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Habitat use and habitat selection are essential for successful stopovers. Passerine migrants use habitats in a clearly non-random manner, even if many species utilise a broader range of habitats during passage than during breeding or wintering. Habitat selection proceeds as a sequence of events: landfall; search/settling, including redistribution across habitats if necessary; and habitat exploitation, with all stages probably condition-dependent. This review is aimed at studying this sequence and also the factors which govern decision-making in nocturnal passerine migrants at all levels. In most cases, habitats are (pre)selected by migrants already at landfall using both visual and acoustic cues. After landfall, migrants start to perform direct sampling of habitats during which they may move constantly and perform fine-tuning of their habitat choice. Some species subsequently occupy a small home range in a particular (micro)habitats, whereas others continue to move broadly during the whole stopover period. An interaction of several factors shapes the use of habitats after landing, among which are migrants’ innate preferences and functional morphology, foraging strategies and food resource distribution, habitat carrying capacity and exposure to predators. The large-scale spatial context probably also plays a role which might be currently underestimated.  相似文献   

Parasites often affect the abundance and life‐history traits of their hosts. We studied the impact of a social parasite – a slavemaking ant – on host ant communities using two complementary field manipulations. In the first experiment, we analysed the effect of social parasite presence on host populations in one habitat. In a second experiment, conducted in two habitats, we used a cross‐fostering design, analysing the effect of sympatric and allopatric social parasites. In the first experiment, host colonies benefited to some extent from residing in parasite‐free areas, showing increased total production. Yet, in the second experiment, host colonies in plots containing social parasites were more productive, and this effect was most evident in response to allopatric social parasites. We propose several explanations for these inconsistent results, which are related to environmental variability. The discrepancies between the two habitats can be explained well by ecological variation as a result of differences in altitudes and climate. For example, ant colonies in the colder habitat were larger and, for one host species, colonies were more often polygynous. In addition, our long‐term documentation – a total of four measurements of community structure in 6 years – showed temporal variation in abundance and life‐history traits of ant colonies, unrelated to the manipulations. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 103 , 559–570.  相似文献   

Biochar amendments to soils had aroused much interest for having potential for greenhouse gas mitigation, soil improvement and increased crop productivity. However, little attention had been focused on the influence of biochar amendments on herbivorous insect pests. This study investigated whether a biochar amendment affected developmental and reproductive performances of the rice brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) feeding on rice plants. The biochar from the pyrolysis of wheat straw was used for treatments of soils (from a fallow rice field), and the treated soils were applied to grow rice seedlings in small vials, in which Nlugens life history was observed. The nymphal development time was delayed and nymph‐to‐adult survival decreased with a high level of 200 g/kg biochar application. Herbivore lifetime fecundity decreased with increasing amounts of biochar, from 256 eggs under the control down to 69 eggs under the high level (200 g/kg) of biochar application. Egg‐hatching rate significantly decreased at the highest biochar level (200 g/kg), compared to the other lower biochar levels. Our results suggest that biochar amendment to rice fields may have negative impacts on the rice brown planthoppers when applied at level of 200 g/kg of soil.  相似文献   

Inbreeding is said to reduce vigour and fitness. It may also determine how a population responds to selection. Local populations of Callosobruchus maculatus , the cowpea seed beetle, are established annually from small numbers of founders and the species has been distributed to many parts of the world where isolated populations may have been founded by very small numbers of individuals. After more than 20 generations of inbreeding, inbred lines have been shown to diverge from a common ancestral stock in similar directions with respect of some variables such as developmental speed, but haphazardly in respect of other parameters such as male weight. The respective roles of drift and of selection as effective evolutionary forces in inbred lines are discussed in the light of these results. It is argued that some intraspecific differences in C. maculatus may be explained as a product of periodic inbreeding, but that the process does not impair the ability to adapt to local conditions so contributing to the status of the species as a pest of international importance.  相似文献   

Abstract: The reproductive success of Callosobruchus maculatus Fabricius, the main insect pest of stored cowpea, may vary between strains of this beetle and between varieties of the host seeds. Life history parameters of beetle strains from three different origins in West Africa were compared on two susceptible varieties of cowpea, Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. All beetle strains were assayed in a no‐choice and a two‐choice test. No major differences were found between the beetle strains. In a no‐choice situation, the developmental period from egg to adult was prolonged on the bean variety Kpodjiguegue. In a two‐choice situation, the beetles showed a strong preference for the Californian blackeyed bean variety to oviposit on. Here again the development took longer on Kpodjiguegue beans and the intrinsic rate of increase of the beetle population was lower. Using either equal numbers of beans of the same size or equal weights of beans of undetermined size of the two bean varieties did not affect the outcome of the test.  相似文献   

Temperature changes in the environment, which realistically include environmental fluctuations, can create both plastic and evolutionary responses of traits. Sexes might differ in either or both of these responses for homologous traits, which in turn has consequences for sexual dimorphism and its evolution. Here, we investigate both immediate changes in and the evolution of sexual dimorphism in response to a changing environment (with and without fluctuations) using the seed beetle Callosobruchus maculatus. We investigate sex differences in plasticity and also the genetic architecture of body mass and developmental time dimorphism to test two existing hypotheses on sex differences in plasticity (adaptive canalization hypothesis and condition dependence hypothesis). We found a decreased sexual size dimorphism in higher temperature and that females responded more plastically than males, supporting the condition dependence hypothesis. However, selection in a fluctuating environment altered sex-specific patterns of genetic and environmental variation, indicating support for the adaptive canalization hypothesis. Genetic correlations between sexes (r(MF) ) were affected by fluctuating selection, suggesting facilitated independent evolution of the sexes. Thus, the selective past of a population is highly important for the understanding of the evolutionary dynamics of sexual dimorphism.  相似文献   

The evolution of reproductive division of labour and social life in social insects has lead to the emergence of several life‐history traits and adaptations typical of larger organisms: social insect colonies can reach masses of several kilograms, they start reproducing only when they are several years old, and can live for decades. These features and the monopolization of reproduction by only one or few individuals in a colony should affect molecular evolution by reducing the effective population size. We tested this prediction by analysing genome‐wide patterns of coding sequence polymorphism and divergence in eusocial vs. noneusocial insects based on newly generated RNA‐seq data. We report very low amounts of genetic polymorphism and an elevated ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous changes – a marker of the effective population size – in four distinct species of eusocial insects, which were more similar to vertebrates than to solitary insects regarding molecular evolutionary processes. Moreover, the ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions was positively correlated with the level of social complexity across ant species. These results are fully consistent with the hypothesis of a reduced effective population size and an increased genetic load in eusocial insects, indicating that the evolution of social life has important consequences at both the genomic and population levels.  相似文献   

Flowering is a key life‐history event whose timing almost certainly affects both male and female fitness, but tests of selection on flowering time through male fitness are few. Such selection may arise from direct effects of flowering time, and indirect effects through covariance between flowering time and the environment experienced during reproduction. To isolate these intrinsically correlated associations, we staggered planting dates of Brassica rapa families with known flowering times, creating populations in which age at flowering (i.e., flowering time genotype) and Julian date of flowering (i.e., flowering time environment) were positively, negatively, or uncorrelated. Genetic paternity analysis revealed that male fitness was not strongly influenced by seasonal environmental changes. Instead, when age and date were uncorrelated, selection through male fitness strongly favored young age at flowering. Strategic sampling offspring for paternity analysis rejected covariance between sire age at flowering and dam quality as the cause of this selection. Results instead suggest a negative association between age at flowering and pollen competitive ability. The manipulation also revealed that, at least in B. rapa, the often‐observed correlation between flowering time and flowering duration is environmental, not genetic, in origin.  相似文献   

1. Seasonal variation in leaf quality and climate conditions often imposes constraints on the temporal occurrence of tree‐feeding insect larvae, but the seasonal effects of predation have received limited attention. In temperate climate zones, both the abundance and activity of predators can be expected to vary over time. 2. The study reported herein examined the impact of temporal variation in predator activity levels on the life history of an herbivorous insect feeding on a constant food source: previous‐year needles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). In field experiments, the survival and growth rates of colonies of Thaumetopoea pinivora Treitschke larvae that had been manipulated to hatch at three different dates were compared. Eggs of T. pinivora usually hatch by mid‐April in southern Sweden, which is earlier than most other herbivorous insects that overwinter as eggs in this region. 3. Predator exclusion experiments indicated that larvae which hatched later than April experienced a higher level of predator activity, mainly by ants. The final larval size and the timing of pupation were not affected by hatching date. First instar larvae were more extensively preyed on than second instars. 4. The life history of herbivore species can be affected by seasonal variation in predation pressures. This study suggests that early hatching in a lepidopteran species can allow a temporal escape from predation during the vulnerable early life stages.  相似文献   

Natural selection maintains wing polymorphism in populationsof water striders. Long-winged females benefit from being ableto migrate because they avoid the risk of pool evaporation,but early in the season their fecundity is lower than that ofshort-winged females. We tested preferences of 18 long-wingedmales and 29 short-winged males in spring. Males preferred long-wingedfemales, and there was no difference between the two male morphs.The preference was only observed when the long-winged femalewas heavier; when the short-winged female was larger, the malesshowed no preference. There was a positive relationship betweenlong-winged female weight and number of eggs laid per day, andthe males behaved as if they were taking into account that large,long-winged females are more fecund. We suggest that males preferredlong-winged females because this preference increases the proportionof long-winged individuals in the autumn F2 generation.  相似文献   

Charles W. Fox 《Oecologia》1993,96(1):139-146
Maternal age influences offspring quality of many species of insects. This observed maternal age influence on offspring performance may be mediated through maternal age effects on egg size, which in turn may be directly influenced by the female's nutritional state. Thus, behaviors that influence a female's nutritional status will indirectly influence egg size, and possibly offspring life histories. Because males provide nutrients to females in their ejaculate, female mating frequency is one behavior which may influence her nutritional status, and thus the size of her eggs and the performance of her offspring. In this paper, I first quantify the influences of maternal age on egg size and offspring performance of the bruchid beetle, Callosobruchus maculatus. I then examine whether nutrients transferred during copulation reduce the magnitude of maternal age effects on egg size and larval performance when mothers are nutrient-stressed. Egg size and egg hatchability decreased, and development time increased, with increasing maternal age. Multiple mating and adult feeding by females both resulted in increased egg size. This increase in egg size of females mated multiply did not translate into reduced development time or increased body size and egg hatchability, but did correlate with improved survivorship of offspring produced by old mothers. Thus, it appears that because the influence of mating frequency on egg size is small relative to the influence of maternal age, the influence of nutrients derived from multiple mating on offspring life history is almost undetectable (detected only as a small influence on survivorship). For C. maculatus, female multiple mating has been demonstrated to increase adult female survivorship (Fox 1993a), egg production (Credland and Wright 1989; Fox 1993a), egg size, and larval survivorship, but, contrary to the suggestion of Wasserman and Asami (1985), multiple mating had no detectable influence on offspring development time or body size.  相似文献   

Valkiūnas G 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(15):3084-3086
Many species of malaria and related haemosporidian parasites (Haemosporida) are responsible for diseases in wild and domestic animals. These pathogens are exclusively transmitted by blood-sucking dipteran insects (Diptera). Traditional vector studies, which are based mainly on experimental infection and subsequent dissection of insects, are time-consuming, so progress in the identification of the vectors has been slow. Since the discovery of haemosporidians in wildlife by V. Danilewsky in 1884, it took over 70 years to determine the main vector groups of these parasites. However, precise vector-parasite relationships remain insufficiently investigated in wildlife, particularly at the species level of haemosporidians and their vectors. Molecular tools have provided innovative opportunities to speed such research. In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Martínez-de la Puente et al. (2011) collected, for the first time, a significant PCR-based set of data on the presence of lineages of the pigment-forming haemosporidians (species of Haemoproteus and Plasmodium) in biting midges (Culicoides). They identified numerous associations between Culicoides spp. and Haemoproteus spp., indicating directions for future targeting vector studies of haemoproteids.  相似文献   

Research on evolutionary forces determining optimal body sizes has primarily relied on experimental evaluation of respective selective pressures. Accounting for among‐species variation through application of phylogenetic comparative methods is a complementary although little used approach. It enables the direct association of body size values with particular environments. Using phylogenetically explicit comparative analyses, we show that small body size is associated with diurnal (rather than nocturnal) activity of adults among temperate species of the moth family Geometridae. The association of an exclusively adult trait with species‐specific body size suggests that optimal body sizes are at least partly determined by the costs being a large adult, as opposed to the more frequently considered costs of attaining large size. It appears likely that size‐selective predation by insectivorous birds is the primary factor responsible for selection against large body size in day‐flying moths.  相似文献   

Abstract. Ophiopeza spinosa , a small ophiodermatid ophiuroid, is locally abundant in shallow water rubble habitat at Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. This species is a protantric hermaphrodite. The switch from reproduction as a male to a female is progressive, involving a simultaneous hermaphrodite as a transitional stage. Members of O. spinosa brood their young in the respiratory bursae. Cohorts of eggs (280 μm diameter) develop synchronously in the gonad and are spawned as a group into the bursa. Despite non-pelagic development, the larvae of O. spinosa are a vitellaria type typical of broadcast-spawning ophiodermatids, providing a link to an ancestral form with a dispersive larva. The vitellaria has prominent ciliary bands and swims in the same manner as pelagic vitellaria. In vitro , the larvae developed to the juvenile stage independent of the parent. There was no evidence of extraembryonic nutrition; a proportion of the maternal provisions were retained through metamorphosis. This is the first ophiuroid known to brood a pelagic-type vitellaria larva. Juveniles appear to leave the parent at the two- to three-arm segment stage, slightly larger than the newly settled juveniles of ophiodermatids with pelagic vitellariae. The presence of functional larvae in the bursa suggests a recent switch to the incubatory life history in O. spinosa and the possibility of a reversal back to a dispersive life history. O. spinosa have the potential to both brood and broadcast their young.  相似文献   

1. A novel capture-mark-recapture (CMR) method was used to build a multistate model of recruitment by young birds to a breeding population of common guillemots Uria aalge on the Isle of May, Scotland. Recruitment of a total of 2757 individually marked guillemots over 17 years was modelled as a process where individuals had to move from an unobservable state at sea, through a nonbreeding state present in the colony, to the breeding state. The probabilities of individuals returning to the colony in a given year, at age 2 and 3-4 years, were positively correlated with an environmental covariate, the winter North Atlantic Oscillation index (WNAO) in the previous years. 2. For 2 year olds, there was a negative relationship with breeding population size, suggesting that density dependence operated in this colony through limitation of food or some other resource. 3. Survival over the first 2 years of life varied with cohort, but was unrelated to the WNAO. Mean survival over this 2-year period was high at 0.576 (95% CI: 0.444; 0.708). 4. This high survival, combined with a low 'local' survival after age 5 years of 0.695 (0-654; 0.733) and observations of Isle of May chicks at other colonies, suggests that most surviving chicks return to the natal colony before deciding whether to recruit there or move elsewhere.  相似文献   

Invasive species cope with novel environments through both phenotypic plasticity and evolutionary change. However, the environmental factors that cause evolutionary divergence in invasive species are poorly understood. We developed predictions for how different life‐history traits, and plasticity in those traits, may respond to environmental gradients in seasonal temperatures, season length and natural enemies. We then tested these predictions in four geographic populations of the invasive cabbage white butterfly (Pieris rapae) from North America. We examined the influence of two rearing temperatures (20 and 26.7 °C) on pupal mass, pupal development time, immune function and fecundity. As predicted, development time was shorter and immune function was greater in populations adapted to longer season length. Also, phenotypic plasticity in development time was greater in regions with shorter growing seasons. Populations differed significantly in mean and plasticity of body mass and fecundity, but these differences were not associated with seasonal temperatures or season length. Our study shows that some life‐history traits, such as development time and immune function, can evolve rapidly in response to latitudinal variation in season length and natural enemies, whereas others traits did not. Our results also indicate that phenotypic plasticity in development time can also diverge rapidly in response to environmental conditions for some traits.  相似文献   

四纹豆象Callosobruchus maculatus (F.)是伊朗豇豆种子上的主要贮藏害虫。控制这一害虫时, 用生物杀虫剂比用常规杀虫剂更为合适。本研究评价了室内条件下在玻璃表面上硅藻土和多杀菌素对四纹豆象成虫的致死效应和亚致死效应。结果表明: 硅藻土处理24 h和48 h后, 对四纹豆象成虫的LC50 值分别为 1.47和0.2 g/m2; 多杀菌素处理24 h和48 h后, 对四纹豆象成虫的LC50 值分别为102.9 和68.8 mg ai/L, 说明两种化合物都对四纹豆象成虫具有较高的急性毒性。通过检测生物学参数, 研究了LC20浓度的硅藻土和多杀菌素对四纹豆象的亚致死效应。LC20浓度的硅藻土和多杀菌素使四纹豆象成虫的繁殖力分别比对照降低了71.5%和17.2%, 卵孵化率降低了57.5%和27.8%, 成虫寿命缩短了74.7%和17.1%。接触LC20浓度的硅藻土和多杀菌素使这一害虫的蛹期分别比对照延长了4.8%和2.3%。亚致死效应研究表明, 硅藻土和多杀菌素对四纹豆象的生命参数均产生了负面影响。总之, 致死效应和亚致死效应综合显示, 硅藻土在防治四纹豆象上具有较大的潜力。  相似文献   

In literature, an effective method enabling the classification, based on a single indicator, of habitats that need a priority protection intervention has not been identified yet. Moreover, the excessive number of landscape metrics, used to quantify integrity of habitats, can cause confusion, often providing redundant and inconsistent results.The aim of this work is to develop a method for evaluating the ecological vulnerability of the habitats in sites of high biodiversity conservation interest. In the first phase, we selected and analyzed, by using principal component analysis (PCA) and fuzzy logic, the landscape metrics, in order to obtain the map of the intrinsic ecological vulnerability index. In the second step, the result of this intrinsic vulnerability was connected, through another fuzzy model, to anthropogenic impacts, obtaining the integrated ecological vulnerability index. We developed specific spatial indicators (landscape metrics), which can examine the mutual position and morphology of the habitats present, along with indicators of human pressure, related to the type and intensity of use of the anthropic territory, with reference to the habitat itself as well as to the areas immediately adjacent. The developed fuzzy models are innovative, compared to the current ecological studies, and examine landscape metrics as well as the impact of human activities.The case study is the “Val Basento-Ferrandina Scalo” Site of Community Importance, Ferrandina-SCI (Basilicata Region, Southern Italy). The results allowed us to build a rank of the habitats based on their intrinsic and integrated ecological vulnerability. Moreover, the results show that, in the Ferrandina-SCI, the most important source of concern is not human activities, but rather the inherent risk of ecological fragility caused by geographical and landscape features of the different patches of habitats themselves.This model aims to be a tool for decision support in sustainable landscape management. It is easy to use and to apply on other regions, although it should always be accompanied by a sensitivity analysis to reduce the subjectivity.  相似文献   

We examined the impact of environmental conditions on the sexpheromone and mating behavior of the cockroach, Nauphoeta cinerea.Previous research on this species has shown that female behaviorduring courtship reflects female mate choice, male behaviorcorrelates with male social status, and the male sex pheromoneis the character used by females to assess males. In the presentstudy, males and females were allowed to develop from adultemergence to sexual maturity in either a high- or low-qualityenvironment. The environment affected the quantities of sexpheromone components. We found significantly less 3-hydroxy-2-butanoneand 4-ethyl-2-methoxyphenol, but not 2-methylthiazolidine, inthe pheromone glands of males from a poor environment. Pheromonequality was also affected; the ratios involving 2-methylthiazolidinewere altered, while the ratio 3-hydroxy-2-butanone to 4-ethyl-2-methoxyphenoldid not change. Development to sexual maturity under these environmentalconditions also influenced male and female sexual behavior.Male courtship activity reflected environmental influences;males from the low-quality environment took longer to initiatecourtship and spent more time copulating with females from allenvironments. Male quality, as assessed by females, was alsoaffected by their environment. Females were slower to respondto the courtship of males from the poor environment, regardlessof the females' own rearing environments. However, females fromthe low-quality environment also took longer to respond to thecourtship, and required more courtship, regardless of the males'rearing environments. Thus, poor environments also increasefemale choosiness. However, there was only one significant interactionterm, suggesting that the environmental effects are generaland that females do not show adaptive plasticity in mate choice.Studies of sexual selection that consider the effects of variableenvironments on behavior as well as the sexually selected morphologyin other systems are likely to provide new insights into thisevolutionary process  相似文献   

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