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Summary Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) haplotypes and mutations at the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) locus have been studied in 25 unrelated families from Croatia. The results of RFLP analysis demonstrated that 80% of the mutant alleles were associated with three haplotypes (1, 2 and 4). Eight mutations were detected on the background of six mutant haplotypes, comprising 68% of phenylketonuria (PKU) alleles in Croatia. The mutation in codon 408 was most frequent, as was the haplotype 2 allele with which it was associated. These data are in accordance with formerly published population genetic analyses at the PAH locus, and with studies revealing the molecular basis of the phenotypic heterogeneity of PKU. The codon 281 mutation was more frequent in Croatia than previously observed in other populations.  相似文献   

Hereditary hyperphenylalaninemia (HPA) is a disorder of amino acid metabolism and results from an insufficiency of hepatic phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH). HPA phenotypes form a spectrum ranging from classical phenylketonuria (PKU) to mild hyperphenylalaninemia (MHP). The phenotypic diversity reflects heterogeneity at the molecular level, and more than 320 different mutations in the PAH gene are known to date. The association of 3 mutations (R408W, IVS10 and A403V) common in different European populations with a variable number tandem repeat (VNTR) and short tandem repeat sites (minihaplotype) in the PAH gene was examined in a group of Polish PKU and MHP patients. Additionally, minihaplotypes were established for another 16 mutations. The presented data support the hypothesis that the R408W/VNTR3/STR238 allele originated among pre-Indo-Europeans on the territory in present-day Lithuania and Belarus. Mutation IVS10nt-11g-->a (IVS10) is strongly associated with VNTR7/STR250 minihaplotype and is possibly of Mediterranean origin.  相似文献   

DNA haplotype data from the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) locus are available from a number of European populations as a result of RFLP testing for genetic counseling in families with phenylketonuria (PKU). We have analyzed data from Hungary and Czechoslovakia together with published data from five additional countries--Denmark, Switzerland, Scotland, Germany, and France--representing a broad geographic and ethnographic range. The data include 686 complete chromosomal haplotypes for eight RFLP sites assayed in 202 unrelated Caucasian families with PKU. Forty-six distinct RFLP haplotypes have been observed to date, 10 unique to PKU-bearing chromosomes, 12 unique to non-PKU chromosomes, and the remainder found in association with both types. Despite the large number of haplotypes observed (still much less than the theoretical maximum of 384), five haplotypes alone account for more than 76% of normal European chromosomes and four haplotypes alone account for more than 80% of PKU-bearing chromosomes. We evaluated the distribution of haplotypes and alleles within these populations and calculated pairwise disequilibrium values between RFLP sites and between these sites and a hypothetical PKU "locus." These are statistically significant differences between European populations in the frequencies of non-PKU chromosomal haplotypes (P = .025) and PKU chromosomal haplotypes (P much less than .001). Haplotype frequencies of the PKU and non-PKU chromosomes also differ significantly (P much less than .001. Disequilibrium values are consistent with the PAH physical map and support the molecular evidence for multiple, independent PKU mutations in Caucasians. However, the data do not support a single geographic origin for these mutations.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

DNA polymorphisms at the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) locus have proved highly effective in linkage diagnosis of phenylketonuria (PKU) in Caucasian families. More than 10 RFLP sites have been reported within the PAH structural locus in Caucasians. With information from affected and unaffected offspring in PKU families it is often possible to reconstruct complete RFLP haplotypes in parents and to use these haplotypes to follow the segregation of PKU within families and to determine the distribution of PKU chromosomes within populations. To establish the utility of these RFLPs in characterizing Asian families with PKU, we typed eight DNA sites in 21 Chinese families and 12 Japanese families with classical PKU. The eight RFLPs were chosen for their informativeness in Caucasians. From these families we reconstructed a total of 91 complete PAH haplotypes, 44 from non-PKU chromosomes and 47 from PKU-bearing chromosomes. Although all eight marker sites are polymorphic in both Chinese and Japanese, there is much less haplotypic variation in Asians than in Caucasians. In particular, one haplotype alone, haplotype 4, accounts for more than 77% of non-PKU chromosomes and for more than 80% of PKU-bearing chromosomes. Haplotype 4 is also relatively common in Caucasians. The next most common Asian haplotype is 10 times less frequent than haplotype 4. By contrast, in many Caucasian populations the sum of the frequencies of the five most common haplotypes is still less than 80%, and several of the most common haplotypes are equally frequent. Even though the extent of haplotypic variation in Asians is severely limited, the few haplotypes that are found often differ at a number of RFLP sites.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary The hyperphenylalaninemic disorders of classic phenylketonuria (PKU), mild phenylketonuria, and hyperphenylalaninemia (HPA), result from a deficiency of the hepatic enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) or its cofactor (tetrahydrobiopterin). Use of the complementary DNA of this enzyme has allowed the establishment of a restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) haplotype-analysis system. This haplotype analysis system provides the means for determination of mutant PAH alleles in most affected families and is the basis for mutational analysis of the PKU locus. This review is focused on two major areas of current PKU research: (1) the use of DNA haplotype analysis in the study of the population genetics of PAH deficiency, and (2) the study of genotypes, and their various combinations, as a means of explaining and predicting the phenotypic variability observed for the disorders of PAH deficiency.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the mutant phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) gene from the eastern part of the Czech Republic (Moravia) is reported. A total of 190 mutant alleles from 95 phenylketonuria (PKU) families were analyzed for 21 prevalent Caucasian mutations and restriction fragment length polymorphism /variable number of tandem repeats (RFLP/VNTR) haplotypes. Eighty per cent of all mutant alleles were found to carry 11 mutations. The most common molecular defect was the mutation R408W (55.3%), with a very high degree of homozygosity (34.6%). Each of four other mutations (R158Q, R243X, G272X, IVS12nt1) accounted for more than 3% of PKU alleles. Rarely present were mutations IVS10nt546 (2.6%), R252W (2.6%), L48S (2.1%), R261Q (1.6%), Y414C (1.0%) and I65T (0.5%). Mutations that have been predominantly described in southern Europe (IVS7nt1, A259V, Y277D, R241H, T278N) were not detected. A total of 14 different mutant haplotypes were observed. Three unusual genotype-haplotype associations were identified (R158Q on haplotypes 2.3 and 7.8 and R252W on haplotype 69.3). There was a strong association between the mutation R408W and haplotype 2.3 (54.7%). Heterogeneity was found at mutations R408W (haplotypes 2.3 and 5.9), R158Q (haplotypes 4.3, 2.3 and 7.8) and IVS10nt546 (haplotypes 6.7 and 34.7). The molecular basis of PKU in the Moravian area appears to be relatively homogeneous in comparison with other southern and western European populations, thus providing a good starting point for prenatal diagnosis and early clinical classification.  相似文献   

The data on analysis of phenylalanine hydroxilase (PAH) gene mutations in 39 phenylketonuria (PKU) families from Ukraine are presented. Obtained results indicate that the most common mutation observed in the Ukrainian population is R408W mutation (66.6%). Besides two minor mutations R158Q (2.6%) and Y414C (1.25%) were revealed.  相似文献   

Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF) is an autosomal recessive autoinflammatory disorder with the responsible gene of MEFV which primarily affects Jewish, Armenian, Turkish and Arab populations. The FMF gene (MEFV) has recently been cloned to chromosome 16p, which encodes pyrin. In the present study, we enrolled 2,067 unrelated patients with the suspicion of FMF in Middle Anatolia between the years 2006–2009 and identified the 12 MEFV mutations. DNA was amplified by PCR and subjected to reverse hybridization for the detection of MEFV gene mutations. Among the 2,067 patients, 866 (41.9%) were males and 1,201 (58.1%) were females. The mutations were homozygous in 176 (16.85%) patients, compound heterozygous in 314 (30.1%) patients, heterozygous in 546 (52.25%) patients and the other forms of mutations were found in 8 patients (0.76%). No mutation was detected in 1,023 (49.5%) patients. The most frequent mutations were M694V, M680I (G/C), E148Q and V726A. We could not find any significant differences between the two common mutations according to the gender. The high incidence of MEFV gene mutations in the Turkish population indicated that newborn screening may be discussed in the future. Because of the ethnic origin of Anatolia, larger serial analyses are necessary to investigate the rate and coexistence of these mutations.  相似文献   

Canavan disease (CD) is an autosomal recessive inherited disorder characterized by spongy degeneration of the brain. The deficiency of aspartoacylase (ASPA), resulting in the accumulation of N-acetyl aspartic acid (NAA) in the brain, plays an important role in the pathogenesis of the disease. The cardinal features of this neurodegenerative disease are macrocephaly, mental retardation, and hypotonia. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain generally shows diffuse white matter degeneration and also elevated excretion of urinary NAA is usually seen. A large number of mutations were identified to date. We report here a 9 months old girl with Canavan Disease and a homozygous c.79G>A mutation in the ASPA gene, detected for the first time in Turkish population.  相似文献   

The molecular defects resulting in a deficiency of lipoprotein lipase activity in a patient with the familial hyperchylomicronemia syndrome have been identified. Increased lipoprotein lipase mass but undetectable lipoprotein lipase activity in the patient's post-heparin plasma indicate the presence of an inactive enzyme. No major gene rearrangements were identified by Southern blot analysis of the patient's lipoprotein lipase gene and Northern blot hybridization revealed an lipoprotein lipase mRNA of normal size. Sequence analysis of polymerase chain reaction-amplified lipoprotein lipase cDNA identified two separate allelic mutations. A T to C transition at nucleotide 836 results in the substitution of Ile194, located near the putative interfacial recognition site of lipoprotein lipase, to a Thr. A G to A mutation at base 983 leads to the substitution of a His for Arg243 and the loss of a HhaI restriction enzyme site. Arg243 is near His241, which has been postulated to be part of the catalytic triad of lipoprotein lipase. Direct sequencing of amplified cDNA and digestion with HhaI established that the proband is a compound heterozygote for each base substitution. Transient expression of each of the mutant lipoprotein lipase cDNAs in human embryonal kidney-293 cells resulted in the synthesis of enzymically inactive proteins, establishing the functional significance of the mutations. We conclude that the Ile194 to Thr194 and Arg243 to His243 substitutions occur in lipoprotein lipase regions essential for normal enzyme activity and each mutation results in the expression of a nonfunctional enzyme leading to the hyperchylomicronemia syndrome manifested in the proband.  相似文献   

Three novel mutations have been identified in the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) genes of Chinese classical phenylketonuria (PKU) patients. Two of these substitutions (W326X and Y356X) result in the generation of a premature stop codon, while the third (IVS-7nt2) alters an invariant dinucleotide splicing signal. These mutations together account for about 10% of all PKU alleles in the Chinese population. The W326X mutation is associated with PAH RFLP haplotype 4, the most common haplotype in Orientals, while the IVS-7nt2 mutation occurs once on a haplotype 7 chromosome. The Y356X mutation is associated with multiple haplotypes, possibly due to crossover, gene conversion, or recurrent mutation.  相似文献   

Phenylketonuria (PKU) and mild hyperphenylalaninemia (MHP) are allelic disorders caused by mutations in the gene encoding phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH). In this study, a total of 218 independent PAH chromosomes (109 unrelated patients with PKU residing in Lithuania) were investigated. All 13 exons of the PAH gene of all PKU probands were scanned for DNA alterations by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). In the cases of a specific DGGE pattern recognized, mutations were identified by direct fluorescent automated sequencing or by restriction enzyme digestion analysis of relevant exons. Twenty-five different PAH gene mutations were identified in Lithuania. We estimated a connection between individual PAH locus mutations and biochemical and metabolic phenotypes in patients in whom the mutant allele acts on its own, i.e., in functionally hemizygous patients and using the assigned value (AV) method to determine the severity of both common and rare mutant alleles, as well as to check a model to predict the combined phenotypic effect of two mutant PAH alleles. The text was submitted authors English.  相似文献   

Summary Eight polymorphic restriction enzyme sites at the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) locus were analyzed from the parental chromosomes in 33 Danish nuclear families with at least one phenylketonuric (PKU) child. Determination of haplotypes of 66 normal chromosomes and 66 chromosomes bearing mutant allele (S) demonstrated that there are at least two haplotypes which occur predominantly on PKU chromosomes and rarely otherwise. Overall, the relative frequencies of the various haplotypes are significantly different on PKU-and normal-allele bearing chromosomes, even though there is no predominantly occurring unique haplotype which can characterize the PKU chromosomes. In addition, no significant association (linkage disequilibrium) between any single polymorphic site and the mutant allele (s) was observed. The results suggest that either the phenylketonuric mutation was very ancient so that the polymorphic sites and the mutation have reached linkage equilibrium or the mutant allele (s) are the results of multiple mutations in the phenylalanine hydroxylase gene in man. Furthermore, a crude relationship between standardized linkage disequilibria and physical map distances of the polymorphic sites indicates that there is no apparent recombination hot-spot in the human phenylalanine hydroxylase gene, since the recombination rate within the locus apears to be uniform and likely to be occurring at a rate similar to that within the HLA gene cluster. The limitations of this later analysis are discussed in view of the sampling errors of disequilibrium measure used, and the potential untility of the PAH haplotypes for prenatal diagnosis and detection of PKU carriers is established.  相似文献   

The PAH Mutation Analysis Consortium (81 investigators, 26 countries) is engaged in mutation detection at the human PAH locus. Ascertainment of probands occurs largely through newborn screening for hyperphenylalaninemia. A relational database records allelic variation (disease-producing and polymorphic) at the locus. Information is distributed by Newsletter, diskette (WINPAHDB software stand-alone executable on IBM compatible hardware), and at a 'real' site on the Worldwide Web (http://www.mcgill.ca/pahdb). The database presently records (Sept. 27, 1995) 248 alleles in 798 different associations (with polymorphic haplotype, geographic region and population) along with additional information. The database, as a record of human genetic diversity, at a particular locus, contributes to the study of human evolution and demic expansion; it also has medical relevance.  相似文献   

Oculocutaneous albinism with TYRP1 gene mutations in a Caucasian patient   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Non-syndromic oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous autosomal recessive disorder with mutations identified in several genes: OCA1 (tyrosinase, TYR), OCA2 (OCA2), OCA3 (tyrosinase-related protein 1, TYRP1), and OCA4 (membrane-associated transporter protein, MATP). OCA3 was thought to be restricted to black populations, where it was clinically described as rufous or brown albinism, until the recent report of a homozygous TYRP1 mutation in Caucasian patients from a consanguineous Pakistani family. Here, we describe a German patient of Caucasian origin, with a light-yellow skin, yellow-gold hair with orange highlights, fair eyelashes, several pigmented naevi, and no tendency to tan, only to burn. Eye-colour is blue-green with substance defects of the iris. Molecular analysis did not reveal any mutation in the TYR and OCA2 genes. Two mutations were found in the TYRP1 gene: a missense mutation (c.1066G>A/p.Arg356Glu) that was inherited from the mother, and a de novo single-base deletion (c.106delT/p.Leu36X). This finding suggests that mutation screening should be extended to the TYRP1 gene in patients from all ethnic origins, at least in cases where no mutations have been identified in the other OCA genes.  相似文献   

Summary Two new polymorphisms within the human parathyroid hormone (PTH) gene are described. One corresponds to a CA transversion that destroys DraII and NlaIV restriction sites. The other is revealed by the enzyme XmnI, and its position has been mapped with respect to the PTH gene. We have also identified a sequence change that results in the TaqI restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) described previously at this locus and have found that this sequence change also results in disruption of a BstBI site. Finally, we describe a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based method that permits a rapid evaluation of the DraII and BstBI (TaqI) polymorphisms. The introduction of these two additional RFLPs and this PCR-based assay should considerably extend the power of genetic analyses of the human PTH gene.  相似文献   

Summary We have screened seven Spanish phenylketonuric (PKU) families for the most prevalent Mediterranean and Caucasian mutations, and have subsequently found mutations P281L and IVS10. We have analyzed these two mutations in 23 of our patients. The frequencies found correspond to those of Mediterranean countries, such as Italy. This is the first report of a mutation analysis in the Spanish PKU population.  相似文献   

《Mutation Research Letters》1995,346(2):115-119
In the small intestine of heterozygous mice (Dlb-1b/Dlba), the Dlb-1 allele results in a stainable epithelium. The mutation or loss of the dominant Dlb-1b allele in a stem cell results in a non-staining ribbon of cells on a villus of the small intestine. To determine if dominant mutations resulting in the gain of staining — the induction of a Dlb-1b-like allele — could also be detected, we examined Dlb-1a homozygous mice (SWR) 2 weeks after a single treatment with 250 mg/kg ethylnitrosourea. Mutations to the dominant allele should appear as brown ribbons on unstained villi. Such ribbons were observed in the treated group but not in controls. The mutant frequency was low compared to the frequency of Dlb-1a-like mutations reported at the Dlb-1-b allele in heterozygous mice.  相似文献   

Behcet's disease (BD) is a chronic systemic inflammatory disorder whose etiology has not been fully established yet. The MEditerranean FeVer (MEFV) gene has been identified as the cause of Familial Mediterranean Fever (FMF). BD shows similarities with FMF, in terms of clinical findings and treatments, as well as their geographical and ethnic co-occurrence. In this study we investigated common MEFV gene mutation frequencies in Turkish patients with BD in an area of Turkey where both diseases are frequently encountered. We screened 207 BD patients who had no symptoms and family history for FMF and 200 healthy subjects for five common MEFV gene mutations (E148Q, M680I, M694V, V726A, P369S) and clinical features. Seventy-five patients were found to carry a single MEFV mutation, and six patients were compound heterozygous. The difference in the frequency of the MEFV mutation between the BD and control groups was statistically significant (p < 0.001, odds ratio [OR] 2.74, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.75–4.29). The frequencies of E148Q and M680I mutations were significantly higher in the BD group (p = 0.001, p = 0.046, respectively). The frequency of uveitis was significantly lower in patients with the mutation than in patients without the mutation (p = 0.029, OR 0.54, 95% CI 0.30–0.98). There was no statistical significance between carriers and non-carriers with respect to gender and other manifestations of BD. The frequency of the MEFV mutation was significantly higher in patients with BD compared to the healthy control group. Based on our results, MEFV mutations appear to have a role in the pathogenesis of BD.  相似文献   

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