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Covalent modification of cytochrome P-450scc (purified from bovine adrenocortical mitochondria) with pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) was found to cause inhibition of the electron-accepting ability of this enzyme from its physiological electron donor, adrenodoxin, without conversion to the "P-420" form. Reaction conditions leading to the modification level of 0.82 and 2.85 PLP-Lys residues per cytochrome P-450scc molecule resulted in 60% and 98% inhibition, respectively, of electron-transfer rate from adrenodoxin to cytochrome P-450scc (with beta-NADPH as an electron donor via NADPH-adrenodoxin reductase and with phenyl isocyanide as the exogenous heme ligand of the cytochrome). It was found that covalent PLP modification caused a drastic decrease of cholesterol side-chain cleavage activity when the cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme system was reconstituted with native (or PLP-modified) cytochrome P-450scc, adrenodoxin, and NADPH-adrenodoxin reductase. Approximately 60% of the original enzymatic activity of cytochrome P-450scc was protected against inactivation by covalent PLP modification when 20% mole excess adrenodoxin was included during incubation with PLP. Binding affinity of substrate (cholesterol) to cytochrome P-450scc was found to be increased slightly upon covalent modification with PLP by analyzing a substrate-induced spectral change. The interaction of adrenodoxin with cytochrome P-450scc in the absence of substrate (cholesterol) was analyzed by difference absorption spectroscopy with a four-cuvette assembly, and the apparent dissociation constant (Ks) for adrenodoxin binding was found to be increased from 0.38 microM (native) to 33 microM (covalently PLP modified).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cytochrome P-450scc (P-450 XIA1) from bovine adrenocortical mitochondria was investigated using a suicide substrate: [14C]methoxychlor. [14C]Methoxychlor irreversibly abolished the activity of the side-chain cleavage enzyme for cholesterol (P-450scc) and the inactivation was prevented in the presence of cholesterol. The binding of [14C]methoxychlor and cytochrome P-450scc occurred in a molar ratio of 1:1 and the cholesterol-induced difference spectrum of cytochrome P-450scc was similar with the methoxychlor-induced difference spectrum. [14C]Methoxychlor-binding peptides were purified from tryptic-digested cytochrome P-450scc modified with [14C]methoxychlor. Determination of the sequence of the amino-acid residues of a [14C]methoxychlor-binding peptide allowed identification of the peptide comprising the amino-terminal amino-acid residues 8 to 28.  相似文献   

Spectrophotometric, affinity chromatography and cross-linking experiments provided evidence that cytochrome P-450scc from bovine adrenocortical mitochondria forms a tight complex with cytochrome b5 from rabbit liver microsomes. In the reconstituted system cholesterol side chain activity of cytochrome P-450scc was enhanced by the addition of cytochrome b5.  相似文献   

Highly specific antibodies to cytochrome P-450scc and its F1 and F2 fragments, representing N- and C-terminal sequences of the hemeprotein respectively, were raised in rabbits. These antibodies were found to be inhibitory (up to 50-90%) for the cholesterol transformation into pregnenolone in the reconstituted system, indicating the involvement of both F1 and F2 domains formed by the respective fragments in monooxygenase catalysis. Cytochrome P-450scc in mitoplasts is not accessible for trypsin as revealed by immunological techniques. However, the treatment of submitochondrial particles with trypsin results in two main fragments identified by immunoblotting in the presence of the monospecific antibodies as F1 and F2 fragments. This indicates that the trypsin sensitive 250-257 region in cytochrome P-450scc molecule connecting both domains is exposed to the matrix side of the inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

A chemical modification of cysteine residues in mitochondrial cytochrome P-450scc from adrenal cortex has been carried out. Cysteine residues in this hemoprotein were shown to form two pools: one available to the chemical modification, which does not affect spectral and functional properties of the cytochrome and another accessible for the modification only after the protein inactivation and the heme removal. The proximal ligand in the polypeptide chain of cytochrome P-450scc was localized. Cys422 was shown to be involved in the heme coordination and Cys264 was found to be exposed and accessible to sulfhydryl reagents. The data obtained are discussed in terms of the functional role of cysteine residues in monooxygenase catalysis.  相似文献   

Is cytochrome P-450scc a transmembrane protein?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The topology of cytochrome P-450scc in the inner mitochondrial membrane of adrenal cortex has been investigated using monospecific antibodies to cytochrome P-450scc and its fragments F1 (Ile1-Arg250), F2 (Asn257-Ala481) and F3 (Asn257-Arg399). Antibodies to F1 and F2 were shown to effectively bind to the matrix and cytosolic sides of the inner membrane. Antibodies to F3 specifically interacted only with the matrix side of the membrane. These data are consistent with a model of molecular organization which shows that cytochrome P-450scc is a transmembrane protein, both N- and C-terminal sequences of the cytochrome being able to span the membrane.  相似文献   

The cytochrome P-450-dependent cholesterol side chain cleavage system of the brain has been studied using nonsynaptic mitochondria as the source of enzymatic activity. The system has been found to bind cholesterol and 11-deoxycorticosterone, producing type I difference spectra, whereas the binding of pregnenolone induced a reverse type I difference spectrum. Inhibitors of cytochrome P-450-linked monooxygenase activities produced type II spectra. The formation of labeled pregnenolone after incubation of brain mitochondria with [4-14C]cholesterol has been obtained, and this formation was inhibited by glutethimide, a specific inhibitor of cytochrome P-450scc. The functional significance of this enzymatic activity is discussed.  相似文献   

The interaction of cholesterol with phospholipids has been studied with a variety of techniques; however, the possible consequences of such interactions in vivo have not been demonstrated. In this study, the cholesterol-dependent absorbance spectrum of cytochrome P-450scc was used to monitor cholesterol availability in both micellar and vesicular environments. By use of this approach, in conjunction with titration of putative cholesterol binding species, a tight, approximately equimolar complex of cholesterol and digitonin was demonstrated. Sphingomyelin (SM) (both the synthetic N-palmitoyl and bovine brain forms) gave sigmoidal titration curves, suggesting a cooperative interaction between this lipid and cholesterol. The interaction of bovine brain glycerolipids and cholesterol was weaker than that of SM and showed no cooperativity. The importance of the phospholipid head group in these interactions was established by the differences in the ability of synthetic 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylphosphatidylcholine, -phosphatidylethanolamine, and -phosphatidylserine to affect cholesterol availability. Comparison of these results with those of the bovine brain phospholipids indicates that the acyl chain composition of these molecules is also important to these interactions. Titrations of SM in phospholipid vesicles containing cytochrome P-450scc and different types of phosphatidylcholine established that the SM-cholesterol interactions also occur in a bilayer membrane. This study demonstrates that the association of cholesterol with cytochrome P-450scc is inhibited by concentrations of SM commonly found in biological membranes. Therefore, such cholesterol-lipid interactions can potentially affect the function of membrane enzymes.  相似文献   

Primary cultures of glial cells from newborn rat forebrain were tested after 3 to 4 weeks. Oligodendrocytes and astrocytes were characterized by immunofluorescence with monoclonal antibodies to galactocerebroside and glial fibrillary acidic protein, respectively. The cytoplasm of oligodendrocytes was specifically and intensely immunostained with monospecific polyclonal antibodies to the cytochrome P-450scc involved in the synthesis of pregnenolone from cholesterol. This observation brings additional support to the concept of "neurosteroids".  相似文献   

Cytochrome P-450scc (P-450scc), a cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme from bovine adrenocortical mitochondria, has been crystallized for the first time. Upon removal of glycerol from the solution of the native enzyme complexed with pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP) by microdialysis against distilled water, reddish and planar crystals appeared. The crystals of native P-450scc were also obtained by the same procedure. We identified the crystals as the P-450scc-PLP complex or native P-450scc by absorption spectroscopy and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and characterized them under a polarization microscope.  相似文献   

Selective chemical modification of adrenocortical cytochrome P-450scc, responsible for key stages of steroid biogenesis, with tetranitromethane has been carried out. Nitration of the cytochrome P-450scc tyrosine residues results in heme protein inactivation with syncatalytic loss of enzyme activity. Analysis of the cytochrome P-450scc inactivation kinetics indicates that there are several pools of tyrosine residues, differing in their accessibility to tetranitromethane. The modification of cytochrome P-450scc results in changes in the hemeprotein spectral properties and its conformation which indicates to the involvement of essential tyrosine residue(s) in the heme-protein interaction. Cholesterol and adrenodoxin (high-spin effectors) prevent the inactivation of cytochrome P-450scc with tetranitromethane, i.e., protect the essential tyrosine residue(s) from modification. Possible functions of the tyrosine residues in the cytochrome P-450scc molecule are discussed.  相似文献   

In vivo administration of the alcohol dehydrogenase inhibitor pyrazole induces a cytochrome P-450 isozyme. The pyrazole-inducible cytochrome P-450 has been purified from rat livers to electrophoretic homogeneity and its biochemical, spectral, and immunological properties characterized. The final preparation had a specific content of 11 nmol of cytochrome P-450/mg of protein. A single band with an apparent molecular weight of 52,000 was observed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The absolute spectrum of the isolated pyrazole cytochrome P-450 displayed peaks at 648 and 396 nm, suggestive of a high spin cytochrome. The ethylisocyanide difference spectrum exhibited two maxima, one at 457 nm, the other at 428 nm. Pyrazole and dimethyl sulfoxide produced binding spectra with the purified P-450, with peaks at 425 or 419 nm and troughs at 390 or 386 nm, respectively. K8 values for dimethyl sulfoxide and pyrazole were 21 and 0.04 mM, respectively. The catalytic activity of the pyrazole cytochrome P-450 was elevated with aniline and dimethylnitrosamine (low Km) but not with aminopyrine, benzphetamine, ethoxycoumarin, or ethoxyresorufin as substrates. An antibody against pyrazole cytochrome P-450 recognized a 52,000 molecular weight protein upon reaction with saline microsomes. The intensity of the immunoblot was increased when microsomes isolated from pyrazole, 4-methylpyrazole-, acetone-, or chronic ethanol-treated rats were utilized, but not after phenobarbital or 3-methylcholanthrene treatment. Homology at the amino terminus of 19 amino acids was observed between pyrazole P-450 and the isoniazid-inducible P-450j. Based upon the above catalytic, spectral, and immunological properties, it appears that pyrazole induces a form of cytochrome P-450 which is identical to that induced by ethanol and isoniazid.  相似文献   

A highly purified (12 nmol of P-450-heme per milligram of protein) bovine adrenal cortex mitochondrial cytochrome P-450, termed P-450sce, which cleaves the side chain of cholesterol to yield pregnenolone, is obtained in the substrate-bound ferric form with observed absorption maxima at 393 nm and 645 nm and a shoulder around 540 nm. The absorption spectra of the P-450scc, whether in the substrate-bound ferric form or in the CO-complexed ferrous form, are subject to environmental perturbation. The addition of adrenal ferredoxin readily restores full ferric high spin type spectrum of the substrate-bound P-450scc or, together with cholesterol and Tween 20, restores the CO-spectrum of the P-450scc, exhibiting stable and typical spectra of cytochrome P-450. Tween 20, at concentration of 0.3%, remarkably increases the P-450scc-catalyzed cholesterol side chain cleavage activity. Based on these findings, a highly reactive and reliable assay has been developed for the conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone. The specific activity of the P-450scc, thus determined in the presence of NADPH, NADPH:adrenal ferredoxin oxidoreductase (EC, adrenal ferredoxin, cholesterol, and molecular oxygen, is 16 mol of pregnenolone formed per minute per mole of P-450-heme and V of enzyme catalyzed reaction was 30 mol/min/mol of P-450-heme. Apparent Km values are 120 μm for cholesterol and 1.5 μm for adrenal ferredoxin. The P-450scc has a pH optimum at pH 7.2 and is most active at ionic strength of 0.1.  相似文献   

Molecular modeling of the 3-D structure of cytochrome P-450scc.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sequence-alignment studies of the bovine mitochondrial cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme cytochrome P-450scc with the bacterial cytochrome P-450cam (camphor hydroxylating enzyme) have been undertaken. Our novel alignment of the sequences revealed 69 identical residues and many highly conserved regions. The results of the sequence alignment studies were used to model the 3-D structure of P-450scc based on the available crystal structure of P-450cam. The major insertions in the sequence are found mainly on four external-loop regions of the molecule, while the core structure of P-450cam is retained with subtle internal modifications. The most hydrophobic of these four external loops is proposed as a candidate for membrane attachment.  相似文献   

The Pseudomonas putida cytochrome P-450 was alkylated with the SH-reagent, 2-bromoacetamido-4-nitrophenol. One out of eight cysteine residues present in the enzyme reacted rapidly while another 3 ~ 4 cysteine residues were gradually alkylated at longer reaction times. The derivative in which the most reactive cysteine residue was labeled with this reagent was hydrolyzed with trypsin and a tryptic peptide isolated. From the amino acid composition and end group analysis of the peptide, the rapidly reacting cysteine residue was shown to be Cys 355. This cysteine residue is probably exposed on the surface and is involved in the dimerization of the enzyme. The amino acid sequence about cysteine 355 shows sequence homology with residues 429–445 of the rat liver cytochrome P-450-LM-2.  相似文献   

Highly purified beef adrenal cytochrome P-450 specific for cholesterol side chain cleavage (P-450-scc) has been reconstituted with sonicated vesicles containing cholesterol and either dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) or dioleoyl phosphatidylcholine (DOPC). When cholesterol was present in DMPC vesicles at 1:15 molar ratio, cardiolipin and L-alpha-phosphatidylinositol 4-monophosphate (DPI) increased side chain cleavage by at least 5-fold (0.7 min-1-3.5 min-1). In DOPC vesicles, a smaller increase was observed (2.8 min-1-5.0 min-1). Activator phospholipids increased the rate of transference of cholesterol both to and from the cytochrome when, respectively, cholesterol-free P-450scc and cholesterol-P-450scc complex are combined with either DMPC or DOPC vesicles. Transfer of cholesterol to and from cytochrome P-450 occurred with similar first order rate constants and was also independent of the concentrations of cholesterol vesicles and P-450. It is suggested that transfer in both directions is limited by the rate of insertion of P-450scc into the membrane. Phospholipid stimulatory effects for both cholesterol transfer and for activation of side chain cleavage occurred with the same ranking, even though cholesterol transfer, following reconstitution, was 5-10 times slower than the turnover of side chain cleavage. DPI increased Vmax for side chain cleavage in both DMPC and DOPC vesicles to the same rate (12 min-1) without effect on the Km for cholesterol, while cardiolipin both produced a similar increase in Vmax and decreased Km (cholesterol). This activation by DPI is attributed to more favorable incorporation of P-450scc in these membranes and is consistent with previously reported effects of acidic phospholipids on other mitochondrial proteins.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that the steroidogenic activity of the bovine placentome is stimulated by a calcium-mediated, cyclic nucleotide-independent mechanism and that this steroidogenesis is limited by the availability of sterol substrate to the side-chain cleavage enzyme. We have recently established that the antibody against bovine adrenal cytochrome P-450 cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme (P-450scc) can be used to specifically detect P-450scc in both bovine placentome and corpus luteum. In the present study, we used an immunogold technique to localize the P-450scc in the bovine placentome by electron microscopy. The mononucleate cell of the cotyledon showed both giant and normal-sized mitochondria, with the latter, predominating. Both mitochondrial types found in the mononucleate cells clearly displayed gold particles located on the cristae; in contrast, these particles were absent in the binucleate cells. It is worth noting that giant mitochondria were found exclusively in the placental mononucleate cells in both the fetal and maternal sites but not in the binucleate cells. These findings suggest that the cholesterol side-chain cleavage enzyme is present in bovine cotyledon cells, primarily in mononucleate cells. The variations in P-450scc immunoreactivity among different cells of the placenta are suggestive of different steroidogenetic capacities of the cells.  相似文献   

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