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The heart rate and intraatrial latencies between epicardial electrograms from three sites of the right atrium have been studied during vagal stimulation in open-chest dogs. It has been shown that alterations of latencies started at a certain cardiac cycle length irrespective of pacing frequency. A transitional process of changes from a steady latency value in the control to another steady value during vagal stimulation has been observed. The transitional process has been simulated in experimental procedure in which two sites of the right atrium were paced at close and constant frequencies. To interpret the results obtained one-dimensional model of the sinus node has been constructed. According to the model, pacemaker shift within the sinus node results from a competition between two foci of automaticity with close intrinsic frequencies.  相似文献   

In a series of 7 dogs, selective stimulation of the carotid body receptors by hypoxic blood produces an increase of coronary flow and greater release of norepinephrine from the heart; the increase of coronary flow is less marked and the release of norepinephrine is increased after vagotomy. Myocardial norepinephrine content is decreased by carotid body stimulation.  相似文献   

A decrease of external pH during rhythmic excitation of the nerve of frog and squid was investigated. The level of pH was dependent on frequency excitation, concentration of sodium potassium and hydrogen ions was changed after ouabain, 2,4-dinitrophenol, tetraethylammonium and tetrodotoxin effect. The mechanism of proton transport was discussed in relation to Na-channel function.  相似文献   

Whereas extracellular calcium is absolutely required for neurotransmitter release consequent to stimulation of adrenergic and other neurons, a large number of substances are known to modify the amount of norepinephrine released per nerve impulse. In general, cyclic nucleotides, phosphodiesterase inhibitors, beta-adrenoceptor agonists, cholinergic nicotinic agonists, and angiotensin are able to enhance neurally mediated norepinephrine release, whereas alpha-adrenoreceptor agonists, cholinergic muscarinic agonists, prostaglandins of the E series, opiates, enkephalins, dopamine, and adenosine inhibit neurally mediated norepinephrine release. Although it has been proposed that cyclic AMP may enhance, and endogenous cyclic GMP may inhibit, neurotransmitter release, no consistent relationship between the effects of the several modulators of neurally mediated norepinephrine release and their effects on adenylate and guanylate cyclase is as yet apparent. The demonstration of whether such a relationship exists must await the development of techniques that will allow the measurement of cyclic nucleotide levels in the presynaptic adrenergic nerve terminal after exposure to the putative modulators of release and consequent to nerve stimulation.  相似文献   

The metabolic changes accompanying diaphragm fatigue caused by supramaximal stimulation of the phrenic nerves are incompletely described. In particular, we wished to determine whether the occurrence of anaerobic metabolism correlated with fatigue as defined by decline in force generation. In 10 anesthetized mechanically ventilated mongrel dogs we measured arterial pressure, transdiaphragmatic pressure (Pdi), phrenic arterial flow (Qdi-Doppler flow probe), arterial and phrenic venous blood gases, and lactate levels. From these we derived indexes of diaphragm O2 consumption (VO2) and lactate production. Bilateral phrenic nerve pacing was carried out (50 Hz, duty cycle 0.4, 24 contractions/min) for two 15-min pacing periods separated by a 45-min rest period. Over each pacing period Pdi decreased from approximately 16 to approximately 10 cmH2O (P less than 0.01, no significant difference between periods). Initially, during pacing, Qdi and VO2 each increased fivefold over prepacing base line. Qdi remained elevated at this level whereas VO2 decreased over the pacing period by approximately 25%. Hence, the change in VO2 over the pacing period was due primarily to changes in O2 extraction. During the first pacing period lactate production was observed early and declined throughout the pacing period. No lactate production was observed during the second pacing period, although Pdi, VO2, and Qdi responses were the same for both pacing periods. Phrenic venous PO2 remained greater than 30 Torr throughout both pacing periods.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Selective electroneurograms (ENGs) from superficial regions of the left vagus nerve of a dog were recorded with a 33-electrode spiral cuff (cuff) implanted on the nerve at the neck in an adult Beagle dog. The electrodes in the cuff were arranged in thirteen groups of three electrodes (GTE 1-13). To identify the relative positions of the particular nerve regions that innervated the heart and lungs, stimulating pulses (2 mA, 200 micros, 20 Hz) were individually delivered to all thirteen GTEs. It was shown that by delivering stimulating pulses to GTEs 4 and 9, heart rate, blood pressure and respiratory rate were modulated. Precisely, only when the stimuli were delivered to GTE 9, the heart rate began to fall and only when the stimuli were delivered to GTE 4 the rate of breathing decreased. To test the selectivity of recording the above-defined groups GTEs 4 and 9 and randomly chosen GTEs 1 and 7 were simultaneously used as recording GTEs while cardio-vascular or respiratory systems were stimulated by carotid artery compression, epinephrine injection and non-invasive, positive end-pressure ventilation. Results showed that stimulations elicited site-specific changes in ENG power spectra recorded from the superficial regions of the vagus nerve. Power spectrum of the ENG recorded with GTE 9, contained frequencies belonging to the neural activity elicited by compression of the carotid artery and injection of epinephrine. The power spectrum of the ENG recorded with GTE 4, contained frequencies belonging to the neural activity elicited by non-invasive, positive end-expiratory pressure ventilation. We concluded that the multi-electrode nerve cuff enables selective stimulation and recording of nerve activity from internal organs.  相似文献   

Muscarinic stimulation of submucosal glands in swine trachea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The properties of muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChR) on tracheal explants and isolated submucosal gland cells were determined using [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate ([3H]QNB) and N-[3H]methylscopolamine ([3H]NMS) as ligands. Analysis of competitive displacement of ([3H]NMS binding by pirenzepine demonstrated the presence of M1- (27 +/- 2%) and M2G- (73 +/- 2%) receptors on isolated tracheal submucosal gland cells (TSGC's) in control. Daily administration of diisopropylfluorophosphate (DFP) inhibited cholinesterase activity by greater than 95%. After 7 days of DFP treatment, [3H]QNB binding to intact TSGC's decreased from 14.2 +/- 0.6 to 6.3 +/- 0.8 fmol/10(6) cells; similarly, [3H]NMS binding fell from 8.1 +/- 1.9 to 2.0 +/- 0.8 fmol/10(6) cells. The loss of mAChR's was predominantly of the M2G subtype with the relative proportion dropping to 33%. In addition, 90% of the receptors assumed the high-affinity state for carbachol displacement of [3H]NMS. Mucus secretion was quantitated by measuring the release of 3H-labeled mucus macromolecules from explants of tracheal submucosal glands and isolated cells. Acetylcholine (ACh), 2 X 10(-5) M, stimulated mucus secretion by 2.5 and 2.3 times the basal rate, respectively. Elimination of acetylcholinesterase (AChe) by DFP increased the ACh sensitivity by 18- and 5-fold. Tracheal explants or TSGC's obtained 2 h after an in vivo DFP treatment showed a 6- and 3-fold ACh stimulation. This ACh sensitivity decreased during the continued daily dosing with DFP such that only a 1.3- and 1.1-fold ACh stimulation was apparent after 7 days of treatment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Frog sciatic nerves were incubated for 24 hours in either glycine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, lysine, leucine, γ-aminobutyric acid, glutamine, or pentanedioic acid (all labeled with C14), and the rates of release of these compounds were monitored under resting conditions and during stimulation. Upon stimulation, the rate or release of glutamic acid increased an average of 200% above the resting rate. This extra release is highly specific with regard to molecular size and structure, since of the compounds tested only glutamic acid gave significant increases in rates of release during stimulation. Ouabain (0.1 mM) had no effect on the rate of release; however, sodium azide (0.2 mM or 1.0 mM) completely eliminated the extra release during excitation, indicating that the increased permeability to glutamic acid is energy-dependent. Competition experiments show that the extra release of glutamic acid can be eliminated with 10 mM concentrations of non-isotopic choline. The hypothesis is advanced that glutamic acid is actively extruded by a highly specific carrier mechanism.  相似文献   

The study was carried out to determine whether the diminished release of norepinephrine (NE) upon sympathetic activation in the presence of sotalol can be attributed to the blockade of beta-adrenoceptors in the liver. NE release from the liver was measured in hepatic venous blood collected during direct hepatic nerve stimulation in anesthetized dogs. The mean basal NE concentration in hepatic venous and aortic blood was 0.046 +/- 0.003 and 0.244 +/- 0.041 ng/mL, respectively. NE release increased significantly as stimulation frequency increased, while aortic NE concentration remained unchanged. The increasing response of NE release upon stimulation in the vehicle control group remained stable during the whole experimental period. In dogs treated with sotalol (5 mg/kg, i.v.), NE release was reduced approximately by 30-43%, and the difference was statistically significant (P less than 0.01) at 8 Hz. (+/-)-Propranolol (2.5 mg/kg, i.v.) tended to diminish it, but the difference was not significant. (-)-Propranolol (0.1 mg/kg, i.v.) did not alter NE release at any frequency tested. The beta-blocking action of these drugs in the liver, as determined by the antagonism against the hepatic arterial vasodilating response to isoproterenol, was most effective with (+/-)-propranolol (100%), followed by (-)-propranolol (90%) and sotalol (70%). The results suggest that the inhibitory effect of sotalol on NE release may be related to a mechanism other than its beta-blocking action in the dog liver.  相似文献   

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