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We report the successful transformation, via Agrobacterium tumefaciens infection, and regeneration of two species of the genus Flaveria: F. brownii and F. palmeri. We document the expression of a C3 plant gene, an abundantly expressed ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase small subunit gene isolated from petunia, in these C4 plants. The organ-specific expression of this petunia gene in Flaveria brownii is qualitatively identical to its endogenous pattern of expression.  相似文献   

介绍了有关C3、C4和C3-C4中间型植物进化的形态学、生理学、分子生物学、遗传学等方面的证据;推断地球上首先出现C3植物,然后是C3-C4中间类型植物,最后出现C4植物.  相似文献   

In C4 plants phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) of the C4 cycle may betransported on a chloroplast transporter which also transports3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA) and triosephosphates. In C3 plantsPEP is not considered to be effectively transported on the chloroplastphosphate translocator. The influences of certain organic phosphates,having a similar structure to either PEP or triose-phosphates,on 3-PGA dependent O2 evolution by C4 (Digitaria sanquinalisL. Scop.) and C3 (Hordeum vulgare L.) mesophyll chloroplastswere investigated. In the C4 mesophyll chloroplasts phosphoglycolatewas a competitive inhibitor (Ki = 2.1 mM) of 3-PGA dependentO2 evolution, and was as effective as previously reported forPEP. 2-Phosphoglycerate was also a competitive inhibitor (Kt= 8.6 mM) of O2 evolution in the C4 mesophyll chloroplasts with3-PGA as substrate, while phospholactate was a weak inhibitorand glyphosate had no effect. Neither PEP, phosphoglycolatenor 2-phosphoglycerate were effective inhibitors of 3- PGA dependentO2 evolution in the C3 chloroplasts. Phosphohydroxypyruvatewas a competitive inhibitor of 3-PGA dependent O22 evolutionin both chloroplast types. The selectivity in inhibition ofO2 evolution with 3-PGA as substrate suggests that the C4 mesophyllchloroplasts can recognize certain organic phosphates with thephosphate in the C-2 or C-3 position but that the C4 mesophyllchloroplasts can only effectively recognize certain organicphosphates with the phosphate in the C-3 position. The resultsalso support the view that 3-PGA and PEP are transported onthe same phosphate translocator in C4 mesophyll chloroplasts. 1 Current address: Department of Horticulture, 2001 Fyffe Court,The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210-1096. (Received March 24, 1987; Accepted April 16, 1987)  相似文献   

U. Lüttge  K. Fischer 《Planta》1980,149(1):59-63
Light-dependent CO-evolution by the green leaves of C3 and C4 plants depends on the CO2/O2 ratio in the ambient atmosphere. This and other physiological responses suggest that CO-evolution is a byproduct of photorespiration. At CO2/O2 ratios up to 10-3, the ratio of CO evolved: CO2 fixed in photosynthesis is significantly higher in C3 than in C4 plants. This discrepancy disappears when a correction is made for the CO2-concentrating mechanism in C4 photosynthesis, by which CO2-concentration at the site of ribulose-bis-phosphate carboxylase/oxygenase in the bundle sheaths is raised significantly as compared to the ambient atmosphere. Since the oxygenase function of this enzyme is responsible for glycolate synthesis, i.e., the substrate of photorespiration, this result seems to support the conclusion that CO-evolution is a consequence of photorespiration. CO-evolution may turn out to be a useful and rather straightforward indicator for photorespiration in ecophysiological studies.Abbreviations CAM crassulacean acid metabolism - CO net CO-evolution - CO2 net CO2-fixation - PEP-C phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase - RubP-C ribulose-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase Dedicated to Professor André Pirson on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase, EC is a key enzyme of C4 photosynthesis. It has evolved from ancestral non-photosynthetic (C3) isoforms and thereby changed its kinetic and regulatory properties. We are interested in understanding the molecular changes, as the C4 PEPCases were adapted to their new function in C4 photosynthesis and have therefore analysed the PEPCase genes of various Alternanthera species. We isolated PEPCase cDNAs from the C4 plant Alternanthera pungens H.B.K., the C3/C4 intermediate plant A. tenella Colla, and the C3 plant A. sessilis (L.) R.Br. and investigated the kinetic properties of the corresponding recombinant PEPCase proteins and their phylogenetic relationships. The three PEPCases are most likely derived from orthologous gene classes named ppcA. The affinity constant for the substrate phosphoenolpyruvate (K 0.5 PEP) and the degree of activation by glucose-6-phosphate classified the enzyme from A. pungens (C4) as a C4 PEPCase isoform. In contrast, both the PEPCases from A. sessilis (C3) and A. tenella (C3/C4) were found to be typical C3 PEPCase isozymes. The C4 characteristics of the PEPCase of A. pungens were accompanied by the presence of the C4-invariant serine residue at position 775 reinforcing that a serine at this position is essential for being a C4 PEPCase (Svensson et al. 2003). Genomic Southern blot experiments and sequence analysis of the 3′ untranslated regions of these genes indicated the existence of PEPCase multigene family in all three plants which can be grouped into three classes named ppcA, ppcB and ppcC.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research - The semi-arid ecosystems of the African Sahel play an important role in the global carbon cycle and are among the most sensitive ecosystems to future environmental...  相似文献   

Chloroplasts, mitochondria and cytoplasm, isolated from pea,wheat, maize and sorghum mesophyll protoplasts, contain distinctforms of superoxide dismutase (SOD). In all species evaluated,chloroplasts exhibited a single cyanide-sensitive SOD. Thischloroplastic enzyme was the most anionic SOD observed in wholeleaf and protoplast extracts and constitutes 50–80% ofthe total soluble SOD. Pea and wheat protoplasts had only onecytoplasmic SOD, a cyanide-sensitive form of intermediate mobility;maize and sorghum had two such cytoplasmic enzymes. A singlecyanide-insensitive SOD was present in extracts from both C3and C4 tissues and was associated with mitochondria. Although bundle sheath cells of sorghum and maize are knownto be deficient in Photosystem II, there was no apparent differencein SOD between mesophyll and bundle sheath cells. Mesophyllprotoplasts and bundle sheath strands from these C4 plants containedthe same forms of SOD. Levels of soluble SOD were similar, ona chlorophyll basis, in the two cell types as was distributionof activity among the various forms of the enzyme. (Received May 19, 1980; )  相似文献   

The CO2 dependence of rates of CO2 fixation (A) and photochemistry of PS II at 5, 15 and 30% O2 were analyzed in the C4 plant Amaranthus edulis having a C4 cycle deficiency [phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) mutants], and in the C4 plant Flaveria bidentis having a C3 cycle deficiency [Rubisco small subunit antisense (SSU)]. In the wild type (WT) A. edulis and its heterozygous mutant having less than 50% WT PEPC activity there was a similar dependence of A and PS II photochemistry on varying CO2, although the CO2 saturated rates were 25% lower in heterozygous plants. The homozygous plants having less than 2% PEPC of the WT had significant levels of photorespiration at ambient levels of CO2 and required about 30 times ambient levels for maximum rates of A. Despite variation in the capacity of the C4 cycle, more than 91% of PS II activity was linearly associated with A under varying CO2 at 5, 15 and 30% O2. However, the WT plant had a higher PS II activity per CO2 fixed under saturating CO2 than the homozygous mutant, which is suggested to be due to elimination of the C4 cycle and its associated requirement for ATP from a Mehler reaction. In the SSU F. bidentis plants, a decreased rate of A (35%) and PS II activity (33%) accompanied a decrease in Rubisco capacity. There was some increase in alternative electron sinks at high CO2 when the C3 cycle was constrained, which may be due to increased flux through the C4 cycle via an ATP generating Mehler reaction. Nevertheless, even with constraints on the function of the C4 or C3 cycle by genetic modifications, analyses of CO2 response curves under varying levels of O2 indicate that CO2 assimilation is the main determinant of PS II activity in C4 plants.  相似文献   

Protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C) function in higher plants   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
In the past few years, molecular cloning studies have revealed the primary structure of plant protein serine/threonine phosphatases. Two structurally distinct families, the PP1/PP2A family and the PP2C family, are present in plants as well as in animals. This review will focus on the plant PP2C family of protein phosphatases. Biochemical and molecular genetic studies in Arabidopsis have identified PP2C enzymes as key players in plant signal transduction processes. For instance, the ABI1/ABI2 PP2Cs are central components in abscisic acid (ABA) signal transduction. Arabidopsis mutants containing a single amino acid exchange in ABI1 or ABI2 show a reduced response to ABA. Another member of the PP2C family, kinase-associated protein phosphatase (KAPP), appears to be an important element in some receptor-like kinase (RLK) signalling pathways. Finally, an alfalfa PP2C acts as a negative regulator of a plant mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway. Thus, the plant PP2Cs function as regulators of various signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

The light dependence of quantum yields of Photosystem II (II) and of CO2 fixation were determined in C3 and C4 plants under atmospheric conditions where photorespiration was minimal. Calculations were made of the apparent quantum yield for CO2 fixation by dividing the measured rate of photosynthesis by the absorbed light [A/I=CO2 and of the true quantum yield by dividing the estimated true rate of photosynthesis by absorbed light [(A+Rl)/Ia=CO2·], where RL is the rate of respiration in the light. The dependence of the II/CO2 and II/CO2 * ratios on light intensity was then evaluated. In both C3 and C4 plants there was little change in the ratio of II/CO2 at light intensities equivalent to 10–100% of full sunlight, whereas there was a dramatic increase in the ratio at lower light intensities. Changes in the ratio of II/CO2 can occur because respiratory losses are not accounted for, due to changes in the partitioning of energy between photosystems or changes in the relationship between PS II activity and CO2 fixation. The apparent decrease in efficiency of utilization of energy derived from PS II for CO2 fixation under low light intensity may be due to respiratory loss of CO2. Using dark respiration as an estimate of RL, the calculated II/CO2 * ratio was nearly constant from full sunlight down to approx 5% of full sunlight, which suggests a strong linkage between the true rate of CO2 fixation and PS II activity under varying light intensity. Measurements of photosynthesis rates and II were made by illuminating upper versus lower leaf surfaces of representative C3 and C4 monocots and dicots. With the monocots, the rate of photosynthesis and the ratio of II/CO2 exhibited a very similar patterns with leaves illuminated from the adaxial versus the abaxial surface, which may be due to uniformity in anatomy and lack of differences in light acclimation between the two surfaces. With dicots, the abaxial surface had both lower rates of photosynthesis and lower II values than the adaxial surface which may be due to differences in anatomy (spongy versus palisade mesophyll cells) and/or light acclimation between the two surfaces. However, in each species the response of II/CO2 to varying light intensity was similar between the two surfaces, indicating a comparable linkage between PS II activity and CO2 fixation.Abbreviations A measured rate of CO2 assimilation - A+RL true rate of CO2 assimilation; e - CO2 estimate of electrons transported through PSII per CO2 fixed by RuBP carboxylase - f fraction of light absorbed by Photosystem II - F'm yield of PSII chlorophyll fluorescence due to a saturating flash of white light under steady-state photosynthesis - Fs variable yield of fluorescence under steady-state photosynthesis; PPFD-photosynthetic photon flux density - Ia absorbed PPFD - PS II Photosystem II - Rd rate of respiration in the dark - RI rate of respiration in the light estimated from measurement of Rd or from analysis of quantum yields - apparent quantum yield of CO2 assimilation under a given condition (A/absorbed PPFD) - true quantum yield of CO2 assimilation under a given condition [(A+RL)/(absorbed PPFD)] - quantum yield for photosynthetic O2 evolution - electrons transported via PS II per quantum absorbed by PS II Supported by USDA Competitive Grant 90-37280-5706.  相似文献   

The exposure of detached leaves of C3 plants (pea, barley) and C4 plant (maize) to 5 m M Pb (NO3)2 for 24 h caused a reduction of their photosynthetic activity by 40–60%, whereas the respiratory rate was stimulated by 20–50%. Mitochondria isolated from Pb2+-treated pea leaves oxidized substrates (glycine, succinate, malate) at higher rates than mitochondria from control leaves. The respiratory control (RCR) and the ADP/O ratio were not affected. Pb2+ caused an increase in ATP content and the ATP/ADP ratio in pea and maize leaves. Rapid fractionation of barley protoplasts incubated at low and high CO2 conditions, indicated that the increased ATP/ADP ratio in Pb2+-treated leaves resulted mainly from the production of mitochondrial ATP. The measurements of membrane potential of mitochondria with a TPP+-sensitive electrode further showed that mitochondria isolated from Pb2+-treated leaves had at least as high membrane potential as mitochondria from control leaves. The activity of NAD-malate dehydrogenase in the protoplasts from barley leaves treated with Pb2+ was 3-fold higher than in protoplasts from control leaves. The activities of photorespiratory enzymes NADH-hydroxypyruvate reductase and glycolate oxidase as well as of NAD-malic enzyme were not affected. The presented data indicate that stimulation of respiration in leaves treated by lead is in a close relationship with activation of malate dehydrogenase and stimulation of the mitochondrial ATP production. Thus, respiration might fulfil a protective role during heavy metal exposure.  相似文献   


Key message

Rubisco activase of plants evolved in a stepwise manner without losing its function to adapt to the major evolutionary events including endosymbiosis and land colonization.


Rubisco activase is an essential enzyme for photosynthesis, which removes inhibitory sugar phosphates from the active sites of Rubisco, a process necessary for Rubisco activation and carbon fixation. The gene probably evolved in cyanobacteria as different species differ for its presence. However, the gene is present in all other plant species. At least a single gene copy was maintained throughout plant evolution; but various genome and gene duplication events, which occurred during plant evolution, increased its copy number in some species. The exons and exon–intron junctions of present day higher plant’s Rca, which is conserved in most species seem to have evolved in charophytes. A unique tandem duplication of Rca gene occurred in a common grass ancestor, and the two genes evolved differently for gene structure, sequence, and expression pattern. At the protein level, starting with a primitive form in cyanobacteria, RCA of chlorophytes evolved by integrating chloroplast transit peptide (cTP), and N-terminal domains to the ATPase, Rubisco recognition and C-terminal domains. The redox regulated C-terminal extension (CTE) and the associated alternate splicing mechanism, which splices the RCA-α and RCA-β isoforms were probably gained from another gene in charophytes, conserved in most species except the members of Solanaceae family.

Biao Zhu  Weixin Cheng 《Plant and Soil》2011,342(1-2):277-287
Stable carbon isotopes are used extensively to partition total soil CO2 efflux into root-derived rhizosphere respiration or autotrophic respiration and soil-derived heterotrophic respiration. However, it remains unclear whether CO2 from rhizosphere respiration has the same δ13C value as root biomass. Here we investigated the magnitude of 13C isotope fractionation during rhizosphere respiration relative to root biomass in six plant species. Plants were grown in a carbon-free sand-perlite medium inoculated with microorganisms from a farm soil for 62 days inside a greenhouse. We measured the δ13C value of rhizosphere respiration using a closed-circulation 48-hour CO2 trapping method during 40~42 and 60~62 days after sowing. We found a consistent depletion in 13C (0.9~1.7‰) of CO2 from rhizosphere respiration relative to root biomass in three C3 species (Glycine max L. Merr., Helianthus annuus L. and Triticum aestivum L.), but a relatively large depletion in 13C (3.7~7.0‰) in three C4 species (Amaranthus tricolor L., Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench and Zea mays L. ssp. mays). Overall, our results indicate that CO2 from rhizosphere respiration is more 13C-depleted than root biomass. Therefore, accounting for this 13C fractionation is required for accurately partitioning total soil CO2 efflux into root-derived and soil-derived components using natural abundance stable carbon isotope methods.  相似文献   

BackgroundLand plants commonly produce red pigmentation as a response to environmental stressors, both abiotic and biotic. The type of pigment produced varies among different land plant lineages. In the majority of species they are flavonoids, a large branch of the phenylpropanoid pathway. Flavonoids that can confer red colours include 3-hydroxyanthocyanins, 3-deoxyanthocyanins, sphagnorubins and auronidins, which are the predominant red pigments in flowering plants, ferns, mosses and liverworts, respectively. However, some flowering plants have lost the capacity for anthocyanin biosynthesis and produce nitrogen-containing betalain pigments instead. Some terrestrial algal species also produce red pigmentation as an abiotic stress response, and these include both carotenoid and phenolic pigments.ScopeIn this review, we examine: which environmental triggers induce red pigmentation in non-reproductive tissues; theories on the functions of stress-induced pigmentation; the evolution of the biosynthetic pathways; and structure–function aspects of different pigment types. We also compare data on stress-induced pigmentation in land plants with those for terrestrial algae, and discuss possible explanations for the lack of red pigmentation in the hornwort lineage of land plants.ConclusionsThe evidence suggests that pigment biosynthetic pathways have evolved numerous times in land plants to provide compounds that have red colour to screen damaging photosynthetically active radiation but that also have secondary functions that provide specific benefits to the particular land plant lineage.  相似文献   

Summary Six early successional plant species with differing photosynthetic pathways (3 C3 species and 3 C4 species) were grown at either 300, 600, or 1,200 ppm CO2 and at either 0.0 or 0.25 ppm SO2. Total plant growth increased with CO2 concentration for the C3 species and varied only slightly with CO2 for the C4 species. Fumigation with SO2 caused reduced growth of the C3 species at 300 ppm CO2 but not at the higher concentrations of CO2. Fumigation with SO2 reduced growth of the C4 species at high CO2 and increased growth at 300 ppm CO2. Leaf area increased with increasing CO2 for all plant species. Fumigation with SO2 reduced leaf area of C3 plants more at low CO2 than at high CO2 while leaf area of C4 plants was reduced more at high CO2 than at low CO2. These results support the notion that C3 species are more sensitive to SO2 fumigation than are C4 species at concentrations of CO2 equal to that found in normal ambient air. However, the difference in sensitivity to SO2 between C3 and C4 species was found to be reversed at higher concentrations of CO2. A possible explanation for this reversal based upon differences in stomatal response to elevated CO2 between C3 and C4 species is discussed.  相似文献   

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