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A rapid and efficient separation of amino acid phenylthiohydantoins by high-performance liquid chromatography has been accomplished by step-gradient elution with use of a mobile phase of acetate-buffered aqueous acetonitrile and an octadecylsilyl stationary phase. Typical analyses are completed in less than 12 min. Peak elution positions in this procedure are highly reproducible (with about 0.2% variance) and allow unambiguous identification of all residues. A procedure for the optimal positioning phenylthiohydantoin-Arg and -His is given. Molar extinction coefficients at 254 nm, which are particularly useful with common fixed wavelength detectors, are given for 25 amino acid phenylthiohydantoins.  相似文献   

A semi-automated method for amino acid derivatization and analysis has been validated for use in analysis of protein biopharmaceuticals. The method includes protein hydrolysis, o-phthalaldehyde derivatization, and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography analysis in a general-purpose UV-visible high-performance liquid chromatography system. Amino-acid derivatization is performed automatically by the high-performance liquid chromatography autosampler right before injection. The required validation parameters, i.e., specificity, linearity, accuracy, precision, limit of detection, and limit of quantification, were studied for bovine serum albumin and for a recombinant human Fab fragment. The method can be employed as an absolute quantification method for determination of extinction coefficients of recombinant proteins.  相似文献   

Modified resolution and overall separation factors used to quantify the separation of complex chromatography systems are described. These factors were proven to be applicable to the optimization of amino acid resolution in reverse-phase (RP) HPLC chromatograms. To optimize precolumn derivatization with phenylisothiocyanate, a 25-1 fractional factorial design in triplicate was employed. The five independent variables for optimizing the overall separation factor were triethylamine content of the aqueous buffer, pH of the aqueous buffer, separation temperature, methanol/acetonitrile concentration ratio in the organic eluant, and mobile phase flow rate. Of these, triethylamine concentration and methanol/acetonitrile concentration ratio were the most important. The methodology captured the interaction between variables. Temperature appeared in the interaction terms; consequently, it was included in the hierarchic model. The preliminary model based on the factorial experiments was not able to explain the response curvature in the design space; therefore, a central composite design was used to provide a quadratic model. Constrained nonlinear programming was used for optimization purposes. The quadratic model predicted the optimal levels of the variables. In this study, the best levels of the five independent variables that provide the maximum modified resolution for each pair of consecutive amino acids appearing in the chromatograph were determined. These results are of utmost importance for accurate analysis of a subset of amino acids.  相似文献   

Eighteen side-chain-protected amino acids, routinely employed in solid-phase peptide synthesis, were derivatized to their phenylthiohydantoins (PTH) by one cycle of the Edman degradation. All of these side-chain-protected PTH amino acids elute, with almost-baseline resolution, in less than 18 min by high-performance liquid chromatography, utilizing a biphasic gradient of acetonitrile in 0.01 n sodium acetate, pH 4.5, or a linear gradient of 0 to 100% acetonitrile with the exception of the coelution of a O-benzyl-threonine and carbobenzoxy-lysine phenylthiohydantoin amino acids. The derivatized amino acids were subjected to reverse-phase chromatography on a Zorbax ODS column and monitored at 254 nm. None of the PTH amino acids coelute with side-chain-protected PTH amino acid counterparts, although PTH-tosyl-histidine undergoes deprotection to PTH-histidine in the Edman degradation. A protected decapeptide attached to a chloromethylated polystyrene resin was degraded on a solid-phase sequencer in 16 h. The PTH amino acids resulting from the automated Edman degradation on the decapeptide were fully resolved and quantified in less than 3 h demonstrating that automated high-performance liquid chromatography can keep pace with both the automated sequencer and synthesizer which requires minimally 2–3 h for attachment of each residue to the growing peptide chain.  相似文献   

All the organic soluble amino acid phenylthiohydantoins are eluted (but not totally resolved) in under 40 min on either a Zorbax ODS or Permaphase ETH column. The superior resolution of the Zorbax ODS column and the complimentary characteristic of the Permaphase ETH column allow the isocratic analysis of 15 phenylthiohydantoins in less than 20 min when the columns are operated simultaneously. The water soluble PTH-His and -Arg are analyzed separately in under 10 min with the Zorbax ODS column. Five picomoles of a derivative may be detected with a sample to noise ratio of 6, HPLC is the most sensitive, practical method for PTH analysis.  相似文献   

In computational structural biology, structure comparison is fundamental for our understanding of proteins. Structure comparison is, e.g., algorithmically the starting point for computational studies of structural evolution and it guides our efforts to predict protein structures from their amino acid sequences. Most methods for structural alignment of protein structures optimize the distances between aligned and superimposed residue pairs, i.e., the distances traveled by the aligned and superimposed residues during linear interpolation. Considering such a linear interpolation, these methods do not differentiate if there is room for the interpolation, if it causes steric clashes, or more severely, if it changes the topology of the compared protein backbone curves. To distinguish such cases, we analyze the linear interpolation between two aligned and superimposed backbones. We quantify the amount of steric clashes and find all self-intersections in a linear backbone interpolation. To determine if the self-intersections alter the protein’s backbone curve significantly or not, we present a path-finding algorithm that checks if there exists a self-avoiding path in a neighborhood of the linear interpolation. A new path is constructed by altering the linear interpolation using a novel interpretation of Reidemeister moves from knot theory working on three-dimensional curves rather than on knot diagrams. Either the algorithm finds a self-avoiding path or it returns a smallest set of essential self-intersections. Each of these indicates a significant difference between the folds of the aligned protein structures. As expected, we find at least one essential self-intersection separating most unknotted structures from a knotted structure, and we find even larger motions in proteins connected by obstruction free linear interpolations. We also find examples of homologous proteins that are differently threaded, and we find many distinct folds connected by longer but simple deformations. TM-align is one of the most restrictive alignment programs. With standard parameters, it only aligns residues superimposed within 5 Ångström distance. We find 42165 topological obstructions between aligned parts in 142068 TM-alignments. Thus, this restrictive alignment procedure still allows topological dissimilarity of the aligned parts. Based on the data we conclude that our program ProteinAlignmentObstruction provides significant additional information to alignment scores based solely on distances between aligned and superimposed residue pairs.  相似文献   

Tryptophan, 5-methyl tryptophan, glucosamine, and galactosamine can be separated from each other and hydrolysis products including lysinoalanine by chromatography on a 6 × 260-mm column of W-3H resin. The column is developed at 70°C for 20 min with pH 3.95 (0.4 Na+) buffer, followed by pH 6.4 (1 Na+) buffer for 55 min using a Beckman 119 CL amino acid analyzer. The recovery of the internal standards, 5-methyl tryptophan and galactosamine, can then be used to correct for tryptophan and glucosamine losses, respectively. The procedure uses the column and buffers normally employed for protein hydrolysate analysis and does not require additional resin columns, special buffers, or flow rate changes.  相似文献   

The aqueous phase phenylthiohydantion (PTH) derivatives of arginine, histidine, and S-pyridylethylcysteine are successfully separated by thin-layer chromatography on polyamide sheets using 10% aqueous pyridine as solvent. Trials on fractions from sequenator runs show that this solvent also separates these PTHs from contaminants which are usually present in the aqueous phase. Development with a second-dimension solvent containing a fluorescent indicator provides a method for identifying these PTHs in subnanomole quantities.  相似文献   

The use of gradient elution with acetate-buffered ethanol for high-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of phenylthiohydantoins (PTHs) is described. The system separates all commonly encountered PTH derivatives in a total analysis time of 20 min on columns of Spherisorb 5 S ODS (4.6 × 250 mm) packed in the laboratory at moderate expense. Experience with routine operation of the method, particularly with regard to column stability is discussed. Ethanol is considerably cheaper and less toxic than previously described solvent systems.  相似文献   

Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are linear polysaccharides made by all animal cells. GAGs bind to hundreds of proteins, such as growth factors, cytokines, chemokines, extracellular matrix components, protease inhibitors, proteases, and lipoprotein lipase, through carbohydrate and protein interactions. These interactions control many multicellular processes. The increased use of GAGs isolated from cells and small tissue samples in bioassays and binding experiments demands a sensitive and robust quantification method. We have developed such a method, which is based on a popular assay for amino acid analysis. We have refined it to enhance GAG quantification. It allows the quantification of glucosamine- and galactosamine-containing GAGs after the reversed-phase separation of their fluorescent isoindole derivatives. The derivatives are created by the reaction of o-phthaldialdehyde and 3-mercaptopropionic acid (3MPA) with the amino group of hexosaminitol monosaccharides generated from GAG acid hydrolysis and sodium borohydride reduction. The advantages of our method include automatic derivitization, a simple chromatograph with clean separation of glucosaminitol and galactosaminitol derivatives from contaminating amino acids, excellent sensitivity with 0.04 pmol detection, and linearity from 2.5 to 1280 pmol. A major advantage is that it can be readily implemented in any laboratory with typical reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) equipment.  相似文献   

The development of a HPLC method using a monolithic C18 column is described using fluorescence detection for the assay of 21 amino acids and related substances with derivatisation using ortho-phthaldialdehyde (OPA) in the presence of 3-mercaptopropionic acid (3-MPA). The method employs a tertiary gradient and has a run time of 24 min. Linearity (r2) for each amino acid was found to be greater than 0.99 up to a 10 microM concentration; reproducibility across all analyses (relative standard deviation (R.S.D.)) was between 0.97 and 6.7% and limit of detection (LOD) between 30 and 300 fmol on column. This method has been applied to the analysis of amino acids in both spinal microdialysis and cerebral spinal fluid samples.  相似文献   

Thin-layer chromatograms on silica gel plate of amino acid phenylthiohydantoins were simultaneously used for identification and quantitation. With a scanning, two-wavelength densitometer, linear calibration curves have been obtained for 15 different derivatives, which can be employed for a rapid and simple quantitation of sample spots. A satisfactory application of the method to the determination of amino-terminal residues of bovine α-chymotrypsin is described.  相似文献   

High-pressure liquid chromatography, utilizing reverse phase μ Bondapak C18 columns and elution with increasing acetonitrile concentrations, has been used to resolve amino acid phenylthiohydantoins obtained from the automated Edman degradation of proteins. Assignment of identity to residues which are difficult to distinguish or identify conclusively by other conventional techniques is easily achieved by high-pressure liquid chromatographic techniques. The use of high-pressure liquid chromatography, in parallel with gas-liquid and polyamide thin-layer chromatography, allows unequivocal assignments of identity to amino acid phenylthiohydantoins obtained in protein sequencing. Single protein sequence determinations can be extended by 20 to 100% by the use of high-pressure liquid chromatography with rapid, accurate, and quantitative identifications of amino acid phenylthiohydantoins.  相似文献   

Evaluation of: Stephanowitz H, Lange S, Lang D et al. Improved two-dimensional reversed phase–reversed phase LC-MS/MS approach for identification of peptide–protein interactions. J. Proteome Res. 11(2), 1175–1183 (2011).

Recent developments in bottom-up proteomics have supplanted the use of gel-based approaches in favor of multidimensional chromatographic separations of peptide mixtures followed by mass spectrometry analysis. This trend is driven by the desire to eliminate labor-intensive in-gel digestion procedures and increase proteome coverage through better recovery of proteolytic fragments. Introduction of reversed-phase–reversed-phase 2D separation techniques is one of the major improvements that have made this possible. In this article, we review recent developments in 2D HPLC and highlight variations in reversed-phase HPLC separation selectivity that allow for superior peak capacity in peptide fractionation.  相似文献   

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