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Metal ion binding and the folding of the hairpin ribozyme   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The hairpin ribozyme comprises two formally unpaired loops carried on two arms of a four-way helical RNA junction. Addition of divalent metal ions brings about a conformational transition into an antiparallel structure in which there is an intimate association between the loops to generate the active form of the ribozyme. In this study, we have used fluorescence resonance energy transfer to analyze the global folding of the complete ribozyme, and the simple four-way junction derived from it, over a wide concentration range of divalent and monovalent metal ions. The simple junction undergoes an ion-induced rotation into an antiparallel form. In the presence of a constant background concentration of sodium ions, the magnesium-ion-induced transition is characterized by noncooperative binding with a Hill coefficient n = 1. By contrast, the magnesium-ion-induced folding of the complete ribozyme is more complex, involving two distinct binding phases. The first phase occurs in the micromolar range, and involves the cooperative binding of at least three magnesium ions. This can also be achieved by high concentrations of sodium ions, and is therefore likely to be due to diffuse binding of cations at the junction and the interface of the loop-loop interaction. The second phase occurs in the millimolar range, and can only be induced by divalent metal ions. This transition occurs in response to the noncooperative, site-specific binding of magnesium ions. We observe a good correlation between the extent of ion-induced folding and cleavage activity.  相似文献   

RNA catalysis is important in the processing and translation of RNA molecules, yet the mechanisms of catalysis are still unclear in most cases. We have studied the role of nucleobase catalysis in the hairpin ribozyme, where the scissile phosphate is juxtaposed between guanine and adenine bases. We show that a modified ribozyme in which guanine 8 has been substituted by an imidazole base is active in both cleavage and ligation, with ligation rates 10-fold faster than cleavage. The rates of both reactions exhibit bell-shaped dependence on pH, with pK(a) values of 5.7 +/- 0.1 and 7.7 +/- 0.1 for cleavage and 6.1 +/- 0.3 and 6.9 +/- 0.3 for ligation. The data provide good evidence for general acid-base catalysis by the nucleobases.  相似文献   

Direct laser excitation of aqueous Eu(III) bound to specific RNA fragments was used to probe the metal-binding sites of the anticodon loop of tRNA(Phe) from E. coli and of a tetraloop containing a GNRA consensus sequence. Binding of Mg(II) or Eu(III) to either RNA fragment resulted in a higher melting transition, but no global change in structure was observed. Aqueous Eu(III) exhibits a single weak excitation peak at 17273 cm(-1), the intensity of which increased upon addition of the tRNA loop fragment. Analysis of incremental increases in the luminescence intensity upon complexation with the tRNA loop indicated a stoichiometry of one high-affinity Eu(III)-binding site per loop fragment, with a Kd of 1.3 +/- 0.2 microM. Competition experiments between Eu(III) and Mg(II) were consistent with the two metal ions binding to a common site and with an approximately 30-fold lesser affinity of the tRNA loop for Mg(II) than for Eu(III). The rate of luminescence decay following excitation of Eu(III) bound to the tRNA loop corresponded to displacement of up to 4-5 (of a possible 9) waters of hydration on binding to the tRNA loop. By comparison, Eu(III) binds to the DNA analogue of the tRNA loop with an 8-fold lesser affinity and one fewer direct coordination site than to the RNA sequence, suggesting that a 2'OH of RNA is one of the direct ligands. In contrast with the absence of a shift in the excitation peak of aqueous Eu(III) upon formation of the tRNA loop complex, direct excitation of Eu(III) bound to a GNRA tetraloop fragment resulted in a substantially blue-shifted excitation peak (17290 cm(-1)). The tetraloop fragment also has a single Eu(III)-binding site, with a Kd of 12 +/- 3 microM. The bound Eu(III) was competed by Mg(II), although the relative affinity for Mg(II) was approximately 150-450-fold less than that for Eu(III). The Eu(III)-binding site of the tetraloop site is highly dehydrated, with approximately 7 water molecules displaced upon binding by RNA ligands, suggesting that the blue-shift of the excitation peak is the result of Eu(III) specifically bound in a nonpolar site within the GNRA loop structure.  相似文献   

Mutagenesis of the hairpin ribozyme.   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Extensive in vitro mutagenesis studies have been performed on the hairpin ribozyme and substrate in an effort to refine the overall secondary structure of the molecule and provide further insight into what elements are essential for activity. A secondary structure consisting of four helices and five loop regions remains the basic model as originally proposed. Two helices, helix 1 and 2, form between the substrate and ribozyme while helices 3 and 4 are within the ribozyme itself. Our results suggest that helices 3 and 4 are smaller than previously proposed, consisting of four base pairs and three base pairs respectively. Helix 4 can be extended without loss of activity and loop 3 at the closed end of the hairpin model can be varied in sequence with retention of activity. There is an unpaired nucleotide between helices 2 and 3 consisting of a single A base, suggesting the opportunity for flexibility within the tertiary structure at this point. Comparisons are made between the new data and previously published mutagenesis and phylogenetic data. Substrate targeting rules require base pairing between helices 1 and 2 with cleavage (*) occurring in a preferred 5'(g/c/u)n*guc3' sequence of the substrate.  相似文献   

This work reports Eu(III) and Tb(III) luminescence titrations in which the lanthanide ions were used as spectroscopic probes for Ca(II) ions to determine the metal binding ability of Ac-NESVKEEGGW-NH(2) and Ac-NESVKEDGGW-NH(2). These decapeptides correspond to the putative calcium binding region of the plant antifungal proteins SI-alpha1 from Sorghum bicolor and of Zeathionin from Zea mays, respectively. The luminescence spectra for the Eu(III)-decapeptide system (red emission) with the excitation at the Trp band at 280 nm showed an enhancement of the intensities of the 5D(0)-->7F(J) transitions (where J=0-4) with increments of Eu(III) ion concentration. The photoluminescence titration data of the terbium ion (green emission) in the decapeptide solutions showed intensification of the 5D(4)-->7F(J) transitions (J=0-6), similar to that observed for the Eu(III) ion. Thus, energy transfer from Ac-NESVKEEGGW-NH(2) and Ac-NESVKEDGGW-NH(2) to the trivalent lanthanide ions revealed that these peptides are capable of binding to these metal ions with association constants of the order of 10(5) M(-1). The amino acid derivative Ac-Trp-OEt also transferred energy to Tb(III) and Eu(III) ions as judged from the quenching of tryptophan luminescence. However, the energy transfers were significantly lower. Taken together the luminescence titration data indicated that Ac-NESVKEEGGW-NH(2) and Ac-NESVKEDGGW-NH(2) bind efficiently to both trivalent lanthanide ions and that these ions may be used as probes to distinguish an anionic peptide from a neutral amino acid derivative.  相似文献   

Butcher SE  Allain FH  Feigon J 《Biochemistry》2000,39(9):2174-2182
Cations play an important role in RNA folding and stabilization. The hairpin ribozyme is a small catalytic RNA consisting of two domains, A and B, which interact in the transition state in an ion-dependent fashion. Here we describe the interaction of mono-, di-, and trivalent cations with the domains of the ribozyme, as studied by homo- and heteronuclear NMR spectroscopy. Paramagnetic line broadening, chemical shift mapping, and intermolecular NOEs indicate that the B domain contains four to five metal binding sites, which bind Mn(2+), Mg(2+), and Co(NH(3))(6)(3+). There is no significant structural change in the B domain upon the addition of Co(NH(3))(6)(3+) or Mg(2+). No specific monovalent ion binding sites exist on the B domain, as determined by (15)NH(4)(+) binding studies. In contrast to the B domain, there are no observable metal ion interactions within the internal loop of the A domain. Model structure calculations of Mn(2+) interactions at two sites within the B domain indicate that the binding sites comprise major groove pockets lined with functional groups oriented so that multiple hydrogen bonds can be formed between the RNA and Mn(H(2)O)(6)(2+) or Co(NH(3))(6)(3+). Site 1 is very similar in geometry to a site within the P4-P6 domain of the Tetrahymena group I intron, while site 2 is unique among known ion binding sites. The site 2 ion interacts with a catalytically essential nucleotide and bridges two phosphates. Due to its location and geometry, this ion may play an important role in the docking of the A and B domains.  相似文献   

Structure and function of the hairpin ribozyme   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The hairpin ribozyme belongs to the family of small catalytic RNAs that cleave RNA substrates in a reversible reaction that generates 2',3'-cyclic phosphate and 5'-hydroxyl termini. The hairpin catalytic motif was discovered in the negative strand of the tobacco ringspot virus satellite RNA, where hairpin ribozyme-mediated self-cleavage and ligation reactions participate in processing RNA replication intermediates. The self-cleaving hairpin, hammerhead, hepatitis delta and Neurospora VS RNAs each adopt unique structures and exploit distinct kinetic and catalytic mechanisms despite catalyzing the same chemical reactions. Mechanistic studies of hairpin ribozyme reactions provided early evidence that, like protein enzymes, RNA enzymes are able to exploit a variety of catalytic strategies. In contrast to the hammerhead and Tetrahymena ribozyme reactions, hairpin-mediated cleavage and ligation proceed through a catalytic mechanism that does not require direct coordination of metal cations to phosphate or water oxygens. The hairpin ribozyme is a better ligase than it is a nuclease while the hammerhead reaction favors cleavage over ligation of bound products by nearly 200-fold. Recent structure-function studies have begun to yield insights into the molecular bases of these unique features of the hairpin ribozyme.  相似文献   

Probing the hammerhead ribozyme structure with ribonucleases.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Susceptibility to RNase digestion has been used to probe the conformation of the hammerhead ribozyme structure prepared from chemically synthesised RNAs. Less than about 1.5% of the total sample was digested to obtain a profile of RNase digestion sites. The observed digestion profiles confirmed the predicted base-paired secondary structure for the hammerhead. Digestion profiles of both cis and trans hammerhead structures were nearly identical which indicated that the structural interactions leading to self-cleavage were similar for both systems. Furthermore, the presence or absence of Mg2+ did not affect the RNase digestion profiles, thus indicating that Mg2+ did not modify the hammerhead structure significantly to induce self-cleavage. The base-paired stems I and II in the hammerhead structure were stable whereas stem III, which was susceptible to digestion, appeared to be an unstable region. The single strand domains separating the stems were susceptible to digestion with the exception of sites adjacent to guanosines; GL2.1 in the stem II loop and G12 in the conserved GAAAC sequence, which separates stems II and III. The absence of digestion at GL2.1 in the stem II hairpin loop of the hammerhead complex was maintained in uncomplexed ribozyme and in short oligonucleotides containing only the stem II hairpin region. In contrast, the G12 site became susceptible when the ribozyme was not complexed with its substrate. Overall the results are consistent with the role of Mg2+ in the hammerhead self-cleavage reaction being catalytic and not structural.  相似文献   

Protein enzymes often use ionizable side chains, such as histidine, for general acid-base catalysis because the imidazole pK(a) is near neutral pH. RNA enzymes, on the other hand, are comprised of nucleotides which do not have apparent pK(a) values near neutral pH. Nevertheless, it has been recently shown that cytidine and adenine protonation can play an important role in both nucleic acid structure and catalysis. We have employed heteronuclear NMR methods to determine the pK(a) values and time scales of chemical exchanges associated with adenine protonation within the catalytically essential B domain of the hairpin ribozyme. The large, adenine-rich internal loop of the B domain allows us to determine adenine pK(a) values for a variety of non-Watson-Crick base pairs. We find that adenines within the internal loop have pK(a) values ranging from 4.8 to 5.8, significantly higher than the free mononucleotide pK(a) of 3. 5. Adenine protonation results in potential charge stabilization, hydrogen bond formation, and stacking interactions that are expected to stabilize the internal loop structure at low pH. Fast proton exchange times of 10-50 micros were determined for the well-resolved adenines. These results suggest that shifted pK(a) values may be a common feature of adenines in non-Watson-Crick base pairs, and identify two adenines which may participate in hairpin ribozyme active site chemistry.  相似文献   

D M Lilley 《FEBS letters》1999,452(1-2):26-30
The hairpin ribozyme undergoes a site-specific transesterification cleavage of the phosphodiester backbone. The natural form of the ribozyme is a four-way helical junction, where two arms contain unpaired loops. This folds by pairwise coaxial stacking of helical arms, and a rotation into an antiparallel conformation in which there is close association between the loops. This probably generates the local conformation required to facilitate the trajectory into an in-line SN2 transition state. Folding is induced by the cooperative binding of at least two divalent metal ions, which are probably distributed between the junction and the loop-loop interface. The junction forms the structural scaffold on which the geometry of the ribozyme is built, and structural perturbation of the junction leads to impaired catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Kinetics of hairpin ribozyme cleavage in yeast.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Hairpin ribozymes catalyze a self-cleavage reaction that provides a simple model for quantitative analyses of intracellular mechanisms of RNA catalysis. Decay rates of chimeric mRNAs containing self-cleaving ribozymes give a direct measure of intracellular cleavage kinetics in yeast. Intracellular ribozyme-mediated cleavage occurs at similar rates and shows similar inhibition by ribozyme mutations as ribozyme-mediated reactions in vitro, but only when ribozymes are located in a favorable mRNA sequence context. The impact of cleavage on mRNA abundance is shown to depend directly on intrinsic mRNA stability. Surprisingly, cleavage products are no more labile than uncleaved mRNAs despite the loss of terminal cap structures or poly (A).  相似文献   

Mikhail Tsvirko 《Luminescence》2022,37(8):1387-1394
The luminescence and absorption spectra of the lanthanide ions in solids and coordination compounds are characterized by sharp pure electronic lines, which are accompanied by much weaker lines of vibronic transitions. The vibronic spectroscopy is a good probing tool for investigations of the properties of surrounding ion ligands. The lanthanides formates are efficient luminescent crystals and can be viewed as the elementary type in the whole class of the oxygen-containing lanthanide coordination compounds. The intensity of vibronic transitions in spectra of luminescence and excitation europium (5D07F2, 7F05D2), terbium (7F65D4), gadolinium (6P7/28S7/2) in anhydrous formates of the type Ln(HCOO)3 (Ln = Eu, Tb, Gd) and Y(HCOO)3.2H2O doped with Eu3+ and Tb3+ (C ~1 mol%) are reported. Also, the infrared and Raman spectra were obtained for the same compounds. Related integral intensity vibronic sidebands depend on the type of electronic transition of the same ion and varies for the same electronic transitions in different crystals. The obtained experimental data referring to the rate constants of vibronic transitions and intensity distribution in vibronic spectra on normal vibrations of the formate groups are in agreement with the predictions based on the Stavola–Dexter theory of cooperative vibronic transitions.  相似文献   

The recent discovery of numerous catalytically active RNAs in various living species as well as the in vitro selection of a large series of RNA aptamers able to bind specifically various molecules such as metabolites and co-factors, emphasize the adaptability of RNAs through the plasticity of their secondary structure. Furthermore, all these observations give support to the "RNA world" hypothesis as a step in the primitive development of life on Earth. On this background, we used high pressure to study the mechanism of action of a model hairpin ribozyme which exhibits self-cleavage and ligation. The activation volume (DeltaV( not equal)) of the cleavage reaction (34+/-4 ml/mol) indicates that an important compaction of the RNA molecule occurs during the reaction and must be accompanied by a significant movement of water molecules . Indeed, such a release of 78+/-4 water molecules per RNA molecule could be measured by complementary osmotic shock experiments. These results are consistent with the information provided by the structural studies which indicate that two loops of the RNA molecule should come into contact for the reaction to occur .The high pressure study of a modified form of the ribozyme whose activity is strictly dependent on the presence of adenine as a co-factor should bring some information about the structural significance of this important DeltaV( not equal) of activation.  相似文献   

Pinard R  Lambert D  Walter NG  Heckman JE  Major F  Burke JM 《Biochemistry》1999,38(49):16035-16039
To form a catalytically active complex, the essential nucleotides of the hairpin ribozyme, embedded within the internal loops of the two domains, must interact with one another. Little is known about the nature of these essential interdomain interactions. In the work presented here, we have used recent topographical constraints and other biochemical data in conjunction with molecular modeling (constraint-satisfaction program MC-SYM) to generate testable models of interdomain interactions. Visual analysis of the generated models has revealed a potential interdomain base pair between the conserved guanosine immediately downstream of the reactive phosphodiester (G(+1)) and C(25) within the large domain. We have tested this former model through activity assays, using all 16 combinations of bases at positions +1 and 25. When the standard ribozyme was used, catalytic activity was severely suppressed with substrates containing U(+1), C(+1), or A(+1). Similarly, mutations of the putative pairing partner (C(25) to A(25) or G(25)) reduce activity by several orders of magnitude. The U(25) substitution retains a significant level of activity, consistent with the possible formation of a G.U wobble pair. Strikingly, when combinations of Watson-Crick (or wobble) base pairs were introduced in these positions, catalytic activity was restored, strongly suggesting the existence of the proposed interaction. These results provide a structural basis for the guanosine requirement of this ribozyme and indicate that the hairpin ribozyme can now be engineered to cleave a wider range of RNA sequences.  相似文献   

The kinetics of binding of Cu (II), Tb (III) and Fe(III) to ovotransferrin have been investigated using the stopped-flow technique. Rate constants for the second-order reaction, k +, were determined by monitoring the absorbance change upon formation of the metal-transferrin complex in time range of milliseconds to seconds. The N and C sites appeared to bind a particular metal ion with the same rate; thus, average formation rate constants k + (average) were 2.4 × 104 M–1 s–1 and 8.3 × 104 M–1 S –1 for Cu (II) and Tb (III) respectively. Site preference (N site for Cu (II) and C site for Tb (III)) is then mainly due to the difference in dissociation rate constant for the metals. Fe (III) binding from Fe-nitrilotriacetate complex to apo-ovotransferrin was found to be more rapid, giving an average formation rate constant k + (average) of 5 × 105 M–1 s–1, which was followed by a slow increase in absorbance at 465 nm. This slow process has an apparent rate constant in the range 3 s–1 to 0.5 s–1, depending upon the degree of Fe (III) saturation. The variation in the rate of the second phase is thought to reflect the difference in the rate of a conformational change for monoferric and diferric ovotransferrins. Monoferric ovotransferrin changes its conformation more rapidly (3.4s–1) than diferric ovotransferrin (0.52 s–1). A further absorbance decrease was observed over a period of several minutes; this could be assigned to release of NTA from the complex, as suggested by Honda et al. (1980).Abbreviations Tf ovotransferrin - NTA nitrilotriacetate Jichi Medical School, School of Nursing, Yakushiji 3311-159, Minamikawachi, Tochigi, 329-04 Japan  相似文献   

Over twenty years ago it was shown that depletion of the intracellular Ca2+ store in smooth muscle triggered a Ca2+ influx mechanism. The purpose of this review it to describe recent electrophysiological data which indicate that Ca2+ influx occurs through discrete ion channels in the plasmalemma of smooth muscle cells. The effect of external Ca2+ on the amplitude and reversal potential of whole-cell and single channel currents suggests that there are at least two, and probably more, distinct store-operated channels (SOCs) which have markedly different permeabilities to Ca2+ ions. Two activation mechanisms have been identified which involve Ca2+ influx factor and protein kinase C (PKC) activation via diacylglycerol. In addition, in rabbit portal vein cells there is evidence that stimulation of α-adrenoceptors can stimulate SOC opening via PKC in a store-independent manner. There is at present little knowledge on the molecular identity of SOCs but it has been proposed that TRPC1 may be a component of the functional channel. We also summarise the data showing that SOCs may be involved in contraction and cell proliferation of smooth muscle. Finally, we highlight the similarities and differences of SOCs and receptor-operated cation channels that are present in native rabbit portal vein myocytes.  相似文献   

Li WX  Chai WJ  Liu Y  Li YJ  Ren T  Zhang J  Ao BY 《Luminescence》2012,27(5):431-436
A series of rare earth complexes [(TbxTmy)L5(ClO4)2](ClO4)·3H2O (x:y = 1.000:0.000, 0.999:0.001, 0.995:0.005, 0.990:0.010, 0.950:0.050, 0.900:0.100, 0.800:0.200, 0.700:0.300; L = C6H5CH2SOCH2COC6H5) (Tb(III) luminescence ion; Tm(III) doped inert ion) were synthesized and characterized by elemental analysis, infrared spectra (IR) and 1H‐NMR. The photophysical properties of these complexes were studied in detail using ultraviolet absorption spectra, fluorescent spectra and lifetimes. The fluorescence spectra of complexes indicated that the fluorescence emission intensity was significantly enhanced by Tm(III). The complexes showed the best luminescence properties when the mole ratio Tb(III):Tm(III) was 0.990:0.010. The fluorescence intensity could be increased to 390%. Additionally, phosphorescence spectra and the luminescence mechanisms are discussed. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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