Period 3 differed in the nonsynchronized and synchronized estrus groups by 40% (P < 0.05) compared with the other two, more intense observation periods.  相似文献   

In two trials involving the artificial insemination of 194 ewes, the fertility of ram semen was examined following freezing, either in pellet form or in straws, and after storage in a chilled state (15 degrees C) for up to 16 hours. Estrus was synchronized in ewes by intravaginal sponge (MAP) treatment for 14 days. At sponge removal 600 IU PMSG was injected and the ewes received two inseminations 50 and 60 hours later. Fertility was assessed at lambing. In trial 1, the mean lambing rate of 52% (16 31 ) for semen frozen in pellets was higher than 29% (9 31 ) for semen frozen in straws but this difference was not significant. In trial 2, ewes inseminated with chilled semen and semen frozen in pellets had lambing rates of 83% (44 53 ) and 55% (44 79 ) respectively (P<0.001).  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to determine if PGF2alpha-induced milk letdown (ML) is an accurate indicator of luteolysis, allowing cows to be synchronized to begin the Ovsynch protocol (GnRH-7d-PGF2alpha-2d-GnRH-24h-AI) at the most beneficial time of the estrous cycle (days 5-9), and determine if this would improve pregnancy rate (PR). Lactating Holstein cows between 55 and 70 days in milk were used to evaluate the ML test and PR after the Ovsynch protocol, when initiated on the basis of the test result (PROSYNCH). PROSYNCH cows (n = 60) had one teat cannulated to test for ML and were treated with 500 microg cloprostenol, PGF2alpha analogue (PG). Cows with ML were started on Ovsynch 10 days later, and those without started 3 days later. Cows in the control group (OVSYNCH, n = 64) were injected with physiological saline and observed for ML. This group was started on Ovsynch 10 days after saline treatment. Milk samples were collected thrice weekly to determine progesterone concentrations. ML indicated luteolysis with a sensitivity of 98% and a specificity of 60%. The positive and negative predictive values were 83 and 92%, respectively. Pregnancy rates were 48% for PROSYNCH and 52% for OVSYNCH (P = 0.72). When data from both groups were combined, PR was greater in cows that started the Ovsynch protocol in stage 2 of the estrous cycle (days 5-9, 67%) than all other stages (stage 1: days 1-4, 35%; stage 3: days 10-16, 45%; stage 4: days 17-21, 42%; P < 0.01). The proportion of animals with ovulation after GnRH#1, luteolysis after PGF2alpha, and ovulation after GnRH#2 were all greater in the PROSYNCH group (77% versus 55%, P < 0.02; 83% versus 66%, P < 0.03; 97% versus 84%, P < 0.03, respectively). Therefore, the ML test indicated luteolysis with sufficient precision to time the initiation of the Ovsynch protocol between days 5 and 9 of the cycle, however, this did not alter PR compared to starting the protocol randomly throughout the cycle. Initiating the Ovsynch protocol between days 5 and 9 of the cycle increased PR, and improved the efficacy of each injection.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to determine the conception rates of heifers time-inseminated following melengestrol acetate/prostaglandin F(2alpha) (MGA/PG) estrous synchronization treatment. In Experiment 1, timed insemination of heifers at 72 h after the PG injection, without regard for behavioral estrus, tended to improve (P < 0.15) the percentage of heifers pregnant to artificial insemination (AI) compared with that of synchronized heifers bred 12 h after they were first detected in estrus. In the timed-insemination treatment, heifers exhibiting behavioral estrus 48 to 72 h after PG tended to have an increased (P < 0.15) conception rate to AI compared with heifers exhibiting estrus within 48 h of PG administration. In Experiment 2, the number of heifers conceiving to AI following the MGA/PG estrous synchronization regimen was increased by mass insemination of all heifers not exhibiting estrus by 72 h after PG. The pregnancy rate to AI was higher in heifers with serum progesterone (P(4)) concentrations higher than 1 ng/ml compared with that of heifers with concentrations lower than 1 ng/ml. Of heifers with serum P(4) greater than 1 ng/ml, the pregnancy rate to AI tended to be higher when concentrations exceeded 2 ng/ml than when concentrations were 1 to 2 ng/ml. In cyclic heifers, timed insemination can increase the percentage of heifers pregnant after being synchronized with MGA/PG.  相似文献   

The use of sex-sorted sperm by the dairy industry is often limited by the geographical distance between potential sires and the sex-sorting facility. One method that may be used to overcome this limitation is sex-sorting sperm that have been previously frozen, or transported to the sorting facility as cooled liquid semen. In this study the in vivo fertility of frozen-thawed, sex-sorted, re-frozen-thawed (FSF) and cooled, sex-sorted, frozen-thawed (CSF) bull sperm was determined after artificial insemination (AI) of Holstein heifers. Semen from two bulls was frozen in straws, or transported to the sorting facility in an egg yolk diluent at 5 °C over 24 h. Thawed or re-warmed semen was processed through a PureSperm® density gradient, and sperm were sorted for sex and frozen (2 or 4 × 106 sperm/straw). Synchronised heifers (n = 183) were inseminated with either non-sorted control sperm (Control; 20 × 106 dose) or with FSF or CSF ‘X’ sperm (2 or 4 × 106/dose). Pregnancy rates (detected at 7–9 weeks) after AI with control sperm were higher than with FSF or CSF sperm (57.4 vs. 4.1 and 7.3% respectively; p < 0.001). There was a significant difference between bulls (Bull 1: Control 63.0%, FSF 8.6%, CSF 10.0%; Bull 2: Control 45.5%, FSF 0%, CSF 4.8%; p = 0.001). Five out of six (83.3%) pregnancies produced with sexed sperm were lost after pregnancy diagnosis. The exception was one heifer inseminated with CSF sperm (2 million sperm dose), which produced a heifer calf. In the non-sorted control group, three pregnancies were lost (8.3%) and three stillbirths occurred (8.3%). The low fertility and high rate of pregnancy loss in the sexed groups, in addition to environmental influences, may be attributed to impaired sperm function caused by sex-sorting and re-freezing, leading to poor embryo quality or altered gene expression. More precise timing of insemination and higher sperm doses might improve the fertility of FSF sperm. Moreover, the in vitro function of double-frozen sexed compared with non-sorted sperm requires further investigation.  相似文献   

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) undergoing natural breeding and artificial insemination (AI) were examined to characterize serum progesterone concentrations and determine relationships among age, parity, and reproductive outcome. Progesterone profiles of five cycle types (n = 119 total cycles from 54 animals) were characterized as follows: (i) conception and production of a live term calf (conceptive-term, n = 73); (ii) conception and abortion after Day 60 (conceptive-abortion, n = 12); (iii) unknown conception status with prolonged, elevated progesterone and absence of a fetus (conceptive-unknown, n = 14); (iv) conception failure with normal luteal phase progesterone concentrations (non-conceptive, n = 14, AI cycles only); and (v) conception failure with progesterone insufficiency occuring after spontaneous ovulation or owing to premature ovulation induction using GnRH (non-conceptive-PI, n = 6, AI cycles only). By Day 21 post-insemination (PI), progesterone concentrations were similar (P > 0.05) among conceptive-term, conceptive-abortion and conceptive-unknown, and higher (P < 0.05) for conceptive-term than non-conceptive and non-conceptive-PI cycles. Progesterone concentrations of known conceptive cycles peaked by Week 7 PI (P < 0.05) and remained elevated for the remainder of pregnancy (Weeks 8 up to 54, ≥5 days pre-partum). During midpregnancy (Days 121-240), conceptive-term cycles had higher (P > 0.05) progesterone concentrations than conceptive-abortion and unknown conception status cycles. Parity was not associated with reproductive outcome based on cycle type (P > 0.05). Age of females in conceptive-unknown (26.5 ± 10.1 yrs) and conceptive-abortion (22.1 ± 9.4 yrs) groups was higher (P < 0.05) than in conceptive-term (15.7 ± 7.2 yrs). The conceptive-unknown cycle type possibly represents undetected early embryonic loss occurring before Day 60 PI. Length of gestation using known conception dates was 376.1 ± 11.0 days and the range of this parameter (355-395 days) has implications for peri-parturient management procedures for the species.  相似文献   

Change in morphology of the corpus luteum (CL) and patterns of progesterone and estradiol secretion after treatment with melengestrol acetate (MGA) were monitored in postpartum beef cows. Twenty Angus cows were randomly assigned to MGA or MGA + prostaglandin F(2alpha) (PGF) treatments. All cows were fed 0.5 mg of MGA per cow per day for 14 d. The MGA-treated cows (n = 10) were allowed to return to estrus spontaneously at the second estrus after withdrawal of MGA from the feed. The MGA + PGF-treated cows (n = 10) received an injection containing 25 mg of PGF(2alpha) 17 d after the last feeding of MGA. Cycle 1 was defined as the first luteal phase after MGA feeding and Cycle 2 represented the subsequent cycle or luteal phase after PGF. Blood sampling and transrectal ultrasonography of the ovaries was done daily through the completion of 2 estrous cycles upon removal of MGA from the feed. Blood samples were analyzed for plasma progesterone and estradiol concentrations. Area of CL and fluid-filled cavities within each CL were determined by ultrasonography. Concentrations of progesterone and area of CL were similar between cycles and treatments. Estradiol concentrations were higher (P < 0.05) in Cycle 2 than in Cycle 1. Fluid-filled cavities were larger (P < 0.001) in Cycle 1 than in Cycle 2 for both mid-luteal (Days 5 to 9) and late-luteal (Days 10 to 14) phases. Multiple CL (2 or more during 1 cycle) were observed in 5 cows. Progesterone concentrations and total area of luteal tissue did not change with respect to treatment or cycle, but CL morphology was altered in the first cycle after MGA treatment. Of the 19 cows that ovulated after withdrawal of MGA, 3 experienced a short luteal phase. These data characterize changes that occur among cows that are fed melengestrol acetate during the postpartum period and enhance observations from prior studies regarding MGA use.  相似文献   

A higher incidence of fetal losses, especially after the use of artificial reproduction techniques, asks for more intensive monitoring of bovine pregnancies. In this study, a model for fetal death (FD) was created by administering the antiprogesterone aglepristone twice, at Day 47 and 48 of gestation (n=5). Control heifers received the solvent (n=5). The temporal relationships between changes in ultrasonographic appearance of fetal fluids and membranes, fetal heart rate (FHR) and peripheral plasma levels of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein (PAG) and PGF2alpha-metabolite as determined by radioimmunoassay associated with FD were monitored at eight hour intervals around treatment. For the analysis of plasma levels the period under study was divided into five epochs (T1: before injection of aglepristone/solvent; T2: from first to second injection; T3: from second injection to FD; T4: from diagnosis of FD to 56 h later; T5: from 56 h to 104 h after diagnosis of FD). Control heifers produced healthy calves at term, but in treated heifers, FD occurred on average at 58 (range 48-80) h after first injection of aglepristone. Fetal death was always preceded by a visible reduction of the amount of allantoic fluid and by segregation of the allantochorionic membrane from the endometrium. FHR remained rather constant in both groups, but a (non-significant) drop in FHR around 8h before FD was diagnosed in four of five treated animals. All fetuses were expulsed after FD. Levels of PAG remained constant or even slightly increased in controls, but decreased in treated animals from T2 onward: levels during T4 and T5 significantly differed from those during T1 and from values in controls during T4 and T5 (P<0.01). PGF2alpha-metabolite levels did not change in the controls, but in the treated group they were significantly higher during T3 when compared to T1 (P<0.05). After this increase, a sharp decrease in PGF2alpha-metabolite level occurred, reaching a significantly lower level at T5 when compared to control animals (P=0.01). It is concluded, that FD induced by aglepristone is preceded by ultrasonographic visible changes in fetal membranes and fluids and a rise in PGF2alpha-metabolite and is followed by a drop in PAG and PGF2alpha-metabolite.  相似文献   

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