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1. Chromatography of rat-liver lipids on a column of silicic acid or a mixture of silicic acid and Hyflo Super-Cel, with chloroform–methanol mixtures, gave monophosphoinositide-containing fractions which were invariably contaminated by the presence of nitrogen-containing phospholipids. The behaviour of the inositide was extremely sensitive to column loading and the results with different batches of silicic acid were not reproducible. 2. However, when chromatography on an alumina column was used, the solvent system chloroform–methanol–water (23:23:4, by vol.) completely eluted the neutral lipids, choline-containing phospholipids and phosphatidylethanolamine. An increase of the water content of the solvent to 14% (by vol.) then led to the elution of the monophosphoinositide component, now free from nitrogen-containing phospholipids, but still contaminated by the presence of a phospholipid, which from its properties was taken to be polyglycerophosphatide. 3. Most of the polyglycerophosphatide could be removed from a rat-liver lipid extract by silicic acid chromatography with chloroform–methanol (19:1, v/v). The other phospholipids were then eluted and applied to an alumina column, whereby a monophosphoinositide fraction of much greater purity was obtained. 4. Further purification of the monophosphoinositide was achieved by chromatography on a mixture of silicic acid and cellulose powder. The final product was virtually pure by thin-layer chromatography and gave the expected analysis for monophosphoinositide.  相似文献   

Soluble phytochrome of maize coleoptiles does not readily permeateSephadex G200 and is eluted in the void volume as a single species.The exclusion by Sephadex G200 is not due to molecular aggregation.This property of maize phytochrome is found with material extractedfrom both the dark grown or far red and red irradiated tissues;and at 4?C elution proceeds under normal laboratory lightingas it does in darkness or under a green safelight. During chromatographyon Sepharose 4B of soluble extracts of maize coleoptiles containingsoluble phytochrome it behaves as a single species and it iseluted at a position similar to that of catalase. Phytochromerecovered from the phytochrome-binding site complex which isformed inside cells of coleoptiles following irradiation withred light is eluted ahead of catalase suggesting that it hasgained in size. A further size increase (about 2-fold) is observedwhen the particulate fraction containing the complex is treatedwith Triton X100. Control experiments demonstrate that the sizeincrease is due neither to molecular aggregation nor to grossprotein-denaturation but is probably due to a change in molecularconfiguration. (Received May 25, 1976; )  相似文献   

D Labie  H Wajcman 《Biochimie》1972,54(5):625-631

植物的血红蛋白   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
近几年来,植物血红蛋白的研究进展十分迅速,豆科植物中与共生固氮无关的血红蛋白基因和包括禾本科植物在内的许多非豆科植物血红蛋白基因的发现使人们对植物血红蛋白有了新的认识,进而把植物血红蛋白分为共生血红蛋白和非共生血红蛋白两种类型。对这两种血红蛋白的性质、功能、基因结构及表达等方面的研究不仅对共生固氮中植物与微生物的相互关系和固氮工程研究;而且对植物细胞的呼吸代谢和耐涝机理等研究有重要价值。  相似文献   

The isolated molecular forms of guinea-pig skeletal muscle cytoplasmic malate dehydrogenase have a different chromatographic behaviour through affinity or hydrophobic interaction gels; in all cases the retention of the B form is more noticeable. Chromatography of a partly purified preparation through 5' AMP-Sepharose allows both molecular forms of malate dehydrogenase to be separated and obtained free from lactate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Summary Hemoglobins M and unstable hemoglobins cause clinical syndromes that are transmitted in autosomal dominant fashion. Pedigrees of 50 probands with de novo mutations producing unstable Hb disease or Hb M disease were compiled. Cases were ascertained (1) by screening the relevant literature published from 1950 through 1980 and (2) through personal communication. Additional pedigree data on several published cases were collected, and a depository containing all available information rekated to de novo Hb mutants was established. The 50 probands were born in 14 countries between 1922 and 1976. Paternity was tested in 36% of the cases, and no instance of false paternity was noted.The data were used to test for an association of advanced parental age with the appearance of de novo mutants. Paternal ages at the probands' births ranged from 20 to 50 years, with a mean of 32.7 years. Maternal ages ranged from 18 to 43 years, with a mean of 28.5 years. For each year and country (or, where necessary, for the nearest possible year and/or a demographically similar country), the cumulative frequency distributions of the ages of parents who had a child in that country and year were computed; the ages of each proband's father and mother were then expressed as percentiles on these distributions. The distribution of paternal age percentiles was shifted toward the upper end of the range, with 11 of the 50 paternal ages falling between the 90th and 100th percentiles. The distribution of maternal age percentiles was more complex, with one peak (10 of 50 ages) falling between the 30th and 40th percentiles and a second peak (10 of 50 ages), between the 90th and 100th percentiles. These distributions, though suggestive of an association of advanced parental age and the appearance of de novo mutations that cause unstable Hb disease or methemoglobinemic cyanosis, were not significantly different from those uniform distributions expected in the absence of a parental age effect.  相似文献   

The Root effect describes an extreme pH sensitivity expressed in the hemoglobins of certain fish, in which it plays a unique physiological role. This review describes our general understanding of the effect of protons on the oxygen binding properties of hemoglobin and the particular properties which characterize Root effect proteins. The development of our understanding of the molecular origins of this effect is outlined and the role played by our ever expanding knowledge of protein structure is highlighted. The present state of our knowledge is detailed.  相似文献   

Haemoglobin is primarily responsible for the oxygen supply and a normal acid-base economy in mammals. An optimal loading of haemoglobin with oxygen in the lungs and a high desaturation in the periphery are ensured by a highly cooperative oxygen binding of 4 subunits as well as by different effectors--2,3 DPG, chloride, pH, temperature...-.A number of differently built-up haemoglobins will ensure a sufficient oxygen supply of individual ontogenetic stages of development in the human organism.  相似文献   

The ligand-binding properties of hemoglobins from two homozygote phenotypes (AA and BB) of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) have been characterized by equilibrium and kinetic techniques. In the case of the BB phenotype, the two constituent hemoglobins have been purified and separately analysed. Buffalo hemoglobins display the reduced sensitivity to organic phosphates characteristic of ruminant hemoglobins, their physiological effector probably being the chloride ion. In contrast to the other known hemoglobins from ruminants, all the hemoglobins from the water buffalo display a significant temperature sensitivity, the delta H for oxygen binding in the presence of physiological effectors approaching that of human hemoglobin (delta H = -30.5 kJ/mol O2). This discrepancy with the other ruminant hemoglobins (e.g. ox, delta H = -10.4 kJ/mol O2), whose primary structure is very similar to that of buffalo, hemoglobins might be correlated to the different habitat and phylogenetic history of the two subfamilies (Bos and Bubalus) of Bovidae.  相似文献   

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