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Airborne pollen was monitored in three major urban centers of the coastal plain of Israel during the years 1993–1995. Results show spatial and temporal variations among the three sites. Altogether, the number of identified species was rather low. Ornamental trees (Cupressaceae,Pinus, Olea, Casuarina, Ceratonia) and grasses, have constituted the main source of the pollen rain. A substantial contribution of the wild plants of the region was restricted toParietaria, Urtica, Mercurialis, Artemisia, grasses and members of the Chenopodiaceae and Amaranthaceae.  相似文献   

Continuous aerobiological survey of the atmosphere of Mar del Plata was carried out from December 1991 to November 1993 with a Burkard volumetric spore trap. Daily slides were prepared and studied every 2 h with standard techniques. Weekly records were kept for 27 relevant pollen types selected either by their prevalence or relative high atmospheric concentration. Quantitative multivariate analysis enabled to distinguish three major pollen seasons, related to atmospheric dominance either arboreal pollen (AP) or non-arboreal pollen (NAP). June to October is the richest period in number of pollen types, mainly dominated by AP; while from November to May, there is an overwhelming dominance of NAP types, represented by grass, herb and weed pollen. The study and prediction of this phenomenon is of great interest not only from the ecosystem point of view, but in relation to human disease as well.  相似文献   

This report describes qualitatively and quantitatively the level of pollen in the atmosphere in the central region of Bursa. Turkey. In 1991, the season of maximum pollen concentration was from April to June, with a prevalence of arboreal pollen during the initial months, and of pollen from herbaceous plants in the latter months. During the year of research, 24 taxa of arboreal and 12 taxa of herbaceous pollen grains were collected and identified. In the region investigatedPinus, Cupressaceae/Taxaceae,Abies nordmanniana, Platanus orientalis, Olea europaea, Gramineae, Urticaceae, Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae,Artemisia and Compositae were responsible for the greatest amounts of pollen. Some important allergenic pollens such asOlea europaea, Gramineae and Urticaceae were also found in high concentration. In this study, a pollen calendar for the region is presented.  相似文献   

An aeropalynological study was carried out in the atmosphere of the city of Nerja (southern Spain) during a period of 4 years (2000–2003), using a Hirst type volumetric pollen trap. An annual pollen index of 59,750 grains, on average, was obtained with 80–85% of the total pollen recorded from February to May, with Pinus, Olea, Urticaceae, Cupressaceae, Quercus and Poaceae being the principal pollen producers in abundance order. A total of 29 pollen types that reached a 10-day mean equal to or greater than 1 grain of pollen per m3 of air is reflected in a pollen calendar. The results were compared with those obtained for nearby localities and a correlation analysis was made between the daily fluctuations of the main pollen types and total pollen, and meteorological parameters (temperature, rainfall and hours of sun). The daily, monthly and annual values reached by the most important pollen types from an allergenic point of view (Olea, Urticaceae and Poaceae) confirms Nerja as a high-risk locality for the residents and the numerous tourists who visit the area.  相似文献   

The atmospheric pollen of Madras city was surveyed during a 1-year period (January–December 1995) with a vertical cylinder trap. A total of 32 pollen types were identified, among which nine were present throughout the year. These belonged to Poaceae,Casuarina equisetifolia Foster and Foster f.,Prosopis juliflora (SW.) DC.,Acalypha indica L.,Parthenium hysterophorus L., Cyperaceae,Cocos nucifera L., Amaranthaceae, andTypha angustata Borry and Chaub. Among the identified pollen, 61.05% belonged to trees, 21.01% to grasses, 11.65% to herbs and 6.27% to shrubs. Anemophilous pollen contributed about 52.87% to the total while entomophilous and amphiphilous pollen contributed 38.89 and 8.22%, respectively. Pollen belonging to Poaceae were found to be most predominant in the air of Madras city followed byCasuarina equisetifolia andProsopis juliflora.  相似文献   

Vigo is a city located in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. Influenced by the Atlantic climate, it is surrounded by a Eurosiberian-type vegetation, modified by the introduction of forestry and ornamental species. Different ruderal vegetation types, resulting from human influence, grow in the area. The study of the pollen content of the air of Vigo started in 1989, with a Cour trap. Average results for the period 1989–1995 are presented in this paper, together with the lowest and highest values found. The representativeness of the mean values is analysed by calculating the coefficient of variation of the data series. Most pollen types in the atmosphere of Vigo are from tree species (54.2%); an important proportion comes from herb species (43.9%) and very few (1.8%) correspond to shrub species. A total of 73 different pollen types have been identified. The most abundant, listed in decreasing order of mean annual values for the period, are:Pinus (25.1%), Poaceae (21.1%), Urticaceae (14.6%),Quercus (8.5%),Castanea (3.7%),Betula (3.6%),Eucalyptus (3.4%),Plantago (3.2%),Alnus (2.1%), Cupressaceae (2.1%), Oleaceae (1.6%;Olea 1.3%),Platanus (1.3%),Rumex (1.3%), Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae (1.0%), Ericaceae (0.8%), Asteraceae (0.6%;Artemisia 0.1% andTaraxacum type 0.2%) andMercurialis (0.5%). A pollen calendar showing the annual dynamics of all these pollen types is presented in this paper. A parallel study of the clinical importance of respiratory allergies in Vigo was also conducted. From a sample of 2750 patients, 87.2% suffered from rhinoconjunctivitis, 26.0% of these due to pollen, and 78.3% from asthma, 17.2% due to pollen. The pollen types responsible for these allergies, listed in decreasing order, are: Poaceae (78%),Parietaria (12%),Chenopodium (11%),Plantago (9%), Oak (4%),Artemisia (3%),Pinus (3%),Eucalyptus (3%),Olea (2%),Platanus (2%),Castanea (2%),Taraxacum (2%),Rumex (2%),Betula (1%),Cupressus (1%) andMercurialis (1%).  相似文献   

Pollen data reported from the two monitoring stations of Locarno-Monti, on the southern slopes of the Alps, and Zurich on the northern slopes of the Alps, for the years 1989–1993 were compared with meteorological data from the corresponding locations and with the prevalence of pollinosis and frequency of specific pollen sensitization in patients with pollinosis. It was so discovered that the recorded quantity of allergenic pollen types (Alnus, Corylus, Betula, Fraxinus, Poaceae, Castaneae,Olea andArtemisia) south of the Alps is higher by a factor of 2.9 than that north of the Alps. These differences are due to the distinctly milder climate in the canton of Ticino (south of the Alps) showing higher annual mean temperatures, more sunshine duration and less precipitation days with higher amounts of precipitation. The allergological data show additionally that the summer pollinosis, caused byCastanea andOlea, is probably responsible for the differing prevalence of pollinosis at the two sites. Finally, we can summarize that in Switzerland pollen from Poaceae, Betulaceae and Oleacea are the most important for pollinosis.  相似文献   

In this study the seasonal and daily variations in olive airborne pollen concentrations were measured in the atmosphere of Sassari (Italy) and the olive pollen emission was monitored in the countryside during the flowering period in 1995 and 1996, in order to detect the patterns of change in the atmosphere. The intensity and the timing of pollination was also studied in relation to phenological stages occurrence. In addition, the influence of the main meteorological parameters on pollen emission and airborne pollen dispersal in the city was assessed. Airborne pollen reached its highest concentration a few days before the peak of pollen emission in 1995 but several days after it in 1996 (6 days). Analysis of hourly concentrations shows that the maximum emission and dispersion recorded during the observation period occurred in the middle of the day. Significant regressions were found between hourly temperature and air humidity values and hourly pollen concentrations recorded in the olive grove for almost every day studied, indicating a negative correlation between humidity and pollen concentration and a positive correlation between pollen concentration and temperature. On the other hand, no significant correlation was observed between the meteorological parameters and pollen concentration recorded in the urban area.  相似文献   

This is the first data from a pollen survey in Vigo, an Atlantic city in northwest Spain. The pollen calendar for Vigo is presented, as well as the pollination period for the nine most important allergenic plants. Through 1995, 30 083 pollen grains belonging to 52 taxa, were recorded using the Lanzoni VPPS 2000 volumetric spore-trap. The most relevant taxa found were: Urticaceae,Pinus, Poaceae andQuercus (75% of the total pollen),Betula, Castanea, Cupressaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Ericaceae, Myrtaceae,Olea, Plantago, Platanus andRumex (21%), and the final 4% was distributed mainly among pollen types, such as:Corylus, Alnus, Fabaceae, Compositae,Artemisia andCedrus. Of the total annual pollen count, 56% was found in March and April. Another, secondary peak was recorded in June corresponding to the flowering period of herbaceous species. The high pollen total of Urticaceae (7625 grains, 25% of the total) should be highlighted. The percentages ofOlea europaea (565 grains) should be noted as well, taking into account its geographical distribution.  相似文献   

The daily pollen concentration in the atmosphere of Badajoz (SW Spain) was analysed over a 6-year period (1993–1998) using a volumetric aerobiological trap. The results for the main pollination period are compared with the number of hours of wind each day in the four quadrants: 1 (NE), 2 (SE), 3 (SW) and 4 (NW). The pollen source distribution allowed 16 pollen types to be analysed as a function of their distribution in the four quadrants with respect to the location of the trap. Four of them correspond to species growing in an irrigated farmland environment (Amaranthaceae-Chenopodiaceae, Plantago, Scirpus, and Typha), five to riparian and woodland species (Salix, Fraxinus, Alnus, Populus, and Eucalyptus), four to urban ornamentals (Ulmus, Arecaceae, Cupressaceae, and Casuarina), and three which include the most frequent pollen grains of widely distributed species (Poaceae, Quercus, and Olea). The results show that the distribution of the sources and the wind direction play a very major role in determining the pollen concentration in the atmosphere when these sources are located in certain quadrants, and that the widely distributed pollen sources show no relationship with wind direction. In some years the values of the correlations were not maintained, which leads one to presume that, in order to draw significant conclusions and establish clear patterns of the influence of wind direction, a continuous and more prolonged study will be required. Received: 6 May 1999 / Revised: 30 March 2000 / Accepted: 31 March 2000  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to study the incidence of pollinosis in the Health District of Ascoli Piceno, Central Italy (U.S.L.24). this being an underestimated pathology from the clinical point of view and also as a result of the recent introduction of this taxa in the National Aeroallergen Network. Since 1990, 5055 patients of both sexes with respiratory symptomatology of suspected IgE mediated aetiology have been examined in our Centre with the Skin Prick Test (SPT) using allergen panels including Cypress; 171 (3.38%) patients were found to be positive to this allergen. These results show that the subjects with symptoms in the period January–March in most cases have a sensitization toCupressus pollen and new studies will evaluate the possibility of specific immunotherapy.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to study the incidence of pollinosis in the Health District of Ascoli Piceno, Central Italy (U.S.L.24), this being an underestimated pathology from the clinical point of view and also as a result of the recent introduction of this taxa in the National Aeroallergen Network. Since 1990, 5055 patients of both sexes with respiratory symptomatology of suspected IgE mediated aetiology have been examined in our Centre with the Skin Prick Test (SPT) using allergen panels including Cypress; 171 (3.38%) patients were found to be positive to this allergen. These results show that the subjects with symptoms in the period January–March in most cases have a sensitization toCupressus pollen and new studies will evaluate the possibility of specific immunotherapy.  相似文献   

A pollen calendar has been constructed for the area of Thessaloniki and relationships between pollen transport and meteorological parameters have been assessed. Daily airborne pollen records were collected over a 15-year period (1987-2001), using a Burkard continuous volumetric pollen trap, located in the centre of the city. Sixteen allergenic pollen types were identified. Simultaneously, daily records of five main meteorological parameters (mean air temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, sunshine, wind speed) were made, and then correlated with fluctuations of the airborne pollen concentrations. For the first time in Greece, a pollen calendar has been constructed for 16 pollen types, from which it appears that 24.9% of the total pollen recorded belong to Cupressaceae, 20.8% to Quercus spp., 13.6% to Urticaceae, 9.1% to Oleaceae, 8.9% to Pinaceae, 6.3% to Poaceae, 5.4% to Platanaceae, 3.0% to Corylus spp., 2.5% to Chenopodiaceae and 1.4% to Populus spp. The percentages of Betula spp., Asteraceae (Artemisia spp. and Ambrosia spp.), Salix spp., Ulmaceae and Alnus spp. were each lower than 1%. A positive correlation between pollen transport and both mean temperature and sunshine was observed, whereas usually no correlation was found between pollen and relative humidity or rainfall. Finally, wind speed was generally found to have a significant positive correlation with the concentrations of 8 pollen types. For the first time in the area of Thessaloniki, and more generally in Greece, 15-year allergenic pollen records have been collected and meteorological parameters have been recorded. The airborne pollen concentration is strongly influenced by mean air temperature and sunshine duration. The highest concentrations of pollen grains are observed during spring (May).  相似文献   

We present a model for the prediction of the magnitude ofBetula flowering and pollen dispersal which may be used in the management of birch pollinosis and in the planning of clinical trials. The pollen sum during the flowering season is regressed on the temperature sum from May 1st to July 20th during the initiation year, the pollen sum of the initiation year, and the temperature sum during the main pollen season in the flowering year. We suggest that the fluctuating flowering pattern inBetula alba-species is primarily determined by the availability of assimilation products during inflorescence initiation and development during the spring one year before anthesis. When inflorescences, which are initiated during the previous year, elongate in the beginning of anthesis, they act as strong sinks to stored carbohydrates, and thus compete with developing leaves and shoots. The result is an initially reduced photosynthetic capacity in years with intense flowering, and a limited potential for the initiation of new inflorescences for the following year. The ambient temperature during catkin initiation affects assimilation efficiency and is a determinant of about equal importance to flowering intensity as is the magnitude of the flowering in the initiation year. The amount of pollen dispersed is also dependent on the weather during anthesis, which is not possible to predict until about one month in advance. The two other independent variables are available during the previous summer, making it possible to give a sufficiently valid prediction to allergologists about the magnitude of the next birch pollen season, according to its botanical determinants. We suggest that the varying reproductive output inBetula alba should not be described as true masting. A more parsimonious explanation to the flowering pattern is that an individual continually maximizes reproductive effort, according to what is possible, but that reproduction is often constrained by the environment.  相似文献   

Data on predicted average and maximum airborne pollen concentrations and the dates on which these maximum values are expected are of undoubted value to allergists and allergy sufferers, as well as to agronomists. This paper reports on the development of predictive models for calculating total annual pollen output, on the basis of pollen and weather data compiled over the last 19 years (1982–2000) for Córdoba (Spain). Models were tested in order to predict the 2000 pollen season; in addition, and in view of the heavy rainfall recorded in spring 2000, the 1982–1998 data set was used to test the model for 1999. The results of the multiple regression analysis show that the variables exerting the greatest influence on the pollen index were rainfall in March and temperatures over the months prior to the flowering period. For prediction of maximum values and dates on which these values might be expected, the start of the pollen season was used as an additional independent variable. Temperature proved the best variable for this prediction. Results improved when the 5-day moving average was taken into account. Testing of the predictive model for 1999 and 2000 yielded fairly similar results. In both cases, the difference between expected and observed pollen data was no greater than 10%. However, significant differences were recorded between forecast and expected maximum and minimum values, owing to the influence of rainfall during the flowering period. Received: 25 October 2000 / Revised: 26 February 2001 / Accepted: 28 February 2001  相似文献   

Continuous pollen monitoring of an urban network consisting of three stations has been undertaken for a period of 2 years in Perugia, central Italy. The aim has been to establish whether the Perugia pollen trap, active since 1983, is still representative of the area following recent urbanisation. Quantitative differences were found between the stations, reflecting different vegetational areas, but only slight differences were detected in relation to the timing of the principal period of pollination. Therefore, although individual pollen traps are necessary to characterize fully the different areas, one trap is sufficient to determine the key allergenic thresholds in the studied area.  相似文献   

Continuous pollen monitoring of an urban network consisting of three stations has been undertaken for a period of 2 years in Perugia, central Italy. The aim has been to establish whether the Perugia pollen trap, active since 1983, is still representative of the area following recent urbanisation. Quantitative differences were found between the stations, reflecting different vegetational areas, but only slight differences were detected in relation to the timing of the principal period of pollination. Therefore, although individual pollen traps are necessary to characterize fully the different areas, one trap is sufficient to determine the key allergenic thresholds in the studied area.  相似文献   

We present a model for the prediction of the magnitude ofBetula flowering and pollen dispersal which may be used in the management of birch pollinosis and in the planning of clinical trials. The pollen sum during the flowering season is regressed on the temperature sum from May 1st to July 20th during the initiation year, the pollen sum of the initiation year, and the temperature sum during the main pollen season in the flowering year. We suggest that the fluctuating flowering pattern inBetula alba-species is primarily determined by the availability of assimilation products during inflorescence initiation and development during the spring one year before anthesis. When inflorescences, which are initiated during the previous year, elongate in the beginning of anthesis, they act as strong sinks to stored carbohydrates, and thus compete with developing leaves and shoots. The result is an initially reduced photosynthetic capacity in years with intense flowering, and a limited potential for the initiation of new inflorescences for the following year. The ambient temperature during catkin initiation affects assimilation efficiency and is a determinant of about equal importance to flowering intensity as is the magnitude of the flowering in the initiation year. The amount of pollen dispersed is also dependent on the weather during anthesis, which is not possible to predict until about one month in advance. The two other independent variables are available during the previous summer, making it possible to give a sufficiently valid prediction to allergologists about the magnitude of the next birch pollen season, according to its botanical determinants. We suggest that the varying reproductive output inBetula alba should not be described as true masting. A more parsimonious explanation to the flowering pattern is that an individual continually maximizes reproductive effort, according to what is possible, but that reproduction is often constrained by the environment.  相似文献   

Airborne pollen and spore levels were monitored at seven sites in New Zealand using the Intermittent Cycling Rotorod sampler during the summer of 1988/1989. Grasses formed the major component of atmospheric pollen levels during spring and summer at every locality. Peak levels of grass and total pollen occurred during December or late November, with a slight latitudinal lag apparent at the more southern sites. Highest levels were recorded at the smaller rural centres of Gore and Kaikohe and the lowest at the larger urban centres of Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington. We make a first approximation of the likely risk to hayfever and allergic asthma patients at each of the seven centres. For example, significantly higher grass pollen levels were experienced at Kaikohe on 44% and 65% of days during November and December, compared with just 15% and 8% at Auckland. By recording the flowering seasons of the principal allergenic grass species at each locality, we determined the potentially allergenic grasses contributing to peak pollen levels, the most ubiquitous being tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.,L. multiflorum Lam.), cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.), Yorkshire fog (Holcus lanatus L.) and sweet vernal (Anthoxanthum odoratum L.). Corresponding author. Deceased.  相似文献   

In this paper airborne pollen concentration is compared to meteorological data of Trento and S. Michele all’Adige, two sites in the Adige Valley, in Trentino (North Italy). Pollen ofCorylus, Alnus, Betula andOstrya, four winter-spring flowering plants are considered. Pollen sampling was carried out in 1996 by volumetric Hirst-type samplers. For all pollen types considered, maximum pollen concentration coincided in both stations and there was a good overlap of the main pollen season length; the pollen curves of S. Michele a/A and Trento showed a highly positive correlation. The daily airborne pollen concentrations, defined as the number of pollen grains per cubic meter of air (P/m3), were compared to daily meteorological data: minimum and maximum air temperature (°C), average relative humidity (%), precipitation (mm), global incident radiation (cal/cm2), average wind direction (°) and wind speed (m/s). A highly positive correlation was found forCorylus and maximum temperature in both monitoring stations.Betula was positively, whereasOstrya was negatively correlated to relative humidity. With this first analytical approach sharp differences in the atmospheric pollen presence between the stations located at Trento and S. Michele all’Adige were not found.  相似文献   

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