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P2Z/P2X7 receptor-dependent apoptosis of dendritic cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Macrophages andthymocytes expressP2Z/P2X7nucleotide receptors that bind extracellular ATP. These receptors playa role in immune development and control of microbial infections, but their presence on dendritic cells has not been reported. Weinvestigated whether extracellular ATP could triggerP2Z/P2X7receptor-dependent apoptosis of dendritic cells. Apoptosis could beselectively triggered by tetrabasic ATP, since otherpurine/pyrimidine nucleotides were ineffective, and it wasmimicked by the P2Z receptoragonist, benzoylbenzoyl ATP, and blocked by magnesium and theirreversible antagonist, oxidized ATP. RT-PCR analysis confirmed themRNA expression of theP2Z/P2X7receptor and the absence of P2X1.Caspase inhibitors and cycloheximide had only a partial effect on theapoptosis, suggesting that a caspase-independent mechanism may also beoperative. Brief treatment with ATP led to an increase in theintracellular calcium concentration and permeabilization of the plasmamembrane to Lucifer yellow, which diffused throughout the dendriticcell cytosol. Other small extracellular molecules may thus attain a similar intracellular distribution, perhaps activating endogenous proteases that contribute to initiation of apoptosis.  相似文献   

白血病细胞系来源的P2X7受体的功能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
P2X7受体是ATP门控的离子通道。从白血病细胞系J6-1细胞中扩增P2X7受体编码区全序列,克隆到pTARGET真核表达载体,经DNA序列分析后转染Ramos细胞,获得稳定表达细胞株;应用RT-PCR、Westernblot和流式细胞术检测P2X7受体在Ramos中的表达;荧光分光光度计检测P2X7受体介导的胞内钙离子浓度变化。结果显示,J6-1细胞来源的P2X7受体在第559位有一个A→G的有义突变,导致Asn187→Asp187,可在Ramos细胞中表达,在特异性激动剂BzATP作用下可引起胞内钙离子浓度的升高,但所需激动剂浓度高于常规浓度。  相似文献   

Recently, one of the P2 purinergic receptors, the P2X7 receptor, has been extensively studied in nervous system and important functions have been revealed in both astrocytes and microglia. Stimulation of the receptors induces a sustained and nondesensitized increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i). In astrocytes purinergic receptors primarily regulate neurotransmission by inducing gliotransmitters release whereas in microglia the receptors stimulate the processing and release of proinflammation cytokines such as interleukin-1 and are thereby involved in inflammation and neurodegeneration. Thus, P2X7 receptors are considered not only to exert physiological functions but also mediate cell death. P2X7 receptors have also been identified in various cancer cells and in neuroblastoma cells. In these cells, the P2X7 receptor-mediated sustained Ca2+ signal is important in maintaining cellular viability and growth. Accordingly, these findings not only lead to a better understanding of roles of the receptor but also prompt the development of more potent, selective and safer P2X7 selective antagonists. These emerging antagonists bring new hope in the treatment of inflammatory-induced neurodegenerative diseases as well as neuroblastoma.  相似文献   

病理性疼痛主要包括组织损伤或炎症引起的炎症痛、神经系统损伤或疾病引起的神经病理性疼痛和恶性肿瘤及治疗引起的癌症痛三大类。病理性疼痛对常规的镇痛药物反应不理想,迫切需要寻找新的对病理性疼痛更有效和更特异的治疗手段。P2X7受体作为离子通道型嘌呤能受体,在炎症痛、神经病理性疼痛和癌症痛中都具有重要作用。靶向P2X7受体的新药物将为病理性疼痛的治疗带来新的希望。该文综述了P2X7受体在三类病理性疼痛中的研究进展。  相似文献   



Novel developmental functions have been attributed to the P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) including proliferation stimulation and neural differentiation. Mouse embryonic stem cells (ESC), induced with retinoic acid to neural differentiation, closely assemble processes occurring during neuroectodermal development of the early embryo.

Principal Findings

P2X7R expression together with the pluripotency marker Oct-4 was highest in undifferentiated ESC. In undifferentiated cells, the P2X7R agonist Bz-ATP accelerated cell cycle entry, which was blocked by the specific P2X7R inhibitor KN-62. ESC induced to neural differentiation with retinoic acid, reduced Oct-4 and P2X7R expression. P2X7R receptor-promoted intracellular calcium fluxes were obtained at lower Bz-ATP ligand concentrations in undifferentiated and in neural-differentiated cells compared to other studies. The presence of KN-62 led to increased number of cells expressing SSEA-1, Dcx and β3-tubulin, as well as the number of SSEA-1 and β3-tubulin-double-positive cells confirming that onset of neuroectodermal differentiation and neuronal fate determination depends on suppression of P2X7R activity. Moreover, an increase in the number of Ki-67 positive cells in conditions of P2X7R inhibition indicates rescue of progenitors into the cell cycle, augmenting the number of neuroblasts and consequently neurogenesis.


In embryonic cells, P2X7R expression and activity is upregulated, maintaining proliferation, while upon induction to neural differentiation P2X7 receptor expression and activity needs to be suppressed.  相似文献   

The effects ofmaitotoxin (MTX) on plasmalemma permeability are similar to thosecaused by stimulation of P2Z/P2X7ionotropic receptors, suggesting that1) MTX directly activatesP2Z/P2X7 receptors or2) MTX andP2Z/P2X7 receptor stimulationactivate a common cytolytic pore. To distinguish between these twopossibilities, the effect of MTX was examined in1) THP-1 monocytic cells before andafter treatment with lipopolysaccharide and interferon-, a maneuverknown to upregulate P2Z/P2X7receptor, 2) wild-type HEK cells andHEK cells stably expressing theP2Z/P2X7 receptor, and3) BW5147.3 lymphoma cells, a cellline that expresses functional P2Z/P2X7 channels that are poorlylinked to pore formation. In control THP-1 monocytes, addition of MTXproduced a biphasic increase in the cytosolic freeCa2+ concentration([Ca2+]i);the initial increase reflects MTX-inducedCa2+ influx, whereas the secondphase correlates in time with the appearance of large pores and theuptake of ethidium. MTX produced comparable increases in[Ca2+]iand ethidium uptake in THP-1 monocytes overexpressing theP2Z/P2X7 receptor. In bothwild-type HEK and HEK cells stably expressing theP2Z/P2X7 receptor, MTX-inducedincreases in[Ca2+]iand ethidium uptake were virtually identical. The response of BW5147.3cells to concentrations of MTX that produced large increases in[Ca2+]ihad no effect on ethidium uptake. In both THP-1 and HEK cells, MTX- andBz-ATP-induced pores activate with similar kinetics and exhibit similarsize exclusion. Last, MTX-induced pore formation, but not channelactivation, is greatly attenuated by reducing the temperature to22°C, a characteristic shared by theP2Z/P2X7-induced pore. Together,the results demonstrate that, although MTX activates channels that aredistinct from those activated byP2Z/P2X7 receptor stimulation, thecytolytic/oncotic pores activated by MTX- and Bz-ATP are indistinguishable.


The amyloid precursor protein (APP) can be cleaved by α-secretases in neural cells to produce the soluble APP ectodomain (sAPPα), which is neuroprotective. We have shown previously that activation of the purinergic P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) triggers sAPPα shedding from neural cells. Here, we demonstrate that the activation of ezrin, radixin, and moesin (ERM) proteins is required for the P2X7R-dependent proteolytic processing of APP leading to sAPPα release. Indeed, the down-regulation of ERM by siRNA blocked the P2X7R-dependent shedding of sAPPα. We also show that P2X7R stimulation triggered the phosphorylation of ERM. Thus, ezrin translocates to the plasma membrane to interact with P2X7R. Using specific pharmacological inhibitors, we established the order in which several enzymes trigger the P2X7R-dependent release of sAPPα. Thus, a Rho kinase and the MAPK modules ERK1/2 and JNK act upstream of ERM, whereas a PI3K activity is triggered downstream. For the first time, this work identifies ERM as major partners in the regulated non-amyloidogenic processing of APP.  相似文献   

Given the role that extracellular ATP (ATP(o))-mediated apoptosis may play in inflammatory responses and in controlling mycobacterial growth in macrophages, we investigated whether ATP(o) has any effect on the viability of chlamydiae in macrophages and, conversely, whether the infection has any effect on susceptibility to ATP(o)-induced killing via P2Z/P2X(7) purinergic receptors. Apoptosis of J774 macrophages could be selectively triggered by ATP(o), because other purine/pyrimidine nucleotides were ineffective, and it was inhibited by oxidized ATP, which irreversibly inhibits P2Z/P2X(7) purinergic receptors. Incubation with ATP(o) but not other extracellular nucleotides inhibits the growth of intracellular chlamydiae, consistent with previous observations on ATP(o) effects on growth of intracellular mycobacteria. However, chlamydial infection for 1 day also inhibits ATP(o)-mediated apoptosis, which may be a mechanism to partially protect infected cells against the immune response. Infection by Chlamydia appears to protect cells by decreasing the ability of ATP(o) to permeabilize macrophages to small molecules and by abrogating a sustained Ca(2+) influx previously associated with ATP(o)-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

The ATP-gated P2X7 receptor channel (P2X7R) operates as a cytolytic and apoptotic receptor but also controls sustained cellular responses, including cell growth and proliferation. However, it has not been clarified how the same receptor mediates such opposing effects. To address this question, we have combined electrophysiological, imaging, and mathematical studies using wild-type and mutant rat P2X7Rs. Activation of naïve (not previously stimulated) receptors by low agonist concentrations caused monophasic slow desensitizing currents and internalization of receptors without other changes in the cellular morphology, much like other P2XRs. In contrast, saturating agonist concentrations induced high-amplitude biphasic currents, reflecting pore dilation and causing rapid cell swelling and lysis. The existence of these two signaling patterns was accounted for using a revised Markov-state model that included, in addition to naïve and sensitized states, desensitized states. Occupancy of one or two ATP-binding sites of naïve receptors favored a slow transition to desensitized states, whereas occupancy of the third binding site favored a transition to sensitized/dilated states. Consistent with model predictions, nondilating P2X7R mutants always generated desensitizing currents. These results suggest that the level of saturation of the ligand binding sites determines the nature of the P2X7R gating and cellular actions.  相似文献   

The ATP-gated P2X7 receptor channel (P2X7R) operates as a cytolytic and apoptotic receptor but also controls sustained cellular responses, including cell growth and proliferation. However, it has not been clarified how the same receptor mediates such opposing effects. To address this question, we have combined electrophysiological, imaging, and mathematical studies using wild-type and mutant rat P2X7Rs. Activation of naïve (not previously stimulated) receptors by low agonist concentrations caused monophasic slow desensitizing currents and internalization of receptors without other changes in the cellular morphology, much like other P2XRs. In contrast, saturating agonist concentrations induced high-amplitude biphasic currents, reflecting pore dilation and causing rapid cell swelling and lysis. The existence of these two signaling patterns was accounted for using a revised Markov-state model that included, in addition to naïve and sensitized states, desensitized states. Occupancy of one or two ATP-binding sites of naïve receptors favored a slow transition to desensitized states, whereas occupancy of the third binding site favored a transition to sensitized/dilated states. Consistent with model predictions, nondilating P2X7R mutants always generated desensitizing currents. These results suggest that the level of saturation of the ligand binding sites determines the nature of the P2X7R gating and cellular actions.  相似文献   

Extracellular ATP is known to trigger apoptosis of thymocytesand lymphocytes through a P2Z receptor at which ATP is a partial agonist, giving only 70% of the maximum response of3'-O-(4-benzoyl)benzoyl-adenosine 5'-triphosphate (BzATP), a full agonist. This cytolytic receptor and its associated ion channel areCa2+ (andBa2+) selective but also passmolecules up to the size of ethidium cation (314 Da).RT-PCR showed identity between lymphocyte P2Z and thehP2X7 gene recently cloned fromhuman monocytes. When human leukemic B lymphocytes were incubated withATP and133Ba2+,an immediate influx of isotope occurred. It was augmented by 45% whenATP was added 10 min before isotope. Time-resolved flow cytometry wasused to examine kinetics of ethidium uptake in cells incubated withBzATP or the partial agonists ATP, 2-methylthioadenosine 5'-triphosphate, or adenosine5'-O-(3-thiotriphosphate).Maximally effective concentrations of BzATP (50 µM) induced immediateuptake of ethidium at a rate linear with time. In contrast, a delay was observed (30 s) before ethidium uptake commenced after addition ofmaximally effective ATP concentrations (500 µM) at 37°C, and thedelay was longer at 24°C. ATP addition 2-10 min beforeethidium abolished the delay. The delay was longer with other partialagonists and inversely related to maximal flux produced by agonist. Adelay was also observed for submaximal BzATP concentrations (10-20µM). P2Z/P2X7 inhibitors, KN-62and5-(N,N-hexamethylene)-amiloride, reduced the rate of agonist-induced ethidium uptake and lengthened thedelay. The results support a model in which agonists forP2Z/P2X7 receptor mediate animmediate channel opening allowing passage of small inorganic cations,followed by a slow further permeability increase allowing passage oflarger permeant cations like ethidium. The rate of the second stepdepends on time and temperature and the efficacy and concentration ofagonist and is slowed by antagonists, suggesting it depends on thefraction of P2Z/P2X7 channels held in the initial openstate.


Maitotoxin (MTX),a potent cytolytic agent, activatesCa2+ entry via nonselective cationchannels in virtually all types of cells. The identity of the channelsinvolved and the biochemical events leading to cell lysis remainunknown. In the present study, the effect of MTX on plasmalemmalpermeability of human skin fibroblasts was examined. MTX produced atime- and concentration-dependent increase in cytosolic freeCa2+ concentration that dependedon extracellular Ca2+ and wasrelatively insensitive to blockade by extracellular lanthanides. MTXalso produced a time- and concentration-dependent increase inplasmalemma permeability to larger molecules as indicated by 1) uptake of ethidium (314 Da),2) uptake of YO-PRO-1 (375 Da), 3) release of intracellular fura 2 (636 Da), 4) uptake of POPO-3 (715 Da), and, ultimately,5) release of lactate dehydrogenase (relative molecular weight of 140,000). At the single cell level, uptake of YO-PRO-1 correlated in time with the appearance of large MTX-induced membrane currents carried by the organic cation,N-methyl-D-glucamine (167 Da). Thus MTX initially activatesCa2+-permeable cation channels andlater induces the formation of large pores. These effects of MTX onplasmalemmal permeability are similar to those seen on activation ofP2Z/P2X7 receptors ina variety of cell types, raising the intriguing possibility that MTXand P2Z/P2X7 receptor stimulationactivate a common cytolytic pore.


在ATP门控离子通道P2X受体家族中,P2X7受体由于在结构和功能上与其他(P2X1-P2X6)受体的显著差别而备受关注.P2X7受体是由3个同源亚基组成的多聚体,其C端为P2X受体家族中最长的,与其他已知蛋白没有同源性.P2X7受体具有独特的双功能性,被ATP激活后形成非选择性阳离子通道,允许钾、钠、钙等阳离子跨膜流动,而对二价阳离子表现出相对较强的选择性,在低浓度二价阳离子环境及ATP的持续刺激下,激活的P2X7受体能形成大的孔通道.P2X7受体广泛分布在血液系统、免疫系统和骨组织等多种组织器官中,通过信号转导参与细胞增殖、蛋白合成和细胞凋亡等事件.近年来在中枢神经系统中的研究发现,P2X7受体参与神经突触传递等生理过程,并在神经性退变等病理过程中发挥重要的调节作用.其中,多种假说支持它与少突胶质细胞的损伤有密切关系.  相似文献   

The P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) is attracting increasing attention for its involvement in cancer. Several recent studies have shown a crucial role of P2X7R in tumour cell growth, angiogenesis and invasiveness. In this study, we investigated the role of the two known human P2X7R functional splice variants, the full length P2X7RA and the truncated P2X7RB, in osteosarcoma cell growth. Immunohistochemical analysis of a tissue array of human osteosarcomas showed that forty-four, of a total fifty-four tumours (81.4%), stained positive for both P2X7RA and B, thirty-one (57.4%) were positive using an anti-P2X7RA antibody, whereas fifteen of the total number (27.7%) expressed only P2X7RB. P2X7RB positive tumours showed increased cell density, at the expense of extracellular matrix. The human osteosarcoma cell line Te85, which lacks endogenous P2X7R expression, was stably transfected with either P2X7RA, P2X7RB, or both. Receptor expression was a powerful stimulus for cell growth, the most efficient growth-promoting isoform being P2X7RB alone. Growth stimulation was matched by increased Ca2+ mobilization and enhanced NFATc1 activity. Te85 P2X7RA+B cells presented pore formation as well as spontaneous extracellular ATP release. The ATP release was sustained in all clones by P2X7R agonist (BzATP) and reduced following P2X7R antagonist (A740003) application. BzATP also increased cell growth and activated NFATc1 levels. On the other hand cyclosporin A (CSA) affected both NFATc1 activation and cell growth, definitively linking P2X7R stimulation to NFATc1 and cell proliferation. All transfected clones also showed reduced RANK-L expression, and an overall decreased RANK-L/OPG ratio. Mineralization was increased in Te85 P2X7RA+B cells while it was significantly diminished in Te85 P2X7RB clones, in agreement with immunohistochemical results. In summary, our data show that the majority of human osteosarcomas express P2X7RA and B and suggest that expression of either isoform is differently coupled to cell growth or activity.  相似文献   

SNAP-tag and CLIP-tag protein labeling systems enable the specific, covalent attachment of molecules, including fluorescent dyes, to a protein of interest in live cells. These systems offer a broad selection of fluorescent substrates optimized for a range of imaging instrumentation. Once cloned and expressed, the tagged protein can be used with a variety of substrates for numerous downstream applications without having to clone again. There are two steps to using this system: cloning and expression of the protein of interest as a SNAP-tag fusion, and labeling of the fusion with the SNAP-tag substrate of choice. The SNAP-tag is a small protein based on human O6-alkylguanine-DNA-alkyltransferase (hAGT), a DNA repair protein. SNAP-tag labels are dyes conjugated to guanine or chloropyrimidine leaving groups via a benzyl linker. In the labeling reaction, the substituted benzyl group of the substrate is covalently attached to the SNAP-tag. CLIP-tag is a modified version of SNAP-tag, engineered to react with benzylcytosine rather than benzylguanine derivatives. When used in conjunction with SNAP-tag, CLIP-tag enables the orthogonal and complementary labeling of two proteins simultaneously in the same cells.Download video file.(47M, mov)  相似文献   

旨在制备与鉴定鼠抗P2X7受体的蛋白单克隆抗体.以人P2X7受体的胞外段制备短肽作为抗原,皮下注射免疫Balb/c小鼠.分离小鼠脾脏B淋巴细胞与骨髓瘤细胞融合并培养,挑选阳性杂交瘤细胞,扩大培养,制备和鉴定P2X7其生物学效应.结果显示,获得1株稳定分泌抗人P2X7受体的单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞株,所分泌的单抗类型重链为IgG1,轻链为κ;该株杂交瘤细胞腹水效价为1∶6.4×104;传30代及液氮中保存6个月,抗体效价稳定;Western blotting检测证明该单抗与人细胞表面的P2X7受体蛋白特异地结合.所制备的抗人P2X7受体的单克隆抗体具有高度的特异性及稳定性,为针对P2X7受体为靶点的抗体药物的开发应用、疾病的辅助诊断奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Diabetic neuropathic pain (DNP) is highly common in diabetes patients. P2X receptors play critical roles in pain sensitization. We previously showed that elevated P2X3 expression in dorsal root ganglion (DRG) contributes to DNP. However, the role of other P2X receptors in DNP is unclear. Here, we established the DNP model using a single high-dose streptozotocin (STZ) injection and investigated the expression of P2X genes in the DRG. Our data revealed elevated P2X2, P2X4, and P2X7 mRNA levels in DRG of DNP rats. The protein levels of P2X4 and P2X7 in DNP rats increased, but the P2X2 did not change significantly. To study the role of P2X4 and P2X7 in diabetes-induced hyperalgesia, we treated the DNP rats with TNP-ATP (2’,3’-O-(2,4,6-trinitrophenyl)-adenosine 5’-triphosphate), a nonspecific P2X1–7 antagonist, and found that TNP-ATP alleviated thermal hyperalgesia in DNP rats. 2 Hz electroacupuncture is analgesic against DNP and could downregulate P2X4 and P2X7 expression in DRG. Our findings indicate that P2X4 and P2X7 in L4–L6 DRGs contribute to diabetes-induced hyperalgesia, and that EA reduces thermal hyperalgesia and the expression of P2X4 and P2X7.  相似文献   

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