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Alexandrium is a wide-spread genus of dinoflagellate causing harmful algal blooms and paralytic shellfish poisoning around the world. Proteomics has been introduced to the study of Alexandrium, but the protein preparation method is still unsatisfactory with respect to protein spot number, separation and resolution, and this has limited the application of a proteomic approach to the study of dinoflagellates. In this study we compared four protein preparation methods for the two-dimensional electrophoresis (2DE) analysis of A. tamarense: (1) urea/Triton X-100 buffer extraction with trichloroacetic acid (TCA)/acetone precipitation; (2) direct precipitation with TCA/acetone; (3) 40 mM Tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane (Tris) buffer extraction; and (4) 50 mM Tris/5% glycerol buffer extraction. The results showed that, among the four protein preparation methods, the method combining the urea/Triton X-100 buffer extraction and TCA/acetone precipitation allowed detection of the highest number and quality of protein spots with a clear background. Although the direct TCA/acetone precipitation method also detected a high number of protein spots with a clear background, the spot number, separation and intensity were not as good as those obtained from the urea/Triton X-100 buffer extraction with TCA/acetone precipitation method. The 40 mM Tris buffer and 50 mM Tris/5% glycerol buffer methods allowed the detection of fewer protein spots and a pH range only from 4 to 7. Subsequently, the urea/Triton X-100 buffer extraction with TCA/acetone precipitation method was successfully applied to profiling protein expression in A. catenella under light stress conditions and the differential expression proteins were identified using MALDI TOF–TOF mass spectrometry. The method developed here appears to be promising for further proteomic studies of this organism and related species.  相似文献   

We present here the results of protein extraction from different ocular regions using different detergents. Extraction strategies used to determine optimal protein extraction included: pressure cycling and aqueous-organic phase extraction in combination with electrophoretic fractionation for anterior, posterior, and peripapillary sclera. Detergent extraction of proteins from freshly enucleated porcine eyes (n = 8) showed significant differences for different eye regions. Protein yield ranged from 2.3 to 50.7 mug protein/mg for different ocular tissues, with the lens yielding the most protein. ASB-14 and Triton X-100 provided the best protein yields (n = 10) for anterior and posterior sclera. The spectrophotometric measurements for ASB-14 were not consistent with SDS-PAGE densitometry. A combination of 0.5% Triton X-100, 0.5% Tween-20, and 0.1% Genapol C-100 was found optimal for extraction from sclera. Proteins from different regions of the eye are best extracted with different detergents. The pressure cycling technology provided superior extraction compared to the other methods. Additional aqueous-organic phase partitioning enables superior fractionation when compared to SDS-PAGE alone. Organic phase fractionation is compatible with MS and allowed identification of 34, 71, and 77 proteins respectively from anterior, posterior, and peripapillary sclera. The extraction strategy may affect the final outcome in protein profiling by MS or by other methods.  相似文献   

In this study, solid samples of hemoglobin and hemocyanin have been prepared by embedding the proteins into a saccharose-based matrix. These materials have been developed specifically for specimens for X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). The preservation of protein conformation and active site organization was tested, making comparisons between the solid and the corresponding liquid samples, using resonance Raman, infra red, fluorescence and XAS. The XAS spectra of irradiated solid and liquid samples were then compared, and the preservation of biological activity of the proteins during both preparation procedure and X-ray irradiation was assessed. In all cases, the measurements clearly demonstrate that protein solid samples are both structurally and functionally quite well preserved, much better than those in the liquid state. The saccharose matrix provides an excellent protection against X-ray damages, allowing for longer exposure to the X-ray beam. Moreover, the demonstrated long-term stability of samples permits their preparation and storage in optimal conditions, allowing for the repetition of data collection with the same sample in several experimental sessions. The very high protein concentration that can be reached results in a significantly better signal-to-noise ratio, particularly useful for high molecular weight proteins with a low metal-to-protein ratio. On the bases of the above-mentioned results, we propose the new method as a standard procedure for the preparation of biological samples to be used for XAS spectroscopy. Received: 3 August 1999 / Revised version: 5 April 2000 / Accepted: 6 April 2000  相似文献   

M Blein-Nicolas  H Xu  D de Vienne  C Giraud  S Huet  M Zivy 《Proteomics》2012,12(18):2797-2801
Inferring protein abundances from peptide intensities is the key step in quantitative proteomics. The inference is necessarily more accurate when many peptides are taken into account for a given protein. Yet, the information brought by the peptides shared by different proteins is commonly discarded. We propose a statistical framework based on a hierarchical modeling to include that information. Our methodology, based on a simultaneous analysis of all the quantified peptides, handles the biological and technical errors as well as the peptide effect. In addition, we propose a practical implementation suitable for analyzing large data sets. Compared to a method based on the analysis of one protein at a time (that does not include shared peptides), our methodology proved to be far more reliable for estimating protein abundances and testing abundance changes. The source codes are available at http://pappso.inra.fr/bioinfo/all_p/.  相似文献   

Despite recent developments in bottom‐up proteomics, the need still exists in a fast, uncomplicated, and robust method for comprehensive sample processing especially when applied to low protein amounts. The suspension trapping method combines the advantage of efficient SDS‐based protein extraction with rapid detergent removal, reactor‐type protein digestion, and peptide cleanup. Proteins are solubilized in SDS. The sample is acidified and introduced into the suspension trapping tip incorporating the depth filter and hydrophobic compartments, filled with the neutral pH methanolic solution. The instantly formed fine protein suspension is trapped in the depth filter stack—this crucial step is aimed at separating the particulate matter in space. SDS and other contaminants are removed in the flow‐through, and a protease is introduced. Following the digestion, the peptides are cleaned up using the tip's hydrophobic part. The methodology allows processing of protein loads down to the low microgram/submicrogram levels. The detergent removal takes about 5 min, whereas the tryptic proteolysis of a cellular lysate is complete in as little as 30 min. We have successfully utilized the method for analysis of cellular lysates, enriched membrane preparations, and immunoprecipitates. We expect that due to its robustness and simplicity, the method will become an essential proteomics tool.  相似文献   

代谢组样品制备是代谢组学研究的基础。本文以维生素B12生产菌株苜蓿中华根瘤菌Sinorhizobium meliloti 320为研究对象,通过检测细胞损伤、ATP泄漏、代谢物回收效率以及细胞代谢淬灭效率综合评价细胞淬灭方法,同时对5种提取试剂的提取效率进行比较优化胞内代谢物的提取方法。最终获得苜蓿中华根瘤菌S.meliloti 320的胞内代谢组学样品制备较佳条件:即-20℃40%甲醇淬灭细胞,过滤收集淬灭细胞,甲醇/乙腈/水(体积比为2∶2∶2,外加0.1%的甲酸)与50%甲醇相结合提取胞内代谢物。实验结果显示-20℃的40%甲醇(通过过滤收集细胞)对细胞膜的损伤较小,且细胞代谢淬灭效率和回收效率较高;甲醇/乙腈/水(体积比为2∶2∶2,外加0.1%的甲酸)与50%的甲醇对胞内代谢物的提取效率较高且有互补作用。  相似文献   

Numerous workflows exist for large‐scale bottom‐up proteomics, many of which achieve exceptional proteome depth. Herein, we evaluated the performance of several commonly used sample preparation techniques for proteomic characterization of HeLa lysates [unfractionated in‐solution digests, SDS‐PAGE coupled with in‐gel digestion, gel‐eluted liquid fraction entrapment electrophoresis (GELFrEE) technology, SCX StageTips and high‐/low‐pH reversed phase fractionation (HpH)]. HpH fractionation was found to be superior in terms of proteome depth (>8400 proteins detected) and fractionation efficiency compared to other techniques. SCX StageTip fractionation required minimal sample handling and was also a substantial improvement over SDS‐PAGE separation and GELFrEE technology. Sequence coverage of the HeLa proteome increased to 38% when combining all workflows, however, total proteins detected improved only slightly to 8710. In summary, HpH fractionation and SCX StageTips are robust techniques and highly suited for complex proteome analysis.  相似文献   

Most popular agents for site-specific protein cleavage are proteolytic enzymes. Because they become denatured and inactivated by detergents, enzymes are inconvenient for proteomic analysis of hydrophobic proteins which require detergents as solubilizing agents. We used cis-[Pd(en)(H2O)2]2+ (in which en represents ethylenediamine) as an artificial protease to effect cleavage of three bovine proteins, namely ubiquitin, β-casein, and serum albumin, in separate experiments. Cleavage took place in aqueous solutions containing 1.0% wt./vol. of either 3-[(3-Cholamidopropyl)dimethylammonio]-1-propanesulfonate (CHAPS) or Zwittergent 3-14 at 2.5 < pH < 2.9 and 55-60 °C for 3-72 h. Digests were separated by HPLC and analyzed by tandem mass spectrometry. Peptides were identified by de novo sequencing and matched against the bovine genome. Because cleavage by Pd(II) complexes is rather selective and therefore infrequent, 72% of the identified peptides in the digests contained more than 10 amino acid. Palladium(II) complexes hold promise as cleavage agents in proteomics studies of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Challenges associated with the efficient and effective preparation of micro- and nanoscale (micro- and nanogram) clinical specimens for proteomic applications include the unmitigated sample losses that occur during the processing steps. Herein, we describe a simple "single-tube" preparation protocol appropriate for small proteomic samples using the organic cosolvent, trifluoroethanol (TFE) that circumvents the loss of sample by facilitating both protein extraction and protein denaturation without requiring a separate cleanup step. The performance of the TFE-based method was initially evaluated by comparisons to traditional detergent-based methods on relatively large scale sample processing using human breast cancer cells and mouse brain tissue. The results demonstrated that the TFE-based protocol provided comparable results to the traditional detergent-based protocols for larger, conventionally sized proteomic samples (>100 microg protein content), based on both sample recovery and numbers of peptide/protein identifications. The effectiveness of this protocol for micro- and nanoscale sample processing was then evaluated for the extraction of proteins/peptides and shown effective for small mouse brain tissue samples (approximately 30 microg total protein content) and also for samples of approximately 5000 MCF-7 human breast cancer cells (approximately 500 ng total protein content), where the detergent-based methods were ineffective due to losses during cleanup and transfer steps.  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to establish a standard operating procedure for mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomic analysis of laser microdissected (LMD) formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) uterine tissue. High resolution bioimage analysis of a large endometrial cancer tissue microarray immunostained for the breast cancer type 1 susceptibility protein enabled precise counting of cells to establish that there is an average of 600 cells/nL of endometrial cancer tissue. We sought to characterize the peptide recovery from various volumes of tissue gathered by LMD and processed/digested using the present methodology. We observed a nearly linear increase in peptide recovery amount with increasing tissue volume dissected. There was little discernible difference in the peptide recovery from stromal versus malignant epithelium, and there was no apparent difference in the day-to-day recovery. This methodology reproducibly results in 100 ng of digested peptides per nL of endometrial tissue, or ~25 pg peptides/endometrial cancer cell. Results from liquid chromatography (LC)-MS/MS experiments to assess the impact of total peptide load on column on the total number of peptides and proteins identified from FFPE tissue digests prepared with the present methodology indicate a demonstrable increase in the total number of peptides identified up to 1000 ng, beyond which diminishing returns were observed. Furthermore, we observed no impact on the peptide identification rates from analyses of equivalent peptide amounts derived from lower volume LMD samples. These results show that this single-tube collection-to-injection proteomics (CTIP) workflow represents a straightforward, scalable, and highly reliable methodology for sample preparation to enable high throughput LMD-MS analysis of tissues derived from biopsy or surgery.  相似文献   

Sample preparation, typically by in‐solution or in‐gel approaches, has a strong influence on the accuracy and robustness of quantitative proteomics workflows. The major benefit of in‐gel procedures is their compatibility with detergents (such as SDS) for protein solubilization. However, SDS‐PAGE is a time‐consuming approach. Tube‐gel (TG) preparation circumvents this drawback as it involves directly trapping the sample in a polyacrylamide gel matrix without electrophoresis. We report here the first global label‐free quantitative comparison between TG, stacking gel (SG), and basic liquid digestion (LD). A series of UPS1 standard mixtures (at 0.5, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, and 25 fmol) were spiked in a complex yeast lysate background. TG preparation allowed more yeast proteins to be identified than did the SG and LD approaches, with mean numbers of 1979, 1788, and 1323 proteins identified, respectively. Furthermore, the TG method proved equivalent to SG and superior to LD in terms of the repeatability of the subsequent experiments, with mean CV for yeast protein label‐free quantifications of 7, 9, and 10%. Finally, known variant UPS1 proteins were successfully detected in the TG‐prepared sample within a complex background with high sensitivity. All the data from this study are accessible on ProteomeXchange (PXD003841).  相似文献   

Garaguso I  Borlak J 《Proteomics》2008,8(13):2583-2595
The analytical performance of MALDI-MS is highly influenced by sample preparation and the choice of matrix. Here we present an improved MALDI-MS sample preparation method for peptide mass mapping and peptide analysis, based on the use of the 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid matrix and prestructured sample supports, termed: matrix layer (ML). This sample preparation is easy to use and results in a rapid automated MALDI-MS and MS/MS with high quality spectra acquisition. The between-spot variation was investigated using standard peptides and statistical treatment of data confirmed the improvement gained with the ML method. Furthermore, the sample preparation method proved to be highly sensitive, in the lower-attomole range for peptides, and we improved the performance of MALDI-MS/MS for characterization of phosphopeptides as well. The method is versatile for the routine analysis of in-gel tryptic digests thereby allowing for an improved protein sequence coverage. Furthermore, reliable protein identification can be achieved without the need of desalting sample preparation. We demonstrate the performance and the robustness of our method using commercially available reference proteins and automated MS and MS/MS analyses of in-gel digests from lung tissue lysate proteins separated by 2-DE.  相似文献   



The growing field of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue proteomics holds promise for improving translational research. Direct tissue trypsinization (DT) and protein extraction followed by in solution digestion (ISD) or filter-aided sample preparation (FASP) are the most common workflows for shotgun analysis of FFPE samples, but a critical comparison of the different methods is currently lacking.

Experimental design

DT, FASP and ISD workflows were compared by subjecting to the same label-free quantitative approach three independent technical replicates of each method applied to FFPE liver tissue. Data were evaluated in terms of method reproducibility and protein/peptide distribution according to localization, MW, pI and hydrophobicity.


DT showed lower reproducibility, good preservation of high-MW proteins, a general bias towards hydrophilic and acidic proteins, much lower keratin contamination, as well as higher abundance of non-tryptic peptides. Conversely, FASP and ISD proteomes were depleted in high-MW proteins and enriched in hydrophobic and membrane proteins; FASP provided higher identification yields, while ISD exhibited higher reproducibility.


These results highlight that diverse sample preparation strategies provide significantly different proteomic information, and present typical biases that should be taken into account when dealing with FFPE samples. When a sufficient amount of tissue is available, the complementary use of different methods is suggested to increase proteome coverage and depth.  相似文献   

For laboratory techniques that require well-preserved proteins, such as 2-DE, fresh tissue must be harvested and processed as fast as possible to avoid proteolytic degradation. We describe a modified method for harvesting tissue from radical prostatectomy specimens for proteome analysis and compare it with the standard technique. Cells were scraped from cut surfaces of 11 prostate specimens. A fraction of the material was smeared on a glass slide and Giemsa stained for morphological control. The sample was collected in a medium with protease inhibitors, and the protein material was prepared for 2-DE. Filtering and Percoll centrifugation were omitted. Sample locations were noted on a specimen map. From the same area, a tissue block was harvested for comparison. The block was processed with the conventional technique including mechanical disintegration, filtering and Percoll centrifugation. Quality measures of 2-DE were similar with both methods. With the scrape sampling technique, control smears showed abundant epithelial cells and a cleaner background and processing was faster than with tissue block sampling. For proteomic analysis, the scrape sample technique has several advantages over the tissue block method.  相似文献   

Antibody-based microarray is a novel technology with great potential within high-throughput proteomics. The process of designing high-performing antibody (protein) microarrays has, however, turned out to be a challenging process. In this study, we have developed further our human recombinant single-chain variable-fragment (scFv) antibody microarray methodology by addressing two crucial technological issues, choice of sample labeling-tag and solid support. We examined the performance of a range of dyes in a one- or two-color approach on a selection of solid supports providing different surface and coupling chemistries, and surface structures. The set-ups were evaluated in terms of sensitivity, specificity, and selectivity. The results showed that a one-color approach, based on NHS-biotin (or ULS-biotin) labeling, on black polymer Maxisorb slides (or Nexterion slide H) was the superior approach for targeting low-abundant (pg/mL) analytes in nonfractionated, complex proteomes, such as human serum or crude cell supernatants. Notably, microarrays displaying adequate spot morphologies, high S/Ns, minimized nonspecific binding, and most importantly a high selectivity, specificity, and sensitivity (>or=fM range) were obtained. Taken together, we have designed the first generation of a high-performing recombinant scFv antibody microarray technology platform on black polymer Maxisorb slides for sensitive profiling of low-abundant analytes in nonfractionated biotinylated complex proteomes.  相似文献   

A high‐throughput sample preparation protocol based on the use of 96‐well molecular weight cutoff (MWCO) filter plates was developed for shotgun proteomics of cell lysates. All sample preparation steps, including cell lysis, buffer exchange, protein denaturation, reduction, alkylation and proteolytic digestion are performed in a 96‐well plate format, making the platform extremely well suited for processing large numbers of samples and directly compatible with functional assays for cellular proteomics. In addition, the usage of a single plate for all sample preparation steps following cell lysis reduces potential samples losses and allows for automation. The MWCO filter also enables sample concentration, thereby increasing the overall sensitivity, and implementation of washing steps involving organic solvents, for example, to remove cell membranes constituents. The optimized protocol allowed for higher throughput with improved sensitivity in terms of the number of identified cellular proteins when compared to an established protocol employing gel‐filtration columns.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are specialized leukocytes that orchestrate the adaptive immune response. Mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomic study of these cells presents technical challenges, especially when the DCs are human in origin due to the paucity of available biological material. Here, to maximize MS coverage of the global human DC proteome, different cell disruption methods, lysis conditions, protein precipitation, and protein pellet solubilization and denaturation methods were compared. Mechanical disruption of DC cell pellets under cryogenic conditions, coupled with the use of RIPA (radioimmunoprecipitation assay) buffer, was shown to be the method of choice based on total protein extraction and on the solubilization and identification of nuclear proteins. Precipitation by acetone was found to be more efficient than that by 10% trichloroacetic acid (TCA)/acetone, allowing in excess of 28% more protein identifications. Although being an effective strategy to eliminate the detergent residue, the acetone wash step caused a loss of protein identifications. However, this potential drawback was overcome by adding 1% sodium deoxycholate into the dissolution buffer, which enhanced both solubility of the precipitated proteins and digestion efficiency. This in turn resulted in 6 to 11% more distinct peptides and 14 to 19% more total proteins identified than using 0.5 M triethylammonium bicarbonate alone, with the greatest increase (34%) for hydrophobic proteins.  相似文献   

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