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1. Optimum conditions, including the effect of media of different pH values, were determined for the incorporation of radioactive precursors into mucoproteins by pig gastric mucosa in vitro. 2. Mucosal scrapings incorporated radioactivity from [U-14C]-glucose and from [G-3H]threonine or [G-3H]serine solely into the carbohydrate and protein portions respectively of the mucoprotein molecules. 3. Of the radioactive mucoprotein 22% was water-soluble and up to 80% of the remainder was soluble in other solvents. 4. Pronase was the most successful proteolytic enzyme tested for making the mucoprotein water-soluble, up to 94% dissolving after digestion. 5. The Pronase digestion products of the mucoproteins were separated from protein by equilibrium-density-gradient centrifugation in a CsCl gradient. 6. These Pronase-digested mucoproteins were further fractionated on Sepharose 4B and the isolated fractions analysed by chemical and sedimentation-velocity methods. 7. Pronase digestion and solvent extraction of mucosal scrapings labelled with 14C in the carbohydrate and 3H in the protein showed that one type of mucoprotein was the only non-diffusible biosynthetic product of the scrapings in vitro, and that this mucoprotein was the only mucoprotein constituent of the water-soluble and water-insoluble mucus.  相似文献   

1. A high-molecular-weight glycoprotein constitutes over 80% by weight of the total glycoprotein from water-soluble pig colonic mucus. 2. It was isolated from from nucleic acid and non-covalently bound protein by nuclease digestion followed by equilibrium centrifugation in a CsCl gradient. 3. The glycoprotein has the following composition by weight: fucose 10.4%; glucosamine 23.9%; galactosamine 8.3%; sialic acid 9.9%; galactose 20.8%; sulphate 3.0%; protein 13.3%; moisture about 10%. 4. The native glycoprotein has the high mol.wt. of 15 X 10(6). 5. Reduction of the native glycoprotein with 2-mercaptoethanol results in a glycoprotein of mol.wt. 6 X 10(6). 6. Pronase digestion removes 29% of the protein (3% of the glycoprotein) but none of the carbohydrate. 7. The molecular weight of the Pronase-digested glycoprotein is 1.5 X 10(6), which is halved to 0.76 X 10(6) on reduction with 2-mercaptoethanol. 8. The contribution of non-covalent interactions, disulphide bridges and the non-glycosylated peptide core to the quaternary structure of the glycoprotein are discussed and compared with the known structure of pig gastric glycoportein.  相似文献   

Isolation of a mucoprotein from porcine gastric mucosa.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

A glycoprotein of mol.wt. 2x10(6) was isolated in homogeneous form from pig gastric mucus by isopycnic centrifugation in CsCl but without enzymic digestion or reductive cleavage of disulphide bonds. Digestion of the purified glycoprotein with trypsin, pepsin or Pronase resulted in the formation of glycoprotein subunits, of mol.wt. 5.2x10(5)-5.8x10(5), one-quarter that of the undigested glycoprotein. The glycoprotein subunits were isolated by gel filtration and shown to contain all the carbohydrate present in the undigested glycoprotein, but 18.6-25.6% of the total amino acids originally present were lost on digestion. The relative amount of threonine, serine and proline had increased from 41% (w/w) in the undigested glycoprotein to 61-67% of the total amino acids in the glycoprotein subunits after digestion. The results support the previously proposed structure for the glycoprotein, namely that of four subunits joined by disulphide bridges. These results show the presence of two distinct regions in the glycoprotein molecule, one rich in threonine, serine and proline, which is glycosylated and resistant to proteolyis, whereas the other, with an amino acid composition more characteristic of a globular protein, is not glycosylated and is susceptible to proteolysis. In addition, the region that is susceptible to proteolysis contains the disulphide bridges which join the glycoprotein subunits together to form the gastric glycoprotein.  相似文献   

The mucoprotein, which is responsible for the formation of gastric mucous gel in pig, has been shown to bind equally well to suspensions of baby hamster kidney cells, polyoma-virus-transformed baby hamster kidney cells and HeLa cells. The binding of the mucoprotein to the cells is dependent on Ca 2  相似文献   

Human gastric mucosal scrapings were subjected to fractionation on an isopycnic CsCl gradient. Immunoglobulin A was found between the 5th and 10th ml from the top of the tube. (Total volume 12ml). After two-fold fractionation the combined IgA containing fraction accounted for 4%–7% of the total carbohydrate content of the original gastric mucosal scrapings. Gas liquid chromatography of sugars showed the fraction to be enriched in Mannose and N-Acetyl glucosamine. The total carbohydrate content of the material was 5.5%–7% by weight. Immunodiffusion against specific anti Secretory component serum failed to demonstrate the presence of the secretory component in this fraction. It is concluded that gastric mucosal IgA, which appears to differ from a typical sIgA in lacking the characteristic secretory component activity, can be separated from the carbohydrate-rich gastric mucoproteins by CsCl fractionation. This indicates the absence of covalent bonding between IgA and the mucoproteins of gastric mucus.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein from pig small-intestinal mucus was isolated free of non-covalently bound protein and nucleic acid with a yield of over 60%. No non-covalently bound protein could be detected by sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis or by equilibrium centrifugation in a density gradient of CsCl with 4 M-guanidinium chloride. The intrinsic viscosity and reduced viscosity of the glycoprotein preparations rose with the removal of non-covalently bound protein and nucleic acid from the glycoprotein, evidence that non-covalently bound protein does not contribute to the rheological properties of the glycoprotein in the mucus. The pure glycoprotein, in contrast with impure preparations, gelled at the same concentration of glycoprotein as that present in the gel in vivo. The glycoprotein was a single component, as judged by gel filtration and analytical ultracentrifugation. The distribution of sedimentation coefficients was polydisperse but unimodal with an s025,w of 14.5S and a molecular weight of 1.72 X 10(6). The chemical composition of the glycoprotein was 77% carbohydrate and 21% protein, 52% of which was serine, threonine and proline. The glycoprotein had a strong negative charge and contained 3.1% and 18.3% by weight ester sulphate and sialic acid respectively. The molar proportion of N-acetylgalactosamine was nearly twice that of any of the other sugars present, the glycoprotein had A and H blood-group activity and the average maximum length of the carbohydrate chains was deduced to be six to eight sugar residues.  相似文献   

A fatty acyltransferase activity which catalyzes the transfer of palmitic acid from palmitoyl coenzyme A to gastric mucus glycoprotein has been demonstrated in the rat gastric mucosa. Subcellular fractionation studies revealed that the enzyme activity was present in a Golgi-rich membrane fraction. Optimum enzymatic activity for acylation of mucus glycoprotein was obtained with 0.5% Triton X-100, 25 mM NaF, and 2 mM dithiothreitol at a pH of 7.4. The enzymatic activity increased proportionally, over a given range, with increased concentrations of both substrates and of enzyme. The apparent Km of the enzymes for the undegraded mucus glycoprotein was 4.5 X 10(-7) M and for palmitoyl-CoA, 3.8 X 10(-5) M. The 14C-labeled product of the reaction cochromatographed on Bio-Gel A-50 column and migrated on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with gastric mucus glycoprotein. Treatment of this 14C-labeled glycoprotein with mild alkali released hexane-extractable product which was identified as [14C]palmitate. The enzyme was also capable of fatty acylation of the deglycosylated glycoprotein, but did not catalyze the transfer of palmitic acid to the proteolytically degraded mucus glycoprotein. This indicates that the acceptor site for fatty acyltransferase is situated in the protease-susceptible nonglycosylated region of the mucus glycoprotein polymer.  相似文献   

1. A non-pepsin proteinase, proteinase 2, was successfully isolated free from pepsinogen (by repetitive chromatography on DEAE- and CM-celluloses) from the gastric mucosa of a patient with a duodenal ulcer and the uninvaded mucosa of a patient with a gastric adenocarcinoma. 2. Proteinases 1a and 1b, found in gastric adenocarcinoma, were not found in the gastic mucosa of these patients. 3. Proteinase 2 was shown to have an asymmetrical broad pH-activity curve with a maximum over the pH range 3.0-3.7. 4. Proteolytic activity of proteinase 2 was inhibited by pepstatin; the concentration of pepstatin giving 50% inhibition is of the order of 3nm. 5. Inhibition of proteolytic activity by carbenoxolone and related triterpenoids indicated that at pH 4.0 proteinase 2 possesses structural characteristics relating it to the pepsins and at pH 7.4 to the pepsinogens. 6. The sites of cleavage of the B-chain of oxidized insulin for proteinase 2 at pH 1.7 and pH 3.5 were shown to be similar to those previously established for human pepsin 3 and for the cathepsin E of rabbit bone marrow. 7. The non-pepsin proteinase 2 (cathepsin) of human gastric mucosa has properties more similar to cathepsin E than to the cathepsins D.  相似文献   

The enzyme activity that catalyzes the transfer of palmitic acid from palmitoyl coenzyme A to the deacylated intact or deglycosylated gastric mucus glycoprotein was demonstrated in the detergent extracts of the microsomal fraction of antral and body mucosa of the rat stomach. Both types of mucosa exhibited similar acyltransferase activities and acceptor specificities. A 10-14% decrease in the fatty acyltransferase activity was observed with the reduced and S-carboxymethylated mucus glycoprotein, but the proteolytically degraded glycoprotein showed no acceptor capacity. This indicated that the acylation of mucus glycoprotein with fatty acids occurs at its nonglycosylated polypeptide regions and that some of the fatty acids may be linked via thiol esters. Optimum enzyme activity was obtained at pH 7.4 with the detergent Triton X-100, NaF, and dithiothreitol. The apparent Km values for the intact and deglycosylated mucus glycoproteins were 0.45 and 0.89 microM, respectively. The acyltransferase activity of the microsomal enzyme was inhibited by ethanol. With both intact and deglycosylated glycoprotein substrates, the rate of inhibition was proportional to the ethanol concentration up to 0.4 M and was of the competitive type. The K1 values were 0.80 microM for the intact mucus glycoprotein and 1.82 microM for the deglycosylated glycoprotein. Preincubation of the microsomal enzyme with low concentrations of ethanol (up to 0.5 M) did not seem to exert any additional deterrent effect on acyltransferase activity. Higher concentrations of ethanol (1.0 M and above), however, caused substantial reduction in the transferase activity due to denaturation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Six highly complex fucolipids containing 18, 20–21, 24, 28, 32, and 35–36 sugar residues, respectively, have been isolated from hog gastric mucosa. All six compounds exhibited blood-group (A+H) activities, and were different from each other with respect to the number of fucose, galactose, N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylgalactosamine residues. Based on the results of chemical, immunological and enzymatic analyses, we suggest that the carbohydrate chains of these glycolipids are highly branched. The branches, number of which is proportional to the degree of molecular complexity, are terminated by GalNAcα1→3(Fucα1→2)Gal, Fucα1→2Gal, Galβ→GlcNAc and βGlcNAc.  相似文献   

Membrane vesicles were purified from resting corpus mucosa of pig stomachs by velocity-sedimentation on a sucrose-Ficoll step gradient. Two vesicular fractions containing the (H+ + K+)-ATPase were obtained. One fraction was tight towards KCl, the other was leaky. At 21 degrees C maximal (H+ + K+)-ATPase activities of 0.8 and 0.4 mumol X mg-1 X min-1, respectively, were observed in lyophilized vesicles. The vesicles contained a membrane-associated carbonic anhydrase, the activity of which was in 100-fold excess of the maximal ATPase activity. Both vesicular fractions were rich in phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, sphingomyelin and cholesterol. The characteristics of ion permeability and transport in the tight vesicles were in agreement with corresponding data for vesicles of a tubulovesicular origin in the parietal cell. Measurement of the rate of K+ uptake into the vesicles was based on the ability of K+ to promote H+ transport. The uptake was slow and dependent on the type of anion present. The effectiveness in promoting uptake of K+ by anions was SCN- greater than NO3- greater than Cl- much greater than HCO3- greater than SO4(2-). Uptake of K+ was much more rapid at alkaline pH than at neutral or at acidic pH. Addition of CO2 at alkaline pH strongly stimulated the rate of H+ accumulation in the vesicles. The initial part of this stimulation was sensitive to acetazolamide, an inhibitor of carbonic anhydrase. A model how the (H+ + K+)-ATPase and the carbonic anhydrase may co-operate is presented. It is concluded that membrane vesicles of a tubulovesicular origin can produce acid.  相似文献   

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